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I just found out I may have to lay off a bunch of people before

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I just found out I may have to lay off a bunch of people before Christmas, so I'm getting wasted with 113 proof bourbon because fuck life.

What are you drinking tonight, /ck/?
>I just found out I may have to lay off a bunch of people before Christmas

Don't even think about it.
Define "have to", you son of a bitch
I'm not talking about it further. The situation's getting progressively shitty at my job, that's all you need to know, and I'm doing everything I fucking can to save their jobs.

Now post your alcohol and we can discuss. Alcohol is a much happier thing. I also have nigori sake in the fridge that I can dig into if necessary.
I'd be drinking it to celebrate

I love to fire people
gotta do, whatty a man gotta do. fapping to me.
I love firing people who deserve it. I hate firing peopel who have been nothing but loyal to me.


Congratulations! At least you feel enough empathy to have to dull the pain, unlike some that are in the spotlight.

I'm drinking homemade blueberry wine, tonight. Tastes like a smooth merlot. I'm on the second bottle.
What industry? Doesn't look like you have manufacturing hands, so I'm guessing the pajeets got you.
65% moonshine.
>Writes dramatic open ended sob story that begs lots of questions
>people question me
>Whine like a bitch

You fucked up bad didn't you brah and it's your reason they are all getting fired....that's it isn't it?
Blueberry wine sounds wonderful. Send me a bottle, thanks.
No pajeet. Just getting screwed over by a client.
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what is. hfidtmas?
Isn't it typically that distributors begin laying people off around Christmas time? Only reason they were hired in the first place was because they needed the extra hands for chrosistmas deliveries.
It might as well be.
Those fucking khajiit
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>woe is me i have to destroy people's livelihoods q-q

get a load of this bourgeoisie clown
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> buy this cognac
> think I'm gonna sip it to enjoy the "flavour"
> realise everything over 30% tastes god awful
> buy bebsi
> two Pepsi and Cognacs and I'm already fucking wasted
I just want to go to sleep.
El Dorado 12yr and 21yr
What's the real difference between sipping and mixing spirits? I read after I bought the VS that sipping quality doesn't start until VSOP.

I don't get it, why would distillers put out "beverages" that taste like poison on their own.

I don't even mind that it's unpalatable, I like rum and cola, cognac and cola, et cetera. It's just that the liquor becomes mostly irrelevant when you're just going to drown it in soda.

May as well get bottom-shelf vodka.

Yeah, maybe he'll be like Scrooge, the repentant capitalist, get visited by ghosts and right all the wrongs of the world. God bless us everyone!
Moved to another state because it's cheaper, and I'm tired of being cucked by california minimum wage while busting my ass in construction. I was hoping to find a nice, easy sit-down job.

First fucking job I gravitate to is labor, although it's seafood so I'm happy.

Well, happyish.

Anyways, I'm drinking Jack Daniels, because I associate it with high class living, even though it's the Mountain Dew of the alcohol world.
Working as a fisherman?
I just bought some vodka. Thinking of what to mix it with but don't have a lot so might just drink it straight.
Just do it. I hope you are keeping it in the freezer.
not that anon but
>May as well get bottom-shelf vodka.
yes and no. you can taste the bottom-shelf shit more even in a mixed drink. I can, anyway. if I couldn't, I wouldn't bother paying for the middle-shelf vodka. I'd just get the cheapest shit I could find because I'm a stingy nord.
vodka will mix with damn near any juice and most soft drinks. shit, if you have fruit and a blender you could make an alcoholic smoothie of some kind.
Wait till after Christmas to let them go you dumb faggot
I agree, but that's assuming he has a choice. he might be middle management or something. in that case, about the only other thing he could do is quit in protest. I guess he could refuse, but if they're already doing layoffs, they could decide they don't need him either. then they'd just get someone else to do the firing.
Or just dump some sugar on a slice of lemon and suck on that training wheel
that too.
Makes me glad I have plenty of job security
Bob ran a small business. He had 2 employees, Sally and Jack. Sales weren't so hot and he finally faced the fact that he'd have to lay off one of them. They were both good employees and he just couldn't make up his mind, so he decided whichever one arrived at work first the next morning would be the one he'd let go.

Next day, Sally came in first. Bob said "Sally I have some bad news. I'm going to have to either lay you or Jack off."

Sally said, "You're gonna have to jack off, I have a headache."

>to keep it on topic
I'm not drinking anything tonight because I'm broke, but I really really wish I had some vodka.
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>"You're gonna have to jack off, I have a headache."
doesn't construction pay by experience?

My uncle works in that and he makes alright money.

The real money is when you get your contractors license tho 2bh
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Yeah, they should just send them to a gulag instead, that's much more wholesome and less exploitative.
>doesn't construction pay by experience?
California and minimum wage bullshit, employers have a legal incentive to pay workers a minimum, rather than based on how well they perform, also taxes are obscene in that state.
Because I don't want to pay $30/bottle for the rum I'll use for mojitos. I can't taste the rum as fully when it's mixed compared to when it's straight. I mean you certainly can go for it, but it's kinda a waste. Instead get something cheaper so it still tastes like rum but nuances lost doesn't really matter. That doesn't mean splurge on Admiral Nelson's whenever you wanna make your daiquiris.
Technically. I work in seafood processing. Sometimes I'm on the boat, and sometimes I'm in the warehouse.

It all depends on the job. One month I'm making 26 dollars an hour doing simple shit, the next I'm busting ass for 11.50.

I did work under my grandfather's contractor license for a while. It was nice, but I fucked up my first job bid. I was supposed to give a bid for the price of landscaping and irrigation, and I accidentally only gave a bid for the landscaping. I did the whole project for that price, and only made about a thousand dollars profit. It fucking sucked.
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Five Fives-ah.
>a thousand dollars profit

there's nothing wrong with that unless you mean you only made $1000 over the cost of materials, which is called the net, and had to pay wages out of that
>gross: total money you got
>net: gross minus the cost of the work
>profit: anything left after paying overhead
>overhead: salaries, gas, tools, advertising etc
Thats because Courvoisier, number 1, is shitty young cognac fit only for stupid niggers but even then niggers still go for Hennessy which is just as bad.

If you want flavor just go for bourbon or scotch, personally I recommend Buffalo Trace and Glendronach 12 due to wide availability and quality for dollar.
I had the most shittiest CEO as a boss. He was so ineffective and was afraid of confrontation that he made me personally individually lay off 20 people. I was an entry level HR Coordidnator. Because of the nature of the business, he was their direct manager and should have done it himself. He also was okay with hiring someone that went to prison for murdering someone. He was too afraid of laying him off. I know that feel, OP
I'll literally nunchuck any thot who talks shit about henny, where you at?
Any cognac under VSOP age limits is shit. Hennessy VSOP is trash when both Martell and Hine VSOP are far better.
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It came with a free tumbler. It's a very nice tumbler.
That's rough man. My dad is a team leader for a group that does high-end CAD design for the big 3 and he has to regularly lay off people with careers making 150+ a year. He gets the same horrible feeling as well, and always tries to set people up with good references and opportunities so they arent completely fucked.

I dont have this problem but I DO like to drink and plan to have some whiskey tonight. Tell me what to get fu/ck/faces
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How do I into brandy, /ck/? I've just had a snifter pour of some cheap ass Stock V.S.O.P. brandy and that shit's bretty gud.
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Kraken. Alas i don't have anything better but for the money I rate kraken highly (though rum snobs hate it due to it being so spiced).

I never get shitfaced on good rums though - they exist to warm up.
>I just found out I may have to lay off a bunch of people before Christmas
Couldn't they do this after christmas? I mean, it's like two weeks, there won't be much of a difference financially.
It was profit after everything, but we are talking about a job that should have bid for about 350,000. This was 10 years ago, so I don't remember the price for material and overhead, but it kind of sucked to work for 4 months and only see a thousand bucks go into the company after that.
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Hey guys look at this, a friend of mine is drinking whiskey & pepsi w/ice :^)
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>12 year old
It's fine to be pleb but he should at least have the common sense to buy even lower grade stuff than that when adding pepsi and ice anyway.
Bought some brandy and eggnog because iv'e never had eggnog before and its fucking awful, turns out kahlua and eggnog is the best thing ever though.
Dude at least you're in the position to be laying people off. I know it sucks and I would hate doing it, but you should consider yourself lucky and just fire the people if you have to, it's your job.
That's fine, quit being so poor
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