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What's some good German food that's easy to make? If

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What's some good German food that's easy to make? If the US is headed to another Aryan empire then hopefully my black ass can be useful as a chef and they'll let me live.
hunter sauce with your choice of protein
Veal Schnitzel.
Wtf is that? Like white gravy?
dark mushroom gravy, it's extremely simple to make and fucking delicious
Sounds nasty af. How tf you make gravy out of mushrooms. Y'all wild but I'm learn.
Learn to cook and bake and sear meat in german ways. Sauerbraten, Schnitzel, Kassler, Schweinelendchen, Brätkügele, Jägerschnitzel, Braten, the list goes on and on. We have many ways to cook meat. Learn to make Spätzle, Nudeln, Semmel-/Kartoffelknödel, Kartoffelsalat, Potatoemash, German coleslaw(Krautsalat) and most importantly, Maultaschen. Also, learn baking german bread and Brezeln. German christmas cookies are also a broad spectrum of deliciousnes. I can go on if you want me to.
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>German christmas cookies
Mein Neger

It's just a variation on a pretty basic pan sauce, anon.

Start with the leftover fat in the pan you cooked the meat in. Saute mushrooms and onions in the fat. Make roux. If you're feeling fancy the deglaze it with a little brandy. Add cream, reduce.
Ich habe alles da, um Kassler mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelpüree zu machen.
rouladen, very easy very tasty
Thanks for the picture, brother. Gave me a hearty chuckle.

Try to learn to make your own bonding sausages and post a thread here about it. Soooooo good.
Boudin sausages*** stupid autocorrect
I really hope not, even setting aside the nazi thing german as a language is really fucking awful on the ears.
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Easy to make and will feed the average amerifat: Currywurst
Dann tu es!
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>Mit Oma Spritzgebäck machen
>Fühlt sich gut an Mann
Vanillekipferl and eisenbahner
Do you make your own curry sauce for it? If so, what would be an authentic German recipe for it?
There is not one recepie, everybody does it different. But the base is ketchup and currypowder. To that you can add whatever you like, i love a teaspoon or two of apple sauce per cup of sauce.
>deine oma bringt mein gebäck zum spritzen
>Fühlt sich gut an Mann
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Why would they kill a productive member of society (with legitimate citizenship)?

>What's some good German food that's easy to make?
Learn how to make good Schnitzel. It is very delicious.
I went to a German restaurant a couple months back, drank a liter and a half of beer, and ate several pounds of food just so I wouldn't look like a little bitch in front of the attractive waitress. She still looked at me like I had failed her, and for that I am ashamed.
> Why would they kill a productive member of society
> productive member of society
That's an odd assumption to make of a 4chan user.
Seconding Schnitzel. Honestly though, I think Mexican chefs will be in greater demand between us being about to lose a bunch and white people be lovin that shit.
1. Schnitzel. For the original: Take veal, pound it lightly, salt it, flour, egg, breading, fry. For the modern version, use pork.

2. Schweinsbraten. Take pork, rub salt, cumin, garlic all around, put it in a pan with some water, throw it in the oven until it's done.

3. If you want to have fun and horrify pussies: Blutwurst.
Take croutons. Mix varied cheap boiled pork meat in, with plenty of fat on it, add majoram, thyme, allspice, salt, garlic and a good amount of black pepper. Mix in some of the water you cooked the meat in (from the top, with all the fat) and fresh blood until it's a good thick but slightly liquid mixture. Put it in casings and put it in water that's just not boiling for half an hour or so.
Then let it cool down in cold water.
Schnitzel is pretty easy. Easy mode is schnitzel with fries and peas.
>beat the meat a bit
>set up three containers
>one with flour
>one with eggs
>one with bread crumbs
>move the meat from flour to eggs to bread crumbs
>just fry it in oil until it's brown

People sometimes like to add lemon quarters that people can squeeze over the schnitzel.

You can add Jäger sauce and a different potato side dish like baked potato edges with rosemary and thyme, but that takes a bit more effort. Another easy side dish is spätzle.
There is a reason its called Wiener Schnitzel you moron.
Schnitzel is not German
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not necessarily easy, but tasty as hell
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easy because you can buy them (try to buy them from your local butcher or the ones from Buerger in the super market)
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not easy to make. needs a day of preparation to marinate the meat. you can buy the dough for the dumplings because nearly every restaurant does it like that.
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easy as hell. you should eat it as breakfast and it's best to combine it with a Weißbier (also called helles Weizen in some places of Germany). You can buy the sausages at the butcher or at the supermarket, where you also get the sweet mustard. You can buy the Brezen (called Bretzel in non-Bavaria) at the bakery.
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Quite easy but kind of expensive (if you buy high quality Spargel). You can use a Sauce Hollandaise from the supermarket. Many old people simply eat the Spargel with butter, potatoes and boiled ham, because they want the sauce to enhance the Spargel's taste.
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>only 1 day to marinate
in my personal experience 4 days is quite the minimum, there was a time I cooked it every 2nd week and thusly had one in my fridge for 2 weeks constantly
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Totally easy. Called Buletten or Frikadellen in some places of Germany. In Bavaria they are called Fleischpflanzerl. Combine them with mashed potatoes or simply eat them on a bun.

Yep, the longer the better.
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Easy recipe that I cooked a lot when I was on a low budget.
mett (raw pork)
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Great when you try to eat less carbs. You can buy the fish at local markets or frozen at the supermarket.
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You can eat them for breakfast or as Flädlesuppe (a soup containing pre-cut pancakes) when you want to warm them up the next day.
Ok, dunkel or helles weizen is a taste thing, but to carbohydrate things on a plate is just wrong.
Right side of the picture is a nice bavarian beer garden choice, then you see the main dish on the left and it is just some pale imitation of a real and tasty Ruhrpott Currywurst dish.
Picture is probably taken in a touristic spot.
Seriously, this Mantaplatte just looks sad.
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Easy. You can buy the Schupfnudeln and the Sauerkraut at the supermarket. I normally combine them with Schweinswürstel (pan-grilled sausages made from pig). The Sauerkraut makes you fart a lot so better not cook it to impress women.
westfalian version without raisins is superior. preference thing i guess.
But in marinating longer is better.
The best thing is when after a week or more of marinating all family members sneak in the storage room and just pull of some of the readily marinated outer bits, so mum has too cook it or nothing will be left of the raw meat ( not really raw, the vinegar will make it edible, but uncooked ).
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Super simple low budget food.
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Awesome when you have a hangover. It's a sour-tasting salad made of cooked beef with onions and often peppers. You normally eat it in the summer (because it's cold) with some slices of good Schwarzbrot (German dark bread).
whats the yellow ball thing?
it's a potatodumpling

It's a Kartoffelknödel. A dumpling made from potatoes. There are also different other types of dumplings in Germany. Semmelknödel, Serviettenknödel (also called Böhmische Knödel) or Germknödel (as dessert).
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Brotzeit is an arrangement of different sausages and cheese, which you eat with bread and butter. There's also red onions, cocktail tomatoes, mustards and a thing called Krenn, which is a paste made from horseradish. It causes a little headache like Wasabi. You normally eat a Brotzeit in the evening.
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Leberkäse (it contains no liver, in some parts of Germany it's called Fleischkäse) is a very fine meat loaf. You can buy it at the butcher or at the supermarket. You can combine it with Bratkartoffeln mit Spiegelei or you simply eat it with mustard on a bun.
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And finally the famous Schweinebraten. A pork roast which you eat with dumplings (normally Kartoffel- and Semmelknödel, a so called Knödelduett). Not easy to make on the first time but with some experience it's not a big deal.
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Those were disgusting.
Somehow worse than microwave Currywurst.
That looks like string cheese covered in nacho cheese with some cheap packaged deli meat on a plate.
w...what do I feed a german girl who is vegitarian?

when I was in germany I barely saw a vegetable
>asparagus looks like string cheese
go kill yourself my man
>dating disgusting vegetarians
>german "food"
Please do yourself a favor and spare your tongue the displeasure of making contact with that vile shit.
>Please do everyone a favor and spare our eyes the displeasure of making contact with your vile posts. nobody thinks you're funny or clever
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