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OFFICIAL al/ck/oholic thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
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al/ck/oholic general
next time use a proper picture edition
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Chugging the sake I got for my birthday yesterday from my sister. Opened it half an hour ago, should be gone in another 15. Then the vodka.

>tfw too much of a pussy to kill myself
Drinking Devil's Cut and preparing to watch the Lord of the Rings on network tv despite having it sitting on a bookshelf 15 feet away.
sounds pretty comfy
Had a couple of shots since I woke up just to readjust trying to keep it at that
Drank a lot last night. God dam it I thought I had to fart but it was a splurt of greasy poo water, has this happened to you?
The morning after btw
Is that u
I never shit my pants while drunk or hungover if thats what you're asking
>Is that u

Jesus no, I ain't no bearded sword loving cuck. Rando had me take his photo at the airport and send it to him.

I don't think his mum would let him have a phone.
Getting sauced with some bulleit.

Can we assemble some goat music to drink alone to?

I Drink Alone

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

The Wild Rover

Friends in Low Places

I don't want to post this in /mu/, they are a bunch of lady-bois
Just sipping my first beer of the night, but I like to listen to:
Good Friday
The Hollows
both by the band Why?
Cheers mate :^)

Currently listening to some Travis Tritt:

The Whiskey Ain''t Workin'
Here's a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)

I do also like some catchy pop stuff like
Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon
I've been succesfully cutting back my drinking over the past couple months, only have 3-4 beers on a friday night and have only gotten truly drunk twice. But I'm going to a wedding tomorrow with an open bar, it's going to be tough to not make a fool out of myself in front of family like I usually do. It's easy to say "I'm just going to have a couple, I'll control myself" but you guys know that alcoholic thirst you get once you start catching a buzz, especially when there's an open bar
Same situation here, don't fuck up. Tell yourself 2 drinks, but make them damn good ones and then switch to water or tonic/lime.

I'm having my weekly sixer instead of having a 5th or 24 rack a night. feelsgoodman.
I usually tell myself I'll just stick to beer, since that's better than hard liquor right? Then before I know it I've had 12 beers
>drink 10 beers a day on average
>tfw everytime i skim through al/ck/ threads i always end up feeling good about myself

You guys are battling more than just alchoholism.

Just saying.
Check out Townes Van Zandt. It's old outlaw country. He also managed to drink himself to death. His album High Low and In Between is a great place to start because it has some of his most popular tracks: Pancho and Lefty, Mr. Mudd and Mr. Gold and To Live is to Fly. It's his and my opinion that To Live is to Fly is one of his best charts.
alcoholism rarely is present on it's own, it usually goes hand in hand with anxiety, depression, and other issues. There's almost always a reason we drink
2 drinks man or you know what will happen
always drink to celebrate
never when you have a problem
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what happened to this shithome

where did the photos go
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Ice cider I got as a gift. Not bad but not great either
I was doing good for a almost 5 years, then found out I couldn't get off work to go see my daughter for Halloween and the cancer has gotten worse and nothing I do matters and my life is still shit. Started drinking again earlier, still went to work and did great but fuck me I hate this. I hate everything about this situation.

Fuck it
It was.

Didn't finish my bottle though. I steamed up some frozen dumplings at around 2am and blacked out at some point after eating them. Woke up at 5am on the couch, heater blaring and a little under a quarter of the bottle still left. Guess I'm drinking again tonight. Dangerous though because I know that won't be enough and there's a high chance I'll go and buy more.
Fuck this vicious cycle.

I missed it with her last year too and hardly get to see her because we live in different states. I just feel so shitty
>tfw only drink when I have a problem
>can't remember the last time I wanted to celebrate
>"I'm just going to have a couple, I'll control myself"
I'd suggest not telling anyone this
you can say that to yourself all you want but if you wind up do fucking up and drinking a shit ton then they'll just say "WELL YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO LIMIT YOURSELF WHAT HAPPENED"
Got drunk off my ass and fell down my stairs last night. I think I was out cold for a while. Woke up, bandaged the huge gash in my forhead, and passed out in my bed.

I didnt realize how it happened the next morning till I saw the huge puddle of blood on the floor.

Fortunately no concussion, just a lot of bumps and bruises and a cut on my forehead that my coworkers were wondering if I got stitches for.

Pretty scary wakeup call. Considering I live alone, and I actually know a kid that guy that died falling down a staircase while hammered.

On the plus side, I didnt have a hangover.
never trust a fart while hungover or on a bender.
Faggot I told myself the same thing. Wife and kids out of town I am currently 15 deep and still drinking feeling good.
end of the day is good enough for me tbqh
Snorted some amphetamines for the first time while drinking ridiculous amounts of alcohol. Being high on speed whil drunk was the best feeling ever. Had extreme anxiety the next day but I felt like a king while drunk and I'm scared of making it a habit.
I hear this. Fictional drunk here I know its anxiety. Had a huge panic attack at work today. This is my problem any suggestions?
The drunk/sober cycle is probably the contributing factor to your anxiety.

anxiety is a major symptom of withdrawl.
who /work tomorrow/ here?
only 10-3 so not that bad, really
lol fictional

i got horrible panic attacks as well when i decided to quit. really scared the shit out of me. i think it was partly because i was worried about money and partly just quitting cold turkey.

money situation has since improved and i dont get panic attacks anymore. i cant say that was it for sure but i can definitely say that i feel much better in general now that im sober
going to bed

Anyone ever watch this and feel a lot better about themselves afterward?
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you should watch louis theroux's doc about alcoholism. Definitely makes me feel better
Did you watch my video? The guy in that makes the guy in Louis Theroux's doc look like a pillar of society.
Do you want some Lucozade?
Pretty chilling to watch. My only criticism is the shrink they paraded around diagnosed him within an hour or so.
its just perrier
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End of the day just means the next morning is closer. I work 7 days a week.
What gives me this fucking horrendous heartburn? Is the alcohol or soda I'm mixing it with?
If officially done it. Mark this date. Because I've drank myself into oblivion.
Nothing makes sense, im shitposting on every board, its just fucking amazingly terrible
5 am and Im cracking open my first beer of the morning. I feel you.
I'm going my first AA meeting tomorrow.
Good luck. I hated AA, but I only went to one meeting with my brother (he was going for his own addicition). It does really work for some people though. It works for him.

I cant stand how they say theres only this one and only way to stop drinking. I hate the religious aspect, the confession aspect, and the manadatory attendance and free labor aspect. It sounds like a scam.

I'm going to give it a go. I'm a terrible binge drinker. I can go a couple of weeks just with the odd glass of wine then I will go on a 24 hour bender and it's fucking my life.
The religious aspect is something that does concern me though.
Both, but I find str8 liquor to cause the least heartburn.

Start popping that zantac lad.
Like I said, good luck. I meant it honestly, not sarcastically. The religious aspect is something you have to hear about in the meetings. People will talk about their religious experience because that's how most of them cope. You dont have to participate in that part, but you do gotta sit and listen. It seems like the whole idea is to listen at that point. You can likely find a like-minded sponsor pretty easily though. Just be honest with them about it.
You're probably not still here, but put reminders on your phone to go off through the evening reminding yourself to not get wasted. It's what I do, and it doesn't always work but it's worth a try, even if it just slows you down temporarily
My ideal night is sitting in a dark dive, sipping on Jameson and smoking alone.

I'm so fucking unhappy guys. I think I might need to see my counselor again. Its just so heavy and so shitty. Fuck.

Cheers dude, I do appreciate it.
But I drink to forget my problems though.
I just went and bought another bottle but had to pick up some Gaviscon while I was at it. Munched down 6 tablets and it's feeling a bit better. Able to drink again without it feeling like swallowing sulphuric acid but gotta sip it.
Because Jameson is good
Booze isn't food
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This guy speaks the truth.

I've gotten a sponsor who was totally cool with the atheist / agnostic stuff. The way he explained it was trusting in that Higher Power thing, which could just be the simple act of talking about your personal shit in a group setting. So, I rolled with it and it worked OK. Hell, you don't even have to talk at all, just listening works quite well. Making the effort to show up counts more than you could imagine. Was kinda scary at first but I think that's because I'm sky, antisocial, etc...
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I would do this in the bar across the street from my house. It was the only place you could smoke legally (was called a smoking lounge) because California is fucking gay-tarded. But I would write whatever popped into my head in a composition book all night long and roll my own cigarettes. Because I never bothered anybody, the bartenders would hook me up all the time (and I tipped well). Man, those were the days...
Follow each gulp of alcohol with a gulp of ice water. That's what I'm doing tonight and it works nicely. Shitty Popov vodka straight from the bottle... But no hangover. I usually polish off 8/10ths of the bottle.

>that's polish, not Polish
Try an H2 antagonist in the future as opposed to an antacid, they're much more helpful.

I also find drinking diluted liquors like soju helpful, but my GI tract is already fucked beyond repair.

>tfw had a 1.75 L bottle of soju tonight
but it could be Cooking and Kitchen related
> * "SHY"
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This Anon knows what they are talking about.
My dad is a pharmacist and explained to me how antacids will actually make it worse in the long-run. Seems counterintuitive, I know but the H2 blockers are less stressful on your tummy (and lower) (and higher).
I have work but its only a few hours and as long as I finish before 7pm I'm good.
I visited my parents for dinner and stole a bottle of kraken from my little brothers room while I was there. Gonna polish this off, listen to snarky puppy and contemplate suicide.

What are you guys doing for your Saturday evening?
Buy a copy of infinite jest and read it, please do this when you're quitting booze
Wait today is Friday right?

Saturday nights I take benzos to fix my sleep schedule so that I can be a good wagecuck.

I like osamu dazai's work more than DFW when it comes to addiction desu. Sadegh Hedayat is pretty good too, though his writing is a bit too influenced by existentialism and poe.
>Wait today is Friday right?
Probably still Friday in the US or whatever. It's 9:30pm in Straya.
On Saturday, that is
apart from thorogood the smith street band are my go to drinking alone and miserable band right now

>every thread with people talking about how much they want to kill themselves
yeah no shit. why do you think we drink

That's reassuring. I was worried that being agnostic, I would find it difficult.

How long have you been attending?


I will check it out.
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Good choices.

But if you're really wasted drunk, early Jandek is always fun in a drunken stupor.

If that's too "out there" for you, Cracker's "Country Sides" album has got a lot of nice drinkin' tunes on it. All over the place, country/rock covers with lots of references to drug and drink. But all in good fun, of course... with loads of depression (but not goth).
You can start here:

>you're welcome
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Been sober since 2007.
Lost my house, girlfriend and eventually my job.

Don't get me wrong, I'm never gonna get down on anybody drinking it up or anything like that. But I just took it too far for the people around me to just sit by (and my own mortality).
I still love hanging around with people who drink. It's frowned upon by AA folks but fuck 'em if they can't handle that. To each their own, you know?

It's worth checking out because it works better than any prescription drugs and also it's totally free and anonymous. And if you don't want to participate, then just don't go to the meetings. I dropped out for years and nobody razzed me about it. They were pretty chill. And I got myself back in check...


Keep seeing this title referenced. I'll check it out, as well. It was William S. Burroughs' book that I always got a kick out of regarding drugs and drink ("Junkie", "Naked Lunch", et al...).
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>snarky puppy
At first I thought you meant Skinny Puppy cuz of the suicide reference but then I thought, "I'd better look this up".

Holy shit.

These guys are good.

Thanks for the tip, Anon!

I had no idea.


I might have to jump off the wagon for these guys and get rightly shit faced.
On my to-do-list
>pic related
Look, if you're going to fucking kill yourself, you may as well let Michael League bass you to the grave

There aren't many things that aren't ethanol that give me pleasure but Jazz will save my mortal soul
It's 11.30 pm here and I'm getting hungry.

Should I make burritos or fried chicken? Can't decide.

Kinda feel like fried chicken but it's such a pain in the ass to prepare.
>tfw when you realize that you don't have enough booze to get you to pass-the-fuck-out-drunk
please send help
Dear god, friend. Hang in there.
Just my 2c as a member... The literature actually says "we don't have a monopoly on recovery we just have a way that has worked for us." Its spirituality based not religious (there are members who don't believe in god at all). Yeah the 'confession' part is where most people stop and it is a little intimidating, ppl tend to do it when they've tried everything else. I personally wasnt as offput by it as i 2qs by catholic confession because there's not one holy authority you have to talk to. I wouldn't really call setting up chairs or talking to a guy over coffee 'free labor' but things like that are reccomended since we belive selfishness is a barrier to recovery. You might have met members who contradict these things and yeah they're out there... but nothing else worked for me.
Thinks about getting some booze as usual. Kinda cold outside so im heisitant. Ill probably end up going. *sigh* im surprised ive waited this late in the morning.
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I know it's a few hours later but I still had this thread up and now am just getting back to it. But honestly, this is the first time for me even knowing about these folks. You are right: jazz will save a mortal soul. At least jazz like that. Good jazz. I am very grateful for having stumbled upon this one. Not looking to off myself today; there's more to be had.

if you're still drunk, fried chicken will taste better...
but if you're still drunk a burrito is WAY safer for your kitchen, house and yourself as far as accidents go...
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>i 2qs

I'm with you with all of that. But one question: What's " i 2qs " in your post mean?

>I already tried Google and turned up naught. Just curious. If anybody's still around...
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>true alcoholic

Feel the pain.
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"I need laughter and love
Some special drug
I need cigarettes
There's killers behind us
Devils ahead, send protection"

-- Mojave 3 (prayer for the paranoid)
You know, its a fucking bitch that the best hangover cure is just drinking more.
>feel like shit in the morning
>take a shot
>feel 200% better
This is poison. I'm putting poison into my body and it feels good. God were so fucked up
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Unfortunately this is true.
Roll into work smelling like a bar-room floor and still get the job done just fine. It catches up with you anyways just not as bad since the body's had time to metabolize all the junk... provided your organs aren't all shot to hell.
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I had a co-worker who insisted that there was some powder stuff made from asparagus extract or artichoke or something like that would prevent hangovers if you took it before indulging. I haven't seen any research or advertisements on this anywhere but she swore by it. Anybody know anything about this snake-oil?
come come mr. bond
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Well... I'm glad SOMEBODY caught that joke!
Cheers, mate.
I've gone to a bunch of AA meetings, most them absolutely hammered. I relapsed hard out of detox, was ass blasted on the job for three weeks straight.

I never heard a bad word from anyone about AA even when they knew I was drunk. I've never heard Jesus mentioned although you do say the Our Father prayer.

Maybe cause its Canada and not the bible belt so no one really cares all that much
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I think it's customary to end the meeting with the Lord's Prayer at most of them, regardless of country. I've been to a bunch all over the U.S. and they all end it that way -- for any kind of 12-step meeting, if it be N.A. or A.A. or what have you...

The Lord's Prayer doesn't bother me so much as it's more of a self-motivational affirmation than really asking for some omniscient being of all powerfulness to come down and sweep you away to Elizium / Heaven or some rot like that.

Bottoms up, A.A.nons!
once you get to be a real alcoholic, you dont get hangovers anymore. all i am now, in the morning, is very tired and sluggish. no headache anymore.

yup. I just ended up with the shits (never solid, only diarrhea) paranoia, anxiety, anger, bloodshot eyes, massive bags under eyes, hair falling out, extreme thirst, don't eat for days, insanely high blood pressure
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>>8209605 (me)
Yeah, I'm there, as well.
The tolerance has built up. Now is when I start to get worried about my liver and internal organs... Brain, kidneys, stomach, intestines.


I have gotten to the point this past year or so of extreme vomiting but in an hour ...no headache and back to normal.

I've gotten to the point where I've gotta find SOMETHING to replace the satisfaction I get from alcohol. Getting lost in playing music or writing or reading is OK but it just doesn't ... I dunno "cross that line" so to speak.

I'd much rather be on other drugs but unfortunately booze is really the only legal one where I'm at. Weird, these archaic laws of the land.

I think I'm there. Except for the hair falling out. But I do have a MASSIVELY itchy scalp which never happened before (and yes I do wash up).
Must be all that alcoholic sugar feeding those yeasts... Ungh...
kek filmed in my home towm
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Feels for the grandpa.
I've seen a doc diagnose schizophrenia in less than 5 minutes... They take about a decade and a half of training after med school usually (or are supposed to) and can sniff that stuff out like McGruff the crime dog.

It's still wrenching, though...
I ended up making the burritos. Easier was the kicker. Safer doesn't bother me. I've made both before drunk as fuck, fried chicken is just such a fiddly dish with too much prep.
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Ha ha ha! I can't believe I'm still in this thread and that it's still even going...

Yeah, I'm totally with you. I HATE cleaning up when I'm drunk (or anytime, really) so I always choose that route. Prepping doesn't bother me 'cuz you get to be creative but cleaning dishes is the pits because drunk time is supposed to be fun time.

But, yeah... Fried chicken requires too much clean-up. And I'm with you on the safety factor: (meh).

Okay, you got me salivating now. Time for my dinner... Grilled black angus steak and a green salad with all the fixin's. Maybe some sourdough loaf and turn it all into a sandwich.
It's my second day sober after a bad withdrawal. Still don't feel the urgency to go get alcohol. Wish me luck cu/ck/s.
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Good luck and best wishes.
Being drunk is fun but it can catch up with you in a very bad way. Trust me, I know these things.

Somebody posted this:
I'm halfway through it and WOW! That'll give you a kick in the ass to curb your enthusiasm towards that drug.

My problem has always been the binge thing. I'll go for a long while dry and then get some wild hair up my ass and just go atavistic apeshit with the booze for a few days. After the withdrawal, I never felt the urge (like you say) but after a period of time, it's like, "yeah, I can do this... I can handle it" but end up passed out in my bed at some odd hour of the day. At least I'm in my own bed. Alone. One of the times THAT's a plus.

It's when you get the withdrawals is when you gots to start worryin'. You know, shaking fingers, spasms, etc...
I'm fucking drinking again. Another fucking bottle. This is insane. I'm quitting again come Monday. Dinner sounds great, mate. Enjoy.

Also al/ck/ threads last a while on /ck/.
How did it go Anon?

Anxiety is also a post-withdrawals symptom (I'm not sure of the exact expression), they last from a month to a year. That's why it's still easy to fall back during a long time.

>mfw I've been as bad as this guy
> Also al/ck/ threads last a while on /ck/.

I guess so. Never really stuck around for the past ones. I plan on walking a mile and half to get more vodka (I will never drive even tipsy) and then that walk back will equal a three mile walk. OK.
This thread is pretty cool, all round. I like this.
>Dinner's smelling great, thanks!

He knows what he's talking about... I remember quitting cold turkey and (completely sober) weeks afterwards I'd be walking to work and just vomit out of nowhere. No heartburn or precursor, whatsoever. Got on anxiety meds and that helped out. After about 2 years got off of them and all is well. But yeah, ...the repercussions last quite a while. Just know that going into drinking excessively.

Did you watch the whole episode? Dude didn't pan out so well...

>if you read this far, you know that I still indulge
Take that with a grain of salt.
Been drunk all day again. Idk why I do this. Hold me al/ck/
I get wet farts with cheap beer sometimes, mainly busch light
I plan on doing the same.
I've got two hours to get my nectar to keep it going.
Addiction is a powerful thing.
So here we go again...

"i really don't know what i'm doing here
i really think i should've gone to bed tonight but...
just one drink
and there're some people to meet you
i think that you'll like them
i have to say we do
and i promise in less than an hour we will honestly go
now why don't i just get you another
while you just say hello...

yeah just say hello...

so i'm clutching it tight
another glass in my hand
and my mouth and the smiles
moving up as i stand up
too close and too wide
and the smiles are too bright
and i breathe in too deep
and my head's getting light
but the air is getting heavier and it's closer
and i'm starting to sway
and the hands on all my shoulders don't have names
and they won't go away
so here i go
here i go again...

falling into strangers
and it's only just eleven
ans i'm staring like a child
until someone slips me heaven
and i take it on my knees
just like a thousand times before
and i get transfixed
that fixed
and i'm just looking at the floor
just looking at the floor
yeah i look at the floor"

-- the Cure's OPEN

>pic semi-related; it's still Caturday where I'm at
one of my favs off the album

I drink when I'm happy
I drink when I'm sad
I drink when I'm bored
Dude goes to rehab and fucking dies
Thank you. This also happened earlier this year and I chose to go to the hospital because I had no idea what I was in for. I had the IV, Librium etc.

This time I decided to ride it out because fuch hospital bills.
>shaking fingers, spasms

Nah m8, my whole body start writhing in different intervals and I felt like I had a 20lb dumbbell sitting on my chest. I almost wanted to die it was such hell. To get through it I drank a shit ton of water to flush the toxins and fruit juice for the sugar. I'm never doing that shit again.
walmart 88 cent sleep aid bro, I always have some on hand
I relapsed guys. I was clinically depressed for a while after my fiancee cheated on me and got through the days by drinking a 26 of vodka paired with sleeping pills throughout the day. Took anywhere from 8 - 12 pills a day with the alcohol to make the effect of the pills + alcohol more intense. Got addicted to them hugely. But something changed (I forget what I did) and I had been clean for months.

Met a girl during my Ph. D studies and I really thought she was the one. I thought I was going to marry her. We dated for a couple months and I found out she cheated on me. I can't take it boys. Didn't sleep for two full days, pulled the trigger and bought sleeping pills and another 26 of vodka.

Feeling OK now, obviously because the effects of the alcohol and pills together, but I know I can't continue like this.

I failed boys. I failed. I relapsed and now I'm taking them again and pissing away money and losing my appetite daily. I eat a maximum of one meal per day. I don't know what to do.
Finished working an 11 hour saturday. Sippin on dat rum and playing overwatch.
It's alright man, gotta keep on truckin.

literally billions of women out there and there are good times to be had.
Stop relying on others for your happiness. Find a reason to like yourself.
I'm 6"3 340, is a 750ml bottle of 80 proof that bad? I can kill a 1.75 in two sittings but I promised my girl that'd this would be the extent of it. One bottle, one night, per week.

I'm sure I know the answer but man. That boredom hits.
im going to die soon. 3-5 litres a day is absurd but i cant stop.
i shit you not, ive fallen down the stairs twice this week. im in fucking agony.
i have to keep sodium bicarbonate by my bed at all times
are you me?
no seriously i cant remember, did i post this??
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I like to drink. Specifically, I like the alcohol taste. :Long after Ive reached "ideal drunkeness", I still wantto drink, not to gr more drunk, but because I want something to sip on. The problem? I drink more alcohol, get overly drunk, and possibly pass out. What do anyone here who has a similar problem do to counter this? Im hoping for something to limit the amount of actual alcohol i drink while not diluting it down so i dont taste the "burn"
You know whats great? having a good cry. Sometimes it just builds inside you and you just have to let it out. I just cried my eyes out for like 10 minutes and now I feel like smiling. Its like cumming after not jerking off for 3 days
post more pics
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best i could manage extremely shakey
fuckin right buddy
>3-5 litres a day
dude, jesus christ
Im surprised you're even alive to post that shit holy fuck
he's immortal. the alcohol god
6ft2 and a quarter of a century of ALWAYS being drunk. tolerance is insane and withdrawal makes me feel suicidal. ugh, fucking idiotic. what a moron i am for letting this happen.
lol, thanks buddy. love you
Seek medical attention immediatly
ugh, might be right. going to persevere for now. have got vodka. drenched in sweat and shaking like fucking crazy, seeing fucking demons and shit, but imma persevere for now. i'd miss these threads too much if i went to hosp. looking forward to seeing the blonde nurse i alwqayd see every tyime i go in though. phwoar

I remember you posted a photo of your empties in the last thread.

How the fuck are you alive? That is seriously impressive.

Don't feel too bad about half a bottle a day now.
research ther prevalence of alcohol-related disoreders in countries qhere lots of complex carbs are consumed. rice etc. then look for the GAPS diet. i have not eaten complex carbs in 15 years. not one bite. its ther ony explanation i can fathom. its too hard to type ive got to go but i hope this has helped some of you <3
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Tell me!
never gonna happen bruh. just gotta deal with it i guess.
He sold his soul to Smirnofficus, god of drunk Eastern Europeans.
If I can get past the week I'm generally okay until some faggot wants to catch up and I end up drinking socially and falling right back into my own solitary drinking habits after. It's just so hard to get past that first week. Fuck. it's nigh impossible to get past two days.
this guy is right. I've quit for months, MONTHS, and still when the weekend came around I was like shit I wish I could drink. fucking sucks. We as a whole are just naturally attracted to this substance as soon as we put it in our body.
alcohol always wins
>I don't know what to do.
Stop again. Also stop saying you are a shit because you failed.
You didn't fail, you just fell momentarily of the wagon and have to get back on.

This thing you are experiencing is called addiction. So yes, we are several with a similar problem.
If you can't control yourself when tipsy, the solution is to not get tipsy.
Abstinence sucks, it sucks hard, but it's the only working solution for most alcoholics.
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Getting fairly drunk off cheap bourbon at the moment. Going to play csgo for a few hours while listening to dnb.

despite any that's shit going on, life is good when drunk.

it's not even midnight yet, plenty of time to get fucked up
Carbohydrates place a toll on the liver, no matter how small. You're spot on.
looks like after last night im finally starting to shit blood

this something to go to the doctor with or ride out? exited for my next shit to see if this was a one time thing or its permanent now
awesome. kind of instinctively knew it anyway but thanyou for your wisdom.

He meant Was.
2 is above W on the keyboard.Q is where A would be if the W was correct.Got the S correct. It becomes 2qs
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Nice beard, man.
What have people here had success with replacing alcohol? I drink in the evenings mainly because it is fun / tastes nice / I am bored. Intake has gone way up and I want to go back to weekends only, but I am bored as fuck in the evening.

Went out and bought a bunch of weird teas for the hell of it just for something to sip on, thinking a bunch of new games too as that could be distracting.
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I was at a bar / concert (Echo & the Bunnymen rocking rock!) and they didn't have ginger ale. What kind of bar doesn't have ginger ale? I mean, what the fuck? Anyway, the bartender mixed me sparkling water and Angostura bitters. Shit was so cash. Now when my friends wanna catch up and their all having stuff like gin & tonics that's my go-to: bitters and carbonated water. You kinda still get that alcohol taste...

Not gonna lie, though, I wish I was getting blotto with them so badly.
blood in the stool is never a good sign, but I personally would see if it continues...
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Ha ha ha! I should have instinctively figured that out. Thanks, I figured it was some new abbreviation that I wasn't familiar with yet. Happens all the time on this board, especially with video game titles (have to look them up all the time since I don't play vidya).
> *they're
Cosplay of Ralph Bakshi's Wizards. Kind of obscure, very awesome movie
ok thankyou. i can relax now.
Ha ha ha! That was quicker than I expected.

"There you go again stepping on my lines, costing me medals..."


>Nice name. Fritz has Ralph Bakshi's voice...
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That thing in the back looks like Falkor, the luck dragon from Neverending Story.

I wonder if that movie would be any good whilst being blitzed.
This has been my strategy for the past few months. Not working perfectly, but it's better than a glass or three of Jim Beam when I'm thirsty. I've found that those girly La Croix sparkling waters are enjoyable enough to sip on, and now that it's getting colder, hot tea is nice as well.

If you can handle it, I've also picked up some six packs of pungent beer. IPA, ridiculous coffee stouts, anything that's borderline un-slammable. Sip on one or two of those to quench the thirst. Two steps forward, one step back.
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Last night I drank 4 beers and a glass of wine. I stopped drinking 17 hours ago. I'm still very hungover. Why? What logic is this?
why is a plastic potato climbing a ladder? this thread is very strange and confusing
>Last night I drank 4 beers and a glass of wine. I stopped drinking 17 hours ago. I'm still very hungover. Why? What logic is this?
Dehydration, toxins and byproducts (cogeners, tannins and other products of fermentation), histamines, vasoconstriction, electrolyte imbalance...who knows what mix is going on in your body? It could even be that your body is pre diabetic or otherwise struggling to rid your body of toxins at a decent rate through damage you have to your organs, or food sensitivites, or gut damage.
Never shitted my pants since I'm not autistic retard but I usually have one course of runny poo poo next morning.
ty alcobro!
It's the glass of wine that dun you in. Never mix wine with anything, except maybe whiskey.
happened once but from sickness

weird feeling
Those La Croix sparkling waters are pretty good.
Also, a hell of a lot less calories than booze (zero cals).
this. never mix the grape and the grain
Fuck off with your shit pictures
be nice. this isn't /b/.
/b/ is full of pussies now. Grow up if you can't take criticisms. Weebs are thin skinned though.

was it black?
if not then no worries
if it was then welcome to the club brother
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Just a quick update..

So I went to my first meeting today. It was only a small group, 7 dudes and a chick. Everyone was really friendly and there was no religious stuff at all. As I was a noob, everyone told me their stories, all of which were grim as fuck. I told them mine which seemed kindergarten in comparison but at the end of the day, I have a problem and I'm doing something about it.

Thanks for all the advice everyone.
Nine month sober and clean next week. Still checking out alck threads sometimes, feels weird. Like i kinda miss being this filthy worthless piece of shit sometimes. But thats bullshit. When i think how i went through detox, rehab, supportgroups, therapy and all that. It's a wonder i'm still alive. Sometimes i enjoy live. Sometimes i don't, especially when i feel the pointlessness in everything. That's when all the reason why i started doing drugs pop straight back in to my mind and i think 'what the fuck am i doing here? I'm not addicted, the world is shit, i am shit, i can't controll what's happening. The only thing i can controll is my perception of reality. Altering brainchemistry by comsuming substances is perfectly legit for dealing with this. I could take a substance right now and i would not have to feel any of this. Why not?'
My uncle drank himself to death before he got to 40 and he was downing a fifth of vodka and countless beers. You're definitely not going to last long.
Good luck bro
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Hey, thanks for the acknowledgment. At first, I was kinda weirded out and nervous going to meetings out of the blue but everybody's there for the same reason and it does help to feel less alienated. The meetings I go to have a surprisingly small amount of religion (from what I thought it was going to be). That's just a line from the steps, really, as the founders were religious; you're more apt to hear, "You a friend of Bob?" more than "Are you a friend of Jesus?" and the idea is to give up the notion that you can control everything.

Yeah, the older folks tend to have some pretty harrowing tales.
I am starting to see more young folks that are getting help sooner than the rest of the group did.
Whether that's court ordered or not, I don't really pay attention.

> …still miss dipping tobacco and listening to music while near blackout drunk, not gonna lie.

Good luck, man.
Believe it or not, 4chan helped me get through a lot of the initial cravings by simply be distracting enough for an hour or so until the urge passed.
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Well, next week you'll have a sober-baby.
(9 months)

Sounds like you're just being a normal human being. Taking control of addiction is something most other animals can't do. They get cut off of supply but given the choice... yeah.

>pic related: I feel the same, sometimes.
Drink more water
it's not even 4 and I'm about 5 shots in. I have to work tomorrow.

I really think I need to figure out why I drink so much. I know I shouldn't drink so much, but I'm not really sure why I do it. It might just be that it feels good.
Sup alcoholics,

I've been invited to a party for the first time in 2 or 3 months and I want to bring a bottle of liquor or some shit to share. I'm too autistic to know what to bring and I'm trying to hit it off with these hoes so I can get some s u c c

We're all college freshmen btw and my budget is $35 tops, if that helps. Any recommendations?
go fuck yourself

Get out of this thread, you don't belong here.
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>tfw Washington banned glass 40s

I used to smash these fuckers in the parking lot near my house
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This is quickly becoming my favorite drink, what goes good with it?

Any of you guys ever notice how shitty looking/feeling your hair is after a bender? It's fucking weird, but I guess it makes sense given that hair's a good indicator of your health.
Yeah, and I have exceptionally nice hair. It usually gets greasy as fuck and I look homeless.
Mine tends to get really dry and brittle and loses any shine. It's gross.
after that anecdote its hard to imagine why they wouldve made the decision to switch

don't kick a man when he's down
and it's never happened before
and it wasn't pants full kind of shit
it was a little spurt
if anything the autist is someone threatened by poop truth
>tfw captcha has a sign that reads "Middelfart" as a town name
It's just a brown oval, like one of those penny machines at the zoo that flattens them out and makes a souvenier
Just got back from a meeting. Still havent found a temp sponser.. at 4 am it'll be 4 days sober. Been hammered on the job the past month.
Had my last drink 4 am thursday. Ended up with bad alcohol poisoning and threw up all day at work. Coworkers knew I was hammered wednesday

God speed anons
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fb friended a qt 3.14 on fb I had met once years ago, chatted a bit sober.
Apparently talked to her for hours. no idea what i said. drank 700ml whiskey + 2mg klonopin. woke up the next day with everything deleted, cut on my forehead, her no long my fb friend, not sure if it even happened

no fucks given

btw my fav. Drinking Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4zfEkKs2ZM
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You guys should watch Louis Theroux's "Drinking to Oblivion" documentary on alcoholism, it's pretty insightful.
will do, thanks.
also, watch the naff named documentary "rain in my heart". very good and easily available on youtube.


scary shit
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>Be college age normie
>Make plans for a still
>Decide to hop on /ck/ and shitpost about plan
>Hop on al/ck/oholic thinking its the joys of drinking
>Question life

I thought it be fun making booze but just reading you guys stories, it kinda scares me now
Not everyone becomes like us, anon. Plenty of people can drink alcohol normally. Most of us have addictive personalities to begin with.
i drink largely becaause i'm so unhappy that i'm an alcoholic. fucking alchie logic.
>looks gone to shit because of all my years of drinking
>depressed because of that
>depressed I'm a gross alchie
>just makes me drink more and makes things worse, never better
I'll never pretend to understand the way we think.
these threads might be my favorite things in the world.
aside from ethanol obv.
everything hurts
6.20 in the morning. been up since withdrawal woke me at 4. 2 70cl bottles of smirnoff and still shaking. fuck. my. life.

Starting a new job. Haven't had a drink since Thursday. Wait, drank a "Modelo" beer with dinner. Which was uninspiring...
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well done my man. same here. sorry the pic is so bad that it's almost offensive. doin' muh best here. that's a 24hr chip in my hand/ stay strong bro. we're all gonna help each other and see if we can survive this hellish fucking nightmare.
Idk about anyone but a lot of David Bowie songs seem to hit me at my core when I'm upset and trying to deal with my addiction. Knowing he had massive problems himself idk I just feel better and it's like he's telling me it's alright even though the song isn't for me
Last night was the first night I haven't had a drink in well over a year. I ranged from a few beers a night to a bottle of spirit a night in that time, mostly around half a bottle a night or a couple of bottles of wine.

I feel surprisingly good today, didn't have to get up in the middle of the night for a piss which was new.

Wonder how long I can keep this up. I am aiming for a few drinks on the weekends only and dry during the week
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Hey man chin up and there is a life outside of chasing booze bro. Life wasnt ever meant to be black and white, happy or sad. It was meant to be weird greys and white with pink hues. We are aupposed to be awkward and goofy. Have terribly timr responses and shifty eye contact. Time is measured in seconds but it can measured in the lessons we learned and the sacrifices we make for a better tomorrow. One year was oct 10th 2015 -oct 10th 2016. I cant tell you how green the grass is on this side.
It's 2:00 am and I'm vacation with beer for 4 days. It's boring, but at on the bright side, I've been able to enjoy my vacation from work.
lads :(
I was supposed to quit today but I bought a bottle of Wild Turkey right after work. Was drinking it really slowly and just ate a huge feast of burritos leftovers and stomach is full as fuck now. Don't feel like drinking any more. Filling stomach the brim seems to be the key to making me not want to drink any more. I'm going to finish off the bottle tomorrow night along with a massive feast to check me out.

What do I get?

Thinking about Chinese takeout or I might make fried chicken with mash and gravy.
*I mean without beer.
I enjoy wine and on weekends it's gin and tonic celebration of the working proces. Two bottles are no problem.
iktfb. hang in there.
biochemistry is a bitch as my professor says
Got a job at a liquor store that I used to panhandle at. Making 10 bucks an hour 37 hours a week. Had to use a tazer gun tonight against a small gay black dude trying to steal. Dropped cheap Costco Rum halfgallons for litres of Evan Williams. Living the life boys. /blog
It's a gang thing aswell my dude. Florida doesn't even sell 40z but they have deals on 16oz 4packs.
Liqour store life my dude, as if you care about people stealing though. You know they probably account for shrinkage? Unless it's a family run business
nah, man. it's very :(, very :( indeed

but thanks for the :), :)
gf wants to meet me out at a cafe after work on wednesday and asked if i could bring the stuff that she's left at mine... this a'int gonna end good boys
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What's it like being a raging Alcoholic?
Dealing with pain by causing pain to everyone else and even more pain to yourself.

A balance between enjoying your time being care free and intoxicated and being in a state of repairing your body with greasy food, sports drinks and naps.

I'd imagine it's similar to being a cat.
It sucks sometimes, I spend most of money on booze. No wonder I'm broke and owe money all the time.
>I'd imagine it's similar to being a cat.
He would have lived longer if he kept drinking desu

As the days go by, the more I realize this world is not for me, /ck/.
It's like this really. Luckily I emerged from that nadir but that was seriously what I was doing.
cool. just shat diarrohea and blood all over my carpet. was sso revolted that i simply chopped that section of carpet out with a stanley knife and threw it out of the window. i'm not sure i want to live.

I would recommend replacing the carpet with hardwood. Don't have to worry about stains + increases value of your property.
sorry man. stay strong. i just use hookers nowadays.


Honestly man, it's for the best if you and her go separate ways. Unless you want to have kids and get married and shit, what's the point of even being serious with a person? And this is general advice which applies to both sexes. Commitment is almost unrealistic nowadays. Just find a friend with benefits. There is nothing wrong with just having someone you can enjoy the company of and getting in bed once in a while. It's much less stressful than a serious relationship.
i would recommend going to a fucking doctor before installing hardwood floor tbhfam

Nah. As alcoholics we don't care about health.
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Recovery went well this weekend.

Only got drunk once and it was only an 8 rack of Guinness tall boys.

My shits look normal and I don't go numb randomly as much lately.
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I have $5 what can i buy to get me shitfaced. 3 year relationship down the shithole, been about a month but I get dream of her once in a blue moon which i hate.
Takes twice as long as you were together to get over it, unless you're raking in the tail.

Depends where you are from. You can probably find some very shit quality cheap vodka or wine
What happened?
>tfw teeth sensitive as fuck after drinking

You should be able to get a smallie of vodka for $5, which if you chug should get you nice and wasted.
Otherwise you could get two 40oz's
What are you drinking that causes that? I'm a vodka drinker so it doesn't do that to me. I suppose if you drank primarily carbonated shit I can see that.
>I don't go numb randomly as much lately

That was the wake up call for me, was scared shitless when my pinkie and ring figures would go numb and my legs felt like I had pins and needles.

had to quit after that, hasn't happened again thankfully

Kissed a guy I had suspicion about from the beginning. Cried to me saying dont think of it like that. Gave her another chance and all i asked was for her to never talk to him. She secretly texted him when her car started having problems. She then said i was being way too hot headed. That was enough for me to break it off. She textes me periodically but i reply like i dont give a shit when i do in the back of my head. Now im drinking

Relationships aren't worth the stress dude. Plus it's hard to trust women in this day and age especially with the values most of them in Western nations have. It's an incredibly vapid and materialistic culture and it is reflected in its population.

vodka/coke mixers

or rum/coke

guess i need to remove the coke and replace it with something else

You are letting her win.

Goddamn, what the fuck. It pisses me off when the person who's cheating tries to play the victim and then even tries to make you out to be the bad guy. You were smart for ending it. Yeah, it hurts like hell now, but that kind of relationship is just toxic as shit.

You know, you can blame it on women all you like, but I've met my fair share of guys who've done similar shit as well as women.

People in general are just shit anymore. Dating these days is just fucking empty and people give up and move on from person to person like it doesn't even matter that you're dealing with a human beings life anymore.

I don't blame all women. I said it is reflected " in its population" not just females. I completely acknowledge there are guys who do the equivalent as well. That's why I say relationships are not worth the stress.
Got a 26er of Jameson lads
He's retarded. Letting her win would be staying with her and prolonging the inevitable. Putting an end to her stupid games and bullshit was the right decision.
bro if you drank 1.5 liters and that doesnt stop the withdrawls you need to go to a hospital and start tapering soon. Seriously, that's getting a little bit too close to death for comfort.
You should read through the thread. He's been posting about that all week. It's pretty disconcerting.
I've in here since the start, if at first you don't succeed, try try again.

He is drinking himself to death over her and you think he has the upper hand?

I never implied that he should stay with her but he is allowing her to put him down even when he thinks he is not involved. He shouldnt even be speaking to her.
it sounds like he pretty much tells her to fuck off.

I don't know why youd expect him to be over a girlfriend of multiple years in just a month. Have you ever had that long of a relationship? are you a sociopath?

This stage of grief is pretty common
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Family business my dude. Just a rich Syrian guy. In the fucking ghetto.
perfectly summed up in The Little Prince:

“Why are you drinking? - the little prince asked.
- In order to forget - replied the drunkard.
- To forget what? - inquired the little prince, who was already feeling sorry for him.
- To forget that I am ashamed - the drunkard confessed, hanging his head.
- Ashamed of what? - asked the little prince who wanted to help him.
- Ashamed of drinking! - concluded the drunkard, withdrawing into total silence.
And the little prince went away, puzzled.
'Grown-ups really are very, very odd', he said to himself as he continued his journey.”
The dreams I have when I quit drinking are so disgusting it almost makes me ashamed at my brain for even making up stuff like that.

Anyone else ever had this? The worst part is how vivid they are.
It doesn't happen so much anymore as I spend long and longer in between benders (used to drink every day for years and years), but back when I was drinking insanely ducking heavily I would get the most vivid nightmares where I would somehow die or be murdered by the end of them. I'd wake up multiple times covered in sweat, and then go back to the same nightmare every time.

It got to a point where I was terrified to even go to sleep the nights I would be sober. Nowadays I don't really remember my dreams much and if I do they're usually mellow or those annoying dreams where you're back in school. I'm okay with that.
It almost saddens me but has anyone noticed the majority of alck are non college educated gritty dudes with facial hair. We are one.
How the fuck do you drink that much?

Even the guy in the rotten hip documentary was drinking less than that.
Finding out that I can buy alcohol off amazon is one of the best discoveries of my life.
You would like me to link you to one of the most popular sites in the world?
No, what's the best price:ABV alcohol to buy? I see some wines, but they look overpriced.
Just have a look for vodka or whatever your favorite liquor is. Price will change depending on where you are.
>"Alcoholic beverages are not listed on Amazon (except for wine & beer)."

Not offered in the US?
what do you do for work?
Ah, that's unfortunate. I live in the UK so it must be different.
He would have lived longer if the doc didn't overdose him on opiates.
The hospital closed after killing a few people for no reason.

Putain. This book was actually about me, now I understand why I liked it as a kid.

yeah, very common. Close to the nightmarish hallucinations of the delirium.
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Dum dum pops and little helicopter beanies.

Honestly though, shit is tasty. It goes well with more Bird Dog. One of my first cocktails was that and Blue Raz Kool Aid, very popular with the 17 year old set.
I drink to get drunk but I don't drink liquor because I get either violent or blackout drunk. Also taste doesn't matter to me as long as I can get drunk. Yet this opinion constantly gets me shat on by other anons. Why is that?
Because non-alcoholics don't get it. Don't even try to explain it to them.
I really fucked up this weekend

Went up to where i went to college (dropped out cause i couldn't handle drinking, surprise) and made a total asshole out of myself. Inappropriate racist jokes, making people uncomfortable. I'd say i burned some bridges but i don't remember shit. Before that i was sober for 60 days. Told myself i wasn't going to drink today but polished off two bottles of wine. Now I've got a test in the morning but i'm not going to be able to sleep. This sucks because you can't be mad at anybody but yourself for putting yourself in these awful situations that would have never happened if you just don't fucking drink. I'm so anxious right now. I think i'm going to see a therapist.

It just boggles my mind. I can drink 211 all day if I have it or whatever microbrew my brothers hipster friends leaves over after getting "totally wasted xD" after 2 bottles. I literally do not care what it is. But saying stuff like this on /int/ or /sp/ gets the autists raging.
They're not autists they are normal drinkers. We are junkies that want a fix no matter what it is. The only thing i will not drink is rubbing alcohol because my body rejects it. I got drunk off it like twice and now i can't even smell it without gagging.
/mu/tant here. We are lady-bois
If I were you, and I'm not so you probably shouldn't listen to me, I would just drink more until I was able to sleep. But I also don't get hangovers, so I'd be fine in the morning.
I've been trying for 15 FUCKING MINUTES to get this bottle open so I can finish the last of my cognac. Tried wrapping the cap with a towel for extra leverage, tried using hot water to enlarge it sdfsdhjfjsdf. About ready to smash it open.
They're just children. I really like the way a lot of alcohol tastes, and a lot of it is kind of mediocre, but I can certainly understand just drinking whatever for the feeling, and I'd just drink whatever was around if I just wanted a buzz.
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drinking this
fairly tired of rye
craving bourbon
also tired of being hung over
nigga if you smash it open you'll get glass in the cognac dont do that
i would but i don't have any alcohol. i live with my parents and if i leave they'll know exactly what im doing and send me to rehab. they have whiskey hidden somewhere in this house but i can't find it. also can't be too loud looking for it because once again they'd know exactly what i'm doing
Why the hell is it on there so tight?
That's harsh. But can't say I haven't thought about it. Fortunately I'm currently NEETING it up so I only get to drink every weekend or so. But I fear once I get this job that'll change.
lost my debit xard. had to ask shop to lend me a bottle of vodka. i'm so humiliated.
going cold turkey. FUCK this. if i can't manage i suppose i'll just go to hospital and munch delicious benzos. while hittting on young nurses.
oh, also, can someone kill me please? thanks all.
atty foods and sugars. preerably fructose. holy shit they help. just had a gammon steak with some cheese, then some honeycomb. oh wow i feel so much more relaxed. try it guys
Mother went to rehab. The full 30 days, after a 7 days treatment in another facility. She was doing so well, I met with her psychologist and we agreed to make this an alcohol-free house. On the second day back I came home to find her drunk again. We have tried everything and it still doesn't work, she has no more money and she still spends it all on beer. I don't know what to do anymore, she's the strongest person I know and this shit is killing her.
I'm sorry to hear that, anon, but I'm afraid most of us are in no better position to give much useful advice. It really boils down to the person in question, their willpower and how badly they want to stop.
So al/ck/ gen, just how badly has alcohol abuse affected your appearance?
Pretty bad.I gain a lot of weight due to all the drinking and eating junk food.
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Have you guys ever been arrested due to your drinking? Got picked up for public intox recently and just feel like it's not gonna be the only time. I used to be able to handle myself so well.
No, never. I only drink at home alone.
Recently got into peaty Islay single malts. Drinking Caol Ila 12, Ardbeg 10, Bowmore 12 and the Lagavulin 16. Great stuff!
Drank half a bottle of Rum 1/2 bottle of tequila. accepted that no one will care about me, night lads, hope you do better
been to jail twice this year, and lost my license for 3 years.
Convince me not to go buy another handle of vodka for this evening
i lost my debit card. had to beg the shopkeeper to fucking lend me 4 bottles until a new one arrives. i'm so embarrassed and ashamed. he won't even look me in the eye now. fuck this. fucking fuck it all.
How in the world did you manage to get him to go along with that?
i've bought 3-5 bottles a day for years, guess they value me as a customer
oh and my bro is a doctor, he called them and asked. people seem intimidated by his intelligence. he's sorted me with so many blessings over the years the brilliantt bastard. wish i was half as smart as him.
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I still don't know how you afford this shit, man.
about ten grand in debt. lied about employment status to get loans, an overdraft and 3 credit cards. my outgoings will soon be greater than my income. my house, which i bought with money from websites i built and sold in my 20's, is now for sale. i vomit with fear when i think about money.
dammit. bump limit. wish these threads would simply never die. see you in the next one, guys n' gals.
Please someone provide a reasonable argument for me to not drink tonight
Only 4 more hours before I can buy some beer. Passing the time watching youtube vids.
damn dude. either get some help or start browsing /out/
Vodka grapefruit is one of my favs
I usualy take a sleep aid when sober, I don't remember my dreams on those either
Goddamn I thought I was about to have a really good day
Yeah thanks guys I'm drinking vodka and monster zero now
What page does this need to hit before we make a good thread I'm not up with my /ck/ etiquette
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By good thread I mean new thread. I'm not saying that this thread isn't dogshit I'm just saying that 'good' a freudian slip and not intended
No one would ever do that at the stores around here, I'm in Florida, but when I lived in New Jersey there was a store run by Indian dudes that would let me take whatever and pay them later, they were cool as fuck
Maybe I shouldn't have relied on the al/ck/ general to be my voice of reason
It's almost like I wanted to get pissed and needed an excuse
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