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Thread replies: 281
Thread images: 38

Beer General
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gonna have this when i get off work tonight, any other californian beer drinkers on here?
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idk why that flipped, let's see if this fixes it
i give up...
Kek. I'm just drinking some high life and bulleit tonight. Going to an oktoberfest on Saturday so I'm stoked.
I like beer
me too. too bad I don't have any.
How does one bottle age beer? Someone gave me a bottle of Dogfish Head 120. Live in FL, so it's a bit warm.
Do you have a separate fridge? Or a cool dark area of your living space? You want it between 50 and 60 degrees
Actually I do! Old mini fridge from college that's sitting unused in the garage. I'll plug that bad boy in tonight. Any other good Florida beers I can age? I'm a big fan of Cigar City.
I was gonna say just leave it in your basement but then I remembered southerners don't have basements
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Can't we?
>i will never kill the 'artist' of that comic
it just hits too close to home by being completely accurate, doesn't it?
If you don't like beer don't drink it you cunt
yes that's exactly fucking it.
everyone since the dawn of civilization has just been drinking beer because it's a fucking peer pressure meme but no one actually likes it and the cultured and well-traveled genius who drew that piece of shit is the first person to realize it.
Huh? I'm a native southerner and most people I know have basements.
Yeah just set it to the warmest setting it has and store whatever you want. Couldn't tell you about florida beer though
No basements in Florida. Hurricanes, Sinkholes, and Well water.
Whoa, wait, you're telling me poor people like to get wasted? Mind = blown.
much of the south has no basements
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>you're telling me poor people like to get wasted
Drinking in general has a pretty strong negative correlation with poverty
This image proves absolutely nothing. No income data is even displayed.
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hold your horses man, I was getting there
They don't correlate at all. Nice try.
um, yeah they do, pretty strongly
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Since 1397.
its too bad that the Munich breweries dumbed down Oktoberfest style beers a couple decades ago, so if you want authentic Ocktoberfest style beer you have to go with an America craft brewery (like fucking 90% of them make one)
I don't know about the other white states, but TN is low due to religious alcohol laws. I assume at least Utah is the same.
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>drinking yeast

that's disgusting and that brewery should feel bad
who /hefe/weizen here
Am I a pleb for liking Blue Moon?

It's becoming one of my go-to beers to pair with food.
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I have a beer question.
I've tried American beer. It's bitter water. I've tried Guinness, it's too heavy. I liked the taste of Kilkenny, but I can't find it in America. My problem, however, is that upon drinking about two pints worth of beer, my eyes and forehead feel like they're bulging out. It's like a sinus headache, almost. Hard liquor doesn't do that to me. Could I be allergic to hops or something? Should I just not bother with beer?
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>I've tried American beer.
No you haven't.
Yeah that's it. Because if something isn't sweet or salty, there is no way on earth that you could possibly like it.
>Blue Moon
Blue Moon is a beer made specifically for women. If you drink it then you might as well tie your hair into pigtails and call yourself Sally, because you're officially a girl.
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Not a big fan of bretted beers but this one was alright!

Treehouse might be the most overrated brewery in the country.
Pretty good this year as well!
You're a fucking idiot

Once you aren't 16 anymore you'll actually be able to appreciate it
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Sipping on a 4 pack of these. It kind of makes me sad that it's readily available at any liquor store in my area, but not a lot of other places. Hope they expand to you bros soon though.
Toppling Goliath is so fucking good, any of their Pale ales or IPAs are amazing.
>but TN is low due to religious alcohol laws. I assume at least Utah is the same.
Its a combination of laws and the attitude that exists culturally that created people willing to make and abide by those laws
Its definitely tied to religion though, nationally there is very close ties with traditionally catholic areas drinking while evangelical/mormon areas do not drink much
>evangelical/mormon areas do not drink much

More like pretend they don't drink much, particularly in the evangelical south, with which I'm intimately acquainted.
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I mean all available statistics suggest they drink considerably less

Its surely plausible that they are culturally uncomfortable with admitting how much they drink because of religious pressures, but they also do drink less than the rest of the country
Drinking some high life. Fuckin Indians at the store raised the price from $6.99/12 to $9.99. Had some leinenkugel Oktoberfest and buckshot ale earlier today. Got them on sale for $4 bucks a 6 pack. Great beers overall
kill yourself twice
who is better ipa wise? since that's mostly all they make
>tfw living across the river from a craft brewery and those delicious malt smells wafting through my place right now
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>if you drink ipa's you should be executed.

you seriously cannot refute this
>they are culturally uncomfortable with admitting how much they drink because of religious pressures


t. Individual who has lived among them and knows them all too well.
>le drinking IPAs is an excuse for me to sperg out meme

no idea why you people care so strongly about what other people drink.
very tasty
It's a good beer

It's Firestone Walker doing an IPA what else can you really expect? West coast piney resinous IPA.
My dad gave me a case he got at Costco. Bretty gud
Last night I had a "nitro beer" and I felt really sickly afterwards. Is this just a coincidence, or is it possible that I had a bad reaction to the addition of nitrogen in the beer? I tried googling but didnt get much answers, and was curious if anyone here had a similar experience
I seriously doubt you had a bad reaction to drinking nitrogen.

Which beer was it exactly?
Why are you so hostile to people? Beer fags always get so angry when anyone has the simplest critique, it's pretty disgusting. You're like fanatics, ready to cause actual harm to people that don't share your belief and/or addiction.

victory hopdevil nitro

i've felt this way before, with some other bears. just kind of this really tired, headache, sickly feeling. not a throbbing pain but a feeling of discomfort. i'm wondering if i have some sort of allergic reaction to hops.
Pretty sure they don't just add nitrogen to a nitro beer. It's just used in the brewing process
Bears make my stomach upset too

Maybe you were just dehydrated, I don't think nitrogen did anything to hurt you, you breathe in nitrogen quite a bit in the normal air.

Yes, the beer is impregnated with nitrogen in the same way beer is impregnated with CO2 on a tap.

Kegged beer is usually force carbonated because it allows the brewery to get the beer out quicker, they don't have to wait on the keg to carbonate on its own.

Nitrogenation cannot happen naturally, since yeast doesn't give off nitrogen when it eats sugars, so they impregnate the beer with nitrogen when they keg it.
Thanks for straightening me out. Always enjoy new info
>is it possible that I had a bad reaction to the addition of nitrogen in the beer
No, your body is constantly surrounded by nitrogen, it makes up the majority of regular air, its not really plausible that its addition to beer would have any biological effect on you
>It's bitter water
You're very, very wrong. If you're curious, locate a local brewery and try something from there instead of picking stuff at random from shelves. They're typically willing to let you try things first, and you can discover what kind of beers you enjoy.

Sweeter stouts and belgian-style hefes are good gateway beers.
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Those plastic cups always look oddly aesthetic to me.
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>look oddly aesthetic to me.
wtf does that even mean?
That he likes the design even though you wouldn't think so in the first place
Its shitty grammar. Things don't "look aesthetic," they have a pleasing aesthetic.
I like the look of straight sided beer glasses. The ones with the bulge annoy me.
prolly cus ur a stupid cunt desu

the glasses in that picture are organised in order of quality so get fuck'd lmao
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>live in MN
>girl at work lives in WI
>ask her to me a pack of just one of these if the other one isn't available
>she gets me this

She wants the dick. Also get moon man instead of spotted cow.
It's just annoying because let's be honest, most people with that "beer is actually yucky and I'm the intelligent one who sees it and calls it for it is" attitude are literal teenagers who are incapable of realizing that as you get older, your tastes and palate actually change. They're incapable of realizing that the world exists outside of their own perspective and that they'll mature. These are just facts.

The arrogance of acting like they're right and everyone has just pretended to like beer for hundreds of years is absurd
And there's no possibly chance you're just a bunch of sadsack alcoholic losers circlejerking each other over how much hoppy sludge you can buttchug to get your fix, right?
>same exact reasoning as wine snobs

Has someone does taste tests of beer snobs and proves, just like winos? I'd love to see that it's all in their head as they explain the luscious bouquet of flavours hitting their palate as they take a swig of miller lite.
>hoppy sludge you can buttchug to get your fix

News flash: alcoholics typically avoid things like hop sludge. Now, when you graduate from middle school, try to come back and see if you can contribute.
being a louisianafag, i finally got around to drinking great raft's reasonably corrupt, after avoiding it for the longest time. we didn't have the best reputation for beer for a while.

it actually owns, though. everything i like about the taste profile of darker beers with the added benefit of being low abv/super crushable



if beer's giving you a headache though, you may have a reaction to something in the beer. i've developed the same problem with hugely hopped beers.

considering you're talking about kilkenny though, it's likely some time of additive
Not an argument. Maybe you could come up with a rebuttal if you hadn't killed off the majority of your brain cells chuggin' with yer brehs.


literal teenager confirmed

There really aren't so many styles of beer out there that you should ever find one style completely unpalatable. It is so difficult to have actual discussion about beer on this thread, and it's for the same reason you can't have honest discussion on any other board without getting memed on and (you)'d into oblivion, because underage b& is a real thing.

>come with a rebuttal

>if you hadn't killed off the majority of your brain cells chuggin with yer brehs.

It's like you can only sound intelligible for the first half of your post, then you nosedive into utter retardation. Does any part of you like beer? Surely you have better things to do than sit in a beer thread and talk about everything besides beer.
When I was a kid, I didn't like broccoli. I love it now.
When I was a kid, I didn't like beer. I love it now.

Am I pretending to like broccoli?

You don't have to like everything, but thinking people are just pretending to like things you don't like is quite the leap to make. I don't like wine at all, but I can absolutely imagine people truly love it. I certainly don't go into wine threads and attempt to be epic.
Try again in English and I'll give you a proper reply. In the meantime I'll take a shot at interpreting your keyboard diarrhea with the thought of someone explaining the luscious bouquet of flavors hitting their palate as they take a sip of discount box wine.

I have a couple of friends who love beer and never get drunk. You don't need to be hateful with what I'm assuming is your salty jealousy of watching others having social funtimes when they didn't invite you over. (Sorry if this was too accurate and close to home)
>there are so many flavors of shit, surely you have to like at least one

Nice logic.

I like beer fine, for what it is. I just hate the fedora tipping beer snobbery in here.

Do you have broccoli threads where you talk about how posh your greens are and try to impress one another with their rarity?
>keyboard diarrhea because I fucked up one word

Commit sudoku, grammar nazi fedora tipper.
Are there hundreds of styles of broccoli?are there even more parts to that broccoli that go into even more categories like hops, malts, barley, types of brewing, etc.
>Do you have broccoli threads where you talk about how posh your greens are and try to impress one another with their rarity?
You clearly have not been lurking /ck/ very long because I have seen that exact thread. And variations of that exact thread happen all the damn time. Hell, I bet there is at least one up right now, just look around for a thread about brussels sprouts, cabbage, tea, or steak.

But what your complaint here is the equivalent of going to /v/ and shitting on ALL discussion because you simply can't believe that people devote more than the mere modicum of attention you can muster to something they enjoy. It's ok to be a casual, anon, truly. But some people devote some of their free time to exploring an interest of theirs. It's not necessarily pretentious. Why shit on people for simply caring?

>beer snobbery

Your idea of "snobbery" is nothing more than people talking about something they like. By your definition, if you even remotely like something and are willing to engage people in conversation about it, then you're a snob.
>one word
Read back your post. It is literally keyboard diarrhea. The entire sentence structure is fucked. It's ok if English isn't your first language, but the arrogance of your latest post isn't forgivable.

>Has someone does
You might be asking 'does someone..?"
You might be saying 'as someone who does...'

>taste tests of beer snobs and proves
Literally what.

>proves, just like winos?
Literally what.

And the second half of your second sentence doesn't even match what the first half started.

It is keyboard diarrhea, I called it as such. Get over it, let it go, and try harder next time.
i'd love to hear which word you imagine is the "one" you fucked up hahahah
pls tell

I'm not shitting on people's hobbies, like I said, it's the snobbery. So many people in here sniffing their farts over how special they are for buying some alcohol.

The fact that you're still replying to me only proves that there is nothing of any real substance to discuss, and this thread exists purely to circlejerk about beer snobbery. If it was otherwise, you'd have gone back to discussing it and ignored my posts. But there's nothing to disvuss, is there? You just sit here, occasionally bumping the thread until someone posts a picture of another dumb fucking beer container and then everyone goes "wow you're so cool bro I'd choke on your cock" for a few posts, then back to getting wasted and waiting for the next picture or tidbit of information. It's fucking pathetic.

>since I can't talk about beer, I might was well talk about something else

Jesus christ just exit the thread already. You aren't even criticizing people about liking beer anymore. You are honest to god just shitposting.

Can we talk about fucking beer guys?
And what exactly are you here doing on a Saturday

Heh... Gottem
>Do you have broccoli threads where you talk about how posh your greens are and try to impress one another with their rarity?
Please see:
For your sake, I hope you quoted the wrong post.

I may have. I'm pro-beer in this thread.
>I'm not shitting on people's hobbies, like I said, it's the snobbery. So many people in here sniffing their farts over how special they are for buying some alcohol.
Quote any post doing such??
Well, shit. I don't even know what happened there. That's definitely not what I typed, or at least not what I intended to type.

>Has someone done blind taste tests of beer snobs, like they've done for winos? I'd love to see that it's all in their head, when they explain the luscious bouquet of flavours hitting their palate when they take a swig of miller lite.
So am I so what gives. Fr*ck off.
Guess what. No one's wearing a fedora. Just because you don't like or understand something doesn't mean that thing is "hipster," and deserves ridicule.

t. Red state individual who brews his own beer, wine and mead, and likes good microbeers, and occasionally a shitty ameriturd mass market beer after I mow my lawn, as well.
The only snob threads I see on beer are the macro threads desu lad. You're barking up the wrong tree.
Getting drunk, this should be extremely obvious by now.

None of those have people exchanging pictures of rare broccolis. Why link them?

and also

So when I asked you to rephrase your unintelligible post, you didn't even bother to reread it? Please apologize for >>8188074

To your reworded post-
I would wager my life on the chance that the answer is yes, but I've never seen any sort of competition like I assume you're meaning. And you're absolutely dead wrong in your implications that beers aren't extremely distinguishable. Just as a wine or vodka connoisseur can easily distinguish their craft, a beer connoisseur can do exactly the same. This I have seen.
And apparently vodka is one of the very very few liquors where supposed connoisseurs are actually not full of shit.
Those posts are literally:
1st- "here's a good beer"
2nd- "here's a good beer, hopefully it's more widely available soon!"
3rd- "i like beer i make myself, beer made in small operations, as well as mass market beers"

So literally what the fuck man. How are ANY of these snobbery is the SLIGHTEST? It's people sharing examples of things they enjoy in the category of the thread. As you would expect in ANY thread about ANY topic.
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I'm about to open a bomber of this

Tried it on tap at the beer den and it tasted different from the other enjoy by's. It even tasted different from their last tangerine ipa. Almost had some acrid bite to it at first like hot pepper beers do.
>None of those have people exchanging pictures of rare broccolis. Why link them?
Epic xD
Or wait.... are you actually autistic? Because the conversation just went like this:
>No one can like beer and post about beers!
>Umm I like beer. I also like broccoli
>Then why are there no broccoli fan threads!
>Posts exact example of fan threads of apples, soup, lettuce, fruit, pie, and hot sauce
>It's not BROCCOLI though!!!
Tasted that one recently too, I like it but no more than any other enjoy by, didn't find it worth picking up
No, it's
>look at this beer I bought
>look at these beets I got
>I'm a special little boy that makes his own swill, please reply

Yeah, sure, acknowledging the mistake is usually apology enough though, on here.

I've seen wine connoisseurs shoot down special wine and call cheap box wine amazing. Never seen blind taste tests for other beverages though.
What is this greentext horseshit? You gonna post an MSPaint comic at me next? Why even bother replying with such little effort?
>I've seen wine connoisseurs shoot down special wine and call cheap box wine amazing.
I can't speak to what you've seen, but I've watched my brother go through sommelier education and certification and can vouch for that process.
Vodka connoisseurs are legit, I've seen a blind taste test of liquors, and while every other one failed, the vodka guy nailed every single one in order from best to worst without a blink. Pretty cool.
>babby's first day on 4chan
">" is a quoting convention
The post you're replying to has used it correctly to recite a conversation using paraphrased quotes of the posts.
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Drinking this right now, fucking good like everything Finback releases.

I have been drinking a lot of lagers,and a lot of German style beers because of Oktoberfest releases and the beginning og Autumn, but I wound up craving some good New England/New York style IPAs, as such I got the Finback I am drinking, and the some from LIC Brewing, Rushing Duck, and Singlecut.

I have had this and Julius. Amazing IPAs. Honestly I think a lot of NY breweries are producing IPAs almost on par with Treehouse or Trillium nowadays. Maybe not quite as good but extremely close.
>No, it's
>>look at this beer I bought
>>look at these beets I got
>>I'm a special little boy that makes his own swill, please reply

>look at this beer
Except with the additional implication of it being a good beer. And HOW in the h*ck is that snobby in the SLIGHTEST? That is THE POINT of a thread about being a fan of a thing.

>im a special little boy who makes his own
Jesus you're projecting hard as fuck with that one. Read the post again, he is VERY clearly making the point that he enjoys beers across ALL brew methods, from the fruits of his own labor, to local micros, to mainstream commercial brews.

You've got fucking issues my man.
I'm not asking what greentext is, dipshit, I'm asking why he bothered to reply in such a retarded way, with no actual rebuttal.

Can you link it?
>I'm not asking what greentext is, dipshit, I'm asking why he bothered to reply in such a retarded way, with no actual rebuttal.
He summarized events that just happened for clarity and simplicity, to point out your retardation. Because when read in such a manner, you can see how retarded your logic was, to ignore the actual point that had been discussed, using an arbitrary specificity as deflection from conceding the actual point.
>Can you link it?
You'd find it the same exact way I would:
I don't actually bookmark every article I read & video I watch.
Thanks for ruining another beer thread faggot, i hope you're proud of yourself.
>it's another thread where a literal autist thinks his taste is objective
sick of seeing these shitposters over and over tbqh
I just want to discuss things I like, I don't go and shit up fast food threads
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Is it pretending if I drink alone 99% of the time and only come to these threads to see what kinds I may have not heard of yet that look interesting?
Reminder that if you're not reporting the shitposter, you're part of the problem.

>implying /ck/ has janitors
>not entirely sure which character the author intends to be a strawman and which is supposed to be the reasonable self-insert becuase both are retarded and obnoxious
why autistics shouldn't write comics
It's not autism, it's arrogance. Because the author has so convinced himself of his idiotic idea that "lel everyone just pretending xd" that he couldn't even allow himself to put the ACTUAL foil character in the strip but instead puts his PROJECTION of the foil. I.E. the author is the guy on the right in the comic (just like our here shitposterchan), and rather than put us on the left to show the flipside character of his buttfrustration, he substitutes his projection character- a guy who doesn't actually like beer (because no one does lolololo) but pretends he does and is bothered by the other guy's refusal to allow him his self-delusion (i.e. you're no fun at all!)

In truth, the intended "reasonable self-insert" is the character on the right. The author thinks the pompous self-righteousness just signifies how so much wiser he is.
Anyone try anything from trillium? I was able to try 4 of their recent offerings tonight. Granted, they were all good, but they all essentially tasted the same, or at least hit the same notes. Floral hops and citrus. Definitely good though.
This is clearly stated as to what I meant, and I meant it sincerely. Mass market pilsners have their place for me. This guy is right, there isn't snobbery at all. In general, I prefer fuller tasting beers, but I don't denigrate the others.
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Bring me a higher love
Anyone got any info on the Backwoods Bastard release?
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Should be November I think?

I tried pic related tonight. Wasn't sure what to think at first, but it ended up being pretty good.
The one refreshing quality of underage shitposters is they usually have a bedtime.
Where do you buy non mainstream beers?
All the grocery stores in my town sell nothing but the generic crap.
Sucks for you, every grocery within driving distance of me has an amazingly wide selection.

Where tf do you live, rural Nebraska?
Close. Small town in western North Carolina.
Try liquor store.
Try ask knowledgable bartender.
>WV in same category as Utah
Yeah, okay.
I get a similiar feeling when I drink sours. Do you also get all hot on the ears/face?
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>I'm a full time contrarian
IPAs only get worse the moment they get packaged, never age an IPA.
why are dark beers so gross
I don't understand why people put Tree House and Trillium in the same conversation. Tree House is out of their league. But I would agree NY is making stuff on Trillium's level, maybe higher
how many times is some underage retard that has never had a good beer gonna come into these threads and post his uninformed shitty opinion. same as the ipas are bad idiots
120 minute is a borderline barleywine and does well with age
Does this taste as good as one with alcohol?

Genuinely curious.
god I love the upper midwest
>want to import us beer
>realize german beer is much better and cheaper
>american pilsners will never taste as good as true pilsner urquell or budvar

feels good mane
dude, german beer is not better than American beer unless you are only considering shit macro lager made by non-American companies like Budweiser
t. American
Germany is good at making shitty beer, but bad at making good beer

If you are looking for a boring near flavorless lager, the German ones are definitely better than Budweiser, but if you are looking for more high brow styles America dominates nearly every category, if you are looking for good euro beer go Belgium
>I've tried American beer. It's bitter water.
The American craft brew revolution has made America the #1 country for beer for the last 5+ years. So.....?????
t. American ignorant of german beer culture
Except he's right. See
>muh craft beer
>overhopped IPAs everywhere

Every single German person I've met in the US has said America is doing beer better than Germany is. Usu at beer festivals, but sometimes in random places.
I don't drink IPAs, so...??? Care to make a fool of yourself in any more ways?
You live amongst Muslims?
Because no Christian or Jew I've ever met has had a split second of hesitance to confirm how much they drink.
>pilsner urquell

Did Germany conquer Czechoslovakia recently? At least list "German" beers, fuckwad.
>Every single German person I've met in the US has said America is doing beer better than Germany is.
All three of them.
IPA makes up less than 20% of craft beer by sales, even less by SKUs
German beer culture is pretty fucking shitty these days, you can find a few niche good styles but they are quite rare, and all have been at least replicated in America. Most traditional good German styles are much easier to find in America than in Germany
The funny thing is, your asinine assumption still proves his point.
The only Germans who don't think American beer is better are Germans who have never been to America
Any German who has been to America and tried American beer agrees American beer is better, this isn't even a controversial thing to say. Its not even close and hasn't been for over 20
Germans have a storied tradition of German beers. They are trapped in a bubble.

Many German brewmasters have come to America and taught America to brew excellent German style beers.

Many Belgian, English, Czech, etc brewmasters have come to America and taught America to brew excellent beers of their styles.

The fact of Germany's ingrained historical tradition of beer has obstructed their progress, and made them obstinate towards any beers outside of Germany. Yet the lack of such in America has allowed an explosion of innovation and unrestricted experimentation and mastery of brewing.

American brewing is the current pinnacle of the craft.
Pilsen was german when the beer was first made. But I guess "Americans" and "knowledge" are diametrically opposed to each other.
>Pilsen was german when the beer was first made.
Wow this is the most european argument I've ever seen.
>Pilsen was german when the beer was first made
It was German in that it had a German ruler, but culturally it was not
The city of Pilsen was part of the Holy Roman Empire for thrice as long as the US has existed.

I'm drinking some Lindener right now by the way, and just had some Veltins before. Can americans make good Pilsners?
The HRE was multicutlural and multiethnic, you can hardly claim the accomplishments of all its many peoples under the modern concept of German
>Can americans make good Pilsners?
Yes, lagers are not particularly popular in America amongst people that drink good beer, but plenty of good breweries make them
Obviously he isn't going to answer you because he can't refute your point
>The US was multicutlural and multiethnic, you can hardly claim the accomplishments of all its many peoples under the modern concept of American

Are they brewed after the german purity law?
>Are they brewed after the german purity law?
Surely the majority of pilsners brewed by legitimate American breweries are, as that is traditional for the style (though I had a pretty good one brewed with lemongrass the other day)

Regardless, calling reinheitsgebot, a 'beer purity law' is utter bullshit, it is a law solely designed to make bread cheap again at the direct expense of beer quality

Also your America analogy is pretty shitty, it would be more like me trying to claim ownership of a product of Philippine culture 100 years ago because they were controlled by the American empire.
*citation needed
fucking google it if you care that much
Do you honestly not think that number sounds plausible?
but it's literally a purity law.
It arbitrarily limited the definition of what beer was to stop brewers from using grains that are suitable for bread (banning rye, wheat and oats), it killed many then traditional styles and forced Germany into its modern malaise of lightly flavored boring lagers

100% of the motivation of the law was lowering the price of bread to keep peasants content, it had nothing to do with beer purity, that is just marketing spin put on it hundreds of years later
It also prevented brewers from throwing poisonous shit into their beer. Beer with henbane, Laudanum and other things wasnt exactly uncommon in olden days. Besides, you can still brew beverages with shit like sugar or lemongrass in it in germany, it's just not a beer by definition of german food law
>modern malaise of lightly flavored boring lagers

go eat a dick dumbass, I take a good lager over chocolate cherry pumpkin flavored bullshit any day
>It also prevented brewers from throwing poisonous shit into their beer.
This may be technically true, but the law certainly was not the reason this is not done, and it banned very many styles of legitimate beer from being marketed successfully in Germany, it later became a marketing ploy of the big Bavarian breweries to dominate better traditional breweries in the north
>and it banned very many styles of legitimate beer from being marketed successfully in Germany
>it later became a marketing ploy of the big Bavarian breweries to dominate better traditional breweries in the north
This is also false.
>I take a good lager over chocolate cherry pumpkin flavored bullshit any day
I'll take a good oatmeal stout, belgian stong ale, rye pale ale, lambic, or hefeweizen over a reinheitsgebot abiding german style lager any day

Even amongst beers that only use barley and hops, German style lager is uninspired and boring, pretty much never being preferable to a porter or IPA, or british style pale ale
Just look at what happened in nearby Belgium which did not have this regulation forced on them compared to Germany
Now Belgium is world renowned for making the best beer in Europe and Germany is not
Please post a study that proves belgian beer is better than german beer.
Look at any ranked beer list
t. has never drunk Einbecker Brauherren, Veltins, Jever, Gilde Ratskeller, a nice Kellerbier, Mönchshof Kellerbier, Flensburger or Kulmbacher

Or maybe your taste buds have just been ruined by the shitty murrican "food" you're forced to consume all your life?

yeah right, stay with your artificially flavored alcoholic soda pops, retard
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kys yourself
Plzeň and České Budějovice have always had an ethnic Czech majority and the breweries have been ran by Czechs.
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Oh look, another beer thread has turned into a nationalistic pissing contest.

Belgian beer is overrated is overrated as fuck. You want to play the beer connoisseur and don't know the the worst offender in pig disgusting mass produced swill, InBev AB, is Belgian after all?
pretty sure that is not a topic of academic study
What are you even talking about?
Belgian beer is certainly overrated, but it is still way the fuck better than reinheitsgebot compliant german beer

and while AB inbev is nominally incorporated in Belgium, it is a Brazilian run company, so kind of silly to act like thats what I was talking about
Please post a study that proves german beer is superior to american beer.
Any pumpkin beer that isn't a chore to drink?
I posted this in the last beer thread I think, but this is the best one I've tried, I think most pumpkin beer is at best mediocre, but this one is legitimately good
They were still part of germany m8
>culturally appropriating the works of greater peoples
I do not need to prove things that are obvious.

When people think of "what is germany famous for?" they will think of: Cars, Beer, and Football

When people think of "What is the US famous for?"they will think: "Wars, Google and New York."

"American Beer Culture" is a regional thing, German Beer Culture is global. Try to get one of your "MUH MICRO BREWS" outside the US, and you will know it to be true (>implying you've ever traveled abroad, ignorant murricunt )
Literally none of that shows that German beer is better than American beer
It does. Else, other peoples would have acknowleged your cultural achievements. But as it is, they haven't. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Germany is know for drinking beer, not making good beer
What are your top 5 german beers and top 5 non german beers?

Have you ever even tried a good foreign beer?
>When people think of "what is germany famous for?" they will think of: Nazis, Dead Jews, and BMW
fix'd that for you
>Makes you think, doesn't it?

It certainly doesn't you smug yuropoor faggot. Great beer is brewed everywhere. The reason European countries are so associated with beer is because of the history and origins of the beverage
>When people think of "what is germany famous for?" they will think of: Cars, Beer, and Football
No, they think sausage, drinking shit lager and Hitler.

but mostly Hitler
>prove things that are obvious

Idk, you've proven you're obviously an imbecile in this thread.
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I would rather have another "all IPAs are shit" poster than this tripfag. jesus fucking christ

on a more positive note - Jester King killing it like usual
why not just call it BEER, it's not like that means anything
Favorite sours?

>Bierra Del Borgo
>House of Fermentation

Been craving a good sour
farmhouse refers to the yeast/souring bacteria. rye is pretty self explanatory but kinda undetectable I guess. It had a nice tart and bitter taste so I'd say "farmhouse IPA" is a good descriptor
Cantillon for sure as well as the other lambics (3 Fonteinen, Hanssens, Tilquin etc). Crooked Stave is probably my favorite US sour brewery. Rodenbach Grand Cru and Duchesse de Bourgogne are great Belgian classics
I haven't seen it yet in MD. That being said I'm going to see if it's in today
>Polish American Original Coca-Cola
How's the serendipity? It's the only one I haven't tried yet
>ruined by the shitty murrican "food" you're forced to consume all your life?
Another ignorant obstinate yurop idiocy.
America is the pinnacle of the food industry for at least 10 years now.

Germany has made such amazing... sausage and sauerkraut yay?

America has NYC and Houston and LA. The fucking MECCAS of food. Germany has hot dogs lol.
Thy were trying not to piss off the euros by calling it a lambic, even though it is a lambic and an excellent one at that
Serendipity is just as good I would say
This is some top tier falseflagging reverse shitposting right here. I am American and you made me hate Americans.
>I do not need to prove things that are obvious.
That's the thing you need to prove most of all actually. The emperor has no clothes afterall. And in this case, Germany has been making piss water for centuries.

>When people think of "what is germany famous for?" they will think of: nazis, drinking lots of cheap shitty beer, and angry accents

When people think of "What is the US famous for?"they will think: Top of their field in everything, no one even comes close.
Those are all just random ass mediocre beers
The typical American has access to a amazingly wide variety of great food, better than anywhere else in the world if they live in a city of more than 200,000 or so. Not all of them take advantage though
you shold probably look up the term false flag then, and also recognize that germany eats absolute shit for food while america is seeing a rennaissance of culinary delight unmatched by anything in history.

tldr: go outside
I'll snag it next time I'm in wisconsin. I liked the raspberry better than the cherry desu.
>America is the pinnacle of the food industry for at least 10 years now.

Not even you believe this.
I liked the cherry more, but I just generally like cherry more than raspberry

They also have cranberry lambic they release in 4 packs that is excellent, it was a late summer release but probably still some floating around
I'm sorry you've never left your hometown, truly.
Its just like beer, America has a lot of cheap shitty stuff, but also the best stuff
Desperately want to trey New Glarus sours
Also I was just looking at New Glarus's release schedule and the have something called Spotted Cow Grand Cru debuting next month which sounds pretty interesting, pretty much all of their limited release 4 pack stuff is must try
I had that cranberry lambic and it was great. I also really liked their smoke on the porter. I'll head over to hudson in a month to find that grand cru though, thanks for the heads up brah.
>smoke on the porter.
I haven't tried a lot of smoked beers, probably only 5-10, but this was by far my favorite, I think its the only one I ever went back and bought more of
t. has never tasted any of them
Have you ever even tried something higher than mass produced german lager tier?
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>lack of quantity means quality

Spoken like a true hipster. By your logic, a beer that gets brewed at like 1 drop per century would be the most exquisite tasting product ever.

I'm drinking Gilde Ratskeller from my Warsteiner mug right now. Pretty good. Love the hoppiness of it.
You are jumping to a lot of conclusions from minimal info
how much time do you spend on this site? it's like you've completely lost any and all ability to argue or interpret information like a functional person
So what American beer have you even tried?

It kind of sucks that most German's first taste of legitimate American beer will be Stone, cause they aren't particularly good
is that american football lol

When will the meme die.
>ever drinking AB Inbev brands
you are what is wrong with euro beer drinkers
>something higher than mass produced german lager

Implies that "mass produced" beer is bad per se. Which, naturally, is not true. There are a whole lot of tasty mass-produced beers from breweries that produce over 250k Hectoliters per year. Might not be in murrica, admittedly, but murrica is luckily not the whole world.


Ordered some from here. But the price wasn't worth it. I can get better beers at my local supermarket for 1,20€ / Liter
Gilde has been sold to a different group last year, my dear beer hipster. But even before, nothing changed about the recipe. I've been drinking Gilde since 1995, as it's my local brand. Can't go wrong with it.

Yes lol I'm watching it on DAZN. because nothing else is on hehe
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Who else /comfy/ here?
Most mass produced beer is relatively bad, this in no way implies that all non-mass produced beer is good, thats a wild jump on your part
>But the price wasn't worth it. I can get better beers at my local supermarket
I can't be the judge of what is worth the cost, but don't be so sure that what is at your local store is better

I briefly glanced at what is available to you on that site, and its a pretty small selection, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Founders Mosaic Promise from it though
>Mosaic Promise

My God, that was a tasty brew. Super refreshing. You have good taste.
Valuing "non-mass produced" beer higher than "mass produced" is a classic reversal of an argumentum ad populum, Many tasty things are mass-produced. Like... bread. Or eggs. Or water. Or sour cream potato chips.
>sour cream potato chips are tasty

Now I know you're shitposting.
There is a very strong trend in the brewing industry for mass produced stuff to be pretty shit, both in America and Europe. In America at least the vast majority of smaller and mid sized breweries are pretty fucking good. I don't know if the trend hold true in Germany as all of the German beer I have tried has been mass produced

In America, this is caused by the dramatically different market pressures acting on large vs small brewers. Mass produced beer is designed to be cheap and low in calories (which only comes at the expense of flavor as far as beer is concerned), most smaller ones focus primarily on flavor and luckily don't give a shit about calories leading to much better flavor profiles and higher ABV. As far as I know local craft breweries are hardly even a thing in Germany which is mostly dominated by mid sized breweries mostly just making a couple lighter lagers
>There is a very strong trend in the brewing industry for mass produced stuff to be pretty shit, both in America and Europe.
Just go to the store and look at what the big guys are selling, especially compared to whats available from smaller American breweries

You guys are just used to shit so you can't see it, but start drinking some good stuff and it will become pretty obvious
>Just go to the store and look at what the big guys are selling,
Good beer. Anything here is drinkable, really. Except for cheapo Öttinger and the like.

>especially compared to whats available from smaller American breweries
N/A at stores
>Yes lol I'm watching it on DAZN. because nothing else is on hehe
I don't believe for a second anyone chooses to watch Houston vs Indianapolis because 'nothing else is on hehe'.
So which are you from, Houston, or Indianapolis?
Wow valuing "non-inexpensive" beer higher than "inexpensive" is a classic reversal of an argumentum ad populum, Many tasty things are inexpensive. Like... bread. Or eggs. Or water. Or sour cream potato chips.
It's actually not. It's a simple price-quality equation: Cheap beer is produced cheaper. There are of course situations where you only can settle for it, because no money, and then it's good for the price.
When you have more cash, you will of course settle for more expensive things. Just like you'd go to a 30€ ukrainian street whore when down and out, but would rent a 100€ gf-sex experience with more cash when you got a lot to spare.


I dont even know where to start with that filename.
>that filename

>It's actually not. It's a simple price-quality equation: Cheap beer is produced cheaper.
Wrong. A company is not legally bound to correlate its pricing with its costing in any way. Many shitty beers end up being expensive to buy and many excellent beers are very affordable.

Selling price =/= production value
>Selling price =/= production value
That's... exactly... what I just said.
Are you drunk?
>Anything here is drinkable
I have a much higher standard to qualify as good beer than being drinkable
Shitty beer can be expensive to produce, just as much as it can be cheap to produce.
The step of selling it to the consumer is unrelated to that, since the costs of marketing and all might get added, or there might be a discount because the company goes out of business.
>Shitty beer can be expensive to produce
Sounds like a pretty terrible business model

I am sure it happens on some very small time scales, but such a thing would never sustain itself
>t. yuropeeyan

>world class ipa
>disgusting unfiltered yeast mud in a glass

pick one
How about this game tho
Most good IPA has some haze, but those 2 are pretty crazy
>muh crystal-clear west coast pine bomb
U give me those 2 choices what's the catch or I'm picking the classy ipa
Some cloudiness might be hop oil, although in OP's case it's probably mostly yeast. But if you make hop extract by soaking hops in vodka (in a French press coffee maker is a good method), and then dilute the hop extract, it turns cloudy like ouzo does.
>Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

man, I love that shit. Was my go to while it was out. Should of stockpiled some, but eh.
There existed several fruit beers in the north that were killed off when autistic Bavarians insisted that their beer laws apply nationally as a condition of federation.
What do hefeweizens taste like?
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