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Winter Ball thread

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Who are we taking to the Winter Ball? /fit/ or /fa/?

Booru: http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/index.php?q=/post/list
Both of them are trash. We should ask out /u/. W-we could be kawaii and hold hands
beginning the thread with ouji /cgl/-tan, how can we NOT go kabedon /u/?
Lewd, but I like it.
we tried going with /u/ once. /u/ couldn't decide on time and we ended up going alone.
Let's go with /fit/ like we used to do.
Isn't /u/ lezzing it up with [s4s] and /c/?
/fa/oniichan is the only correct answer
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/u/ here.

There hasn't been a thread or any discussion about the ball yet. Just a drawfag who drew a picture of /u/ helping make a dress for their imouto /c/.

It was a mess to be sure. But in fairness, last year you asked /u/ and then let your brocon tendencies overwhelm you and went with /fa/ instead.
I've always wanted to ask out /tg/, because of the larp crossover, but if it has to be /fit/ or /fa/ I vote /fa/.
Post top 5 handsome board-tans
Does /fit/ even have a board-tan?
I want to go with /fa/ again. We had a lot of good drawfags and that one writerfag make good content last winterball which was fun.
Xth for /fa/
I say we do it. The majority of /cgl/ is bi or les to begin with so why not?
Anyone have a picture of the board-tans?
Yes, how new are you?

I'm with you on this one. /tg/ gets my vote.

I will go 110% and draw more ouji cgl tan and u tan if it means we go with /u/.
another /tg/ supporter here. they're really chill.

/tg/ gets my vote too, larp/tabletop cross over.
Looks like /tg/ is going with /d/, /vp/, /x/ and some others to have an orgy.
/fa/ needs our help to not look like a complete creep
I vote /fa/
Fit or pol pls
/fa/ onii-chan again. We already have a crazy amount of cute art from last year. I can't get enough.
and the line and discord were fun too
>literally even mentioning /pol/ in /cgl/ in a positive context

Look, I for one don't want to see /cgl/-tan get lynched
Maybe we can join in on the orgy after the ball?
No time to draw, but I'm all over that.
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first for /k/
/k/ + army/camo coord? Interesting if someone can pull that off.
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Meta's got you covered.
Too much camo, but at least seems well done in respect to building.
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>trigger discipline
That would actually be cool
Let's go nuts and ask /ic/ out for the good drawanons
I came from /ic/, that's a bad maymay.
artist votes count for 4 regular votes

make /cgl/ x /u/ happen
yes please senpai
like half of cgl is secretly lesbo anyway
Please no.
Cgl really has went full tumblr
>full tumblr
You do realize we've had multiple polls where seagull majority is bi/les so why the fuck not? It's no more cringe worthy than even discussing going with /fit/ who regularly shits up the board.
yes omg let's go with /u/ that shit would be too cute
But /u/ doesn't have many drawfriends and they never seem that active in the Winter Balls
We're going with /i/.
If we go with /i/ we should bring /ic/ along.
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/fit/ here

I am shocked.
Girls rather go out with faggots and losers.

I am lifting for nothing.
I am nothing.

Bye world
>implying lesbian is a tumblr thing
theyre all ""pansexual"" straight girls anon
I mean, if you're a chick who lifts looks like you have a chance...

also new anon checking in, and I vote /u/ as well. we're all gay as fuck here anyway, might as well admit it.
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>mfw no /fit/ bf
I wanna go with /k/! I think that would be a cute pairing. Lolita and milsurp.
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ill be ur bf :(

pic related me
Yeah, pretty much man. If you're lifting for girls and not because it makes you feel good you're lifting for all the wrong reasons.

If we're being honest I like skinny dudes. Muscles aren't nice to cuddle
lol lifting for girls is the only logical thing to do

>muscles arent nice to cuddle
muscles are soft and chubby if you dont flex them, jeez.
do you think we are walking around and constantly flexing our entire body in the meantime?
fkn lmao
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so pic related is ugly and you wouldnt give him the time of the day?

>inb4 yes

fatty detected
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what kind of girls do /fit/ bois like?
not anon you're replying to but i am a skellington and prefer tired-looking skellington men. people are allowed to dislike hulking muscles

your pic also has a weird middleschooler face on an adult muscle-bod and that's offputting as hell
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This guy looks like the jocks that do triple takes at me when they're walking around with their gfs lmao. I'd say he's a 5/10 tops

Also lmao I'm skeletal and have a 22 in waist dude
Exactly, haha. Most really skinny chicks I know seem to either be into skinny dudes or fat dudes.

Getting fit is mostly just for guys with no self esteem and/or tiny dicks to feel better about themselves. Most girls either don't care or don't like crazy muscles. Also, /fit/ fucks spend a shit load of time working out, and talking about working out, which is massively boring. I'll keep my skinny /fa/ggot.
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Do you guys have any ideas for /u/'s coord? And also, should I change /cgl/'s? If so I need two ideas for them.
>spend a shit load of time working out
>a week has 168 hours
>3 hours of that are for lifting

yes, we are fanatics
/fit/ is too sensitive

we're going with /u/ or /fa/

sorry drawanon, but it's tough to tell what's goin on with /cgl/'s coord. are we supposed to be in ouji? i'm personally not a big fan of that and would prefer both of us to be feminine frillies

but i'm just a hyper-feminine yurifag
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/u/ are two! maybe one in a Cherish My Juicy Cherry type of coord and the other in cosplay from Utena or something else fashionable ?

>pic related, one of the newerish tan lineups
and yet you're not including the time you spend talking about working out and talking about your lame ass protein shakes and pre-workouts

sorry but /fit/ness is only interesting to other /fit/fucks. you guys don't even have any interesting dramu, you're just a bunch of sensitive sadbois with too many feels
If you say it enough it might come true anon. But until then you're just a bitch.
>i'm personally not a big fan of that and would prefer both of us to be feminine frillies
ouji can be feminine and frilly and as a survivor of The Great Kabedon Craze of 2015 it is usually lesbian as hell
It's OP's coord.
A bunch of people liked it so I'll go with ouji.
I'll probably design a coord of my own for them, but I take sugestions.

Okay, got it. Thanks!
you do you, art anon. other anons will draw other coords if they like.

also as a reminder: we went with /fa/ last time because of all the fresh OC that blossomed between the boards. if you want to go with a particular board, gulls, bring them content.
Haha, did I hit a nerve?
/k/ is going with /an/ like every year, they are married.
Not really, no. I partake in physical fitness, for fitness' sake. I can attract women with or without being a muscle man.

I just find it interesting that people always try to devalue what they don't have.

i talk about fitness with other fit people, just like how you talk about cgl with other cgl people.
from an anon not involved in this discussion yet: it is not devaluing what they do not have, it is an attempt to repel thirsty /fit/ lads who regularly come into this board and ask why we do not want them.

also if you post cool NEW board-tan winterball art you will go a long way toward winning people over as a date to the ball.
itt. triggered fatties who are mad that the jock in highschool laughed at them

brb, getting blown by two women hotter than you disgusting landwhales
how about you talk about the Winter Ball

is dancing part of your fitness repetoire? /cgl/ loves using weeby dance workouts for cardio and sometimes we join dance teams and do synchronized Jpop Idol Mimicry
>calling other people triggered when they're this triggered

top kek, stay salty
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>two women hotter than you disgusting landwhales
as if u-tan would ever be so lewd with a man

umad i just jizzed down the throat of a solid 10/10 while you masturbate to your disgusting aneki-ken dolls?

brb fucking two women at once with my monster dong

too bad you'll never even get to see it, but your mother sure did ; )
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We should go with /fa/ again. It is was fun and we got a lot of art from both sides.
I don't think that has anything to do with his comment at all, but whatever.

It's not an uncommon thing for people to devalue whatever they don't have. I've noticed this is especially true for fitness. People too lazy to get in shape come up with reasons they don't need to, without ever understanding nobody really needs to be fit anymore (most people work at a desk and sit around), it's just that some people enjoy being capable at physical activity.

A guy whose in shape doesn't really give a shit if another guy is really small, or fat. He might make a few comments but deep down there's not much going on but a general sense of apathy.
>winky face
>being this new
>being this mad

Grade A salt


SHUT THE FUCK UP IM NOT TRIGGERED FUCKING NEET FATTY SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quit being dykes, I like the /k/ idea or /fit/
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and they are not as autistic as /fit/ is being.

alternate: /biz/ because i feel like they would get so frustrated in a big-sister way with our Artist Alleys and our Etsy shops and shit
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in that post >>9253191, i mean that the gulls in this thread are putting down musclemen because /fit/posters have a history of unreciprocated thirst with this board.

"/fit/ here" is a space on this newfag bingo because /fit/ keeps hounding us and posting dumb shit while talking up their bodies. it gets old, famalam.
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>"/fit/ here" is a space on this newfag bingo
sorry, i was thinking of the /cgl/ Against Humanity card (pic related). on the Bingo it is "Hello from /fit/."
this has to be some other board trying to make /fit/ look shit

but it's not like /fit/ needs any help with that
Why does nobody ever draw /k/ the way /k/ draws their board tan? It's like they just assume we don't have a real board tan and bullshit one. I don't have any pictures on my phone but our board tan is a little nicer looking than that
so is ours, sometimes.

but we are all of us at the mercy of Anonymous's memory and skill.
Honestly, isn't this chart like 3 years old?
/fit/ has barely any cross-board posting
/fit/ is literally the best board here
t. not a fitizen ;)
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I had a pic related to that
1, maybe 2 years
Hello?? /pol/ mentioned ITT in this thread???

Sorry ladies but we're going with /o/ this year.

Best regards.
do you have HD-chan's russian rifle coord saved by chance?
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nope sorry anon

/a/ here, biscuit is actually a pretty valid answer
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do it to make friends

I'd actually say it's the seagull backlash that stopped the shitposting, really. Anyway, some of us have been here longer than 3 years and can remember all the stupid shitposting that went down before seagull backlash made it obvious they weren't welcome here.

As for devaluing what they don't have, it's not that either. /fit/'s ideal body type seems to be some dude zyzz (rip, sorry). Meanwhile most of cgl is trying to tell you they prefer Yuzuru Hanyu's body type -- athletic, but really skinny, beautiful, and the boy has got moves. It's not a case of not being fit, not having muscles or not having a muscular bf, we just don't like the type of bodies /fit/ seems to insist we should. Just look at >>9253137 implying we're supposed to fall over for this useless musclehead, meanwhile I just want to look at a beautiful skinny boy dance on ice like he's a god and the laws of gravity don't apply. I don't know why it's so hard to understand that people like different body types, and /fit/'s ideal body type is so narrow and one-sided, it just isn't what most seagulls like.

polita sage for not being winter ball-related.
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onii-chan is the only answer
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I'll go wit /fa/ anyday
I really like this artist, more?
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for the cosplay side of /cgl/
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/cglbiz/ sounds like a good way to pair two female boards and piss of most of the rest of the site.
/fit/ here.

We've decided to ask /lit/ to the ball instead. We don't need bullies like you in our lives.
Lately /fa/ has upped military clothes/shoes posts and has had a growing anti-Japanese sentiment, mis-calling all asians 'gooks'. Even their thinspo thread and girls thread have been meh.

I vote /fit/ this year. They have been pretty good at deleting rabid incel threads and answer girl workout questions much better now too.
Live a little. Wear tarot coord and go with /x/.
seconding /cgl/ and /x/ holy shit. it's something new and fun and we can style her to be a cute gothic lolita.
I vote /fa/, the art is so cute
/fa/ or /fit/ please, either one works.
u isn't on the list - did they get taken?
Where's /u/?
Woops. let me fix this
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Final poll.
/fit/ is confirmed going with /lit/
>/fit/ is confirmed going with /lit/

i did not know /lit/ played these games, have never seen art of their tan interacting with others
/biz/ are literally clueless regarding everything except bitcoin
There's no confirmation, there was one /lit/ anon who joined a /fit/ thread, but their own thread was deleted and nobody was really certain.
I don't know why I'm so invested in this
>tfw cracked an intervertebral disc and busted 4 joints of my spine, and can't even lift for months
see >>>/fit/39398718

/flit/ this year.
Never mind, turns out the 3 people at /lit/ seem ok with this
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>tfw no qt cosplay gf
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Fuck off sluts, /lit/ has already agreed to going with us.

Play your cards right next time and you might get lucky
I say we go with /u/ there a pretty cute board and they'd go with us
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/fa/ last year was really nice but let's go for some new OC.
I'd agree to /k/ (since their lolita-gunposting here is kind of cute) or /u/ for ouji cgl.
be my bf plz
TIL there are lolis in okcupid
/fa/ is winning.
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Its been brought to my attention that /u/ is actually two people.... fuck
That'd be extra gay. I almost made the same mistake as you, but people pointed out on the rough sketch.
>Tfw /ic/ is thinking of asking /fa/ to the ball
>Tfw we finally are free from our oni-chan
>Tfw we now have two partners
I like it this way, plus I kinda ship /ic/ with /fa/ since they are grumpy and all.
We should ask /u/ now, before they are deciding on somebody else like last year.
With /fit/ and most likely /fa/ gone we should hurry.
ahhh can we show them or is it not lewd enough to post on a porn/doujin board?

i love it either way anon
/u/ isn't really a porn board. It's NSFW but 90% of the content is SFW/discussion.
Looks like /u/ is inclined to go with /cgl/.
Someone just has to make the first step.
do you think they would accept waifu cosplay offers?
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/fa/ ignores us, /u/ is the only one considering us. The only one for us. It's happening.

/fa/ may have won the popular vote but drawfags are the electoral college and /fa/ isn't even around.
Even better. Ouji cgl has enough swag for two.
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I broke the tie. /u/ forever date.
yes! Also I'm taking suggestions for more /u/ /cgl/ art!
/fa/ here, we luv you
/cgl/ needs to apologize to the /u/-tan(s). i read their thread and felt guilty. they've gone alone to the ball because of /cgl/ yanking their chain then dropping it for /fa/.

we need to make this right, gulls. we cannot ignore the homolust any longer.

besides, incest is so last year.
Couple cosplay?

Also general note, since we're pretty evenly split between /fa/ and /u/ I told them that we do technically have two boardtans with the cosplay and lolita sides so in worst case... lolita side goes with /fa/ and cosplay side goes with /u/? What do you all think?
that's just cheating
Don't feel too bad. A similar thing happened the year before but in reverse, where /u/ was more interested in /c/ and /cgl/ ended up sort of coming along but mostly going alone.
So? I'd rather cheat than have the usual /fa/ shippers get us into yet another year of the same thing. I enjoyed the art but it would be nice to go with someone else for a change.
this, fuck them both
Besides, the art this year would be quite interesting since it's /cgl/ with /u/
no sign of new /fagl/ OC, though...
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imagine a double date with the /cgl/ and /u/ tanz. so fucking adorable.
/fit/ decided you're way too loud and the novelty of it has worn off. Maybe a qt with some patience and depth would be good for us.
good luck!

pro tip: carry her books for her. those fuckers are heavy and she is smol.
t-thanks, you too
Seriously, yuri schoolgirl art with /cgl/ and /u/ when? We could dokidoki our hearts out going on a nanchatte date.

>/cgl/ would wear the shortest of skirts and loose socks

also: /u/ has given a "soft yes" and is 4 points ahead in the poll.

it will be the prettiest pairing/tripling/quadling ever.
We're finally going with /u/! YAY!
We just need an awesome artist to make us a "Date please?" art to win them over.
>carry her books for her
I have been training my entire life for this moment! Good luck with /u/ and all, don't have too much "fun" without us!
/pol/ usually goes with /lgbt/, and /k/ is married to /an/.
>tfw we bullied /fit/ to the point of disinterest in us, /fa/ ignores us and we're now stuck with /u/

Why couldn't we have just been nicer and stuck with a cute /fit/ bf? What's wrong with us?
I feel your pain, anon.
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>not embracing the purest form of love
What's wrong with you?
/u/ is pure and the best thing that'll ever happen to us. We get an ouji and a crossplayer for our filthiest fantasies.
Also, what coord/cosplay will our tans wear?

>cute /fit/ bf
The only thing they do on this board is shitposting. Just look at this thread. They'd be a terrible choice.
This is why you're single and on /cgl/
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>tfw we bullied /fit/ to the point of disinterest
be fair now, they hounded /cgl/ for a while and are not a female-friendly board

maybe in a year or so, things will have mellowed at

>Why couldn't we have just been nicer
because /cgl/ loves drama 2bh
i think i really want to cosplay OP's ouji /cgl/-tan, y'all. actually really happy that /cgl/-tan finally reflects my style for once
This 2bh, they want to be cringey faggots clearly
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come on, why can't we have fa again
we have so much overlap with the different styles and their rick whateverthefuck dude style looks like futuristic ouji of some sort

fit is just retarded, the only people who have been shitting up this thread are fit
>that 'listen little baby' guy

God, my sides.
Well it's a good thing we're not going with /fit/ and we've gone with /fa/ way too much.

Cosplay has to be something /u/ appropriate and I'm loving the ouji look for Lolita-tan.
same which is probably why i have pushed for /u/

Rick Owens is nothing like ouji senpai what tf are you smoking

and yeah the art was god-tier last year but change is nice, and as /cgl/ would say, it was just time to

>dump him
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what about Nana?

it's jfash. it's yuribait if not actual romance.

in any case, cos-tan cosplaying with one u-tan while egl-tan dresses up and kabedons the other u-tan would be glory
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Nana or Kamikaze Girls. I'd kill for some /u/+/cgl/ art with Kamikaze Girls since in the manga there is romantic attraction between them in the end.
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okay ouji's the wrong word. it just complements a lot of our styles incredibly well
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>Kamikaze Girls
Hell yes
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/fa/ is the best choice. We can do matching coords again.
For fucks sakes we've gone with /fa/ 2-3 times already and we're already coordinating with /u/ so we're not backing out on /u/ again.
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>i wouldn't wear you if you were the last fit on earth
kek everytime
anon.... the third?
it is gothic/street fash. i think aristocrat draws from high fashion more than ouji does, though--Moitie has always favored swishy fabrics and sleek, androgynous silhouettes for EGA.
>Back off, you simple carb

the dynamic between these three i swear to god
the anon who drew that last year never finished it, sadly.

Absolutely not, with fa it's all superficial. So done. We could have something real with u this year
But then the question is, how does /cgl/ feel about going with a red board? Even if yuu largely sfw
I'm fine with it, and it seems plenty of other gulls are too.
But which twin is more fine with it? Egl or Cos? Sounds like Cos.
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Definitely Cos. EGL would make tsun comments about "Don't you even try to get under my frills" or "Don't sully my burando" while Cos has lingerie like pic related all ready for any possible NSFW action.
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If we go with /u/ we can have yuri lewds with not only two but three girls. Our incest needs are covered as well as the /u/ twins are VERY close.
Go with /u/
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/fit/ tripfag here, saw post mentioning this while lurking. I like physically fit women, currentgf lifts with me and went from 5"5' 150 to 125, and her butt got huge from squats and leg presses.

Besides that, a homely face and ginger hair is my personal preference. Ginger hair gets me really good desu, but physical fitness and a dedication to being aesthetic is a high priority for me.

I like all kinds of women though, I don't really discriminate too badly and I'll be friendly and talk to anyone, even people I'm not sexually interested in.
Why /tg/ and /cgl/ never went, I'll never know. I do both, my girlfriend do both, most of our friend groups are into both as hobbies as well. Roleplaying and cosplaying go hand in hand.

Also; /tg/ has disposable income.
You're gonna have to fight /an/ for that one, and /an/ is a crazy bitch.
Can someone explain to me why this is a thing? I'm completely serious
Board Culture and roleplay communities have been a thing on here since shortly after 4chan started. 4chan House was a community organized project that aggregated quite a bit of OC. Generally; It's a good way to weigh in on board meta/site meta at a predetermined time, rather than just a constant shitshow.

Essentially; It's a general thread for meta bullshit, and quit being such a faggot, have some fun with it.
Can we just ask /u/ out already? They are winning anyways and /fa/ isn't putting in any effort
Didn't we already ask them out?
There's an invitation from us in their thread.
Really? My bad
Good on us for finally doing the asking though.
I thought we already had? Seagulls are on /u/'s winter ball topic hashing over coord ideas and art already.

If someone needs to make it official then fine:

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>Tfw /fit/'s just gonna take ourselves out. Probably sip a protein shake and maybe do a line of coke in the bathroom while half of us bitch about Tfw no gf, 25% make out with each other in a stall, and the other 25% whack one thinking of zyzz before we walk off and go home, maybe stopping at the gym before we go.
I thought you were going with /lit/?
How do the /cgl/-twins feel about photographers?
Cos = total camwhore and will pose the moment a camera's pointed her way. Will go psycho on you if she thinks you're upskirting her though.

EGL = will likely flip you off or spit on you if you try to take candid street snaps but will pose like a princess if you've got a good camera and compliment her coord.
Aw yay we're going with /u/? cute
Don't be sad, /lit/-tan is qt too. Just don't ruin it this time.
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/lit/ is pretty cute. No doubt about it.
/pol/ here
we have a lot of trash who hate anime but they'll leave now that the election is over
we already asked /o/ though

I'd ship /pogl/
/lit/ needs /cgl/'s help finding a dress for this ball.
>who hate anime
and cosplay
Who would Cos go with? Lily or Shizuka?
Would Egl go with the other twin?
i don't know them too well, but drawfriend drew Egl with the short-haired one.
I had to check who was who real quick but:

Lily would go with EGL, they're both want to be proper young ladies (but EGL is bitter and salty as fuck at being outdone) and would compliment each other and be the ultimate pair.

Shizuka and Cos would be good together because "You're totally like my sports animes!" or something similarly weeaboo. If Shizuka is into art as well, they could bond over that since Cos includes our Artist Alley/crafts.
>not Cos and Lily for Prince/Princess play
>not Shizuka and Egl for deliquent and tsun
Egl would be salty no matter who she's paired with.
Aah, I didn't know much about their personalities. I just went over the wiki real quick for their interests and I'd just love to see Lily and EGL have a battle of wits as Lily tries to seduce her and EGL goes tsun about how only the worst heathens have sex in burando and Lily's not getting into her bloomers.
Well not like that still couldn't happen. I just got the feeling Cos' honeymoon phase would be focused on Lily.
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All I ever wanted in life!
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Shizuka and Cos
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How did this cosplay not even cross our minds?
speak for yourself
Someone who wanted /tg/ earlier- if /tg/ is a no go, I'm totally on board for /u/.

I'm on the EGL side- I'd want Shizuka in an Ouji coord personally.
So dumb question but what's Ouji?
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We already agreed to go with /u/.

Male 'prince' fashion, it goes hand-in-hand with lolita.
but one of those is a boy
/tg/'s going with /vp/
I too like to lie to myself about reality.
>/pol/ usually goes with /lgbt/
Maybe in your perverted dreams /lgbt/. So far, /pol/ has gone with /x/, /c/ and this year /o/.
Look in the archives, the artist drew the one with the itabag as a trap

Yeah, I worded that poorly. I was expressing enthusiasm for going with /u/. Sorry!
pol hates girls and loves traps and trannies, right?
>pol hates girls and loves traps and trannies, right?
that's just the /lgbt/ crossboarders
Absolutely haram.
It's too late, they're girls now. It was always too late
Does this mean I have to kiss girls now? I don't think I'd like it
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/o/tist here, hi bby
Did /m/ already decided who there taking. They still have no thread. As far as i know o and pol are together and probably u and cgl
/tg/, /vp/, and /his/ are going as a group
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>bitching about faggots and losers
>being someone who spends an unholy amount of time trying yo look like one of those disgusting genetically modified muscle cows
>complaining to /cgl/ about it
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I'll never understand straight girls.
>no one even considering going with /x/-tan
fuck yall
/v/ is considering it. I think /tg/'s group is also considering it if /v/ doesn't.
the striped socks are mega cringeworthy, sorry

we don't trust x-tan's fashion sense
That's a hilarious combination
You're going with /fit/, right? Then something Kim Kartrashian would wear in order to show that you are 'high test'. Better pad your butt and boobs too if they aren't hyuuuuge.
Bread is how we derail "how does a female get fit" threads. It's better than tits or gtfo, imo.
Nobody honestly gives much of a shit about it, we just google brands of breads and talk about macros and talk shit about other brands.

It's like asking /cgl/ if anybody knows any good conventions coming up. It's general as fuck, and there's no reason why they shouldn't read the sticky. It explains the basis of energy deficits and weight loss in a far more succinct way than /fit/zens at random hours ever could.

So.... one of them is genderfluid? Kinda fits in with the huge tumblrbase we've got lurking in here pretending they aren't lurking tumblr.
Too late, they're both girls. None of that tumblr shit.
nobody here likes you, go away

I'm pretty sure that based on surveys both in cgl and outside, the genderfluids group stays away from us because muh bullying. cof and rc are really the only places where they trust to get enough asspats to make posting worth it.
both tans are females anyway and you're wrong
No, one's a boy and he's a trap.
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This damn business finally being finalized between /cgl/ and /u/ along with the art got me inspired to try writing something. Basically it's /cgl/ inviting /u/. It just involves Egl and Cos going to /u/'s abode. I am also so very sorry if I botched something up regarding Egl and Cos. [spoiler]orz[/spoiler]

This is kind of meta, but has anyone here ever actually cosplayed one of the board-tans? I'm thinking of maybe doing /pol/'s Gen 3 tan for an upcoming con, and I was wondering if anyone had any sources of prior attempts. Not just /pol/, any board-tan works. I'm just trying to get inspiration.
Check this http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/index.php?q=/post/list/cosplay/1 for some examples. /x/-tan is usually the better ones though I think there's a decent /e/-tan cosplay some where.

It's a joke. I forgot to add kek to the end of my comment.


Girl today, boy yesterday, trap tomorrow, crossdress day after, depending on the mood of the artist anons, etc etc...
/u/ is two people, why are we cucking their other half instead of going full harem?
/u/ /cgl/ double-date! /u/ /cgl/ double-date!
i think Shizuka and Cos are going together and Lily and Egl are going together
From what I've seen lurking, it's an occasion to break out the twins and /cgl/ seems rather set on a grouping like >>9254770. Pretty sure /u/ doesn't care.
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why the fuck is cgl clueless-tier weak in mind and body in all of these pairings with /fa/?

>break out the twins
of course /u/ wouldn't care.

anyway, I'm thrilled about the outcome this year. /u/ is my bern and dreams came true
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/fa/ is going with /mu/ this year
Why's he got a cardboard for a face? How much was it?
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it's a reference to this album cover
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>the outcome this year.
I just hope we get more material involving them. So rare to have twin art though it's understandable why.
I think /u/ is a perfect idea for this year.

Next year we need to ask /b/ because that'd be historic
All my yes for /u/.
Since lots of gulls (including me) are gay as fuck. /fit/ is boring and /fa/ too.
Why don't we get as much board tans comics as we used to? It was so funny
Don't knock it till you try it, hon.

Straight people are an enigma
Has /u/ accepted us? It'll be the cutest year if we go to the ball with these cuties
gross and cringeworthy
/u/ has definitely accepted us since artists from both boards are swapping -tan information to make stuff and art is already coming out and there's already a story from >>9254691
>“Fucken goddamn hell. Damn grass, damn trees, fucken flowers. Damn sap ruining my coords”
Sounds about right.
I tried
can we have less /fa/ x /cgl/ shipping and more gay /cgl/ & gay /fa/ annoying the shit out of each other in the most tsun of ways? it's far more accurate desu

>board with statistically all the gay girls goes with /u/
Well canonly they're siblings so most of the art made is of /cgl/ annoying /fa/ in some way or /fa/ messing with /cgl/ for his own amusement.

I do ship the everloving fuck out of /fit/+/fa/ though.
>/cgl/ and /fa/ are siblings
huh, I never knew that, but I like it.
Love u <3
I'm not entirely sure if they're actual siblings or have a sibling relationship but /fa/ is generally regarded as /cgl/'s older brother and thinks she's a gigantic weeb and poorly dressed.
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Sorry for the shitty art, but I had this idea and had to doodle it at least. From what I read in the wiki it's obvious that we should convince /u/ to cosplay Puella Magi Madoka Magica with us.
the artists have left and the ones who stay are busy.

tho in general we get little new content these days. the fact that this board uses gifs instead of webms is a sign of its lack of content creators.

>tfw no HD visual kei webms

which makes the Ball all the more precious and the contributions even more dear.

cute and makes sense and please keep sharing your shitty art
Thanks anon!

get the salt out of your vag anon. this is why we don't get any contributions.

>but muh eyes need the bestest art
this isn't /ic/ we'll take what we can get, and our draw friends will improve with the practice
Which one is Gen 3 again?
>get the salt out of your vag anon. this is why we don't get any contributions.
not salty, sad. my comment to >>9255078 was genuine. i was advocating for artist votes to count for more earlier in the thread, since they are the ones who make these events exciting.
I am so sorry, I misread your comment. I thought it said "stop sharing your shitty art."

time to sleep...
y-you realise tumblr didn't invent gay people, right, anon?
If we end up going with /u/ would that mean any potential twin stuff has the chance to awaken incestuous homo lust between them?
nah. freddie mercury was a lie made up by the sjw's, anon.
Incest between the /u/ twins?

I'm pretty sure it already exists.
No no, incest between Cos and Egl
Have we got outfits planned? Do we know what /u/ will be wearing?
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Whatever /cgl/ wants us to wear.
Why do I have a feeling any incest between them would involve servicing the same partner and trying to outdo each other to see who was the best?
Seems likely, depends on how dirty they'll play to hinder their twin. Could also be in the form of something like Cosplay wanting to cosplay the Doll from BB. That outfit's pretty close to egl's territory right?
Funny fact, Black Butler's fancier musical outfits were designed and made by EGL brands so technically, Cos wearing one of them would actually mean wearing burando.
The scandal
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Another picture from a kind drawfag.
I'm not familiar with the series but it's cute none the less!
Satsuki and Nonon, though Lily's a bit too busty and matronly to be a pseudo loli.
The curse of being a natural born onee-sama.
Could've been Raygo, I'm sure /cgl/ loves some angry hateful sex.
Next time.
So I'm a little new to this Winter Ball business, but am interested in contributing some art. When is it?
/fit/ here. I just want to say never talk to us ever again.
It's more of a continuous event, although there is a day that eventually gets decided on where people listen to music and and hang out in discords and other stuff I don't know anything about.

Art and other content usually gets produced throughout.
Ok cool, when does it end? I won't have much free time until december
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Varies, but at least through the end of December I'd imagine,.
I heard mid december but no set date.
i would characterize /cgl/ incest as "self-posting," and imagine a sort of narcissism in the classical (literary) sense of the term. Narcissus gazing in the water, taking a selfie, and wishing to bone a clone of himself.

nobody loves and hates a gull more than herself.
i rate this post 10/10 stars
So angry and passionate sex where they try to one up each other?
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If /cgl/-tans were to go on a date, what would it be or include?
EGL would want to go somewhere nice like a tea parlor or cafe/bakery. Shopping would be a bonus and getting her date to try on brand.

Cos would want to go somewhere artsy DIY where you can make your own crafts. She'd go on a date just to browse craft stores or fabric districts if she could. She's a total weeb that want to go to a Japantown and eat Japanese food and browse anime shops for the latest merch for her itabag.
did we finally figure out how to get fit to leave us alone?
Maybe, if they wanna think they're the ones who left, why not let them. Then when they come back pissing and moaning we can shut the door in their face.
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goodness, that's quite the power
Very important question: who's better, Usagi or chibiusa?
Unless the subbed Chibiusa is more tolerable, Usagi. Chibiusa was always a disrespectful, irritating spoiled brat wh-- yeah alright, Chibiusa is totally /cgl/.
Shush up Minako.
Gotta factor in the height as well unless we're talking about dark chibiusa who's an adult.
Well /cgl/ is pretty short.
And dark moon chibi doesn't wear stuff EGL deigns acceptable.
can we please go with /k/
For the last time, we've already agreed to go with /u/ and /k/ is married.
black lady is /cgl/ in her dark /fa/ timeline
kek, I suppose that's fair. Besides I think Cos would be the only one willing to do black lady.
So if I'm getting this tan stuff right, Egl is more likely to buy her burandos than attempt to make them?
Handmade lolita usually comes out terrible. EGL would make her own accessories though.
And same for repairs or is Egl a "wear it once and then never again" type girl?
Egl can love something till she's buried in it or wear it once and then sell it the next day, either way brand will never damaged or stay that way on her watch
But how can she sell it with the "gently used" tag if she supposedly never worn it? Either thanks for the info.
not sure I get your joke? but it could be very common for her to buy things and never wear them at all. glad to help, esp if you are a new /u/ gf
I most likely used it in the wrong context. Egl would throw the gently used tag on an outfit that's likely trashed. I should also quit while I'm a head if this doesn't make sense.
or punish, or worship. as long as it's dramatic and self-involved.
well, she is usually drawn in pretend brand, seagull-themed, but whether that is handmade or not, who knows.
If nothing else, the worship bit could be useful if Egl ever noticed Cos-tan had a nice set of abs to lick and worship. Possibly even tongue Cos' navel.
Did anyone else just see /r9k/'s autistic meltdown?
What happened? Was it delicious or extremely pathetic?
it was just really, really sad

even for r9k standards
/qa/ is talking about it right now. Basically this
/pol/ handed /r9k/ a date with /int/ on a silver platter and even redesigned their board-tan and /r9k/ found a way to somehow screw that up.
>even redesigned their board-tan
Apparently they ditched the robot to go full wojack. Fucking terrible choice on their part.
I'd be nice to have a Winter Ball without needless drama from the larger boards.
Wasn't 15 kind of quiet since it was all forced into /qa/ though I would hardly call '15's successful or interesting since I can hardly remember it.
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Seems kinda fitting for /r9k/
I suppose the robot wasn't really fitting, since the board hasn't been about that for years.
How does Egl-tan feel about lingerie if it's classy and fitting? Only if it's their brand?
Oh yeah this is definitely /r9k/.
EGL loves classy lingerie. I have a feeling she'd be one of those ladies who dresses like the Golden Age of Hollywood women when in her bedroom.
So I had an absolutely terrible idea for some writings inspired by a few anons here talking Lily and Egl being paired up for the ball. Something about Egl being salty or mad about Lily pulling off a better lady act than she was doing. Point is, I should probably do something where the gull twins gang up on Shizuka who they can turn into a quivering mess. I also have too much fun making Egl flip her lid.

So no more words here's the new writing thing.
>EGL finding a sugarmomma in Lily
You have no idea what you've done, anon. This is beautiful.
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nah, she goes for the kigu or ironic taobao/aliexpress shirts
She turns into a lazy kigu slob only if she's all alone but the moment someone is over or she's at a sleepover, she changes into her elegant nightgowns. Speaking of sleepovers, all the twins should have a slumber party right before the Winter Ball so they can get ready together.
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New drawfag here: first time really participating in the winter ball but I liked the lingerie idea mentioned above with Lily and EGL.

It's not scanned or anything, apologies, didn't feel it was good or in-character enough for the booru.
I-I mean, keep the good work, anon.
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A sleep over? Would EGL and Cos so willing enter the domain of their dates even if they were sincerely doing it to get ready?
Very cute, though slight bit of criticism. The hands look a little too undersized. Overall, well done.
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How does the cosplay side of /cgl/ feel about Their Story/Tamen de Gushi?
You guys have some really good OC.

>and /r9k/ found a way to somehow screw that up.
they then decided to blame us for it.

>/pol/ sabotaged us
>/pol/ just wanted us to be cucked
They're apologizing now but holy fuck I wasted far too much time trying to get those faggots even a little bit of contact with a "woman"

oh they also said it was all a plot by /int/, [s4s], and /pol/ to cuck them and laugh at them.

Can someone explain to me what the fuck kind of autism level /r9k/ has?
>what the fuck kind of autism level /r9k/ has
over 9000
you're not fucking kidding

they're currently having an RP beta uprising which has turned into a civil war over whether they should let us (/pol/) and /int/ get out

I literally can't stop laughing
holy shit
And here I thought we could be autistic.
I fucking love this website holy shit

the amount of people going to /r9k/ to bait the fags is incredible

fucking /m/ just showed

I honestly think every board on the site thought they had the title of "supreme autist" until we remembered /r9k/ existed.
Honestly, pretty amusing source of new content.
Everyone likes to point fingers occasionally, but I think /r9k/ is the only true containment board.
update: it looks like the /pol/ and /int/ sympathizers along with the "we should just make up for it next year" and "lets no go" fags are on one side

against the rampaging horde of supreme autists

I'm doing my best to record it all for just that purpose

I often wonder if we're all just containment boards
>be robot
>invent pepe
>years later /pol/ make Pepe their own and win the US elections with it
>/pol/ decide to repay you by getting you a winter ball date
>have a /pol/ drawfriend redesign your drawfriend
>likely your only chance at your board-tan getting a date with another board-tan
>decide to ignore big brother /pol/'s advice to take /e/ and ask /pol/ to get you /int/
>/pol/ gets you /int/
>hold strawpoll confirming you want /int/
>be robot
>realize this is going well
>immediately form conspiracy from really shitty B movie about highschool bully victim
>find one post in /c/ thread where one guy from /pol/ asked about a double date
>immediately think that your conspiracy theory was not nearly accurate and decide that /pol/ just wants /c/ and [s4s] as a double date
>ignore the fact that no one has said anything about this to /pol/ or /o/
>shitpost yourself into autistic fit
>blame /pol/ bogeyman for trying to cuck you
>get legitimately scared of being cucked as an anonymous image board by another anonymous image board
>start to think "/pol/ was right to begin with lets just drop /int/"
>start shitposting civil war between those with balls and those who are genuinely scared over the 4chan winter fucking ball
>have second and third strawpoll and have /int/ win both
>sperg out over sabotage
>think /pol/ now want you to be cucked by /int/ and are rigging polls
>some people decide to go for /int/ anyway
>/int/ still says yes despite the raging autism but says the date is platonic and that their only rule is no lewds
>immediately decide to find a drawfag to make lewds
>get dropped by /int/
>have /pol/ give up on you
>apologize to /int/ and /pol/
>apologies accepted - /int/ even consider going to the ball next year (platonically)
>decide to sperg out and shoot up ball because you sperged out and lost your date
>be robot
>tfw no gf
anon I haven't finished writing the greentext yet

there's still a bit to go by the looks of it

currently there's a guy from /pol/ telling /r9k/ he's the one who sabotaged their shots with /int/ by sowing dissent and distrust

its all turning out to be quite funny.
/r9k/ here, unfortunately that is someone on the shooting side of the civil war pretending to be /pol/. Idk this whole thing is so funny, I never post but I'm really getting into the stupid irony of the whole thing.
Which cake is the best for eating at tea parties /cgl/? Devil's food, angel food, strawberry short, or perhaps some other flavor?
I get what you are saying though the wording seemed a little weird.

Totally though, you always see people saying "never worn" then see their selfies on tumblr.
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petit fours imo
I mean I fucking love it, but I think that's less my /cgl/ talking and more my gay
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Both are good.
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Sun's style is pretty laid back too. More like casual wear.
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From last year.
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My heart can't take it. This is my ideal relationship.
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Another image from that drawanon.
Another day, another bit of writing. I really hope this is okay, since I'm still not sure about how I wrote Shizuka. I should do something focusing on Cos too. Either way, orz.

We're being spoiled this year with good art and fic.
Concerning the lingerie posts. It doesn't matter what kind EGL wears as Lily will have her out of it by the end of the night. Lily always gets her girl.

You can hit the next button at the bottom of each strip.
NICE, holy fuck, hell yes, I love the double Homura reference and oh damn, you got us good! 10/10 gays!
Thank you so much!!
Since our date is a red board, maybe we should come up with a list of agreeable kinks before presenting it to them. Maybe with a cute pout as well.
Just use the /cgl/ cliche kinks:
>cute lingerie
>kawaii sex toys
>call them big sisters
>bondage only with that trendy pink rope/cuff set
>neko petplay maybe? we do have a ton of catgirls

I'm probably missing some big ones but buying 100 dicks on eBay and sucking them all doesn't apply here.
>we're being spoiled

[spoiler]it's happening[/spoiler]
Big sisters is kind of out I think, considering how onee-sama /u/ is acting. Unless we want just start calling them Haha-ue to quietly gloss over that fact.

Could always retool the ebay thing to be girl related but that probably loses the impact of the original.
Ah, true. We could use it to our advantage though when we want something. Pout at them and call them onee-chan.
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Well I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear us call them Okaa-sama considering how they love age gap and incest sometimes. However that is true, if we pout they'll surely be happy.
new thread >>9257930
Thread posts: 409
Thread images: 98

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