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Wigs General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 85

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Started because I didn't see one

Are Arda wigs smaller than they used to be? I know they talked about downsizing awhile ago but I haven't ordered from them in a bit. I'm trying to help some guys put together their first cosplay group but one guy has an enormous head and the Epic wig I got for him just barely fits and is causing pain. I was hoping I could go to Arda but it looks like they have the same 23" size as Epic.
I know their Jeannie wig was one of the big ones, I learned that the hard way, and they changed it so you can order either the original large or the new small size.
But I'm looking at it and the large size is still 23" (the small is 21")
I should add that it's a ponytail style wig. Can I adjust the sizing by taking it out? I'm just hesitating because this has shorter hair and putting it back in could take some time.
Taking it out of the ponytail? Yeah it's doable. When you're doing it, I recommending pinning it to the wighead and clamping it upside-down. It's much easier to work it back into a ponytail than just doing it straight.
Guy here, also with a large head. I own the ponytail wig from Epic; it is a bit small for my head, but I manage to make it work by shaving down my hairline at the sides and back. From what I remember, they said that the cap size is 21", not 23". And I agree with >>9153024, untying and retying the ponytail is very doable and encouraged if you need to adjust the size of the wig or restyle it.

I have lots of pics using the wig, both in and out of cosplay, and can post if requested.
Are Dreamholic wigs suitable for bigger heads?
So...will Arda's new wigs be uncomfortably tight for someone with a 23" head?
They added a new line of "small" wigs for the ponytail/pigtail styles that can't be easily adjusted with straps. Everything else is still 23" as far as I can tell - new wigs I've bought from them still fit just like their old ones.

Aside, what the fuck is up with Arda's new shipping costs? I guess they switched from USPS to UPS but now it's 8 bucks for insanely slow surepost shipping, $13 for ground, and $30ish for 2day, vs the $6ish for 2-day it used to be. I love their wigs but every new "addition" they seem to be making is pretty shitty.
Nah, they still have the 23" option.

>Aside, what the fuck is up with Arda's new shipping costs?
I noticed that too, last time I bought from them. It took a little over a week to get a shipping notification, when in the past I'd get a shipping notification a day or two later.
How do I tone down the poof of Arda's Glinda around my head? The problem is generally the area from ears-up. Even with a tight wig cap and wig pins, it just looks too large and fluffy. The lower part is fine - I'm okay with some of the volume there and I've straightened some of the underside to give a little length and tone down the size. But the top part still looks silly.
Any advice?
thinning scissors on the hidden layers of hair. Pinning the wig to your wigcap.
Arda's Mugatus are on clearance. I have no idea what I would even use them for
i always look like a goddamn mushroom when i put on my wigs because of my longass hair, is there any way to work around this??
show us anon
Get the hair smooshe'd down more. Make a lot of tight braids while the hair is wet and try to criss cross them over your head with little overlap. Maybe even double your wig caps
i shall try
thanks kind anon
Hide the hair at the lower back of your head, that's usually where it'll be the least noticeable, and wigs tend to have the most space in their caps there.

Also, traditional theatre style pincurling.
i recently cut my hair very short because of this very same problem. my trick was wearing a swimming cap instead of a wig cap.
okay, late to the game i know, but what's the general opinion on the arda silky wefts? since they're so cheap i thought i might pick up some for a costume (not for a wig, but to use as trim). is the silky line super shiny? does it shed like crazy? any thoughts would be appreciated, since 4.50 for a pack of weird colored wefts is a great deal.
It's definitely shinier than their regular fibres and since it is meant to detangle easily, the fibres are smoother and harder to style too. Not substantially harder but noticeable to me anyway, especially for spike work. I think their original production wasn't very well received because it was pretty much always steeply discounted until it was cleared out and never restocked.
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way cosplay
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I do kids parties and Arda is go-to for wigs. I own 4 of their lace fronts and how they fit has been a mix... (my long hair makes my head pretty big)

Bucky: (snow white) fits perfect, dream wig.

Tauriel: (elsa) Total shitshow. (First lace front. Fucked up and cut off all lace before anything) Too tight on my face at first, the lace front did not fit to my head at all, the cap just pulled it back. Tried altering the cap bigger to take strain away from front, somehow fucking the fit up more and now the lace is too roomy and only fits snug if I yank the sideburns down and hold them down with ????
tl;dr Before and after the lace front won't fit without lots of glue, stretching, and prayers. Don't assume it'll be fine and cut the lace off

I'm gonna need to replace my Elsa wig in a bit and I'm wondering if getting a Suzi will work out better.. or somehow be worse, I really don't know what to expect anymore.

I also got Matilda which is all good but I wasn't expecting the lace to be so delicate (the tauriel lace is stronger and sturdier).
>Mfw I bought a wig for a blonde character when I'm already blonde.

Eh, my hair's several inches too long anyway and my hair is way too flat to work in the cosplay. It's my first time wearing a wig though so I'm a little paranoid about styling it and messing it up.
The Suzi is the go-to for Elsa cosplayers but I'm not sure how it holds up.
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Casual wear pics.

I got the wig for a Charizard gijinka cosplay and wore it in a ponytail, but had to use a ton of bobby pins to keep it anchored to my head. I recently sewed in some toupee clips, but they can't do the job on their own so I still need to use a few bobby pins for the sides and near the back. If you have a larger head, the wig needs to be stretched out as much as possible to look good.

Also, I styled it into a bun because it's fun and cute af, and a bit more practical for casual wear. Probably gonna keep it that way for future cosplays (including the next iteration of the gijinka).
Has anyone bought this wig before? Can you review it or post a picture of the color? I'd like to know if it looks like the picture.
Many of the review photos are taken with filters so the color looks different in all of them.
Whoops, dropped the link.

I'm a redhead. I own 8 different red wigs. Welcome to cosplay.
Arda and Epic wigs are my favorites
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I'm working on a drill-dozer costume, not looking forward to the wig.
>huge hair swirls
>front cornrows
>there's a little swooshie part, that'll be easy
>oh wait
>turns out it isn't a swirl, its a drill
pray for me, anons.
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also, should i just ditch the cornrows and go for short bangs?
Cornrows are really rough to do on a wig, yeah
Good luck, though
Really ita coordinate
I have it; imo it's pretty meh. The color gradient is much more abrupt than the sample photos, but the colors are fairly accurate (not really as purple as some reviewers show it; it's pretty brown imo)
I'm considering buying my first wig, but I have no idea where to start in terms of taking care of it/styling it.

Any tips for first timers?
Newfag question, but what's a good source for more natural looking wigs? I'm shopping for lolita, not cosplay.
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Any recommended ebay sellers? Looking for a wig that I'll be styling quite heavily, so I don't want to sink a lot of money into a high quality wig when I need to buy several. I still want it looking decent, obviously.

Ideally in a variety of lengths, same colour, looking for a yellow blonde.

Cosplaying Jeanne d'Arc from Fate. Any recommendations on tackling it would be super appreciated, thanks in advance.
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Looking for help, I can't figure out the hair colour for this: light blonde? peach? silver/grey?
I'm leaning towards light blonde
Looks like its ash blonde?
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I'm trying to do this cosplay. Arda doesn't seem to have a good color for it. Anyone know of any sellers that ship+arrive within 2/3 weeks?
Epiccosplay. 5wits.
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I'm working on a Freakazoid cosplay. This is my wig so far. I haven't put in the white thunderbolts yet but what does /cgl/ think of it so far? Any touch ups/changes I should make?
Anyone know a a good wig seller for very big head, ( and in europe if it's possible ) because arda delivery price become more expensive and like someone say in the thread, they reduce the cap size of they wigs. I think about epic cosplay wig but they lacefront don't look good as arda's one.
I have a cosplay event to do in a couple of weeks and I'm going as the new Harley Quinn (I know, original) and I don't have time to but and dye a regular wig so I'm buying a charecter wig off eBay and I've already set my self up for absolute disappointment. Pray for me cgl
I had some good wigs from 'Coscraft' a wigseller located in the UK and the price is affordable.
I can not really tell you anything about wig size, though.
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I'd try to make the tips of the spikes more.. even?
Pic related, more like the bottom.

Props on doing that cosplay though, it's pretty rare to see
seconding the other anon on coscraft. wigs are always pretty roomy and they have a great range.
thank you very much anons ! And they have front lace wig, it's awesome !
Thanks for this info. I wanted to get it to see how I'd look with that shade of brown with pink on the ends before committing to dyeing. I'll probably get it because the price is low.
I'm looking for a thick wig to do spike work on for a Joseph Joestar cosplay, but I'm scared to shop around because I don't want a thin wig. I was looking at getting Arda's magnum long (pic is the short), but wanted to know if there were any better wig sites that had thick, heat resistant natural colored wigs.
Arda wigs are stupid thick.
Would the Arda Stevie wig look okay straightened?
I'm not super keen on cutting wigs and it's the only one that would be about the right length, but I'd have to straighten it.
I only ask because I bought a super curly, short, monroe style wig and it was a pain to straighten. It also didn't turn out as straight as I wanted when I straightened it, but I just used a flat iron, not the hot water method. I think the waviness of this wig would be easier to straighten than curls....rite....
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any suggestions for a wig like this? I couldn't find anything of suitable style on arda. since there's a part of the hairline thats exposed i wanted to get something with a lacefront of something like epiccosplay's atlas hairline, but the area that is exposed is really small. if i did get something like atlas, i don't know how i'd add the bangs. In addition, all the wigs with that sort of hairline are layered and don't have that sort of "flippy" look...
I have a Stevie and the fibers are very teased and stringy in comparison to their other wig styles. I don't think straightening it would look good..
I think that would be a bad idea. Why do you not like cutting wigs?
I have the Magnum short and trust me, it's plenty thick. Their wigs are meant to handle heavy styling so any of the teased/spikeable wigs are thick.
Thanks gulls
I'm just scared I'll fug it up as I've only cut bangs on wigs and I'm not happy with them
You've heard this before, but practice! The first three times I cut wigs, they came out ...lackluster, to say the least. Watch videos on how people get their real hair cut, read up on wig styling techniques. You'll never get better if you're too scared to practice.
How are Dreamholic wigs in general? They look pretty, but in terms of being able to get a lot of wear out of them I'm skeptical about the quality.
So i'm going to be Morty Smith in this outfit and i'm wondering how I should go about the wig? I don't feel the need to go suuuper accurate since i'll have a hat on. Should I have bangs at all? Should I go straight or curly? Deciding on a wig for this is harder then I thought it was going to be.
The wig that i was initially reviewing wasn't a dreamholic wig, but i think the quality of dreamholic wigs are about the same as other taobao stores with good fashion wigs. They have more color selection, but I don't think the wigs are worth the price at all; the fibers don't look more natural than wigs from other stores and still photograph a little shiny.
Forgot to add: the only thing I think dreamholic has is interesting styles, so if you don't know how to style your own wig, then there's a reason to purchase from them. But if you're just looking for a nice basic wavy wig or bob (remember that the wig won't come with the plaits and braids done), you're better off purchasing it from a different store
Just pin your hair up and put a hat on. For Halloween it should be whatevs
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How thick/full does Grace from Arda look when straightened? I need long, straight wig with some volume in a certain color, but almost every wig I come across in the right color is only available in curly styles.
Same question for the Ferrari.
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Sage for wig feels

>friend is detangling a wavy synthetic wig
>she uses a straightening iron to get the fibers smooth
>"why isn't it going wavy again after it cools down?"
>tell her that it's a synthetic wig and it needs to be restyled because it doesn't behave like human hair
>recommend that she look for information on Google
>a few days later, she messages me asking if I have any curlers she can borrow
>turns out she used a curling iron on the dry fibers and was baffled when only the ends curled
>remind her that it's a synthetic wig
>send her a tutorial
>"oh, I never would have found that!"
>literally the second result on my five-second Google search for "how to curl a wig"
I have that wig in a different color and I am with the other anon. It actually looks very cute on me, but the quality is pretty meh (I can see the net if I part it the wrong way), and the gradient is lackluster.
Use the sunlight pictures for reference my dude.
It's ash blonde.
the whole reason this wig was developed by arda was for kingdom hearts spikes, it will be fine
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this may sound dumb, but how do I style this sort of bangs? in order to keep the hair from in my eyes I have to place it far back on my head, but you can see my wig cap and hairline.... if it s placed where i regularly place wigs i cant see and it gets in my eyes...
youre suppose to cut the bangs, you dumbass
Cut then or clip then to the side that's about it.
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I want to dress up as Seiko for Halloween but the only thing holding me back is her hair. I've never worn a wig so I have no clue where to start. Should I get a gray/silver wig and straighten it with the ends curled up? Will hair putty be better to separate the flipped pieces?

There aren't many cosplays of her yet so I don't have any references to go off of. I know it's just for Halloween but I don't want to end up in a bad cosplay threads and be perceived as one of those ""first"" bad cosplays.
Anybody got any tips on making ahoges that are right on the hairline?
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Posted in the help thread but might as well come here too. I've found two wigs that I think I will be able to style for my Launch Cosplay. Unless I wait for it to ship and most likely be late because china shipping, I will have to pay an extra 40-60 dollars or something for her price and shipping fees. Is there anything similar you guys could help me find that would make it in time for awa?

The one I had ordered before showed the linder and net of the wig cap any way I tried to style it so it's not gonna work for launch's bangs or fluffy volume. Pic related is one of the said wigs I am interested in. Would a lace front look better when I try to part it? I know the bangs will at least look better.

Any help or suggestions appreciated. <3
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This is the second wig of choice. Has the right part but less volume. I'll probably have to trim and layer it a little more than the other, but that's okay.
Magnum, trimmed a bit in the front. It's not a lace front, but it is roughly the right length, and it definitely has the "flippy" aspect to it.
the problem i have with magnum is that it is very layered. i think skylark looks ok, but i don't know how i would add in the bangs.
you can easily just bring some hair pieces to the front and trim them into bangs; you can do the same to the bucky/matilda (bucky might be a bit short) if you want a lace front
Just get any short brown wig, those should be pretty easy to find. With that whole outfit I think it's pretty easy to tell who you're supposed to be. Good luck!
How much on average would you guys spend on a wig?
How much more do you have to spend to avoid getting wigs that have a shitty hairline and are super thin? I noticed so many cosplayers have the same glossy "long choppy side bangs" wigs. How much did they buy it for, $10 from Amazon/ebay?
I try to keep my wigs in the $30 to $40 range, if it's a basic style. If it needs really heavy styling and needs to be sculpted or something, then I might spend closer to $50 or $60.
Kek. The first wig I ever bought back in my ita days. This colorway too. Fortunately, I realized it was a disaster to wear and it's still sitting in it's plastic bag years later.
I should sell that shit.
I usually spend between $10-30 for super basic things or a cosplay/costume I'm only going to wear once, something I think I might reuse I'll go up to $50
I miss the giant curly twintail wigs of 2011.
Anyone know of any wigs like that that I could get away with in this, the year of our lord 2016?
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Does anyone know if Arda's Hansel wig has enough volume to do soft spikes/teasing for the kid from bastion? I'm considering getting a pack of short extensions just in case.

I've never worked with a white wig before, and I don't want the cap to show on top. I'd appreciate any advice.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit I have almost exclusively bought my cosplay wigs from arda so far, so it varies from 30-50 usd because that's about their range. It is a little pricey sometimes, usually my wig is one of the most expensive parts of the costume, but I don't want it to look like shit. I know I should branch out and try other brands, but I've never had problems with any of ardas wigs so I just keep going back to them.
Arda wigs are stupid thick you'll be fine.
GLW still sells them, they're called Baby Dollight on their website.
Does glw still have good quality?
I can't remember, but I feel like I've heard people say they've gone downhill in recent years.
Did you miss the part of this thread where Arda's Mugatu twintail wig in on clearance?
All they have left is mixed colors.
I just want plain black.
Hey anon! I'm working on Seiko too! Honestly, heat setting with hairspray and hair putty/school glue would do the trick, but you have to go with a much longer wig than you'd think.
>much longer wig
Oh I'd imagine! Her hair is that length because of the turned up sections and not because her hair is just that short. Do you have any tutorials you referenced that you could point me to? Or a suggestion on which wig to look at? As I mentioned, this is my first wig and I'm pretty clueless.
What would be a good wig for Asahina's DR3 look?
I honestly planned on looking up more Selfie from KH wigs, I rarely use tutorials, anons! She's not high priority on my list since I'm working on Ryota's despair arc outfit for a con this month.

I'd search more along that style, but with emphasis on piecing out her little "chunks" rather than Selfie's cohesive bottom of the wig.
Ryota's is about the 'same' style as Seiko's but slightly more natural.

As much as I'm not a fan of Arda, I think one of their "Jeannies" (?) would work best with wefts sewn into the ponytail clip.

So excited to see others doing DR3!
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That's a good comparison! Ryota's hair is definitely more natural but still has some flip in it. Thanks for the suggestion on Selphie! I'd imagine there's more information on her hair style so I'll look into it.

Thanks and good luck with your cosplays!
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??? I thought that was my happy Seiko reaction gif! Pretend I used this pic instead.
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What would be a good wig for pic related? How would I do the bangs?
You'd need a lacefront or an altered hairline, whichever you prefer.
https://arda-wigs.com/shop/morpheus-classic/ This in Light Blonde is an option.
Sorry for butting in, but I recommend looking into drill curls tutorials, I had a similar problem when making my Tatsumaki wig and solved it by using wiring and lots of glue.
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Recommendation for a Griffith wig?
Should I go pure white like the 4°c Griffith or something with blue undertones like mangas color pages?
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I'm interested in creating this style for Ursula could anyone give me advice to how many wefts/wigs I would need?
Oh nice! Thank you for sharing. I'll check out that route.
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Posted earlier in the SU thread but I've narrowed it down to these two.

Both wigs come in the darkest black/brown color I need for stevonnie and will arrive by next week and with plenty of time to style before AWA. I found review videos for both as well!

Wig 1 has the kind of shape that looks like Stevonnies but i'm not sure i'll be able to give it enough volume. Wig 2 has TONS of volume and I really like it after seeing the video of it in action. The curls are pretty tight-- could I loosen them up a little bit?

Any help or suggestions in the right way would be greatly appreciated, I am familiar with styling hair but wigs are pretty challenging to me.
Brush out the second wig, you get more volume and loser curls.
Ugh- thank you so much for confirming this!!! I don't think the other one would look as good if I hat to back comb it to hell for a lil volume..

It will be here Monday *0*
Thanks again <3
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How could I achieve this type of curl?
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I can't find a wig for his hair that doesn't look fucking dumb
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How do I get cum out of my wig?
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Could this wig work for this character?


I think it is a bit too short and too little mass, but besides that, it looks just the right shape, and the low price of a short is also tempting. Any tricks to add volume, or anything? Kinda new to this.

I kinda suspect I can't use this wig, or could I?
Sure. You'd need a clip-on braid though
I was thinking about buying the longest wefts and sewing them into the neck? I think she just keeps some of her hair really long, while the rest is kinda short. Could this work?

There's also this alternative

The colours are just kinda hard. I think she has much opening in her outer layer, which lets in much light that makes it shine, which only makes it look pink when it's actually red. And on Google, the cosplays with red hair look far better than the ones with pink, so I'll go in the red direction. But the colours are still a bit difficult
what kind of wig do i need for something like this?
Long hair anon here. Trick is to not toweldry after a shower. Keep it wet, comb it, ponytail at the base, and swirl it around your scalp. Top it with a wig cap and let air dry. Should still be semi damp around the scalp, but dry where contacting the wig. This also keeps it cool under there.
Does anyone know about this site or have any experience with them? An Ad just popped up for them and they seemingly have some really cute wigs and for the next day they're 50% off. I've never heard of them though so I don't know if it's worth purchasing. https://www.mycosplayer.com/collections/50-off-1
Look up how to do victory rolls, pin curls, etc and reference those.
Just comb it to have the right part
Why would you have bangs? Morty doesn't have bangs. He has Jew hair.
Suzi was literally made for Elsa cosplays.
And it holds up well.
Dye it. Any sort of black synthetic dye that's not water activated will be fine.
The color is completely up to you.
And you can sew wefts at the bottom if you want. Her braid looks kinda thin so that actually might be better than a braid clip.
How does everyone feel about Arda Silky vs. Regular? And best wig conditioners? I have a wig that I wear often that I need to keep in good shape.
>Remarks: The wigs style is made by ourselves
Yeah, no. They're just another taobao reseller
I got an Arda Claudia in silver and then brushed out the courts with a very lightly spread light blue chair chalk.
*Curls not courts and *hair not chair wtf
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Question to /wiggen/, I'm still pretty bad at cutting wigs:

Am I right in saying that you shouldn't actually cut wigs by comparing the mannequin head to the character reference image, but instead to your own facial proportions?

I cut my first wigs with the mannequin head acting as the character's head. So for example; if the character had bangs covering one eye right down to the bottom of the face, I'd do the same on the mannequin.

Then I found that if I wore the wig, it'd totally drown my face. I kind of discovered that being somewhat inaccurate and cutting the bang higher so it swoops across the eye and then stops below the ear actually made me look more like the character and I wasn't drowning in the wig so much.

I think this is because anime characters have bigger/lower eyes than 3D people.

Do you have any rules for yourself regarding facial differences between 2D and 3D? I'm wondering if I should give myself a rule to only cut bangs midway across the eye instead of right to the bottom if that's what the character has. I know there are some exceptions that don't work the same, particularly when a character has a signature hair trait.

Also if anyone has any tips/tricks or tutorial videos to help me get better it'd be much appreciated. I have all the right equipment, but my technique is lacking. There are a lot of wig tutorials out there and many are kinda bad, honestly.
Yeah, I usually cut my bangs in a way that is more flattering to my face but still similar to the character's hairstyle. I also cut the wig while wearing it to be more accurate
My method is to style the wig, wear it around for a bit (preferrably in cosplay) at a meetup or con or whatever, and then having felt the wear and with a few selfies or photos to look at in mind, restyling it. Brings to attention stuff like the hold of the styling, length of cut, angles, etc. much better than just trying it on.
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I'm trying to find a wig for pic related, but I'm having a hard time trying to find one. I'm not sure what color her hair would be classified as.
Wigfashion has never let me down, although it is a bit pricier than most ebay shops. But the quality is gorgeous. Free shipping too!
It looks pretty close to Arda's CL-015 m8.
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Does anyone know any decent pre-made Ibuki wigs that could look fine with just some alterations and styling? Or a good base even if more black hair had to be added?
Preferably ebay/aliexpress.
Is it possible to lighten a wig by leaving it out under the sun? Even by just a little bit?
Only if it's out for a very very very long time. Like 6 months at least. Your only hope is to maybe brush it through with some talcum powder.
Thanks, I might try it anyways since I'm not in a rush to get it done
Not happening. Get a thick white paint marker and comb it through the fibres.
Bodyline's? http://bodyline.jp/en/costume693.html
Okay so I don't know why, but I'm loosing a lot of hair lately, and it's getting kinda thin. I'm going to a doctor to see if they can find out why, but I'm probably gonna end up shaving my head or cutting my hair really short to kinda start over.

I wanna get a wig that looks really natural, that I can use just for everyday purposes or lolita or whatever. I'm looking for something around $50 if possible.
Not sure how possible it is but I thought I'd ask here as well as search around.
It can be any natural color (preferably darker ones though), any length and any style, as long as it looks as it looks natural.

The problem is that I own a lot of wigs, but even if they're good quality and nice colors, all of them are obviously wigs (like, you can see at the partings, or that it's just a lot of hair etc), and a lot of people actually stare, and it makes me super uncomfortable, which makes me not wear them unless I'm dressing up a bit more.

I wan't a wig that doesn't look like a wig for $50
I have a few Brightlele wigs and they are super natural atleast for normies. My mom mistook my wig as my real hair even though it wasn't even remotely similar as my real hair. I'm not a wig expert tho.
Thanks for the tip! Some of their wigs look super cute. I might order one or two from there to see how they look!
I have the suzi for Elsa, it's a good fit!!!
How do I keep long, synthetic wigs from tangling almost immediately after I brush them?
Get wig conditioner
The current trend in taobao wigs is to have a thin 'airy' fringe and a realistic middle hair parting behind it, if you don't mind ordering from taobao you can find some really realistic, not shiny wigs for <$30. Would post pics but I'm on mobile.
FUCK I ordered a wig from them and my order got processed on the 6th but hasn't been shipped yet and I bought the cheapest shipping. I need it for AWA which is in like two weeks. Do you think it'll get here in time? I didn't realized their shipping had became slower like this.
oh never mind it just came. I guess you no longer get tracking for the cheap shipping either.
I swear by this stuff: ISOPLUS Natural Remedy Oil Sheen T-Tree & Aloe
They sell it on Amazon as a spray. It's kept all my wigs manageable to date.
>tfw big ass head
>tfw arda's wigs before were tight on me
Been eyeing Amber for my Halloween coord, was that one of the downsized ones?
Silicone lube, but like the industrial kind, not the sex kind
See this thread for more info, it's saved a lot of my wigs
I bought this wig from this site a couple days ago. I got the same ads, and got sucked in.
I'm hoping that I won't be disappointed.
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I'm going to be cosplaying Saria from Ocarina of Time, and I'm struggling to find a wig in the correct shade of green. I'm going for her hair color in the video game, as opposed to the color that shows up in the official art. Right now I'm between either getting arda's Katinka in light green or Inigo in Jade and cutting it accordingly. I feel as though jade is closer to the correct color, but katinka is closer to the cut I need.



What do you guys think? I'm open to looking at other wigs that would be a closer match, and have even been considering dyeing a wig to get closer to the correct shade. I have no experience with dyeing wigs, though.
What does /cgl/ think of yarn wigs?
I saw a lot of doll wigs tutorials using this technique and they looked pretty good.
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When is Arda going to restock their color ring? I buy from them often enough I think it would be a worthwhile investment
It works fine for something small like a doll but it's just way too much time and effort for an actual wig.
The only time I can justify doing that is if you're cosplaying a doll character, like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas or something.
I'd suggest going with the Inigo. I've owned a Karina before and it doesn't have the right texture or length to emulate her hair properly.
yer cute
Do you have any pictures of how it looked when completed?
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How would I go about adding stripes to hair like pic related? I bought a le tigre from arda and some wefts but I'm unsure if I should add the wefts before or after I do the beehive and how to part to front without exposing the wefting
I'd add them before styling, it'd be easier to incorporate them in
There's a method of dying wigs with ink you could try, it's possible to only dye part of it with that method. There's an issue of dye transfer though
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Without destroying a wig by cutting a huge hole for a foam cone, is there any other way of doing this?
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I got referred these on Facebook and am 90% sure the "original wigs" from mycosplayer.com are just some lolita taobao wigs. Does anyone know which taobao stores these are all from?
>also that perpetual sale
Someone once mentioned to me a wig tutorial, something about mixing 1 part fray check (fabric glue?) to 1 part water and using it to semi set wig curls and bangs that won't move all all day. or ever.
Anyone one heard of this and have a link?
I'm pretty sure that they came from this shop.
i got the bottom left one on taboo from a shop called "manreally"
just attach the foam core to the top of the wig...? secure it through the bottom of the wig
A million bobby pins if you're feeling brave, glue if you're not.
Hot glue a piece of felt with loops coming off it to the bottom of the cone. Use pink insulation foam, not white Styrofoam it will just crumble. Or hot glue a lot of rare earth magnets in the cone bottom and sew more magnets into the mes of your wig by sewing little fabric "jackets" around them first. It sounds like you're trying to preserve the base wig and this way you don't have to cut the cone out later.
Does anyone know a good seller on Ebay/Aliexpress for short wigs that isn't too expensive?
Has anyone gotten one of the "new and improved" silky wigs yet, or seen a review posted? I got one of the old silky line on discount a while ago and I was... less than impressed, but I'm wondering if it's worth at least giving the new line a shot.
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General wig question for the wig general:
What do you do with heavily stylised characters? I'm thinking, in terms of current popular thing, stuff like Steven Universe or the latest Pokémon teams from Sun/Moon. They've got some wickedly unreal hairstyles and I don't know if it's silly to try to emulate it completely and be screen accurate, or try to translate it to something more realistic and less over the top.

>stylised hairstyles irl: yes or no
yeah, said that earlier in the thread >>9181262
Where can I get qaulity gradient styled wigs?
It depends on the rest of your cosplay, really. I like to make things look realistic (as far as anime hair goes), so both my wigs and my outfits have that sort of look.
I've seen people do cartoony too and there's nothing wrong with that as long as it's consistent.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but I can't find this information on Arda's website
Up to what temperature is safe to use on their classic fibers?
You can dye them yourself if the wig is heat resistant and you have synthetic fabric dye
Is there any place to get a pre-styled Kuroneko wig from Oreimo? I'm a complete novice when it comes to wigs. If not, what is a good darker purple wig that looks good but doesn't cost a lot in case I screw up the styling myself? Thanks~
The SU thread is in a neverending war over realistic Rose hair vs canon Rose hair. People have constructed it both ways but it boils down to the size of the rest of your costume and your personal taste.
wash it.
This is a question for drag queen forums.
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Any suggestions as to where to start on a Pearl wig? Particularly, for a very big head

That Bucky wig from Arda seems to have a good shape for Pearl. Should I practice cutting and styling on a cheap Spirit-tier wig first?

pls hold my hand
Personally, I think heavily stylized characters need heavily stylized wigs. Especially in the case of SU characters where everything is drawn very simply. If the character has huge hair, I feel like volume in the wig is really necessary. I've seen a lot of cosplayers who do SU characters who use just one flat wig and it just isn't as dynamic as it could be.
For both those characters I'd say that regular wigs are acceptable but stylized wigs would elevate it to exceptional.

Both those characters would require some kind of construction using a base material that's flexible but supporting, and wefts. Tons of wefts.
Asked this in Help thread before but didn't get a response. How yellow/blond is Arda's titanium blond? I wanted to get a wig from them in silver only to find it's on backorder, so who knows when it will ship. I've already looked through their album but all their photos are either shitty or heavily photoshopped.
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Trying to do a young Greg Universe but I've never had to add a lot of volume to a wig before. Any advice?
They have color charts on the website, with comparisons for all the blondes/yellows. You can also Google "arda wigs titanium blonde" to see customer photos. That's usually how I do it.
In classic, it's extremely light, like Elsa's hair.. In the old silky I find that it reflects yellow a bit more. The classic is almost like an even lighter ash blonde.
Look up tutorials on how to splice 2 wigs together. You can also just get additional wefts of hair and sew them into the wig (though Greg's hair is pretty big so you're better off just getting 2 wigs). You can also tease the inner sections of the hair to get more volume and smooth out the hair on the top.
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I want to make a giant hime wig but most of the tutorials say to use a half wig with your real bangs, clip on ponytails, and a couple of other things. My hair is not the right shade to find all the pieces needed and my bangs are too thin. Should I get a small wig with bangs for the base or dye my hair to match the hairpieces?
Clip on bangs?
use it for a Litten cosplay
or some other black and red pokemon or something.

I literally can't think of a legit cosplay or use for this.
How long does Arda take to ship a wig?
Where do you live? I ordered an Amber, eyebrow plastic, and a pair of Sugarpill lashes from them on the 17th, paid $6.20 for shipping, and it arrived today. I live in GA
I'm glad they're discontinuing this monstrosity.
Cut/shave it. Perfection requires sacrifice
I'm in MI, planning on buying Jane Classic in Dark Brown.
Has anyone tried out the new Arda Silky yet?
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Hey, anyone know of a similar wig i can get in a white or lilac color and that doesn't cost $50? I usually find whatever I need off arda so I'm kinda at a loss here.
I'm really new to cosplay and wanted to go as Sailor Uranus. Anyone know of a good pre-made wig? Not really confident with cutting or styling something yet.
>trying to curl an Arda classic with with a curling iron at 310°F
>not working or even showing signs of remotely curling
wtf am i doing wrong
Are you holding the curl until the wig fibres cool down?
I'm new to styling wigs with heat, what do you mean by cooling down? They get hot when I use the curling iron on them
After you take the curling iron off, hold the fiber in a curl until it cools.
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I want a split wig similar to this but blackxblonde but I can't find any that I know will be of good quality. This is a mintymix wig but of course they are out of stock forever.

Any ideas? I need it in the next two or so weeks
Does anyone know if Cyperous wigs tend to have large or small caps? I need something in the middle so I don't want to waste money on a wig that won't fit me because it's too small.
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Looking for a wig like this, blue and black split that's wavy. Wigs on a cheaper side would be better!
Ouch, that'll definitely hurt. Okay, I'll try that
Heh, I was intimidated too. It's not as bad as you think.
You can use gloves if you need tighter curls, though.
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Ordered a Arda Jaguar in Spanish brown and I ordered it while it was listed as backordered, but got a "your order has shipped!" Notification a few days ago (I ordered it last wendesday or Thursday) for my Makoto Nanaya Cosplay and I'll post the results and mini review here when it gets here.
You can also slip in some bobby pins if you worry about holding it manually. As long as it's still in a curl shape while cooling it's fine.
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Any helpful suggestions for dying the tips of a white wig pink like pic related? I know about the sharpie + rubbing alcohol method, but how do I go about only dying the tips of a wig, not the whole wig?
any tutorials for restoring ringlet wigs?
Well since it isn't touching your clothes, you could try the acrylic ink method with a brush
What wig would you recommend for an Asuka crossplay? I'm thinking either the Arda Nina in Light Copper Red, their Eowyn in that color or Pumpkin, or Epic's Nyx in Copper Red.
sorry, meant Dark Copper Red

Thanks for the help anon, I will try this one out!
I've seen a bunch of people get spoinsored by them and promote them (anzujaamu was one of them iirc, what a surprised) and it makes me so pissed, because they're litteraly like $7 bucks on taobao. If you're scared of SS, aliexpress has them for like $15
try getting a ponytail wig with a detachable pony and just use the base wig (like ardas jeannie, epic also has one w out a pony clip) or you could get medium length wig and sew some matching wefts upside down, running around the back edge so that the wefts arent visible when you style it up.
goog tutorials on how to make your own split wigs and just buy 2 wigs that have the same style in the colors you want. ardas probably your best bet cause theyre high quality and they ship fast (im assuming youre in the us)
see above but check ebay/ali/taobao or bodyline for wigs in your price range
just get a small spray bottle and make sure to concentrate the sharpie solution on the tips. im planning to do a similar method for a longer wig im working on.
Is the quality complete shit or are they actually kind of nice?
They're decent for the (taobao) price. I've only bought one, but judging from what I've heard, they can be pretty good, but color can vary slightly, and especially with gradient wigs
Nothing spectacular, but they have a lot of cute styles and colors, and I'd buy from them again.
Definitely not worth $30+ though.
Would Jane Classic in Dark Brown work for Max Caufield if straightened?
I think it varies, the one I bought was frizzy around the 'roots' on the part.
do you think i can fit three small wigs into a flat rate envelope from usps? if not what's the cheapest way to send a wig to someone in the us?
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Decided to go with a Venus Classic from Arda Wigs for my Kuroneko (Ruri Gokou) cosplay. The question now is, should I get it in Dark Purple or Plum? Thoughts?
my spirit gum bottle tells me to apply it to a non porous surface like tape. if my beard is held together on a mesh like substance is regular mustache tape ok? if i apply spirit gum to the adhesive side of the mustache tape will that ruin it?
too dark, send it back a reorder pumpkin
Dark purple imo. that art makes her hair look lighter
I am thinking of buying a Punky XL how would I style that to cosplay Ryoko Hakubi?
I search a wig in the same type of the rhapsody but in a better quality then l'email wig but not expensive as the GLW one ( or at least the same price but with a better quality )
Arda's Stevie wig is similar but it doesn't come in many colors
I think about this one but there is something with the length/ cut that I don't like ( it can be the non-gradient puffiness ).I'm gonna look for a tutorial on how to curl the fiber this way, but thank you too make me think about this one
Try anime stuff store. It might need some light powdering to get rid of shine but they'll most likely have the wig you're looking for in your price range.
I bought a Stevie for Halloween last year and dyed it to the color I wanted.
To re-crimp the fibers after dying (since heat undoes them), I used this method.
(i know the guy's voice is really annoying but trust me this works)
I also used it on an Amber this year for Halloween to make it poofier without teasing it because either I'm bad at teasing or Arda's fibers don't take it well because it just looks gross when I do it
How do I make wigs comfier on my giant-ass head? I mean my head is big enough that some men's sunglasses and hats don't fit me comfortably (I'm female). Even Arda's wigs painfully dig into me after less than half an hour. Is there a better way to put my hair under? I have hair that's about an inch past the top of my shoulders, very straight, and very fine.
Also every time I try to use bobby pins to keep my hair in place under my wig they just dig into my scalp and poke through my wig what should I use instead?
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I use hairclips for my wig caps. They work a lot better.
Hey all, I don't really know wigs, but I'm looking to recreate this. Could anyone offer advice?

It looks like I could use something like an Epic Apollo in 'Rich Butterscotch Blonde' color. Trim the back to be an even line, cut out the ears, and slick the bangs all the way back. Does this seem like a sound plan? I am a little worried about cost, is 30 bucks typical for a higher-quality wig? Alternatively, perhaps there is another company's model that might look better for what I'm going for?

Thanks for any assistance on this matter.
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I just noticed Arda is having a sale, and I'm aiming to buy my first wig. I don't know how to go about the braids, though.

Want my wig to look something like this picture, but I don't know if I'd be better off buying a short wig with braid extensions, or getting a long wig and braiding it myself. Been looking at Natasha Classic on Arda, wondering if I should go with that in Mahogany. It has the pinkish brown hue I'm looking for but it's also very dark and a bit short, so I'm not sure (worse case scenario I could always try Rit Dyeing a white one).

Any suggestions?
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Rit dying white wigs is way too much work unless you have an extremely unusual color and is an outdated method with all the color varieties that exist today. Get a lighter brown or salmon and try tinting it instead rather than making a color from scratch

I notice your pic has really thin bangs and Arda wigs have STUPIDLY thick bangs, especially on the Natasha. Try the Eowyn, Buttercup or Amber instead and use hot water straightening ot take out the curl.
you sound like you've never dyed wigs before; rit/idye poly dyeing is super easy.
It's a fuckton of work and super messy. Also if the wig needs styling products it will usually affect the color where you style it.
what are you talking about? you just boil a couple pots of water, pour it into a bin, add the packets, stir, dip your wig in and you're done. Especially with idye poly, which dyes the wig in literally seconds. Then you let it dry in your shower or something and it's fine, the color isn't affected at all with styling products. Tinting the wig, which you'd probably have to do with alcohol ink and rubbing alcohol, would take a lot more effort and time, and rubs off much easier.
Arda has a whole section on their website on how RIT dyeing affects their wigs. Some work fine, some barely do shit. I recommend OP looking at that.
The arda page is pretty old; the newer rit dyes (especially the ones formulated for polyester) have much different effects on the wigs.
Does any seller sell a decent black hime cut wig?
Arda actually has some tutorials on their website, but you really need to start with what character you're buying a wig for if you're cosplaying. Arda isn't the only wig seller in town but they have two lines, one that's easier to style (classic) and one that looks better out of the bag (silky). So once again, everything depends on what you're trying to do.
damn thank you anon, it's so simple I don't even think about it, and the poof is real !
Do it, the summer itas will be running out of their parents' pocket money to make bad decisions with by now.

>t. always sell so much ita trash in the july-september time
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How would i go about making this wig look like future trunks hair? Specifically how it looks in dbs right now. Only place online that has it within my price range is Cosplay house and im wary of how reliable they are
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i just got this wig for my rick sanchez halloween costume, and it's it serious need of styling. this is actually my first time styling a wig, and since it's just for halloween, i'll try not to be as anal about it as i could be. nevertheless, i'm requesting any resources for styling short wigs, if you've got them. (i think i'll first need a base for it to rest, where do they sell those??)
I know Arda wigs are generally good for larger heads but what about Five Wits?
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Is there an updated wig spreadsheet?

I'm just looking for something that'll ship before halloween, not super expensive, and not abysmal quality
Has anyone bought this wig?
I was really hoping to see some more pictures of it before I buy
epicwigs hestia in light brown would work

yeah if I did that then I would have a giant bump at the base where the wig would stick out. my hair is very long and thick.
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Hey gulls, just looking for opinions here.

I'm cosplaying Lusamine from Pokemon Sun/Moon for an upcoming event, and I have some ideas on how to get the heavily stylized look of the wig, and i'd like to hear your thoughts on it/other ideas!
I've already ordered my base wigs (note; I ordered 2, 1 of which will be cut into layers from the cap and stitched into the base wig to get the volume and length accurate), and I had an idea in terms of getting the crazy almost cylindrical shape of her hair. The plan is to use some very sheer material, measure and cut to the shape i need for the hair to fall, then stitch into the cap, and finely apply the fibers over it with layers of glue. I'd then leave a top layer of hair not glued down to help cover the glued bits and take away the 'stiff' look- This way the wig should still have movement to it, as the fabric used will be thin (think tulle/organza), but it'll hold the shape I need. What do you gulls think?

Of course i'll be testing first, i'm using a super old wig I practice trimming on. Would anyone be interested in seeing the results?
This is embarassing as fuck, but does anyone here have experience with wearing a wig on a daily basis? I have been dealing with stress related hairloss for a while and it got bad that I probably won't able to hide it for too long.
How do you deal with the fear of a wig falling or being pulled accidentally? I have found that most people don't have a concept of personal space and always end touching your head or hair at some point.
Honestly I would just shave my head if I was dealing with hair loss to even everything out. Your best bet is probably those expensive, lace front, human hair wigs
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Anon you should have gotten a lace front wig because Rick has no bangs. As for the bald spot... I guess you could cut up a bald cap and find a way to attach it into the back
Don't do this the hair will help keep your head somewhat comfortable. Even with a wigcap wigs would be pretty itchy if you're bald
Which is better quality, Amphigory or 5 Wits?

I've bought from 5 Wits before and really liked the quality, but they're both selling a similar wig I need for Halloween and Amphigory is $10 cheaper with shipping included.

Should I go for Amphigory, or is 5 Wits a lot better?
Amphigory is not a cosplay wig store. Most of their brands are older, more "realistic" colors and kanekalon fiber that is not heat resistant and tends to look less matte in photos. The fiber is not really comparable; it just depends on what you want. Double check Amphigory's shipping too; they used to take a million years to ship but maybe they've gotten with the times.
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I was looking for some advice on what I could possibly do for Plumeria's hairline and part. Would it be easier to have a lace front wig?

I'm interested! I've seen some people attempt Guzma and Wicke, but not Lusamine. I hope it works out for you anon.
I just need a cheap wig for halloween.... I don't want to spend a ton on a wig but I also don't want it to be Party City bad.
If you don't have a big head get an ebay cosplay wig or check amazon too if you want to keep costs down. I like Amazon more nad more for cheap wigs since there's reviews and pictures
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What is a good wig for 707? I was thinking of a reddish orange shade, which is really easy to find for long wigs but not really for short ones. I could buy a long one and cut it, but long wigs tend to have much less volume and that is kind of important to have in order to achieve the correct style imo.
Only one I saw so far was this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Anime-ZOOTOPIA-Nick-Orange-Red-30cm-Short-Heat-Resistant-Cosplay-Hair-Wig-/272284444370?hash=item3f656ae6d2:g:1nsAAOSw3YNXbNe7 Did anyone ever buy from this store? Even better if someone actually bought this wig and could confirm if the color of the wig is accurate to the picture, please...
>buy a long wig and cut it
I'd avoid this if you can. The fibers are different and don't act right when they're short.
The wig you linked is fine, but I don't have personal experience with that seller so I can't help you anymore there.
Yes, I'd like to avoid the long wig since I doubt I'd be able to make the messy haircut, the wig would be missing a lot of hair and volume :\
Getting a second opinion on the wig I'm thinking of buying is already good help, thanks!
I've only cut bangs etc so far, and now I'll have to make "ears" from a wig.
Image is an example of which I'd like to follow.
Any ideas?
Does anyone own an Arda Jett, or at least know if it's worth attempting to get for a character with hair spikes?
I'm having problems deciding on either a Jett and dealing with the length it's at or trimming a Derek when I know my wig cutting is abysmal compared to my styling ability.
I'm looking for a wig for my Hex Maniac cosplay, but don't really know where to go. There's a lot of texture/body there, but it doesn't seem curly or crimped. I'm sort of new at this, so can anyone help me out?

The picture doesn't show the colour super accurately, but its a very dark indigo.
Buy a Jareth Long in Natural Black or Raven. Separate out the pieces and style them. My interpretation based on the official art is that the back chunks might actually be somewhat crimped because they seem really stiff.
Lucaille sell a few wigs which have detacheable wig weft "ears"
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Looking for a store that sells lace front cosplay wigs as well as facial hair in the same colors. I feel like there's got to be one, but googling around, I haven't had much luck; most of the places I've found only sell facial hair in natural colors and pic related is the beautiful bastard I want to make
Have you checked Arda?
Yes, but I don't really like Arda and they don't sell facial hair, so I'm only keeping them in mind as a last resort
Where can I get some good wigs for everyday wear that looks realistic but are not lacefronts?
I want to cosplay Madoka, and another character with pink pigtails, Chinatsu from YuruYuri. Ideally, I could get one wig that would work for both of them, so my first question is: Do you think that work okay? Secondly, I don't really like the look of short wigs with twin-tail clips for costumes where characters have pigtails (see pic related) Is it possible to get a longer pink wig and style the twin-tails myself, or would that be too much effort/end up looking bad and I should just get the twin-tail clip wigs?
I'm not sure how many places actually sell facial hair attachments. Usually you have to make your own with wefts
Arda Chibi is the only good wig that comes with a part for pigtails. If you try to make pigtails with a regular wig it will be very hard to cover the wefts. There are tutorials if you google them but I personally think they're too much effort for what you get and who will care.

If you don't like how the short wig and clips look take time to trim and heat style it to form closer to your head.
epic cosplay has one too, I think it's called gaia?
Except they do?


Regardless trying to deal with fake facial hair is a pain. If you can grow your own stache do that instead and color it with acrylic paint using an old mascara brush.
Do not listen to this, do not color your own hair with acrylic paint it will look like garbage.
Try again anon. Acrylic paint, stayed on all day, washed out fine in the shower.
>looks like garbage
well thanks for supporting the statement?
Ah, thanks so much for this reply.
Has anyone here had an issue with Lockshop?
I'm currently trying to figure out which wig to pick for my Sailor Neptune cosplay.
I've thought about using a lacefront, but Ardas Grace seems to have a nice front part, too.
Has anyone ever tried that wig? I've been looking for other cosplayers photos that use it for ages but I can't seem to stumble on any.

Also trying to figure out which color to pick for her, I can't decide between Ocean Green and Mako Green. Could a kind anon with the color ring help me out?
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Ocean green is better than mako green, but both look darker than Neptune's hair imo.

Personally I think emerald green looks closest in color to Sailor Neptune's hair in the picture attached.
Execution matters the most, in my opinion. Sometimes things just don't translate to real life, sometimes people are creative and can pull off the stylization really well using unique methods (I once saw a Pinkie Pie MLP cosplayer who used ribbons rather than hair), and sometimes its best to just stick with what works even if its not spot-on.

I'm working on Lusamine, Haven't gotten started on the wig yet though.

For your second question, sew those small comb-shaped snap clips or some "wig clips" along the hairline so they'll snap onto your hair and stay in place. I think Arda sells them. They work far better than loading your head up with bobby pins.

I don't think tulle/organza will hold the shape, to be honest. The material might have a nice poof to it when its used in dresses, but with dresses its layered and sewn in a way that allows it to puff out like that. For a wig, the weight of the fibers and glue will cause it to just fold and drape in. It might just be easier to stick with the usual method of craft foam, or find another type of foam that's softer but still sturdy.
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How would you interpret Hikaru's hair? It's just so oppressively 80's, I'm not good at wig things and I have no idea how it would translate to real life or how you'd style it.
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I have a newer stock Lockshop wig, and even though I've been using a proper brush and conditioning spray for synthetic wigs, the underside is ratty af. Would it be worth getting it shampooed and conditioned or are other people having issues saving these wigs?

Also found these at a local black beauty shop. Googled the best I could, but for some reason, I can't find reviews or the product itself. Is it any good?
Get an arda wig. The rows of hair that make the wig are sew with the hair going up instead of down like most wigs to make it easier to make insane anime styles. Spiking cosplay wigs tutorials are everywhere. You make or may not need extra structure in the wig depending how close you want to get to the screen look
Taking a quick buzz through Arda's selection, the Hansel in dark brown jumps out at me. Given that Hikaru is kind of an unkempt youth, the messiness feels appropriate, and that seems to be how the (few) existing cosplays did it. I guess all I'd really need to do is puff up the back into some interpretation of the spikes.

Actually replicating the screen look would be ridiculous honestly, and that's coming from someone obsessive about screen accuracy. I'd look like a damn peacock.
It doesnt seem very thick... Do you think I should get extra wefts?
>underside is ratty af
This happens with pretty much any wig, honestly, regardless of the quality or brand.
It actually is pretty thick, but extra wefts are cheap.
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wig suggestions for lacey shadows?
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