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/rgt/ - Robinhood General Thread

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Thread replies: 197
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DRYShips fuck you editions

Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on the cash and securities in Robinhood accounts, much like a bank collects interest on cash deposits and by collecting fees from robinhood gold.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

-- Links --
Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Cryptoshills stay out.
NAK you piece of shit move so i can sell these bags
First for women are leeches and will take all your money.
DRYS to the moon!
DFEN long
It's good we held onto our XIV. The world hasn't stopped spinning and we haven't fallen off. Going to stay in it again for the day and watch the VIX. if we see that VIX start to spike to 11.65 its probably time to grab profit again, but this stock is great.
Forgot to move my funds from UGAZ to DGAZ, gonna baghold for about a month. Until then, i wish good fortune to all you gents, even you Faggy.

Shit no sooner than I type that shit gets fucky, and I sold my bags. I might buy some UVXY in pre-market, but there's quite a bit of risk, looks like the indexes are going to open green and will probably get burned doing that. Might just sit this one out and wait for those volatility memes to go on sale again.
What's your guy's play on BABA? I'm kinda worried tbqh senpais. Earnings are tomorrow morning and all the other chinky stocks got BTFO last week. Like Netease dropped by almost $20.

Sell by afterhours today or hodl into the earnings?
Whales and insider traders stream sniping you.

It's hard to say for sure honestly, earnings are a fucking crapshoot. I'm up 7% on my current BABA holdings, so I may just hold since worst case scenario I wipe out my gains.
IDXG giving me heavy FOMO right now
CEI making me nervous. I hope these bags get lighter in the next week

Protected quite a bit of value selling there though. Waiting for VIX to get to like 12.60, 12.75 or fall to 12.40 to jump back on the ride.
lmao last week was non stop shilling of this shit
There's always non stop shilling of meme stock. Even DRYS gets shilled despite the fact that if you were bagholding for months that even after that last spike you'd still be down. Only this time I actually believed all that ER and merger crap. God I hope it happens
told u guys to dump cei






Practicality the Told Republic up'n here. But once and while a small gems yeild decent gains. With some of the minor news on CEI, its more probable than most.
Invest in military and public use exoskeletons. Buy EKSO.

1.60 pps going to 4.00 and beyond within a year or two.

Do your own homework but the Q10 looks great and there are buy ratings all around

Love you /biz//
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What time does she come out of her lair today?
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pls don't bully yellen senpai
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>falling for the robot meme
iRobot popped over 20% on earnings you triple infinity nigger

Ekso plans to raise gross proceeds of up to $34.0 million through the rights offering of up to 34,000,000 shares of common stock, at a subscription price of $1.00 per share. Holders of its common stock and certain warrant holders as of the record date of August 10, 2017 are eligible to participate in the rights offering.


They make vacuum cleaners.
Fake news
ABIL is doing a thing.

>no volume

Yeah that bump is gone, interesting company though for what they actually do. I got a really small position of just 100 shares I'm going to hold for a while.
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uan, tnh, hwkn, vhi, mtx, unvr
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looks like everyone has switched over to crypto lol.
I feel like that NK shit spooked a lot of people

Plus bitcoin keeps going up and up and up
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DD and keep a strong grip. Soon. We finna see some magical shit.
I spend 50% of my time in stocks and 50% in crypto. Two completely different games to me.
I just need NNA to go on sale for the div.
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I fucking hope you're right
I swear if one more person recommends DRYS they will be met with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen.
buy drys
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Special delivery for Mr. Kim Jong Mentally Ill.

No can do. All my money is fulled invested in DryShips!
Can I get a basic gestalt on what robinhood is
It's a broker to facilitate your ability to buy and sell stocks.

Holy shit, balls of fucking steel anon
why do you idiots fuck with DRYS!?!? but stocks on uptrends not fucking constant down trends.

Get in MNKD setting up for a swing RIGHT NOW!!
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They let you lose your money for free.
commission free stock trading

Most of my capital is tied to swinging XIV and VMIN.
Don't help lazy people like that.
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All aboard!
DGLT what the fuck man. If you can short might as well do so now.
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lol, I mean if you enjoy losing money go for it.
you keep all your cash in your brokerage account invested?
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I haven't been doing this long, but except for $SAEX a year ago I've never seen a stock go up 400% that fucking fast. Holy shit

It's also halted
Yeah I'm guessing it had one hell of a short squeeze that propelled it past the moon straight to Jupiter
My nigga

400% ?!?!?!?!?!?! I WANT A PIECE OF THAT!
Anyone else enjoying Tencent gains? I don't know if I should lock these in or hold. I hope BABA does just as well tomorrow.

It's halted. No gains for you. Best option at this point is to buy DRYS

I missed this because I was telling everyone to buy DRYS.

See what I'm sacrificing for you folks.

And none of you appreciate it.
MU: The patrician's choice.
why bother with garbage penny stocks when you can trade garbage crypto with much higher volatility?
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Fuck it, I'll hodl BABA through earnings.

whats the worse that could happen

What did I tell you DRYS idiots yesterday?
I would almost suggest creating a different general for penny stocks. But that would likely kill 90% of activity here. However it would leave this the best thread on /biz/. Of course it already is the best thread but better is better.
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pls oil stocks stop your tearing me apart
Damn, I just realised that the Chinky exchange had it's Tencent earnings after closing and they have no after hours trading. I'm holding this shit for a wild night of gook hype buying. I hope BABA doesn't wipe out my gains.
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It's just a dip
Anyone here heard of DRYS? Its on sale now. Cheap
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Fellow baba holder here

see ya on the other side
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Should I buy a few BABAs?
I'm not really worried about BABA. The earnings are looking to be great I don't know why everyone is fretting over it.
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Lower lows and lower highs. JUST my portfolio. Natural gas is killing me. Fuck CHK.
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The option market is indicating it's going to be a $4.50 swing in one direction or the other. You guys should be fine.
Yup. Worst case scenario we are back to where it was last week.
Got in on a whim at 28.05 because it looked cheap. Sure glad I did :)
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Anyone else excited for that rise in CEI soon? Feels good being on the gravy train
If that merger happens then to the moon we go. If not....
NAK might be making a break for it
MU is a pretty cyclical stock. Companies upgrade equipment en masse and the stock rockets for a year or two before falling again. It looks good fundamentally, but given it's history I would be cautious holding long. That and I would never touch stock being hyped by a ton of people who I know for a fact are just trying to fool themselves into thinking they aren't bagholding.
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In @ .88 and couldn't be happier, we have until Friday to hit $1 or that extension will surely go through, feelscomfyman.
>meanwhile DRYS cucks are eating shit as usual
How do you guys feel about Snap stock? Normies seem to love that app.

Thanks. I'm pretty aware of it's nature and definitely don't plan on a long term hold on it. I just got in at the right time. I'll probably set up a stop loss pretty soon that will still net me a good profit.

I don't gamble on social media stocks because all of that stuff is based on fickle trends. Remember Myspace? Something new will come out and Snap will be left in the dust. Hell, facebook and Insta both have snapchat like features at this point. They also have very few ways to actually monetize their product right now.

I think they should have a filter that makes my junk look bigger. It's the one thing my favorite sexting app is missing. As for the company and tech, it's a fucking joke and I wouldn't buy it.
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blow my asshole
whats the basic gestalt on AVEO? anon recommended it yesterday and got me hyped but I forgot why

So, you missed out on the current run, eh?
cei was once 340 a share.
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oh my
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>$9 soon
What my DCTH niggas at?
Also why the fuck didn't /rgt/ talk about DGLT?
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I'd be happy if it went to a dollar per share
Bought in at .1338
Meant for
>CEI recently relocated headquaters closer to ENRJ
>Just announced 6 million funding from Vantage Finiancial
>Both companies just happened not to report earnings at the exact same time
>Unreported 4,000% increase in reveneus

There's a merger coming. Buy and Hodl.
Not terrible, not expecting a power hour today we just broke down a wall. Gambling on r/s
CEI poppin off. Feel sorry for all the cucks not getting in
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God damn it shop just get back to $96 already

Ok i got 1000 of them.
>just now bought cei
Cause no one knows whats happening. They havent release their ER. Signs are showing a merger. The price stays from like 17c to 20c. So it "dropping doesnt really matter. It should moon in the next couple of weeks
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Ive got some December $19 put options for Twitter. Should I close them to average down on CEI?
Tfw you are too poor to buy more than 500 shares of CEI
Well that can potentially turn into 200 dollar gains that you'll immediately lose on another meme. Look at the bright side.
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>"It's another "anons ignorantly gamble on degenerate penny memes because of one guy spamming the ticker on /rgt/" episode
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>Touching $TWTR with a ten foot pole

Lad ....
Implying that CEI is only gonna go up by 100%
Im looking for at least .75-1.00 a share. Depends on how good the numbers and news are.
Most of the penny memes that get posted here do actually make massive gains. People in this thread just have weak hands and instant gratification issues so the sell at a loss. The most recent example would be CVM.

It's the best place to get information strait from my president.
Yeah i bought Cei at like 20.45 cents. Didnt sell at 19 or 18 cents. People are just pussies. They think a penny stock will crash all the way to the floor. They are a penny stock for a reason
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>"They are a penny stock for a reason"
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Since 2016 lmao. Invest smarter dumbass
Trump's business council dispanded. Sell everything.
None of them do, they're cons anon. Someone will also try to still you TOPS or MARA
Buy the UVXY for overnight holding. Things are going to get bumpy tonight when Trump gets on twitter and reveals he's actually the illegitimate grandson of Vladimir Lennin, and that he's now a commie who's goal is to destabilize the American economy through marxism.
thats not his portfolio you retard. its the portfolio of some poor guy back in january.
Then why is he posting it? Investing is an individual basis so that guy was a retard and lost 6k
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>Holding DRYS
Fucking why? Why do people do this?
Their market cap is an absolute joke, down what 99% this year along with share price? You can literally pick any >1month timeframe on most of the historical prices and you lose upwards of 90%.
Economou has literally called americans dumb stock market addicts.
This dude fucking robs shareholders every quarter and you eat it up, every time, because "muh volatility".
>bbbut there's a giant boner on the chart!
Right before it halted and the buyers got hosed AGAIN.

>you wouldn't give your money to this guy.
>Buys DRYS.
I might get UVXY later this week when it gets a little cheaper. People might get scared with the South Korea military exercises next

Because he's a penny faggot
Thinking about pick up a bunch of UWT during today's sale. Who's with me?
What's NAK doing?
Buy solar
Enjoying my baba gains right know, lest See how the earnings reports do
don't worry i've been holding my bags for much longer than last week's thread
>tfw I bought BABA at $153 two weeks ago and it dropped to $149 last thursday
How did you calculate this can you show please? For the sake of quality content

Its the premium for a call or put option contract with a strike price near the current market price.
iso rope
@realDonaldTrump just tweeted, Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers. Towns, cities and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt - many jobs being lost!

Time to get some Amazon puts.
ok thanks bro
Is silver a better buy than gold? Silver consistently seems to do twice as good as gold on most days.
He tweeted that awhile ago
buy some mlps like zmlp, amjl,
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You mean calls? Look at the "failing" NYT since hes been in office.

Some cuck on TV keeps saying he thinks it's going to $200 an ounce. I think he just loaded up on a shit load of it and is trying to sell it off.
Anyone heard about Lufthansa buying bankrupt Airberlin? It already gave Lufthansa a slight bump, might pump it up even more, during further negotiations ... what you think?
When I was in the USA a few weeks ago I saw a ton of television ads telling people to buy silver because it is low. I dismissed it because why the hell would I buy something that is being hyped up on television, let alone the internet. But it doesn't seem too bad right now.

Can Robinhood babbies even buy Euro stocks?
post your ytd gains mr. warren buffet jr

You could have parked all of your money into Visa and been up a comfy $3,000
NYT benefits under a republican president because Democrats read it like a fantasy novel where every article is "Trump did X, impeachment coming".
Idk about Robinhood but I'm sure here are also non-Robinhood users

Pretty much. Rallying to it like old people did to Fox News after Obama was elected.

I watch Fox & Friends every morning.

Not saying there isn't some quality stuff but it is still the right wing's mouth piece
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last chance to get on the aliexpress
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Tfw Drys Fags are getting class action lawsuited. Nice gains you nerds
nothing can stop drys
this is a moon mission
sell And reinvest in CEI if you want a moon mission.
Get a few shares of AMD too while you're at it

$20 end of year!
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>tfw bagheld MU at 30 for 3 weeks just to sell it at 30.70
invest in one stock of cei then unbeliever. Its only 18 cents. Watch what happens
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>Down almost 5%
Yeah and they haven't released their ER yet, So a merger is prob happening
Finally got my license but my robinhood account I made that is 3 month old is still not verified! I can't even take a picture of my license and upload it on the site or app.

Why is this happening I made a new account and it still happenings!
Jack Ma is my nigga
No one cares about your garbage penny stock, its worthless, stop trying to scam noobies, if you don't buy recommended blue chips you are destined to lose money
dont get discouraged by losses. penny stocks are the only way to make it
lol Penny stocks are god tier. How about you Research CEI and tell me whats gonna happen?
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>god tier
>companies that fucked up so bad that they're literally worth less than a pack of gum
I hope one of you idiots bought IDXG the two times I posted about it this week.
>selling before it hits the peak of $32 that it tested 3 times the last month.

Are you retarded or new to this?
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Here my boy
Killing it ... No entry point
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what coin?
Congrats on the gains man
Am I the last robinhood user still holding faith that MGTI will be back?
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I still trust you john, but c'mon I'm in and holding until 10$
I know some people like to meme AND but sometimes I feel like this is some conspiracy shit
>sometimes I feel like this is some conspiracy shit

Of course AMD is a conspiracy on an epic scale. The game, to me, is to figure out what the conspirators are up to and jump on for the ride.
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Anyone else having a problem searching rn on robinhood
Yeah but lately it's really been ramping up since earnings. Literally almost everyday some article pops up about how AMD is the source of all evil and not to buy it.
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