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>There are literally non-jews on this board right now who

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>There are literally non-jews on this board right now who think they'll ever get rich.

Don't you goys know that we won't let you?
Yes I am aware.
Pls go back to pol,
>go to bank to withdraw some cash, just made a $1,000,000 wire deposit into my account through Coinbase
>fat jew teller looks at me up and down "excuse me sir, do you have an explanation for this deposit, I am going to have to freeze your account and report you to the FBI on suspicious of fraud and terrorism. you better answer correctly or you are in a lot of trouble mister."
>lean over real close to teller
>show him my wrist, there's a BNT tattoo
>whisper in his ear "i bought bancor at $1"
>teller breaks out into a sweat "i-i'm so sorry goyim, i didn't know who i was talking to. please, take whatever you want"
>he ends up giving me 2 million for his disrespect
>we both go to the strip club later

i do feel bad for all the nobancs though
I vote he stays
Yeah,I would pity you too and give you 2 million if you bought Bancor at $1 since it's going to 1 sat.
>be me,jewish man working at a bank as a teller
>A fat slobby neckbeard sends a transaction of 1 mil
>I tell him he is suspected of wasting the bank's time,as after the crypto bubble,so many people become trillionaires that a loaf of bread is worth 2 million
>He says something about the FBI and his wealth,but I can't hear well it through his sextuple chins
>He slams onto a counter,shows me a tatoo of the only crypto that failed,BNT
>He says that he bought BNT at the ATH of $1
>I apologise to him and tell him that i'm sorry for his loss and give him 2 million so he can buy a gallon of fats to stay alive
jokes on you because i am a jew
Bro my dad works at the FBI he reported you for sex trafficking
If I wasnt already holding big banc bags I would buy some now
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Just played Wolfenstein New Order and the jews in it have been inventing super technology in the game since ancient times.
They conveniently don't use it until the Nazis manage to steal it from them, then they try to give the tech away to other governments but it's too late.
When you go into their base at the bottom of the ocean, everything is made with gold. Kind of weird for a game about supernazis.
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