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Bitcoin to surge 80% to $5000, ETH to double, says CNBC just

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This got posted on CNBC an hour ago.


Read it. It is the single biggest piece of shilling for BTC and ETH that I have ever seen.
Fuck I hope so
Sold all my BTC. I've seen this shit before. Do the opposite of what every schmo predicts.

BTC has been on a nice bullrun for the last 8 months. Time for it to really crash.
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>its real
At this point CNBC is just screaming to the masses "BUY BUY BUY".

Not even a "this asset will very likely go up, you should buy" but an actual "BTC NOW $2800. WILL GO $5000. YOU BUY NOW."

Someone there has to own a lot of this stuff....
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>tfw no way to long the volatility index
>cnbc shilling
so it will immediately crash huh?
Options on BTC exist and let you do exactly that. Just buy a straddle via options. How is that hard?
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holy shit it's real we going to the fucking MOON ladsss
Well I was sort of optimistic for tomorrow, now I have a furious urge to sell. This smells of a gigantic trap.
More like all those shorts are about to get destroyed, if the price rises much they get liquidated.
>The Whales called
>they want their short
>Analyst Ronnie Moas said in early July he bought some bitcoin and expects it to roughly double and

woes of a normie bagholder
>"There is no telephone support," he said in the report.
Lost it. Boomers are truly stuck in the past, but perhaps we're the bigger retards for ever listening to them.
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at the end of massive bubble pops, we usually get tons and tons of people screaming for the price to go up

>housing market
what do you mean I can't call the Bitcoin Support Team and get a full refund?
The funny part is that /biz/ has literally been saying that CNBC will post this exact article for years.
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>when all these shorts get liquidated

Feels good lads
>"There is no telephone support," he said in the report. "You must go to the FAQs section and spend a long time looking for the answer to whatever question you may have

Imagine being so old that your brain is a stiff chunk of cheese unable to process new information anymore
Imagine being completely incapable of processing ideas different from the ones you're used to
Imagine being mentally handicapped but no one will diagnose it as such

Being an old person sounds like the worst thing the could happen to a human being while still alive
>tfw my deposit on gdax won't go through till august 2nd
I'm gonna miss out guys
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3k soon
or you will be ready to buy the dip, who knows. Good luck!
>tfw we missed the dip at 1800...
Yeah well, there's a sucker born every minute, idnt there?
What coin is it bros?
iota, obviously.
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Obviously it's litecoin, or monero, one of the top 5 . This guy ain't gonna endorse some retardcoin.
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I think we all know.
lol it crashed 3 times the last few weeks and always bounced back to that magical 3000 wall.
I know Im retarded but Id call Iota the next boom too
I think Kraken is Broken. It's showing something completely different from cryptowatch
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It starts by a N and finish by a O
>starts by

so close chairman
sell the greed
>tfw paying insane CC fees so I can buy tonight
We better crash atleast 5%
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This is not good news.
You think it's good news but it's not.

This is the equivalent of whales posting shill threads to get normies to buy their already waiting sell orders. The big Boys want to cash out
This. When you think about the big banks and the establishment, keep in mid they hate crypto as it is now. Either they want is destroyed or regulated to death to be able to control it.
So ask yourself WHY they would make this kind of statement.
When will it crash though? They will probably let it moon for a few days, r-right?
Ahh that's the game.

Tbh no one knows except the whales controlling it. Normies like you and i can just speculate. Personally I'm holding through whatever happens.
I'm not sure about that. When you think about it, the 1st of august is a perfect storm for them. Most people are on the BTC to get their "free" BCC. If a couple of megawhales with bad intentions ( say GS for example ) want to crash the market durably and terrify people, it's the perfect day to do so.
That's what I'm thinking. People are holding BTC who don't really want BTC, they just want their free BCC. If people decide to get rid of the BTC they have it could snowball into a pretty significant dip.
You're gonna be that old person someday and aint karma gonna be a bitch.
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get ready
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(((Goldman Sachs))) we be defeated

August first will be looked back as the day we began to truly unseat the kikes

Be strong boys

Buy buy buy

Your wealth not only depends on it, your children's freedom does too
For what? It's mooning Rn. And I have buy orders spread out from 1800 to 2300 so if it does dip, I'm happy with that too. I'm so comfy rn
Old people (boomers included) grew up in an environment of learned helplessness. They do whatever the 'experts' tell them to and don't look into things using the infinite resources they have available through the internet. Sure, as we get older we may get more stubborn and less cognitively aware, but we will still have that lifetime of using tools to help oneself, independently of the help of others. That's a life lesson that doesn't simply get erased because you are old.
>be analyst
>buy some coin
>publish paper about how crypto is awesome and everyone who buys some is gonna be rich
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Normies are going to get squashed after the fork because they want """Free""" money. Nothing is free, and they're going to pay
That's great. I'm buying $2k more right now.
>they're going to pay
You mean they're going to dump all their BCH and get next to nothing for it in return
I neither understand nor care about BCC. If everyone gets free BCC then it's not worth anything because everyone already has it. I'm holding bitcoin because I think it's going to 10k by the end of next year
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bitcoin don't give a fuck about fud
BCH is going to tank, obviously. But BTC will too

No not anymore, the bitcoin CEO got arrested and is on trial
Too much new money

Literally everyone is getting it for 'free money' aka they want to sell it off when they get it. I'm expecting BCC to tank hard and alts to rally after August 1st hits. Still wouldn't be a bad idea to grab some of that cheap BCC after it goes down
wouldn't decentralized currency allow them to not need a strong hold or safe haven since they can just commit their jewry remotely?
meme coins on normie websites... there will be bloodshed.
>After testing out digital currencies earlier this month,

>this month
what the fuck does this guy know?
he's a stock analyst, nothing to do with our precious coins
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Fingers crossed here (but it's highly likely not)

my thoughts exactly.
>tfw you're a slave for life until your brain is no longer valuable
Trips calls it. Going balls deep on xmr. It's got the hype right now. I bet that's it
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polo out of btc
When does fork go live?
If main stream media is shilling btc this hard it means something bad is gonna happen

So I'm a continue holding until I see if any hype comes from this article, sell and buy back in when it inevitably crashes to below 2k
Check this out here to see what people estimate https://twitter.com/the_cryptoking/status/892147339426750465
Sell the news
>trusting fake news

Also regardless of that, buy the rumour sell the news, BTC bouta dip senpai

my dad bought ETH at 400$ cause he heard the news, and he just heard this, I think that's a fucking huge sell signal boys xD
Yes.That's why Jews like crypto.They even created their own coin(BNT).
Strange how even though most of the 1% doesn't invest in crypto,Jews do.
eth plus
its just going to be a shit storm guys and a lot of the new fags or just bad investors once those whales start dumping huge loads in their face their going to take it like a asian whore right in the face..
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>Make TelephoneCoin
>Hire thousands of pajeets to service the call centers
>run a few TV ads
>boomers dump their money in TeleCoin
>Make billions
>This guy ain't gonna endorse some retardcoin.
He will if he's hodling some
Of course its going to tank hard. The Fiat behind it isnt just created out of nothing, it's going to tank to nothing at first, this is where you should buy as much as you can afford.

Lmao that is why you "can't create BCC out of nothing" people are so stupid. Fiat literally IS created "out of nothing," the government can create any number of dollars in a second if they wanted to. The difference between a bank account showing $1 and $1 billion is 4 bytes on a computer.

Just because someone forks bitcoin, then a couple people buy coins on that chain for a couple dollars, doesn't "create" anything. If I fork bitcoin, give myself a quadrillion bitcoins, then sell it on an exchange where a couple idiots buy it for $1, that doesn't make me a quadrillionaire. I suckered a couple people out of $1.

BCC isn't creating jack shit "out of nothing." Its a transfer of USD from people who believe in BCC to those that don't. No value is created like you claim, no physics law is being broken that prevents the cost of BTC + BCC after august 1st greater than BTC before.
Your only as old as you feel. The problem with herd mentality is if one person your age feels old, then everyone bitches about back pain.

>herd mentality can suck a chode, technocrat for life
thank god, now all the normies will see the drop from the split and cash out ASAP driving the price even lower
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>that magical 3000 wall.

i hope it breaks that wall. It'll become new support for BTC if it goes past 3k
>Hold my bags!
>Comeon goy you want in on this!
You're getting pretty pathetic
>Normies buy in today
>Panic sell tomorrow


LMAO if bitcoin breaks 3k, get ready for the tidal wave of normie FOMO money. We are were bitcoin was in 2013, it had skyrocketed up 4x to $350 and everyone saying sell, then comes the normies.. and a couple days later it was $1250. I bet we hit 6k this time.
how come you people havent realised it yet? bitcoin wont split or fail or whatever are you retarded? Bitcoin is the literal mascot of cryptocurrency, the jews cant afford to lose that.
t. person that meant to click on /bant/ but got here by mistake
>ETH Double

There they go, being fake news again.
Bitcoin surges to a new ATH, a 80% increase, but Ethereum, the second biggest crypto only regains its ATH?

i think the bitcoin part is somewhat true, but i think they are being a little cheap on that ETH predictions tbqh

if bitcoin reaches 5k, im sure ethereum will be in the 450-550$
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this is just the short pit stop before the bubble. good buy opportunity. at least 2x gains. Probably as low as it'll be after the crash as well, so literally can't lose by buying.

>can't lose
>based on numbers i pulled out of my ass

Yeah thanks anon, ill stay in fiat for the time being
Fuck off you ironic faggot. I'm not buying your bags no matter how many anon's you pretend to be.

It doesn't look like a bubble yet so buying is "safe"
>misleading graph that requires more and more people to invest exponentially for a set percentage return
>implying people have infinite dollars
>inb4 joke about muh FED
Yeah, nah.

Its gone up from 2000 to almost 3000 in a short space of time, plus the hard fork detracting from btc, plus people plunging money back into alts after the hard fork. We're riding a hype wave currently based on the possibility of free bth. Buying isnt safe at all.
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Hasn't our president already established the media is all fake news? If we didn't have PC culture Trump would of named the Jew long ago.

The fact that media is pushing the scam know as eth tells it all. Bitcoin is the only.legit coin

Have a sage
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Bitcoin is going to 10million by tomorrow screencap this
its illusory value from bcc that is driving up btc RIGHT NOW
aftee the fork the dam will burst, bcc goes to nothinf and btc will pop because it was already overpriced
My feelings too. After dumping BTC people will scurry back to their favorite altcoins hoping for a pump.
my grandma is 91, she's basically a fucking retard

i straight up asked my family when we were planning on killing her, they got mad, it's ridiculous
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>idiot bought high in early July
>i-it'll keep going up


Buy the rumors, Sell the news
It's MTL the Dev has been talking about it a bit in the slack. TFW I'm buying all the cheap MTL I can right now. Richard Branson is also involved.
Damn, anyone watching ETH?
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Already up 6$ in a minute
The people who post this article are just trying to sell their coins
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and it's back down LOL
get fucking dumped on son
oh shit thanks for the heads up
you're new here, aren't you? :^)

Yup, much like eth was pumped by people buying it for shitty ICOS

BBC will crash to nothing, then BTC will drop back down to 2200ish. Alts may get a pump out of the retreating money
>mfw rumours and news say the same thing
Boomers had it easy, now they want our sheckels to travel the world and eat lobster while lecturing us.
10 UTC

on about two hours where i live

Not unless this article influenced a significant amount of people to buy no matter what.

So the moment the fork happens, the people who were into BCC will buy Alts again, while normies will buy and hold until it reaches 5k
Don't you think that it's the same everywhere?
archive it you jackass
This is awesome. Saved
It's metal. lead dev said a while ago that he already has a cnbc exclusive lined up sometime in august
The next 2 months are going to be jittery for us all.... however, the coins will rise in value however, give them time there is a lot of demand for the top 4 specially Ethereum and litecoin form the far east....
by the way when Is MIT announcing it s plans for Ethereum?
> do the opposite of what schlomo said
> goldman sachs has always been right about crypto so far and correctly predicted every downtrend and bullish trend of the last 3-4 months, but nevermind, don't listen
> i k-know b-better g-guys cuz of da joos
Wow my thread is still here. Damn
Nien nien nien der jewden with jews you lose
Bitcoin falls, futures for new 'bitcoin cash' leap nearly 50% as 'miners' officially split currency

cnbc too https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/01/bitcoin-holds-july-gains-ahead-of-expected-currency-split.html
if it plummets will buy more it will moon in the medium to long run
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bitcoin hodlcucks btfo

better sell now
I deposit 1.23BTC to ViaBTC a few days ago, then I sold the BCC future for a nice profit, but my BTC have been frozen. Half an hour ago I was able to transfer 1.43BTC to my wallet. That was the easiest money I have ever made.
ETH is gonna be $1000 by eoy, its the only mainstream coin with a competent team and a demanding roadmap.
Currently, There is no way to predict value of bitcoin, ethereum or any crypto for that matter.
lmfao capped
LOL, "after testing for a month".
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Indubitably Tezos.
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