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While everyone is losing their shit over a dip I'm just

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Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 51

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While everyone is losing their shit over a dip I'm just here like.

>mfw got into btc in 2012
suck that /biz/ches
lol People will say mean things but this is great.
are you a 70 years old latino lady?
if cryptos dont work out for you I can let you suck my dick for 30$, 40 if I can cum in your mouth
you kinda remind me of my grandma
Can't wait 'til I cash out and can do jack shit for the rest of my life.

that looks comfy as fuck OP!
upside you might have money
downside you look like that
YOU might be comfy but it won't make you anymore of a pajeet shitskin
What's it like being a rich Peruvian grandma?
What gender is that?
what gender are you. srs question
I'm sorry OP I didn't mean to say that, you look very comfy indeed
Brave move op of that's you. Enjoy your gainz, you deserve them after hodling through mt. Gox
you look like a mexican maid.
get back to work, or get back to mexico
what a life
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tits and timestamp or GTFO
What are you?
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hahaha awesome
Lmaooo best thread ever hi grandma
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Is that coffee/tea photoshopped???

this is a shoop theres no way theres people that look like OP on /biz/
Show your tits

grandma can you delete this pls? its not appropriate
I think I'm done with this whole internet thing
tell us your biz secrets grandma
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what is going on
It's cold there. Why would someone wear a blanket if it wasn't cold you dumbass.
How old are you? I would probably want to fuck you regardless of your answer
Pls b my gf
I have a 7 inch cock
Looking for a Mommy GF

post tits pls, it's my birthday
>dual monitors
>quality headphones
>hot coffee
>skeletal decor

confirmed comfy
How many kids do you have and how pathetic are they compared to you?

>btc since 2012
>probably have a $5 million net worth
>content and comfy as you are
>OP will never be your mommy gf

I remember you from the posw slack. we fucked around in marketing together
I love how even a 2/10 is a 9/10 here .
why did i enter this thread
has a mustache

does not

> wtf is going on here?
Wish I had a rich ass mom that shitposts on 4chan
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Agustín Carstens.jpg
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ahahah WHAT
>anon takes advantage of your alzheimer's suffering granny
I can't explain why...but I just got a boner from your picture.

Has it really come to this? Have I lost so much money that I've literally become a faggot? I'm so turned on right now. Ugh, I want you.
also who was camera???
No, be my gf I have 8 inch dick

>lots of single player fps

You better have Max Payne 3, Doom and Wolfenstein there.

You should check out Rainbow Six Siege, it's not single player but it's really good.
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Older women are superior
Hey grams ill send u a pic of my dick and a bonus sharpie near my pooper for some coin
Are the servers still shitting themselves daily? I feel like the game went to shit this year

You guys make me sick
/biz is the best board right now, glad I migrated

Not daily, but they're far from great. After operation health that might change.
Not really. We are endeared by her, she's like a comforting mommy through hard times.
best fucking thread i've seen today
>You guys make me sick
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I was unironically going to commit suicide today but you cheered me up, mommy.
That was unexpected as fuck.
/biz/ might be the most normalfag board on 4chan.

Anon want big money and big milky tits.
Please be our new mother-figure OP, I need you
Well I'll be.

did you pick up anything on the steam sale
whip them out nan
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Well I'll be damned
Damn I can't really blame gold diggers for dating greasy old men now
the Alaskan autismo?
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god damn OP. That's the true comfiest blanket.
Fantastic job
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OP confirmed as the official /mother/ of /biz/, please apply for your tripcode immediately

This is shit. Look how shit it is.
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Can I be your playboy
He could buy your entire life salty nocoiner.
The history of /biz/ has all led up to this
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LUL I never expected a response
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Altoids ehhh?
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so how much you holdin gran?
what the fuck

how old are you??????


calm down mijo, strong emotions and trading are not a good mix ^^
>tfw no mommy gf
If this lady is in Massachusetts I will eat that pussy for .01 btc.
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send me some eth grandma

>tfw no grandma gf to discuss coins with
Probably because Peruvian grandma is making Arab money and doesn't owe us shit. She only came here to blow us the fuck out.
be careful with the things you wish, as we all have the power to shape reality with our thoughts either for the best or the worst
glad to see Consuela made it
I would actually

You can all pretend I'm your mommy gf for today, but don't get too attached, that's never a good thing.
Do you like younger men? What would you do if you really were my/our mommy gf?
Also, p-please post Steam.
i wish this was real
baby want milkies
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Well how about that
>tfw your grandma could've called you a faggot online without knowing it was you
why does the steam from that coffee look edited?
you are my favorite poster on 4chan ever
Finally I'm not late to a thread, fuck yes
I have way too many unopened and unfinished ones to be buying more at the moment
Fuck off grandma, I'm not helping you with the computer next time I visit
>A fringe thoughtful peruvian biz mommy
whomever has you is lucky
[spoiler]I have my own though but shes not peruvian and im the mommy :3c[/spoiler]
can i have an altoid
That feelio when you weren't strong enough to make it as a man by yourself and have wound up as a 4chan-dwelling manchild NEET shut-in so the idea of an older woman loving you and helping make you a respectable member of society seems perfect.

>tfw no mommy gf with big, soft breasts to let you play with and rest your head on
>tfw no mommy gf to teach you how to make delicious food and repair your clothes instead of buying new ones
>tfw no mommy gf to to cook meals for and enjoy romantic evenings with
>tfw no mommy gf to teach you how to please a woman in bed
>tfw no mommy gf to condescend and bully you slightly
>tfw no mommy gf to turn you into the type of person who doesn't want to be condescended to or bullied
>tfw no mommy gf to make you a man

I'm not even human.
That's just something I built to cover my webcam, I could buy something more professional looking but nah ;)
what do i have to do to make you my waifu?
What the fuck grandma, why are you so cool?
That's very nice to hear but it's not like you're not going to die eventually (? :*

Either way there are still plenty of interesting things to witness :)
remember this
are u a neet
>There are rich Peruvian grandmas on /biz/

4chan really is the melting pot
>this peruvian grandma is a future rothchild
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Oh shit
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/biz/ is my favorite board on 4chan sometimes. this is one of those times

I'm not into this whole "mommy gf" shit, but it is pretty attractive when older women keep up with modern trends. I think age is primarily a state of mind and you don't have to be "old" if you don't want to be.
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this bitch responds like its her fucking tumblr fuck off
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don't talk to mommy like that you fucking bitch slut
>got into btc in 2012
Fake news
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shut your bitchmade mouth I love my latino grandma for the day.

Orale viejita me gusta a usted mucho. Gracias por veniendo aqui. Te amo con todo mi alma. Nunca dejas este 4chan.
where do I get a real comfy blanket
It's actually a sleeping bag for camping. The one I have was a gift from long ago but I'm sure you can buy one with the same pattern and color
c u c k
i bet youre very comfy indeed with ur wife hacing a bull
All those sicks gainz and you still can't afford a coaster?
Coasters are for cold drinks, silly. There's no condensation on delicious hot cocoa!
Dear Comfy NanaCoin,

May I have an extra chocolate chip cookie?
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more details
>posts a bunch of chink letters and numbers

WTF am I supposed to do with that
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What's your stance on altcoins, mommy?
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Well fug :DDDDDD DD
why is everyone assuming she is peruvian?
This is awesome, you are awesome.
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I really wanna see her tits. Seriously I'd love to lick her pussy and make her squirt.
same desu
dirty talk in spanish is GOAT
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Holy Fuggg
the shit money does to people's perception of you LOL
Please show us a picture of your spread vagina, I have a thing for older women clits.
You never know what could happen next so in my opinion it would be good to have a bit of everything you can afford.

The amount invested on each coin should proportionally reflect your level of understanding of it. Of course this way of thinking would play a more important role when you want to go big, if you're just diversifying with relatively small amounts for the sake of it then maybe you don't really need to research that much.

>Talking a bit about Bitcoin...

Even with all the current issues, I believe Bitcoin will still be the safest bet of all. Most of the problems it faces now are due to the massive level of adoption it's currently having combined with the principles it stands for. Any other coin that stands for the same principles as Bitcoin will indeed face the same issues if it were to have the same level of adoption. Basically, you could say Bitcoin is the first of its kind to actually try to implement a good solution to the problem of having a form of money that is fully digital, secure, decentralized, censorship resistant, and all that good stuff we've heard over and over.

In the end, Bitcoin should be able to fix all the issues, as there are plenty of developers working full time on it. And if it doesn't then it would have taught us how things shouldn't be done, so we can try again.

(part 1)

(part 2)

>Now regarding other coins

There are things you can't really compare to each other because it wouldn't make sense at all. For example:

- Ethereum advertises itself as a platform for making unstoppable code, that sounds great but I have yet to see a single real use for it (I hope it really happens though).

- Ripple is complete garbage but if the banks like it, it might turn out to be quite the investment for many people.

- Litecoin has been looking very promising the last months. It might even get to take Bitcoin's spotlight for a while, depending on how long it would take Bitcoin to fix its issues... either way it's a good coin to hold.

- Monero is also looking quite good. The thing I don't like about it is the fact there isn't really any lightweight wallet for it, if there were to be one it would be amazing. Also I read somewhere that the deep web markets are using it, which would also be really good for the coin.

- Dash... I never liked it at all. Changing names 3 times, all the premined bullshit. The heavy YouTube advertising. I might be wrong but it makes me want to stay away from it.

- Then there are the low-tier gems that might become a thing. Things like Verge, Digibyte, Burst, ReddCoin, MonaCoin, Unobtanium... (there might be dozens of these) it wouldn't hurt to be part of it but I'd never suggest to go crazy with these.

- And finally you have the worst of the worst. Scams which only exist to get more of the other cryptos. There are literally hundreds of these things. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy them, I'm just saying that if you hold some of those and they pump, proceed to dump everything asap.

You are far too wise for this board. What causes you to lurk around here nanaChan?
thanks mommy can i see more titties now?
You Native American or something?
>fails at every aspect of life besides money

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OP what is your origin story ? How did you end up here ?
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the dubs of desperation!
Don't worry anon, all our cryptos will keep crashing for one more week and after you commit suicide we're all gonna get a lambo.
That can't possibly be you m8, nice try though
>posts on 4chan
>fat titties
>crypto trader
>understands mommy gf role
wow i must be horribly lonely if i fall in love this easily
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we need that pussy spread open I agree
holy shit! wanna be my grandma?
>Peruvian grandma
>Bitcoin chart
>Comfy meme blanket
>Dual monitor setup
>Games / gaming mouse
>Studio monitor headphones
>MIDI keyboard

She used to be a 19 year old NEET from the suburbs named Josh but then the Universe Simulation got confused and switched his consciousness with a 60 year old Peruvian Grandma.
Is "Peruvian Grandmother" the greatest thing to come from /biz/ this year?
serious question.. where are you originally from? Mexico, Peru, maybe just native american. I admire you tb.h
>/biz/ sucking tranny dicks
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I hate to break it to you but it's time to wake up from this dream.

Thanks for keks, goodbye suckers :D

>Mom sends kisses
>posting yours and your mother's faces on 4chan

why anon
Dude you signed the date on your moms tits and posted it on the internet? Tell me you at least had her read all the sexual comments we wrote.
how did you get your mother to write on her tits?
he actually has a mommy gf. it's like some people get all the luck
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holy shit, i think ur the biggest loser ive seen even by 4hchan standarts

you are officially a fucking legend because of that, gratz senpai
what a dumbass
oh she did, it's been such a great time lol

she's just cool like that
How tight is your mommy's vagina?
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oh god, why
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this thread went from legendary to infamously embarassing. OP consider suicide and give your mother all your crypto gains for having put her through this.
congrats on rusing us
your mum is absolutely based
would you kindly divulge your ethnicity/national origin?
wtf man
Can't decide if this makes the thread better or worse.
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Got a boner from your mum

you're alright OP
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Unironically end yourself
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>this thread
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Best thread in a long time, thanks OP.
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I've seen some shit over the years, but this is high up there
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Real question; Is your mum low iq retard ?
Heh reminds me of 4chan back in 05 era

Shits hilarious
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Jesus Christ dude, here I thought you were a cool youtuber.
He sold put to the Youtube algorithm
Bump for le epic bread
Loooool this thread
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Well done. You got me 100%.

Now send me fucking waves as recompense pls
Just when you think you've seen it all...

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Thread posts: 194
Thread images: 51

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