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/BANCOR/ BNT Gang General

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Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 35

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Time to educate NoBancs.

Bancor by it's design is not set to rocket up in value in short periods of time. Due to the smart contract there is a constant balancing of value between the exchanges and the contact.

Bancor is designed for constant, steady growth. This is actually healthier than the pump and dump coins we see so often (ANS, ARK, DGB, RDD, XVG and the list goes on...) Bancor instead will constantly gain steady value, the potential is practically limitless due to it's application.

BNT acts as a liquidity reserve for any token that chooses to use the platform. Every time a new token or crypto is added to the platform, Bancors value will increase, and as the BNT->ETH contract has shown us already, it will keep increasing.

Amazingly, Bancor has already increased in ETH value by 33% within 16hours of trading being activated. That is much higher than anyone can predict. You will also notice unlike traditional coins/tokens this doesnt surge up and then dump down, it climbs slowly and steadily.

Now, another important factor is to consider is Bancor is an actual product, in use right now. Not some pseudo concept of an idea floating in a hypothesis. Bancor is tied fundamentally to the whole cryptocurrency market. The larger crypto gets, the larger Bancor gets.

There are several key events that will cause steady upwards trends in Bancor's value, turbo boosting the steady climb. The first is the implementation of an easy to use and noob friendly APP with GUI. This will make exchanging BNT with the various tokens added to the system easy for anyone. The next big factor is the adding of new coins, this will most likely happen on a weekly basis as new coins adopt the system.

Ultimately Bancor is poised to become a top 3 coin within 6 months. It actually has the potential to overtake the platform it's built upon in terms of market cap and volume.

in 16 hours it's gained 33% value and has a $377M market cap. Do not miss this anon.
If you are still too stupid to understand the complex initial smart contract trading method, Bancor has you covered:


This is a very easy to use contract to get you into the BNT game at below exchange prices.

I have 2k in FIAT and I just can't pull the trigger on a BNT investment.

Everything about it seems legitimate in theory, but in practice I've read that is has application flaws and also I don't know if I trust (((them)))

It's also designed for banking applications which is morally opposed to the very basic foundations of Crypto
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>tfw you bought bancor at 190K sats
>Hold my bags: the thread.

Best price to buy in at boys?

I'm using Bittrex, currently 160k SATs.

How low will it go, or are we already in the rebound?
Daily reminder bancor is a centralized blockchain in which the admins can create or destroy bancor at any time. This shit followed by status will be regarded to as the largest scams in cryptocurrency's infant stages.

Oy vey! That's a good goyim! Keep buying our BANCOR yes!
buying at 15.5 is a good idea
i bought mine at 15.9 and sold half when it spiked to 17
there si no way it goes below 15.5 imo
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you mean just like ethereum, and anything based on ethereum?

daily reminder, do your own fucking research instead of quoting FUD from twitter.
Yeah nah. BNT fucking sucks. This shit is literally dead after 1 day because of all the nagative press about it. Volume is already decreasing kek.

Decreasing? It's gone up $200M in 16 hours since the ICO.

I don't even know why you faggots boither.
>because of all the nagative press
nope, it's a shit coin based on a shitty crypto (ETH) and as such too volatile for anything but daytrading
were it based on BTC as reserve, its value would steadily increase
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>"If you are still too stupid to understand the complex initial smart contract trading method, Bancor has you covered"

Cannot get more jewish than that.
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Daily reminder that nobancs have literally zero arguments.
It rose 86M eth and now it's fucking dead.
Hmm, it's worth 1M eth, yet you think it rose 86M?

Are you completely fucking retarded? Be honest.
I'm trying my best anon.
The FUD is so low energy it's comical.
My bad it rose 86.000ETH
Emin's hit piece really killed the price
And now it's dead.
Somebody just withdrew 10.000ETH KEK
Dead coin
obvious scam. It's centralized af and the admins can create or destroy bancor tokens at any time. why the fuck would anybody invest into THAT.
It rose 600K eth in 16 hours.
Lol, did you read Bancor's statement about that? Please inform yourself. And same thing could be said about Ethereum..
The best price to buy is when it is the cheapest.
nobancs on suicide watch
Anybody knows why bancor keeps falling bittrex but also keeps rising in value in terms of ethereum? Arbitrage starts to seem like a really good idea now kek.
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Bancor will be the final grave of Keynes.
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They can dump all they want kek there is a 300million buy wall at 4$. If it's a whale trying to lower price he dun goofed.
Arb that shit man. I would if I wasn't lazy as hell.
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Can you guys stop calling people idiots if they don't understand this yet? It's not like people just know everything instantly. It's getting annoying
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*at 0.001 ETH
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It's time that they learn then anon. I swear to God if this is dumb shit whale.

0.01 eth is 4$ dude.
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With jews you lose. Always do the opposite the jew says.

Check those digits!
When will this shit p&d like every coin that arrives on bittrex does?
.01 * 329 = ??????

Bancors BTFO
They just going to dump all the way down to 3.2$ those fucking niggers kek.
you're right, this is beyond idiocy as it's actual carelessness and unwillingness to read the tl;dr of it all in plain english
Wait WTF no you are wrong look. https://www.bancor.network/bnt
Never, it was designed not to. The only good reason to have it on the exchange is to buy with btc.
It will grow but never drop below 0.1ETH that's the whole point of the coin. A safehaven/bank. (Bank)or but people (look at bittrex buying price) are to retarded to understand this.
Niger dumping 4.47 now
I'll bet you there will be retards who don't know Jack shit of the coin thinking it will go to 1$. So they panic sell.
they will launch it to $10 or so soon and leave some traders crying with nobags
So what is a good price to get into bancor at?
Im dumping those bags while people are still buying.

Never fall for kike tricks again.
currently - the lowest, be it an exchange or the contract
it won't go lower again
Turns out my buy order at 0.00151 got filled
There is nothing to dump you retard. Why don't you sell everything at 3$ and see what happens. It will be instantly bought up because of the buy wall jeezes Christ get educated about what the coin does.
Hold on... If 1 ETH is 100 BNT why are niggers buying it at 0.012ETH on bittrex?
Because the price isn't tied to ETH, it's just elevated by ETH

Bancor will probably be worth more than ETH one day
I recommend setting buy orders in a series form considerably lower than contract price to way way lower than contract price
all that's left to do afterwards is wait for some ignoramus to execute a market sell (frequent occurrence) which you can either immediately sell at at least 10%+ or hold for a bit and sell later if brainlets are making it trend upwards
Weren't you guys saying the pourpose of the coin is to have an stable price and serve as some sort actual bank account?
Because other niggers buy the coin without knowing what the fck it is. This entire bittrex parade is beyond retarded.
It is. It has a minimum price of 0.01ETH bit of more people buy in tokens will be worth more and there will be more tokens. Yes I know that sounds fucking weird but it works like that.
The price will increase or decrease consistently as opposed to sudden moon and sudden dump.
This is because the price is calculated through a formula whereas for other coins, the price are based on the order book in the exchange.
What exactly is a "market sell"?

I understand technical analysis and fundamental analysis (though still learning where to actually find reliable info), but Im still largely unaware how exchanges work, the terminology and how exactly whale manipulation functions and other things like that
Bancor is tanking badly, -10% in 1 hour
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So the coin is designed to be a long term hodl? You honestly think it'll pass ETH in value? Why?
1) This coin is hard to impossible to manipulate since it has a floor of 0.01 ETH.

Seems like people are panic selling now thinking it's going to crash. God this shit is so fucking dumb.
Does not matter. It will stop at 3.2$ and literally cannot go lower then that.
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>crypto jevvis coins
>not a scam

t. Another dumb fuck that does understand how Bancor works.
>It will stop at 3.2$ and literally cannot go lower then that.

Too bad most of the people bought it for 4$ at ICO
this was OP (literally same writing style and same images) two weeks ago:
> when it'll hit the exchanges it will be 20x
> did you buy BNT at the ICO anon, r-right?
> we jew now

OP today:
> e-ehm, don't mind the dips, BNT is designed to moon slowly, very slowly, extremely slowly...
>It will stop at 3.2$ and literally cannot go lower then that.

it can go NEGATIVE
since they already spent part of the ETH raised
math is not an opinion

Yes it is. It will be worth more since people can use it to provide value to their own crypto coin. Suppose I make a new coin called coin X. I own 50% coin and people are scared I will fuck them over by dumping.

What you can is buy 10000BTN and tell people they can get your coin for 5BNT. What this means is even if I dump people can still trade back their coin to BNT and then back to eth if they want to.

It backs up your coin with a reserve instead if simple demand and supply from the market.

It also proves that you are backing your coin and then it's not just a pnd.
Or maybe you're the sick fuck here who is actively trying to con others into an obvious scam for your profit.
Fuck off.
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But in order to back up another coin I suppose the value ratio has to remain stable, i.e 1Xcoin for 5btn, so people can gat back their money. Then how is this ever going to pass ETH in value?
market sell means that it's fulfilled by current buy orders from the highest to the lowest until the entire amount of the sell order is closed
wtf was that price jump from 124 to 132 in just a second
you people just dont get it.

You gambled, you lost some money.
Op is wrong about ANS but correct that Bancor is worth buying. This coin will return a profit, assuming it doesn't get hacked.
>What you can is buy 10000BTN and tell people they can get your coin for 5BNT. What this means is even if I dump people can still trade back their coin to BNT and then back to eth if they want to.

if you take out money with your scam, people will lose money since you put the entire network at loss

the only way possible to not damaging the network is to create a coin with a solid idea at the foundation, WORK HARD FOR IT, don't scam people, don't cash out: at this point you created something valuable, that will attract money from outside the network, which will put everyone into a positive position, including you

as of today, BNT should be priced below its ICO price, since money and value has been only cashed out so far; only when interesting side projects will start using this platform the BNT price can go above the initial ICO price
>ETH still not working on Coinbase due withdrawal backlogs
> Whales dumping their ETH in BNT
> /biz/ saying not to buy BNT

Alright I've seen this episode before. Guess I'll double my stake in BNT
they (original ICO contributors) had high opportunity cost of having their ETH locked in while ATH was happening
BNT is otherwise a fine coin introducing a novel idea, such a shame that the crypto space seems to consist of brainlets but I guess that just means more gains for those who have something between their ears
It has a minimum floor of 0.01ETH. You will always get at least this.

Now when you buy more bancor tokens it gets added to the reserve and BNT is worth more:

Reserve: 1.0M ETH
BNT tokens amount: 80M

Price per token (in eth) => 1.0 / 80 = 0.125

Current: 1.047 / 81.295 = 0.12885

There is also something with scaling since somebody mentioned this is an exponential function not sure how that works though.

But in the end the gold they thought to be sitting on was appeared toiletpaper. No less.
For whatever reason.

They lost.
Bro you literally talking shit. If you understand how it worked you would not be saying this shit.

It can not drop for 2 YEARS. Literally impossible. Or some Space whale would have to sell 300 million worth of BNT right now.
>Amazingly, Bancor has already increased in ETH value by 33% within 16hours of trading being activated.

25% now. And since the value of ETH dropped 20% between the ICO and when you could trade your tokens, you're actually up about 5%.

That's better than nothing, but a lot less than you could've made this past week with judicious trading.

side projects could take months, or even years to appear
which could be a problem because the BNT price can go so low in the meantime that not a single investor will be confident in using the platform

will side projects appear before Bancor will go bankrupt? If you can answer this question, well, good for you.
I remain skeptical about ETH being its reserve crypto for I'd much rather see BTC or LTC replace it entirely; ETH has become a liability desu
What if ETH crashes? BTN will immediately follow?
What's the max supply?
PEOPLE (no not you, jews)

delusion is here
>3 shitposts by the user

yeah it sucks to be up 25% already with no possibility of crashing below investment price.

You stick to your pump n dumps anon, I'll stick with the steady climb to the moon.
Yeah well idk anymore Bros. People have withdrawn 25.000.000$ in the 12 hours because does not seem to go anywhere.

If this keeps going on we will literally hover at 0.01ETH until eternity.
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>tfw 300 bangers.
>bagholder mental gymnastics
So where is the cash bruv.
300? lul feeling cosy with 6k
Wtf I dont fucking understand this shit kek. Volume has risen from 370B up to 1840B yet price keeps going on WTF/

Is everybody trying to sell off for little to no gain?
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*Price keeps dropping

Pic related
The 25 dollars was speculative price on hitbtc IOUs. You have to fucking know this by now, it gets said every single time someone tries to say there was a massive drop. Current price of contract BNT is 4 dollars and 21 cents. ICO price was 3.80. This is not a spiking coin, this is a slow grow. Are you trying to mislead people on purpose, or are you just willfully ignorant?
Im some fag he wants to see gainz.

I just find it peculiar price keeps dropping even though volume keeps going up and up and up.
The contract price is still low.
Why even bother with the contract right now if its the same price as buying on an exchange?
Exchange is slighty more expensive.
shits going 250k sats in a week.

screen cap this.
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Where are all the big GAINS? You faggots were talking about easy 5x/10x within a day/week.

My trousers are already full of shit and piss but I simply cannot stop laughing...

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That fucking volume though holy shiet
To give some perceptive it was at 300B yesterday.
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Seems like a bunch of anons want of the wild ride. Marketcap started at 1.0M ether when launched on bittrex.
>be bancuck
>making no money
>try to smart contract my shitcoin back to the guaranteed ETH
>jews just delete all my BNT
kek.Well market is dropping quite fast so its prob possible to switch ethereum for bancor. What is even mor eintresint is that other people buy all these sells though.

Price has been floating consistently around the same point. Give or take a few 1000's of sats.

This is very peculiar. Guess Ill hold a bit longer.
i don't think you're right at all, but either way they'll be adding fiat and bitcoin within 6 months
consolidation and accumulation. when this pattern completes then we moon
i bought $200 just because bancor threads have the best memes
good god the price then dude... the price at that point tho
The trouble with slow and stable growth is that one hiccup and the ensuing crash would take an age to recover from.

I doubt I will buy any.
Will someone tell me what "volume" is measuring exactly? Is it volume traded in 24hrs? Is it the total amount that exists in Bittrex?
this is good advice
Yea pretty insane. First time Im seeing shit like this. I sitll believe it in though.

Just looked into the people behind this project. Except for DA JOOOOS it seems like the inventor of the euro is supporting it. Or at least somebody very knowledgeable about it.

They all also have some lobbyists which looks positive towards the future.
>in 16 hours it's gained 33% value and has a $377M market cap. Do not miss this anon.
That is just plain incorrect
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Its not really about this that you should find weird anon. Dont you find it weird that volume has increased 7x yet the price remains the same. Dont you find that suspicious at all?

Their are whales around here. Not small ones, enormous ones. Their was a guy who put 3 million+ in the network to buy tokens. Thats what they call insanity. If you still believe the is project is set up to fail you are literally delusional.

Pic related.

Volume started out at 300BTC a day ago, its now at 2000BTC. That might tell you something...
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Listen to this guy. He's not operating on memes, he's watching the volume. This is not normal behavior for a coin.
It's a fractional reserve though, so the new tokens not completely backed. This means the creator of the coin can completely dump there coins and still make out with a profit.

I'm not saying it doesn't help prevent this, I'm just saying it mitigates it
if that was the case, the whales are shaking out weak hands. it might be best to wait until they penetrate some more support walls before buying in?

Where was this coin at during the ICO.. how many sats?
bnt just added to changelly for exchange to eth, btc and 50+ other coins
The only reason there so much volume is because of arbitrage, has nothing to do with how useful the coin is

BNT was literally designed not to moon, if you want to make any money with this coin you have perform arbitrage
Except anon. The prices are almost identical. There is now only a difference of 0.02$. Which means people are starting to play very tight on the margins.

Now just imagine this: 4 million additional USD has flown into a virtual currency yet its priced the same. This completely shatters everything we know about virtual currency.

Even more strange: bancor their website barely went up in tokens yet $5.000.000 has been circulating in 1.5 days.

It seems very viable to me whales are dropping the price extremely low so they can buy off weak hands who take their 20% and run. There is no other explanation for this behavior.

- Arbitrage delivers less then 0.02$ a piece.

- Token volume does not go up even though they are massive amounts being bought.

This clearly seems like price manipulation to keep the price low.


- The market cap stays consistent around 1M ether with sometimes making huge jumps. (as shown buy pics of other anons)

The more you look at this coin the more you are starting to wonder what is really going on here.
It was around 4$ and looking at the current trend they are trying to drill it back to 4$ so they can still get "early access".
wouldnt arbitrage keep a coin low

see ants
4 million into 370 mil reserve is not gonna change anything

You can play arbitrage pretty easy here because it so reliable, you can get more than .02 a piece just got wait. 5 mil is not that much
Can make a coin go either direction, it just means it will equalize between different prices in different locations. The BNT exchange has a huge reserve or value it uses to force the coin to a certain price across all exchanges because of arbitrage
the reserve isnt 370 mi lol
Arbitrage is purely balancing, it doesn't affect the coin price on a large scale
Meant market cap
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Lmao savage
if you planned to hodl that eth (like me) it's still a 25%
im scared as fuck. its just not going up. i just want to break even, jesus christ
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Is 133 BNT enough to get a girl like this?
she looks like a fucking orc
>he didn't but at ICO
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Slow and steady wins the race.


But seriously. With jews you don't lose.
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Give this me a quick Bancdown

Is this really going to rise in the coming weeks?
Don't do it anon. You need to wait longer.
>Bancor is an actual product, in use right now. Not some pseudo concept of an idea floating in a hypothesis. Bancor is tied fundamentally to the whole cryptocurrency market. The larger crypto gets, the larger Bancor gets.

I swear to god I would risk 25 to life just for a chance to gut people like you in broad daylight like a fucking pig, I would slaughter you in city square for posting these levels of pathetic retarded low effort shill trash material.

Die you fucking subhuman trash.
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>trusting the Jew

I seriously hope you guys didn't do this.
Seems like a lot of investors are out. Bancor failed to take of with this breakthrough.

Volume is on the decrease. Its not going anywhere for the coming weeks.
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Pic related.

Also we lost 100B volume in an hour or so. Its going to be downhill from here for quite a while. Perhaps we will stabilize around 1000B.
Cool shitcoin brah.For now, it belongs to my trashcan horseshit coin list.

I'll buy it once the whales die of starvation.
Fuck you're giving me an erection, think I'll buy in if it hits 0.0013 or lower.
Yea... no clue when that will happen. Until now we wait for new features to come in to attract more people.

Still its backed by some pretty successful people so Ill wait and see what happens.

There's also a lot of ICO holders that seem to be staying put.
Enjoy haha. Waiting for new features here to be added.
holding 800 BNT right now slow buying everything sub .00149
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>biggest IPO of all time
>jews "accidentally" let it run with no limit
>goys somehow think they're going to make money

Lmaoing at these pathetic scamcor support groups

>b-bbut they said we can get our money back anytime

Do you really think the jews are going to lose money by letting a goyim get away with their investment?
If you bought Bancor you need to sell asap... This is a textbook scam. Don't fall for it. They pulled it off well...
I have 6k bnt and dont even care.
If you dont hold this longterm you are retarded subhuman.
barely above ico price now. this shit is garbage. smart contract prevents this coin from rising. complete trash tier
Idk, its good for having a coin with certainty on long term. The way it works though means it also can not be pumped or dumped without investing a lot of money.
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I'm holding just under 1,000 and I don't give a fuck about the current price. I'm trying to buy 100 or so more each paycheck I get for the next 3 months. This is going to be huge, stop kidding yourselves.
I don.t really think its a scam. There is just little interest in since it cant be/is hard to manipulate by whales.
im trapped in this coin. i don want to sell at a loss but holy shit i feel like its never going up. meanwhile im missing other coins moon.
Is literally been two days
Average patience of a /biz/tard. I can udnerstand though still I think I will just leave the crypto scene for a while until this rises and check my blockfolio every now and then.

The team has some solid road maps up ahead and a good team. It will probably rise in a few months.

Anyway, creator of the coin:
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forgot pic
>Create coin that relies on high intelligence to understand
>Unfortunately, crypto is flooded with low IQ gambler's
>People literally calling everyone and everything a "scam"
>People get scared out of market
>Development of gains lost momentum and we lose growth to only half of what it was
>In the end, the tech prevails but I am too old to enjoy my gains
>Die bitter that 4chan stunted crypto
Nah mate you will see if it goes anywhere after 6 months. If it still the same price it's never going to take off. Crypto moves after all
Every other coin used to go up in a frenzy, no matter what, even dodgecoin. All the FUD just flooding everything has scared everyone away and this is only recent because everyone made bancor seem like a scheme to steal money.

Admit it, 4chan killed crypto. They scared everyone straight and ended the buying phase. it may not recover this time.
The trust has been ruined forever, because everyone made generalizations about Bancor, that outsiders automatically attributed to ALL coins. There is a finite stream of money coming in, 4chan turned innocent investing into something to be wary of. Nobody will trust any crypto ever again.
>its already below ICO price LOL
>complains about fud
>says FUDish things like "4chan killed crypto, it may not recover this time"
really made me think
This. The ICO was shady as fuck too
I'm thinking about cashing out
Steady returns are nice but boring af
id be ok with steady returns. right now its "steady losses"
LMAO true
It isnt.
Retarded /biz/ "investors" never hold anything as ot seems. Wait till they fucking release their product...
Jesus fantastic, just what decentralized currency needed
Running a bunch if decentralized cryptocoins on a single decentralized blockchain does not make it centralized. You are just trying to rationalizing that because it "sounds like it makes sense"
Noob here. Why the price drop so much from ICO price?
ICO price: 0.01ETH
Current price: 0.01233ETH
What drop?
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If you are searching for a future investment which is run by it's community you might want to check out XBY. No ICO, no inflation, no miners and no premine

Sounds like the dev team is trying to make this the most secure coin on the market? I might have to look into this one.
Should I get this, Bancor, or more Aircoin?
I sincerely hope you do a lot of research on XBY. I used to hold it, but it is REALLY dodgy.
CCR is a really toxic leader. DYOR, but please please please DYOR.
Just because I believe it is a scam does not mean it is, but it definitely warrants thorough researching based on the whole saga this has been.
I don't wanna see anyone get scammed.
In the least bancor has been capable of generating patient and well thought arguments from its many shills. This really is an accomplishment. Though your tokens are fucked and will be worth nothing within 1 year.
Dude....look at the team behind Bancor, then compare to the other two teams. It's a no brainer that Bancor has the brighter future.
a bunch of jews who hop from project to project whenever the ico money dries up?

They will be inactive and with a new start up in <1 year
>They will be inactive and with a new start up in <1 year
sorry to burst your bubble but they'll release new features every week:

They've never really been active. They just added a few lines of code on top of Ethereum and shilled an ICO. Wow what a powerhouse team!

My main beef with the Bancor team is the response they gave to criticism about their tech and they basically handwaved it and appealed to emotion and called it FUD.

Look, if you are making an altcoin to pump and dump, that's fine. But you can not have everyone assume good faith and invest in your platform when you talk about all the virtues and vice your coin has. Like in stocks, your coin has to demonstrate value in investment for continued support. And if your theoretical foundation is questionable and you respond with essentially nothing, why should I bother?
yo my dudes aren't your bags supposed to be increasing in value

oy vey looks like you got problems
This is the worst decision I've ever made

> jews
> treating their goy customers like shit

colour me surprised
you morons were warned MULTIPLE times
just bought into this shit coin at 13.8k
now you may moon
I think whales are tanking the price on bittrex so that can keep buying bancor less and using the contract hard floor to germt more ETH?
Literally who webdev team...
It's always whales, we are just along for the ride.
there are some big players in this. i think a 27 million buy order went into the ico. if i remember right. a lot more big players like that too.
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