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Why aren't you an affiliate marketer yet?

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I noticed quite a few posts lately questioning the veracity of making money as an affiliate so I thought I'd chime in and dispel any doubt. This is what your dashboard looks like as a successful affiliate marketer raking in thousands of Ameribucks every month.

The blue is the clicks and the gold is the earnings. As you can see, it started slowly back in late 2015, rising steadily until around April 2016 where it really took off. I basically maintained, doing what work I could between my studies up until November 2016 where I started putting some serious work in. After that, you can see the steep climb up to this very moment.

The lessons are simple: affiliate marketing is real and the money is real, it will not be instant but with perseverance you will make money, and finally, the harder you work the more you make. Add in a dash of brains and programming ability and you will succeed at this. Good luck /biz/.
You forgot your link to collect emails and sell an ebook.
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lol. I couldn't care less about anybody's email and why would I waste my time writing a book when I'm busy building websites to make more money?
See, that's peoples' problem. Stick to your core competency if you want to make money. If you are making money as an affiliate then be an affiliate. Eat, breathe ans shit being an affiliate. If you make money doing something else then do that. Don't try to split your attention or you won't make shit at anything. Thanks for the opportunity to expound on that lesson.
Aw cool, actually I am an affiliate marketer myself. I posted in a couple threads already. Not a super affiiate, but I pull around 1.5-2k profit daily. Been to every affiliate summit and world for the hell of it. Totally agreee with you, its real guys and you just need to have the mind set to make it work. Its not easy and I hate to say this, but its not for everyone as well. Gotta work hard, dont let your emotions get the best of you and lastly, have a clear conscience (I assume op knows what I mean on this, what color is your hat?). Good luck to anyone who pursues this, dont quit and it will pay off.
I have a partner and I'm constantly reminding him that we do this completely legit or we don't do it at all. That means absolutely no cookie stuffing or any other bs like that. I value my freedom too much.
The fact is, by doing underhanded shit you can make more money in the short run but believe it will come back to bite you. Wire fraud is no joke.
The bright side is people don't need to break the law to make money doing this. Just patience and hard work. Also, notice the dips in the blue lines in that OP pic. There are days when your traffic goes to hell and you start to question whether you're wasting your time. That will pass. It cycles like everything else. The key is for every one step back, take two forward.
Good thread Anon I just wanted to get started with this.

Where do I get my knowledge from? Did you read any books or specific websites/blogs?
Best place to learn is the support boards for the affiliate programs themselves. A really good one is for eBay Partner Network. I'm not sure if the board is private or not (I go there all the time but can't remember). If it's private, sign up for epn, then get on there and read every post. It is a gold mine of information from people who are actually doing this everyday and aren't trying to sell you anything.
FWIW, to sign up for just about any legitimate program like eBay or Amazon Associates will require you to already have a website that looks like something they'd want their ads on. If you don't have one, it isn't really a big deal. Register a dotcom (not .biz .xyz, etc.) and put some content on it. Start a blog, post some stuff and let it age at least a few days then apply.
Are you for real nigga?

This shit is designed to con you. This OP is literally just here to fuck you and anyone else gullible enough over.
Good man, Ive been through the darkside before and although the money was insane, it was hard to sleep at night. I think almost everyone I meet who does AM has the same goal, Freedom. I value that more than money desu. Glad you made this thread man, I will help contribute to it since I always wanted to pay back /biz/ for introing it to me in 2014.

not op, but I would say start off by learning what AM is in details. google charles ngo and read his blog, he breaks it down well. Your next bet is to go to a forum, either a paid one like stackthatmoney or a free one like affiliatefix (id recommend STM tho).
Not op, just a contributer, but its sht like this that makes it not worth sharing more info.

Also... aww OP does ebay/amazon affiliate marketing, I do mobile content/ applications installs. Totally different sides of AM.
Yeah, I just assume people like that are either pissed at the world or are affiliates themselves and are scared that might lose something by educating newbs.
The fact is, nobody is going to give away the entire store to strangers on 4chan. I'm just bored and decided to humble brag a little bit and in the process maybe help a few people out some.
Yeah, I'm mostly doing ebay/amazon stuff right now and it's treating me pretty good but when I sense I've reached a peak I'm definitely going to retool and try to get into some other stuff.
>it's an OP talks to himself episode
Which one is the mobile phone?
We're both using your mom's computer as a vpn among other things we're using your mom for.
You affiliate marketers are really smart and mature, not to mention hilarious and original.

But yeah, keep up the dialogue with yourself. I'm sure some idiot can be roped in and you can make someone else miserable as well. You're human scum and I hope everyone you love leaves you or dies. Asap.
I expected this... Welp have fun believing in the limits society put on you.
Trying so hard, lol.
Okay I'll bite.
>I'm sure some idiot can be roped in
Roped in to what exactly? Making a blog with a 10 dollar domain name that costs about 3 dollars a month in hosting fees then putting some ads on it? Wow, yeah, the huMANity, right?
Look, you can be made at the world throwing tantrums in your basement but that doesn't mean that other people aren't out there making this work. If you don't believe that then fine. More money for me.
Not sure what you mean desu. There is nothing for both myself and op to gain from anyone here. take the info how you want. Scam this scam that, sounds like how my friends acted when I first started doing this.
Hey, thanks for the links to those forums. I've actually only been at this a year and a half now and I know I have plenty to learn. Most of what I know has been through trial and error and reading the affiliate support forums like I mentioned up thread. Another good place to learn is if the phpbay forums. I think you have to buy the software first to get in but they're good. Some blackhats but a lot of people trying to do this right.
Did the forums also say keep samefagging up some threads until someone believes your scam?

It sure seems they did.

Did the forums also advice you to neck yourself?

I sure hope they did.
Hang on, I'll check.
Dang. Nope, just said to tell needy attention seeking jackasses to go fuck themselves.
So I guess I should tell you to go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.
Do you kiss whoever fucks you up the butt with that mouth, you dumb cunt?
I thought you were just here wasting your time but with comebacks like that I can see that making an ass out of yourself on a Tibetan basket weaving board is actually you operating at peak output. Don't post too fast though or Hiroshimoot will start throwing those tricky captchas at you that you can never figure out.
Godspeed and thanks for the free entertainment.
>run out of unoriginal insults
>pretend not to cry and leave
Man you blow. How the fuck do you scam people successfully when you can't even scrape up an original insult?

Kill yourself my man.
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Hey thanks for offering out to help.

How did you start your first site? What did you used at the time? How much capital did you start with?
No problem. First site was just a blog I put together on WordPress. It wasn't really much. Just a few posts where I rambled on about basketball and the NBA. The idea was to have something to show when I applied to different affiliate programs.
After getting approved, I just started making more sites on every niche I could think of and putting ads on them.
Right now I have somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand generating income. A little from each one adds up!
Hosting is cheap. The first site needs to be dotcom to show you're "serious" but after that, just get the cheapest domains you can find. .trade and .bid go for 88 cents on namecheap with free whois privacy. You can stack 30 of those on a 5 dollar a month shared hosting account.
As far as capital, I believe I was making about 300 dollars a month donating plasma when I started so it doesn't take much. Needless to say, I don't donate plasma anymore.
Hey do you have any successful tips at being wealthy? Since, you know, you are obviously richer than these guys?
Lol these fucking bro scammers are the worst. Please link us to your personal '''team''' page with a pic of you in sunglasses in front of a hotel swimming pool "yo just chillin at my condo."

Good job waiting a few posts to mention your shill site but seriously quit samefagging and fuck off
You need to have money to invest for affiliate marketing, right?
10 bucks per year for domain
10 bucks per year for shit hosting.
what a weird thread.
Yeah, I've learned my lesson not to take /biz/ seriously enough to share something that actually works. I guess I should have just ranted and raved about Ethereum or some shit.
Any ideas besides a blog to get some trafic flowing?
Not asking for your recipe, just maybe a small tip?
>Why aren't you an affiliate marketer yet?
i have no idea what's the point in doing that shit.
i know millennial are clicking ads left and right butt they will wise up fast enough as they grow a little older.
>I don't get it
>there's this newfangled internet thing going on, but no flippin' way anybody is making money from it.
>Everybody buys all their stuff from physical shops, right? right?
It's not about whether it's a blog or a comparison site or anything else. The key is backlinks. The more backlinks you have, the more Google will see your site and put it in the SERP.
If your site is low quality then you're going to need a lot of them because each one isn't going to make much money. In that situation, look around for services that will spam the internet with backlinks for you. These services are free.
If your site is high quality, i.e., unique useful content, then you won't need as many but it will be harder to get backlinks as you will need ones that are higher quality. One way is create what's called a blog network. The main quality site (money site) is at the center and you create a number of lower quality sites that still have some unique content but you sprinkle those sites with backlinks to your main site.
This is enough to get you started and all of it will cost you nothing but the domains and hosting. You can Google around for the details.
Have you imagined actually needing something advertised? No? OK 6 billion plus other people might. It's not that difficult, a click is not labor intensive.
Do you use Anki to memorize the hundreds of weird tricks to get rich quick and lose wight that you've developed?
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What affiliate networks are you guys and how much have you made?

Pic related are mine.
Can only recommend Adludum.
I use it to memorize posts like yours so whenever I feel like it, I can have a sensible chuckle at your style of try hard teenage cynical angst.

>programming ability

see this is the problem for me. I have the time and energy for this, but no knowledge of web development, or coding.

Okay, so I have a little blog I run. It gets about 500 unique hits per day. It's guy stuff, girls, cars, etc...

What can I do with this site that will earn me money?
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I'm old school so I go for simplicity. Blogs and ads. Here is what I did for eBay last month.
Learn as you go. Make extensive use of stack overflow when you get stuck.
For a blog to make money with affiliate ads, it needs to rank highly in Google for keywords that people search for when they are actually ready to buy something. That's probably not the case for your site.
If I were you, I'd make another site that actually is optimized for "wanna buy" keywords. I mean something as simple as a shill site for zit cream. Whatever. Then on your guy stuff blog, make some posts where you can of weave a couple of links in somewhere pointing to your zit cream site. You aren't necessarily trying to get people to click through, you are trying to get your zit cream site higher in the SERP results by passing on some link juice.
Make a few more blogs with some unique content that also link to your zit cream site (don't over do it, Google isn't stupid) and in time, your money site will start getting some traffic and you'll make money.

Thanks man.

It sounds like you are saying my little blog can't earn much as it is.

I wish I could just get about 25 - 50 out of it every month somehow. Right now it earns me $2 a month from Google Adsense :(
No problem. The thing is the internet is so saturated that it is very hard to make money by accident. You have to approach this thing purposefully from the beginning when building a site. In that, a blog like yours can still be useful just as an auxiliary, not the main event.
How do you get people to covert?
All the offers look supper scammy, nobody will actually convert, right? And even if they do, they will never again.
Thanks for the encouragement to do affiliate mktng.
PPC and affiliate money are nice. Until you get targeted by click fraud botnets with ability to do conversion fraud using stolen CC

Situation is getting worse each year.
Hey OP, grats on your success. Why not share the cake. I got a pretty niche service. About to launch in 2days. I'll make you a good deal on your commission. Drop some contact data for me if interested
Good thread OP

>Right now I have somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple of thousand generating income. A little from each one adds up!

Just to clarify, do you mean a couple of thousand ads, or sites?
step 1) get emails from dumps on deepweb

step2) spam emails with amazon affiliate link

step3) get fuckin rrrrrichhhh

welcome to blackhat marketing. easy money.. your main issue will be evading the spam folder o_o
are there any discords for this? i actually own like 35 domain names, just random cool ones ive found are open.. i sold one last year for $800 so i dont really care

How do you sleep at night doing these obscene things to people
Couple of thousand sites. Sorry for the confusion.
Be careful as Amazon will drop you if your conversion rate goes below 1% which is what could likely happen in that scenario.
the fact this is being posted here is evidence that its peaked
You could be right. Maybe affiliate marketing has peaked.
Consider this though. What is an affiliate marketer after all? "Affiliate marketer" is a fancy term for salesperson paid by commission. And I'll bet one thing. There isn't a market or economy in the history of the world where good salespeople have gone hungry. That's the nature of the game.
Right now online shopping is exploding. Amazon is selling comparably to Walmart and it's only going to increase faster as more and improved payment schemes hit the scene. People are going to buy no matter what and I'd like a piece of that action.
As much collective autism as there is on this board, 4chan should be the king of stuff like this.
My website went online last december. I still haven't gotten much traffic yet, but I'm not in for the short term.
Maintaining several thousand websites sounds like a massive amount of work, do you have any systems in place to keep on top of them all?
I wrote a script that builds an entire website in its entirety including a years worth of content and ads before it even goes up. Takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.
When it goes live, it's pure set and forget with no further intervention necessary.
That's why I mentioned having some programming skill as vital.
I should mention, I have another script using Selenium that checks each site every 24 hours to make sure the ads are actually showing and all the sites are working correctly.
Thanks for this OP
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I have programming, design and SEO skills, currently have 2 websites up (first was a failure but we'll see long term since I was a noob, second one was perfectly made since day 1 and currently 1 month after I have good results) but they are adsense only and with little to none affiliate possibilities (very non material subjects). Since I'm about done with the second (I did the whole website including design and content before launching and spent 1 month on SEO) I'm very interested in affiliate marketing for the third. I just want to know what differs from the ad venue to the AM one and what rookie missteps are common so I can avoid them. Thanks in advance.
Oh and in ads an essential metric is traffic for the keyword vs how much you get payed per click. (1000 searches p/month with 1 click giving 300€ is better than 1000000 with 1 click giving 0.000002€), this still applies for AM but replacing the CPC for the product's cost right? Thanks.
>I wrote a script that builds an entire website in its entirety including a years worth of content and ads before it even goes up.

What tasks did you actually automate?
Admin tasks like apache config for the new site and replacing names/emails I can see.

Do you literally scrape and assemble content autonomously? I'm guessing more likely it does a db import formatted for your site of articles you bought or wrote all at once?

Don't you also have to fiddle with CSS and whatnot for different advertisements (oh scratch that if you're the ebay guy).

Last question, do you use wordpress? I can code and I've used wordpress for sites and it just feels so... dirty. I don't even look at the code just use the gui cause it's there even though I feel like it's locked me into some shitty style or theme. Some of the plugins are nice, but in the future I think I'll just build a base/shell site I'm happy with and use that. I wonder if I'm overlooking good reasons to use it.
>rookie missteps
Much could be written but here's a few highlights
1. There are many types of affiliate moneys to make. Mobile installs, native ads, eBay/Amazon, etc. This is great but it begets a paradox of choice. There are so many that newbs try one, get less than stellar results then jump to the next thinking they just haven't found the right one yet. Thing is, each system has a learning curve that keeps on going. Find one, stick with it and get really good. Long after the typical newb throws their hands up and bails is when you actually learn enough to make the real money.
2. Google hates affiliate sites. If they even think your site exists for the sole purpose of shoveling ads in peoples' faces, they will deindex you. There are a few options if you don't want to have to buy/create genuine content or give a site the care and feeding necessary. The best suggestion I'm willing to share is make sure you have some decent content but, this is key, make sure you have more than one site your affiliate links lead to. Have some ebay and some Amazon too. Have a few others. If you have to, send traffic to sites you aren't even an affiliate for. Just have some variety. You are much more likely to pass a manual review if you don't just look like an ebay affiliate spam site.

>essential metric
When it comes to picking which products to shill, there are so many variables that themselves are contingent on things like experience level and circumstances I'd be hesitant to try to distill it down to any one. Starting out, I'd suggest focusing more on categories of merchandise rather than specific items. You don't want to mess with something super saturated like iPads because you'll never rank in the SERP. You don't want to try selling books because you're dealing with a more discriminating type of consumer that you might need to build some kind of relationship with. Start with something high level like auto parts then as you get more experience, drill down to specifics.
>What tasks did you actually automate?
Literally everything. I use a combination of scripts written in Java, Bash, Javascript, PHP, and Python with a lot of Selenium to do everything from provision a host, get the content together, format it all for the database, you name it. It took me a year to fine tune it to the point where I type the scripts name into terminal and press Enter and 30 minutes later, I have a site up and running. Now when I have new ideas, I just edit whichever script. Pre-automation, it took 10 hours a day of human labor to accomplish what now takes about 10 minutes of human labor.
>Do you literally scrape and assemble content autonomously?
Quality content can make or break a campaign more than anything else. I have a good content source that I'd consider part of my edge. The script does format it into a textfile that is "sourced" into the database.
>Last question, do you use wordpress? I can code and I've used wordpress for sites and it just feels so... dirty.
Yes. Here's why. At least 25 percent of the sites on the internet are run on WP so it is much more easy to blend in and fly under the radar. If you are an affiliate, Google hates you and they hate your business model. Why? Assuming you are using SEO to move up in the organic rankings, you are making money but you aren't paying them money. Ergo, the problem as they see it. So despite WP's, um, shortcomings, I'd recommend using it for this kind of stuff. What keeps me sane using WP is I never modify the source of the framework itself. Anything I need, I either find or author my own plugin.
>I have a good content source that I'd consider part of my edge

what source ? and have you thought to put your script on the market ?
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Greatly appreciate your response anon, thank you.
It's his edge, obviously not going to tell you and he probably makes more money using it by himself (setting himself ahead of the competition) than by selling it.
The same faggotry is so apparent ITT. Nice try op, sorry you fell for the meme yourself.
i have never clicked on an ad in my life that's why i don't get it. can't imagine how this works.
>have you thought to put your script on the market ?
That's actually a good question and yes I have thought about it. But it's like I suggested up here >>1835693 and I stand behind that. If you are going to call yourself an affiliate market, and you want to be a good one and make lots of money, put every ounce of energy behind that. If you half ass it by splitting your focus you will probably fail. When I'm done with AM, I might look into things like selling my script and content system but in the meantime that would be foolish. Not to mention the fact that there are people out there making a million dollars a month. My measly mid 5 figures barely rates so I have a lot of catching up to do.
>affiliate marketer

Isn't this a meme?

Wasn't there an anon saying he made $500-600 in sales and saw like $5?
This is very true and I'd love if you could share your experience of affiliate summit. was it worth attending? I'd really like to go but I don't do much money yet(about $1k/mo)

I'd imagine going would really make a difference in networking, learning new things, and just being around people with like minds. But idk how those kinda conferences work

If either of you are still here I'd love to know how long it took for you to reach a fulltime living.

OP seems to do at least $20k/mo from ebay and the other poster running mobile/app installs is pushing close to that as well. Definitely a fulltime income for both of you.

I've bee at this for a year doing SEO pushing Amazon, Ebay, and a couple other smaller affiliates. In total I do just over $1k/mo and it's been a fucking grind to hit this much.

How many years of time did it take for you to reach a livable income? Like after taxes maybe $5k/mo or something that you can actually survive on? Am I in for another year or 2 of grueling grinding work just to hit those numbers?

Thanks for making this thread it's something that really deserves to be here
And for anyone doubting this, it's absolutely possible. But incredibly soul-sucking work(IMO).

You're basically writing reviews and posts to target people who might buy something. So you have to write about products you don't care about, but make it seem like you care just to earn money.

It takes a very long time to earn anything decent and there's so much competition that it's getting much more difficult(BestProducts, BestReviews, ThoroughlyReviewed, etc)

But anyone can do this. It's not rocket science. It's just that after 4-5 months of work you become numb, and you're not earning anything, and most people just quit. The only way to get there is to never quit
If that's true, how about you link us to one or three of your websites?
People in the affiliate space to not give out their websites because it's really easy to clone & steal someone's idea.

Yes this could happen anyway if someone finds sites in Google. But why make it easier? Especially if people peruse this board knowing it has affiliates on here.

I'm not even a big earner and I would never show any marketer one of my sites or even give away my niche. Someone who's making 20x more than me is definitely not going to show you their site. That's just the business.

I already listed a ton of affiliate sites in my previous post so check those out. Wirecutter and Sweethome are two more that do very well and recently sold to the NYT for millions.
Affiliate marketers are annoying, cringe worthy idiots.
Negative Nellys' at /biz are way worse
>how long to $5k/mo
OP here. It sounds like you're off to a great start. Many people give up long before they reach 1k a month. That's the thing about this though, it will suck your soul straight out of your body if you do everything by hand. How professional marketers with real jobs get up and go to work every day I will never know. I couldn't do it.
In the beginning, at about the 3 month mark, I had almost given up after putting work in every day and making absolutely nothing when lo and behold I checked my account one morning and staring back at me was earnings of $1.68. Triumph! I felt like a Spartan. The 5k a month mark came about 4 months later.
Some systems run at different speeds so you'll get there. You have the right attitude. Never quit.
To keep my soul intact, I use this as an opportunity to expand skills in related areas. My programming ability and SEO knowledge has gone through the roof.
>let's see your sites
I've shown exactly two people a sample of my sites and that was in person. The fact is they aren't anything special. Like anon said, this isn't rocket science.
>Affiliate marketers are annoying, cringe worthy idiots.
I used to think similarly until the paychecks started rolling in. Jokes on me!
I had a question. Do you link build using your own sites or do you approach other websites?

If you use your own sites, do you host them at multiple servers?
I use all my own sites and they are spread out on quite a few servers and hosts to avoid a footprint. Google is quick to take down a site of mine if it gets on their radar so I try to make sure there aren't any patterns they can use to link any of them together. I.e., they get one and only one at a time.
>The 5k a month mark came about 4 months later.
That's crazy and if that is the case then I feel I may be doing something wrong.

You're talking about SEO affiliate right? Maybe the SEO landscape is different now but just the thought of ranking a site well in 4mo seems crazy, let alone hitting $5k/mo in that time.

I'm interested if you have any suggestions for scaling and moving beyond "do everything yourself" because I'm just about at that point. I'm using my money to pay off debt and the rest is all getting re-invested into my sites.

I primarily run Amz affiliate and it looks like you're doing well with eBay. Are your sites all SEO and targeted for money terms in Google? I can't imagine going from $0 to $5k in half a year but it seems like you've done it, which means it is possible and perhaps I'm doing something wrong or too slowly
Ah I stand corrected. If you're doing PBNs then that definitely explains how you could rank & earn in 4months
Ah. I'm currently approaching bloggers to link to me. But a lot of them ask money for linking to a commercial website. Some do it for free, but some even ask for up to 500 dollars (which I won't pay obviously)

That's why I asked. It's getting to the point it's becoming more profitable to set up multiple websites. I guess you could even make some money off owning a blog if people are willing to pay 50 dollars for something as simple as a hyperlink.
It is indeed possible for three main reasons. First, I write none of my own content; second, everything and I mean everything is automated; third, I have thousands of sites.
Refining the early version of my automation scripts is what took me from $1.68 to 5k in 4 months.
FWIW I don't actually use PBNs. None of my sites link to each other in any way.
Paid links is a huge underground industry. Google hates it and will ban blogs in a heartbeat if they think they're doing that but it is a legitimate source of SEO. I don't do it myself though.
>I have to constantly remind my partner not to be a criminal
>this is a legit industry, trust me
I think more than half of them even send me a brochure with options I could purchase. So they might as well shut down the internet
Touché. Here's the thing though, incorporating certain blackhat tactics will most definitely multiply your income 10 fold so it is incredibly tempting. Not to mention most people wouldn't see something like cookie stuffing as anything serious. Intuitively, it almost feels on the level of copyright infringement. That is until that knock comes at 3AM and they haul you and all your computers off in the back of a van. No thanks.
Hm interesting. So where do you find writers to hire that do quality work? Do you like Upwork or have any suggestions for finding writers?
I can't really tell you where I get my content for obvious reasons. I'll say this though. If you want to make big money with review sites, you have got to figure out how to scale your efforts and that means acquiring minimum viable content and putting it on as many sites as fast as possible. Note I said acquire, not buy. Figure out the theory underlying a review that converts and find minimum viable content that fulfills the parameters.
Any blog sites I could use for this type of money making?
Thanks man one last question if you have time.

I'm looking to join the eBay affil program and what confuses me is how their cookies work for items that get sold. For example, if you link to an item and it sells that item won't be available to purchase anymore.

So when someone clicks that link does your cookie still register even if they buy something else? Or are you able to link directly to search results for items, rather than to specific auctions that'll expire? I'd like to target used goods on eBay and it makes more sense(IMO) to link to search pages rather than specific item/auction pages... but I'm not sure if EPN lets you build affil links to search pages or how their cookies work just looking for info
If you mean hosted blog, I've heard of people making money on wordpress.org but I'd suggest getting your own domains. It's really cheap and you aren't limited in any way.
>What if I link to an item on eBay that isn't available anymore?
Even if whatever you linked to has already sold, as long as they buy something within 24 hours, you get the commission. The real issue is the cookie is only 24 hours but it is what it is.
>What pages on eBay can an affiliate link to?
When you join epn, they have a tool you can use to link to any page. The way it works is really simple though so you can generate an affiliate link programmatically once you see how it works.
The trick if you are linking to individual items is only link to ones where the seller has been around and it's a listing that has something like "235 sold" somewhere. That way you know the listing never actually dies.
How do all those blackhat fags at blackhatworld do it? They do illegal shit 24/7 and there are thousands of them and they make bank. Ask them and they'll say all they do is illegal...whilee 99% of methods are illegal. What the fuck. If I was more stupid I would get easily baited by this.
I was thinking about doing affiliate marketing and doing other things to get easy money several years ago but then I realised that my cock was going to rock so I decided it wasn't worth the effort. My life wouldn't really be significantly better if I was pulling in serious cash flow by now anyway because there's hardly anywhere worth spending money on aside from the grocery store and gas station.
Actually, besides spamming and copyright issues, most black hat techniques are not illegal.

Google just doesn't like it.
A lot of the dudes on bhw are role players. Most of the stuff I see on that site boil down to legal yet TOS violating things like PBNs. If you haven't read about Shawn Hogan and his experience with Johnny Law, re cookie stuffing, go here: http://archive.is/JsAgk
And Google is pretty much the judge, jury and executioner on the internet, at the moment.
So nobody actually pursuits people who reupload copyrighted shit? I thought it'd be a problem if you make money off it.
Well, if you steal text the creator will try to take your website down.
If you still images from professionals then you can get chased by copyright trolls like Getty images.

But there are so many free images available that there is no reason to steal them.
And creating some text is something anyone can do. So I don't really see the point in using some else his work.

I get the impression OP spins the user content from other review sites. I guess taking user made content won't be enforced. But as soon as a company is behind the content creation they will get upset.
So you always have to ask: who is the source?

If it's free or made by a user, then you're usually good.
If a corporation or site owner is behind it then they might go after you.
Yeah but I mean, most of those blackhat methods are about baiting people with some copyrighted stuff, like movies, trailers, hacks, pictures games etc...so u need to kinda break some laws to make blackhat work.
I interpreted it as trying to manipulate Googles search results.
yeah, manipulating SEO seems to be the gist of it, but before u get to step 2 it will tell you to download 500gb of copyrighted pictures and reupload them to bait customers to click, for your ad money system or some other shit.
>it will tell you
You should try to solve a problem for your visitors. Not follow the instructions of some scammer.
in my city a afilatemarketing store
a room with a table a chair and a computer and a Google ads box in the window
That's weird that they'd even have a storefront. Usually you can do this sort of thing from wherever
Hey OP I was interested in getting started in this, how would I get started on building a script similar to yours?
That is the beauty of the game though, the thought that one day one million dollars will be fucking chump change. It's all possible.
I'm guessing the automated script keeps all grammatical devices in check? Thinking back to some of the spun articles I've seen, they're barely intelligible but I'd love pointers on where to start learning programming wise to automate the process. Thats the part that's killing me right now. I have good ideas and good niches but a ton of content to write.
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Hey guys! wow I am surprised this thread lasted this long, I stopped looking at it after people just kept calling me and OP a scammer so I assumed it would have died off. Glad it's still going. I am the mobile/app guy. Going to answer some questions while I am here.

Affilate summit is well worth attending. I don't buy the tickets anymore I just go and network at all the side parties. Ive been to all the summits, but the best one I ever been too was in December and that was Affiliate World Asia held in bangkok. That was a life changer. I will tell you this, you HAVE to network, at least with the type of marketing I am doing compared to the OP. It really is tough going at it by yourself, but it is possible.

So I started in late 2014 grinding my ass off desu. I tried to get my friends to join me, but like this thread, they thought I was getting into some kind of MLM so it was a bit rough since I had no idea where to start. I think I spent 5-7k in data (don't wanna say a loss, since this is a more accurate term) before I really started seeing some profit going. I would say it wasn't until I signed up for that forum I stated earlier and formed a group with two other guys who were new. We pretty much pushed each other to learn different verticals and sources. There are the few who hit it big fast, but then there are people like me who gradually grew into it. I quit my job early-mid 2016. It is not easy, if I told you it was easy that would be a huge lie. Grind and network, network, network. Always test and if you hit something big, don't get comfortable. You have to work and milk it as hard as you can and as fast as you can. Devote all your time and have the mindset that you will make it work no matter what. I highly recommend going to a summit, even if you don't buy a ticket, there are plenty of after parties & networking events that you can just walk into.

For ref, here is a ss of last month for 1 of the networks I work with.
what other black hat techniques are there for affiliate marketing?
Lol man THIS!! I swear the best feeling I ever had was getting that FIRST conversion. I was upstairs and saw my stats and I saw like $1.00 and I rushed down to tell my brother lmao. Man I will never forget earning that first conversion. That is what made me know it was real, because when I was dumping money with no results, I had no idea if this sht was real or not lol. It's funny the first conversion I got was promoting the app "Game of War", soon after I saw that being displayed everywhere on tv and billboards.
Man, at that pace you can retire after 3 years.
Just so I don't give any false numbers/info, that is just total revenue for February for one network (no costs). In total the amount combined with other networks I work with minus spend, my profit was about 53k for Feb. That is before taxes as well so take 30% off because of the taxes that are too damn high! The amount I make is nothing compared to the 5 friends I work with, I make the lowest amount.

When I first started, I was just happy if I could make 50-75/day profit. I never knew I would take it this far to be honest. I just wanted the freedom and will always value that even if I drop to 5-10k/month, I will be happy. I didn't change much besides buy a decent car and moved to a nice condo, other than that I don't buy extra shit, so if anything happens I can still afford the lifestyle I have. It already feels like retirement desu, I wake up and just do what I want. Check my stats, do maintenance when I want, travel around the world with my laptop. Yeah, sounds stupid, but if you want to be successful I feel its best not to chase the money. Just have achievable small goals that you work up to. The money will come with it in the end. Never give up.
This. I'll be golden with 50/day even (but of course I'll scale it up further always).

Ugh I need to get on affiliate marketing. Feels like I'm not utilizing my comp. sci. degree and web dev experience when there's so much money on the table.
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Is there a Shopify like site that basically holds your hand throughout the process? What did you use?
>Ugh I need to get on affiliate marketing. Feels like I'm not utilizing my comp. sci. degree and web dev experience when there's so much money on the table.
Iktf I'm always completely beat after work but if I quit to work on marketing I might run out of money before profit.
So how do I pick _the_right_ niche?
My first attempt I picked something a keyword that got enough (1000/month maybe) searches and a low number of pages to compete with (<1 million).
Needless to say this was a shit strategy not only did my keywords barely rank because the pages that did exist were well established.

What should I have done? Let's say I pick air fresheners as my niche, OK so I look for a few brands, "air wick". Now I make a few keywords around this, but what kind of stats are you looking for before putting in the effort?
If anybody cares to wonder where OP is, Google made an algorithm update yesterday and OP has his hands full sorting out the damage. This is the sucky side of AM. I'll be back later and answer whatever questions I can.
I'd love to know what the changes were, thanks.
Wax on; wax off

I run a dropshipping site here:
Is this a meme? This seems like something I can get autistic on and make mad loot. How does a NEET get into this?
Damn man, well do you best to take care of the fires man. I know exactly what you are going through although they are different types of fires I need to put out on my end. I will take care of this thread on the Interim while you are out. Thanks for the thread again

If anyone has any questions regarding mobile/app affiliate marketing, please feel to ask me senpai.
What's the best resource to use to get an understanding of the business? Any free PDFs you could link to? I'm hoping affiliate marketing has a similar site to Shopify's dropshipping site
I could probably automate the process of setting up a website as well but how in the world do you actually automate finding quality content that's not copyrighted?

All I can think about is just ripping stuff from Wikipedia or something
>I could probably automate the process of setting up a website as well but how in the world do you actually automate finding quality content that's not copyrighted?
Yeah for real, I would have said it's impossible. Though now I think I have some ideas.

How do you actually ensure quality content though, you can rip off forums and 4chin posts, but without manually looking at it the content could be trash or worse have an illegal combination of bits and bytes that you unknowingly reproduce.

And even then you can't really duplicate content too much or you'll take a google hit (or so I thought).

Hmmm this has inspired me.
how do I make money then?

explain step by step how you went from 0 to current gains, don't omit details or else it'll sound like luck
dude 1k a month would be my dream

in spain i can help my mom and i can have a decent life too, because i hate commutecucking

but no matter how much i read, i dont know what to do

im thinking about creating a site about a subject im a nerd about, but how do caculate how much the niche pays, how much the links will pay per click, how much adsense and if there is any problem with puttting adsense there? (for example, in some cases people got adsense banned for stupid reasons due the autist TOS)

i make 50/mo in youtube so i would be suicidal if i fuck up my adsense

i have no idea how to program. can i do this with a wordpress template for the blog and shopify to sell products and whatnot?

i have visited all those forums, still dont know how to make money

most people in bhw come across as pajeets selling their premium shit into each other and old methods that dont work
looks nice. how much u make?
where do you buy the stuff?
who the fuck gets to judge what quality content is other than some robot/algorithm?

also how is perezhilton making millions of adsene ad revenue with such a shitty content?
Well /biz/ here's how it's shaking out so far. Google made an algorithm change on the 7th or 8th and it's a bloodbath. SEOs (particularly blackhat) are losing rankings left and right. The gist is this looks to be a tweak to Panda making it more granular so for people, some keywords are falling off the map while others are climbing.
So far your friendly neighborhood OP has weathered the storm reasonably well. Traffic is down something like 20 percent which sucks but it isn't the 60-70 percent numbers others have been throwing around.
A moment of silence for my partner. He was down 50 percent today.
The bright side is this is a good time to be in this thread as it should be informative over the next few days seeing how things go. I've seen algorithm changes take 4 days to really have the full effect before so we'll see how it goes assuming this is day 2.
The thing to remember is this is affiliate marketing. Don't get discouraged. 2 steps back and hopefully 3 steps forward.
so why did your numbers tank?
What doesn't work now that did before?
I'm pretty sure the problem is backlink quality. Most of the links to those sites are from web directories. Just something I tried for a bit.
Best way to rank on Google is to have the highest quality sites link to you with relevant content. That isn't always easy though. Guest blog posts work.
Then there's the low road of PBNs. Google hates them but they usually work. This update may be really targeting that particular strategy. We'll see.
Can confirm, my page with a lot of mediocre links went down and by recent one with only about 3 high quality ones shot to first place.
>I will tell you this, you HAVE to network
Any tips on this? Like what exactly am I doing, just going to a conference and striking up convos with random attendees?
Legit earnings man you deserve it. Hard work pays off. And I believe you when you say all your friends earn more. PPC is a grind but you can earn far more in PPC than in SEO(just my semi-novice opinion).

I do SEO because it's my background, I've been building sites since I was 14 so it's just what I already know. But I'd love to get into PPC one day.

Do you associate with anyone who does SEO stuff or are all your friends/associates only PPC?
I guess I'll try to add some value to this thread by answering a few softball Q's

Air wick & air fresheners are not niches. A niche is something like cars/automobiles. Within that niche you could cover air fresheners.

I only know SEO affiliate which is writing content and trying to rank in Google. Do people go to Google and search "best smelling air freshener?" I don't know, that's your job to find out. If they do then you write content about the best smelling air fresheners and link people where to buy.

Amazon is the best affiliate program for newbies.

Every niche is profitable and generally speaking you're looking for keywords that can be monetized. You should NOT try to rank for "what is RAM"... nobody searching for that in Google will buy shit. You want to rank for "what is the fastest RAM" or "what is the cheapest RAM under $100"

Buyer intent is crucial. Build around that. If you want more info on SEO affiliate browse through /r/juststart

It's not a meme. The work is repetitive and generally antisocial(that's not a good thing but whatever) so I guess autism is great.

You need to decide if you want to pursue SEO affiliate or PPC affiliate. Search Google, read free shit, do not buy ANYTHING. Research for a few weeks/months. Decide what you want to try. Stick to one thing.

If you do PPC you will benefit from StackThatMoney. If you do SEO just research and practice.

There is no single resource.

People who earn money doing this do not want to help you. They're too busy making money. You need to research yourself and put in the hours trying to figure shit out.

You make money by targeting kws in Google like "best blender". People find your article, they read, then maybe buy a blender. Then you earn.

I just explained SEO but PPC is adspend. Research in Google info is out there.
>How do you get people to convert?
Numbers game. Enough ads in front of enough people the money rolls in. I've tested some of the sorriest sites you've every seen. One step above lorem ipsum. Nothing but a title, images, and prices with affiliate links and they've made money. Just get whatever you're shilling high enough in Google where people can see it.
That said, naturally the better your sites, the more people buy.

>How do I get started writing automation scripts?
Get a pdf of the O'Reilly book "Learning Python" and go through about the first 150 pages. Then study the documentation for the web automation library Selenium. With both of those under your belt, how to automate site building will be obvious.

You've been awesome in this thread and your killing it! I wish you much success. Here's a question: If I wanted to explore mobile app installs, what would be a reputable company to get started with? Oh, and that first conversion is the best feeling ever.

>Where to find step by step approach.
It's like they always say. If they're selling maps to the mine, the gold's all gone. There are some great suggestions in this thread but I'll add, bone up on white hat SEO. Learn what Google really looks for when ranking a site and figure out how to make your site conform as much as possible in whatever way you can. Whatever way you can. Get it?
>Who judges quality content?
You already nailed it. An algorithm. Nothing but a fancy if/then decision tree. As long as that's the case (and I don't see AGI anywhere on the horizon yet), a human can fool it. Don't get mad at people that have figured out how to do that. Do the work, search for your keywords, see the kind of bullshit that ranks and then *do what they do*

>How to get started.
Stop analyzing. Pick anything you see in this thread and get started. The next steps are usually pretty obvious. Build a site. Join an affiliate network. Put ads on your site. Do some SEO. Make mistakes. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. After a while the euros just start appearing.

are you using tools like GSA SER or xrumer?
>there's no single resource

There are sites and resources for everything. There are guides being sold, and guides being given away for free for everything imaginable online. You're trying to tell me affiliate marketing is the exception to the rule? Don't mean to be a dick, but your response to my question proves you either don't know shit or don't want to help. Either way, you're useless to this thread
PPC affiliate information is on StackThatMoney. That is the #1 resource. It's $99/mo for the forums but it is absolutely worth the cost if you wanna do PPC affiliate work.

What I said is that there's no SINGLE resource like that when it comes to SEO. There isn't some secret forum of affiliate marketers talking about SEO techniques, building websites, writing content, AND how to sell that content on the web. At least I've never found one specific place like that.

Now, are there many different guides/websites/blogs/videos covering SEO affiliate? Yes. Absolutely. I recommend browsing /r/juststart if you want free info on SEO affiliate marketing.

But bottom line there isn't one specific single website you can browse to learn everything required for SEO affiliate work. Here's everything you need to learn for SEO:

1. Finding products you can push
2. Keyword research
3. Buying a server + domain
4. Launching a site on WordPress(themes+plugins)
5. Writing content
6. Marketing that content(social & outreach)
7. Building backlinks
8. Studying what works & repeating

Please find me one single resource that covers all that stuff just like STM does for PPC.

Oh you can't? Now you understand my response.
In case my longwinded ramble above wasn't clear enough, here's me NOT being useless in this thread:

Go to Google and type "juststart"

Click the first link, read all the case studies stickied to the top of the page. If you find words you don't understand then Google search them. Find blogs talking about those words, read them. Repeat this until you're ready to launch a site and start trying to earn money.

Good luck.
How do I know your job will exist in 5 years?
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This job has always existed and it will always exist. It will change throughout the years, like always, and you just adapt to the updates. It won't go anywhere, you might change affiliation, niche or strategy to rank and convert but AM is and always will be here.
That doesn't assuage my fears that if I do the same thing (setup 1,000 blogs and co-link and pick up hot meme subjects du jour) that google won't come down hard on the independent affiliate links

Amazon and ebay could whine all they want but google has the power to do it and force the clicks into their own ecosystem, so why don't they?
Well if you're worried about this not existing in a few years, you should give up on being an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you always have to have the mindset that what you build won't be here tomorrow.
It's a legitimate fear as evidenced by posts in the thread already. To hand wave and act as if it isn't shows your novice understanding of time and value to people. Don't respond to me, I wasn't asking a child.
No shit it's a fear, I didn't say it wasn't. I was just saying if it's going to inhibit you from moving forward, then don't move forward. Quit making excuses as to why you don't start and either do it or don't you faggot.
>Don't respond to me, I wasn't asking a child.
Everything I see here talks about writing content. Would it be easier to create content with images only? Like just post memes all the time? Could you make money off something like that?
>implying you're not a child yourself
>implying you're not a pussy
>implying you're not going to keep making excuses because you want every reason not to put in work
You could. The chances of success drop to 2% though, ranking content without text is extremely hard (I mean extremely as in the hardest thing you can try to do in this business). Plus, by posting memes you are in the "entertainment" segment in google's eyes which is payed horribly low (0.002 cents per click on ad) and you can't really apply AM so you have to make money with the ads alone. Just a bad idea overall, stick to text coupled with a few images and, if you want, videos.
Keep using it. I used it to autistically memorize thousands of Japanese words years ago. I'm using it for Chinese now.
Reading amazon's terms for affiliates, and this intrigues me:
> 2. Disqualified Purchases
>(d) any Product purchased by a customer who is referred to an Amazon Site by a link that is generated or displayed on a search engine (including Google, Yahoo, Bing, or any other search portal, sponsored advertising service, or other search or referral service, or any site that participates in such search engine’s network)

How the fuck do you get your amazon affiliates clicks, then?
But it seems like it would be much easier to automate with just images only because you could have hundreds of sites just randomly posting from a large pool of images. Can you really easily set up tons of sites with text posts if you don't really have anything to talk about?
I think this means if you get google to display your affiliate url directly it doesn't count.

Google -> your site -> amazon via your aff link = good
Google -> amazon via your aff link = bad
Hey guys, sorry I had a ton of stuff to work on recently. Back to answer questions.

Yep, best to do is hit the conferences and just strike convos. It was tough for me to do since I am honestly an introverted person. However this helped me open up and forced me to talk to people.
Thanks man! Yeah, I am literally peanuts compared to my friends, planning to fly to south east asia next month to hang out with em for a bit. Yep, I actually have a a really good friend who does SEO, just got off a call with him earlier today. He (his VA) makes a ton of sites and mixes it up with pay per call offers. He pulls a passive 5-10k/month. Let me know if you have any additional questions
Thanks man! Still thankful you made this thread. If you want to explore mobile app installs, good networks to work with are: Mpire network. Mobvista, Appflood. They control most of the branded apps like starwars, hulu, et c... Yep that first conversion... Best feels!

Guys been in n out intermittently since I just got some exclusive offers that I have to push, but will try my best to answer asap!
Just noticed that my ID changed after I activated and installed a new modem/router. I am the App/mobile person who posted this last
Yeah of course it's easier to automate images. This business isn't easy. You wanna go the easy way you'll hit roadblocks and absolutely give up.

It's possible to automate tons of sites with spunb content but IMO that's the old way. It's phasing out. Google is getting smarter and in 10 years that probably won't work.

The new was is to build an authority site that genuinely offers value. Business is really just an exchange of value so your job would be to create a website in a niche that is a one-stop shop on content. Two great examples are Apartment Therapy and Sweethome.

If you want to randomly automate images then try doing Instagram marketing. That can be mostly automated but you also risk Instagram banning your accounts & you losing all your money/followers at any time.

This game is always a risk. There is no non-risky business. And it's also not easy. There is no easy business.

Find one thing you're willing to do and stick to it. Give it at least 12 months. Learn along the way, adapt, and you'll probably see some level of success.
You're correct to be afraid to follow that strategy. It's basically a loose spam/PBN but without turning them into "real" blogs. Google will catch on eventually and I do not recommend following that strategy if you want to mitigate losses.

If you're looking to build a solid affiliate site that lasts then you need to make an authority brand. Something that'll look legitimate with legit content and that you can run as one single entity(not thousands of domains). Think of something like BodyBuilding.com. That one site is a massive authority on health/fitness and google will never ever take them out of the rankings because they're so authoritative.

If you're afraid of Google taking down your site then the only thing you can do is play by Google's rules. Focus on quality over quantity, build legitimate white hat links, DO NOT build extra sites to link to yours, do not spam web 2.0 links... as you research more you'll learn which links are safe and which aren't.

Neither technique is right or wrong. You can earn money either way. But building 1 authority website is far safer than building 1,000s of shitty websites.

Hope this clears up your confusion.
Really appreciate all your time in this thread & it's good to know there are some affiliates on this board who actually earn money.

Just curious, how often do you keep in touch with the people you meet at these conferences? Do you hang out & chat as friends? Or are they mostly business colleagues?

It feels like a strange industry to network because the work is so solitary that it's not really about "who you know", but rather "what you know". I assume knowing people is great to share tips & socialize but unless you start a project with another person there isn't much teamwork involved
Black hat AM is a very profitable business, but don't buy into gurus. Also, realize the start up cost to compete with the people in the business today is staggering for most living paycheck to paycheck, depending on the platform and methods used.

Source: I've been doing AM work for like 2.5 years now
I appreciate your input on this.

Have you had any luck setting up affiliate programs with non-major retailers online? I'm thinking of catering to a certain service that sells products on their own website, and it seems to be a website with not much affiliate help despite its mild popularity. Think they'd be interested in setting up an affiliate program if I offered them an increase in eyeballs on product?
There's no way to know without just approaching them and asking. Many places do have "secret" affiliate programs but they don't openly advertise and/or they're invite-only.

Send a message and see what they say.
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Any recommended web hosters or domain services?
You don't even need programming skills. The richest affiliates I know are fucking retarded. Millions per year slinging diet pills to fat women.
Being an SEO affiliate is peasant shit. Do cloaking on Facebook ads for weight loss pills. Seriously. Millions.
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>being the black market kidney seller of affiliate linking
>resorting to misdirecting people to get clickthroughs on facebook because you can't even build a website
>wanting to lose weight
Who gives a shit. All affiliate marketing is being a middle man - I build landing pages, and link through to offers. I get paid $45 per step on a free trial of a diet pill and colon cleanse the customer takes ($4.95 or $1.95 trial).

90% of people take both steps since it's a one-click upsell.

I get close to $90 per trial sale and I spend $35 on Facebook ads to get it. I do anywhere between 100-300 sales per day depending on which offer I link to.

You do the fucking math on how much money I make and why it's better than being a "blackhat SEO" peasant you fucking faggot
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No LARP. I have to farm Facebook business accounts and they get banned all the time. My average account lasts 2-3 weeks for ads. I don't go through affiliate networks for the offers because I know most of the offer owners personally.

Step 1 is diet, step 2 is colon cleanse. Depending on the time of year I also will run step 1 skin cream, step 2 eye serum.

My first big money in affiliate marketing was slinging ringtones. People would sign up for $9.95 carrier billing on one click. I got paid $12 per signup (their average customer lasted 3 months). My average cost per signup was $3. I was doing 1000 signups per day, mostly retards on TMobile or Boost.
>I get paid more than the company makes
Remember these ads? Yep this was me too. Before ad networks banned them. Back in the old days of Acai berry before Oprah and the FTC sued everyone for false advertising.

They never caught me though. Made so much money back then. Was like the Wild West.
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Of course you did
Did you not read where I said their average customer lasted 3 months you moron?

What's $9.95 * 3?

They take a loss on the first month because they know their metrics and are profitable in month 2. Common advertising strategy.

Do you know why diet pill trials pay $45 per step on a $4.95 order?

Because on day 14 those people are billed $90, and $90 per month in perpetuity until they call to cancel. The average customer is worth around $130 LTV for them per step.

LTV means "lifetime value" for the uneducated.

i'm a noob. how can I get started doing what you do?
I've already said that PPC offers way WAY more money than SEO.

But SEO is very passive once you get it going. PPC requires you to keep finding new offers, writing new copy, new ad creative, retargeting, it's consistent work with a lot of trial & error.

Is that bad? Hell no. $1MM a year is beyond possible.

However because my background is in building websites(possibly like others on this board) I recommend SEO as a cheap intro. It costs maybe $150/yr to get a website online. PPC costs a hell of a lot more to even get started, let alone to get OK and start earning money.

They're two different beasts and they're both viable for earning livable incomes.
Learn Facebook advertising first. Then set up a fake account - woman, 34, like some famous pages about exercise and Doctor Oz.

Start watching the ads you get on this account. Click ads about weight loss or "melting fat"

Look at their pages. Rip them even with httrack. Find the offers they link to.

Find affiliate networks with those offers.

Do similar or swap offers out.

Start a fake Facebook page. Set up a cloaker. Find a blog about exercise to cloak to do FB doesn't ban you. When ads are approved, switch to the "dirty" page. Profit.
Oh where are you now, faggot? I'm not posting my tracking revenue screenshots because you'd probably say "hurr photoshopped". Kill yourself you peasant NEET piece of shit, I'm rich and you're jelly.
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>I'm so rich and not butthurt about being called out on larping that I'll claim I have screenshots that I won't provide
Yup that's what I thought. But it's cute how jealous you NEETs get. Don't you have an etherium thread to shitpost in?

thanks. just to clarify, what is a cloaker?

also, how soon could I start making serious money if I do this?

any other further guides or reading (free) for a complete newbie?
A cloaker is basically just a script that lets you redirect your link after your ad is approvrd. Facebook will never approve diet pill trial ads, but they'll approve a blog telling you about low carb.

Good resources? Hmm. Stackthatmoney paid forum has always been good to me. Wickedfire was good back in the day.

There's a chance of losing money. But you'll learn fast.
If a product is really good they wouldn't need affiliate marketers or salesmen.
I'll 2nd STM it's the only resource you need to learn PPC
Fuck off, that's far from true. Good products compete with shitty ones with salesmen, and will get their ass handed to them.
Take this faggot posting back to Rebbit.
If you're a programmer and want to make shady money write a browser toolbar to make everything into an affiliate link. Then just have to get people to install it. I know a dude who did this and sold his company for $8mil
What are your thoughts on the affiliate conferences? Are they worth attending & how do you keep up with those relationships?

Please keep dumping info, very interested
Let's say I create this toolbar and install it on thousands of computers with a botnet. What's your take on this method?
Risky. The money flowing back to you will out you as owning the botnet. Quick way for FBI to track you is to see that money flow. Either be based in Russia or somewhere else they don't care if you do that
Just remember every time you see an ad or a scamware thing and wonder "wow how retarded I bet nobody falls for that" - someone is paying for that. And for a good reason - it's profitable.

Tech support scams are big right now too. Freeze your browser and demand you call a phone number to unlock. It's like $200 for them to call in and get unlocked. Ransomware!

Also Adblock is for faggot plebs. If you want to see what's hot don't block ads.
Thank man, glad I can provide info to you guys. I actually keep in touch with most of the affiliates I am in contact with. Surprisingly I ended being good friends with the top players in different verticals besides mobile that I do. Its a combination of who you know and what you know. Most of the top affiliate know that its best to share and grow together. We form masterminds alot
This is true to be honest.. Facebook and Google Adwords are beasts. I currently do Pop/display, but have also been learning nutra from a couple top affiliates who pull 5-6figs/daily. Super tough though since FB will ban for anything unless you really know all the triggers. I don't know how to farm so I've been buying fb accounts with payment options set up on adespresso. Glad to know another aff is posting here, especially one thats crushing it hard! I bow to you, whats up!

Yep, like I posted previously. STM is a great forum, I still am on it. I haven't looked at it, its just taking my monies which I feel they deserve lol

You would be surprised to know that most big businesses and brands don't know how to advertise for shit.

Not the guy you are asking, but I would say its well worth it. Best place to network and grow IMO. But I am sure this guy will provide valuable info too.
I go to affiliate summit usually. The new up and coming ones are affiliate world Europe and Asia, put on by the STM crew.

Just join Facebook affiliate groups and skype groups, forums will introduce you
Went to both AWA and AWE last year. I can vouch that it's an amazing experience. I go to the affiliate summits as well. Debating on if I should go to AWE again or not, wish they chose a different location than last year...
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I took a look at the STM forums and their preview 'content.'

That shit looks scammy as fuck. One of the posts I read had a guy talking about how he read Tim Ferris' 4 hour work week book. I mean c'mon. kek.

How do we know you guys aren't fucking STM shills
How do you find an affiliate network that lets you payout anonymously? I not giving my tax info so these shady sites.
You're right. In the EU there's also counter measures for this (and jail up to 5 years). I'll spoof location and launder the money with BTC. I'll use botnets owned by other people too. Do you have a minimum figure of how many users you need in order to start raking in money? 50 thousand people?
Not shilling shit, it's up to you if you want to go and pay for the content. If you want something free, but lower quality then go hang out and affiliatefix forum or something else. Last option would be for you to disbelieve everything we say and just move on to something else. Not being an ass, but I am not here to push people to AM, just providing info.
Either take the risk or don't. Handholding is the pussiest shit in the world.

Research in Google. Read other opinions. Why would multiple people in this thread, all of whom do completely different marketing, all suggest this one forum for PPC? None of us get any money out of it. This thread is here to share info and help newbies who may attempt to start... although frankly I seriously doubt anyone reading this thread will find enough drive to start & get anywhere.

If you want a free learning resource then Google "juststart" it's 100% free and it'll help you learn SEO affiliate with case studies from scratch.
>being this retarded
you really think amazon and ebay are just going to not notice when you redirect affiliate links to your own?

this isn't 2004. toolbar affiliates wont make you any money
ID: f4Kqg7Et
>also been learning nutra from a couple top affiliates who pull 5-6figs/daily
Jesus fuckin christ assuming that's maybe 50% takehome it'd still be $15MM/yr minimum. That's insane.

What exactly is "nutra" is that the health/nutrition vertical? Or is that another type of ad like display/native/etc?

I rarely check /biz/ but I'll try to keep these aff threads going in the future this one is awesome. It's good to know other marketers are on here even tho most posts here are from newbies/wannabees/haters... still awesome stuff and I don't know anyone IRL who does this so it's great to connect even digitally & read this kinda stuff
" I seriously doubt anyone reading this thread will find enough drive to start & get anywhere."

Quoted for truth. When I was on /biz in 2014 and the last AM guy was there, I remember he said something to the extent that less than 5% would try what he posted, less than 5% of that 5% would continue to make it work and even less % would "make it" in the AM world. I think that guy ended up getting doxed though since he posted pic of his watches, money and other stuff. Wish I knew who that guy was to say thanks to him.
Yeah man, its insane. My friend was broke in 2015, and in late 2016 he officially had a networth of over 1MM. It's insane how life changing it can be if you work hard on it. "Nutra' is basically skin, diet, muscle supplement vertical. Usually advertised on FB, Native or Adwords. Yeah man, its sucks when you don't know anyone in RL, but seriouly go to a summit and meet some peeps there, mastermind and share info. It'll honestly help push you to the next level, wherever level you are in AM.
Many thanks anon your answers here have helped a lot. I really think the next step for me is an affiliate conference sooner than later. If fates align perhaps we'll bump into eachother unknowingly and share a drink

And many congrats on how far you've come in only ~2yrs you should feel immensely proud of the effort you've put in.
you're very welcome! Thanks man, yeah it was a hell of a emotional rollercoaster in the beginning, especially when I had no idea wth I was doing and just losing money... But in the end man, I am so thankful for everything and everyone who helped me get where I am now. Yeah man, hell if you have a throwaway email maybe we can add on a skype or something
Or make some 4chan affmarketing discord group lol.
I've got quite a few burners I think every marketer should just for social accts & anon signups.

Feel free to msg me here: [email protected]

I don't check it all the time but I'll keep a lookout to pass you my real address and/or Skype

Happy to provide any value I can on your journey(and vice-versa)
Awesome, just sent u a mail from a @aim email.
Lets be real, affiliate marketing is just another one of those petty internet money making schemes that only desperate loner's who are too scared to make it in the real world try at. Even the ones who make serious bank know they failed at life and had to resort to hiding on their computer to make a living. seems like a very sad life tbhfam
t. user of the nichest of boards about quick money making schemes on an mongolian knitting forum
many thnx I just answered with my main email appreciate the speed

>too scared to make it in the real world
>yet many affiliates literally earn millions per year
>they're too scared
>they're not making it
>these are "schemes" and they don't work

The cynics have become some of my favorite people. They keep the industry quiet and reduce competition. God bless you anon
>there is the real world, then there's the internet
>never the two shall meet
>everybody buys all their stuff in high street shops
Yep. Very powerful program. The best thing I've found for churn and burn style sites. I haven't used xrumer.
A biz AM discord sounds like a good idea
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One question about GSA, can you use it directly on your website (long term, not chun burn) or only on other tiers (aka web 2.0s linking to your website)?
How much a fb account going for these days? A couple years ago your u could get 2-3x the spend limit.
Well it is always the factor of how many people are working the biggest business cuck is going into business by yourself I have a team of 5 other people all combining our efforts on 6 different things.

tnx OP & every1 else.

been reading the whole thread, saved a .txt with all the important stuff, im broke as fuck.

going to start with this AM stuff asap, i'm going to pick ebay, already chosen a niche to start, i'll try to use a free host, if i cant, well, i dont care if 'll have to skip a meal, but im getting a .com
Archived this thread


Update when you can :)))
I used to be but it is very difficult to rank a site for the long term now.

I mean, black hat tactics will give you some short term gains.

Long term you are competing against large companies with enterprise software.

Tight niches easy to rank in have limited earnings due to the small market size.

If you can master PPC, great, but again you're competing against a lot more people today compared to even 5 years ago so ROI is much lower, even difficult to achieve.
Check out Wealthy Affiliate. You get two free sites, they have a bunch of videos to help, and it's free.
There are people that will tell you if you just use the right settings, like leaving believable blog comments that pass moderation in your niche you can use it on at least tier 1. I'm slightly skeptical and have never even attempted it. But it seems possible.
The flip side to this is the more the market is squeezed, the less competition there will be. You can come up with every seemingly logical argument in the world to why affiliate marketing is a fool's errand.
To that, I can only suggest taking another look at the OP pic. That's a dude sitting in his bedroom working his ass off and making thousands and thousands of dollars a month. I never said it was easy, only that it is possible.
So realistically is something like this possible while working a regular full time job as well?
In short, yes.
To elaborate, my partner didn't quit his full time job until he was making 10k a month doing this. So to put that in perspective, for a period of time, he was sustaining a 9-5 whilst putting in the effort to be respectably successful at affiliate marketing.
I did it while taking a full load at university.
You can do it, just have to be very disciplined. Being antisocial helps too.
I've been reading some stuff to start and ordered a few books for website design (wanted to make one anyways) but what other resources are best? Like what would be a good start point. I've read the thread but still don't 100% have a solid foundation on it. Unless it's something you just do.
Check out
They simplify making a site. Also check out using something like Shopify to help sell stuff.
If you study this thread very carefully, I think you'll get just about everything you need as far as the big picture goes. At this point it's really up to you to fill in between the lines with experience.
If you think you really need a step by step to get you off the ground, here's a suggestion. Since you have a job, collect a little bit of cash, go to flippa.com and buy a site that has a little bit of regular income and make sure the seller will walk you through what they did. Since you will have just bought his domain, he'll be in a good mood to help you.
That's my best suggestion for getting a level 1 walkthrough.
march 2017

will i grow and get rich, or will i crash and burn to death? time will tell.

moving forward, step by step.

just made a site lel, aint got shit but its a start, i'll start to learn about website making scripts once i've a few sites online.
So you have 2000+ separate sites doing autoblogs... so you are spending something like $20,000-$40,000 annually on the domain registration alone, probably another $60,000 for 2000 different hosting accounts. So its gonna take you 4 months of ebay revenue just to break even each year. This ignores the fact that this kind of google spam shit is being taken down all the time, you admit yourself you are down 20% this week alone. Ebay will ban you right before you think you will get paid, they aren't stupid. Your little endeavor of websites built on sand is 100% guaranteed to fail once you get that email from ebay partner program saying you broke their tos and you will have made negative money after deciding to go all out and buy even more domains. Go back to digitalpoint with the other 10 million third world retards polluting the internet in their quest to earn $4 per day from their shithole with their unique autoblog method.
As soon as I get out of my job I'll be doing the same
>you are spending $20,000-$40,000 annually on domain registration, another $60,000 for 2000 different hosting accounts. its gonna take 4 months of revenue just to break even.
lol. Your numbers are so off it's laughable. Literally orders of magnitude.
>ebay partner program saying you broke their tos
The epn quality team has signed off on every one of my sites. Twice.
>Go back to digitalpoint with the other 10 million third world retards
Wew lad. Jelly?

Why is it people with the least to say talk the loudest..
Read most of this thread and I'm still confused on what the fuck affiliate marketing is or is it really just that simple.

Also would like to see an example of one of these sites.
It really is that simple. Here's a site that's pulling $75 a month from Amazon just as an example
Mouse over any of the links and you'll see how it works.
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Lads I'm fully inspired, fully ready and already have about 15 keywords/products that I want to test to single out the best one. All I am kindly asking you is that you tell me or atleast point me on how to pick which ones to run with (easy to rank). They all have buyer intent and low to medium monthly search (from about 500 to 3600). I want to know your preferred methods in finding out how hard they are to rank as I've tried some which have amazon and HUGE review sites on top results (sites that review just about anything in the world) and I still don't know if this is a good thing or bad (since they're not focused). Also some that already have amazon affiliate sites in top results (made 100% for AM) but in very bad quality and weak backlinks etc... I would appreciate your expert help as this is the last step before I go in and kill it! Thank you for everything you've said already, invaluable and appreciated
im getting the numbers from you dipshit
>blog with a 10 dollar domain name that costs about 3 dollars a month in hosting fees
>Couple of thousand sites
and don't say you are just getting 88 cent .trade domains from namecheap because thats only for the first year, they are 25.88 + 2.88 whoisguard every year after that fucking retard, so my estimate was actually low.
>and don't say you are just getting 88 cent .trade domains from namecheap because thats only for the first year, they are 25.88 + 2.88 whoisguard every year after that
This is what happens when some jackass reads "Babbys first website" and thinks he knows his ass from a hole in the ground.
.trade costs that much the second year, most of the .88 domains are around 10 dollars to renew. Secondly, every domain I've ever bought covered its cost the first year and then some most do much much better. If they make enough, I renew, otherwise I don't. Common sense. It's like you don't have any.
>blog with a 10 dollar domain name that costs about 3 dollars a month in hosting fees
That was in response to someone asking how to get started. I also said:
>You can stack 30 of those on a 5 dollar a month shared hosting account. And if you really want to be clever, you can stack hundreds of static sites on a $5 a month Linode vps.
Now get your calculator back out, dumbass so you can get something else wrong.
You're on the right track. A big part of my keyword research method is checking the SERP to see what kind of competition I'm dealing with. It's automated but, if the first 2 pages are nothing but cnet.com, wikipedia.org, notebookreview.com then I know to move on. If I see a bunch of joesreviewblog.info then I'm on the right track.
Another thing to check is go to eBay and check the completed listings for the product you're focusing on. Did they sell? Or is it a wasteland of red. If the stuff in your niche is selling well, the competition for your keywords is low quality and there's good search volume, you're golden.
Good luck!
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because I'm buying MiloCoin right when it opens?
Your method is bullshit and you are just spewing shit to troll people. There are no products on ebay that have low competition, because ebay itself would have the first 20 serp results. You expect anyone to believe that a script can generate thousands of unique websites that magically pop up in google and get millions of clicks to your affiliate link in a period of a few months? You don't even know how much a domain renewal costs. Even people at warriorforum would think youre a dumbass
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25 domains per page, 110 pages.
Do the math, fuckboy.
>this is the last step before I go in and kill it
No it's not. You have way more work to do before you even remotely "kill it"

Look at the top rankings and study the authority of those sites. Look at their content. Can you write better content? Lengthier, more detail, more valuable, better photos, pros/cons, more useful to readers? Then you might stand a chance.

If the top search results for your kw are stores like Amazon, Wayfair, HomeDepot, then you can almost 100% outrank them just with content

The only way to learn is to do shit
Basically you're just never gonna make it if you need someone to literally explain each step of how this works. You need critical thinking skills and the ability to act in your own agency as a sovereign individual... that is crucial in this industry.

Affiliate marketing is sales. You earn when someone buys.

So if you wanna do SEO affiliate then target keywords that people might search if they wanna buy something.... "best TV under $500" clearly the person searching for that is ready to buy they have a budget and know what they want. So you write a post talking about the best television sets under $500, give them some options, make a recommendation. Encourage them to buy.

If they do, you get money.

If you still don't understand then idk where to take this you really need to try things. Read the juststart case studies they'll answer your questions

As for example websites:
- BestProducts
- BestReviews
- ThoroughlyReviewed
- OutdoorGearLab
- TheBabyBed
>tfw you found a dump of STM forum but you can't download because certificates


Are you too dumb to ignore invalid certs? Post link homie
retarded cunt.
were can i buy traffic with paypal and be cashed out in btc?
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I've been looking on SEO forums a lot. I've been teaching myself to develop websites. Where can I go from there?

I've thought of working under mentors for free but most IM's seem to be solo entrepreneurs.

Any advice OP? Anyone that's had success? I'm not desperate but very thirsty for this kind of knowledge. It seems really fun.
Tbh you could start with signing an affiliate program. Want my tip of the month?
by all means, anon
Vpn provider.
> No way, overcrowded.
Stay poor pleb or inform yourself. Let me share my story.

> be poor
> browse stumbleit.com or whatever they call it
> brings me to a vpn provider
> service not even launched
> they claim revolutionary algorithms and shit
> I can almost feel the bait penetrating the normies asshole
> shit is cash
> plshaveaffiliate.png
> nope.exe
> contact them and ask why there is no affiliate program
> some dude tells me their backend is not ready to register subscription renewals
> tell them to fuck off and let me sign their program
> they publish affiliate program, give me special contract with extra high commission and a guarantee for commission on renewal once it's ready.
> fuckyeah

That was like 2 months ago. I've been a lazy piece of shit and didnt get back to them since.
How much is commission? I'm stuck on picking a niche.
OP still here?

Was wondering if you take on interns for free. Use to frequent BHW and other SEO forums. In terms of experience with IM. I've only made a couple hundred bucks with adsense.

This seems to outside my realm of experience though, that being said, seems so fun and interesting!
I'm curious how much does that (100% quailty OC text) pay from the writer's perspective? For instance 10000 words that cover some subject in its entirety
Sorry I deleted the text. I figured it wasnt the right thread for it. I guess i might have deleted it too fast.

Anyway, I just order texts on iwriter. Its one of the cheapest writing sites on the market.

I usually just want content to be original, but that is too much to ask for many. Thats why I only order elite writer texts, but I've found that barely helps.
40% as special offer if i'm not mistaken. Default was 25% or smth
I guess 10.000 words is 200 dollars.
Care to share?
Yeah sure. I will probably procrastinate to infinity anyway. Will post tomorrow once I found the mails
>Ive been through the darkside before and although the money was insane

can you talk a bit about that? what does the darkside mean? i know blackhat marketing means doing shady illegal dishonest and deceptive shit but how bad could it be that it could bring in insane money relative to greyhat or normie AM tactics?
Is it needed to spend money on adwords or Bing ads, or can you just rank in Google with SEO?
A fresh website with suddenly hundreds of spammy backlinks is not gonna rank against any real competition. I'd love to see your websites lol

Creating a PBN is the way to go, you are right on that, but it will cost you more than just "domain and hosting" as quality PBN domains cost more than your .99 cent go daddy PUPPYBOX.info site

Is why you don't use spammy backlinks. I am guessing, since you say you dont use PBNs, that most of your traffic is from guest blog posts as well as organic due to the link juice from those guest blogs.
Returning back to this thread:

Found http://jinja.pocoo.org as a resource. Its just a templating language for python. It might be what OP uses too
Is it normal for Google Search Console to now show all backlinks?

Because I feel a lot of relevant backlinks, that can be found via Google Search, seem to be missing.
*not show all backlinks
Given that I have OOP and exposure in selenium I could possibly write a script here that OP mentioned if anyones interested.

Jinja is pretty excellent looking into the docs. I would just put a basic bootstrap theme with keywords and proper SEO in alt tags for amazon pics.

On Discord?
/biz/AM discord is here with 7 of us already

GSC is not totally accurate and won't fully report your backlinks, but Google knows.
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I don't buy a single ad. Pure SEO.
I got sucked into an argument up thread and I'm about done with that. Not that there's anything wrong with it but I don't sit and theorize about PBNs vs spam vs thin sites vs web 2.0s or anything else. I find something that works, I automate it, and I beat the shit out of it. All I can say is my system works for me and makes me plenty of money which is what this is all about anyway. And that 20 percent loss is already being made back up. I'll be back within a week or two.
This so-called Fred update to Google has forced me to evaluate some of my process though and I have some new stuff I've been working on that should rank my sites much faster including better backlink profiles and better on-page SEO so there is that.
Jinja is really cool though I don't actually use it. I just Wordpress with some plugins I wrote. The automation part is everything surrounding picking keywords, assembling content, provisioning hosts, installing wordpress, getting backlinks, etc.
Go with Amazon.
Learn the rules.
Learn the rules again.
Read forums with people talking about the rules.
Build the sites according to the rules.
Start cashing in.
Talk to your affiliate manager. Show all the sites. Ask if they are according to the rules.
Build more sites. Always be scaling.

>Source. This here guy that did not follow the rules and is not making money from Amazon anymore.
>10,000 words/$200
> 50 words/ $1
> Cheapest writing sites
I'm in the wrong market apparently
Since you asked me specifically, here's my suggestion on what to do first.
No matter what kind of system you have or how you plan to monetize, the whole house of cards rests on finding the right keywords. It's like making money "investing". You can't do anything until you figure out what the hell to invest in.
The idea behind good keywords is they
a) at the risk of over simplifying, have to be words people punch into Google when they are ready to buy something. And there needs to be at least a thousand monthly searches for those words.
b) words you actually stand a snowball's chance in hell of ranking for. You want to be on that first page so check the first page competition. If they're too strong, move on.
Once you have your keywords you are going to target, then you build some content and actually get a site together.
Sorry n00b here. But wtf is an affiliate marketer? Like what are you actually doing? Can anyone explain...........
Sell stuff and make money on actions or commissions

You could have honestly Google'd that question and gotten an answer faster. Learn to research & think for yourself it's a necessary part of following this path to any degree of success.
Yes I didn't google it thanks. But I'm still confused as to what OP does. It sounds very broad, like what is he doing exactly?

I have a website that's had over 100,000 visitors in 2 months, would I be able to do it?
OP builds a bunch of sites that push different keywords to rank. They're probably single-page sites or very small sites. That is not the norm in SEO so his strategy is an exception--it's based solely on automation.

I build authority sites like ThoroughlyReviewed. Google that name and look at that website. Browse through their products categories. You'll notice they're all kinda the same

"best electric blanket" or "best car jack" or something like that.

So the goal is to write articles that target those keywords. Someone types into google "best electric blanket" because they want to BUY a blanket, but don't know which is the best one. You write a post telling them which one to buy. They buy, you make money. The end.

If your website can work with certain products then maybe you can do it. Traffic #'s dont matter. It's about user intent. Can you write articles that aim to encourage people to buy? Can you review specific products and rank in Google for "product X review"? If so then someone might google that, find your post, read your review, and then buy it based on your recommendation.
Just want to emphasize this. I had a hustle doing arbitrage between eBay and Amazon. Found shit on Amazon, sold it for a higher price on eBay, pocketed the difference. Got to the point where I was making $3k/month. But you can't do this according to the rules for Amazon prime so I got shut down. Feltbadman.jpg
Ok, so I've written an article about "the best electric blanket" but how do I make money off that? Wouldn't I have to go to the effort of contacting the people who make the blanket and say: hey, pay me and I'll write this article
You find a retailer that sells electric blankets online. Amazon comes to mind cause they sell everything.

So you join Amazon's affiliate program which is totally free--however you need a website online before you apply. Good news: you've already got one! Hopefully it's a quality site.

So you join their program and once you get accepted you'll have access to the Amazon Affiliate dashboard. Here you can generate affiliate links which track when users click and if they buy anything.

Now you go to Amazon.com and search for electric blankets. Find the one(s) that look awesome, the one(s) that'll probably sell.

Then in your article you add affiliate links to those blankets. Maybe pick one blanket that you specifically "prefer" and talk that up. Really sell it.

This may lead to people clicking your link to that blanket, buying a blanket, and thus earning you a commission from Amazon. Other "catch-all" programs you can try are Walmart or eBay. But Amazon is best for newbies.

Side note: Amazon will pay for everything the user buys within 24hrs. So if they click your link to the electric blanket, but instead decide to browse the site and buy totally unrelated items, you still get a commission on those sales.
I sat down after seeing this and decided to drop most things to study this outright. I found excellent resources to SEO past the /r/juststart subreddit. The only thing stopping me is understanding keyword research and content generation.


I found how you can install a linode server and add a WP site with 2 lines of code:

Linode server https://www.linode.com/
with EE installs WP https://easyengine.io/

I also found a compilation of 100 tools.

Found a SUPER basic WP theme here:

I learned that SEO is not keyword stuffing, there was a study of 1m sites that shows that key backlinks are most effective and low bounce rates are key. I had a bunch of 1 page sites - yuck.

The only problem is understanding how to do keyword research. I saw PHPbay as a tool to crawl ebay for items with keyword rich listings to be used - so I assume THAT is the keyword generation. However, I'm lost when you're able to generate content. I don't know if frankenstining other websites is how it can work or if finding an exhaustive list of details for a product and using snippets on other sites is what you do.

So far, with using Jinja, I would be able to automate filling in the content of the site
but, I am not sure what other recomended APIs to sync up for site automation besides phpbay

I can use to get into. I know OOPs like Java, and scripting such as Python and automation like Selenium.

What I did with that knowledge was start a job hunting non profit to apply to jobs for folks that tanked b/c of no SEO and traffic, so hopefully I can get this back on.
you niggers need to look at jekyll
fuck I dont know ruby
Holy shit, last night my mother had a dream where she said I was working from home making 1k a week and it was a very detailed dream. you don't think this is just adding on to it? I know HTML / CSS / JS / Python. I also know a bit of SEO.
Get on Codecademy and learn it for free. Might as well learn Ruby on Rails while you're at it.
Doing that RN. Looks to be doable in 50 hours, but I see Jekyll to be just the same as jinja.

I was planning on using tiny engine to install on nxinx on linode as load times are critical for a site, and is more cost effective for than apache.

I'm not sure how Wordpress works with a content templating engine either. Isnt the CMS clunky, and has pages attached to the CMS? I can totally use static websites being useful as is without Wordpress - but the plugins for it seem to be the reason for developing with it.

I've been doing basic plain html bootstrap sites and while they're aesthetic they don't do much besides bounce.
moms dreams
affiliate marketing
melting steel beams
u tell me what it means my man
Affiliate marketing as an industry is full of scammy practices, trash products, and often scummy people. I was into it back 7-8 years ago, but never made much money off it and hated what it seemed like I had to do anyway. I decided I'd rather be poor than be the kind of asshole that contributes nothing but useless junk to the world.

As it turns out, that worked out fine for me, because I've since created an awesome product that people love and literally thank me for making, and I make a decent living off it to boot. Sure, I won't be getting a Lambo and a mansion anytime soon, but I've got everything I need and I can sleep at night knowing I've done something worthwhile and positive with my life.
A site with affiliate links can be worthless spam like bridge pages that simply redirect to the retailer or it can be something that adds value like http://hackernewsbooks.com/
It's like used car sales, another industry with a shit reputation. Many people doing that are scum but it's a personal choice not inherent in the vocation itself.
I would say to anybody looking at AM and worried about their personal integrity, strive to always add value. What are you adding that makes people clicking on your site better than just going to the retailer in the first place. If you can answer that you should be okay.
>Affiliate marketing as an industry is full of scammy practices
>never made much money off it and hated what it seemed like I had to do

Allow me to translate what you just said:

>I tried to learn but it was too hard and I only looked at crappy offers. This skewed my perspective so I just gave up and started hating on the entire industry
>Now I call AM a complete scam even though I never really saw success, and thus I come from a place of complete ignorance with zero experience backing up my opinion.
>Still you should listen to what I think because I know I'm right
>only looked at crappy offers
I was signed up with multiple affiliate networks (Neverblueads and a couple others), and 95% of what they carried were crappy offers that I wasn't comfortable promoting. Ringtones were big for a while, then acai berry shit, weight loss, teeth whitening, ebooks, etc. It was a bunch of infomercial-tier shit, basically. Maybe it's changed since then, but I'd be surprised if it's much different.
And btw, even if you were okay promoting those things, the really scammy part was that a lot of them were "rebills," i.e. you'd get people to sign up for a "free trial," which if you read the fine print signed you up for a subscription to the (junk) product, which was charged to your CC starting 30 days later. Of course, most people never read the fine print and ended up with these surprise fat CC bills that made for a lot of upset customers. I assume those are probably gone by now (I left when they were starting to get attention from the authorities), or at diminished. At the time though, that's what was making money and what a lot of people were pushing. The overall scumminess of the whole thing really left me with a bad impression of the industry and the people involved as a whole.
Rebills are still around. But lead gen is generally a moral way to go... insurance, legal, adult, game installs, there are plenty of moral areas in paid.

Not to mention SEO-type affiliate stuff is probably the most moral. You push whatever you want from legit retailers like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Etsy, Wayfair... just find a site you trust, see if they have an affiliate program, and start pushing their stuff.

AM goes far beyond paid traffic and there are plenty of moral ways to make money. I wouldn't whitewash the entire industry in one broad stroke--this doesn't mean it's all completely moral, however it's not worth claiming it's all immoral either.
I've had some niche sites for a decade, 1k uniques a month. One of them is linked from wikipedia and got cited in a couple science papers. Probably making $1-2/year on adsense (sidebar + above fold). I once had a site with lots of original text about a type of piercing, decent traffic iirc, hawking relevant Amazon books and stuff like that. 0 sales in the 3-4 years it was live. The links weren't faulty or anything, the stats showed traffic clicking in.

Basically I think this is one of those things where only 1 in a million makes it big.
>site about piercing, decent traffic hawking relevant Amazon books and stuff like that. 0 sales in 3-4 years.
That's really strange. I would expect at least a few people randomly clicking your ads and then if not buying piercing books then at least buying something on Amazon within 24 hours which is how long the cookie lasts. Not saying you're wrong but something seems up with that.
On that note, my strategy differs from yours in one major way which could be part of your problem. I don't makes sites about, e.g., piercing and try to sell books (or anything else) *about* piercing.
I want people to get excited about the product and if the product is books, the site is about books. Which book is better, which has the best tats by the best artists, the best how-to's whatever blah blah blah with ads pointing to the books themselves. That's the kind of thing that always worked for me and I'm sure you see the difference.
Yeah a 1000 ways I could have improved it but this horrible numbers even at that stage tuned me right out. I only keep the sites alive (at a loss) because I'd regret not aging them more if I decide to use the sites/domains later. They also get occasional organic links from tumblrs, answer sites, etc.

I'm making some windows desktop software I hope to hawk instead. Put it on clickbank and let other people do the selling. Have any experience there, know if it's still viable?
File: 16263670868_1ffb84582f_b[1].jpg (322KB, 1024x874px) Image search: [Google]
322KB, 1024x874px
Why is this industry so trashy?
Don't know a thing about it but good luck!
Heh. I'll take a shot at that. The people I know in the industry who really make it big all have one thing in common: they are all very very smart. I'd estimate most affiliate marketers bringing in mid 5 figures a month or more to be a good 2 standard deviations above the mean in IQ.
The thing is, most people who are that smart follow the obvious path. They get a degree and do something respectable with their lives. The rest usually have something limiting their options, like maybe a shady past, who knows. For that type, the ones with the brains and the ambition but something else holding them back, AM is a shoe in.
That type also seems to be susceptible to tawdry marketing. Just a thought.
>You make money by targeting kws in Google like "best blender". People find your article, they read, then maybe buy a blender. Then you earn.
How do you know if a certain keyword is worth making a website over?
Do you pay for Long Tails Pro or is it a scam
I wouldn't say Long Tail Pro is a scam but it doesn't tell you anything you couldn't figure out for yourself, it just puts pulls pertinent information from a few sources it all together for you.
To base a web page off of a keyword, I need to know three things; first, is this a keyword people will plug into Google when they are ready to buy something; second, are people actually putting this kw into Google, how many monthly searches are there; and third, how stiff is the competition on the first page of results when I do a test search for the kw.
If you get back the right answers to these questions, you might have something.
>all those ugly ass sites
who the hell would click on that virus rided looking urls? ehh
I'm currently in a few affiliate programs right now. But I don't know where to begin. The research done to choose a profitable category, the products, websites?

What's the use of making a website if you can just go to the site?
You'd be surprised.
Is google adsense safe to include on the sites?

I have a youtube channel that makes me about 100 bucks a month

I want to make a website with some content that I know about (not a hundred shitty sites like OP, I want something last longing)

Can I include adsense? how do I know the subject I write about does not break any TOS?

Can I talk about pharmaceutical stuff like cialis etc? Because i've seen people getting banned for the weirdest shit but adsense is the highest paying ad revenue campaing..
>Search Google, read free shit, do not buy ANYTHING
>you will benefit from StackThatMoney
>$99 sign up fee

fuck Ruby it's an html static site build kit
it's written in Ruby jekyll itself isn't fucking Ruby
Not that many people pay attention to URLs.
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