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>tfw you get passed over for a promotion because you don't

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>tfw you get passed over for a promotion because you don't participate in all the gossip and politics, even though you're objectively the most productive amongst your coworkers
How you think of yourself and how you really are tend to be vastly different things.

Everyone's productivity is made available. It's a fact that I outperform everyone else.
take it up with your manager and start looking for a new job so you have leverage
Maybe the promotion included duties that required you to interact with others. Your manager noticed that you don't have the ability to socialize well with others.
Typically as you move up, you have more meetings and brainstorming.

Good on you for being "productive"

But I'm also curious what you consider "politics/ gossip".
Can confirm. I see shit bags post on Facebook about how they deserve the promotion I just snagged.
I'm in the other camp. I'm not very good at my job and I've been put into a position I'm not qualified for. I just play the social game, because I would be terrible at actually doing my job. It's better to find other people to do work and piggy back on their success, it's surprising how much credit for their work people will give you if you make them feel validated and pretend that you've been helping them.

I basically spend all my day shitposting on 4chan and delegating my responsibilities to other people, arranging favors for people, and making life easier for the productive people.

I like to think of myself as a semi-benign parasite. Sure I feed off other people's success, but I try and encourage them and make their life easier in the process.

Since I get shifted around or promoted frequently enough, no one seems to notice that I never really do anything. I'm just hoping I can somehow make a career out of this behavior, because it's too late to learn anything useful

fuck it then

I'm just going to start fucking around on my phone all and posting on Facebook all day just like they do.

There's no incentive to work hard

Get another job if you are not appreciated you whiny nigger. You are rewarding your employer for being an idiot if, what you say is accurate, by staying on.
Yup. Do this. But also meet with your employer and let it be known exactly why they made such a terrible choice. If you are actually the most productive worker, then you need to make that clear to them so they realize how stupid they were to allow this injustice that caused you to leave. Basically pour salt in their wound.
No man :(
We need people like you. Maybe you won't get promoted, but bring it up with the bossman and you should get a nice bonus if you're actually a hardworking fella
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Who is "we"?

You mean the people who fuck around all day and do nothing? Is that what you mean by "we"
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>tfw you are on great terms with everyone at work, regularly get promoted and receive raises because you're naturally likable and foster rapport wherever you appear
Dude if you are so productive why would they promote you?
Your company knows not to remove parts from a running engine. Its easier to promote a useful idiot.
Usually promotions require you bossing others around which requires social skills.
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>tfw receive email from employer who found my resume on Indeed
>grammar and spelling fuckups galore

>tfw see ad for job opening on craigslist
>I'm just going to start fucking around on my phone all and posting on Facebook all day just like they do.
Then you'll be the unproductive weirdo that doesn't talk to anyone. The only reason you still have a job is your production. So sack up and socialize or keep doing what you have been. Those are your only two options if you'd like to stay employed.

Welcome to the real word motherfucker, where connections and likeable personality are more valuable than any education or hard work.
Why do you think bullshit like fraternity houses still exists.
If only been working for 4 years and one thing ive noticed is if your a competent person your superiors and peers will attempt to shove you in a corner, especially if your somewhat anti-social.

That's not what I was told in school while growing up.
>That's not what I was told in school while growing up.
Yeah, this is the real world anon. You don't learn this shit in school. You find this out by experience and observing the environment. Hard work will just keep you the job, social standing will give you a better one.
it depends on how competitive your skillset/degree is

if you really aren't being valued as much as you should, you could just find another job
of course we all know that's not true :^)
Welcome to the world of HR & recruiting.

I said it in the HR generalist thread yesterday, and I'll say it again; HR is the lowest common denominator of any business; it is a wasteland devoid of ambition, talent or even basic skills.
Dude, are you in middle management? Because what you describe is literally the job role of an ideal middle manager.

You're actually surprisingly good at your job if your job is to manage people.
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