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Are you sapiosexual?

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The term means people for whom sexual attraction is based on intellect, and not on looks.

https://nyti.ms/2rAi6ya http://archive.is/fXwv5

>For Mr. Okeke-Diagne, being sapiosexual means intellectual conversation is a key part of dating and sex. While some couples might exchange racy photos or texts, he once sent a woman he was seeing a multipage erotic story he had written that included references to the Julian calendar, the decimal system and global climate change. Writing the story was such a turn-on for him that he tried to find similar erotica online — with little success.

>Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual. “You just have to have a sense of humor,” she said. “If you don’t, I’ll be as attracted to you as I am to a Border collie.”Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean being highly educated, said Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual. “What I connect most with and value most as a sapiosexual is emotional intelligence and comedic intelligence,” said Ms. Sheffield, who lives in Manhattan. “You just have to have a sense of humor. If you don’t, I’ll be as attracted to you as I am to a Border collie.”
>Are you sapiosexual?
Yes and it's practically a death sentence if you're a suburban or rural retard.
That's just called 'common sense'

How long until 'love' becomes a fetish?

im an apache attack helicopter


so basically, if you have an agreeable personality you're a potential mate

Fell in love with GF when she quoted Plato about different types of intelligibilities, after 6 beers each.

Wife material.
I can date/fuck hot girls, but I will only marry/live with someone at least equal to me, including intellect, status, etc.
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>I'm sapiosexual
If I only wanted to fuck smart people I'd be a faggot. Women aren't smart
No, I'm literally a shallow asshole who is only sexually attracted to looks. I don't give a fuck about a "womans brain"
Hello yes I too sniff my own farts

>my preferences in a partner are so totally novel and unique that i need a new, special label to make myself stand out

ya, na
>Are you sapiosexual?

>The term means people for whom sexual attraction is based on intellect, and not on looks.

Somebody at school one time was actually complaining about how being sapiosexual was ableist, I kek'd.

Take a kind loyal chaste woman over a 115 IQ takes gender studies cunt any day of the week
Has social science gone full retard?
This, she just needs to be smart enough to cook,clean, and take care of children
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Let me guess, a post wall hag looking for a rich beta buxs?

>Parameters for this "sexuality" is intelligence/humor she finds funny
>IQ as a means to filter for money
>Woman masking her intentions yet again for a veiled mate campaign

Women being full of shit as ever, being as social as she is she must be noticing a huge drop of in Chad dick if she's now searching for a beta

>pic related, she's got baby rabbies
100% i dont care for asses or tiddies at all

what a fucking classic webm
Sapiosexual + demisexual
(of humans) Sexually attracted to people only after a strong emotional bond has been formed
talking to someone over dinner is a kinky and ironic ritual
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>intelligent women
For the most part yes. I'd rather have an average looking girl who is above average intelligence.

I don't care about above average looks with below average intelligence. Waste of time.
If you identify as this please run into a knife at full speed.

Oh yeah, gimme dat intellect, fuck looks!
No. I give no fucks about the intelligence of the woman. She merely needs to be attractive, female, and fertile. Other then that, no fucks given.

Spread the seeds far enough, and a good size tree will emerge.
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>How long until 'love' becomes a fetish?
we are there now
No, would like to have a dumb, un(((educated))) neonazi gf.
Enjoy getting cucked and paying child support for someone else's kid.
Low intelligence = low loyalty and high selfishness.
I like looks like anyone does, but i find stupid people disgusting
you underestimate how smart a woman has to be to get this shit done without fucking up on a constant basis
Yes in the sense that I could never be with anyone under 120 IQ
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>global climate change
No, sexual degeneracy is my fetish
No shit, sherlock
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Sure, I'd like to date someone who's smart, but I'm not going to kid myself into thinking I'm sexually attracted to intelligence more than tits or ass.
Go rake yourself
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Tits or Ass?

>Mr. Aboubacar Okeke-Diagne , 23, of Brooklyn, once wrote a story involving the Julian calendar and the decimal system
What a beacon of sapience.
I like girls who are smart, but I don't get off to them doing math problems.
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>Too intelligent for sex
>Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual. “You just have to have a sense of humor,” she said. “If you don’t, I’ll be as attracted to you as I am to a Border collie.”Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean being highly educated, said Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual.

This fucking sentence man
This would be fpbp if it was the first post.
Absolutely not. I don't care how smart a woman is unless she's a total mouthbreather. Values in a woman are more important to me

Plato never existed. Ancient history is a massive lie, backed up by faked ruins. Send her back to the kitchen!

I'm just a fan of warm, wet poon.
There was an episode Family Guy where Brian's new gf turned out to be smarter than them and it bothered them. Brian wouldn't sapiosexual I imagine.

And their previous serious gf was hot, but very dumb so Brian maybe liked them because they felt superior.
Attraction is based on many things, I don't believe anyone that says theirs is based only on intellect.
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sick trips

Congrats on your normal human sexuality
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Still better than the original writing of ME.
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>female comedian
This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
I put not looking like a pig higher on my female priority list than being a genius. It's nice, but not a deal maker.
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This guy summarizes my thoughts much better than I could
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Brains are Sexy!

Hard to come by intelectual girls...
But when you do, worth it
Intelligent discussion, & a qt smart girl
>you can actually respect
My ex is a Mensa member, 156 IQ.
We're still friends.
Also, "sapiosexual" is not a word, it'd translate as a "tastesexual".


you are mixing sexual pleasure with intellectual pleasure, just non sense
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Preferance in partners attributes isnt a sexuality unless the attribute is their (actual) fucking gender.

I'm attracted to fleshy girl butts and boobs and pussies and everything else on them
>I'm a sapiosexual
What's that mean?
>I'm attracted to smarts

This implies the person also thinks they're smart. So if someone says this it's no different than them telling you they got a good mark on a test when you didn't ask.
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I am a sapiosexual since the horses that I fuck have a greater intelligence than my human peers.

Yea Im sapio. Allways found myself with uncontrollable urge to masturbate at my uni lectures which led to my expulsion.

It allso made me gay becouse I was unable to find a woman intelligent enaugh to make me hard
Wanna go out? Not sure if gay but I'll gladly suck dick if we can have an actual fucking intelligent conversation afterwards. Someone should make a dating app, tinder allready filters the >90 iq:s out..
I hope this is a funny meme. Otherwise, I feel sorry for you, man.
So basically shes bisexual and has standards as far as intelligence goes

Because she can be attracted to both sexes (sexuality) but prefers intelligent people (personal preference)

How is this a seperate sexuality, this is snowflake tier, Just say youre bisexual and prefer smart people, thats not a sexuality

Christ for someone into intelligence she sure is a daft cunt
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>Are you sapiosexual?
One thing I'm not is obsessively interested in examining my own sexuality. Not politics please ban this nigger mods.
I'm attracted to low intellect, which is why my dick is out at the moment
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nope i am not, because i am not some fedora-tipping faggot virgin. this thread is fucking retarded and it is full of dipshits. the holier-than-thou attitude nu/pol/ has is laughably pathetic. fuck nu/pol/, you're just as retarded as MGTOW queerbags and SJW cucks.
sapiosexual isn't real
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I don't know about sapiosexual, but my relationship with my gf definitely wouldn't be nearly as fulfilling if she was a dumb airhead.

I've always wondered about people who are in relationships with people that they have nothing in common and nothing to talk about with.
But Platon was black !
that sounds like a stupid excuse to give your friends when they find out you bang ugly girls
Nah, my penis doesn't give a shit about intelligence.
>implying I give a shit what women (((want))).
It's called GFE, dummy. Get with the times.
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anyone who takes this branding shit seriously is a reddit middlebrow pseud who pretends to be and love le nerdy ppl
So sapiosexual is just a finer way of saying your a gay man with high standards. Intellectual women? Comon now.
I suppose I am, sort of.
>Go on dating sites
>Find emotionally damaged women who are willing to do anything
>sexually degrade them for my own perverted pleasure
>always pleasantly surprised when they expect a second date after they've given me everything I want without effort
I mean, honestly, would you want a second date with someone who's licked your ass, let you fuck them in the pooper, let you fist them, pissed on them, and generally made sure everything you do is for your pleasure all on a first date after buying a meal?

It's good fun though.
To an extent. The most amazing girl I've ever met was homely in a proper craggy crone kind of way. Fell in love with her soul but I was just so physically repulsed that it would never have happened
She knows she's approaching her expiry date and wants a beta provider to divorce from later
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I'm 2Dsexual. I'm only attracted to the highest quality WAIFU.
Checks out.
What if you want someone who is smart but takes care of themselves and doesnt look grotesque, is there a word for that? You can claim to be attracted to just intelligence all you want and delude yourself to no end but at some point physically attractiveness also comes into it.
Utterly smitten by intelligent attractive women.
Sadly, my wife is too smart for me to get away with doing anything about it.
Well , yes, but a girl has to be reasonably attractive for me to date her. Otherwise it's just friendship
I like shy meek women or those with anxiety problems. But every fucking time in 3-4 years time they become this arrogant little bitch feminist. Always. And then they cheat. Emotionally or Physically. The first couple years are so great though... They'll do ANYTHING. Even have 3-4 kids to make you happy and don't want you to pay child support after they ditch your sorry ass.
nah women are dumb as shit and im not a fag
>Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean being highly educated

Probably because they use you as a stepping stone to cure their self-esteem / self-confidence issues and when they've built up to a certain point they "fly the nest" and use their newfound confidence to do retarded confident womyn shit like feminism and other stupid stuff
are you retarded, goy?
I just love all these women who hate "boring" nerdy guys. Being some dude who is funny, outgoing, social, and keeps the juice flow going, now means they aren't superficial, oh god forbid. Now which one will survive on Mars?
I'm definetly this, but I still wouldn't date below bad looks. Everyone Who claims otherwise is lying or has severe mental problems
I meant good looks, fuck mobile imput
>emotional intelligence
Wtf I am a sapiosexual now?
Yeah my ex highschool sweet heart is pretty big into the feminist strong womyn shit and I haven't seen my son in 10 years since I was 15. My ex wife wants to be a single mom and I haven't seen my kids in 2 years. New one now doesn't even have her drivers licenses and gets anxiety attacks when in walmart.
I'm more of a demisexual.
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>Mr Okeke-Diagne once sent a woman he was seeing a multipage erotic story he had written that included references to the Julian calendar, the decimal system and global climate change.
Pic related, I shit you not.
>This implies the person also thinks they're smart.

I think I'm unattractive, what are you on about?
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>not being Cirnosexual
so... they are attracted to conversation?
so... literally the #1 requirement for long term pairing?
Already is. Thats a demisexual. You feel sexual attraction only to those you are in love with.

SJWs and Tumblrinas are this retarded
You can find good ones who will settle. This shit happened in high school all the time; cute shy girl gets with bad dude, relationship dies and she becomes a slut. It seems like a maturity thing more than anything. Smart girls who put real value on their sexuality and purity end up taking things a little more serious and tend not to take their "newfound confidence" for granted. They are more self aware - look for women who are shy but have an opinion.
Can't see myself having children with a man who is not similarly or more intelligent than I am.

But then I turned out to be a 135 IQ autist.
Intelligence is one of the many things that I find attractive, along with big tits, a pretty face, and a fat arse.
Just because you breed with a man with a similar iq, doesn't mean your children will have a similarly high iq.
I thought it was pretty much genetic, esp when you see shit like the bell curve and such
I have run into a few ladies that have had smoking hot bodies but after a 2min conversation as a gauge of their intellect i was turned off. I just can't fuck zombies.
Here in Norway, dating - going to a restaurant together for example, is a more intimate thing than hooking-up (one night stands, etc) is. That's how our "dating culture" has become. Usually people meet at a party or a club/pub/nightspot, hook-up drunk. Meet again next week and if the sex was good they hook-up again, and if the next morning they enjoy each others company, then maybe they can go to a dinner at a restaurant together. Because that is the most intimate of the whole process.
Is that really the case amongst everyone though? Like all social classes?
Norway doesn't really have very clear cases of social classes as in other european countries. But yes, this is the way for everyone. The rich just do it at their rich clubs etc.
Well, glad I don't participate in this culture much.
It is genetic, but it's more complicated than just two high iq parents = high iq children. Some girl in this country was born with one of the highest IQs ever recorded and her parents are Irish gypsies living in a caravan.
I don't know what the stereotypes are of Belgians but Norwegians are well renowned for being introverted and silent until we drink, so its a large part of the culture for anyone 18-50 I would say. Children and grandchildren of those that lived during the second world war.
Danes are the same.
There is no such thing. Those faggots will say that they are attracted to intelligence but then they won't fuck some fat disgusting whale or ugly bitch who is smart.

Men are attracted to attractive women and that's it. Even the coolest woman is like an average guy friend, so it's a waste of time to care about anything a woman thinks or says. She will just conform to your politics and worldview anyway, it's their nature.

Go for robust genes.
That was a man baby
I must also be a fucking gay to be this thing, because women have no intellect.
That cotton ain't gonna pick itself, Jamal!
>"I'm attracted to intelligence."
>"sorry, what I meant was EMOTIONAL and SOCIAL intelligence. in other words, i'm not listening if you're talking about engine design, historical facts, algorithms, or art, and i don't care how fast you can solve that puzzle, but if you make a funny joke about trump i'm yours!"

We are a species of memers.
80% of the variance in IQ is accounted for by genetic factors. However as >>930554 has said, it is not a guarantee. Two sub 100 IQ persons can have a genius kid and two geniuses can have a retarded kid. The odds that two retards will have a smart kid is a lot smaller than the odds of two smart people having a smart kid though.

Not really, but if a 10/10 cunt is so stupid she becomes annoying I will consider her a 7 at most.

After I fuck her, of course.
I wish I were a norwegian. Sounds like I'd fit in.

I'm a tits man, not an ass man, which means i take a good pair of tits over a good ass.

A sapiosexual should in the same sense prefer an ugly intelligent guy over a dumb chad. This is clearly not the case. What they mean is they'd rather have a smart Chad than a dumb Chad, they're just signalling their preference in Chads.

It's like you say you're an ass man, meaning you'd rather have a girl with great tits and a great ass than a girl with great tits and a shitty ass.

PS: Only ugly people call themselves (((sapiosexuals))).
They are similar but not exactly the same. Their drinking culture is more spread out, they have a saying "en lille en" (a little one) which means they drink less but over a larger period. Our drinking is mostly on weekends. And we are usually not inclusive until we are quite drunk. I'd say Danes are generally the extroverted variation and we are the introverted ones.

With the way the discourse is going on here, you can. All you need to do is 1) feel like a Norwegian (because to be Norwegian is a feeling) and 2) learn the language (because we feel extra good if someone took the time to learn our language.
>low intelligence = low loyalty and high selfishness
It's actually the exact opposite, especially in women
High intelligence = higher selfishness, narcissistism and delusion
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>High intelligence = higher selfishness, narcissistism and delusion
I can vouch for this from a personal anecdote. From my experience, the higher IQ, the more manly the woman. In terms of personality traits.
y-yeah, I mean... s-she has a good personality t-though...
>The term means people for whom sexual attraction is based on intellect, and not on looks.

Men and Women are different when it comes to mating qualities anyway. Women tend look for a a winner. An 'alpha' or masculine guy who has confidence and a personality. Bonus points if he's in shape too. Men tend to look for good looking women basically. Bonus points if she isn't trash whore and is friendly and likes his presence.

Not sure about this sapiosexual though. Sound kind of dull, like spock setting up a dating scene.
No because I don't discriminate against Americans.
There has to be some physical attraction, but I am willing to overlook a lot if she is intelligent. However, a completely vapid and vacuous woman is a complete turn off, no matter how physically attractive she is.
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Highly unlikely anyone with an IQ more than 3 SD above would identify as "sapiosexual" unless they want to go an entire lifetime without getting laid.

Sounds like yet another designation for mid-level brainlets to incorporate into their "identities."
>145 iq isn't a mid level brainlet
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No. Too many people are """intellectual""" and try hard; it's a major turnoff, ironically.
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>>Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual. “You just have to have a sense of humor,” she said. “If you don’t, I’ll be as attracted to you as I am to a Border collie.”Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean being highly educated, said Teresa Sheffield, 28, a comedian who identifies as sapiosexual.
>>>Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean being highly educated
Teresa Sheffield clearly isn't highly educated.
It doesn't.
You can have a high iq and be completely uneducated.
Biological dead end for White people.
I'm the opposite of that, I'm attracted to dumb, naive girls.
You just know, this bitch is in denial about fucking her border collie.
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I only get attracted to females on the quality of their genes. Most "smart" people are just pretentious dummies. I would rather inseminate an average intellect broad but tall and strong than a weak and short asian femlet with a college degree. You can teach your kids pretty much anything, prepare them to, so needing an intelligent breeding partner is kind of redundant.
Oh that's right the average IQ in your country is only 100
And korea lived in straw huts 100 years ago until Japanese civilised them. That pattern recognition sure worked out for you.
Yet my country basically invented the scientific, legal, and cultural progress of 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, while yours only progressed because we were kind enough to help you.
It's almost like you need more than just a high IQ to be successful.
knew this was going to be posted as soon as i saw the initial OP's post. Doing gods work anon
stop making up words to hide the fact your gf is ugly you retards
No because I'm not a retard who absolutely has to have a label for everything. Just say you like smart people, this shouldn't be that fucking hard.
Quality genes aren't quality in themselves, but quality in relation to the environment. So much for being tall and strong but kind of dumb when there's a shortage of the food you need more of and a surplus of jobs that need more than what you can offer.

If only it were consistently good instead of hit and miss. Some of that shit, like copyright, turned out to be extremely dumb

>lol woops people who contribute nothing of value to society are now the upper class and we have laid the foundations for homogenizing culture so far as the media can reach

Asians have always had their own revolutionary ideas, but have always been slow to accept them. Perhaps for the best.

Better a good result later and mediocre life now than an okay result initially followed by disaster
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