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It's that time again /bant/. What are your choices?

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It's that time again /bant/. What are your choices?
Is the 18 year old eighteen for all ten years?
desktop, internet, movies, microwave
1 point for the gun
I would then kill myself
the girl, the full kitchen and the pc
the girl,barry, the dog then kill myself with the gun and leave them there to die
Fast food, computer, video games, drugs.

Don't really need anything else.
>Desktop (+6)
>Gym (+5)
>Garden (+2)
>Hygiene & Jacuzzi (+3)
>Kitchen (+6)
>TV (+7)
>Delhi Doctor (+2)
>Vidya (+4)
>Total (35) for ($5M)
Now, if the Library truly contains every book ever book ever written, then obviously you use the books from the Vatican Secret Archives to blackmail the Church with information that could destabilize religion as we know it. There isn't anything that says you can't take what was in the basement with you when you leave.
scratch that i'll take 5 mil for the gun and kitchen
pool table-1
>Kitchen: + 6
>Skylight: +2
>Gym: +5
>Library: +4
>Drugs: +5
>Workshop: +6
idgaf about the remaining 2 points
actually I take that back, I use the remaining 2pts for the garden
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>Girl (+18)
Avoids depression + sex is good
>All movies and tv shows (+4)
Need my esoteric chinese cartoons
>PC (+6)
To watch it
>Microwave (+2)
Need to eat
>Medic (+2)
I have some conditions, so...
>Pool table (+1)
I like it
>Skylight (+2)
Helps to fight depression

35 points, 5$ mil
microwave food(2)
hygiene products(3)
Then cash out with five mil at the end
I'll take the 5 mio (thus only 35 points) and I spend my points that way:
>Obviously the girl -18
>I need healthy food so I take the kitchen -6
>10 years is a long time so I'll probably need health care. I take the doc -2
>Sunlight to keep me sane -2
>Hygiene (+Jacuzzi) -3
>Last four for Luxus Music -4
Dubs have spoken
i would never waste 10 years of my life for money, but if I was forced, I'd take:
garden 2
best doctor 3
kitchen 3
hygene 3
workshop 6
sun 2
music 4
pc 6
movies and shows 4
satellite radio 2

and halve my 10 mill to 5 mill

the library however would have been really tempting

This hypothetical situation could actually lead to some good, if I spend my points wisely and plan ahead:

Take the bonus: Take half of the money upfront. +5

>Library (4) - Great source of entertainment and knowledge
>Satellite radio (2) - Contact with the outside world is nice. Source of music, news
>Garden (2) - You can grow all the food you need in there
>Sunlight (2) - Goes well with the garden and would help me keep me sane, knowing there's an outside world I will go back to
>18 year old (18) - For reproduction and sexual health, and a real person to communicate with and connect to. Can also pass along messages from / to friends and family
>Access to the stock market (7) Allows you to invest smartly with all the knowledge that you've acquired from the library and possibly leave the basement with more than 10 mil. Also a chance to invest in green energy fuels and companies that have a positive impact on the earth.

I'd leave the basement as a sane, responsible proud, smart, healthy man with a kid, wife, enough money to buy a house. I could actually have made my life for the better while inside.

The true American
The girl, the gun and the drugs
>Use dmt anytime I want
>come back, have sex
profit, the gun just in case
but you need a console to play the games

Kitchen + iPad (Beggars can't be choosers -6)
PC (-6)
Games (-4)
Library and Garden (-6)
Hygiene and Jacuzzi (-3)
Mayo Clinic Doctor (-3)
Radio (To have some knowledge on what's happening in the world -2)
>Kitchen (6)
>Workshop (6)
>Gym (5)
>Library (4)
>Mayo Doc (3)
>Garden (2)
>Skylight (2)
>Radio (2)

Really hard.

>Not doing bodyweight fitness and saving yourself 5 points
PC (24)
Games (20)
Music (16)
Movies&Shows (12)
Kitchen (6)
Kitten (0)
I kinda want the treadmill. But I guess I could forego the gym and the radio, and get a cell phone and a surround system instead.
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Fast food (4)
Music (4)
Workout (5)
Book (4)
Doctor (2)
Garden (2)
Workshop (6)
Gun (1)
Radio (2)

I'll miss animu, but i got books to read,workout to clear my mind and a doctor for company, if he's a big meany I got a gun
>18 y/o
pfft fucking easy mode
with 3 left over

Garden with skylight would have everything you need for hygiene, medical care, food, plus can make weed, coke, coffee, and moonshine. Library provides infinite knowledge and entertainment. Gun just in case you need to kill the girl. 10 years in that would be heaven then you get out and get 10 mill, set for life.
>18 yr old (18)
>new delhi medical care (2)
>kitchen (6)
>hygeine + jaccuzi (3)
>surround sound music (4)
>skylight (2)
total 35 points, ill take the 5 mil

entertainment is sex, music, cooking (in that specific order)

medical care just in case, skylight to prevent insanity, hygiene and jaccuzi so i don't smell like your typical 4chan user

id be fine
gourmet food
video games
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>need a console to play the games

this guy
>implying the church wouldn't just assassinate you like everyone else
Girl: 18
kitchen: 6
pajeet doctor: 2
skylight: 2
garden: 2

Rate me.
>year of bad crops

>the PC 6
>the skylight 2
>sound system 4
>the tv 7
>all the games 4
>all the money up front 7

just take my money and shit and break out through the skylight
unlimited fast food +4
medical care +2
all movies and TV shows +4
girl and sex +18
skylight +2
That's 30, wouldn't be worth $5 million just to have booze too
Just spend the extra points for an Internet connection, put it all on /pol/ and grab the popcorn.
It's only described as "garden with greenhouse" so I'd imagine it's up to me to assume what abilities or defects it can have really. I've assumed it's all-capable and a closed system meaning it will not fail and could grow any plant of any amount. I also assumed it as my source of water.
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Wanted the kitten but whatever, that would be cruel anyway
kitchen, vidya, pc, workout room, hygiene products, greenhouse
You're probably right in your assumption considering most of the other options have infinite/self sustaining properties.
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bump I like these threads
>microwave 2
>girl 20
>library 24
>pool table 25
>camera 28
>radio 30
pretty ez
Can you internet without the fancy desktop?
If I'm taking the 30:
Internet, vidya, computer, greenhouse (why take skylight when greenhouse is worth just as many points?), and the microwave.
35: (preferred)
Same as 30 + hygene and medical care.
40: (best, but only if I get to keep it after too)
Same as 30 + library, kitchen, swap microwave for medical care.

I'd probably take my 40 option. Anybody who forgot to include a food option is fucked. Like these faggots:
>>894244 (Yes, I know you included a garden but what will you subsist on before your tomatoes grow?)
>>893849 (same as above)
Special mention to the guy who bought both the greenhouse and the skylight for some reason:
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>Kitchen (6)
>Hygiene + Jacuzzi (3)
> Doctor (3)
> Drugs (5)
> Workshop (6)
> Skylight (2)
> Music (4)

Nice, get me 10 mill.
>full kitchen, unlimited amounts of the finest ingredient
Oh shit, skipped the first line because why not. Sorry, you're not a faggot.
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or im sorry WARNING IF YOU STOP READING YOU WILL DIE TONIGHT. Hi I'm Mike. I'm 11 years old but I'm dead now. I had no friends... If you do not post this to 20 pictures you will die tonight at exactly 11:59pm.DON'T BELIEVE ME?A guy named Jake read this and laughedlater that night I took a knife from his kitchen and stabbed him to death. You don't wanna be Jake do you?A girl named Sandra posted it to only 10 pictures SILLY GIRL SHE'S ONLY 11 BUT OH WELL. That day she saw me and ran to her grandma's house... She asked her could she use her bathroom...but guess what i was already thereShe's now in a comaA smart guy named Phil read this and posted it to 20 pictures because he was scared... The next morning he won the lotteryAnd his girlfriend accepted his marriage.0 Pictures- Death10 Pics- A Coma20- pics something good will happen
This copypasta failed last time because everybody here wants to die. I still haven't gotten my death. Please use a more potent curse next time.
Reduce payout to 5mil
full kitchen (9)
computer (6)
library (4)
music (4)
movies and tv (4)
Doctor (2)
unlimited drugs (5)
gun (1)
Kitchen is 6
full kitchen 6
puppy 6
PC 6
all vidya 4
garden 2
hygiene + jacuzzi 2
skylight 2
medical care 2
This is pretty easy, really
Gourmet food + TV + skylight = 18
Gourmet food so it's nutritious and delicious, the TV should keep you plenty informed and entertained, and skylight so you can get natural light and see the day/night, and hopefully keep circadian rythm and not go crazy.

Cellphone, hygeine, and mayo doctor = 9
That way you can keep in contact w/ outside world, keep clean, and healthy.

That leaves me with 3 points I really can't do much with. I guess I'll take the train set and the pool table.

The computer is pretty much worthless without Internet. The Internet itself is pretty much all garbage anyway. Guess I won't be shitposting on 4chan, oh well. The girl is too many points. I can have sex plenty when I get out and have $10M. Apart from sex, her value would really be to have a human to talk to to stay sane, but that's what I have the phone for.
The booze, drugs, and tobacco are worthless.
Now that I think about it, I think I might forego the gourmet chefs and get the kitchen, I'll have plenty of time to cook, and then I can add the library.

Anyway, it's pretty much like going to prison for 10 years, only a nicer prison and you get paid $1M/yr. Lots of people go to shit prison and don't make any money. Think about it, don't go to prison kids.
The girl, the puppy and the desktop.

30 points and perfect life.
I like all the guys who are so set on the girl, they'd eat nothing but fast food for 10 years. Shit, after 1 year of eating nothing but fast food I'd want to die.

Also there are some clarifications. The phone looks like a smartphone, you get Internet once a week on it?

I assumed the doctor would just pop in if you got sick. But some seem to think he will be down there the whole time like a companion?

The dog... can you fuck the dog? Can you fuck the doctor? Just curious.
>Kitchen (+6)
>TV (+7)
>All movies and tv shows (+4)
>Gym (+5)
>Library (+4)
>Doctor (+2)
>Garden (+2)
This would be an amazing ten years, I literally don't want anything else.
btw, booze is a drug.
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I'll take the 5 mill, easy.

Internet for 16 points, leaving me with 19 points left.

Then I buy the desktop computer with 6 points. 13 left.

Video games, movies, and tv shows, adding up to 8 points.

5 points left. I definitely need food, and fast food is the only option left that I can afford. 1 point left.

I'll buy the pool table because I have 1 point left. I mean, I'll probably need a table at some point.


It is pretty much my life now, but I'll get money.
Skylight, internet, doc, sound system and kitchen
Not in order.

Library and Study (4)
Desktop (6)
Video Games (4)
Kitchen (6)
All Movies and Shows (4)
Skylight (2)
Greenhouse Garden (2)
Medical Care (2) (have to take regular blood tests so this is a necessity)
Unlimited fast food w/ CFA
Surround Sound System
Tobacco Products
HD Camera
Hygiene Products and Bath
I'll take 40 points, for:
2x 18yo girl
gun with 3 bullets
HD camera
10 guns, nigger, cash, a dog
We will just kill everyone.
PC - 6

Video games - 4

Internet - 16

Microwave - 2

Skylight - 2

= 30
16 Internet
6 Computer
2 Microwave
4 Movies and tv series
4 Library
3 Medical care + upgrade

Total 35
Barry Bonds (23)
Kitchen (17)
Hygiene (14)
Library (10)
Doctor (8)
Gym (3)
Pool table (2)
Radio (0)
>no food
Enjoy starving to death
full kitchen for 6 points, internet for 16 points, all movies and TV shows for 4 points.
I'll take the garden with greenhouse for 2 points as well as a skylight for 2 points, which leaves me with no points left.
can I invite friends over?
1.) Microwave
2.) 18 year old girl
3.) Workout room
4.) Skylight
5.) Hygiene and Jacuzzi

I was thinking I was going to go for the Kitchen and cook for le gf every night but then thought...
If I have microwave food and fuck gf + workout everynight I can still be fit and continue fucking gf. I got the skylight and hygiene products so I dont die from lack of Vitamin D and dont stink. My 10 years are gonna be pretty good OP
full kitchen (6)
desktop computer (12)
internet (28)
and a model train set cause fuck it (30)
Learn to read fucking autist.
I got the wisest route.
>18 year old
I am unattractive and cannot possibly get such a deal again in my life. Plus, 10 years in the basement means I will end up older and unattractive when I get out to the point no girl would want me. Plus, you need socialization, so she would be great to talk to about my terrible hobbies. There is only one problem. What happens if she gets pregnant? Well, the rules state she will have sex with you no matter what. So I would just punch her in the stomach a lot. Of course, based on the rules here, she must stay 18 and stay stunningly attractive. If she becomes fat due to being trapped in a basement, that is pointless.
>unlimited fast food
It is what I eat already. So I win. Plus then I can fulfill my fetish of shoving Wendy's food into the stunning 18 year old girl. All other food is pointless now.
Why? I want to see the stunning 18 year old I am boning. Plus it gives us conversation. "See that giant orange ball in the sky? That is the watcher over the land with the red headed girl who's burgers I shove into you." It is important to me that, for these 10 years, she knows very little of the outside world beyond the fact that Wendy's exists. That shall be her promised land.
The industrial tools could destroy her clothes so I can more easily insert Wendy's burgers into her. We could also use the tools to recreate a small but functional recreation of a Wendy's building. We will make our own Mecca. Not only do I get to plow her, but I get to plow a cashier at Wendy's. I get infinite wood pieces to hit her in the stomach with enough force to stop the baby, plus power tools to end any baby that escaped my onslaught, which could be mashed to create a secret recipe for Wendy's new burgers. We could create a ladder to better look at the giant ball god, who would endow us with more Wendy's burgers for trying to get closer to him. I could create crates to store the Wendy's food.
Holy shit my fucking sides. I havent laughed this hard in ages thank you
unlimited fast food, hygiene products, workout room, a puppy, top of the line computer, video games and a garden.
full kitchen 6
skylight 8
doctor 10
hygiene products 13
library 17
tv 24
movies & tv shows 28
garden with greenhouse 30

best choice come at me motherfuckers
really, all other options suck.
i am literally the smartest guy in this thread.
i would go there without getting 10 millions at the end, this is a dream
>Full kitchen (6)
>Movies and TV shows (4)
>Workshop (6)
>Upgraded medical care (3)
>Pool Table (1)
>Music (4)
>Library (4)
>Skylight (2)

Literally nothing's changed.
this one is better >>902731

>fast food

Enjoy being overweight and severe health problems

>workout room

Not using bodyweight exercises in 2017


What are you going to feed it with? Fast food? Yeah have fun with your puppy for 2 months


>no sunlight
have fun growing crops
also have fun with your depression and insanity with no sunlight.
literally the worst one in this thread
gym + library + doctor+ greenhouse + gun
The gym and doctor keep me alive while I can eat the produce from the garden and use them to make alcohol. The library will have business books that can help me to invest the 10 million wisely. The doctor will also give me the social connection that I need and I can force him to play basketball with me through my gun.
Kitchen (6)
Desktop comp (6)
Library (4)
Hygiene products (3)
Medical care (2)
Workshop (6)
Garden (2)
And a pool table for the last point.

I'l do the workout tools with the workshop, and get d vitamine meals more often to compensate sunlight.
And study.
surround sound system
18 year old (18)

5 million
I will harvest things from my garden to make natural hygenic products, it'll be pretty fun for the first 2 days
all the people in this thread skipping taking the girl with you are stupid. do you realize what absolute isolation does to you? you would never last the whole 10 years. you would kill yourself long before you got out.
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Hard mode
>18 year old (18)
>Barry Jones (7)
>Unlimmited drugs (5)

A perfect 30.
Get high and just gangbang the girl with my pal Barry for all eternity.
This is the ANCAP way:

>30 pts for $10mil
>microwave (28 pts)
>skylight (26 pts)
>workout room (21 pts)
>hygiene products (18 pts)
>mayo clinic doctor (15 pts)
>TV (8 pts)
>surround sound system (4 pts)
>library (0 pts)

Assuming there's no monkey-paw bullshit where I get exactly what I ordered or was promised, but it all sucks, something's missing, or something's defective

Stock market will come later, can't spend the money on shit while in the basement anyway.
isolation for more than six months with no access to outdoors produces dementia, even to the most autistic shut ins
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18 year old hoe (18pt)
micro (2pt)
garden w/ greenhouse (2pt)
cellphone (3pt)
medical care (2pt)
pool table (1pt)
satellite radio (2pt)

so basically we would be fucking all day, playin pool, checkin out facebook once a day and gettin top 40 from radio

also since its 10 years i could easily have a son by the time its over and let him get say a million
Facebook isnt allowed with cellphone requires internet, cellphone is for placing calls, also it's once a week, not once a day.
doesnt sounds bad at all you´d just get used to not being addicted to social media shitholes
18 year old
>18 points

>2 points

>6 points

Every video game that has/will exist

Since complete isolation will create loss in sanity, the girl will not only relieve frustration but also help with coping in new life down there. Microwaveable kid cuisine, cuz why not...

Desktop and games are there for obvious reasons. Enjoy going insane while I enjoy being rich, while keeping everything I need for survival and more!...

But then again, that's too greedy, so an alternative ripped and modded from this guy (>>892247) is...


All video games


Unlimited fast food


And Pool table

To earn 5 million, while the girl prevents my eventual insanity. She can also provide pleasure and companionship. Computer still plays vidya but I can indulge in fast food and occasionally take a break from that diet. Pool is there as a random bonus.

Feel free to challenge mine!
You'd starve...
Internet is useless for me with this scenario because I can't download anything.

TV 7
Kitchen 13
movies/tv 17
Chick Fil A 21
Gym 26
Vidya 30
Booze 35.

I could live off that for 10 years easy. The 18 year old would be nice, but she's way too expensive to sacrifice things like a good kitchen or constantly updating vidya/movie library.
Oops, miscounted on the chick fil a and went a point over. Let's replace the booze with a garden and satellite radio.
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I've made hard mode i think
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I changed the point values for garden and greenhouse because it was too low compared to skylight, and I made the cellphone a telephone but lowered the point values also added the dubs thing which I think could be fun. There's the reply meme in there, raised the points on a couple other things, and I added a bunch of other things to support other hobbies I guess
Library, 4 points
Kitchen, 10 points
Hygiene, 13 points
Workout room, 18 points
Garden, 20 points
Stock market, 27 points, I don't know shit about stocks but I will after reading.
Mayo clinic, 30 points.

I'm just gonna better myself for ten years.
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Fixed it for you!
full kitchen 6
skylight 2
library 4
workout room 5
workshop with tools 6
hygene products and bath 3
a cellphone 3 and i got 1 point to spare
You'd be an idiot not to take the stock market offer.

As much as I like Wendy's baconators, I'd much rather have a variety of meals and go back to my parents Chinese buffet...

(Bacon actors are the best though...)
Full Kitchen 6
Skylight 2
Library 4
Hygiene 3
Workshop 6
Puppy 6
Garden 2
Unlimited drugs, gun, pupper, and 18 year old cum dump, and tobbaco.
>can't download or stream
How the fuck does the internet work in this basement? Are you only allowed to spam outgoing UDP packets or what?
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The girl would only be worth it if I can send her away when I'm not fucking her.
Internet (16) + Desktop (6) + Doctor (3) + Skylight (2) + Greenhouse (2) + Pool table (1)

1. Keep in touch with the rest of the world using internet and computer

2. Greenhouse full of edible plants growing

3. Go vegan and the (good) doctor will be doing regular checkups for nutrient deficiency in case I get one and give whatever would help me

4. Sunlight is necessary for greenhouse and normal functioning

5. Pool table just because I have an extra point left


Another good choice would be getting 5000000$, choosing stock market +7, with -1 in doctor and -1 in pool, but an Indian student would probably be a horrible doctor and not be able to provide any good medicine in case you need it

Or you can choose microwave instead of greenhouse, but microwavable meals are probably much worse than 1000% homegrown plant food, so not risking either
Library, full kitchen and sound system
PC + Internet and my life will be exactly the same as now.
Thread posts: 126
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