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ITT: We expand the third reich flag in all directions pixelcanvas

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We expand the third reich flag in all directions
pixelcanvas io/@-366,-455
idk why leaf , anons aren't helping.
The mods know we are here
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ambitous. but would be good if we could get lots of people, and maybe bend one of the lines to send it through the ponies
actually its too amitous. the sheet is to big for this to make any real impact.

we should focus on the ponies

change of plans
we grief the ponys @ http://pixelcanvas.io/@-247,616
this thread was probably started by a ponyfag to get us off the ponies. THEYVE ALMOST REPAIRED THEM!!
Time for the void to eat the ponies.
can I get a bit of help turning the heart into a swastika near the pink and yellow pony?
Help on painting the (former) commie flag red? ALso fuck that stupid spongebob maymay.
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I went to sleep with the flag half red. I wake up to this.
Holy fuck you madmen actually did it.
Fucking ponyfags fixed my "my little poofters" while I was sleeping

Yeah. Damn them.

But we'll soon have it fucked up again.

About to put in jizz from the pony dick bottom left
Nobody wants to help me scrub the commie scourge?

we need to focus our efforts on one thing at a time to have anything like the amazing impact we had with the original flag. which was awesome.
Nobody is even doing shit on the Iron Cross flag though.

we're on the ponies
Gay. I'm going to continue filling in the commieshit until I fall asleep.

theres also this

were slowly expanding guys :D
hi man were both canadian
i can see that... are you new or some shit?
new? what do you mean bro? me no enlgisn
goddamn you got me bro
We need to look out for each other. Us Canadians.
leafs unite!
Yeah eh, Ontario you?
sorry bro my english is bad
too intimate. I dont like this.
You guys wanna goto Tim Hortons together
get some timbits
Op your post is so shitty that a bunch of canadians took the spotlight.
OP is Canadian dumbass
well, now that you mention it, havent had a timbit since I was a timbit myself. Oh hell, sure I'll go, sounds like it could be a real hoot.
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long ways to go boys we got this :)
Hell yeah eh
Does it make it better?
its aboot time
Your underestimate our autism. :)
Eat a taco, eh
whos autism? mexicans?
lol eh
Grasa's autism.
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get working boys
are we supposed to fill the red in too?
yeah, or just do the lines doesn't matter the red is gonna take a long ass time
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just try to get those Lines to go far and protect the flag
Team downwards line reporting in.
i will be helping ya
As long as you don't try to take the SDLG logo or the pacman near the middle your pixels are safe.
is that your shit?, not touching anything else besides the iron cross
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Even dogs cant stand mexicans.webm
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Next time we should raid the mexico flag. I vote redding the entire thing and putting "MAGA" in bold black font with a white outline.
try it
Expanding the entire flag or just the bars?
bars first
guys our downward line is heading through the ponies!! will take a lot of work to get there tho. but when it does it'll be an epic clash
That's it nazis! I'VE DESTROYED YOUR FLAG!

we have another
Time to destroy them!!
Lee pls.
Establishing boundaries around the flag.
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Flag shouldnt have that square in the middle of the cross. Also we can make it a better circle.
That's pointless since the red will probably expand anyway, focus on the bars.
Once we get large enough, we could make the circle bigger and better designed
true didnt even noticed that
also, is this serious enough for a discord so we could organize/communicate better?
dont revert my edits. im trying to make the circle better. right now its a hexagon
We already have a thread. Discord is cancer.
Do it

yeah. lets concentrate on that then.
Lets make a discord? put like .gg/(CODE)
who wants to make it?
nice digits
ill make it
okay sounds good.
Is there anything specific it needs, I made a chats for bits like the bars and the circle.
Two blue one yellow need recolouring
.gg/bJVw3 discord
Im gonna work on the bottom bar

Join discord BTW .gg/bJVw3
Is nobody doing anything about the ancom flag and anarchy sign?
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>Working on this flag

We need more people!
bumping before i goto bed so we can grow!!! join the discord and help build the bars
wheres it at tho
how the fukk does one draw

clicking on the image does nothing
people need to be careful not to use light grey instead of white
its getting fucked up!!
what do next?
expand the red to cover more area
roger,expanding area now
green on the flag
roger that
what the fuck is the point?
it's not like anyone goes on that site
barely anyone will ever see it
the cooldown is bull shit there is no reason for it
why not just do this on wall of text
fuck you could just do this trash on minecraft
why not go out into the world and spread the words of hitler?
you're doing nothing sitting here affecting 1s and 0s in a server somewhere out there
this shit is pointless
Swastikas are banned on the canvas due to server legal inhibitions.

This is the funniest thing that a German can make. The nation of no sense of humour whatsoever, peanuts in cola. Hahahahahaha oh fuck my over a desk that's so fucking funny XD XD XD Let funny hahhahahaha. Go lose a fucking war.
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btw, the downward spiral leads to the ponyfag crap, focus on it, destroy that shit.
We did a swastika, and mods removed it
Just tell r/the Donald to do it/. We may need the numbers.
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then this thread is now for pony gay shit and time-wasting ??
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do this you retards
Pretty much. There's a massive thread on /mlp/ that's nothing but planning to stop our attacks and laughing at us. We're to busy arguing with each other that we're barely making progress on the flag and defacing the pony portraits. I'm getting sick and tired of this hit, I say we let the ponyfags have their fun and try again tonight.
sounds fair to all
Alright, stop deleting the nazi symbol, or I'll fucking report this flag to admins, and get you fags BTFO.

No. It's for dominating the entire map with our design.

Fighting on multiple fronts. Pushing the lines forward.
I guess. There's only so much we can do now that /pol/ and /b/ aren't helping. I think the poners have won this battle. I've become so helpless, that I'm actually erasing our damage to the portraits as sort of a white flag.
Average age of posters in this thread gotta be like what, 8? 7?

And this little mini-spainiard's going to go tell mommy.

Sage this shit to death. Painters fuck off back to /b/
Well shit, help clean up the mess and I'll spend some pixels on expanding your cross.

>he took the obvious bait
kys, this is real proof brits like you are retarded.
How the fuck do I draw my nazi symbols?
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Current state of the southern front

Will check back in an hour to see if anything's changed, and prove your retardedness you crumpet.
The ponys getting fucked up though
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kk im gonna help with this for a while. every pixel they have to use repairing theirs is a pixel they can't use to fuck up ours so its all the same campaign.
>I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
win 10 WTF ?
Got it for free in Jan. of last year because M$ was offering it for free to anyone who had Win 7 or 8 before the first anniversary of the OS.
its still free on M$ site
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I have to admit, at least you're a tad more creative than spics and beaners. It's a shame there has to be vandalism between nazi stuff and ponies, when we could work together on nazi ponies.
Another update, the ponyfags have accepted defeat and are planning on relocating to the far lands. Now all we have to worry about is the other people on the canvas who'll be triggered by our flag expansion.
I would never work with the ponyfaggots.
God bless America.
We should focus on fixing the cross and the flag now, pink squares are attacking at full force!
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It's a proud and noble thing isn't it?
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No fucking way I was in the original thread
Good news fags, there's a /b/ poster monitoring the ponies and commanding an army of vandalism threads on /b/. Bad news, the ponyfags are thinking twice about moving and are also claiming we're slowing down. Also they claim to have put over 3 weeks worth into these pics. That makes me kind of sad for defacing them, but then I remembered that they spent those three weeks placing pixels rather than going outside, so its okay. Keep the pressure on.
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CNT FAI flag http://pixelcanvas.io/@81,1218
And an anarchist symbol
Reddit's formatting makes my eyes bleed tho.
the mods are literally fags, they couldn't just remove the swastika, nope they remove the entire thing
similiar thing happened to former kekistan flag when we tried to do a swastika on it, then we just had to settle with an iron cross
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turn all ancom flags into ancap maybe?
I'm making a start on the section of the bars that go through the ponies. Hopefully will be done by the time our southern flag forces arrive to link up.
But vandalism violates the NAP

We could focus on the bar.

The little black line next to the /b in the top left is in line with the left most part of the southern flag bar,

If they leave our bar alone perhaps we could consider a truce.
sorry i meant right most part of the southern flag bar. The black line next to /b is part of the right most part of the southern flag bar.
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it's fine commies aren't human
The little arrow above the pony is pointing towards the start of the bar section
i did it reddit!
Top left of the blue pony is the bar of the flag. Hopefully those working on the flag can speed up the advance of the southern bar to eventually link it up!
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Stop killing the fucking ponies, go defend
>heavy attack

Mate, that pony is under heavy attack. Your 13 pixels aren't really a setback.
Go defend now, idiots.

Was more than 13 pixels. And the point is to further the ultimate plan of dominating the map with our flag. We may as well place pixels on the ponies that will help with our goal rather than having to alter our own pixels once the bar gets down there.
meh. he's not wrong, that iron cross could use a rework
He is a ponyfag

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>when barneyfag masterminds a false flag operation and enlists /b/-tards as his personal army
well played lads
2,180/10,000 now.
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