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Never forget

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 94
Thread images: 44

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Never forget
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Sigh Big Tsumugi.png
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>when everyone around you is acting like they have actual aspergers
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kill me.jpg
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what were we not to suppose to forget?
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stop bugging the mods
blow it out your ass
there called reaction images chill
Avatarfagging isnt using reaction images anymore
Do you like being an asshole on a shit board?
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fuck burgers.jpg
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If it werent for you I wouldnt be an asshole and this wouldnt be a shit board
Stop working for (((((((((((them))))))))))) and let us have some fun
Some of them avatarfags are obnoxious though. I don't mind those that post once in a while somewhere, but people like the tsumugi or akko guy posting those avatars almost everywhere they go?
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But If I would do that then I wouldnt have any fun, you see the problem here dont you?
Wtf, I dont even post that much any more? How is that obnoxious?
i dont post nausicaa as often and mostly leave it to reaction images
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>getting this assmad over duel monsters
Do all Germanons have autism like this?
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Have only known one not to
I guess you are Tsumugi, correct me if I am mistaken.
Well, you are annoying by using avatars in multiple threads, in lots of places basically. I have nothing against avatarfagging in speciffic threads, like those of yours or some related ones, cannot really describe it, but not in threads that are absolutely not related to this in any way. Hope some of this makes sense to you, it's hard to describe in words really
You aren't as obnoxious as akko guy though, he is not only avatarfagging everywhere, but he also is a dumb newfag

>and mostly leave it to reaction images
Well, isn't that what avatarfagging is all about?
well not exactly i use a mix of characters from multiple sources so its not avatarfagging
I see no wrong with that then. Just be sure not to do stuff like posting this character in this thread and that character in that one. That could be easily taken as avatarfagging, just a piece of advice. Unless obviously th thread is one of those speciffic ones when something like avatarfagging is encouraged
It's all not about following the rules or doing it/not doing it, but knowing where you can do it and where you should not
>hard to describe in words
Well please ponder it a bit so you can more aptly explain to me. When I have nothing to say, I don't post. I don't spam, any more, I don't go to every thread and say some dumb phrase or anything really. And my images are always related to my replies, so unless you're saying every image must be related somehow to the OP without context of the reply it's attached to, or some other strict ruling that is not followed by anyone really, then how do suggest my posts are absolutely not related?
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Not everything is a Jewish conspiracy! Jeez lay off /pol/ for a week. Besides, saying antisemetic stuff in Germany is against the law.
Typical yellow presser.
Dude, you're the one that should lay off /pol/; it's obvious who he's talking about and it isnt jews
Wel, avatarfagging is a vague term, that's why it's hard to describe when you are doing it and when you are not, I am really not able to explain that, well, that is something only mods have the sufficient definition for.
The fact that I cannot describe does not mean that myy arguments are worthless though, unless you are able to draw the surely right line between avatarfagging and just posting some pictures, which would be accepted by all. Then that whole discussion wouldn't take place
im aware of when and where to do it and yes there are threads where its encouraged and that is fine to do it them, which is perfectly fine. Also having a diverse library of characters with reactions gifs and images is a good way to avoid unintentional avatar fagging.
>whole discussion wouldn't take place
I don't deny avatarfagging; per definition if you make 2 replies with the same character, the mods can ban you for avataring (even duke or fren posting), but that's not the point. You said I'm obnoxious and don't make relevant replies. I'm asking you to explain this; I don't feel the same. The only people who should be just generally irritated with my posts are gayposters or autistic rulefags, both of which are cancer so I don't care about their opinions
Woops. Wrong german. Sorry.
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what he said
The based Tunisian poster strikes again!

Now that a mod took his side, this fucking kraut will never shut the fuck up.
I cannot tell you why I find you obnoxious, I am sure you had something like that at some point in your life. You just dislike what one person is doing with some reasoning behind it, yet no way to describe it
>don't make relevant replies
Never said that though

That is ok with me, dunno about the rest of people
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my newfag detector is going off the charts in this thread
>but not in threads that are absolutely not related to this in any way
Then please explain what you meant by this. And no, I don't know that feeling. I've known getting irritated for no good reason by something small someone does, but I can always point it mostly out and don't treat them poorly for it. Hopefully I'm not sounding like you have to like me, but I mean hopefully if you just think I'm obnoxious for no reason, you're not going to like, tell people how obnoxious I am because you have no reason to say that
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Im sorry what happened?
agumon poster got b& and now german anon is annoying the mods even more to try to get avatars b&
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So avatarfags are taken to the gas chambers?
Hmm, maybe it's because you are being too generic? I am not sure, I'd have to think about it
>Hopefully I'm not sounding like you have to like me
Well you do, but I guess it's similiar but opposite with me
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Question Mark 2 Tsumugi.png
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I think it's obnoxious. Why avatarfag? The only motivations that come to mind is this:
>Wants to be recognized in a "unique way.
>doesn't want to be the same as a tripfag but pretty much is the same.

This is an anonymous ceramic mosaic board. Having an identity undermines the idea of it. Personally I don't want having identities on her becoming the norm.

Plus who likes attention whoring? It's like acting like a grill posting pics of herself for replies.
*hated the same way as a tripfag
>its like acting like a grill posting pics of herself for replies
Well yes that can be considered attention whoring but, what about apu and duke posters are they the same as the wanna be cam whores that post their selfies to 4chan
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say something nice about my wife
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not now!
Now see, this I can understand. And you know why I do it: I got hooked on the attention and I can't stop.
She makes me want to fucking puke, but in a bad way
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Oh yeah i remember that
Was banned at the time couldnt say hello to Mr.Mod
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FUCK an*Mefags
Are you NEET or something? Every time I come on this board it's just Akko/you. Do you sleep? Not being spiteful, just wondering.
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Yeah im a neet
Cant go to collage cause it doesn't start till January and i cant find a temporary job
Because to you start to gain an identity. Instead of a girl with the tits who keeps doing shit with bananas, you're that autistic Duke poster.

Another way to look at it is you're giving a face to hate.
well i dont duke post thats someone else
Why are avatarfags not allowed if Namefags and Tripfags are?
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i posted in that thread ama
I'm making an example. I've never seen the Duke poster.
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When you come home and there is more fuel for the fire

>Only posted in thread and not made it
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Thanks bb, love you too
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i wonder when the swede will come
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>fucking cellphone...
So horny... german boi <3
thanks for always bumping my threads so everyone sees them by the way
Who care's about your stupid girl threads.
Trying to be a rulefag and gay?
How big is your dick? Ballgermon?
where can i go to find more of this
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Heard about scat porn?
Germans love that shit.
>be german
>be sex addict with fetisches.
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Why is german boi such a lame ass faggot.
Why won't he post his girl feelings for my achmed cock.

We are basically fucking all the german girls into sluts ;p
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>OP introducing himself on porn tv.
Ich bin german boyy und ich liebe grosse menschwurst. Oh! Ja! ja!
Gayporn? Ooooh! Ich liebe <3 <3
swede is your avatar gay shit?
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Hes from Sweden, he got raised being taught toe express his homosexuality
well he uploaded scat and gay stuff so i guess so
please stop.
Hey guys im back from helping my folks out and OH SWEET JESUS!!!
Op you got lame jokes. Try harder newfag or should I say tumblr chan
>fucking german events
I got famous... tehe~!
WTF IS THAT!?!?!?!?!!?
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You are almost as cringeworthy as your gay buddy

Please go back from where you came from
Worry not, they walked it off.
doesnt look like it
post a pic of 9gag, looks like we know where hes from now
>unironically saying "cringe"
>STILL caring about 9gag
no he spread to other threads now
While we wait for the nigger german...
Upload something random.
I want some pics for my b folder.
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I share some 2 k!
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this thread
thats a pretty rare ID
KYS 9gagfag
heres a (You) keep bumping the thread
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Thread posts: 94
Thread images: 44

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