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>recently started talking to ex >says she wants to restart

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>recently started talking to ex
>says she wants to restart relationship is
>she's with her
>never revealed my power level when we dated before
>she added me on Facebook and saw my normie pro trump maymays and me rooting for trump
>starts to shill me for free
>hangs up the phone
I like this girl, /pol/lacks.
Wat do?
redpill her with love and your dick
man the fuck up, that's what
I need to get face to face but she's trying to CTR with everything I'm saying, even non political stuff. Do I betray my beliefs and spread some fake news until I can fuck her and get some truth in her head or stand firm and risk her disappearing?
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Don't be a afraid to let someone know what you believe in, just don't go full 14/88, ease into it.If they don't like it, then they can fuck off.
destroy her pussy anon,then redpill her its how you reprogram women

it really is that simple and its fucking disgusting

laci green for example
Are you retarded, OP? The ChrisRayGun thing is a fucking meme. You can't redpill someone by fucking them. You can only pay them child support. You broke up for a reason. Accept that your Ex is a cunt and move the fuck on.

Cut the fucking rope, you dope.
>be stupid
>old girl rings phone
>she say, "I miss you anon"
>forgets that she's probably been searching for something better than you since the break up but fell short because no one wants thrift store vagina
>she's a retard and doesn't say or stalk you before talking to you
>texts you so she can virtue signal and reaffirm that you are not worth her time

Anon decided to ask /pol/ about his Dead Sea of a sex life.
Have some conviction, lad. She's testing how firm your beliefs are. You can get them to believe whatever so long as you believe it yourself and can argue it.

Competent dicking also helps.
Because women care about facts and opinions not based off feelz
She actually does remind me of laci green a bit.
At least this anon gets it.
That's what I'm trying to get to. She's a pretty crazy lay and has wild kinks so that's not too difficult to accomplish.
You're making a huge fucking mistake, get away from her before you go to jail for rape.
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Oh for fucks sake just bang her and see if you can red pill her, if not, leave.Just make sure you leave before you go to far.
>This guy has never made a girl cum
You can literally make a dick-drunk girl say anything you want, and once they've said it it's easy from there on.
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This is where wire tapping and hidden recording devices would come in handy.
>bang her
>leave before you go too far

Pick one.
The facts don't actually matter, what matters is how firmly you state your convictions, they're still operating on feels=reals. What matters is that you 'feel' like a good leader to them.

Since she is considering a second relationship with you, it's safe to assume she is a rostie that has been with at least a few chads since your first time.

Unless you've given up hope, just go find a younger, fresh girl. Guarantee you that the rostie will cuck you.
Leave before you go to far, as in marrying or getting it pregnant or something incredibly stupid like that.
In my state, you can legally record audio without consent. Now that you mention it, it might not be a terrible idea if she goes full feminazi out of the blue.
This is true, nip. But I'd argue he should keep her on the side and fuck her while he finds someone better.
make her moan "MAGA!"
Just play it safe anon, bitches are crazy these days.
The only reason she comes crawling back is she realized you're probably the best she can get considering what she's been doing probably both before you met and after you went seperate ways.

She wants back because she fucked up and you shouldn't want her.
>You can make a dick-drunk girl say anything she thinks you want to hear

Look ausfag, human women are not the same as female kangaroos after you've had a few too many. OP is making a massive mistake by walking back into the same situation he was extricated from before, especially considering she's clearly a fucking moron.

He doesn't even know if she's doing this out of spite.
We live in a world where consent can be revoked after the fact, Anon. Don't associate with dumb cunts. Do not give attention to dumb cunts. Ignore and sage all dumb cunts.
Even the idea of that is satisfying enough. Hearing that in reality? Priceless.
>t. kissless virgin
I've banged lots of exes casually with no repercussions whatsoever, you lead them on, get what you want then ghost them any time they're annoying or try to advance the relationship, meanwhile you pursue better girls on the side. This is man stuff 101, don't worry mate I'll be your surrogate father. Ask me anything you want, champ.
Who cares what women think.
Never bang (or do anything else to) your ex. Either you left her and you are able to look over all the shit that made you leave her, or she left you, jumped on some cocks and wants her beta cuck back, cause nothing better came around.
Either way it's time to up your game and get in shape.
>says she wants to restart relationship is
>she added me on Facebook and saw my normie pro trump maymays and me rooting for trump
>starts to shill me for free
>hangs up the phone

Behold. This could be a trap.
Anon just ignore politics
master your hormones
For what cause? The matriarchy? I know she's not out for the money. I used to make a lot more when we dated than I do now.
>This is man stuff 101
Where I come from, we call this nigger stuff. Being a man is about making smart decisions and taking responsibility.
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Don't let politics come in between you guys. Politics don't define who you are, so don't let them control what you do either. Just embrace the difference in opinion but don't make too much of a big deal about it man, in the end it's not worth it.
Shit, Id love to. If her only problem with me was my politics and she would just get over it like I have with libs, I'd be in the clear.
It doesn't matter. What good reason could she possibly have for doing this? You think she honestly learned her lesson, decided you were prince charming and that makes everything better?

Do what you want, OP. Just be ready when it all falls apart again.
Just redpill her with PenisIntoVagina-gate and reverse Brexit her, mate.
Well I am just so goshdarn cute.

She's not the vindictive type, but it's been awhile, I'm sure she's a changed woman in a lot of ways. I'll keep an eye open.
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Always remember what I said to, wiretapping could save your life if she is getting shady.
Tell her that not only is Hilary a bitch but that women shouldn't even be allowed to vote. You'll be guaranteed pussy that night, women love being treated like shit.
I use to distrust people who want to restart relationships. If the first one went wrong, why the second one will be better?
>You used to talk to her before she said she want to restart the relationship (and after break)?
>Why the first one went wrong?
>Did she end a relationship with another guy before asking you to restart?
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remember why you broke up in the first place ?
>Implying banging already damaged women is nigger-behaviour
I don't know where to start with you anon, I didn't recommend you impregnate these crazy sluts, only use them to blow off steam. It's irrelevant to you anyway since you don't have the social skills to fuck even the most damaged of goods.
>Politics don't define who you are
Except they literally do, your political ideology is a representation of who you are.
Okay, so first of all you're an utter dumbass for going back to an ex. Whatever reasons broke you up before will break you up again, guaranteed.

But if you're going to be a retard (no one can really blame you, we all think with our dick sometimes) you have to not talk politics until you're in the sack. Fuck her right, and afterwards when you're cuddling and glowing and your mind is clear from horniness, just make a small off-hand political remark. Don't defend it. Don't argue with her. Just a normal remark. If she wants to argue with you, just go to sleep.

Eventually she will come to adopt your opinions that way. That, or she'll dump you, which will probably happen anyway.
To be honest, the first go around I was acting like this big-dick alpha and pretty much treated her like shit 80% of the time. Realized what I was doing at the end but it was too late to fix anything at the time. I think time had an affect on why she started talking to me again.
Jordan Peterson and Carl Jung say that people don't have ideas, ideas have people. Your political ideology is a living thing inside of you, and to a large degree it takes over who you are.
Make well reasoned arguments, respect her views, and most importantly don't be a fucking pussy
Anti trump = anti logic

Give her a cat and go f and date, marry and reproduce with a decent girl
Bro, that means she's 80% attracted to a big-dick alpha. If you can't be that for her, she will lose interest and respect for you.

Like all women, she is confused about what she actually wants. She is psychologically evolved to like the macho image you used to portray yourself as. But like most young women she is most likely infected with feminism to some degree, which brainwashes her into thinking that what she likes is actually bad for her and she should like a gynocentric matriarchal tyranny instead. Ultimately, if she goes down that road too far, she is destined to become a cat lady. In the meantime, she wants Chad Thundercock in the sack, but chocolates and submissiveness when she's pissy. But she also will hate you if you're submissive and resent you if you're dominant.

Not that you care anyway. You're so dumb you think that it was your fault you broke up instead of hers.
>he wants to date his ex because he's horny and lonely
lmao faggot
>To be honest, the first go around I was acting like this big-dick alpha and pretty much treated her like shit 80% of the time.
And she want to come back? Maybe she got low self-esteem
Im getting all the warning lights on this broad.

This is probably a murder suicide in the making.
nah she probably got a really bad disease and remembers how he treated her.

We are watching a murder suicide in slowmo

Go OP Go
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>You can't redpill someone by fucking them

I've done exactly that. Women are feeble.
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de-shill her.

If you like her, it's worth at least a try.
This. If a woman likes you well enough to take your member inside of her body, she likes you well enough to come to adopt your political opinions.
It's politics, tell her you have your own beliefs, and she is welcome to have her own, but that you don't want it to come between the two of you. And leave it at that. Also never compromise your personal beliefs for anyone, you can compromise on other things, but never over your own beliefs with someone who isn't you.
Alright I'll make a promise. If she decides to an hero and take me with, I'll make sure to stream it. I'll totally deliver. OP always delivers.
My ex started talking to me again and then it turned out she got a bf yesterday. Hate dealing with shit like this.
Or maybe she's just a total bitch
OP you seem like a decent guy that cares for her from what I can tell. Explain the situation to her and just talk it out okay? If it doesn't work, it doesn't work and that's okay. It's not your job to change her beliefs nor is it hers to change yours.

Just don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm.

Women are just like you when you f them. Every single adult knows that.

But fcking ex girlfriend is desperation
Apparently if I asked her out a week before she would have gone out with me and I would've been able to get with her but I was busy with work. I loved her too lads.
>starts to shill me for free
What did you mean by this?
If she really wanted to be with you then she wouldn't have gotten with this other dude. She's just playing mind games and trying to affirm her self-worth by fucking with your head.
I meant the other way around dumbass.
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Bullshit 15 min block...

Talk is cheap, Ausfag. Good advice is priceless.

She's an Ex. He's already fucked her once, idiots. It clearly worked so well the first time.
Fellow nazi teenager
Don't even awnser ex girlfriends

Rule number 1- if she's beautiful and still single, she's crazy
Rule number 2- Ex girlfriend is amazing, die on a campfire burning to death is even better
>sees trump stuff
>"you voted for trump???"
>oh well fuck me I know where this is going
>blah blah blah trump said this thing in private about almost a decade ago blah blah blah republicans want to make being a woman illegal blah blah blah how could you believe in these things blah blah blah
It was actually kind of amusing because she never gave a shit about politics until Katy Perry was all Hillary and she knows practically nothing, yet regurgitates the same shit we've all debunked or stopped giving a shit about months ago.
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This. Women are a dime a dozen and she's obviously not a good one if she left you for someone else.
Here are your steps:

1. Don't post political shit of FB like an autist
>Who is laci green
Yeah, I was having a little too much fun during the election and I may have gotten carried away with trolling all of my snowflake friends from college. It was funny as fuck though.
the universe is full of miserable down-putting whores.

find another bitch, and never give them too much.
it's when they start to feel safe that they stop respecting you.
stop thinking with your dick.
if you betray your beliefs to get some fuk she will see that as a character weakness and will not find you attractive anymore.
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Forget her now.

You deserve better.
Come on.
You're alone, that's it, this is not love
Everybody knows what you're feeling right now

Find a girl, a family girl, right winger, against abortion, religious, reproduce, be happy

This crackhead as a rolemodel? No
This powerlevel bullshit is leftover from the oldfag days when we were all just awkward teenagers...long before /pol/

Any faggot that has this sort of shit happen simply cannot iterate their point logically. IF you can discuss and defend your views logically and rationally and are able to actually debate with people (yes even the psychotic libs) mostly this shit wont happen. Dont bring figures (trump) into it, discuss the theory. If you cannot do that, you deserve to be ostracized.
They can vote and then make baby voters and also vote for rapefugees to enter the country

This OP. Go jerk one out and move on.
Yes, but what if I'm doing kek's will by spreading the almighty word of kek with the nonbeliever and turning them around to bask in the sacred green glow? Also at this point from all the traction I'm getting from random faggots on the internet giving their two cents to another equally random faggot, I'm totally going to roll with the red pilling now.
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That's why Japanese people don't reproduce
You can also stop to think like a nigger and trace your own path, without giving a shit about what others think.You know, like a real man.

BTFO her out of your mind and grow a pair
Katy perry fan?
Sounds like she's underage man
no, what you call 'power level' here is common sense politics in Japan.
>cringey kek stuff
I hope this is a troll post
Again, that's pretty much why people aren't reproducing in Japan

And you know I'm not offending you

People here are mostly shitty on their behavior too
She's not. She just has terrible taste in music.
No shit, Sherlock. Tell the audience something they don't know.
People are not having kids because everyone works like slaves and noone has any free time. Both men and women. This is a very different problem. The work culture needs to change. Grass eating neets exist, but are far from the reason why Japans population is decreasing.
more like its the
>expected but unpaid overtime so you're at work 12+ hours everyday
>super expensive housing where you get a loan for 50+ years so your kids can pay it off after you die
>2 bedroom apartment you share with your wife, son, his wife and their children.
That effects japans reproducing factor
Politics and pussy don't mix. Talk about that shit later on and cut it off if it somehow gets in the way. Get pussy.
give penis
Get the fuck off /pol
Fuck you cnn
congrats, you posted first in a shitty thread
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>even having thoughts about your ex
It's like cucking yourself
>mods wait until a shitpost is about to die
>move it here to double the replies
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