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Why are you still a loser?

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>23 years old
Feels fucking bad, man.
Because there is nothing
i am 91 and 25 yrs old, explain that. your pic is false
>find a gf
>get cucked
>pay for pension
>watch your son become a gender fluid xir
>get bald
>grow old
>be in debt
>now repeat after me
>i'm not a loser.

eh no thanks.
Just finished college and starting a decent job next week, feels pretty good
90s kids were born in the 80s dipshit.

Kids born in the 90s probably barely remember shit from the 90s.
people still go to college?
wtf, how much debt do you have already?
because I am an immigrant cuck with low T and no wealthy relatives
You should have a high-paying job at 23

There are people on this board still neeting post 25

Neck yourself if you are one
23 and basically a NEET right now although I'll be finishing up my last year of university starting in the fall. Probably gonna go serve the ZOG in the navy once I'm done with school, really can't picture myself working in a cubicle with a bunch of normies desu.
>Not making 6 figures by 20
Neck urself
That's retarded. I was NEET at 23 and then got back in school. First job at 28. Now make $70k in TN (which is like $100k+ in California).
I was born in 86, genuine 90s kid
23 studying economics in manhattan and work for a big bank.I don't feel too bad yet, I'm just basically a kike

Sup Czech bro, I'm also '91, but I'm 26

You have a cool country by the way, I went there a few years ago and it was awesome. Would love to go back and drink some more Kozel. And have some more meat with potato dumplings.
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haha oldfag
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I was born in the early 90s and still remember quite a bit, especially 1998 and 1999. People born in 1993 or later probably won't remember anything though
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>people born after 9/11 are already having sex
stop spamming threads, eurofaggot
im 33 and I'm going to come here every day you little twerps so get used to it
Exactly, I was born in '85. 90's kids actually you know grew up and lived in the 90's, they weren't like 2-5. I'd say anyone born after '93 and that's being generous isn't a 90's kid.
>people born in 1999 can do porn
>90s kid
>born in the 90s

thats not how it works fuckface, 90s kids were kids in the 90s, not infants in the 90s.

>born in 84
>remember when mc hammer was legitimately popular and the fucking DARE dog coming to school

The 90s was the best time i think though the 80s looked pretty fucking rad too.

Its all basically been shit this millennia, i feel bad for people younger than me.
You know what, you motivated me.
Thanks burg.
'99 here, just graduated in cucknada ama
The internet with all its promise really turned the world to shit. Honestly early 00s weren't too bad but as soon as Twitter and Facebook went mainstream shits gone to shit.

Because I was born a loser and will die as one.
DARE was such retarded propaganda. Every stoner had fucking dare stickers on shit thinking cops wouldn't hassle them.
they're the most desired market
>27. I know man
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27 years old
oy vey, i am ancient
27 and NEET for 2-3 years, I have money to be NEET for the next 10-15 years, Basically in the future most jobs will be automated by AI. Education is literally useless when we have self learning AI's. I just educate my mind mentally with philosophy, psychology, physics and reading books about everything what interesting me and have free time to workout sometimes.

Life is pretty good and OP just KYS if you already crying about other people life.
I got to live through the golden age of RTS games and bootlegging music and movies before anyone knew how to do it. I made so much extra cash for the simplest shit.
Yeah the internet is probably the biggest disappointment in human history. It could have been an entire new level of existence and instead its just distractions layered onto the shitty old existence.

At least smartphones are kind of neat
the 90 are hardly the best time the best time probably would be 1800 until 1946
>got into stocks 3 months ago
>saved up 40k from 2 years at my job
>quit job a month ago to day trade full time (25k requirement)
>not the guy making thousands a day, make my 200/day and call it
>literally the greatest job on the planet.
>wake up at 9AM
>research potential movers till 9:30AM open
>play a move for 2k-5k shares for a 10-20cent move -- make 200-500$
>done by 10AM
>go back to sleep and do what the fuck I want
>tfw literally work less than an hour each day
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just 3 more years until i off myself
turned 21 a few days ago. went to the liquor store with money mom gave me. the chink didnt even id me. well this is a weekly thing now i guess
A 90s kid is someone who was a kid in the 90s, not someone who was born in the 90s. 90s kids are in their 30s.
No shit, I was 20 in 1990.
you made 200 but how much did you invest and how much did you net gain
>the 90 are hardly the best time
Maybe not in romania, but in the US it was just fantastic. There was no doubt that the future was going to be absolutely amazing. Schools had not become prisons yet, technology was at the sweet spot where it stimulated your imagination instead of replacing it.

I was poor as dirt in the 90s too so this is a perspective from the bottom, it was still fucking amazing.
Will commit suicide sometime, gonna try some hard drugs to push myself. Although I have a feeling I won't escape this hell so easily.
I still get a pretty good sense of awe when I order a pizza to be delivered to my house by pushing a few buttons on my hand held computer.
of course romania would love her ottoman days then getting cucked by soviet union.
yeah i watched star trek (TNG) a lot as a kid, and i remember seeing a magazine add once with a novelty tricorder. Being poor it was too much for me to contemplate getting, but i remember all it did was have like, a built in clock, thermomiter, 'light spectrum analyzer', and a radio or something.

I wanted it so bad.

And now i have my smart phone and my tablet and star trek is real

Tearing up typing this. My grandmother lived to be 93 i wonder what she thought of the world.
What are some tips or resources that you use? How did you get into it? I am ignorant about stocks.
How the hell is someone born in 1998 a 90s kid, they wouldn't even remember the time
Everyone knows only weaboo teenagers, disgruntled college students, and post grad NEETs come here
>tfw crippling student loan debt at age 26

Kill me senpai, actually dont because then the debt transfers to my parents
Not a NEET, retired.
I've talked to a few people here my age before, mostly on /int/
>going into debt
Shoulda been redpilled and become a NEET like me.

Any day that UBI will come along :^)
i mean even for US i would not say it was mabye before great cities like Detroit went bad and the 90 already seen US jobs being sent outside the country
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I was in the orwellian year of 1984. Got wife and kids and decent job. Yet here I am.
>find any gf that shows the slightest interest despite the many attitude and ego problems. All for that sweet sweet poon
>marry said gf and not lead by example, setting a rigorous standard that is held above all else under your roof.
>Not publicly shaming the guy for their lack of self control and weak minded urges, not putting a stop to any form of insubordination before the cucking begins, marrying someone who's not faithful and seeks attention outside of your provision.
>pay for pension, the wise thing to do before you're retired.
>watch your son fall to the gimmicks of society because you couldn't be the father figure they needed due to your constant need to fill up your 2D world with fake currency and adventure. Not instilling a deep sense of tradition and appreciation for hard work.
>get bald, not owning it because you think it's a sign of weakness so you have a comb over or refuse to shave the rest because your foolishly holding on to your youth.
>grow old, inevitable
>Allowing your misserable family to control your finances and paying for every whim and fancy without putting your foot down. Acquiring debt for the sake of a fleeting lifestyle.
>now repeat after me
>I made myself a loser because I couldn't man up to responsibility of leading a family, Beng a loving husband, a wise father, and taking the steps necessary to raise up the next generation to carry my blood into the future. So instead I coward in my man cave fantasizing about being Indiana Jones and batman. I am what I made myself.

You make me sick.
i dont know
>a fucking leaf
Same, 99 here, just graduated high school, still 17
>inb4 b&
Idgaf, gook moot won't let me post on data anyway so I'm limited to lurking like 99% of the time
And btw, what they're saying about gen z is true
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>finishing up my last year of university starting in the fall

I have undiagnosed depression and anxiety issues. I want to speak out but I'm a neet and my family will basically disown me and throw me out if I say I'm mentally ill.
>ancap flag

dont do it anon you are valuable person :^)
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Year of the dogg reporting in

woof woof 94 represent
Brilliant rebuttal. It's no wonder your expectations of the future are so low.
nocoiner detected
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They just started the ride!
Well god bless ya brother. Hope all is well
I was born in 1994 and I'm only 22 years old you fucking faggot


32 here, 1984.

I don't remember jack from the 80's except the cars and for some reason Benetton
I shitpost at work on my phone all day everyday. I'm 35 make $75k.
I'm a NET but not a NEET
>only recently started first year of community college
>failing most my classes
>never had a real job

Can I still make it?
no1 born in thwe 90 is 90 kids
I'm born in 1990 but I'm 26. Pic is wrong. OP is a fag
>Rails against weak minds
>Advocates getting married
Hypocrites make me sick
>:) I can fuck anyone from the 90s
Still a kid. Some boomer probably made this.


If you didn't have the cognitive ability to play Mario Kart when it actually came out, you weren't a 90's kid.

That doesn't mean you're not a pathetic adult, it just means you weren't a 90's kid.
A 90s kid is a person who was a kid in the 90s, you intelligent human.

Sage this thread
Guess I wasn't a 90s kid after all
>meant to say unintelligent
>accidentally say intelligent
Right back at ya.
If you can't find a work that you love doing every day, save your money and invest wisely so can retire young.
That's the only pearl of wisdom I got for you guys.
Sure, they're not kids anymore. But they still don't pay their own bills.

Jesus this fucking picture...didn't realize it was Fraiser.

Top kek
Too late, no takebacks
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being in diapers for a couple years before the millenium doesnt make you a 90's kid.

Who exactly is claiming to be a kid after the age of 21?

Whoever made this image is probably just butthurt for some reason that millennial adults play video games (whereas the previous generation spends the same amount of time watching TV instead so I don't see the problem).
I always thought 90s kid = was a kid in the 90s (people who were born between 1980 and 1995).
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Enlighten me, young senpai, what are they saying about gen z that is allegedly true?
only adults are allowed to be edgy larping faggots
now fuck right off
I went to a 98% white, rich high school, so that might skew the data a tad, but it was conservative as fuck, especially the underclassmen
Back to >>>r/the_Donald with you
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>children half your age are having sex daily while you're still a virgin
Your post is so fucking gay OP
fuck off you 80's tard piece of crap
Who here 20 yet manchild?

>be me 20
>play vidya
>no friends
>no gf
>no real skills
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