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Steak. The perfect meal for a real man. You can only post in

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Steak. The perfect meal for a real man.

You can only post in this thread if you eat Steak at least twice a week...
your egg is way to cooked through, you disgust me
Cow is expensive. I can only afford pork.
bitch 4 times a week minimum
Well done with ketchup for me only
The true American way
Shit son I had a new york strip last night, perfectly seared in my beloved cast iron. Inside was soft and red. I'll take a picture next time it'll last longer.
Steak is too simple of a food, boring to cook and the side dishes are often more interesting to eat and cook

The egg seems like a nice idea, tho, will steal the idea
I love steak, but cleaning up the pan afterwards is such a hassle.
Bitch, 3 times a day is minimum acceptable
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bump for drumpf
>Not deglazing the pan to make a sauce and clean the pan
No wonder you Pinkos are always starving
I know what I need!!! Fucking proper protein but stop reminding me pls
>don't care the world thinks trump is an idiot
>don't care the world thinks america is a bunch of racist, redneck, gun toting wackos
>don't care that the rest of the world thinks we're inhumane for wanting to defend our borders
>agitated to the core that the world thinks americans eat steak well done with ketchup

having poor taste is one thing, but this is like eating your own god damned children.
>not eating steak or some form of meat twice a day 7 days a week

pfffff i pity you
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Flip your egg, disgusting cretin
Meat rules but the modern agriculture industry is disgusting. We're serving people unsustainable garbage.
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bitch what

eat your steak and greens then scrub the pan with boiling hot water and pic related. if your pan is properly seasoned the polymerized oil coating will stay and the crud will go.
Burgers, the food of Burgers.
WTF is that?
Toast with cookies and ketchup?
>tomato sauce
fucking disgusting, can americans eat anything without putting all that disgusting shit on it?

Aside from this poor decision, if you just scrub it with a plastic brush while it's still hot it takes like 2 minutes to clean a pan.
Look like dog biscuits to me.
Fuck off it taste good
Just because it's not the meme steak of orgasm! Doesn't mean it's not a perfectly way to eat steak
Sorry it's not French enough with a bottle of wine
Jesus Christ it's just food some people eat it like this others like that
Can't we get back to hating black people instead of how we eat beef
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Beats American shit.

You mean bourbons, not every biscuit is a cookie.

It's bread
The inner qualities matter. Heart, liver, brain, gizzard, testicles. Real men chew offal and not cow asses.
>Beats American shit.
American food is consumable.
THAT shit. Bread+bourbons+ketchup? Fuck off.
i mostly eat nuts these days. they have near perfect macros. just make sure you don't neglect fiber and your body will adapt

i like meat but never wanna spend the time to prep or cook it, and covered fridge chicken is depressing
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More American 'classics'
That's exactly what it is, it's a joke lad
all this things are delicious indeed
lamb brains are delicious
even fried bull's testicles are
Who else here /charcoal grill/?

The best and only way to eat steak. Panfags will never know.
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Yum Yum, I love American cooking.
I can see britbongs eat that though.
It's really not a perfectly fine way to eat steak. Go eat a shoe, that's how tasteless you are. Congrats on being wrong and retarded.
Love them, but i'm unemployed right now and steak cost like 2$ for 400g. Way too expensive.

when an animal makes a kill it eats the liver first

in hunter gatherer societies, where it takes the work of many men to hunt a large animal, the liver is known as the hunters cut. the man who actually makes the kill gets to eat it

it's also bennies and cooks in like 5 minutes

kidneys are awful though
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>American kids eat this every lunch and people wonder why they are fat and stupid
That's british, moron.
Imagine the dump she took the next day
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+Red Wine, for testosterone boost

just dont drink beer, its full of estrogen and soon you will have mantits
You like that, don't you...
sorry some people like to eat their food cooked and still find it enjoyable
I bet you eat pizza straight out of the freezer too because
Cheese shouldn't be melted
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Why no side dish like potatoes?
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mmmm American culture
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>>>/ck/ but since you want a (You) see pic related
Southern burger agrees with Norway. Having in a few hours.
Because britfags.
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Pajeet-tier shits, no doubt.
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>you will never have a cute Japanese gf to eat tons of burgers with
I have literally never seen that sold in a store ever. Not even at a Walmart.

If our food is so bad then why are we so fat? I bet none of you skinny weakling manlets have ever tried Midwest BBQ either.
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Reminder that T-bones are meme cuts.

Real men eat Top Sirloins
Like holding the handle down on a chocolate soft serve machine until it runs out and the sudden release of air sends driblets of ice cream all over the bowl.
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>You can only post in this thread if you eat Steak at least twice a week...
try everyday
Men who don't cook their steaks through are dickwasherz.
Either eat it raw or cook it properly.
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mmmm the taste of freedom celebrations starting soon. you know right?

You cucks were BTFO and now suck uncle sam's dick on the regular for more foreign aid.

>inb4 [brit fag bs]
I cannot hear you over the sound of my gun powder freedom. Pay some more VAT ahahah
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yummy yummy
Enjoy your dry meat, faggot
what the fuck, get a bit of variety into your diet, before you get sick of steak and only see it as a medium-tier food product.
>top sirloins
*prime rib
real men eat cube steak

brb gainz
He's a bot don't worry.
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I dont eat meat anymore because dont want to support slaughter of animals and the conditions there

Pass the deep fried butter, my fat friend
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>0 carbs

redpilled af senpai
i ate steak 5 out of 7 days last week.
Enjoy your unnecessarily heated slab of meat, tasting like a 3 days old turd, crusty on the outside and slimy on the inside.
Oh, your cooked through steak is dry? Of course, because you don't know how to fucking do it. Well prepared cooked through steaks are tender and succulent.
thread is makin me hungry af tho
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Only the Jews eat their meat rarer than well
Want to know what you should eat? Tell someone and watch them explode about how it's wrong
Then you see who is being run by the jews
>prime rib
>all that fat

I guess it's suiting.
I prefer eggs as my primary protein source. Cheaper, easier to keep, more ethical, better for the environment. I only eat meat from a hunt or an organic farm, so can't afford that every day. I think that it just throws shit out of balance if everyone is eating meat all the time with like no effort, and no cost. We're meant to eat meat of course, and we all should, but jamming the animals in cages and using drugs and subsidies so that it's incredibly cheap, that isn't a good situation for the environment or public health. I don't disagree with the OP, I would say twice a week is alright
>2$ for 400g
haha you lucky bastard, 400g of steak costs about $25 here.
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rare master race reporting. med rare and well done fags can just exit this thread right now.
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Have a nice glass of pasta and a can of pisswater
Absolutely disgusting.
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>britbong making fun of anyone elses cuisine

Mmm gotta love those typical british school lunches
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Looks like the inside of a black dick
wrong pic
>using drugs
I don't get this, you think the "organic" farmers don't use drugs?
a fucking brit
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>""real man"" tomfoolery
I try and limit myself on these grounds. I'm not deluded enough to believe eating meat is wrong, but equally not deluded to believe modern agriculture is natural

t. i am dont have predator genes, please, based black man, breed me
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>when burgers cook pasta
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only animals eat raw meat
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This is acceptable.
>t. drunk russky
Didn't you read above? I either eat steak well done or raw. Not that rare disgustingness. Seriously.
what that fuck that's like 30 seconds on the pan. that's just raw man
you like it blue rare?
what do you cook steak on, one of those faggot fake grill mark monstrosities? you a george foreman faggot?
I CANT! I used to eat steak twice a weak until Trump crashed the Canadian dollar so now my steaks trippled in price, now i cant eat steak anymore! Fuck trump
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Meanwhile in Britain
>Black man
>Russian flag

Somethings not adding up here boys

om nom nom
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pan to sear oven to cook
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>eating meat at all

I'm lucky that I have a god tier butcher shop in town and eat fantastic steak at least 3 times a week. Rib eye medium rare, dry aged. Fantastic stuff!
>contacts to simulate larger iris

fucking degenerate asians
>being vegitarian/vegan
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might as well go outside and take a bite off a cow
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This is the only high test way to eat a steak. Well-done with ketchup. It's the way The Don likes it.
Too rare, nasty. Medium rare is the best
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>tfw no italian around to act shocked
>high test
how is she so cute?
I would marry that
First time Ive seen someones heart beating fast after eating spaghetti.
Started dating a new girl. We were talking about food and she asked how I liked my steak. I told her medium. I asked her how she likes it.

She said "well done with A1 sauce"

Too poor for that shit.
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/POL/s favorite man was Veg yet they hate veg of any kind. Hitler would support PETA if he were alive today.

''It is like eating a corpse!'' ''Compassion toward animals is a sign of Aryan superiority.''
flip a steak every 20 seconds and you will have a nice medium rare steak let it sit for 5 mins before eating .. it will keep in the juices and it will taste fucking awsome
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>that's just raw
it doesn't make anyone (more) manly.
if anything eating only the healthiest things would be manly but it's a bit weird and not exactly manly to think about it like that anyway.
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>replies to /pol/ thread
You are worse than latvians.
But do you eat steak twice a week?
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wife material
don't tell them about this American classic
Reminder eating steak for every meal almost cost brock lesnar his anus
Just use a dirty pan. It's just food on there you don't have to clean it you won't get sick
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