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How do we stop this degeneracy?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 81

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How do we stop this degeneracy?
stop watching anime and playing video games high and/or drunk on a sunday morning, get a job so you pay taxes for the first time and so learn that communism is bullshit
>Go work on a sunday
still kill yourself redditard
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Why is Yukinon there? Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having hobbies.
>hating anime in anime board
Atheism should be on the list before Christianity and I say that as pagan.
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take the cross off that image you atheist scum

/pol/ is a board of Christianity.
Why not a productive hobby like drawing, writing, reading books, playing an instrument, woodwork, survival skills, outdoor pursuits, martial arts etc?
Lead by example my friend.
Try not to be so judgemental towards the degenerates, that just makes them feel like their rebels and their actions have a purpose instead of realizing that they're circling the drain.
Be happy and be vital and friendly, make them come to you for advice. They will.
>no vidya or anime
>thinks /pol/ will stand for this despite being half /v/ and half /a/
>no drinking

Fuck off sandnigger
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You forgot the most important one, fag. *Checks flag* Oh, whoops. Never mind. You didn't forget anything, "based Israel" lover.
Nice Try Schlomo But we aren't falling for your tricks
What am I supposed to do without video games?
>no Christ

Off you go, faggot
you start: kill yourself
Be a Slave to Schlomo
Some anime is good, some anime is bad. It's more about waifu animes than animes in general.

It's for religion in general, believing in Odin is still makes you wrong.

Believing in a sky-daddy is retarded. It's like believing that communism works.

Alcohol is bad for your brain. It ruins concentration and makes any children you have retarded.

Find a productive hobby, try carpentry, metalworking, drawing etc.
shove your stupid religion up your ass
Shame and education. Setting a good example as another already said.

If a friend starts talking about porn and how much he jerks off like its a positive thing: ridicule him, explain how porn affects the mind to him, give him hope for a life without it.
Jesus was a crypto-commie.
We start by killing all the white men
>Christian cross
>Not Muslim

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>Believing in Sky daddy is retarded
You Realise that it was the ''Sky-daddy'' Worship that Constructed Western Civilization Right?
But i Guess you've got MUH SCIENCE So far up your arse you don't even know that instead you worship a Explosion that hasn't even been comproved yet
Tip Harder Faggot
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Says a kekite fag.
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by actually encouraging the proper hit list
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pic related
it is OP's solution to Christianity
What about VR porn?
>hurrhurr just bully people
>t. american
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Games provide a lot more stuff I care about all at once, music story engagement etc. why would I not do the superior hobby?

You have too break their ego before you can reeducate them. Lack of public shaming is how degeneracy has become so ripe in modern society.
Porn is Degenerate
But Hentai is OK
It's for religion in general. Might add a crecent to it later.

>You Realise that it was the ''Sky-daddy'' Worship that Constructed Western Civilization Right?

And we used to believe that the Earth was flat, we don't anymore since we know better. Same thing with religion, we know it's not true.

>a faggot list

Why am I not surprised?

While I encourage the technological development it will eventually become a vise like regular porn. Most likely a stronger one, best to stay away.
Add 4chan to the list since it's a degeneracy enabler and time waster
yeah until he gets sick of being bullied and shoots you in the head
Anarchist and also a christian? Weird, you know that these ideologies are mutually exclusive, Right?
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anime forum
anime is red pilled
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you want to stop degeneracy, yet you do not even show your own flag, instead you adopt banner of imagined country
pitiful beyond any words
>we know it's not true

>religion isn't real

bait harder faggot. Saged Saged Saged in all fields


lol, does the capeshit industry provide you with quality films as well?
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>so desperate for his imaginary girlfriend that he photoshops them with Hitler

PS4 games are degenerate but Nintendo games are still OK when played in moderation.
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anime forum
Sky Daddy worship made possible the Progress for Europeans to know that the Earth was not Flat
If we were all atheists we wouldn't need to Discover the World Mysteries Since our Creation would just happen to be pure luck with no greater Purpose
Also what is the problem with Anime?
I Use Wichever Flag i like Faggot
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get rid of the cross and youre good
>weed crossed but not opioids
fuck off
I didn't say to relentlessly torture someone, just call them a loser once and explain why.
Its called being cruel to be kind.
Convert to Islam.
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>Stop Liking Things I Don't Like: The Post.
it's called being an asshole and it is what lead to modern society, because people got sick of assholes telling them how to live their lives
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You're deluded if you think the general population would be better off without organized religion. It's already evident that one key tenet of Jewish Bolshevism is the extrication and eradication of religion.

Watching anime is OK as long as it's 80s-90's action anime

Living in your parents basement while watching k-on with anime body pillows is not.

Slice of life with little girls rots your brain and castrates you.
I can almost assure you haven't even tried any other hobby besides your dumb little cuck games
>implying urusei yatsura isn't the moe of it's time
>not posting the real list

I'm not even religious, abstaining from the 7 deadly sins will make you a better person.
Point to me one Hobby Better than Video Games that isn't a Degeneracy
I'll wait
hurrr just make chairs dude (or other stuff that you can buy for 5 bucks)
any sport
You're a whiny little bitch DESU
Survival skills
and you're the kind of person that doesn't realise that being an asshole only works contrary to your cause
no i think im gonna keep playing videogames and smoking weed all i want, actually.
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It's from the 80's so it's t-levels are astronomically high. Also there's a healthy dose of action and zero kike influence.
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yuri fanservice is the most red pilled anime
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Kekistani faggots are a bunch of cringeworthy little shits that came here during the election and won't fucking go away.
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>stop doing fun things!
Fuck you.
>waaa waaa fuck me pls
>don't wanna
literally the married with children routine, except less funny
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One of the things, to put it through a /pol/ perspective, that makes anime so attractive as an artistic/entertainment medium is that it's traditionalist, and completely free of virtue-signaling, cultural relativism, all the kike BS that makes much of modern television and film out of America unbearable.

And its detractors among us in the West have this misconception that anime is "cartoons," i.e. that animation is for kids shows or comedy only. They don't understand what they haven't been exposed to.
You can delete anime but ur not touching my waifu
>Sky Daddy worship made possible the Progress for Europeans to know that the Earth was not Flat

No, it literally held it back. Even today the only people who believe in a flat Earth are those that do so because of the Bible. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round before Christianity even existed.

Neither are you since she's not real.
>Christianity on the hit list

this is autism
Teach people they are more than units of economic output.
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LOL this guy is so cucked he doesn't think 2D is real. Your brain is too inferior to imagine it into reality.

your flag is gay and your ideology is retarded. it would never work.
>Once we abolish currency, government, laws, and religion everyone will get along and be happy guize!
Gr8 b8 m8
No, it literally held it back. Even today the only people who believe in a flat Earth are those that do so because of the Bible. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round before Christianity even existed.
I Give Up you're mentally Retarded
You Know (((Science))) Is Only Preserved because of the monks right plebbit?
Also, I notice that crystal meth is not on the list.
I've tried reading, watching movies, tv, etc. and none of it really clicks and lacks engagement. Actually playing music gives a different feeling from justic listening but I suppose "listening to music" isn't a hobby anyway, and in general physical fitness get's boring without friends into the same thing. all my friends just like to drink and consume media, and albeit differnt from mine, to the same effect. So really a solitary hobby where not all of my senses are engaged in a way im used doesn't seem appealing
> Degeneracy
> Anime keeping NEETs pure and chaste
> Christianity doing a decent job of whittling down hedonism
> Porn helping to vent sexual frustrations of both of the above
You should probably kill yourself to start helping, senpai.
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Off to reddit with you
It always seemed weird in my opinion to be against feminism but also be against porn. That plays right into sex negative feminists' hands.
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doing the opposite plays right into the sex positive feminists hands and theyre way more degenerate
Ok, that's your opinion, and I don't give a shit
That is true. Maybe we should have a discussion about it on /pol/.

What do you guys think we should do? Should we keep porn even though it degenerate?

>Anime cucking males in to never accomplishing their rightful place as true leaders in this degenerate world.

Read ego and it's own, yall bunch of spooks
>How do we stop this degeneracy?


Beer is how the west won. Dweeb.
>a cheeky pint with the lads
Mind the Edge Summerfag
I think if you're complaining about anime on 4chan then you're very far from being the leader of anything

It's more like

>dahhhling! Why won't you come to bed?

>My girlfriends coming over please go away


>house explodes
HAHAHAH anime keeping them pure and chaste? You've got to be kidding me. Anime is the first that has to go. You fucking weebs are turning into pedos because of it. Your obsession with little girls and shit. It's creepy as all hell.
> Britbong
You'd know a lot about cucking and degeneracy with all the slags infesting your shitty country.
No christ, no drinking?

OP seems like a mooselimb
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OP honestly even if I disagree with you and think some of these things are fine, I respect you for finally putting anime on the list.

Just look at all these weebs fill this thread. The fear they have at their degenerate cartoons being labeled as anything but good.

Anime + NEET = an individual that is fucked for life.
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don't come back, faggot.
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>tfw drunk and high and fisting myself while playing pornographic video games featuring anime characters
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lol I love it when leftypol makes this argument.
>When I make everything relative and nihilistic I'm a SMART boy!
>What do you MEAN civilization got this far because we kept high moral principles? FUCKING SPOOK!
>I'm an anarchosyndilistnihilistcommunistlgbtagorist
>Obtain a higher principle in living through hard work and dedication together? Why not just focus on the individual's needs lmao.
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I'll go watch eromanga sensei now and you can do nothing about it you nigger mestizo mutt
no kys
It was the Greeks who built Western Civilization. "Christian values" are greek philosophy in a neo-judaic wrapper.
gas yourself paedophile
Video games are the shit in moderation, and if you hate Christianity you're a Jew by definition.

Kill yourself you stupid nigger; saged
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Not saying Christianity is right but...
>kike on a stick
> Complains about anime being degenerate
> Keeps pictures of mentally ill trannies around, probably for fapping or some shit
Nah, get fucked Americuck.
>No star of david on the list
I believe whatever promotes Near absolute liberty, other things like state, religion, morals...etc I simply don't give a shit about them
Anime is for degenerates, bronies and virgin fat people.
Games are made by jews
Marijuana, does it need a explanation?
Religion is bullshit.
Feminism is a mental inssue.
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Doesn't fucking matter, i can hate it if a want to.
According to this chart you would need to become a mudslime. I'll continue being a degenerate.
Christianity is redpilled guys
Beta male spotted
>doing the opposite plays right into the sex positive feminists hands
No, me having an orgasm only benefits me. Feminists think they get to decide whether guys get to cum or not. Porn throws that right in their faces.

I see it as a tool against feminism.
>anime is traditionalist
fuck you are delusional
> Thinks alcohol consumption and communism is okay
Nice flag, Russian.
/pol/ is a Christian board you faggot
There will always be questions about religion since none of it can be 100% proven or disproven. Most stances on it are just educated opinions, since there are no facts (yet) that completely utterly disprove religion. I'm not here to disprove science, but a lot of the globalists that you want us to fight against want to disprove Christianity and would actually love for you to become an atheist. When you realize that, it makes you think a little bit more as to why.
Find the cause. Otherwise the symptoms that is degeneracy will continue to crop up.
What the fuck is that cross doing up there? trying to sneak non-degenerate things up there as well?!? I see you commie.
Become Mudslime and kill your self in Satans name.
Christians are the reason that Somalians exist in Maine.
>the same thread every day
Reply hazy, ask again tomorrow.
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>not playing hoi4 and making Europe Great Again

btw, if anyone can tell me how to install kaiserreich without a legit hoi 4, please tell me
>never read the bible

Same goes for you, faggot
If you truly believe this then you should also ban films and television, they are no different than anime. Maybe 0.1% of all films could be considered educational and therefore productive
unpack this in your mod folder in documents
>hates porn
>hates alcohol
>hates video games
>hates religion
>spends all of his time on a anime image board
>probably rejected by the society
>wonders why he is antisocial

We used to have his kid in high school who used to be exactly like you fags. Hated alcohol, going out, porn, video games, he thought all those stuff were signs of weakness. Every conversation you would start with him ended with him bashing on feminists or glorifying hitler. You could start talking with him about the weather and he would find a way to talk about feminists or other /pol/ shit. Volunteered on history class to make a presentation about ww2 where he glorified the axis and said holocaust never happened. People really fucking hated that dude, he was antisocial, weirdo, and obsessed with Nazism and Anti-Feminism

In the end he ended not going to collage, not ever having a girlfriend (perhaps not even meeting one outside the classes), none really wanted to talk to him our hang out with him. He was a degenerate, like 99% of you fags here

Remember that degeneracy is not what you fags consider it to be, but what the majority of people consider it to be. And you are fucking degenerated
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He's a summerfag, give him time, he'll learn the truth eventually. If not, he'll go away. That or he'll shoot up a grocery store.
Most of the Somalis are actually coming here for the easy welfare after arriving in other states. Catholic Charities are responsible for all these fucking refugees that have come in recently though. The some fucking Congolese in Thomaston and they are now working in a nursing home. Of the 10-15 people in the family they brought here, only two speak English.
>wanting to stop everything fun

No wonder you faggots are so miserable.
Ban eveything but no beer.
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>the background is white

nice psyop kike
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>thinking that the obvious newfag/possible shill speaks for all of /pol/
That was your first mistake, my guy.
Kill athiests for a start since athiesm is logically amoral
> Feminism
> Fun
About as fun as sticking your dick in a can of meat, Anon.
Nice larping
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>No fun allowed
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You guys are good at talking and speaking of the Word of God.
Problem is, actions always speak louder than words.

Things Christianity has not done:
Stopped feminism.
Stopped Islam.
Stopped immigration.
Stopped warfare.
Stopped jewry.
Civilized Africa.
Civilized Latin America.

Things Christianity has done-
Taken credit for the actions of others.
Imported third world immigrants under the name of Christ.
Destabilized Europe for centuries.
Ended Rome.

Words mean fuck all. Actions tell us the tale.
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>logically amoral

The best thing about triggered degenerates is you don't even have to do anything to them since they are already ruining their own lives and will be miserable divorced alcoholic cucks in chronic pain eventually if not now.
A positive REASON, a GOAL, a VISION of White nationhood. You don't quit vices by saying "I'm gonna NOT do x, y, and z." You quit them by saying "I'm gonna get into great shape" and realizing in the process that they sabotage you.
Cant wait to see you all burn in Hell while I sit comfy in Heaven
>that autistic picture
you might as well become a mudslime at that point
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>Geneaology of Morals, First Essay
"Universal love" is a cover for particular hate, friends
I wonder who could be behind thid post...
>divorced alcoholics

Hahha, they wish

They will end up being fat fucks who sit in their basement and spend days on 4chan. Rejected and forgotten by the society.
Divorced ? They will never even get married
Alcoholic ? They will never taste alcohol since it's "degenerate"

The dude I knew wasn't fat, but by the end of last high school year he started wearing a long black coat everywhere, a fedora like hat and a scarf. Faggot larped he was some "intellectual national socialist" or something.

He will fucking die alone in his basement, the police will come 45 days later after the neighbours call in because of the "weird smell". The casket will be closed, only the priest and his parents will show up. His grave will never be visited and his name forgotten in 2 years
I can agree with all of these except Alcohol. Also, add LGBTQ to that list.
>Cant wait

This is true, since there is no Heaven you literally can't wait for it to happen.


Makes you antisocial and makes you "waifu" anime girls instead of finding a real girlfriend.


A waste of time. In moderation it's OK.


Alcohol is bad for you and even in small amounts will fuck up your brain.


Believing in fairy tales isn't healthy.
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Try to formulate one argument against hedonism

>protip, you can't
Western art only
>reddit spacing
really not sure what this sites obsession with teetolling is

weirdest men in history abstained, strongest men in history drank.

good time with the mates once a week to take my mind off a stressful job or sit in my basement pretending to read Nietzsche
>thats how
Every guy over the age of 19 I have ever met that still watches chinese cartoons was a beta loser
The problem is that people sub libertinism for hedonism. Discipline and creativity actually make you happier, but people just assume that hedonism (goodfeelz uber alles) means hookers and blow
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That's a good idea, I'll add that to the updated version.

Good for you. That's exactly why an anarchist society would fail. Because anarchy rejects those prime principles.
>religion is a fairy tale
found the edgy hipster




How new are you.
t. no-fun-allowed libtard/stormfaggot
This is basically how you become muslim.
Obvious false flag is obvious. /pol/ isn't a No Fun board. Vidya, Animu, and Hentia aren't even hated by real /pol/ users. Only Nazi LARPers
>redditards triggered
you know what really makes you a beta loser? spending your day on the internet, become a real alpha and cancel your internet subscription
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wot da fugg
No, it wouldn't, I think humanity will reach that level when we don't need state or a leader, it's not ready yet... but I hope someday we will reach near absolute freedom. btw Complete liberty is impossible, but Egoism is near to it, I am not tryin' to argue, I get your point :)
Literally what the fuck do you do for a hobby then retard? Sit around and fondle your Muslim lover's ballsack?
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Ik work but you Will never take getting shitfaced on a Sunday away from me

Is PC gaming ok tho?
imagine that, the underage /pol/tards get mad when you tell them their irrational christianity is a problem
Humanity will not reach that point because hierarchy has shaped our nature. There is a definite absolute set in stone truth in human beings, trying to bring people down to a level of animalistic, equal nature can only mean trouble and chaos. There is no getting around it, if you are to create a civil and orderly civilization you need to be able to cooperate within a caste, that's how we've gotten this far.
Reeducation camps
Good luck ever getting them to happen though
Also personally I think alcohol is fine, it's literally one of man's oldest invetions
>Can't work on muh holy day
>N-no we totally aren't Jews!
Vidya stays.
>Anime is red pilled
Gas yourself as soon as fucking possible you tween
No. If anything, the only good gaming is outdated consoles that don't make games anymore so (((they))) don't get shekels
>Anime board
You're full of shit
There are 26 anime boards on this site, /pol/ is not one of those
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> le edgy religious contrarian poster
> "underaged"
Yes, yes you are. Good job Anon!

keep hating on religion, too, fedora wearing commie
>Come to a Mandarin rice planting forum
>Hate anime
Please consider suicide
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Your not taking away my drink because you're an anti-social autist that's never been to a party in his life.
t. Thinks the Jewish cult of personality that has embedded itself in pop culture is atheism
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Pretty stupid to be honest. If you were productive the day, you should be able to do whatever you want in the evening. It helps to relax and enjoy your life a bit more.

Enjoy dying in your 50s with a heart attack or because of a burnout syndrom.

My day:
>wake up
>work until evening
>drink a cold beer while watching my favorite anime or other TV show
>have dinner and then fuck my girlfriend
>spend two more hours or so playing video games
Sometimes I also smoke on weekends with friends. I don't have any mental problems, I'm very fit and always motivated and in good condition at work.
Cocaine, fucking goats and islam?

I think it goes without saying.

PSP via component into a Trinitron + PSX games
Modded Wii for everything else, also over component

Kicks Steam's fucking ass.
Nice argument dipshit
No faggot.
Literally no one thinks you are doing good.
Kill yourself maybe your imaginary jew god will cure you

That sounds about right, both Sony and Microsoft are run by ((((them)))) so pirating games is the only system that keeps them from getting my shekles
Never has and never will be, no matter how hard you try Jew loving cuck
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3:28
Fuckin commie lover
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God I wish they removed these shitty flags. It's so obvious you are a fucking Swede faggot. Go suck on Vargs dick you sack of shit.
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>it was the ''Sky-daddy'' Worship that Constructed Western Civilization
Sure kid sure

ur gay
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>implying /pol/ is an anime board
>conflating /a/ and 4chan proper with /pol/
I didn't expect any better from Slavshit like you.
Anime is terrible because it serves no social value. If you talk about it in public, you'll only find losers and outcasts embracing it, including if I may add, especially leftists.

Anime is social recluse tier and if you want to better your life, get it the fuck out.
Never quote the Bible. Actions speak louder than words.
Demand the Christians defend their actions.
Quoting the Bible plays into their game. The Bible is their loose excuse for their faggotry.
>video games
video games are nothing more than an entertainment medium, like books or film
did you forget what website we're on?
over my dead body you puritain
fedorrit is down the hall and to the left
>Games are made by jews
Trump owns Zenimax so you're wrong
I practice religion myself, you fuckwit.
that's what I used to believe m8, I was skeptical of anarchism as a whole, until I got interested and started reading books about it, then I kinda realized that it was not impossible... That's your point of view and I kinda understand you, if you can't understand my point of view, well that's ok, just read some books about it maybe you'll like the idea of "without rulers" maybe not, it's up to you m8....
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Complaining about anime is complaining about 4chan and its policies and is a global rule violation.
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>Indo-Aryan Swastika
>shillling out for christianity
Does he actually?
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Christianity is good
This is the hitlist of a literal Sunni Muslim.

>No Christianity
>no weed
>no porn
>no women
>no communism
Yes but they can't escape supposed quotes from their skyjew, because if they do everything they have falls apart as then they are deciding what is canon and what isn't and the council of Nycea was over a long time ago
loyal goy, till the very fucking end
>Autistic janitor = the truth
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>no beer
I've read Bookchin, Stirner, Evola, Marx, Hitler, Nietzsche, and Devi. I know the history of Anarchism, the implementation of it in society, and how it functions. You can't run a society without hierarchy, it leads to disaster. It's a comfy theory, but that's all it is. Implementing it to millions of people would turn the Earth into Fallout.
>ego and it's own
no meme-ing is this actually a good read? the spook thingy argument seems a bit catching
38%(largest single share)
He appointed his brother as his rep on their board of directors
Enjoy your retail job while he's paying his kids bills.
There's nothing wrong with video games, anime, or alcohol.

They are only degenerate if you over-indulge.
It takes a muslim-like mind to conflate anything that could be abused to be worthy of banning.

Hey, did you know if you drink 8 liters of water in under 2 hours, it can KILL YOU?
Sounds like it's degenerate to me!

Teach moderation.
>No christcucktianity
>Being so egotistical to think it wasn't supposed to represent all religion
You're definitely English
So does this mean Trump is behind paid mods?
learn2moderation dipshit.

Janitors cannot issue bans, only delete threads.

I think you need to go back to red.dit
>>No Christianity
It's about religion in general. I'll add a crescent to it later.

>no women
It's about no porn, women are fine. Get a relationship with one instead of using your computer.
>Only retail works on weekends
Hang yourself before I go get the rake
ok that's your point m8 ;) I respect alternative views
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Janitors can't ban.

They're masters of weaseling the word.
Hold them to the fire of truth. Make them explain their actions. Ask them WHY DOES MAINE HAVE SOMALIANS and WHO BROUGHT THEM IN?

Christians are like Jews. Treat them as such. Ask the right questions. Demand an explanation for this-

They can't weasel out of this. There's no fucking excuse for it.
>Doesn't know you can just type the whole word
Just stop
If we go by /pol/'s definition of "degeneracy", then I feel that humanity will always be flawed, due to our instincts and our nature as biological life forms. There will always be people who want to eat too much, have sex too much, be lazy, etc.
what's wrong with smoking the green jew?
>Janitors can ban
Lol Back to plebbit you go
You should be reading into self improvement, the left wing literature is nothing short of a scam. Read Evola. Anarchism is a self destructive cult made to organize warfare against the people that really are against the system.
Not "amoral" just a lack of set morals.
An atheist's morals changes with the morals of the country that they live in/what's considered moral by "society."

If pedophilia is normalized, atheists will likely be the first to accept if Jews or Muslims are the first ones.
I love how crybaby Christians always derail these things.
Ya'll literally worship a hippie jew cuz faith. You are retarded no matter how you rationalize it.
literally preaching the same shit that communism is, also you morons fascism = communism
Im pretty dure the pursuit of pleasure is the only real reason people strive to survive, you get rid of everything that gives us pleasure you get rid of our will to live. Whats the point of advancing our civilization if we cant enjoy ourselves? Fuck your bullshit biased opinion on what is "degenerate" things like homosexuality and pedophilia is degenerate you moron
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Morning bongs are degenerate, in the evening is next level
Type the whole phrase "go back to x", where x = reddit, see what happens when you click "post"
I eliminated vidya, alcohol, and marijuana recently. I'm a insecure fuck though and am having trouble finding the motivation to turn down-time into something positive (socializing, fitness, or outdoor hobbies). Anyone have any tips for me and others?
You finally hammered the last nail into your coffin as to why we shouldn't listen to you: le Reddit spacing.
Go tip your fedora on some atheist sub Reddit.
Or a globalist
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You use words to counter actions. You lose.
It doesn't matter what your Holy Book says. It doesn't matter what you personally think, or any other Christian here on /pol/.

The fact is, YOUR KIND brings in riffraff. You do it, and you have been doing it for hundreds of years. You cannot just say "well that's against the teachings of Christ" and act like you've won. Doesn't matter what Christ said. All that matters is what you have done.
And this post-
details those crimes with gusto.

Your faith is a problem. Not faith itself. Abrahamism. The desert trilogy is a curse upon man.
Reading books isn't a terribly productive hobby in the literal sense; you produce nothing. It's just entertainment in the same vein as television and video games, but it's a medium of entertainment that's older and given outsize respect. In any case, man cannot be expected to produce at all times. Leisure has innate value.
>I want to control what people do in their free time and therefore I am morally superior to those who do these said things.
Egoism is a type of cancer I think.
ok, ill read it, but I still love the idea of anarchism and individualism, Question: do you like the idea of it (if it would work)
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Stop watching pornography and try to eliminate masturbation from your life. If you are unable to stop masturbating, try to reduce it to once every 1-2 weeks.
Fixed my motivation issues more than everything else.
He's at the point of no return. He's taken so many pills that he forgot between the red ones and the blue ones.
opinion discarded
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>Forgets that the old Christians hated Jews and Muslims
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Too much masturbation/sex causes the excess release of a hormone called prolactin, which is a dopamine receptor antagonist that causes the "refractory period" in men.
No masturbation/sex though can lead to mania which depending on the person may be as disruptive as loss of motivation.

A healthy balance is needed.
You've already failed to make it sound desirable since you said "if it would work" meaning you already know it won't but "muh concept"

If it would work? I'm not sure.
On one hand you have the ability to choose your own path and what you make of it, just about full on freedom you know. But what is freedom without moral restraint? In anarchism morality is more of a relative thing rather than being set in stone, that means life becomes nothing more than a playhouse to indulge and work in until you finally drop dead. That's no way of living. I want to make something and do something, I want to paint a canvas and have the paint stay there, having the freedom to do whatever you want to do sounds great, but having the freedom to do what you want to without any moral compass is like giving nukes to a child. It's much easier to do the wrong thing than it is the right thing. So therefore no, I don't want to live in an anarchist society.
Good information.
Yes goyim, discard those traditions in the name of profit for your masters!
>If pedophilia is normalized,

Like how the Church protected the priests that were raping little boys?


Alcohol is an ancient and vital part of almost all European cultures, and the cultures that Western culture spawned. Being ANTI-alcohol, is degenerate.

Only untermensch and weak-willed alkie-losers are against alcohol.
Fuck off you literal fucking newfag and get the fuck off my fucking internet. You can jerk off to your dead ideology whilst you cry about your inferior nigger infested genetics. This board never existed. 4chan was wholly anime based off 2chan and included a /l/oli board

Now lurk more or fuck off and kill yourself normie scum
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>No anime
>In an anime website
Wew lad, haven't been here long have ya?
Sad thing is you make this thread EVERY FUCKING DAY.
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Reminder this is an anime site
Christcuck need to go back to ledddit
and take their kike with them
This. Why do you think wet dreams are a thing? It's your body's way of naturally maintaining balance when you go too long without masturbation/ sex.
no way am I going to stop drinking lmao
oh shutup faggot alcohol is the most degenerate thing on that picture

alcoholic retards ruin everything they touch, cant even go in the woods without seeing beer cans littered about.
Glad to help. It's my desire that people know and understand basic but often overlooked shit.

Its good to tell folks the WHY of why porn/beating off can take away motivation. Dopamine IS motivation. BUT, it can also cause mania and even insanity. So you don't want to push it unless you know you can handle it.

If you'd like to understand human nature more, I might recommend studying pharmacology, particularly psychopharmacology.
It's a true red-pill in a bottle of blues masquerading as shades of red.
obvious bait is obvious fuck off
It really doesn't matter what sect or religion you are in, that shit is going to happen. However, what I am talking about is making pedophilia publicly acceptable, and the only ones I've seen try to openly do that and not do those acts behind closed doors are Muslims, Jews, and globalist atheists
Umad? I am being patriotic. When I drink a Budweiser I kinda feel like I served my country in the military. I think I'm gonna buy a suit now and some fake badges.
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pic related
>no anime no porn no beer no video games
If it wasn't for anime there would be no 4chan which means no /pol/
hands off weed and games, agree for the rest
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Thank you /pol/ mods for another quality thread
Welcome to /bant/

Now get the fuck out.
>against both christianity and communism

/pol/tards truly are the most retarded morons on this website
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Learn to sage you retarded bong.
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Post next time straight on /bant/.
Thanks anon.

Please don't reply newfags. Also saged
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Bump Limit reached after twelve posts
GG Newfag mod.
Productive hobby?
Mate you're on /b/
I agree with all except religion.
I understand that thinking rational is important but religion can give people that don't have a reason to live a goal in life. Christianity also promotes self improvement and other good traits (forgivement, love of your people, etc)
Also, a thing that I noticed is that a lot of atheists take all of the stories in the bible word by word. Guys, the stories in the bible are there for the morale that you personally take, not to be taken literally.
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