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you have $500,000 to start your own business, what business will

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you have $500,000 to start your own business, what business will you start and why?
Aerospace part manufacturing and design
five pizza parlours at different price points so whichever way the market goes I win
I would throw raves. Lots of cabbage in it, I love the music, and I'd get to meet and work with people and artists I respect.
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I will invest in research as to why psychoactive drugs are safer alternatives and legalise them in New Zealand and hopefully other countries
my business is to take that 500k and make it nobody's business what the fuck i do with it.

> that's just how i roll
Same but massage parlours
>artists I respect
Confirmed faggot. Don't take his advice
(he's a faggot)
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yeah dude
>buys cocaine and hookers
>muh pimp dream iz reel
why massage parlours?
Fast food franchise, easy. People will never stop being pigs.

Maybe a gas station. Buddy of mine's parents owned one and they were loaded.
fuck that just buy property in a moderate area, fix it up and rent it out.
what country u in? if murica than yes... fast food is the way to go, but if not plz share
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It's okay if you don't like music
Customer service for hire.
would take a while to get ya money back tho
US, I know my people.
Arms dealer and prostitution ring I would go all around the world so my arms business would be my cover business plus I could bribe the government to look the other way by giving them good deals on guns
Something simple, like a stationary store. People need pens, books and shit.
What are you, nuts? There's no shortage of women who want to earn hundreds of dollars a day jacking off dudes, and there's no shortage of dudes wanting to pay women to jack them off.
I'd give it to both these guys and tell them they have to make a business together, every idea must be agreed upon.

I just wanna see what happens.
Custom car shope. Hitman for hire.
cant argue widdat
gtfo underage b&
Can already see them arguing over why they should or shouldn't bulk buy pencil sharpeners and beat the whores.
I am not underage my idea my is realistic cause the government can be paid off thats the world we live in
Easy. He gets to decide on the texture of the artisanal tissues our whores will use for cleanup.
I could create a cereal cafe/cereal bar.

Cereal bowls will be served all day in a sit in-cafe... 2.99 per bowl. All and every kind of cereal. Also ice cream will be served too with cereal on it. The Cafe will also serve cereal milkshakes.

Def can do this with under 100k.
Yeah, not with $500,000 before expenses it can't.
This is the worst idea ever. The guy on Bar Rescue shitted on these hipsters so hard.
Something something vaginas
Arms business would be the income to help cover expenses and cover business
Franchise a Lego store. Done.
Brothel/Pimp. Put a bunch of women up in some hotels and apartments and they make me money.
That's not agreeing on decisions that's splitting decisions, maybe he wants the whores to erase the cum from the tables?
Maybe he wants to use one of those little robots to clean it, but he seems like a dustpan and brush kinda guy to me.
You'll have to discuss it.
A bunch of hookers and cocaine
You moron.
Look, the guy wants a stationary store. He's obviously a pussy. What's to stop me from kicking his ass a few times to make him understand that he has no say? That's basically how McDonald's got started.
Look, either you make this entertaining for me, or I invest my money elsewhere.
Wtf is bar rescue? And it's not a shit idea my dude.

Cereal bowls, cereal ice cream, and cereal milkshakes in a "bubble tea" style chink juice shop.
$500,000 isn't enough to get a successful business running. Too much risk. I would invest it into an already running and successful business and milk it for returns setting me up on an easy life in paradise.
Yes it is. You can get a successful franchise for a fraction of that.
Also, I am a successful and proud business transwoman.
Are you fucking dumb? To open a subway franchise you can do with 250-300k.

To open your very own sandwich shop/deli and grocery /whatever you can do it for 80-150k here in nyc starting from scratch.
Fuck outta here, stationary boy
I would find a small rural town and franchise that shit up. You can franchise a McShits or Jack in the Box or something for like 100k, others are even cheaper. I used to live in a small town like that, whenever something new opened it had lines all the way down the road for miles because everyone wanted to try the new shit. Whoever opened it made fucking bank.

I could turn 500k into 10 million in 5 years with franchising.
so stock exchange or?
Subway is like 2 to 3 times more to franchise than any other fast food place because they deal in a lot of raw unfrozen ingredients and bake their own bread.
The best franchise ever is mcdonald's. They're busy 24/7 even if there are restaurants and burger King across the street. They're super strict, though.
I'd open a fast food joint in a low income area, hire only sluts and bang my employees
What's so wrong with a simple legal life?
And use the profits to pay child support and settlements for sex assault cases, huh? Those hood rats had their eye on you and your fast food joint before you even thought of that.
It's fucking retarded. I'm a writer and I use legal pads and ballpoints. Unless you're planning to run an entire print shop for wedding invitations and stupid little corporate parties, nobody but a bunch of airhead hipster sluts looking for Moleskines or Asian chicks looking for scented highlighters will ever frequent your legal establishment.
-crime scene cleanup
-mushroom business(legal and illegal)
anyone got any critisisms for me on those ideas?
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storage unit company because plebes always have shit to store. Often times, the costs of storage are greater than the worth of garbage they store. Easy money.
Except you need like 1.3 million dollars to open a McDonald's... And last I read an article it said that McDonald's is slowly dying out.
>buy some mercenaries
>have them kidnap immigrant girls and women(no paper proof they exist)
>rent them to perverts
I read this very same comment on that one dude who asked the same question but with 250k. We're you in that thread a couple days ago or a week ago?
That's not all I would sell though, think about post-it notes, packs of cards, other things too.
Yeah, probably. But it's worth it. They do everything for you. Your whole job would basically just involve counting money and putting it in the bank.

And no, mcdonald's is not dying out. Not slowly not quickly.
Yeah and then after the first day... It gets fewer and fewer customers. Not everyday is like the first day retard.
i'd use that money to make a kickstarter, asking for a pledge of 200k to make a video game that will be a spiritual successor to both yookalaylee and no mans land combined. after i collect my 2 million from pledges, ill use the 500k to make the shittiest game and pocket the 2 million. profit.
Most logical thing would be to invest in property
It's niche. The kinds of people that run these kinds of places (along with book stores) are people with a massive inheritance that are bored of sitting at home all day. It's not a business you invest in looking for profit.
It's dayz all over again.
How much is a McDonald's owner income per year? Also is there a failure rate online somewhere for McDonald's that open? Would suck to blow 1 million bucks to start one only for it to fail. Not that OP by the way.
lolwut? it's like 80k to franchise a mcdonalds here in Texas, the downside is they pick the location for you
Why even make a game? I'll just make a kick starter for some "gta killer" game with fake trailers. Once I collect my money, I'll just bounce.
i was in that thread and those ideas werent originally mine, its not copypasta but i thought they were good ideas so i shared em on dis thread
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And also it even says on thier website that you need 1million+ to start idjot
Do you have any idea how many notepads are sold in the US daily?

And you think some aids ridden slut is gunna make you more money, you'll just arrested.

Cops will drive by my store to buy a new pen to write your name in their little book.
Lol glad to see you again brother. The mushroom idea is actually a shit idea. I mean common... If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. But there's something to it. The crime scene cleanup? That looks like it would be a whole lot of work to make successful. You'll have to find 2-3 other crime scene cleanup people, and not only that... You'll have to find the scene. It's highly unlikely the police department would let a stranger with a business idea clean up the mess of the guy who just shot his brains out.
u mean buy a house and rent it out or buy a house when market is low and sell when market is high? either one takes a while to get ur money back but eh
I don't think they release that information, and as far as the failure rate goes, you would have to fuck it up pretty badly to fail.

I think a McDonald's owner does well, considering that every McDonald's I've ever been to has been packed or at least busy both inside and in the drive through at every hour of the day.
you need to make a shitty game, then when you get all your negative reviews, you say "there was some positive reviews, and alot of it was constructive" and promise you will do better in the future. Then boom you partner up with EA and make a shitty game together, and flip your 2 million into 4
Dating site for MGTOW/Purple pill guys and devout christian girls that want to settle and have kids. The christian part is so that the women have an high repulsion of the feminist divorce gambit.

EarthShip building business.

Or College for Men devoted to math and science.
Or maybe just create your own "McDonald's" retards.

Anyone can make a chicken sandwich or a hamburger for very cheap. Everything on McDonald's menu can be made.

Why buy a McDonald's when you can just make your own "clone" and keep all profits?
They're sold in places that can afford to sell them for way less than you ever could.

The girls get tested every three months. Rub and tugs are legal in most places, what the girls decide to do on their own is up to them.

Also i'm laughing at you if you think cops will pay for a pen. Even if they go and write my name in a book, I''ll get Ho Chih Minh to get them to erase it for a handjob.
Yeah I even see the drive through has like 8 cars at fucking 3am
nice to see you again to brother and nice critisisms, what ideas do you have though? i personally havent heard many ideas that interest me or would sound like they would work
Anyone like my idea? Need more input. I'll also make a membership program... Like after your 3rd bowl of cereal, your 4th is free. And members get $1.00 off a bowl, so it's only 1.99.
Oh, I don't know... lawsuits? Also, the cost of the operation and the size of it is justified by what mcdonald's is asking. Otherwise you'd have to go out and look for meat and poultry providers on your own, bread, salad, vegetables, oil, fryers, etc. Mcdonald's has it down to a science. They even take care of the cleaning supplies and toilet paper for you
earthship? you have a degree in architecture do you?
It's fucking stupid, man. You're basically running a hipster soup kitchen for dumb ass millennials. Once they take an instagram photo to prove they ate cereal at your restaurant, they're not coming back.

It's not a sustainable business model.
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Netflix seem to be throwing millions at any yahoo who can staple a script together. The whole company is run at a massive loss ($25bn so far) and therefore it is easy money.

Move to Hollywood, and act as a sort of middle man. Use the $500k to network around and buy some promising scripts from aspiring scriptwriters. Polish them up and them pimp them out to Netflix. Feel the executives up and find out what's hot at the moment (sci-fi? Teen vampires? Lesbian romance? Zombies?) and then unashamedly cater for what the public wants.

Before you know it, you're a top producer.
the autism is strong in this one
Thanks for the feedback my man
Sure sure and how are you gonna do your accounting without a pen or paper? Idiot.
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Its the best investment.

Ill use my local area prices for example
Buy 3 shitty run down houses at 200k each (normal value around 250 if fixed nice)
Fix them up for lets say 20k each
So far you're down 660k
Rent it out for 1200 monthly
Rent it out for 5 years ( 60 months x 1200 = 72,000)
>3 houses x 72,000 = 216,000

In 5 years, the value of the house will have risen to about 270/280k

Sell for 275 each, thats gonna be 825k
825k + 216k from rent = 1,041,000£
1.041m - 660k you invested at the start = roughly 350k / 400k profit in the space of 5 or 6 years
id open a chain of artisan crack dens
No but if I have $500,000 I'm sure I can find someone who wants to build one. They all pretty much end up similar.
I've worked in the industry and you could *not* be more wrong. All writers are treated like dog shit and every screenplay is worth a whopping 1% of the entire budget.

Also you don't ever go from writer to producer. You can go producer to writer, but not the other way around.
A jew?
I don't mean exact copies with the exact name and ingredients. For example anyone can make thier own version of the mcchicken. It's just a peice of chicken in bread and mayo.

Basically everything on thier menu can be cloned in your own version. But yeah I think the building and construction and all that is the prob
i feel your pain
There are no jews left, didn't you here about Randolf Hitler?
Online news Web site to educate the normies.
Not all chicken tastes the same or is even safe to consume sometimes. You can do what you're suggesting, but a lot of that is trial and error in an industry where errors are harshly punished. That's why McDonald's demands that money: they figured everything out beforehand. Everything.
What, the golf player? Fuck that guy, he can't hog all the accountants.
eh there are better ideas that will get you more money in a shorter time span, just gotta think my fam

kidnap child latinas from south america and sell their organs or as sex slaves.
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Somebody tried this once in London, England. There was a cereal cafe that just sold bowls of cereal at about £3 ($5) a go. The interior was styled as a sort of 80s nostalgia trip. The whole thing was like hipster fly paper. The queue was out the door for months.

One day, anti-capitalists showed up and smashed the front windows and graffiti'd it. They said that it was a symbol of unacceptable consumerism, and that it was disgusting to pay $5 for a bowl of cereal when there are people outside begging for real food.

I'm not sure whose side I'm on. I'll admit that it is something of a frivolous way to spend money. But then again, the protesters need to wake up to the fact that they live in a city where a salary of £150k ($250k) barely covers the basics. What's five bucks?
No he made the hololens lol

Ahaha okay, I can't keep this up, I'm not the stationary guy, I just thought it would be funny.
My man. Now that's thinking outside the box.
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