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Bipolar guy having a bad episode atm and wifes asleep, someone

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Thread replies: 180
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Bipolar guy having a bad episode atm and wifes asleep, someone please just chat with me. Trolls with be ignored im not in the mood for it
What's on your mind anon?
hi! :3
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Damn anon i see you lookin mad sexy over there. You gonna lemme fuck that fine ass of yours?
post pictures of wife while shes aslleep
What meds you on bro?
Are they working?
N whats wrong fag
Thanks guys, op here, im not on any meds yet, idk if i want meds, i wanna be better but also this has been me so long idk if they will make me skmeone else
Its hard bc im questioning every thing from the last decade, everythijg thats gone wrong or even right, what was me and what was the diease, where would i be if i wasnt bipolar
You know what, some people are over taken by being bi polar, but you have a wife! I know someone that lost their kids bcause if it. And you are owning it, ill be here to talk <3
Thank u so much. Ironically she is bipolar too, i feel for my kids at times. Sometines im a great parent and sonetines i feel like the worst dad ever
Haha must suck to be yall
At times it sucks hardcore but during the mania its great, when we can sink up our mania anyways lol
Ignore that guy, your farther in life than he will ever be, and remember to tell your kids that if your in an extra bad mood, that you dont mean it

Btw i might be slow to reply, and your welcome : )
She's probably dreaming about fucking a normal she knows
Tell us what you are experiencing. Is it just flashbacks and regrets?
Im a little slow to reply to im at work right now but ugh i cant even tell u how much just talking to u guys has helped me comeoutta that depressed state. And my kids are too young yet to understand which also helps though bc they dont take it personally
No right now its like a depressed state where u feel like bipolar has defined the last decade of my life and im scared to seek treatment bc if its who i am than who will i be without it
Stfu anon, youre just jealous bcuz u want to have something like this so you can get attention
A funny thing OP (linking to show same person)

Growing up, I've a funny feeling my mother and stopfather were bipolar (both dead now). Sure, all the ups and down. But on our living room wall for all to see were two posters, (1) picasso's blue man, (2) a steampunkish cartoon of a looooog flying car full of people in top hats and dresses, partying.

I only put two and two togther as an adult, and long after I couls ask them.
Im always happy to help, is there anything specicfic, or do you wanna just talk about cars or something?
Ive been considering microdosibg with acid. It seems to be the only thing that puts me at ease with the world and at peace within
She knows her life will be better without him. Its only a matter of time.
What about a little ganja. Just a little. I find it really helps with depression, and also supresses mania (when high I take note of the shit done and said and aim to rectify).
Having a bad episode of what? Depression? Mania? Is it a full phase or hypo?
I have Bipolar disorder, not Bipolar disease. You ever watch the South Park where Randy is an alcoholic and blames it on his disease?
The same truths as alcoholics apply to Bipolar people - Even though you have a genetic predisposition it doesn't have to control you or give you an excuse to be an irresponsible dick or a mopey fucktard. If you're feeling depressed and you're an asshole guess what? You're just an asshole.
Idk just to talk and not be alone in my head. U guys can ask questions or we can discuss whatever. Im shocked at the responses on here u guys have been grwat, except the trolls whom ive just ignored lol i really didnt expect anyone here to care
I like to be nice to people that put this sort of stuff up, even if they are trolls
To the ganja guy i do smoke, it deff helps. And to the other bipolar guy i totally get what ur saying im havjnf a depression episode. But i deff dont blame all my bad decsions on it, i take personal responibitly, just wonder where i would have ended up withiut it bc it deff has effected my life
Been in your boat /b/ro.
You can't get the last decade back.
You can only own the FUCK out of today.
And when you're done with it, toss it, move on to tomorrow and repeat.
Good luck!
My family has varying levels of depression and gf is hypomanic. It's rough.

Are you seeing anyone? Therapy can help a ton, but it's unfortunately a lot of work to find both a good shrink and one you can open up to
Well im glad i got to meet someone nice on here who disnt just troll me, and to the trolls talking about my wife much as i hate to acknoledge u, she is bipolar too so im not worried about it
I want to get into therapy but i dont have insurance, me and the wife need to see someone i do believe it would help me to manage it and realize when it is leading to bad decisions
No guys care that shes bipolar. She has a pussy to fuck, you dont. Its coming
I migtt get spammed, but heres my email if you ever wanna talk :) its an extra email so i dont worry about it

[email protected]
How sad is ur life that u anonymously troll ppl online lol and i thought my life sucked, u must really hate urself
I emailed u, its op btw
An you are lonely. Very, very lonely. You'll take any attention you can get. Even negative. I feel for you bro, hurts much to be you. Never kissed, never loved, no friends (that you can trust). But, it'll never change for you, will it? On the outside (I've met your type in real life) you're ugly too. And that's where the rage comes from.

Might I recommend reddit? you'll get what you want there.

btw, I'm not OP.
Jesus fuck that's brutal.

I don't know what you do, but check out Starbucks, seriously. The executive branch has a hard on for CSR and so all the little stores will actively manage you're schedule to try to get you the minimum number of hours to get insurance through them.
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bipolar kek consider killing yourself, you are subhuman, derrrr im bipolar derrrrr i am spez derrr
The past is your worst enemy in the down times. All you can do is accept it and try not to dwell. Latuda helped in a lot of ways but i felt the same way about meds... I wish I had stayed on them honestly
kek that wont work on me but good on you for trying.

I'll tell op exactly whats going to happen and he should be prepared for it instead of crying on 4skin of all places and talking to you larpers that just want his dick pics.
Hey anon, this aint a mirror, so stop practicing for your dad
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i suck his cock , is that so wrong?
No, its fine if its you
i say no homo first and i cry after so i dont think its too gay
This post is talking to you. This post is in your head. Its all your fault and you whole life is a lie. You are a mentally ill catastrophe. You should kill your wife and kids to end their suffering. End your own as well to make sure you can forget. Its the only way to make these voices stop. Other people cannot read this post. If you see replies, they are in your head trying to make you feel better. They are lying to you.

>I mean, if I were you, which I am, I would kill my children and wife.
That figures...
Holy shit guys we have a fortune teller lol look bud sorry u keep getting cheated on, im sure its bc u suck in bed, but not every woman cheats, u cant tell me whats going to hapoen bc u dont know me or my wife. Internet trolls are so sad, pretend all u want we are wrong but its psychologically proven that when u get online and bash others anymously for no reason that u have some deep rooted issues of ur own
If this realy was true, then there wouldnt be misspeling
Yo anon usual just lurk but I feel for someone who also has mental illness if it's not dude you have a idea of what type of bipolar it is ?
also when he fuck my asshole our balls never touch, and he does reach around and jerk my cock, i still hate him tho
Bipolar here.
How goes it, op?
Hey guys, if you really care, email me and ill evaluate you and see if you can talk to him through me, hes got it really rough
Hey bud its op, i dont have an exact diagnosis yet but would love to find out. And to whomever was talking about meds earlier and is bipolar have u tried acid? I feel like its more of a natural approcah than pills and it links ur brain in the way i feel like its supposed to be linked
>but ur on /b/
Better now that i have a few good guys to talk to, im igniring trolls for most part, how is ur bp today
am foreign is being bipolar mean you are from both the north and south pole???
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You sound so pathetic. I find it hard to believe youre not just trolling yourself for attention. Anyone who feels bad for you on \b\ is just as pathetic
I love that actor! nice dubs
Reaching out for help when u have a mental illness is strength not pathetic, i came to b bc i did meet some great ppl on here and its not exactly something i wanna go tell my friends or family about
Is this op?
If you were actually "having an episode" you would be in an "uncontrollable" a rage. Or too depressed to even pic up a phone. I mean, if you were to kill someone, bipolar wouldn't hold up in court as insane by any means. It's a personality disorder. You aren't crazy even. You're just an asshole. The world doesn't revolve around you. No one is out to get you. Control your own emotions by thinking before you act. Stop being a pussy OP and go to bed.
Yo guys, he left the thread, and hes only talking through email to me :0 so yall suck, and like i said, if you wanna say something to him, talk through me
>Acid is a more natural approach than pills
>A synthesized non-naturally occurring substance that causes hallucinations is more natural than lithium, an elemental metal found in every human body, which is exceedingly effective at stabilizing moods with no major side effects.

I just want you to really take in what you just wrote.

Please try lithium for a while. If it doesn't work, fine, but give it a shot, as it might be exactly what you need. Leave fucking around with psych narcotics to the medical researchers, or at least until you've ruled out the conventional, highly successful treatments first.
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I wanted orange! It gave me lemon lime.
It's not a mental illness. Bipolar is a personality disorder. Basically not being able to reason or control your emotions but haveing the ablility to by every means. The literal scum of the fucking earth.
Get on meds asap. The hesitancy is just the depression talking.
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Thats really something to brag about top kek
This. Acid will make personality disorders like bipolar and borderline personality disorder more pronounced. Especially if used a lot and that person has a disposition to disorders like that. The absolute worst thing you can do to your already unstable brain chemistry is add acid to it. Not even fuuuuckin with you
This is op and u guys clearly dont underatand bipolar in the least, u all come off as very uneducated when u try to tell skmeone who suffers from it and actually has done research that its something controallable and no chomos are the scum of the earth
hello!! sorry for being a bit late to the party but im here if you wanna talk :33
does it also make you autistic or do you always type like that
What's up bud
Ur never too late thanks for showing up and not trolling. How r u, im doing better now, coming outta the depression
No im just in a hurry bc im at work and on a mobile
Nm bud, u?
in a hurry for what? how about do your job and stop crying on the internet?
if you were smart , youd get on your medication and stop being a little bitch about it. coming to b looking for attention like a little slut with daddy issues

>boi pussy now
Hi! This is michael, my kindle turned off so....
I have downtime inbetween what i do, and once again its not crying its seeking help when i need it, ppl like u are why people with mental disorders feel shame and hide it. Im not gonna let some troll who deep down hates himself make me feel bad for asking for help, which i got from the peiple on here with humanity left
Just email when u get it back up
of all places tho

dont you have a social life out side of b u filthy cuck

i bet shes sleeping
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why would i hate myself? i dont have mental disorders that make me cry on the internet when im at work getting paid to do a job
Yea i have a social life, one that i dont want to broadcast to that im bipolar, i keep it to myself and its so funny u all keep taking shots at my wife bc the one thing i do know in life is she loves me and is faithful so say whatever u want bc at the end of the day i have an amazing woman and u havent met one that wont cheat on ur trashy asses trollolololololol
Lol nice one
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you dont seem to have the mental capacity to be on the internet and think youre living in some fairy tale world. the only person who doesnt seem to know how pathetic you really are, is you
Self denial is a great form of deciet
Ikr, its almost sad some ppl dont know true love. I can honestly say i got lucky, i domt beliebe in god or soulmates but if i did she deff would be the one made for me
What's up brother
Hello friend im doing better now how r u
What's being bipolar feel like? It sounds like such a stigmatized word I feel like it's probably a bad way which psychologists (social scientists) characterize a range of emotional disorders.
So what does it feel like? What's a typical day?
Not op, I'm the skeptical guy who mentioned it's social science.
After reading your comments I bet you guys would think I'm bipolar because of things I have done, but it was just the circumstances and experiences I've had which lead me to behave those ways. Also ganja didn't help unless I was high, which I was almost all the time.

Op try benzos like Xanax, they're great!

well, that's the thing: there is no typical day. it's over a period of days, or weeks, or months.

so, to get terminology down: it's called "bi-polar" because you go between two (bi) extremes (poles). those 2 extremes are mania and depression.

for me, i can have months of mania, which isn't exactly like the word sounds (eg: it's not like you're laughing maniacally like The Joker). Instead, it's more like a feeling like I can take on the world. I just want to go out and *do things*...do *lots of things*, etc.

so, it's kinda like having a lot of energy and also confidence to just do stuff.

the depression side is a feeling of being overwhelmed by...just everything. wondering what the point of anything is. big life stuff seems overwhelmingly fucking depressing (eg: the thought of having to go to work every day for the rest of your life, having to but a home). and, then, even the tiniest things seem overwhelming, like the idea of having to get up to take a shower, or cut my fingernails, or go to the fridge to get something to drink. the thought to do one of these small things enters my mind, and, a normal person would just get up and do it, but then i start to dwell on it, wondering "what's the point", and then 5 seconds turn into a minute, which turns into half an hour, and i'm still laying in bed not doing the thing i need/want to do.

the depression phase can last days or weeks.

and then i can have periods of being normal, like for months, and then the mania starts again, then comes the depression, then normal, then the cycle repeats.

get your priorities straight you fucking goof, your friends arent friends if they treat you like i do. youre a special kind of retard arent u. literally kill yourself
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got you the jumbos
That long post wasnt op, but im op and just wanna say ty ur descrption was amazing and very spot on except i dont go as long, for me its days between depression and mania
Guy you responded to here.

Sounds like you're normal dude. Life can be depressing, it doesn't mean you have a disorder. I go through happy and sad phases depending on if I'm thinking of my ex or potentially glorious future.
Lol nice try troll, my friends arent fucks like u, i just dont tell them bc it carries a stigmatizim about it, and i dont want them to view me diffeently bc i have a condtion
they just want special treatment
Hey OP I had a bipolar mother who went untreated during my youth. Let me tell you something that whole best parent sometimes worst parent othertimes is spot on. If you keep this up and your kids develop coping methods for both you and your wife's bullshit times they are gonna be able to handle most if not all stressful situations with ease because their home life was utter shit half the time.
Bipolar and manic-depressive have two different cycle lengths. One is a few days, and one is weeks/a few months (I don't remember which one's which).

However, you can be diagnosed as someone with just manic episodes, in the same way someone prone to depression is diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder
Agree. And bad acid experiences can really linger even without aggravating illnesses.
this isnt op either im op i dont know why the fuck this guy is trying to hijack my thread i reall yneed your support guys
no in op not u. lonely trololol im op in bathroom at work bc i cant even right now. i need i to help me u dnt undrstand i cant even
just tell them and take your medication like any grown up would

your future therapist will just tell you the

you need professional help! stupid!
Really ur gonna do an op troll now ur cool
Well id love to get help, u gonna foot the bill?
op here, dont listen to the trololol guy who the fuck types like that? but is the deep web a good place to buy prescription drugs? like i said i dont have insurance
>my friends arent like you
>i cant tell my friends
> i dont want them to view me diffeently

youre delusional as fuck, are you friends even real?
right i told you im not in the mood for this shit
like schizo who refuses meds... lol
U are such a trol, mad bc my wif love me an she is bpolar too
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Here is a trolling gif for your sir, Hope it will be over soon, My friend eases his with CBD oil drops in his tea, And in a STORM vaporizer, Gets you really mellow, Dont take normal weed though, It will fuel your bipolar.
U people are a special kinda stupid. Trolling me for asking for help when i was having an episode. Seriously how pathetic is ur life that ur down time is spent shit trolling peopld u dont know. Does making ppl feel bad make u feel better cause bad news i dont fedl bad or buy into ur troll shit, try harder
you guys are fucking ass holes :( what if i just died then would it be so funny?
fucking lol
nice try im already over it i felt better as soon as the thread was posted
U are not opm op here this isnt me
seriously this isnt funny any more i lost track of op i think he got quads
mine is okay today. I manage it with Depakote. Under a doctor's care of course.
Jesus man i have bp and will get help when i can but i think most of u need it more than i do, at least i can admit there is somethjng wrong with me. When u spend ur free time trying ur damnest to make others feel bad for no reason it means ur fucked up inside and cant admit it. U troll need to get help
good goys take your meds
How does that do ya? I do plan to get helo when i have insurance just scared meds will change who i am bc bipolar me has didcated who i am for a decade
you have baby penis?
If you're diagnosed what kind of meds do you get?
he's self diagnosed, along with his wife
oh so then he's just a crazy person
I feel stable. I was high cycling bipolar. And I suffered for years. The only problem I have is why did I wait so fucking long to get treatment.
Im not diagnosed yet bc i dont have insiance but grew up with a bipolar parent and have done my reseaech, dosent take a rocket scientist
exactly. he cant go to a doctor because mcdonalds doesnt offer insurance to fry chefs
So your parents didn't have insurance either to take you to a doctor. This story just gets better and better
Ive waited so long bc i didnt understand it and bc i fear meds makkng me a zombie, not literally but u know how some of them psych meds are
No my mother died and my abusive stepdad didnt care enough to take me to see someone, but keep acting like u know anything about me. And no not mcdonalds, i work for a huge company but through a temp service so no insurance till i get hired on
I bet you already diagnosed your kids as bipolar too right? ya fuckin idiot
Hey OP. I have bipolar 1 (manic depression) use some coping skills mayne. Go play your favorite vidya or watch your favorite movie. Go for a walk or something. I'm guessing your bipolar is giving you insomnia too especially if you're feeling bad atm. Take some meletonin if you have it. If not take a benodryl tablet. It'll not only make you tired everntually, but it'll reduce your blood preassure and how hard your heart is beating. Don't give up, mayne. I know it sucks but don't give up
No i hope they never are either
and neither are you. youre just autistic
Thank u bro, and not insomnia just had a manic day yesterday and stayed up too late, when i dont get more than 4 hours of sleep i tend to slip into bad days, unlike these trolls im sure u know lack of sleep tends to trigger the depression phases
As a bipolar, I needed mood stabilizers. Some of the anti psychotics are heavy tranquilizers, but I've never taken them.
I suggest you make a doctors appointment. And be honest about the fear of meds.
Omg thank u doc im so glad u knkw me and my situation and that ur so very smart
I mean, it can take years of study most of the time for a doctor to say you have it. Speaking from experience here.
Psychfag here: Honestly, meds aren't ideal, but they're better than the alternative. The way I hear it, it's not going to change your personality at all, but it may blunt your emotions a bit. Everyone reacts to the medication a little differently, but they stability they grant is a much greater gain than any of the possible downsides they have.
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you must be some kind of stupid thinking you can find support here with that premmish.
go kys faggot get a hobby you can do at night go to sleep
there is no mental illness, this world is sick
>please feel sorry for me, life hard
quit being a little bitch
youre just some delusional fuck who thinks hes a doctor because he can use google
>no wife
>no kids
>no job
>just schizo on chan
Yeah man. I have insomnia due to PTSD along with my bipolar. If I don't take my meds that basically force me to sleep by lowering my blood pressure I'll actually stay up till I die. I can go for a week without feeling tired. I'd make a great super soldier for the SS if I were German. But no sleep can really trigger heavy episodes. For me it's usually mania when I don't sleep (hence why I can go forever without being tired) but others get depresso
To the haters i have found support here some ppl arent tools like u guys, and its ironic u say im so dumb bc i dont have a diagnoses so it cant be bipolar yet u dont know anything about me and ur so sure it isnt bipolar, makes u seem alot stupider than me
Edgy newfriend detected. Only newfags talk like that. Oldfags have delevoped a comradery with their /b/ros. Get outta here edgelord, the guy is having a shit night. Have some decency
I think you should take the meds, doesn't matter if you change, changes are good. When you think about it we are all different people all through our lives, we constantly change and that is good, it's good to keep moving as long as you remember who you used to be
Thank u, im glad i turned to 4chan, there are alot of self hating trolls but ive met some actually nice ppl like u, even emailed with one guys. I apprciate the support man
Yeah bro. If you have kik, add me "cheekibreekimayonez" you're a chill dude, OP.
I know the meds are good and the change will be good just scary when u have been conteolled by it for years, makes me wonder what was me and what was the bipolar and what ill be like after. But no matter what i think ill do it for my kids bc they deserve the good me all the time not half the time
Do u have snapchat? I dont have kik bc im married dont really need it. Or email works too its always nice to meet chill ppl
quit messing up your fake story. you dont get meds without going to a doctor and getting diagnosed.
You've got a level head there, anon. I can't say I really understand what you're going through, but I can say it takes guts to face it head on like you are. For what it's worth, I believe you're making the right choices for the right reasons.
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faggots, you should fear the string
and youre just a fucking idiot for believing this

Sup man! Bipolar Disorder from the UK, it was induced via a months long period of stress combined with casual weed consumption (specifically some bad skunk). I was admitted to hospital for 21 days on a Psych Ward under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act during which time I started on Lorazepram (incontinence) switched to Olanzipine (sedation and severe weight gain) 17 months later I'm finally on Aripiprazole and Lamotrigine :)

Every day can be a struggle but I'm in a good spell right now, I'm a Supervisor at work, I'm making new friends nationally and internationally, I'm meeting great girls (Y)

If you feel like you're Bipolar, please see a doctor and get some medication as soon as possible so you can live your best life possible :D
I apprciate that bro, its hard to understand unless u or someone u love is bipolar. And to the troll who said i changed my story no i never said i have meds, i want them but cant get any until i have insurance, several trolls kept saying they were op so maybe thats where u got it but i never once said i had meds, just that i want them and im scared of them at the same time
Love hearing sucess stories it gives me hope but ive stated i want to get help but no insirance yet. Hope i can get hwlp soon, u guys that are on meds have really helped bring a comfort to it. Like it wont change me at my core but will help me find the peace i seek
dice dubs OP. what is your favorite breed of dog?
I love german shepards, hope to get one soon my kids want a dog so bad. U?
Yeah dude Snapchat is chompygoat
I'm a fan of them myself but I grew up with Viszlas and to me that will always be a god-tier dog.

Also had a dachshund but that thing was a sack of shit.
I had a german shepard growin up, they are so smart and loyal
fucks sakes how retarded are you

>I know the meds are good and the change will be good just scary
>when u have been conteolled by it for years
>makes me wonder what was me and what was the bipolar and what ill be like after
Peace comes from within, my friend. It's all about the tools we use that are available to us to successfully attain it :)

Btw, are you really e-mailing with the guy who dropped his e-mail in here earlier?
and i assume this is you since it matches your typing like a preteen girl
Yea im emailing him and the snapchat guy, ive met some cool dudes on here
If I email him with the specifics of my meds/condition (hey e-mail dude), will you get him to pass your e-mail and Snapchat onto me? Would be nice to talk to a fellow BPD bro and just have that avenue of support :)
My snap is osubucknut09 u can snap me bro its nice kinda like we made a lil support group its op btw
Just added you bro :)
I hope this post dies now, i feel better and made some cool buds. Bye trolls and haters
ur not OP i am. who needs suport group when i hv a moist sharpie nd a tigt butthole to relax

I didn't read all of the other posts but dude... there are people who can deal with bi-polers and people who can't.

Obviously you have a hard time in social situations and also within yourself but if you would rather choose to surround yourself with more intelligent people and don't live off feels. I think it would help.

Doesn't have to be a 'mistress' or an 'affair' it can just be friends.... like therapy but with someone you trust and not some complete stranger who's getting paid to judge you.

I consider myself a spirit healer. I may not have completely resolved every persons issue that I tried to help...but I have left them with advice that starts the journey of dealing with the situation.

Sorry for the book but it sounds to me dude like you need some emotional support. It's tough trying to deal with shit on your own...and I can't imagine trying to do it alone while being legit bipolar.

Find some supportive people that you trust dude...some friend to take you to the pub for a beer...just someone you can talk to without any type of ego being between the two of you.

Your wife isnt always this person, but someone out there can listen to your frusterations without judgement or absense.

Hope that helped.... help is out there bro!
thnks man.. wanna smash?
That wasnt op asking if u want to smash, another dam troll, but thanks for the advice i do have a few close friends i can talk to just hard bc i know they cant truly understand it without exp it but they would still deff be there for me
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