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>If you are older than 35 can you share some wisdom with

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>If you are older than 35 can you share some wisdom with me?
>Can we talk?
What do you want to know? I'm 43
Go on
>Age doesn't = wisdom
I'm 23 what do you want to know

after 30 does life get easier, harder, or stay the same?
Don't trust niggers.
I'm 35, sorry can't help.
Fuck off OP.
It all depends on the choices you make in your 20s. What do you want to get easier?
I'm turning 30

I am quite successful right now and doing very well for a long time now, the thing is I am alone and have no gf or wife. I focused most of my life on a career and becoming successful however now I'm starting to wonder what to do and looking for advice from someone older with some wisdom to help me on this path.
feeling peace :(
Around 30 you fully mature. My life is easier now.
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Essentially, if you can support your basic lifestyle, do whatever makes you happy.

Want to start a family? Go out and meet girls.

Want to surf? Get a board and take lessons.

You might need to do some soulsearching and figure out what makes you happy.
good and evil are christian constructs. the next time you hear an atheist lecture you about why racists or nazis are evil, as them to prove it without an appeal to authority fallacy.
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not op. it gets easier. you get more relaxed and cant be troubeled that easy as in your teenage years. you earn enough money and can efford nearly everything you want to have.
don't fight blacks at night, spit in her mouth
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Sounds like you might benefit from talking with a therapist. There are reasons you aren't happy if you are a successful. You might need some help figuring out why that is and how to overcome it.
Life never gets easier. The challenges shift and typically there are higher and higher things at stake. More to gain, but also more to lose. However, the silver lining is that practice makes perfect, and a lot of what used to be complicated or embarrassing or complex or difficult is easier, and you learn to do more with less, and to avoid getting blind-sided by unexpected things. You learn to predict when shit is really going down, not just reacting to shit banging you around all the time.
I'm the 23 fag. Go online for dating and be honest. Or get a hobby you direct most of your free time into which will have women around, like rock climbing or whatever you think you will like. You can't force love it just happens my dude.
What if its become incredibly hard to initiate or even go out without feeling a ton of anxiety. Small talk ruins me.
1. Friends/family are most important and valuable things in life.
2. Money doesn't mean happiness, a fulfilling life does.
3. People who are not friends or family will fuck you over in a second if it benefits them
4. A youth full of drugs and alcohol leads to middle aged loser with depression (moderation)
5. Don't get angry, not worth it and it doesn't change anything (stress=heart attacks)
Peace comes with acceptance and doing things that are important to you.
Basically accept the way you are, figure out what you can do to remedy the things that bring you down and do the things that you believe have value.
yo hey there I am therapist. whats the problem?
Do most people naturally feel peace? Ill start doing a lot of self reflection to figure out whats up. Been like this for 4 years and getting really tired.
Depends on definition of easy. Every decade of age has its worries, stress that you find out is bs or a waist of time in later decades. Overall life does get easier, much, because sample size increases and you can recall prior bs and easily correct similar new instances out of your life.
You gotta learn to be a whole, complete person alone. Once you do this, you can find a partner and not be emotionally dependent on her, which is the cause of so much conflict.

30 is a good age to find a significant other. Don't be too hasty, don't cling to the very first person you find just because you are needy. Find a person you admire and have a good interaction with. Stay with her for a while, so to be sure you fit each other. Then you marry her. If this is your thing, of course.
Start small. Work up.
they dont. its hard to find but possible
This. Also, dating apps are great.
What do you say about drugs and alcohol in moderation?
I'm 20 and I'm mostly past the "yeah let's get totally fucked" stage with alcohol, worked most of that out of me in the last two years. I'd rather an evening in that a night clubbing, so I'm not especially worried about that.
I've been experimenting with drugs the in the last year or so. I've tried a reasonable amount of them and the only ones I find particularly interesting are psychedelics.
I'm a student doing a STEM degree at an ok uni, planning on a masters afterwards
Probably self esteem issues. I find people that I feel strongly connected to/enjoy their company a whole lot and feel very comfortable around them but most of the time it seems unreceived /they dont seem to feel the same way. Also in my basement constantly with no hobbies and I actively try to put myself out there/improve myself
Probably to much for him. He just needs to be able to talk to women without freaking out first, then he can worry about da pus.
Shore you can. You can forse your dick in to tuns of stuff. Pussys ass holes even small children
you need behavioral confrontation therapy for social anxiety disorder
As to the end of the world; some say it will end in fire, and some say ice. With whiskey you don't have to choose, it goes great on the rocks.
I'm worried about having kids though, if I do get out of my comfort zone and lets say I do have a kid at age 33-35 than by the time the kid is 18 and going through life I'll be over 50. This isn't really good, and what will I leave my children? Money? That isn't going to happen, I wouldn't leave money to my kids
I say that this thread isn't about you.
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>I only talk on 4chan.org
The thing is, he gets to talk to women but not in their face. Some people are great texters, not so great speakers. Maybe this will help him.
Touché. Appreciated.
My girls dad is in his 70's, it's no big drama. Yeah he's gonna die soon but that's fucking life man. Stop thinking about shit you can't change. It's just anxiety.
Im really good at texting when I want to have a conversation so ill try this out. thanks
You're alright.
good thread!
Nah, don't overthink it. I'm 36, no kids, but I still want to have 3-4. Maybe it's not the ideal age, but whatever.
Im 33 my gf just told me that she is pregnant. I guess its a good age now.
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Sounds like you are just trying to justify yourself being a pedophile rapist anon
Don't worry. I know some complete bastards who actually do a good job being parents. Parenthood changes everything and brings the best on you.
>3. People who are not friends or family will fuck you over in a second if it benefits them
"Friends" and family are also capable of fucking you over. This doesn't mean you shouldn't trust, but I suggest thinking of people as creatures of habit - they follow their nature. I have some friends and family that I trust implicitly that will do their best to do the right thing, whether anyone likes it or not, and others that... well, one has to be cautious.

>Do most people naturally feel peace?
No. Feeling peace is something earned and learned. It is more common among older people because of life experience, but it doesn't come easily. The reason a lot of people seem to feel peace is twofold - people put on a front all of the time, and some people do their best to push these feelings down and never address them.

>start doing a lot of self reflection
This is a tricky beast because the direction your self reflection takes is strongly dependent on mood. If you are already not feeling great about things, there is a strong tendency to concentrate on the negative and overlook the positive. If, during your self reflection, you are thinking only about past mistakes, you are not doing yourself any favors. You will likely come out of it feeling worse about things.
Also, do some exercises, Anon. It makes wonders.
thx for the good words. but im totally ok. not much to change i hope... maybe I just should stop smoking
You definitely should.
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Rarely, there is always something to worry about. Got money taken care of? Great, now I get to worry about my knee. That all good, great, now there is a new project at work.

Just need to roll with the punches.
>about drugs and alcohol
Not that guy, but I am 36 and I can say with complete honesty that there is no time in my life I can look back on and say, "Wow, I really wish I'd done more drugs." However, there are times that I can look back on, and wish I'd done less.

Be careful about self-medication. If you are using substances to escape, be aware that problems do not go away. If you are experimenting, that is one thing, but still be careful about falling into a habit.
Is dating harder after 30?
easier as a man
pickens are slimmer, but the girls have a better idea of what they want in a relations(marriage, kids, moving in, etc.) Hook-ups are easy.
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For men? Yes.
For women? no
Almost 50 here.

Having money means you don't end up stuck in a shit job or living space. Money gives you options and so does good credit. Being poor sucks I know I've been there.

Get a secured credit card and use it as your debit card. Set up auto payments, this will build your credit up as long as you don't fuck up. Count your money and don't waste it on stupid shit.

When you get a job negotiate everything, ask for a high salary, benefits, vacation, etc. If you get the job interview it is yours to lose, once they offer you the job negotiate, don't be afraid to be aggressive.

If you do get a good job, fit in. A workplace is like a tribe or a gang. You should dress appropriately and try to blend in. Unless you are like a superstar programmer or Dr. House, remember the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Yeah it sucks and is probably the hardest thing for most young people to get over. Just dress well in clothes that fit and blend in, why make it hard on yourself.

It is much harder to make friends when you are older, and the ones you make as an adult are lest trustworthy, so forgive your stupid friends you made in school and hang onto them if you can. They are the ones you can trust long term, they're your people. You never get more of them. I guess family is important but I have not had much use for mine, even though they are nice people.

You don't have to get married or have kids. If you do get married get a pre-nup and have them sign it. You can fuck crazy or trash but don't get involved with them. The things you will remember when you get older are the fun, crazy times and sex and partying when you are younger. Go for it, have a blast while you can.
OP here

I have incredible credit and job/career which is going places and I'm not 30 yet, I'm just alone and lonely most days

Had a kid at 36.

Guess what? I own a house and a car for me and the wife. Was able to get every single thing the kid needed, and some saved away.

He's a fucking terrible monster for the last 3 years and I'm tired as hell but can't imagine a better time to have kids then in your thirties.
Nature is evil.
Life is hell.
It'll only get worse.
pedophiles tend to have lose assholes. i'd prefer to rape a murderer or robber
You might be a sociopath, anon.
Hi OP 50 YO here.

I've pretty much been a loner my whole life so I don't mind being alone. Do you have any school friends you keep in touch with? I know this isn't popular but is there a church you can go to that isn't crazy/greedy? Any clubs or hobbies you can share? Is there a local sports team that is popular at your work, maybe wear their jersey if allowed on game days, you might pick up some buddies willing to watch the game with you. Good luck and don't worry things are going to be fine. Being alone it fine, don't let it bother you. Ignore Facebook and social media it is just a way for people to brag about their lives and is mostly bullshit.
At 30 you realize how fucked in the head you were when 18. Late 20's to 30's was easiest to get pussy. I had a wider age range to work with. I started my job early twenties and been there 22 years. I earn a good living but not enough to support others really. No college. Nothing now is very stable. I work for a small business and now in my 40's my future for the next 20 years is bleak and dependent on the ability of my even older boss. So now I'm scrambling to find other ways to generate income and still work current job. Should have done this sooner had I known my boss isn't smart enough to be successful enough for his business to grow. Everyone's life is different but my thing is, do several things to make money this way your not married to one source. It will be more stabile this way if anything changes, this way it's not so drastic.
>If you do get a good job, fit in. A workplace is like a tribe or a gang. You should dress appropriately and try to blend in. Unless you are like a superstar programmer or Dr. House, remember the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Yeah it sucks and is probably the hardest thing for most young people to get over. Just dress well in clothes that fit and blend in, why make it hard on yourself.

What did this guy mean about this? Don't stand out, for what reason? How would you fit in?
That's why you did well, cause you didn't fuck around with bitches. You dedicated your time properly. Who wants to be married to someone for 50 years? That's crazy. I think you did the right thing. I had a lot of money in my late 20's, then pusdy fucked it up.
what is his business and what can he do to make it more sucessful
Wise words.
If the people at your workplace all wear suits, get a suit, have it tailored. If they were jeans and business casual shirts, wear those. It's about fitting in. If you dress differently you become kind of the weirdo and will be subject to gossip and you kind of lose points. I know it seems stupid and it is it took me forever to get this. Even if you dress like Lord Humungus in your personal life showing up in assless chaps and a hockey mask at work will not go well. As dumb as it is appearance is really important. Corporate office? Business casual. Metal band? Leather and boots and long hair. Doesn't matter. You're playing a role all your life, dress for it.
Alcohol is very destructive. I did heavy drugs when I was younger. I was able to take the abuse and recover. 40's now, maybe weed once a week and a beer every couple of months. I can't imagine doing anymore or heavier at this age. Getting too high makes me stress about adult problems now so if I do, I garden or take care of the property. Keep the mind off of bullshit and hang out with my trees. I begin to see why old people want to die as they get older lol. I'm not there yet but I can see how you can get tired
How about cannabis every few months?
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I am 37.
What wisdom would you like to know? Things from experience, or the wisdom that can only come with time?
Real life advice, because all my parents tell me is find a girl and go to church

If she takes your money than that's okays I'm like wtf, no that isn't

If I ever get married only way that will happen is with a prenub agreement...
Just jerk off more man. I swear the grass looks greener but it's not. Don't let pussy fuck your game up. You think you want it, you get it, you enjoy it for awhile, then like every other bitch they get comfortable and turn into their mothers. They are all the same.
Cannabis is fine, I've done pretty much all the drugs there are and have been addicted to a few in my time, these days it is just cannabis and whisky in moderation, although I drink a lot for most people but I make it work.

Smoking pot will give you a cough so try using a bong. It will also fuck up your memory so if your job is technical or they drug test you should avoid it.

Alcohol is the king of drugs, believe me I've done them all. Respect it and practice moderation or it will fuck you over. Never drink cheap booze it will rot your gut.

The one drug you never want to abuse is Xanax. Withdrawals can kill you or make your life a living hell for weeks, and most rehab places will not take Xanax addicts.
Don't let them fool you.
The older you get, the less you care about things. Thats all there is to it.
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Love is a strange and piercing thing.
Whatever you say you won't do doesn't matter, as your heart changes your mind will follow.
Just try to keep your senses as your young hormones push you around.
Especially keep your sense about doing things with potentially permanent consequences like marriage and pregnancy and signing certain things. Just try to be aware of those moments.

Let your parents fret, they know how hopeless it is. For us we're just trying to adjust a river we know we can't move, hoping we can at least lead to a life that won't need us when we're gone.
Church is good (although I don't go) because it is a way to socialize with your community. The reason people want God is praying to him makes them feel not so alone. That's it.

Having a wife is good because a wedding ring means you're not such a fuck up and someone can actually stand living with you, and you're not a homo. Well you may be but whatever you have a wife. Get a pre-nup. As a childless 50 year old I never wanted kids but now that it is too late I kind of regret it.
id like to contribute...
parents died and left me 20,000 usd, i have an engineering degree, im 30 no gf no wife , low self steem, i have a ok job but pays little, what do ?

i have always been a loner, never had gf

How old were they when they passed?
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Your parents know what every decent parent comes to realize: We're disposable.
The moment you're born, we no longer matter and trying to figure out the world for ourselves is no longer the goal, getting you ready to survive it is.
They're going to spend their last years trying to impart their wisdom on you because you are all they will leave behind when they're gone.
Just absorb their bullshit and try to find the gems in the mountain of shit they heap upon you.
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57, both
How old were you? Do you have uncles/aunts?
27, when my dad died, and i had just turned 30 when my mom died , i do have aunts and uncles , why ?
Construction. We are framer/carpenters. I started in 95 and business took off. I seen other carpenters turn into GC's and make even more money doing less physical work. I naturally though he would do the same. Instead he became an alcoholic and doesn't like to use his brain to make money or have any interest in growing. He's gonna be 60 soon and still works framing houses like a nigger, getting fucked by contractors with money, nickel and dimed. This shit is hard work and a young mans game. We have one laborer who's a drunkin drug addict in his 40's as well and completely useless and weak. I can't be working like this anymore and neither can he. He just wasn't smart enough to take advantage when he should have. All the other framers in the area move on and made bank while he still works for peanuts thinking that if he just hits something harder it will magically fix itself by God. Side note, people who are religious have a fucked sense of logic, cause you literally have to give up logic to believe in made up shit. I think this is where it comes from. Instead of working smarter to earn better money he just hopes things will magically get better without doing any extra work. I basically fucked myself for the next 20 years if I don't make a big enough leap to fall back on something else. Try being 44, no college and start a new career making the same money I do now. FML
39 here. What can I do for you?
Just asking, I find asking questions of other people about their lives super interesting but more so because people online are open in a way. I've asked some questions to my friends b4 and they don't want to talk about it and they think its rude of me..

But i just enjoy life and asking questions about others journey.
Once a week. Weed is fine but I don't burn it anymore. Vape it or make edibles.
where are u from?
23...you're literally useless and have no real life experience. Fuck man, you're still in a shitty car insurance tier that won't drop for another two years.
This is my post and I just read it realizing I need the help and not giving it lol
Don't worry, work on what makes you content, not happy. Happiness comes easy to children and idiots. If you find it, great, if not, look for contentment.

Don't worry about being alone or women. Believe me everything will work out fine in the end.
Hoping you are still here, what if someone does stand out and they only focus on their job, is there hope for them to join a crowd at work even though they never work from the office and only work from home?
The most important lesson I learned from 8 years as a WOW addict. Life is a tedious grind to get what you want the only way to succeed is to grind daily. Money , Fitness, Social Skills, Ect.. take massive amounts of time to cultivate
thank you
It depends. You certainly realize what's important to you in life. Realistically, it gets harder. By 30, most people have a wife, kids, and a house. All of those take a lot of money to sustain. Dealing with a kid's bullshit is like punishment for everything you ever did wrong.
Still here, really work on your writing communication, that's pretty much all they have to go on. And if everyone else at work has a photo of themselves in their e-mail profile, get a nice haircut and have someone take a nice professional picture of you for your e-mail profile.

If your work ever has get togethers make an effort to join and meet people, if you're socially awkward don't try to be funny, just smile a lot and keep your mouth shut.
i'm 52 - the amount of non peaceful times far outweigh the peaceful ones

life's a never ending struggle

one day everything is great - the next day it is not
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Please don't bump further or I will have to be honest and post my intentions..
Post them, faggot
OP here

I guess if there is anyone still out there I should be completely honest. I have been so alone that I am willing and trying subconsciously to throw my career away. Being alone has fucked me in a way that it hurts these days., technically I have an opportunity to advanced even more in the next few months and who knows where the next few years might take e (currently have an opportunity to make over 200k by 35)

The problem, is I'm alone and not sure what to do anymore. Have started a little self destructive behavior and if I continue on this path might lose everything.

I'm essentially afraid to keep advancing in this field and to get in a higher position, I'm already in a very high teir in this field and the next step is blowing my mind

I usually never tell this to anyone, but I'm on a pretty bad path if I continue to sit around and not take my life back in my own hands...

So far the promotions and career is great, but can I do this for a few more years? Why and what purpose, to make more money? To get more power in the company?
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