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I fucked up /b got a gril pregnant and dont know what to do.

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I fucked up /b got a gril pregnant and dont know what to do. She was even on the pill we cant decide to keep or abort it.
Well shit i guess just marry her
op here im 26 got my own house a shit job that i barley pays the bills and shes only 20 and still lives at home we were just hanging and banging for only a couple months nothing serious.
abort, you dont want to bring life to a shitty no money household
if you cant afford a car, house and live with no stress fo getting money
its still a couple of cells and embrio, the soul and life is given at around 3 weeks, you got time to abort that shit
if we keep it i might down the road but I can't decide to keep or abort
but im afraid that it will haunt me when i get older like a huge regret
you can always do it later.
kill yourself
thinking about it
Get your coat hangers ready
You act like it's you're choice mate. Give her your opinion, but once she's knocked up it really is her call. I helped an ex get an abortion, it's what she wanted and I thought it was the right thing. Not a day goes by that I fucking regret that decision. My only comfort is that it was what she wanted.
Let the baby live and kill yourselves
DNA test.
Keep it OP. Not because I'm pro life or anything like that but youre always gonna wonder if that child is a boy or a girl,has black hair or brown hair, or if they were the next US president or curer of cancer.
Scott Peterson anyone?
>got a gril pregnant

Learn to spell faggot


thats why you slip a pill in her food to babort that baby before she even can make a choice.
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fire up the Electrolux!

If you're both on board, just get it over with.
You may regret it a little, when you're older.
It never anyone's first choice to do that,
but from the way you're talking,
both of your lives will be better because of it.
>the soul and life is given at around 3 weeks
How do you know? Do you remember this process?
666 says do it
Abort it to erase your irresponsible genes off the gene pool. We dont need more shitheads like you

Also after you deletus the fetus with the coat hanger just off yourself
New much and to the op - abort!
Never forget OP...you were a mistake too but your parents kept you
Abort. That baby is not going to be born into the best situation with you and the girl just being casual and so young/poor. It'll keep both of you from achieving things in life, not to mention the time/money sink. If you want kids, have them later when you are ready and financially able to give them a good life. It's just a clump of cells. Offer to pay for the abortion and take her knowing that it'll save you a shit ton in child support down the road.
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You weren't ready before, which is why she was on the pill. You still aren't. A surprise pregnancy doesn't suddenly make it a viable idea.
>I fucked up /b got a gril pregnant and dont know what to do. She was even on the pill we cant decide to keep or abort it.
>I put my dick inside a grill without protection
get your ass checked, you might have gotten aids from Tyrone

>wont be born in best situation
>whelp better abort it.

You're about as intelligent as the fluffies that kill off their fowls because they can't eat spaghetti.
You never wanted a baby right now so why the fuck keep it? It's not even a baby yet.
Do you feel guilty spraying your nut on a napkin as well?
did you witness her take the preg test?
if not
>buy one yourself
>make her use it while you watch
>if that one is positive, take her to a doctor's appointment and tell her that you will only believe she is pregnant if she gives the doctor permission to discuss her current pregnancy with you
>if she is pregnant buy a DNA relationship kit
>when the kid is born test yourself and the kid
if the kid is yours, my condolences on your new financial burden
if she refuses any part of the above, kick her to the curb and find some one that isn't a manipulative self centered bitch
>manipulative self centered bitch
>kick her to the curb when she doesn't go along with your self centered procedures
Kek. The hypocrisy is real.
Treat it as a free meal in 9 months and eat it
>implying that lieing about a pregnancy to make some one effectively your slave is the same as preventing some one from doing that to you

So we still get noodz.

You really expect /b/ to make a rational decision for you without noodz?

You know where you are......
If you choose you abort OP, please put it up for adoption. Coming from someone waiting to adopt, you could completely change the world for another couple.
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If you still don't always capitalize your I's then you're not ready to be a parent; kill the brood.
not sure if anyone said it yet, but isnt the answer obvious? kick that bitch down a flight of stairs.
Easy there, Ruffles McTriggered. I was just point out how hypocritical your post was. No need to get mad.
Abort man
there were four i's in that post that you didnt capitalize. but i agree, kill it
It's not a baby yet. Don't have a child just for the sake of it if you aren't ready/can't care for it properly. Don't be scared of "killing" a bunch of 1 week old cells, there's already enough idiots in the world.
>can't spell /b/ right
i thought downies were infertile??? are you sure she hasn't been cucking you?
>we cant decide to keep or abort it.
>we can't decide whether to raise it or murder it.

Fixed that for you.
Kill the girl, take out baby, bury girl, cook baby, eat baby.

Problem solved!

Fucking redneck. Because science and brain hasn't even formed yet. Look man. Abort it if you are not ready. Why will you regret it? You can just have a child later when you and her (or whoever you are with at that time) are ready to bring a child to this world. Trust me you will not be feeling any regret when your wife/gf gets pregnant at the right time for both of you. You won't give a shit about the aborted bundle of cells.
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Abort it OP
You don't want to be financiallly tied down to a girl you barely know, have her take your money and possibly the rights to your kid later down the road. This relationship does not seem like it would work at all
The one suffering the most will be the kid

My SO had an abortion, we don't regret it either bc we were not ready for a kid
Force the bitch to sit down and watch the first season of 16 and pregnant. After viewing season 1. have you both take a hard look at yourself in the mirror.
Depends, how old are you, do you have a stable job and do you think you have a legitimate future with this girl?

If young, no and no: get an abortion

Otherwise: get a dna test done on the kid asap to make sure it's yours and if positive, enjoy your new bundle of joy.
your asking for advice on 4chan. abort it now.
Abort OP, because life is better without kids.
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Gotchu /b/ro
Experienced advice from someone that this has happened to twice and there are two states I can never set foot in again.
1. She was not taking the pill.
2. She will not abort
She has just got a free pass from you for 18 years.
Your life is over, you can either "Man Up"(feminazi™) work multiple jobs to support her, lose all social life, hobbies, and pleasures,
or run to another jurisdiction and assume a new identity.
Welcome to the unjust legal system.
Or you can take the easy way out and an hero.

You made it, care for it. Fucking losers.
or just don't knock chicks up until you want to raise a family
guess thats not a real option in this degenerate time forced on us by zog
When she starts demanding you to "be the father" demand a DNA paternity test, while you prepare to escape and change your name.
Way too often they fuck some one more fun, but turn to the guy with the job to "be the father".
You have about a 95% of being the father, but that number drops if you notice her being strangely demanding that you "take responsibility" and avoids talk about "if it is some other guy's".
>I am Captain Abstinence
Yeah, silly fantasy world you're from.
Soo why is adoption not option? Just straight abortion
>only 49 more states to go :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
rather silly, arent you
Abort it you dingus
Bc foster care sucks
just my 2 cents, i'm 20 and everyone i know around my age that's had a kid has gotten their life fucked up and their kids are all fucked for life because of shitty unprepared poor parents.
Are you sure its yours?
Are you sure they are actually pregnant? Women are selling Positive tests on Craigs list and EBay to help other women TRAP unsuspecting guys.
Go out right now, buy a fresh box of clear Blue Easy Pregnancy test and watch her pee on them both while you watch... Just to be sure. Also, look up the Tom Leykis 101 "Hail Mary"
Shuttup u weab slut, it's my fucking problem 'maye , when i have to pay all your fucking bills be ause ur a lazy slut wjo sits on daddies dick all day livestreaming fb to a bunch of niggers because your a fat ugly washed up whore vying for attention

Grow a pair, you fuck up, be logical about this and think about your current statud and income

Honestly i don't know how you dumb fucking degenerates have kids, like how fucking stupid are you, i was just thinking about how stupid fucks keep overpopulating, idiocy is the majority and intelligence, a minority, which leads me to question balance, and life itself

tl;dr, kill her while she kills the baby, then kill yourself, like i have a good life, I've legit walked out of bit hes houses with the ondom and thrown it out in a dumpster somewhere just to be careful with these sluts, like fuck you are fucking stupid
the guy probably knocked her up a week ago or some shit, do you feel bad every time you blow your load in the shower or on a tissue? because at that point it's not much different. why go through all that trouble and financial burden to bring an unwanted child into the world when there's already more than enough?
That carpet is like the sign eiyher the pi is from 80s early 90s, or the person is a broke piece of trash
Go call up dr.deletus already
just keep the kid and marry her
youll be sorry later if you miss the opportunity to actually be a father

or just take others advice, kill (im sorry to hurt your sensitivities - abort) your own kid and continue your whore fucking, coke snorting /b/tard lifestyle

why become a better person when you can die alone like trash which you have been your whole life
If she can't make up her mind to abort straight away, I'm afraid she's already decided to keep it, but is too afraid to tell you.

Source: my son is almost 3 now
lel. you think nobody would be retarded to wait until the fetus has actually developed into a decently conscious state before deciding to have it chopped up and evacuated
at least they should have drawn a niggerbaby, to make it more accurate
I mean it's still alive, but your sperm is too, you still throw away loads of that.
dubs keeps the baby trips kills it.
>just entering the third trimester
>time to roll around to the pp clinic now i guess LOL
Yes, bc having a child with a whore will make you a better person
It'll be a decision that you'll probably think of for the rest of your life of what could've been or what is. Don't ask an image board full of tools. Talk to a few people you know and trust to come to a sound decision.
Punch her in the pussy
>not ready
nice meme, youre never ready to have such things
youre just unwilling to take on any responsibility and stop acting like a highschooler

have fun killing your own kids dumbass
keep it it's a special thing life and it's one of something that will never happen again for this kid and besides you can always have it up for adoption too I believe if you can't provide for it.
Who gives a fuck? You're the same kinda slut that'd fuck up like this.

Life is whatever, whoever makes it. idgaf whay color hair, eyes, if he/shes retarded, etc. If he/she decided to be a janitor and that's his/her thing and they love keeping the place spotless, id be so proud they are happy and movong forward and love them forever

Fuck your a fucking idiot and i hope you die vefore you an have kids, or smarten the fuck up slut
This, i'm not against abortion at all up until a certain point unlike a lot of bleeding hearts that think a lump of cells is a person a day after. Imo you should have a small window of a couple of weeks after conception to decide, after that it's just wrong, you missed your chance and have to deal with it.
heres a tip:
all women are whores unless you're a man
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Falcon Punch?
This an i would also want the means to support it, otherwise byebye baby

I think I'd personally do planned adoption, but generally i would rid myself of the responsibility
>She was even on the pill
No, she wasn't.

>we cant decide to keep or abort it.
"We" will decide nothing. It's all up to her.
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Great point, have the kid nothing could go wrong there
>It's all up to her.
lol if my gf decided to abort our kid id fucking overkill her with a kitchen knife so much cops would be puking upon entering the crime scene

but im a tradfag so...
Don't be a bitch abort it. It will probably have a better life if you did
>just keep the kid and marry her
How to ruin your life 101.

>all women are whores unless you're a man
This is the mindset of a beta male.
I am always amazed when I see anons actually wanting to have children. I hate kids with a passion.
is it a boy or an abortion?
And if you have it, not aborting will be a huge regret
Probably only sometimes, maybe all the time
Post transaction history of your bank account so that we may judge you
>already assuming they will identify as a cisbinarygender
i wish you were aborted during the third trimester, shitlord!!
>She was even on the pill

Best line ever... I have two close friends where the girls later told everyone that they never used the pill
Depending on the pill, it may cause severe damage to the fetus. Before even thinking about keeping it, go see a doctor.
Careful, abortion probably counts as a gender now.
>it chose to be conceived; it implied consent
>Yeah, silly fantasy world you're from.

Holly shit i didnt know there were people lurking /b/ in Africa
Abort! How is this even a question?
>shes only 20 and still lives at home

I dont know where you live OP and there laws but i can tell you for sure she either isnt on the pill or she never takes it. Abort mission or keep it, but if you fucking keep it you better be damn sure your going to stick around.

Keep! Love the baby. Dont marry. Treat the girl right and help. This is your day of reckoning, and your chance to man up. Life is a joy.
Abort it or put it up for adoption. If you don't want the kid, it's the only way.
If life is a joy why would you throw it away raising children
wait for the baby, take it. abort the woman

Child support payments gonna rape you. Child will be in a bad situation coming into the world without a stable family.
Hanging and banging, nothing serious.
Sex is serious, mate. If you stick it in, you can expect something to come out in the end.

It's your responsibility to make something of your lives. Take the responsibility and better your life for the sake of the baby.
Definitely abort. SWIM got a girl preggo on the pill and the embryo was a mess. She wound up having an abortion. The doctor told her that because of the medication she was on if it even made it to term it would have lots of health issues, but most likely wouldn't survive.

That would be the most cowardly thing to do. You'll leave the girl pregnant alone
>Life is a joy.
Not if you throw yours away to raise a kid.

what kind of retard unironically posts like this?
i like this one, fake it till you make it
abort, do it with help of a doctor, dont rush to dangerous things.
OP, tough break. Feels for you. In the end you have to respect her decision and support her in whatever she chooses. You have your own house? Mate, that is a huge headstart on so many people. If she doesn't want it, respect that and support her in that. if she does, or if she's equivocating, talk it over with her and maybe both sets of parents about keeping it. They might surprise you and understand and respect you for it and offer to help. it sure isn't the worst / first / craziest thing that happens in life. Most of our population is created this way. And your life isn't over, man, trust me on that. It could be your right of passage, the making of you. I'm not religious, and I'm pro-choice, but I was in the same boat, we had the kid, and he's two now and just full of love and wonder and we are both glad we kept him and I don't have dick all like my own house. But I'm now a grown up and I can look myself in the mirror and people who's opinion I give a shit about respect me for it. In the end, it's not your choice, it's hers. And there is no wrong answer. Just stand by her in any way you can. Good luck. I think you'll be fine.
>we cant decide to keep or abort it.
It's her body, shitbag. There is no we.
holy shit go back to redit
umm you should respect all posters for their comments
People like you make this world a terrible place.

I can understand not wanting to have children, bu hating them? They are like us, before we turned into monsters.
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HAA, GAY!!!!
Get an abortion even if you got to about that bitch yourself. Your life will be over, over forever. You might some day trick yourself into believing it was worth it but only after years of soul crushing torture.
You can always kill her OP. Don't listen to this scum.
>People like you make this world a better place.
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Nice try FBI, why do people respond to this data mining shill threads. This bitch is obviously full of fake news.
keep it, if it up to you, more reasons not to come here. you will love the kid, and you will love the girl to.
u r 26 but in 9 months u b an adult
anon you're not being very nice! if you don't wan't to contribute positively to a dude in a tough situation like the first guy, why did you reply at all? there's alot of other comments that you can contribute to.
Well, it's not your fucking business.
>if you don't wan't to contribute positively to a dude in a tough situation like the first guy
You two faggots caused the "tough situation" for yourselves, so go kill yourself you beta cuck.

FAG! Your mom is a slut for cock and cum.
Abort the kid, OP. If you can barely pay the bills as it is then the kid will fuck your life up.
Enjoy pregnant sex. It's obvious.
Abort this plane with no survivors op. She'll use you up before the end, take everything you got, including your life.
>more reasons not to come here. you will love the kid, and you will love the girl to.
Keep baby. Murdering unborn children is such an Antifa leftist thing to do. You did the crime now you gotta do the time.
Up until a certain point it's no different from blowing your load into a tissue.

Dude look after her and your unborn kid.

Don't be a faggot.

Its a blessing, what is Jesus going to say if you kill your child?

Also the fetus and your child's body party will go to PepsiCo for flavor and cosmetic company's for skin serum for expensive cream. John McCain might get some to help with his tumor too.
>don't want a kid
>do the one thing that makes a kid
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Devour the infant/fetus when it is born/aborted.
very fat
Kick her in the stomach or abort
>we cant decide to keep or abort it.

Are you stupid?
Thank your lucky stars that the bitch isnt pro-life and shopvac that fucker out
Get dna test before signing birth certificate
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>She was even on the pill

oh, another faggot who just became father and discovered that pills and contraceptives are "99.9% safe", not "100%".
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Abort mission
>contraceptives are "99.9% safe", not "100%".

Its not the pills problems
It was a crazy bitch looking to lock OP down, either for love or to shake him down for child support.

The gash between their legs makes them unpredictable and mentally unstable
She enjoys living at home, just wants to live at OPs home instead of her parents.

Sit and watch TV with the kid all day
Same shit happened to me.. now i have a 3 months old son whom i love very much.. i got real serious about getting a good job that pays well. i start next week at a job paying 50k
Falcon Punch or GTFO.
You know what would have even been better?
Getting a serious career job without having 2 dependents leeching off of you.
if nothing else you can smash raw for 9 months
Anti-fa means anti-fascist, you dense shit. Nothing to do with pro-choice. And pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion. It means it's the woman's choice, because it's the woman's body. Geddit? Or are you supportive of a fascist state where men force women to do what they say with their own bodies? What are, 14? The fuck?
For sure, im happy though.
You are a man. Act like one. You may not stay together for ever, but you will never miss out on the first years of your kid. And at least a msn pays for his kids. If you don't you are lower than gay and antifa. Csn you get some education to earn more? Better job? Work your ass of?
You will not regret being a man.
Abort mission. I repeat, abort mission
better to regret aborting it then regret not aborting it
Antifa means Anti freedom and pro degeneracy
>have children
What's middle salary in USA after tax?
it's ok, it's just a gril
More seriously Op get a fucking grip. This isn't a Rule 34 special where you get to bang her extra hard for 9 months, it's the one where you're getting fucked by her for 18 years with a giant futa dick.
>You will not regret being a man.

Sure he will, for the next 18 fucking years. He will pay for a being who will be taught to hate his fucking guts
Baby is probably gonna be fucked up because of the pill. I'd delete it. Will probably have health problems and when it's dying at the age of twelve and you've sunk a cool million into hospital bills to keep it alive that long, racking up all that debt even with insurance, it will look at you and say "why didn't you just abort me daddy?"
Just pray the downs away.

Er. No. It doesn't. Read a fucking book, moron..
be a man and keep it

actually Anti-Fa means anti-fascist. Anti-fa is by definition pro-freedom. So if you're pro freedom you're an antifa. congratulations. you are now a grown up.
I live in Norway though, we dont have insane medical bills etc. from pregnancy to baby delivered, 0 "dollars" spent. you live happily in norway with a 50k salary.
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This. Also all it takes is a girl "forgetting" to take it for a day or two and it stops working. "Oops lol"
put some nail polish in her coffè, it always works!
Adoption is an option, abortion is traumatic. Your financial situation can always change but most importantly man up. You made it you take care of it.
Read as: If you're going to abort it then at least do it yourself, right anon?


Make sure it's rusty though
>killing what hasn't even formed into a human being yet

rednecks need to die
Reddit is for homos and antifa.

I think abortion vs. life ultimately comes down to what point in your life you're at, and what kind of person you are.

When I was in high school and just banging, if there was even the slightest scare that the condom broke/birth control didn't work, we'd get the morning after pill without question. Didn't even think twice about it.

When I got married later in life and my wife & I decided we actually wanted to have a child, it took us longer than we thought. She had two miscarriages, and it was fucking terrible to go through that sort of loss. When we had to go to the abortion clinic to E&D the 16-week dead fetus, we were sitting in that office devastated. Meanwhile, we're surrounded by preteen latina bitches who are laughing and texting about it. It seemed so ridiculously unfair - I wanted to punch them in their fucking pencil brow. Needless to say, my position on abortion changed dramatically.

Now that we actually have a daughter, it's amazing. I think only [good] dads will really understand how awesome it is to have a kid. And for most of us, it isn't the dream-killing, life-ending, soul-crushing hell that it's usually made out to be. Especially if you learned from your prior relationship errors and didn't choose a shit-tier life partner to tackle parenting with.

Anyway, point being OP, I personally believe the recipe for following through with having a kid is (a) love & trust for the person you're having the baby with, (b) some modicum of stability in your life - (mental, health, finances, etc...), and (c) a desire to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to care for a tiny version of you. If that sounds like you, then go for it. If not, then maybe abortion is the way to go. I'd suggest for the sake of not potentially scarring your future self in some way, you abort within the first 4 weeks (i.e. before the heart starts beating). When you see a heartbeat on an ultrasound for the first time, you might have a change of heart.
how is that a fuck up, you just lived life`s purpose
Then you pay for the hospital expenses, groceries, diapers and clothes for the next 16-18yrs of its life!
Abort. I'm assuming you're NOT financially stable for another person in your life. You may break up with your lady, then it only gets worse from there. It's not only you two that suffer, the kid suffers the most. Spare the child future misery and therapists sessions that 'might' help . . .
I’m hard as a rock
Falcon punch her in the uterus. Solves everything.
Faggot neckbeard virgin detected. Kill yourself
So you're saying you want her sucking you like a leech, fuck that shit anon
Before you make your lifes hard and the childrens life too abort it
abort it, and fuck her again. If she gets pregnant again, just abort it, etc etc . she's only good for fucking
I WISH, i got a girl pregnant.

Don't you want to be a dad?

Do you have something with her?

Then fucking keep it.

she will only get certain chances to get pregnant and you too.

Don't you ever want to be a dad? life is ticking.

she won't be able to do it at 45 with a dry cunt despite what feminists will tell you.

do it to piss off people like this:

Anyone stupid enough to be seeking advice on such a serious decision on /b should not be reproducing.
Found another cucked beta fag.

Kys, nigger.
>we cant decide to keep or abort it.
If you can't decide then you should abort.
>remember by keeping the baby,you piss of george soros, john podesta's spirit cooking operations and these rad fems.

>missing out?

Missing out on what exactly?

Travelling,concerts or shitposting on the internet?

you can do what nature intended and be a man.
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Simple, if i get dubs abort
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