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4chan is known for being racist and stuff and at first I didn't

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 98

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4chan is known for being racist and stuff and at first I didn't really care but now I'm starting to worry. There has been a lot of race tension lately in the world and it's starting to make me paranoid. I have been starting to think that maybe my white friends secretly hate me or something along those lines. There are more people starting to use 4chan which means more "normies". I have seen kids use 4chan phrases and racist slurs and it's bothering me. What do you guys think?
I'm African-American/Japanese mix by the way if any of you are curious.
plz someone reply I really need help
What does that look like? Post your face.
I'm sorry but I'm really shy.
can you show me your dick? it'll really help with my response
sorry no lewd I just want some responses. I'm too shy for that
I'm Republican and don't give a fuck about your background. As a Democrat. They love profiling the shit out of people based on their race or sexual orientation.
dude if you want an answer you need to show me afro-asian genitals, thats how it works here
oh okay
You have a good point op. Racisim needs to stop asap. Listen to this, should reunite the world with happiness :)
I mean I wouldn't worry, if they're really your friends you should be fine. It's important to keep things open though, so maybe ask them how they feel about current events and whatnot to get a sense of where they stand.
>if any of you are curious
We're not, fuck you
You better emigrate, because Trumpfags are coming to get you.
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I just want us all to be friends please don't be rude
Niggers or Kikes?
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nigger has almost always been used but 50% of 100% of 60 % the time not o be taken seriously
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Most kids that use racial slurs are retards and faggot edgelords that are too chickenshit to actually start a fight. There's literally no reason to be afraid of them.

If they're hurting your feelings, speak up about it; there's no shame in being bothered by slurs. But I doubt they're genuinely racist.
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Don't worry when the racists start the race war the Mexicans will fuck up their shit.
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Normies being red pilled is not a bad thing /b/ro
so the mexicans will fuck up the racist blacks and the racist whites?
You went on 4chan to cry about racism......Go bitch and cry to TUMBLR, stupid chopstick nigger.
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I try not to take them seriously but for some reason now it's really starting to hurt.
what in particular are they doing?
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This place was always ironic racist but it completely sucks now. It's basically like visiting my middle aged burnout inlaws in Florida all the time.
>"Retired" at 50
>bought new house blocks from beach
>declared bankruptcy
>live in physical comfort without work and blame minorities for this "situation"
If you're going to insult me at least use something better than the same old Tumblr insults
plz no lewd
have you tried not acting like a nigger?

The ones who are doing that are just a tiny, pathetic group of Neo-Nazis who are being egged on by Russian web brigade operatives.

They've infested all open/free commentary areas on the Internet to try to push extremist far right and divisive propaganda.

Call the subhuman trash out where you see them and ignore their retarded ramblings.
>have you tried not acting like a nigger?
Have you, though?
I'm a good person I swear. I just want everyone to not hate each other.
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Honestly, the easiest way to tell if they're serious is by asking them to stop. If they do, they're your real friends. If they don't, you need to find new ones.
4chan is known for drawing in societies rejects. Those "normies" probably don't give a damn about race, most people don't care about random shootings in other states nor do they get a kick out of seeing the same joke over used because for them life goes on. It's the people stuck here jerking it to traps and wolf women who are worried about not getting the girl across the street. Most people aren't concerned with any race as a whole. Just nationalities and religious differences. The world isn't as small as people would lead you to believe. I'm black with friends from every race who have friends from every race.

Hey the blacks aren't totally stupid.
you said racists though.

I guess context would say whites that hate non-whites, but racist blacks are about as shitty.
The problem is not them, the problem is you, you worry too much about that, and that is because inside your mind you wish to be white. So, to fix that you need some white pussy to get confidence
My white friends would say the word nigger all the time i would never mind. The word nigger is only as offensive as you make it out to be.
I dont think your friends actually hate they probably just have a sick sense of humor.
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Thanks, I will think about that.
Have you considered killing yourself?
ay op, i totally understand. I'm black/chinese and i just usually let my friends make racist jokes cause I'm scared of being that guy. its hard trying to be cool with everyone, but also feeling comfortable with yourself
>4chan is known for being racist
And yet, here you are.
>my white friends
Are only friends so they can play the 'I can't be racist, I know a black guy" card.
Pop in from reddit when mommy forgets to log out and the kiddies aren't subject to parental control
>kids use 4chan phrases and racist slurs
See above
>I'm African
You can stop there. Any % of you that is black makes you black. Period.
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Sorry, I don't want white pussy. I would rather have a cute Asian bf and live with him in the calm country side. Maybe I should stop worrying also I'm fine the way I am now.
Man people make white people jokes all the time, make them out to be clumsy, can't dance, have no culture and no one gives a shit cos they're white. If someone's making a joke based on race why give a fuck? If they're actually saying "you're x and I hate them" that's gonna be the problem.
it doesn't mean anything until your friends are calling you a nigger everyday. it gets kinda annoying
All the blacks and the useless racist whites. All blacks are useless subhumans therefore they need to go, fucking niggers destroy everything they touch
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Meh if they're you're friends you're more than likely just fine. Race tension is more directed towards strangers than friends.
Your friends copying a racist joke doesn't make them racist, just like my friends making a trap joke about me doesn't make my friends transphobic.
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please we are not all like that. I just want to be friends with people of all races

Deal blacks won't start a race war, just the disaffected whites who think they have nothing to lose.

Blacks while they have little still have the social glue that their matrilineal families provide.
So you're a niggernip?
I draw the line when they try to call me a nigger, thats a bit much.
My black friend calls me a spic and my white friend calls me a walljumper, I call them nigger and inbred cousin fucker. just quit being a puss and play along with them.
He's right OP, ur a fucking nigger. Whether ur a beta fag or a street monkey, a nigger is a nigger and u need to leave
And everybody probably laughs their head off, right?
Racist are like gays or pedofiles. They surround themselves with their lifestyle and then assume everyone thinks they way they do. I've heard many racist say whites are just afraid of being labeled a racist, but I honestly don't think most white people are racist. As crazy as this may sound, calling someone a racial slur out of anger doesn't mean a person actually hates that race or even cares what the word means, only that it will get under your skin. Stop worring about what people think, most people simply don't care, hell you seem to care more than most people would. Maybe there's some self hate going on? You have a lot of growing up to do, suck my balls.
i just let them do what they want, i know they don't mean it. the less you react to it, the less fun they're gonna have saying it. no matter how annoying the people in this thread are right now, they have a point. people who say slurs are only saying it for the attention. if you don't give them that attention, what are they gonna do?
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I guess so Anon
I'm not going to leave Anon. Let's be friends, I want to be nice to you.
Why would you admit to being a trap here? You know you're gonna be asked to post your dick
Me my friends used to do that shit all the time back in hs. We've matured now n don't do that as often but sometimes we still slap out the racist jokes
/b/ is not the place for that.

I mean sometimes, it's chill, and people have real conversations and actually read what other people say. But most of the time, it's just shouting and yelling and repeating.
type in the chat OP is a stupid nigger
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Sorry but I will not suck your balls Anon, also don't be homophobic we can all get along here.
At least give the another a rimjob, or a reach around
>other anon
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You're assuming I care.
i like this op
You don't get it do you. Every race fucking hate you! Asians hate you, latinos hate you (except maybe for those caribe cockroaches), whites hate you Indians and arabs and everyone else who isn't a fucking nigger hates you. Either you leave before the race war erupts or you'll be hanging from your feet with a slit throat. The reason you have friends is bc of ur Asian side but ur nigger blood will do you in at the end. We can only tolerate so much
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I've noticed that.
too lewd for me.
paranoid much?

>or you'll be hanging from your feet with a slit throat
what is this, the 1800's?
So you're a paranoid pussy with a victim complex who thinks that because there are racist shitlords online that all white people are racist?

You are the racist. Good job fuckwit. You dun goofed. But I doubt that your dumb ass will grasp what I'm saying to you, instead you'll likely just continue to blame the white man as always rather than taking any personal responsibility for your thoughts or actions.
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Even though you're being mean to me I will still be nice to you. I bet if I got to know you, you would be a caring person.
Thank you.
Op if your second generation japanese what did you do with your japanese citizenship?
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I like you, but I don't like that you're ignoring me >:(
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Don't take it too hard OP, outside of 4chan some anons can be pretty neat guys I've learned, and the dickheads who actually take race to heart are just mongoloids trying to get a response. Fellow black person btw, also your waifu is cute.
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4chan is a hellhole and the only way to fix your problem is to disassociate yourself with it, ignore it, and stay as far away from it as possible. 4chan stays on 4chan unless you piss them off for some ungodly reason
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I'm not trying to say that all whites are racist. You don't have to be so rude about it friend.
Says the 4chan poster
You hear things here you'll never hear from a friend. Do with it what you like. I'm telling you what I know. Niggers are despised exactly bc that's what they are
You're black so your opinion is irrelevant
I would be nice to you in the real world, but like I said, ur still a nigger; and if I had the ability to wipe out ur entire race, even though ur a friend, I'd press that button without a second thought
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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
So... half of 100% = half.
Then, half of 60% = 30% of the time it's not serious?
I appreciate your determination in befriending everyone but /b/ isnt the best place to make friends
You got this mad because of a post? Are you trying to get your point across that you'd like to kill us? China, North Korea, the middle east, and many parts of South and Central America have another war in mind for you Rambo. Maybe you can just remind them of how much they love white people since you get along with your own skin tone so well unlike other skin colors. Ask Russia to explain their love as white people for white president of this country. We know the Jews love you and you sure love them dont you. If the world was all white there would be no wars, no hate. You're worried about places like Detroit while whole white countries are hated.
I hate whiners, take your fucking feelings to tumblr.

No one hear cares about what offends you, or what your problems are. We *all* have problems. There are anons reading 4chan right now that will kill themselves within the next month, and you want my sympathy because you're black?

Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck your awful selfish lazy fucking people. I hate the fact that we fucked this country so hard 200ish years ago when we brought with slaves. Because now we're stuck with you fucking whiners and we can't send you back.
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seriously though, I doubt your friends mean any harm.

please, only /r9k/ lacks the potential to be friendly.
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Well if I had the choice to wipe your race off the planet, I would NOT press the button. We are all human. Even though you hate me I still hope you have a nice day friend.
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Lol neck yourself Nipnog
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Everyone here is too beta to be racist in real life in fear of being decked in the stomach by jamal and his gang
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I suspect 4chan's culture is a filter for racists. If you post here in your formative years, you'll probably pick up a few nasty assumptions about other races, but because it's so constant and over the top and expected, it will eventually become background noise. Because on this anonymous image board, nigger and infographics are the social grooming equivalent of "hi" or handshakes, and just as meaningless.

So while you might come through the crucible with your expectations reinforced and go on to some dark corner, that's probably a tiny minority. Most will probably come to realize that this board is pretty fucking diverse, with people shouting at each other from entirely different backgrounds and entirely different countries, and the engaged in the memeing and baiting and just chatting include lots of colors, lots of religions, and even (sssh!) women, all dealing with the same issues often in unexpected ways. Which probably results in a more mature view of race. Because the open, public discourse on race is really fucked up. There are lots of issues that nobody talks about, and the things people scream about are often wrong-headed or completely miss the point. What /b/ does is give an outside, uncensored view that deliberately tries to become as extreme as possible. And that's good, because race politics is polarized and paralyzed and you're not allowed to talk about it except in very limited ways, and until that's broken the real issues won't be addressed.
Friendship always wins!
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No team or person will ever be a true 100% victor in any topic, war, debate, or battle. There will always be oppisition. Realistically, peace is impossible.
Thanks anon, but it's evening now so time for some drinks. Just remeber, from the bottom of their hearts, non-blacks don't really like you
Yeah you deff inherited your japanese side when it comes to personality...jesus.
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I respect your opinion but next time dont express it in normie starter pack meme format
assuming you're not baiting

fuck that. tell your friends their racist comments arent cool, if you can. If they dont listen get better friends.
4chan isn't racist. Racists got into 4chan. Blame geunine autism, it's been a long time coming. Just look at >>>/pol/ and all the shit that has spawned from it, all the way into reddit. It used to be a class act. Now the faggots take it seriously.

I experienced all of this except the formative years and genuine retardation regarding race. This place has made as sharp in the head as the daily edgy shitposts.
Is anybody from that period still alive? Might as well post pictures from the Civil War.
Most intelligent and underrated post in thread. Read this OP and fuck off. Thanks.
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I suspect you'll begin to believe that everyone hates traps, gays, jews and blacks before that. You might pick it up on the side.

but otherwise I agree. Anonymity is the great equalizer.
Equal rights were federally gauranteed in 1964, now stop bitching because someone said nigger online you fuckin pussy. Jesus.
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No I will not fuck off friend.
Yeah, that's one's difference I've noticed in the last couple years. People never seemed to really believe any of the real far-out shit. Now, some seem to. And it's both sides. There are segregationists on the right, and tokenists on the left.
Yes they secretly despise you and are probably planning a gay ass rape orgy followed by a beheading to kill you.
Read >>738104565 and accept your futility
Here you go OP, a place you can truly feel at home.

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Have a good drink friend. I will continue to be nice.
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it literally makes 0 sense though
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I guess so
>I'm afraid of something that might not actually be real
Listen, kid, you don't have any IRL problems if THAT is the worse you got.
I have a Masters degree in engineering, but am stuck taking care of my elderly parents (one who shits the floor on the way to the bathroom every few weeks).
My savings ran out last year.
My car blew a rod a few weeks ago.
A crazy ex-gf contacted HR of every job I've worked during the last decade to inform them of the false rape civil lawsuit she has against me (her lawyer keeps requesting a change of trial date, and resubmitted multiple times to keep the case alive for years, plus WE NEVER EVEN FUCKED I broke up with her and hooked up with a women who did put out... that's when the ex went crazy). I can't get a job because of this.
And I just quit a 'crowdfunding' project because the guy in charge stood up pointed at me and yelled, "YOU'RE NOT AN ENGINEER!"... I had told him, "NHTSA will not let you use pine 2x4s for a motorcycle frame"...
Try again when you have some real problems, kid.

Well, I think that mix is neat. I don't think most people are that racist, but not everyone is smart enough to know the difference between jokes and reality. Kids are a toss-up. Many are fairly stupid though...

With the modern climate, it is a little more psychologically hazardous for the weak minded... I wish you well mate.
muh triggered
I can handle the Jap, but the nigger has to go. Wouldn't marry either, regardless.
would you fuck an afroninja though?
Who's African-American, mom or dad?
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Oh well I hope things go well for you but going by that logic you shouldn't be complaining either
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Stuff like this is why we put Trump in office.
There is NOTHING more beta than needing a gang to beat up one person. 2nd most beta thing is bragging about being in a group that beat up a single person.
Gangs are sad mentally ill social constructs.
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I feel like if I say you guys will get mad
It's black dad you nipger
Canada doesn't care....but lots of race jokes... we don't mean em tho. just laughs
I dont want to be the edgy fuck that points this out but no one has so ill bite the bullet.

Basically, You will never achieve 100% equality and there will always be some kid looking at you, realizing youre different, and dislike you solely on the fact if skin color. There will always be some people who teach their children to hate blacks. So whatever equality you MIGHT get, would be "equality", and just some bullshit on paper. So the optimal thing to do is realize this and move on, focusing on the things you CAN change. (Also sorry in advance this probably makes less sense than the other post. I havent slept in 3 days)
Only if alcohol or rape was involved.
That's fine.
I'm glad you know we could be behind every smile.
At least your parents didn't kick you to the curb when you were 16.
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woah /pol/fag calm down. Nobody is fucking your girlfriend yet.
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That's not what I look like but okay then.
Im taking a shot in the dark and assuming your dad is the black one.
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>we can never be perfect so why even try
>the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Gtfo nihilist cuck. Good intentions is all humanity has
>In 1978, a proponent of busing, Nancy St. John, studied 100 cases of urban busing from the North and did not find what she had been looking for:[3] she found no cases in which significant black academic improvement occurred, but many cases where race relations suffered due to busing, as those in forced-integrated schools had worse relations with those of the opposite race than those in non-integrated schools.[3] Researcher David Armour, also looking for hopeful signs, found that busing "heightens racial identity" and "reduces opportunities for actual contact between the races".[3] A 1992 study led by Harvard University Professor Gary Orfield, who supports busing, found black and Hispanic students lacked "even modest overall improvement" as a result of court-ordered busing.[15]

>Another mystery was why Asian students, segregated in some school systems, nevertheless thrived academically.[16]

>During the 1970s, 60 Minutes reported that some members of Congress, government, and the press who supported busing most vociferously sent their own children to private schools, including Senator Edward Kennedy, George McGovern, Thurgood Marshall, Phil Hart, Ben Bradlee, Senator Birch Bayh, Tom Wicker, Philip Geyelin, and Donald Fraser.[3] Many of the judges who ordered busing also sent their children to private schools.[3]

Truth is, wealthy sheltered prog agitators still had their safe spaces. Cozy shaming people who actually have to live with the effects of an ideology that still exists in theory to you.
Post some lewds and we'll be the judge of that.
Yea OP let's see some skin
It's pretty equal right now. The big problem isn't laws, or even endemic racism (which still exists, especially in places like southern Mississippi), it's culture. And honestly, it's not white culture right now. It's not even urban culture, in general. It's specifically black culture. Which is a reaction to things like the Jim Crow era, and also to a lot of big government policies pushed thro by well-meaning liberals. But blaming it on the past just hides and perpetuates the problem. What society needs to be asking isn't who's to blame (they're all dead), but how do we fix it?
no, that makes more sense.
But I disagree. I genuinely agree with op, that unrelenting kindness will ultimately win over anyone that hates you.
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Maybe if I actually got to know you I would.
strong words, but you sound like a virgin.
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At least i can rest at night knowing that neither of my parents are black
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You misspelled nigger.
If either of your parents were black, you'd only know one of them
I may be a Mexican, Irish, German, Saudi mutt but even I have standards OP.
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Well they are caring and loving and I wouldn't trade them for anyone new.
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I'm just saying I'm not giving strangers nudes
I think the problem stems from the satisfaction of making fun of someone you can and /b/ is definitely a place you can do that to blacks
Dominican fag here, always grew up in white area. People say I talk/act white. If I ever meet someone online talking 99% of people assume I'm white because I actually speak proper english, and have a softer voice. Never really fit in anywhere, or with anybody. I'd off myself but people actually care about me so I won't.
That's because I live in a dry county and am surrounded by afroninjas who are better fighters than I am.
then get quicker, get tougher, or learn to fight with your words
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Dont off yourself friend. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
See, this is why your friends call you nigger.
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I'm a "nigger" because I won't give complete strangers nudes???
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Hehe im half NZ and half jap. 死ね :))))))))
Is this a serious question? Or are you joking?
Once Were Ninja Warriors?
>I'd off myself but people actually care about me so I won't.
I'm glad to hear it. Loneliness hurts sometimes, but you can't let it get the best of you.
Let's see your hand then anon, no harm in that
Yeah I'd say that makes you a nigger.
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As an African-American, this website offends me.

Prepare yourselves anon.

I will organize my fellow dark brothers and we will r̶i̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ protest about our feelings.

Just like any other white American, we too have the right to breed with white women.
What I really need is a samurai bro who can beat down the ninjas for me and leave me the scraps. That or for a fucking liquor store to open nearby. Motherfucking puritans.
I dont understand what you're trying to say

Movies lie. Most people never really fit in. They just surround themselves with people, and try to convince themselves otherwise.
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Okay here is my hand. It's small and vainy I know.
1994 Kiwi movie, anon. Plus Ninjas cause Jap.
asking for nudes is basically saying hello in /b, honestly most people on this site dump all their shitty thoughts in /b just to get it out of their system, most people just talk shit in /b while being normal respectful people offline, so shit post back you'll enjoy this channel better if you do.
People are racist ironically in order to deal with their subconscious thoughts which may be racist. Its like when a closeted guy gets super defensive over a gay joke.
Looks good for fisting
Send free condoms if you do. Theyre easy to send just go to a teen pregnancy prevention site or something
>I love you Corey don't worry the jap cancels the black
Lotta Nazifags on /b/ lately. They are getting bolder. Used to stick to /pol/
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Will try if can find where that negro lives.

Also you know how I make him pay when I send stuff from amazon?
You must use that tiny hand of yours to jerk your 2 inches to that anime girl you keep posting
Other than using his credit card which is out of the question, im sure theres some pay on delivery option but i dont use amazon so idk.
fair enough, I can respect that
Black and Asian? Pardon if I'm generalizing and this is a long shot. Did you serve with 3/5 Dark Horse?
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I don't think of this character in a lewd way. If I'm gonna fap its gonna be to real people.
>Black and Asian?
OP's just a negro. This is why race mixing is so fucking bad.
thats a nice hand, can I see it next to your dick just to give it some scale?
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hang on, can we address your pic related really quick?
Send ass pics (no homo)
Do you like the term blasian, or do you think it sounds like someone just involuntarily start to hurl?
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You guys won't stop asking me for dick pics
It's /b/, what did you expect?
that's pretty homo, jussayin

why bother indulging them then?
It's funny nigga. Hey. What do you guys say we ditch this thread and head over to that sweetass trap thread?
We will if you supply to meet the demand
It's not your white friends you should be worried about. It's the whites who don't have friends that should worry you. I.e. /pol
the best way to get us to stop would be to give us a dick pic anon.
to be fair one anon asked for ass pics, and before you say they are both wrong on the same level, they are not, dicks are gay but a nice ass is a nice ass.
Nice n soft, bet you give bomb handjobs faggot. Ass pic would make this thread worth it
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I'm not really offended by that term. Also leg pic too if you guys want. Nothing more lewd than this.
Are you a trap?
You're right. There's nothing more lewd than that. Damn.
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nigro nazi.jpg
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Sorry Im Late Faggots...Here Ya Go Cancer for all

it doesn't have to be more lewd, this'll do for my purposes.
You just woke muh dick up anon... how are you going to leave it high and dry? How are you going to correct this wrong you just made? Open you mouth
KB, is that You?
Neo-gro nazi.
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hey how do you kill ants....jpg
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Here is Raid for when the Cancer Gets To great
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thank you
Let's see those lips OP
Bruh, Legit trap thread to be contributing to here.
Have fun.
Hey Faggots Keep Tormenting the Normies

Hail Quicksand Man

Did you contemplate suicide?
When you fell from heaven?
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Not interested in pasty sluts

Lick your upper lip too
Nate Higgers
If you are African and Japanese, is your dick big or small?
Do you go to piedmont?
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>racist and stuff

stop meandering around you delusional asshole - listen anonymous tolerance is not possible since things that make you you manifest in subtle behaviour, body language etc. which is why you click with some people and not others even if they say 99% right.

tl;dr tribalism will manifest for 500 years in our species if we manipulate genes today - to deny it is willful ignorance which is worse than a stereotype or nigger joke fuck off
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Nothing special
Did you contemplate suicide when you fell from heaven?
Which is why we need some niggers in there and quick my man.
Are you on drugs?
Both at the same time. It's a Schroedinger's dick.
No. Only one. Amphetamines.
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Oh vey! We got a good goy over here!
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sorry sir but there is a nose limit on this thread.
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Cmon OP he's not even in his final form
He's half mast OP, hurry up he needs this, have a heart.
I'm Mexican Irish and have been able to experience both privilege and prejudice. I look white and have typically been able to have what most would consider 'white privilege' but when some people hear my last name it's like a switch was flipped or something in the way they treat me. Like a complete 180. I've actually lost friends, especially over the past year because of it.
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Stop being so anti semitic goy! Remember my 6 millions!
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Here's a honest answer:
I am white, and I like being white. Not ashamed of it.

I give every human being at least 5 chances to prove themselves, you know compare their way of life to a standard that would be acceptable(somewhat in my opinion combined with what the society would find ok). (included with a lot of tolerance from my side)

And even after those 5 chances(or let's say if the person still seems like complete waste of oxygen to me) then I start hating them. Distance myself from them.

Now the "unfortunate" part(I put unfortunate in quotation marks because it is actually completely unimportant to me, but would be important for others) these people whom I filtered out and continously hate are mostly muslims/jews/blacks/arabs/etc similar to it.

And I think that makes me a racist.

Is KKK still hiring?
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Um okay. Also time stamp
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stop doing things just to please anons.
>Distance myself from them.

Stop being a cuck. We nned to kill them all off. Starting with mudslims in europe.
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I need to get more Dia pics then
Wasn't there a song made about them, I think it was called Dust in the Wind.
SHUT YOU WHORE MOUTH! if he wants to make strangers on the internet happy then let him do it.
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Death doesn't have to be the answer friend.
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I'm on the bed OP n it ain't helping? How about some duck lips or some ass cheeks
Racial stereotypes exist for a reason. Because enough of the population of those races exhibit stereotypical behaviors. I accept the wisdom of the masses and set my expectations of a race appropriately.

But when I meed an individual of that race, they are no longer a faceless, nameless member of that stereotype. I then proceed to judge them based upon their appearance, their words, their actions etc until I can determine if they belong in the stereotype or if I should actually treat them as an individual.

If a black dude does not wear FUBU exclusively, is not talking like he never learned English and has a mouthful of marshmellows, and does not call everyone around him nigga, then he's going to be treated just as I'd treat any other normal human being.

The fact is, you are how you act, not the color of your skin, nor your heritage. If you act like a nigger, then your friends think you are a nigger and it would not surprise me if they were talking shit about you.

But you don't type like an ignorant fuck, so I'm going to assume they don't dislike you and talk shit behind your back.
Mudslimes in europe are soldiers imported by jews. What do you do with enemy soldiers invading your country?
Why are your legs so girly OP?
If you're French, you immediately start sucking their dicks
> duh
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it's not hard. This is Love Live we're talking about.

besides, the anime is good enough quality that you can just take screenshots.

obviously he doesn't.

I know, and I agree. But I won't act until I've planned every detail I can think of.
Don't be dumb and plan shit out.
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As a Mexican, I feel that this post gave me autism, why would we bother with a race war?
There is more important issues at hand, like a corrupt government, and why we're so fucking greasy.
Shut up, Image.
Fuck you izzy I'll burn your house down nigger
Its just a prank

>and why we're so fucking greasy.
Im not French, day by day i get closer to final solution mindset. I tell you in next 5 years people will snap at this filth, and hitlers holocaust will look like a prank next to what will happen.
Good man.
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>I am <this> and believe <that> so all <this> must, too, believe <that>
>EXCEPT FOR <other group>! THEY'RE the problem here.
Fantastic fucking logic.
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I guess im just lucky
Thanks I guess
>and why we're so fucking greasy
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Oh, that Hitler. Such a prankster.
>Jelly he can't get cocks hard like OP. Show us ur legs anon, I'm sure ur sexy in ur own way too
Tbh i want to see to
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Its funny how people like you hate "niggers" for being violent and thuggish but then you tell me you're gonna burn my house down.
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My favourite Austrian painter
I fucking doubt you are a nigger. Who comes here and announces they are a fucking plague on the face of this earth, and does not expect being told to fuck off?
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What an intelligent thing to say
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legit question:
do you actually believe what you're saying?
Your friends are autistic and probably glad just to have real life friends. I wouldn't worry about it. Nigger or no, they can't afford to lose you. If I were you, I'd have more confidence in my ability to pick friends. Maybe you fucked up but there's no point in second guessing yourself. You can worry about it if and when they ditch you for being a bike-stealing rapist.
Bring him out to the old hanging tree
OP post boipussy
Are you sure, you want the anwser?
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I can't bring myself to take a picture like that.
Why not? Share some of that smooth chocolate boybooty.
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I don't think I want to do that
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If I did I would regret it immediately
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yes, and even more than that, I'd like to know why.

It's always interesting to hear why people are disgusted.
Op cannot be fucking male with girly legs like that
Live life with no regrets
Sweetcheeks, we're friends here. Hide identifiable things in your room and no one will know you posted.
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Like I said before, I guess I'm just lucky. I take care of my body a lot.
Seems like your a racist. Your white friends should lynch your ass.
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Oh boy
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>4chan is known for being racist and
no proper black person would call themselfs that shit
I don't exist
great, you?
I'm watching
there is gay.
deadman walking
Your time is limited
got a clod
some one has to continue 4chan.
I'm happy that there is no stupid 4chan users who easily are deceived without any evidence.
Is it good for 4chan?
ask in xvideos
I thought I wanted to do it once.
Sorry. I don't have but I did magic.
she is too old, now.
How much do you afford to pay?
I am too slow to follow....
I don't know it's going to finish...
Is it legal here?
Can I see any news source?
it's too long to grab my scroll bar.
I hope someone wouldn't find mispost.
I did since I met moot.
I didn't think so may posts come...
We proud of ours, don't we?
Oh boy, where to start. Well in general black people have huge problem in their own communities, leading to huge amounts of crime, literally black crime is above 50% of all crime in usa.

They blame whites for killing blacks, but its blacks that are killing blacks.

They have fucked up their own perspective on female/male relationships, so their males want to breed outside of their own race, blacks are the only ones predominantly doing that.

They are always the first to point out slavery, even though they themselves were never enslaved. And call white people evil because of our ancestors. But they fail to acknowledge slavery is still legal in africa to this day, and whites were the ones who give them their freedom.

The list goes on and on..
> proving that free verse is an abomination
Liar post your private parts then and prove it to all
Seriously, I don't know if something changed or I just got older, but the lulz just ain't coming anymore around here. Used to be wacky and fun, but now it's just angry and tedious.
But the thought alone gets him so excited.
Avoiding the politics threads helps
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