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Remind me why I hate kids /b/! Child temper tantrum thread.

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Remind me why I hate kids /b/! Child temper tantrum thread. Go.

jesus fuck. can they just abort him already? i know its a little late, but it will save so many tax dollars in the future for social programs
Right. If I acted like this when I was a child I would have gotten whipped with the belt when I got home.
no shit. hispanic mom woulda just beat the shit outa me in the store and then left me, id be old enough to ride a bus and she'd just say 'if you cant find your way home, you're problem'. these days shed be in jail for that shit lol
Right and that's a shame. No discipline anymore. Mom or dads too hard on the kid...."child services"

Here's another one. Look at this worthless mom just standing there letting him cause a scene
Keep these condom commercials coming
I thought his shirt said "NATIONAL DEBT" at first.

You were all children at one point. Just because you can't remember being an asshole doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Oh I bet I was. You're 100% right. Just saying it's these temper tantrum videos that make me wanna wear a condom before nutting in a girl and getting her pregnant.
that kid needs a fucking beating.
This is literally why SJW's on campus exist.
A whole generation who grew up with no bullies to keep their egos in check, and no consequences for aggressive/rude behavior.
A whole generation of weak people who have never been faced with a force willing to just stop them.
When I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7, I stole a cookie from teh kitchen. When my mom tried to take it from me, I hit her. She said "You just wait until your father gets home."
After two hours of absolute terror, he came home.
He picked me up, I struggled, no use, he was so fucking strong, put me over his knee, and beat teh fuck outa me with a belt.
I was defensless. I couldn;t fight it, he was so much fucking bigger than me.
Then I grew up. And now, when I'm faced with people in the world, and challenges, I actually weigh the outcomes, I'm aware that it's completely possible that I can be just outclassed/outgunned/outsmarted.
I would only engage in violence/argument if the situation really really called for it.
Compare that with the swathes of idiots in sheltered little worlds with no hesitation to violence/verbal abuse.
When they get out into the real world, they're gonna get stabbed.

Fucking hit your kids people, prepare them for life.
>Steals cookie from cookie jar
>Gets beat by dad for stealing said cookie
>Trying to justify his parent's abuse
Jesus Christ you've got strong form of Stockholm syndrome don't you?
read it again fagtron the beating came because he hit his mother
This looks like autism though
And still he did not get hit or punished? Those femanon will regret this in the future, when he will become a spoiled newfag.
Times ago 12 years old boys were responsible for the home and helped parent with work; now we have fidget spinners
"Parent abuse" are you retarded anon?
Single mother is the problem. If he had a dad that would whoop his ass this kind of behavior would stop real fucking quick. Isn't it crazy how the discipline consisting of gently squeezing him and light tickles does absolutely nothing.
Can't wait until you children have your own kids.
This. If you think a beating is what the child needs, you're about as mentally stable as a child and think like one.

I know your immediate response is to get mad at the kid, but in the OP at the very least, the way that kid acts is how the mom allowed him to through spoiling and giving him everything he wants as he grew up.

Violence literally just fucks up your kid more. You have to understand the right process of raising a human being in order for them to act right, not lead them down a shitty path and beat them for what you started yourself.
well said Anon, kids start off good, parents fuck them up, still with that said i would bitch slap the ever loving shit out of him, slap him so hard he would change, leave hand marks across his face, give him something to cry about for fucking sure, this kid is too far gone he needs it would do him some good, god dam im pissed at this woman . slap the shit out of her too
I don't care that you agree with me. You're stupid.

Please don't reproduce until you take child development classes at your local college or some kind of equivalent. I'm not being some kind of a vegan hippie pussy saying "no violence for the children!" here, but legitimately hitting children makes them worse off from where they were before you hit them. The action you were trying to stop may temporarily cease and you'll be happy, but you also successfully fucked them up internally for life in several ways.

Beating children didn't become illegal because we're a bunch of pussies, it's because we have actual science and research on the subject and found out that's the worst thing you could actually do
i dint say beat him i said slap the shit out of him , it would for sure help him in the long run, i would not normally condone slapping a kid but this is a suggestion, also dont tell me what to do fuckwad
Slapping is the same thing. It would not help him in the long run at all. Just because you feel something is true doesn't mean it's true. But the trial and error of large amounts of people and studies discovering blatant facts does make something true. And any kind of violence a parent uses against their children is damaging for life.

I'm not telling you what to do to try and say I'm right. I'm saying the facts are right and you need to learn the truth so that you don't fuck somebody up one day due to lack of understanding the consequences of your actions.
again, dont tell me what to do fagit
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>Autism diagnosises spikes after crack downs on parents spanking and "whooping" their kids for acting up.

coincidence? i think not
Eugenics do not seem that bad now, huh?
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I think girls are the easier children. They are at least a lot cuter.

>If I acted like this when I was a child I would have gotten whipped with the belt when I got home.
>whipped with the belt

And you consider that normal...?
I bet 100% if everytime he acts us you take him to the bathroom and spank him ( not even hard, it's just the action thst madders) he will learn when to stop makeing scene. That's what my mom did to me and I am respectful to people .
Wow that's bad. This is why I don't want kids. I couldn't deal with that
Well children need to be told what to do, and the way you're acting is making me think you still need someone to tell you what to do too.

Having an ego (not wanting to be told what to do) is one thing, but you don't really have grounds to have such an ego if you behave like a child and can't handle criticism/ a factually proven viewpoint that proves your own to be wrong.

You probably didn't understand what I just said though, did you? Your thought process sounds like you didn't even make it all the way through highschool.
>Muh child abuse
You need to pump the brakes here with all this extreme dramatization of physical punishment to children. Spanking children when they misbehave is in no way child abuse and should not be treated as a way to mentally scar your kids. You are treating everyone in this thread like they want to beat the shit out of the kid when they are plainly saying they would punish him. It's very ignorant of you to say that physical punishment should be the very last thing that parents should do. Parents should raise their kids how they want because they are THEIR KIDS. Physical punishment is not child abuse, stop spreading misinformation.
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In Germany names like Jayden, Justin and Kevin are names given by white trash parents to their children. There is the saying the has become a meme "Kevin isn't a name, it's a diagnosis."
You feign above average intelligence, all the while, you feed a troll.

Good going, dumbass.

"And you consider that normal...?"

Are you retarded?

Who am i kidding. Ofc you are.
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he's book smart tho, in his bubble, its cute
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>"And you consider that normal...?"
>using quotation marks to quote on /b/

Your summer is showing.

>Are you retarded?

No but considered you got beaten with a weapon they might have hit you in the head.

>Who am i kidding. Ofc you are.

Beating children with belts is serious abuse. The fact that you approve of it only shows your Stockholm-syndrome.
Not gonna post anything. But I was a child that was a fucking mess... When my dad was home/around he was abusive as fuck and my mom was no better to let it happen. For the longest time my teacher's and parents would always tell me to use my words and not get violent. When I did nobody would fucking listen so of course It resulted in acting out. As an adult now who dates a childrens psychologist.. Holy fuck do I understand it all! I grew up in a way where I couldn't do anything right. My parents failed to understand that my dyslexia was real and made learning hard up until highschool despite being in retard classes at school. And that my IBS was particularly their fault too, and I wasn't making shit up just to get out of things, it was all the shit food they would feed me, or most of the time what I could feed myself. I remember going over to friends houses around lunch or dinner times just to get something to eat. I rarely remember my parent's making something unless it was for themselves or each other. - I'm white as fuck btw.

Now when there's a little shit acting up that my girlfriend deals with. I take the father if around if not the mother. And the kid. I take them fishing. And holy fuck the parents act like I'm a miracle worker because I talk to their kids like a human being and listen to them and interact with them. And they respond accordingly.

I always blame the parents at the end if the kid behaves with me.
>oh anon I don't know what to say they acted so nice around you. This isn't normally the case
Well if you just paid more attention to them and didn't half ass your interactions with them then they wouldn't act the way they do, they're fucking kids they are trying to communicate the best they can it's your job to teach them how too improve on it. And driving them to school or buying them clothes once a year isn't interaction. Nor is watching them play a sport.
If anyone tries to tell you abortion is wrong show them this video.
Whatever makes you feel better about that frycook job at Mc D's anon
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>You probably didn't understand what I just said though, did you? Your thought process sounds like you didn't even make it all the way through highschool.

Do you take yourself seriously? This is some high tier neckbeard faggotry. I imagine you thinking of yourself as the wojak with his brain that is larger then himself. You, my friend, have the largest ego out of everyone here.
I know I shouldn't take this post seriously but there's a logic loop with the fact that you have no idea what your kid would actually behave like so it's actually not a valid reason for abortion

Sry just had to get my autism out of the way, carry on
Have you seen this thread though?
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>If anyone tries to tell you abortion is wrong show them this video.

Conservatives only care about UNBORN children.

You reek of special snowflake syndrome.

>Been here since i was 14 MR SUMMER im nearly 26 now.

Never said i approve of using weapons. But giving them a good smack/spanking sure.
it hurts cause it was true but about 10 years ago i did something and made a few companies but there is still the empty void in my life, i have money, i grow pot now legally, my sister is a doctor but she and the rest of the family hate me, now i troll dumbasses on 4 chin at 1 am, i would kill myself but i have dogs and money so im chillin
>I think girls are the easier children.

LMAO they most certainly are not

>LMAO they most certainly are not

You know that how?
he molests them
Liberal parents LOL. Liberals should not be allowed to have children because they will just become as fucked up if not worst then they are.
>That cartoon

Jesus Christ leftists are retarded. Literally nobody thinks this
agreed, cucks the lot of them
Growing up with and raising both you mouth-breathing retard
Not him, but to be fair, at least read this sentence:
>i dint say beat him i said slap the shit out of him , it would for sure help him in the long run, i would not normally condone slapping a kid but this is a suggestion, also dont tell me what to do fuckwad

Does that sound like someone who was capable of graduating highschool?
>Maybe if it was overlooked to fill the racial quota, at least
>Keep these condom commercials coming
You stole that joke from the YouTube comments.
Not that guy. But I have all sisters.

Girls get knocked up and have some serious attitude problems in their tween years. Social structures at public schools teach them things that they try to bring home. So unless you're no less than a stellar parent, then they will walk all over your balls.

>But I have all sisters.

Did they play doctor with you?

>have some serious attitude problems in their tween years

They aren't children anymore then.
Sorry anon. I sorta felt that the whole education thing was a soft-spot but I didn't think about how big of a deal that could've actually meant for you.

College isn't for everybody. That's the reason bachelor's degrees often mean jack shit at jobs nowadays. We still need people to fill jobs that aren't all about ridiculously intense education and bullshit like that.

You sound like you've found your way into a living over time, so just keep on with that ride. Making money is not and should never be your purpose. It's just a means to an end. Find a real purpose. It's nothing money or education with grant you, I promise that.

But if you do feel like attending a college with the money you do have, that would not be a bad thing at all. It's never too late. You do what you want to do. The moment you give up on what you want is the moment you successfully die inside.
>Did they play doctor with you?

Yes and their friends.
Stop right the fuck there anon, you're about to turn this into a wincest thread
Anon. It was nothing sexual and I cringe at the thought of sexualing my sisters in any way..

But there was one time one of my sisters friend who was my age. And there was some baby dolls involved and bare pussy. I'll just leave it at that.
please don't leave it at that
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are you being retarded on purpose?
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