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Hey /b/... Sad news. I think I'm being unwillingly cucked

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Thread replies: 121
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Hey /b/... Sad news. I think I'm being unwillingly cucked by some nigger my gf works with. She was texting him earlier and all I seen was her telling him "when he leaves" and "keep your phone on so i can text you" then hides her phone extra hard every text thereafter. I can't miss work tomorrow and am on a strict schedule so I can't just go back home an hour later to catch them. What can I do brothers? I have an extra android phone someone gave me today if that helps.
I've already thought of video surveillance but she is nosey and knows when I move anything.
Will post a few creeps and other things to try and make up for this...
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Nigger just tell her to show you their chat
She won't. Then again,I won't show my phone either. If I say something she will delete everything and go more secret. She doesn't know that I even suspect anything.
I would rather catch her with evidence somehow that she will have no clue I have.
there are aps on android that recording with phone off also unblur this
Ask a neighbor to keep an eye out
She sent it that way. The pic after that is her though
same thing happened to me, my ex wife was cheating on me with some cokehead from her work, took her phone out of her hands when it was unlocked and blasted the hell out of both of them on her facebook with their pics and convos, then slit her tires and got a divorce
She is friends with them all and I work too much to give a shit about them.
You could metaphorically bend her arm into making her show you. This is the obvious one

You could give a friend a key to 'pick something up for you' when you expect they are going to be fooling around. At the very least, if he barges in on them alone together thatd be grounds for a talk about it.

Or you could continue to be a cuck by letting it happen and refusing yo face up to reality.
No friends around here that would do that. I wake up,go to work,come home,and go to sleep to repeat it again the next day.
I'd rather be dead tbh
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fucking call in sick
Does it not anger or sicken you in the least, to know a nigger is most likely fucking your bitch in the same bed you fuck/sleep at night in?
>What can I do brothers?
Time to get a new GF
Holy shit, just call in sick and wait near your house
Tbh to me it seems like you really want to be cucked.
It does but I if that's what's happening,I want to tear this bitch apart mentally till she can't take it anymore. I have her family on my side.
No,I just want to plan this strategically so I can come back with the most firepower I can.
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That'll teach her
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do this
>set up a discreet cam in the bedroom
>wait a few days until it happens
>show her family

1. Even if you like this girl, marrying a woman will only result in misery.
2. Men are superior and will understand you, your needs, and your situational lack of needs more than women will.

Take the red pill, man. Get off of this train while you're still on solid ground.
If I'm right,then it'll be in less than 12 hours when it happens again.
Ok well if that doesn't work because you have no nearby friends, hire a PI.

Alternatively, when does she shower?

I presume you have a linen cupboard with all your towels in it and shit.

If she isn't going to shower while youre out, take a 'before' pic of it and if she takes out a towel to fuck with or clean up you will know shes up to something. Its a weak option but it sounds like youre limited here.
make yourself throw up at work.. they will send you home.
come home unannounced right when you think shit is gonna happen.
>"when he leaves" and "keep your phone on so i can text you"

And to think she has the audacity to listen to this guy while living under OP's roof at his expense.
Nowhere to go. No fam,few friends,and kinda landlocked with my job... An hero?
Cuck her before she cucks you. Problem solved.
This. Go see a quack earlier and get a doctors note so you don;t lose the pay then camp out somewhere you can keep an eye on it. Even if you have to miss a day's work, it's way more cost effective than keeping some cheating slut.
Where do you live?
Hicksville in the mid south.
Sounds like you have bigger problems and possibly why she's fucking around if you're never able to do anything together. Nothing excuses cheating but there's no point driving them to it either.
I'm in SC. Wherever the mid south is, is probably too far for me to help you out.
all I do with my off time is spend it with her. Hence,no friends.
catch them in the act and kill both of them
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Don't do it, man. Life gets better. Go out and make friends. If you think you're stuck, move down to a fast food job and use whatever time you obtain from doing that for networking.

Don't kill yourself until you hit rock bottom and you can't pull yourself back up, and I DO mean "can't".

You can do it, Anon. I might forget about you when I go to sleep in an hour, but know this: for the time that I know you, here and now, I believe in you, and there's probably *somebody* in your life that feels similarly about you every day.

Humans thrive off of relationships. If you feel trapped, un-trap yourself and move onward. You'd be surprised how long you can survive on welfare neetbux if you're American.
Don't do this.
Just file in sick, and check it out
He's right you know
Welfare only works for colors around here.
>Nowhere to go.
>No fam,few friends
So nothing tying you down there, good.
>and kinda landlocked with my job
What do you do and why can;t you start applying for the same job elsewhere?
>... An hero?
Sure, if you wanna be a little bitch about it. Your life isn't anywhere near that bad, you just have to not be a pussy.
Get out of there OP. If you really wanna see the deed go down, just leave a work related item at home intentionally and stake your house out. Catch them in the act and do a double-murder suicide.
I'm thinking about grabbing her finger for print lock on phone while she's asleep and snoop through texts... Idk all. I'm so Fucking confused and pissed and hurt and... I don't even know right now.
So you're not happy because you have no friends of your own and follow her around? Change that shit up, dog.
Yes, do this

it's actually just called "being cheated on"

you're not cucked unless you're married.

these fucking buzz words are out of control.
don't you dare to an hero before killing that whore and her pet negro
Make a separate thread for that
OP, please don't do this. I normally shitpost like a madman about this kind of shit, but I really don't want the statistic based around a white man killing a cheating s/o and her partner to be reinforced any further.

Please don't do this.

Bull fucking shit, there's such a thing as "white trash" for a reason.

See my first response in this post for my input as to why this is bad.

Not a great idea, because if it's the case that she's just talking to a friend (though I doubt it), then you *seriously* risk losing a relationship with a girl that for all I know, you pretty much live for.

By the way, if you do "live for" this girl: stop that. Worthwhile girls care more about a guy that can live without her. Girls are accessories to men, and anything more than that simply causes a lack of incentive to raise children.
Too bad. That's like a hella long drive from here. I'm right by the SC/GA state line. You could use your second android as a camera/microphone. Try looking in the app store for apps. Even if you had to hide it, you could use it for audio recording.
You're right. People are just mostly retarded these days.
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Stop this shit. The double-murder suicide cliche is horrible to suggest; he's probably going through a lot right now.
Cover the screen as you do it otherwise it might wake her and don;t waste time getting sad/angry when you see what she's been doing, just get all the info on the guy that you can and report him to his work/cops for theft/raep etc. It might not fuck his life up but he'll be too busy with that shit to bang your gf for a bit and you can use that time to confront and get rid of her without him interfering.
Get off his dick, faggot
Moving to >>735250652
I have to know.
The same faggot posting this shit over and over.
Nigga you live with her? When she's goes to sleep look at her phone....? Unless you don't know the password in which case you're both in a shit relationship, my gf has my password and she has mine- nothing to hide anywhere
I swear if you kill yourself because of some slut I hope there's an afterlife so I can tell you to fucking kill yourself for being a fag.
All of you faggots sympathizing with OP right now are pathetic. There are clear indicators of neurotic female behavior, but when OP is already deep in shit and comes here for advice, were supposed to throw a pity party?
So... she's cheating on you?

That's different than being cucked. Fucking dumbass.
How do you hide your porn anon? Asking for a friend?
I even checked my gf's once because she said she shares her nudes with her best mate (girl, I know what they're like so I don't care) so I thought I'd look for her friends nudes too but nothing :(
These days, who the fuck is getting married? If some vile cunt is cheating on a guy, whether he meets the technical definition of a cuck is irrelevant, he should catch that bitch and upgrade his title to murderer imho.
And what would you have us call someone that isn;t married but enjoys the fetish we generally call 'cuckolding'?
Let it go, fgt.
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If you were pathetic enough to let a female put you in a situation like this, you deserve everything you are getting. lol

Prepare for your very own Tyrone Jamal Trudeau. You are not worth the air you breath or the nigger would have been gone already. kek
Oh, would you kill yourself just to say that? And he's already dead. Where the hell is he going to go? Detroit?
Pornhub on my phone when gf is asleep? She sleeps easy so I always bang one out... it's weird I should probably be having sex instead
>Meet Anon,
>a twenty-something year old something worker.
>After coming home from a hard day's work,
>He walks in the door of his trailer park home
>To find his wife in bed with a nigger.
Wrong. OP's actions...or inactions will surely lead him to be cucked.
Or just end the relationship and be the adult rather than caring about how they perceive you and trying to be the alpha male and catch her in a "savage" way.
She doesn't care about you and you shouldn't care about her so stop trying to prove something to yourself.
That is the most logical option, I mean why not. She was hiding her phone from you, but apparently that's normal faggotry with your "love".
You don't have any porn saved on your phone? Still asking for a friend.
>downloading porn

I never got the point of this
I use a separate browser app and constantly delete the history while bookmarking shit I like, she's doesn't suspect.

It's okay anon, sometimes I prefer jacking off then sex too
If you suspect she's cheating, there's something already wrong with your relationship. Doesn't matter if she really is, if you believe it...there's a problem.

Just break away clean while you still can. This will save your soul more than anything else, the high road...plain and simple. All the other 'revenge', and 'catch her in the act' type nonsense here is just garbage, and draws you further down.

Just break-up with her and move on, you don't really need to know about this other guy or what she's doing with him. Save your sanity and find someone better without ever looking back. This is the path of strength, and if you can pull yourself out of this temporary 'quick-sand', you'll know it's the right path too.

Move on, don't bother looking back.
Jeff Sessions would surely disapprove.
Well, I thought it was obvious, but that was sarcastic. Also, people die naturally, you realize that right?
Oh yeah I have private browser on my phone all the time just to make it easier
Higher quality. Don't have to worry about being without internet. No worry about the video disappearing due to posters remorse or copyright infringement.
That is literally why lots of anons browse /b/
Man up, beta. You sound like a cuck too.
I'm not suggesting he an hero, but he should definitely take a bat to the whore and the monkey.
Another thing, if any of your gf's are very close with their female friends, chances are they share nudes with each other. Check their phone;I'm determined to find my gf's friends
But I'm sure you'd like to expedite the process. You'll likely forget to tell him to kill himself again in a few years or whenever your homosex aids eventually kills you.
Do it. Post screenshots. Let us help you plan her demise.
here is what you do:

>collect & save evidence
>spread evidence, photos & videos EVERYWHERE, including her FAMILY, FRIENDS & BOSS
>move on and be glad you dodged a bullet

nothing beats this!
The only time I ever download is if I go on holiday and wifi is spotty. Jacked off about 20 times to the same 3 or so videos over the whole week, makes you appreciate the art more I think
Dont let on that you suspect anything. Ask one of your friends presuming you have any if theyll go watch your house/ apartment while your at work. Have them take pics if anyone comes over and tail her if she leaves. Pay them a decent amount afterwards.
>if any of your gf's are very close with their female friends, chances are they share nudes with each other

Truuueeee...this is how I stole a picture of my sister's friend's boob. I saw it on a text and sent it to myself.
Looks like a reverse baboons ass
worst creeps ever
no one would notice this cow at a supermarket
i thought this peecher was about food items in the cart
Dwight schrute is on the case
This is an emotional little bitch move.

This is the only logical thing to do.

If you're in this spot right now, OP, you have no trust in this person, and you wouldn't believe her even if she didn't. The best thing to do is get out, and save yourself the anguish.
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Fuck a hot chick at your work, if your gonna wagecuck at least cheat on your bitch, be alpha about it
Same, kinda, but i'm not rich enough to go on holiday. I usually go to a place with great wifi and download a few videos to watch later because I have no wifi.
A fatass white whore who likes KFC? I guarantee you she's fucking the nigger.

Dump her ass in the most cruel and humiliating way possible, OP. It's the only way to redeem yourself.
I collect a lot of amateur stuff. Hard to find on streams even if you know the names.

Thats your own fucking fault. Life your own life. Shes not your nor should be your whole life.
This - eat a few raw eggs and a lot of milk. You will surely vomit as though you had taken Ipecac
Don't consider myself rich, I go with my family to places like Spain which are cheap from the UK. But I for some reason get 1000% more horny when I'm away because I don't have the 24/7 gf or porn access to quench that thirst y'know, makes the wanks 10x better if more frustrating
>life your own life
Listen to this anon Op >>735251145 he's wise. Besides, if this story is true and you do decide to skip the drama and major heartbreak I really doubt your gf and the dude will last. To me it seems like he's good right now because its easy but as soon as it turns out into a bigger commitment (ie. having to take her because you dumped her) he's going to pull out too.
>going through all this trouble to get back at someone who doesn't love you

Be an adult and leave, instead of pulling stuoid shit behind people's backs and have it backfire by exposing yourself as a creep
OP are you on the same phone plan by chance?
Raep the nigger in front of her.
Its even more satisfying if you don't do it until after the vacations. Trust me.
Do it
call a friend/brother

move all your shit the second she leaves the house- if you have the chance before work
doesn't matter where you go, have your friend hold all your stuff for the time being. Compensate him well, he's helping you do a 180 with your life
work your shift
stay with your friend
find a new place to live
steal her underwear to sell to perverts online to cover losses from her whoring
something like this? http://mumstits.com
Nice dubs, chenned!
call from a payphone if you can find one

call police

say you're a neighbor and it sounds like woman next door (whore boyfriend) is being raped and that you saw a black man enter the premises

get him killed by cops lol
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