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Poor little mouse didn't deserve that! He's just a

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Thread replies: 133
Thread images: 50

Poor little mouse didn't deserve that! He's just a little mousey mouse! AAAAUGH I WISH I COULD KILL THE ASSHAT WHO TORTURED THAT POOR THING!
It was a bit hard to watch honestly. And I thought I've seen some pretty horrific things.
Mice are smart enough to have opinions, did you know that? I can never watch shit like this with dogs, mice, cats or octopuses
more please
This, especially when it's some tiny dicked faggot doing it just because he knows it's too weak to fight back.
> Summer
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nice meme, dude
This is all for the sake of science? Right? Post more for science
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Are you honestly too retarded to even know when to use that?
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Man i sure don't want to jerk off anymore thanks i guess?
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kek is this you memelord?

reaction formation from a summerfag so he doesn't blow his cover
Cmon guys post more I'm almost at climax
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You must have a lot of friends
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They're some of the smartest animal out there. Other than orcas and porpoise and shit. But they're absolutely sentient.

And then a psychopathic social reject has to come along and do this shit. feelsreallybadman
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I have quite a few being at university and all.
Does anyone else think this is a bit funny? I have released a few laughs seeing this, I really do not like to see this kind of things, but I liked a bit of laughter as I killed him
>They're some of the smartest animal out there. Other than orcas and porpoise and shit. But they're absolutely sentient.

Their bodies are made of neurons or some shit.
Shut the fuck up. If you've been on 4chan for more than a few months you would know that most of us hate animal abuse. old rekt threads would only include human rekt, but newfags started posting their emo animal abuse trash and fucked up the threads. You are the true newfag.
>If you've been on 4chan for more than a few months you would know that most of us hate animal abuse.
the only point you make is your dubs
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bingo, niggers
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Who are you?

This has been THE place for shock value animal abuse and the like since its conception. Human and animal alike. Just leave cucksac newton you have school tomorrow.
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anyone got that dog getting hit by a shovel?
So how many days until you shoot up your school?
obvious newfag, ever heard of operation shellshock, kenny glenn, cat bin lady? Of course you haven't, you prob got on 4chan after seeing a behind the meme video and thought that we are all complete edgelords. Most of us are autistic fucking faggots, so we like seeing humans get rekt, but not animals.
Plz, lurk moar, for your own good.
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>dubs calls it how it is
Another sensitive newfaggot, where are you all coming from?


you absolute cuck loser
quit it

4CHAN Global Rules

You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.



Defines "animal crush video" as any photograph, motion picture, film, video or digital recording, or electronic image that: (1) depicts actual conduct in which one or more living non-human mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians is intentionally crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled, or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury; and (2) is obscene.

Extends the applicability of this Act to a person selling, marketing, advertising, exchanging, distributing, or creating animal crush videos outside the United States if: (1) such person intends or has reason to know that the animal crush video will be transported into the United States or its territories or possessions; or (2) the video is so transported. Imposes a fine and/or prison term of up to seven years for violations of this Act.
You're an oldfag? Good job, write it on your cv.
ye. just let newfags be newfags. they will lurk moar and become bleeding heart edgelords soon
if it gets us banned then let us get banned faggot

enjoy your prison time, fuck boi. you bout to get b& & v&
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I do somewhere, give me a second.

Okay for you and only you since you're the newfag samefagging all over this thread, your arrival here was recent. Obvious fact. No need to 'tell it how it is'. Cause you're a big boy oldfag aren't you big boy?
you do realize that posting animal gore is illegal too, right? You are not only a summerfag loser, but a criminal too.
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>infers I am a newfag
>bleach meme
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>fuck boi

Oldest pasta in existence

You're a fucking newfag anon stop there's no need to lie in a place like this, its kind of sad actually
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only newfags say they're oldfags, newfag.
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>You are not only a summerfag loser
says the new and irl loser, stop trying so hard my man
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i am a girl
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see >>735133386
>only newfags say they're oldfags

Mentally deficient pleb please stop
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This thread is proof that today, the 8th of June, marks the first day of Summer.
when it comes down to it
only newfags argue whos an oldfag or not

most oldfags just lurk now
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at what point did I imply I was on oldfag? Stop samefagging, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if all of you arguing are OP trying to bring attention to his thread
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so new

what timezone are you in, did you just get picked up by mommy?
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i started>>735133695
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OP here. Just got back. Abandoning thread this is stage 4 shit right now.
Nigga, get a job and maybe you'll learn what a graveyard shift is.
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This dudes got it here
this thread is cancer and for once its not OPs fault
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No I actually started both. That's how long I've been here.
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this is a reactions thread now
i just finished jacking off so i watched the whole thing with a raging boner, so many faggots here it's sad
Jesus Christ
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OP again, decided to watch as this thread burns to the ground.

For all faggots involved, I apologize. This thread is cancer in its entirety.

Must be Canadian
Second this.

Animal abusers are scared little bitches. Just like chimos.
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Nah what are ya talkin aboot?
OP again again, I 3rd this. I hate animal abuse, but wanted to start the thread off hardcore. All of you fucking dipshits who support animal gore can fuck right off, I am gonna delete this thread soon.
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Well no they're not "scared" of anything. They're antisocial (not asocial, antisocial, for you uneducated faggots that don't know the difference) and aren't capable of fear. Or much emotion. So they have no problem with torturing animals.
delete it now faggot.... faker
You're an embarrassing individual, not OP kek. Go ahead and delete the thread be my guest OP.
You are a faggot. They obviously are torturing animals because they are scared. Why wouldn't they just kill little kids or their parents? Because they are emo pussies.
Nice reddit meme fag
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not even good b8 you embarrassment
lmao fuck off phony. animal gore is gay but faking OP is also pure faggotry
what happend to that shovel dog i dont sees it
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Oh it's this guy again
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No, you're a mentally deficient shit eating faggot. Period.

Here's why:

You're wrong. And you are incapable of good b8, you're just like the rest of these faggots, worried about finessing out some quick shitty b8 instead of something believable.

Lurk more.
He's been samefagging the whole thread

>Here's why
>Contradicts self
because it's alot easier to get away with animals dumbfuck
have you learned nothing in life? if someone was scared they would shoot up a school. animal abuse is about pure satisfaction to those who do it, not because theyre scared. faggot
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Lol exemplifying his explanation of shitty b8. That's another level of faggotry anon. He's also right. There's no contradiction there either, I guess you are truly mentally deficient/inferior to the rest of us.
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spidy comin on waaaay to late>>735135680
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No... its not.
Samefag posting all the spidey, pure homosexuality.
are the snowflakes done fitin can we get back to mouse torture?
OP has done enough faggots, dump your animals getting rekt
waitin on that shovel dog
now ima take a piss and hope i see it when i come back
I thought I hated rodents but op's webm made me rage so hard. Sorry for not being an unsensitive edgelord.
You are a true edgelord for saying that
To bad op's thread went to recycled trash
I wish jail for you, you sick monster
Well it went to trash in general because none of you sensitive faggots contribooted.

edgelord maximus good b8 buddy
Fuck off, randy
How do I delet thred
You send me your sister's nudes and then beg me to delete it.

OP here.
This is true. /b/tards back in the day would try and track down as many animal abusers as they could. The people that post them now are the "I'm so edgy you don't understand my pain" types.
Edgy high schooler detected.
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>being this new
Die mousies die! :^)
This has to be bait. Calling others newfags while using a fucking bleach meme? Another edgy high schooler detected.
Fucking mortadella
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Fucking so brand new it hurts lmao summerfag

see above Mr. Summers

Its so blatantly obvious how new you are, this is absolute b8. Lurk more.

You're all in high school, its bedtime, go to bed, lurk more. Newfags kek.
Fucking loser, and for all of the supporters here, die slow faggots.
>Fucking loser, and for all of the supporters here, die slow faggots.

so new and sensitive aww, you're gonna die slow of the aids you'll get from being a shit eating faggot. :)
This is why I can't wait to watch the world burn.
I truly look forward to the end , coming here to see you fags cry as you starve or are beaten to death.
We'll see how edgy you are when some nigger is raping your family to death.
Wow you are so funny little faggot
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animals are pretty chill why would you hurt them
kek okay bud, i bet you weren't even here when moot and snacks were still around and hamtaro chan wasn't a bonelord
This guy gets it.

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good job op, you got a damn fine shitstorm of ragin normalfags here. i salute you
I'll be the one raping. Because I am truly superior to you, and the rest of this 4chan shit. I am handsome, tall, I get women, I do MMA and jiu jitsu, I make a lot of money, and I own a lot of things.

But most importantly, I have power. The power to rape your fucking cringey waspy white family and watch your little faggot ass ties up and crying, begging me to stop and take you instead. After I end their pathetic lives, I'll be taking you faggot. Don't worry. Fear me fucking plebs, I'll be there at the end of it all, to end your painful existence and wave goodbye.

- Leusick Diamondeyez
someone's mad
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I've just been coming back every 10 min or so, this had been pretty entertaining so far.
someone's a shit eating pussy nigger ass faggot bitch

you're fucking 10, and you're already a cock sucking shit eater, I hope you contract a special strain of the HIV virus and you have to wither away and die like they did in the 70's fucking pussy
Thread posts: 133
Thread images: 50

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