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I know this might be a thread more appropriate on /g/, but I'm

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I know this might be a thread more appropriate on /g/,
but I'm a fucking noob when it comes to computers and I want some basic advice on custom PC building.
also, im going for something that's all around good w/ normie shit and vidya
get a keyboard

It is a more appropriate question for there. Post it there and you'll get actual advice you can use. There's even threads about 'how to build your own rig' available.
Do you care about cost or nah?
To an extent, I can deal with cost as long as it isnt outrageously pricy.
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Pcs has bad graphix. Windows can't even render fonts!!

Get a iMac for superior game play
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Mac Pro is best gaming pro.
Get 16 gb of ddr4 ram, gtx 1080 ti, Intel i7 processor, and msi motherboard about $1,800 to $2000 So yeah
Top Zozzle.
That, as cheap as ddr3 may be now, getting ddr4 would be a far better bet long term, gtx 1080ti's are sweet but expensive, same with i7's, but if you want to go all out those'd be the way to go
Make sure to use Windows 2000, it's the best operating system
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Truth. pC market is dead. Everything's on iTunes and App Store. And graphics and rendering are faster and better is stupid iOS10.

PC fags will argue cuz they can't affords the apple.
Pretty much this.
You don't need a 1080 ti for normie gaming though.
A 1070 will do just fine for like half the cost.
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That's stupid. I could go into an Apple Store and just buy that damn computer with best hardware

Why pain myself to search for each peice!?
You're not even trying.
Go troll a cuck thread. That's where all the newfags are.

>Truth. pC market is dead.

Your bait game is weak. Work on it anon
I think you should get an r5 1600 or r5 1500x if you wanna save on cost. For the motherboard, who gives a crap? Just get any motherboard that is reasonably priced. GPU, perhaps gtx 1070, or gtx 1060 or rx 480. Go for 1070 if you want king like experience. Get 16 gb of ddr4 ram. You'll also need a powersupply, case (if you're not a peasant), and optical drive (depending on the case.) Should cost about $700-$1000 depending on where and what you buy

Couldn't agree more. Too many people overlook this on their first build.
>optical drive
Only if you want to use it for office work.
I haven't used an optical drive in almost 2 years.
I know it costs next to nothing. But if you're looking at prebuilds, don't discount PC's that don't have one.
What do you think a mouse and Kaspersky Virtual Keyboard are for? god...
Bought a BEAST at ibuypower.com many years ago that I still use. It was the Bleeding Edge of tech bsck then. Now only a minor machine.

They have a couple of configurators that will at least give you some ideas on what hardware to get.

If you do decide to let them build you one, I will say I was very happy with my purchase. Definitely got my moneys worth.

Also, PC magazine usually has an article at least once a year of gaming builds at various budgets. You should chrck it out.
Might as well go to your local microcenter and ask them to build you something.
>amd processor
>no ssd
Or you can not shill out and just search Youtube for "budget/beast gamer pc build" and sort by most recent.
how to build a decent pc 101: visit www.op-is-gay.tk

disclaimer: site is absolutely real, wait for end of clip
IOS10 is best for gaming. Ask any expert.
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Trips of truth
By letting ibuypower.com build mine, I spent maybe $250 over cost of parts and got a professional build with a warranty that was burned in and benchmarked. It was worth it. That was back in 2007. I still use it as a media pc, since new games would kill it, but when it was new it was a monster. That it is still usable ten years later is a testament to build quality.
If you want a cheap gaming setup id get AMD, if you want a good set up stick with intel... AMD is significantly cheaper and seems to offer more cores and faster speed for the price... however intel is a shit ton better with evening out cores so you don't have 1 core maxed with no other cores being used... intel also has multi threading... but if your looking for a cheap build o recommend a AMD 8 core processor it's approx 140 dollars...
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Expert in what!? Sucking cock...
Try harder.

You can build a better mac than Apple and slap OSX on it.
Who builds pcs anymore! Just buy a new one every year.
Fuck all that. Get a bugger pile of the cheaper RAM, Fuck the GTX and drop $400 on a Quadro, and get a fast i5 and save yourself a ton of cash for slightly less performance. You're just shitposting with it anyways.
Do's: Keep that shit dust free and manage your cables. Buy a modular PSU to make the cable management easier.

Don't's: Install your PSU upside down, sending a power surge through your mobo and frying it in addition to your GPU
A cheap sli or crossfire configuration is worlds better than a single expensive graphics card.
SSD's aren't worth the money, and definitely make sure you have enough for a good to great ODD, because those are actually really important. Don't worry too much about air flow, one fan is literally enough.
30 fps is more cinematic also
>Do's: Keep that shit dust free and manage your cables. Buy a modular PSU to make the cable management easier.

Who the fuck cares?

>Don't's: Install your PSU upside down, sending a power surge through your mobo and frying it in addition to your GPU

Really bro? Any more tips that possibly can't happen?
Mainstream gaming build
Ryzen 1600 or1700
16gb DDR4
650w PSU
120-240 GB SSD
1-2 TB storage HDD
GTX 1070
Optical drive "if needed"
Operating system of preference

Not bleeding edge, but it will do anything you want it to, except be your Waifu
>Ryzen 1600 or1700

That is the number one way for chicks to leave you blueballed, alone in bed at night
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this dog who is clearly not a virus says:

"visit http://www.op-is-gay.tk !"
>implying anybody here is getting within 20 feet of females
Don't be a fag. Get an grown-up case. I like the Antec Sonata. Get an Asus mobo for like 100-150. Whatever chip you like, but you don't need to go broke on some i7 bullshit. Actually add up your power requirements and get a PSU thats larger for more drives or whatever in the future. Get a *decent* nVidia card. Don't break the fucking bank. You can get this shit for well under $1k and have a machine that'll last a few years, obsoletion-wise.
>any more tips that possibly can't happen

yeah you can't not be an enormous mouth-breathing faggot
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>Mobile gaming
>installs PSU upside-down and plugs in backwards
>not a mouth-breathing faggot
Yeah. when you apply thermal paste, apply it in scattered dots. Also push>pull
>scattered dots
Never seen that one. I just scrape it on there with a credit card like the instructions tell you.

What is push>pull?
I've heard to do a thin X apparently it's better for pushing air out so as to not leave bubbles.

IF hes talking fans a fan pushing air through a heatsink is more efficient than a fan pulling air through
didju a favor OP

$781 total
i5-7600K 240
msi mortar z270m 105
geil 2x8gb DDR4 2400 104
EVGA GTX 1060 3GB 180

120gb adata SSD 54
1TB WD Blue HD 50

500W Cooler Master PSU 35
Xion 310 Case 23
AC Freezer 7 Pro 20

Total: $811, free 2 day shipping with shoprunner on most stuff, few bucks for the rest, $10 off with code EMCRGRC29 brings it to $801, minus $20 mail in rebates = $781

in the end, u have a pc with one of the nicest quad core processors on the market, a very good cpu cooler, 16gb of ddr4 2400 ram, a mobo with a very nice bios setup, plenty of storage, an entry level ssd for fast loading and cache, a power supply by a decent manufacturer with a warranty, and a graphics card thats definitely good enough to play just about anything you throw at it for the next year or two.

it will last a VERY long time with periodic graphics upgrades.

the case is a piece of shit, just saying. spend more if you want, but functionally it will work just as well as the next. if you have cash to blow and want something different, hop on aliexpress and look at the jonsbo cases. no optical drive, very sleek.

thats my 2 cents for a good mid level pc build.


Make a throwaway, fill out that shit, and get results. Best bang for buck.
A fucking Quadro? Why? A $400 Quadro is going to be using ancient architecture. I don't think you quite understand what a Quadro is.
strictly speaking, fans are more efficient at pulling than pushing. thats why car fans are behind the radiator and not in front of it.

but for air cooled pc's the best setup really isnt the way most are made. most pc's have a fan in the back blowing hot air out of the case, and maybe one in the front. the problem is dust.

the best setup would be to have as many fans as possible drawing air through filters into the case. no exhaust fans would really be necessary; the air would take the path of least resistance out the vents. this creates positive pressure and keeps the inside of the case clean, which is the biggest enemy of cooling (dust)
SSD's ARE worth the money. A 120GB SSD will run you $60. Faster boot times, all round smoothness and games load faster. SSD's are almost a neccisity these days.
when Ryzen 5 exists...

Outperformed by RX 580...

Rule #1 on building your own PC: do not buy a case with windows or LEDs in it unless you are 14 years old.
That's one of the shitiest builds I've ever seen from someone taking it seriously. Go kys.
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>for literally anything consumer
Fucking tech illiterate retard
It's not universally outperformed, they trade blows with each other based on the game

It's really just pick your flavor
lol ok guys
to each his own
the only things you could criticize are processor and graphics choice, so dont act like its all bad even if you prefer amd.

but this is a solid build, the 7600k is one of the most popular intel processors, and at a reasonable price will do everything op wants.

ditto for the graphics card.

show OP better, then
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I'm not really a reference in this domain... but the nearest tech shop sells this Omen crap and i'm tempted as shit to buy it as soon as there's a discount on it.

Right now it's 1700$ CAD and I'm aiming for it to lower to 1200$ / 1500$ range.
>the 7600k is one of the most popular intel processors
That means fuck all, and it sure as hell doesn't mean it's the better option you fucking shill fanboy
$1700 fake money for what specs?
Looks about right. It's gonna lag a bit on minecraft though. Terraria should be hitting 50+ fps consistently.
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3.4GHz Intel Core i7-6700 6th Generation quad-core processor and 16GB of RAM combine to deliver premium performance even when you're playing the latest games
2TB hard drive gives you a massive amount of storage space to house your entire digital arcade of games, saves, screenshots, and brag-worthy highlights
256GB solid state drive is fast and super-responsive, letting you keep your go-to games and apps just a quick click away
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 video card with 2GB of dedicated memory delivers high-end graphics and smooth gameplay
Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) port provides the speed and reliable hardwired network connection that can mean the difference between winning and losing
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi lets you connect wirelessly to your network, or to a friend's network during a LAN party
Bluetooth functionality offers the freedom to wirelessly pair the computer with Bluetooth speakers, headphones, and other devices
Connectivity options include 2 USB 2.0, 4 USB 3.0, and 1 USB 3.0 Type-C, making it easy to plug-and-play a variety of peripherals, such as a printer or desktop speakers
Output options include HDMI, DVI, and DisplayPort, making it easy to connect the computer to a HD monitors or HDTVs
DTS Studio Sound delivers high-quality audio that brings games and movies to immersive life
Comes with HP USB keyboard and USB optical mouse
Preinstalled with Windows 10 Home operating system
Get a custom prebuilt, I got mine from Syber. It only costs a few hundred more than if you do it yourself, with no risk

Get a 1070, and 16 gb ram. An i7 isn't necessary unless you do shit like 4K resolution GameCube emulation
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