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Fucking feminists are sending out free vibrators and butt pl

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Thread replies: 215
Thread images: 37

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Fucking feminists are sending out free vibrators and butt plugs to "people in need" to "close the orgasm gap"


>be 13 year old hijabi
>married to mashamumhad khazhankhad for 10 years
>eldest of 4 wives
>not sexually liberated
>order vibrator to treat the ol curry bean
>husband finds vibrator
>village stones me to death

Is this a clever version of systematic genocide on muslims?
God these feminists...
>Close the gap

How can you close the gap? lol
>curry bean

Holy shit, 4chan hasn't made me laugh out loud for years. Thanks for that
feminists are doing weird things these days but I guess I have no issues with free sex toys
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this is now a banana thread
Banana with banana, interesting.
Oh god no, the feminists are trying to get muslim chicks off so that they start enjoying sex and sleeping with people. We can't have women going out and sleeping with people!
Why not?
Why hate on free sex toys???
Yes it is a problem that feminists ignore the oppression of muslim women and only focus on non-oppressed white women, but still, why hate on free sex toys?
Who says no to free stuff specially when it's sex toys
why is she wearing hijab if shes full naked from bellow
What are you mad about, this is an example of feminists doing something good for society! Free sex toys is an awesome idea.
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Fuck yeah, gonna get a buttplug for my gf hehe
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Why would anyone have anything against closing the orgasm gap?
I'm fine with that, close the god damn gap
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Why do you care? How many times a day do you yank it, neet? I just don't see why this matters, you didn't have to pay for it so who gives a fuck if women in the desert use vibrators, are you trying to compensate for something? Why does it bother you that women are getting off? Are you fucking gay?
None cares about that, thanks for info OP.
Feminists are the best!
Toy costs less than a dollar for them to buy. They give it away and charge $15 for shipping, about $10 profit per free item.
Ordered and shipping was $4 for me.
Show more haji fap
op just prefaced it like, "fucking feminists!!!", as though women have only just now learned to flick their beans, grow the fuck up or go back to /pol/ with that dumb mra bullshit, only pussies are intimidated by "feminism"

they don't want to fuck you because of their ideology, it's because you're a fucking cave troll that needs to find a bridge to live under and tell riddles
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Chekt and yupt
I have no issues with feminists
what orgasm gap
guess you can close the gap by putting dildos
What is that image
Does she have a tattoo on her thighs?
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>chides op for stereotyping
>stereotypes OP
Doesn't seem like a tattoo, maybe her husband beat her?
Looks like bows almost although I know how unlikely that is. Could be burns
That face
>Free sex toys

I want free pussy instead
You can't get pussy on internet, get a life faggot
What is webcam fetish show
It could be a form of cultural warfare to combat traditional islamic pplz.

Of course, freedom often clashes with fundamentalist sects so yeah, hard to pin it on a global conspiracy.
They are trying to get muslim women to fap.
Every women faps, muslim women are just shy about it
These feminists are retarded
OK I actually bought stuff from this site and its all cheap crap from China. I'd never stick it in my bumhole
You get it for free, what do you expect
>husband finds vibrator

then beats the fuck out of her
I didn't expect much tbh. It was super sketchy tho
This is old copy pasta. Lurk mure
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Females generally don't have orgasms until very later in life like after 20 years old. Just goes to show that having sex means fucking nothing itself. Sex without love might as well be masturbation, except masturbation is actually good and doesn't disappoint you afterwords. This reasonable perspective goes forsaken by females at their own detriment, hence why the orgasm gap is a thing even when sluts are. Idiots just don't think before throwing the dick or pussy around
I don't spend a lot of time on /b/ anymore
Ordered a buttplug, a dildo and a cock ring from them, make them feminists pay for pleasuring my hairy ass.
>husband finds vibrator
then beats the fuck out of her
>husband doesn't like his dinner
then beats the fuck out of her
>husband goes out for some hummus
then beats the fuck out of her
>husband beats the fuck out of her
then beats the fuck out of her

hope it arrives soon, ordered vibrator
Good to see a muslim women naked.
I fully support feminism
Cant wait for my toy
Women are dumb
Landwhale-hamplanet-slampig detected.

Because the last thing we need is feminists further destabilizing the most unstable region in the world by directly attacking the basest levels of their religion.

Does this mean i think Islam is fair, or right, or even sane? No.

I just think feminists need to grow the fuck up and actually think about what they're doing. Do we really need to give the middle east even more reason to hate the west?

Muslim leaders will see this as a direct attack against thetennants of islam, therefore radicalizing evenmore young impressiobale muslims into cutting off hands and feet, amd slicing the clits off their women.

TL;DR - White Western Feminists throwing fuel on the fire that is the middle east for no reason other than to generate free publicity for their mentally retarded cause. Even though doing so will directly result in significantly more female genital mutilation, honor killings, stonings, and bo b attacks. All in thename of 'closing the orgasm gap'.

Feminism is a fucking crime against feminimity and women everywhere who choose not to make themselves the victim, the damsel in distress etc.
>Be me
>Typical /b/tard
>Order free sex toys
I don't think all Muslim are bad.
>Islam isn't fair

The fuck are you thinking? How is Islam not fear?
Nice tits bitch
George Soros is behind this
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>like this?
Who the hell is george soros?
Hes the guy who wants underaged girls to use sex toys
Read it again, slower.
Neither do i, but i do think the bad ones will see this as a perfectly justifiable excuse to continie with female circumcision, amd in more extreme cases, 'honor kill' one of their wives for succumbing to the tainted vile ideals of the west.

Y'know what i mean? It's just the perfect excuse: "The haram whores of the west are trying to soil the purity of out women! The only way to stop it is to keepthem from feeling the sexual pleasure! *snip snip*

Or even more likely 'I found my wife in the throes of a western devil machine, exposing herself to allah and all of heaven, i know now i must kill her, lest she spread her evil tomy other wives, or to our daughters'

I mean shit, i thought itwas prettysimple deductive logic. I just see absolutely no way this could end in anything positive, for anyone.

Also, lets talk hypocrisy, if a website tried to gice away free po lrt pussies to any male who ordered one, the entire planet would wig the fuck out, particularly every single member of an Abrahamaic religion.
Thats awesome
It's funny because there is no gap, except maybe their thigh gaps.
Well thats actually not true, because when we are having sex my gf cums 14 times while I cum 1 time
cba to read all of this
Are they shipping worldwide? I live in Sweden
Yeah because they have warehouses around the world
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>husband finds vibrator lol

Muslim women are bomb
Indeed they are, you can't tell when they are going to blow up
TL;DR - There is absolutely nothing good aboit this, at the very least its more ammunition for extremists to hate the west. At the worst it'll be the direct cause of untold numbers of slow torturous deaths and genital mutilation.

Also, anyone too lazy to read less than a paragraph should be put up against a wall amd shot before they procreate with an equally inept mate, further plunging the world into chaos that can only be spawned by the monumental ignorance and negligence of a whole species that allows the weakest, dumbest, least productive members of its kind to multiply unchecked.

TL;DR - Please have yourself chemically sterilized.
are you depressed or something?
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shut your mouth
I was waiting for this meme.
that cunt -.-
Thank you for proving my poimt for me far better than i ever could have.

Depressed =/= Aware of the WorldWorld

In all seriousness though, its really more like a frstration that if i were to say what i just diddid in public i'd be arrested, but if a 'person of color' did, they'd win a Nobel Prize in conservationism.
Awwwww did i make the slampig mad because i told the truth?
what truth you talking about?
Thats why I love feminists, free toys lol
sarcasm you dolt
nice way to shut someone up
I cant get my penis hard anymore, will sex toys help me?
Maybe you fap too much and need to stop
That the world is going to shit not because ofthings like the OPs post, but because the kind of people who think something like this could actually be a good thing are breeding faster than rodents.

I mean, do you think this is really being dome for equality's sake; Or do you think it's more likely that a sex tpy distributor needed some free publicity and said 'Fuck it, why not?'

And then, furthermore, do you think the feminists doing this actually give a shit about the people's lives they'll be effecting, positively or negatively. Or do you think this is actually just a PR stunt?

Basically, the truth is all the worst kind of people seem tobe all we hearabout in the media anymore, amd then we glorify the shit out of this nonsense. Makimg it seem like being a jackass who cares only for profit over the actual lives of other humans are the good guys.

Like this whole thing here, where somehow, people are being convinced that mass-publicity and distribution of sex toys to the third world is a glorious and noble cause, all in the name of equality, for no reason other than it has the badge of feminism slapped on the tin.

Why dont they try, oh i dunno, providing an education to these women? Or shit, maybe even feed them, or build a well i their village. But no, we're mailing tjem dildoes so fat disgusting pigs in the US can feelbetter about themselves, amd then we applaud them for doing it!
Sex toys help yeah
oh boy free sex toys
You all fell for it you dumb fucks. OP is obviously someone from the website advertising it here. Judging by how some of these replies look straight from reddit I'd say OP is samefagging as well. This thread seriously gets made every day
Have never seen this thread before and it contains info, how is that advertising?
>Send to ISIS

They should send some toys to them so they think of something else apart from blowing innocent people.
Can someone post more images like that?
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here faggot
So, when i say the world is dying because we're allowing the worst kimds of humans to multip?y faster than vermin do, i mean it.

For every 1 person born whos see this shit and thinks like i did 'So imstead of vaccines/food/water/jobs/education/police forces, we're sending them rubber dicks, not only is that fu king insane, but its retarded'. There are probably a few doze people born who will cheer on these fucking idiots 'Yay sexual liberation is so great! Equality!" Because they are flat out too fuckin stupid to see the larger picture thatthis is nothing more than a waste of resources/time/energy that could be being applied in an actually helpful way, to improve quality of life.

These are the people we elevate, these are the people we look up to, these are the people to world media cares about; Imgrates sendin sex toys to the middle east while children die of dysentery and starvation in the same villages the dildoes get sent to.

The world is dying, and maybe 1/3rd of us realize it, and of them 1/10th can actually see why its happening.
Do they ship to Ireland?
why is there a dildo advertised but then not free or sold
i want a free dildo damnit
maybe they are just trying to plug a gap in the market?
Yeah they are shipping worldwide currently.
Fucking feminists
Muslim girls are so hot. Theyre one good reason for me to convert. Man having like 5 wives a with amazing bodies only to all cum inside after a hard day at work. Yes pls.
damn that booty
Why wear a scarf if you are gonna do that on camera anyway.. lol
What if their husband find out that they are using sex toys? I think they will stone their women
They will even kill them lol
You are hero OP!
>free sex toys

lets fucking go
Well imo muslim women needs some sex toys.
because they are fucking retarded. that is why.
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you are a fucking moron.
fuck off
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Is bananaman still here? haha
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You got me!

Why do you live banans so much?
Because bananas are life.
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>sup faggots
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fuck you
So much fucking this! Feminism has turned into a cancebolaids!
Well if you ask me I'm okay with feminism, also giving out free sex toys, it seems weird
>So much bananas at /b/
Just ordered myself a buttplug, thanks.
Thanks for the info OP
Muslim women look fine when they are naked.
I ordered some for my girlfriend. Two butt plugs a vibe and a cockring. 4 total. Shipping cost me fucking 16$. They charge shipping per item.

It's a scam. The items are probably valued at 4$ each thus they claim it as free but make the shipping cost 4$ and still make a profit. Cuz really, if the shipping for one was $4, there's no way the shipping for two would be $8 and so on.

Also they're garbage. Cheap made in china plastic. Vibe has no strength to it. Butt plugs are tiny as hell. Cock ring is tiny too, doubt it'd fit around me, don't even want to try really.
Well shipping for me was $4 for 6 items.
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What do you think the /b/ stands for my friend
I thought it meant bitches
Shes not 13 year old but yeah
>village stones me to death

None says no to free shit
Whats her name please?
No they dont. It ships from china. You pay $4 for each item. They're cheap garbage.

Which I'd saved my money and bought a good product.
I ordered from them 10 days ago and got the package in one week, the quality was alright and I only paid for the shipping so I would say it was worth it.
Ty for clearing it up man
how can you close the gap?
There is no gap you idiot
You fucking pervert.
We could turn this into something glorious guys. Free/ cheap sex toys that could be sent to anyone.

Send them to the Westboro church, Hillarys office, etc
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I have some
>turns out to be a shipping fee scam for cheap plastic shit in asian-genitalia sizes

Okay so just an average day on Amazon dot crap

>The Huffington Post wants to push a "u nevr maek girlz cum lol" narrative that would only work on teenage boys who haven't yet realized how easy it is to please women sexually

I think a lot of "feminism" honestly comes from an obsession with college bro-dude they're attracted to but won't pay any attention to them because "are you that feminist bitch lol?". Seriously though huffpost's obsession with BOOOOOOOOOOYS is downright embarrassing considering their all-female, all-young staff.
I want to see what that is, but this shit is getting on my fucking nerves.
>best op ever, ordered buttplugs for myself

All women? They will never get anything done.
Where you paid by someone for posting this comment?
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George Soros is surely behind this shit
>not sexually liberated?

I think muslim women are best at sex
ixnay on the oddk
Thats not the name mate, I checked and it's someone else
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other thread is a spooder thread
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>close the gap

these bitches have no fucking idea how hard it is to achieve an orgasm as a heterosexual male

ejaculation is not orgasm

i've jacked off at least 3 times a day for the last decade and i've achieved an orgasm only a few times
You are fucking dumb
nice hentai
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For every dude with 5 wives there are 4 poor beta faggots like you with none and nothing left to do but blow yourself up for some afterlife poontang.
why is there a rug against the wall like that
fucking persians just have that shit in excess
How many wives can they have? fuck sakes
>tennants of islam
>tennants of
Nice spotting lol
i think they are allowed to have 11-12 wives lol
cant wait for my vibrators
if I had that amount of wives, I wouldn't be able to walk because I would fuck them every fucking hour
Delicious ass man
Every mudslime has a magic carpet

What is that shit?
a mussie
>inbreed fucks

ps: lurk MOAR
You fucking racist.
That hijabi girl is sweet
implying magic carpets are not the shit
Jesus christ you people are fucking stupid.

I know some of you are terrified of girls, but really..

It is not a feminist battle maneuver .

it is a publicity stunt to provide free advertising for a sex toy company.
How so?
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Nah I can sit here in my boxers with a hangover and make fun of the failing lugenpresse all on my own


This, it happens in miniature with the few remaining Mormon bigamists. Being a bigamist's son is one greyhound ticket short of a death sentence.
I agree
This shit is absurd but there is a gap for women to men in orgasms. It's been documented. It exists but the fundamental reason is because of the fact that most women simply need MORE sexually. Dudes can stare at tits and get off not many women can stare at dicks and pop.. they like it to smell nice and feel right and sound right and be at the right time. Half the sluts running around claiming they'll fuck whenever are the same ones who own 42 different vibrators/dildos.

English, motherfucker. Do you speak it? Apparently not.
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lol, confirmed for virgin on this dude. man I don't even usually make comments like that but it's so obvious. like fuck I bet you believe that men think of sex every 6 seconds and that humans use only 10% of their brain and other assorted "facts"

just accept that Huffington Paintthinner is shit and is a bunch of under30 loser women pushing literal butthurt as journalism, like they're seconds away from posting something like

>White men, it's time to be honest, all the orgasms you thought you caused were fake

>White men, that black boy let you win that football game and your pride is toxic

>White men, if you voted for Donald Trump please post your address so we can send you a mail bomb
she's already dead, try again
kill the father? guess what? I'm an orphan
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