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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>732933215 The rules

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 253
Thread images: 109

Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun
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Do you always study away from people? Would you be alright studying with headphones on? I keep my headphones on but no music playing. People usually leave me alone.
Absolutely! But after a few minutes I want to get away from them and be alone.
Its easier to interact with online people <3
Here isn't the place to rp
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1MB, 922x629px
Claiming best smile
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am i doing it right
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Saya 280.jpg
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Claiming best girl.
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Oh yeah one thing. There is a traitor who used to be or still part of your community. Dude hit me up with some info about your hiearchy and seemed to be pretty bent on fucking you guys up. Somebody who claimed to have influence but not one of your top dogs.
Why am I telling you this? Dude got my hopes up and then probably blocked me so he can go and sit in a barrel of dicks.
casual conversations about video games get boring though.
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>le rubs ears
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Heh I bet it was Sachi.
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Saya confused 001.jpg
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Who is she and why is she your waifu?
There's more to talk about than video games
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>le erp
you guys seem to only talk about video games though
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Panty (93).png
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erp with me Yuno
Dude, why do you think simple emotes, such as purring and petting are ERP?
Fucking retard
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Grow the fuck up

Well, he mentioned you as one of the top dogs for example. Weed out the cur.

Your mistress didn't even invite me to her birthday thread and we pretty much know each other for a decade, what a goddamn asshole.
Forward my disappointment in her general direction.

Dunno, influental posters who can make others bend the other way.
Happens in places like this. No real leaders just people with friends and fans.
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seems a lot of drama is going on right now...
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Saya 399.gif
547KB, 400x350px

Whenever the edgemaster is around.
grow up with me Yuno
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le <3
>hugboxes you

Not all of us, there are some musicfags in here too
cut me Yuno
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Alice isn't my mistress

Alice Margatroid
retard me Yuno
cancer me Yuno
remind me Yuno
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Saya confused 002.png
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Where is she from and why did you choose her as your waifu?
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No it is just people irritate me in general don't like being around any witch aren't my friends. Even if I can't hear them the presence is distracting
Aw that adorable
So how has your day been cute kitty
I literally don't even notice
How do I do that?
>cuts you
alice me Yuno
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Fuck goldfish/Karen. Fucking traitor piece of shit

dude you can't hehe
idk me Yuno
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Dancin Nui.gif
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My Nui.
Not nonsense, she's mine!
I recognized your post in the Nui thread and figured I'd check here. Your post is pretty obvious.
Yeah, I just don't care about the threads 99% of the time. She's mine. I don't need to "claim" her.
thanks for cutting me Yuno
Do both of you hang out on /trash/ by chance?
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Hello Alice.

Oh, you're here now.
How are ya, Koume?

He hates me for calling him out for it in a very very annoying fashion.

In their own ways, maybe.

You'll know when you see it.

Not really
trash me Yuno
waifus dead me Yuno
we're all in the same boat i guess

there is none in the threads if you talk about discord just leave it those places are just this with more drama and shitposting
>your top dogs
no one is guiding this, that's the reason it came to be the way it is now
no one was forced to leave afaik, maybe some were bullied out
he must be a traitor to whatever community blocked him
boat me Yuno
hierarchy me Yuno
top dog me Yuno
traitor me Yuno
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She is still a colossal cunt tho.

The lebanon poster? Hah! What happened with that one? Meant to ask anyway.

Kinda have to agree with the first two, as for the last, that community is yours. Its these threads, the threads specifically not the discord.

Why the fuck would I hang out in /trash/? Sounds like a place for the fags in here actually
bully me Yuno
fag me Yuno
smoke me Yuno
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Saya 133.jpg
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I miss when Sachi still posted her waifu.
You havin' a mental breakdown m8? Get your shit together
her me Yuno
i'm not a girl me Yuno
i have crippling depression me Yuno
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I'll hugbox the fuck out of you bruh KKool
people come and go all the time
again, no one was bullied much except for yuno and he just heresied
well then he may call himself traitor but this community out of sheer ineptitude can not "ban" people
even if you have a fanclub you will at best annoy people
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TheWonderfulNui (86).jpg
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What gave that away?

And that's nonsense.

I'm feeling sleepy a bit now though so i'll be off.
i miss when saya wasn't a african american finnish me Yuno
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Saya sad 003.png
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What broke you, Sachi? Why you don't post Sachi anymore, Sachi?
when was uno bullied me Yuno
don't call me sachi me Yuno
He decided to "break" himself
sad me Yuno
Touhou. Because I wanted to.
I didn't even know she had a birthday thread or her birthday.
break me Yuno
it was a while ago I think chen said something hurtful
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Don't know I just wanted to make you gits aware out of spite. That motherfucker let me down
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Universal Karen 842.gif
2MB, 528x294px
Who summons me
my wrist hurts me Yuno
fish me Yuno
let me down me Yuno
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He's fucking dead... I just... Fuck


dude hug me like Prinz
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Saya 271.jpg
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Pls come back and post Sachi, Sachi.

What makes her special? What is your favourite Touhou game?
something me Yuno
no me Yuno
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Clone Deployment.jpg
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The post content, silly.

Think it's whatever kind of sense you want to think, but reality is she's with me.
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Saya 022.jpg
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img me Yuno
kill me Yuno
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Oh the lebanon twerp is still here so you can chalk that off the list

Now you know for all that you care. Got the fucker on skype to harass occasionally.

Seems to be pretty alive to me, sadly.
knife me Yuno
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Hand cunt

>Hugs you
shoot me Yuno
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no problem
So you just chilling and posting?
No it is just people irritate me in general don't like being around any witch aren't my friends. Even if I can't hear them the presence is distracting
>no you
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Saya 266.jpg
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I thought Sachi was pretty cool before she broke.
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Smug Karen 50.jpg
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Tell me about the jews, Jack.
why do you refer to me as a she me Yuno
corta me Yuno
don't worry this community has little in terms of community at this point
the people making up the "groups" split into separate communities quickly
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unfortunately, he hasn't joined ISIS yet

dude depression lmao
jew me Yuno
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Chibi Karen 48.jpg
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Nice thighs

Can I claim him?

How's it going? Sleep been alright and stuff?
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Saya 287.jpg
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Pls get yourself together again and post Sachi again, Sachi.
group me Yuno
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>Karen has influence
i almost died me Yuno
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Dude eyebrows lmao
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Amazed Karen 9.gif
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do you wish that was you me Yuno
Kagami fix sacho pls
kill yourself dess~
do wish was u me Yuno
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nice fish

dude red hair lmao
Arashi DansGame
tildes give me cancer me Yuno
dess me Yuno
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no really.jpg
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I can't :(
It's 6am dess
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We need yui
miku told me it was corta-me Yuno
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That's a piping hot rare Logan, straight out of the oven


Arashi is attractive
no really me Yuno
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Why would you care about my anti-semitic rant

Well, thats a bloody surprise. All goatfuckers count as isis by general tho so he kinda did.

How old is this place then? Will it die of natural causes any time soon?
one more tilde and i'm gonna kill myself me Yuno
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>captcha: olo roundabout
no u me Yuno
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Annoying is my porpuse
ur annoying me Yuno
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Oy vey did someone say oven?

>steals rare logan
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Saya 219.jpg
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Sachi post Sachi again, Sachi.

Nothing really changed on the sleeping side. Been having a bad week, because reasons.
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Max is alright
my name jeff
kornata me Yuno
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jeff me Yuno
depending on who you ask it already is dead by multiple definitions
>no one is talking about waifus
afaik the original cast actually did that for the most part
but that was dead before i joined
>inactive thread, needs to be bumped
there are plenty of people "bumping" or spamming to keep the thread alive
not the most convincing argument for a healthy thread
>natural causes
it died of population loss, i guess that counts as a natural cause
Tell us more you cute little thing
sachi me Yuno
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14KB, 226x223px
Reverse trap fag
little me Yuno
thing me Yuno
post me Yuno
toast me Yuno
roast me Yuno
coast me Yuno
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It has to be animus dead, 30 hours long threads and shit. I assume nobody new really joined the past few months?
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Determined Karen 53b.png
1MB, 1400x1976px
Why are you awake at 6 am dess


Your rants are funny

He's a really beautiful man. I wonder what lucky girl has him.
That sexual bushel of hair, that confident stance, the joyful smile.
I want logan in my life.

Still too little hours? Are you still napping midday?
Also what was the bad week kinda related to?
Sachi isn't so spammy? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a poster with such an ability to spam with :o and yunos? Sachi puts the spam on another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a poster with his skill and passion for spamming threads again. Chen breaks memes. Mi Liu breaks memes. Sachi breaks threads. You can keep your ERP. I prefer the spam.
me too me Yuno
what did he men by this
i miss my loo me Yuno
i miss luck star me Yuno
i miss ben me Yuno
loser me Yuno
murder me Yuno
care about me Yuno
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Ya whimps can filter spam with that witty horsefucker botnet of yours, aye?

Tired as shit, tough luck.
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>tfw no logan bf
Why even life

The wiki says max is a girl
none as far as i'm aware
the summer gain is pretty much the only thing coming up, too

don't start celebrating early though, the bakers are committed

>animus dead
well they're here too
don't care about me Yuno
hello gamers
horsefucker me Yuno
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48KB, 480x480px
Just watching videos with tomoyoyo, why are you awake dess?
I didn't even say anything :o
He's at school
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Determined Karen 52.png
785KB, 707x1000px
They all join and spend a week or so on threads then move to discords.
That's why you trying to kill the community makes no sense, there's too many to kill, kek.

botnet me Yuno
filter me Yuno
whimp me Yuno
no its a boat

that will be a nice read
please kill me Yuno
>who is she AND why is she your waifu?
>doesn't answer both questions

You need to work on your reading comprehension.
ponder me Yuno
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read me Yuno
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Kyouko (634).jpg
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Kotori (1).jpg
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do you like repetition me Yuno
do you like autrists me Yuno
do you enjoy me Yuno
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I thought he just had final exams last week
do you me Yuno
I don't have that because I clover, retard
do me Yuno
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Happy Karen 70.png
100KB, 688x866px
is that the legendary bread?

back to telegram

I'm bored and doing random stuff
I don't feel like playing anything and I got college shit to do
>when college is over but it's never really over

There's a part two you fucking homo

*teleports behind you and snipes*

is birb
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48KB, 850x850px
you me Yuno
clover me Yuno
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Kyouko (645).jpg
256KB, 968x1024px
A boatgirl

The legendary bread chair
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47KB, 600x549px
Is Karen

mem me Yuno
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sunglasses emoji2.png
868KB, 852x1000px
You stuck that dab tbh

Go erp with Eu tbh you stinky

who are you calling an homo, queer


Holy shit that not best idol birb
m me Yuno
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30KB, 512x384px
Thought they usually keep to their own cesspit. Well, if this won't pick up during summer, and at this rate it definetly won't, I'll get to watch this die from a front row seat. I really don't wanna install namesync, that shit can block ID right? Makes spam useless

Where there's a will there's a way.

How did that answer my question ya fuckin' fungal rimjob
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352KB, 603x841px
hi again
you missed my response to you and now i'm sad
i want to be alone on this boat
>prepares lifeboats for you
what if i wanted to be your friend irl?
e Yuno
yuno e me Yuno
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Kyouko (215).jpg
278KB, 600x718px
Dog filter
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Kotori (12).jpg
388KB, 2000x3000px
Tis me, the only Birb
why do you like uno me Yuno
tuc me Yuno
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195KB, 653x982px
It was meant for Mugi and Galko I swear
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97KB, 750x748px
that rite ther is a good meme


salami dog

That isn't Arashi
luck me Yuno
muck me Yuno
duck me Yuno
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Kotori (54).jpg
87KB, 600x750px
Whoa, that's freaky
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Chen 52.jpg
74KB, 708x1000px
cuck me Yuno
That's not the same Yuno you're obsessed with.
puck me Yuno
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Confused Karen 3b.png
395KB, 1503x937px
What color was your piss today, friends?
Mine was green.
i'm aware me Yuno
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Kyouko (449).jpg
151KB, 1024x768px
Get fucked LUL

jenas is dead me Yuno
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194KB, 638x850px
Why do people like Chen?
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998KB, 1280x1280px

I thought so too
One day you'll get that bomb squad degree dessu
Are you finished with school for the summer?
where are you me Yuno
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Kotori (62).png
626KB, 900x713px
meme theory me Yuno
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41KB, 540x960px
Mugi was a mistake

I thought you switched

Check your snap

ruin me Yuno
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286KB, 1024x1024px
I like rhyming to
>Kills you
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285KB, 600x600px
mine was dark, I think im sick again. why was yours green?
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Idea Karen 12.jpg
36KB, 304x398px
That's your poop, silly.
memescape me Yuno
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Chen 90.jpg
581KB, 700x850px

Who likes me?!
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232KB, 850x1378px
It was a meme
>is dead me Yuno
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Kyouko (3).gif
458KB, 500x479px
How did that get on the dog
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214KB, 512x512px
dont eat crayons ugly

He hasn't come back yet and I am concerned

I send quality snaps
rhyme me Yuno
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Kotori (38).png
374KB, 550x912px
Oh, weird :thinking:
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Kyouko (15).jpg
198KB, 800x622px
crime me Yuno
sign me Yuno
jut don't post with id? you can just use it to identify people
although it has become pretty useless since few people use it consistently
mime me Yuno
are you a girl?
dime me Yuno
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9KB, 137x190px
I threw it and it just landed on her back. As soon as as it landed on her back she went batshit.

You can always visit hotelscombined.com
lime me Yuno
time me Yuno
pine me Yuno
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Happy Karen 33.png
351KB, 610x528px
this is a good picture
it is a cute kiro

Probably something to do with the mix of cheese fries and random sauces yesterday
I felt like treading the boundary between life and death
It really wasn't worth it because the entire time I was eating I kept remembering this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJGIMd3_LfY

Send hugs you queer
fine me Yuno
toppest of tiers
wine me Yuno
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15KB, 384x288px
Only a few? See, that alone was already worth this visit. Place is kinda vulnerable against spam then, specially threads of this speed.
dine me Yuno
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Kotori (125).png
402KB, 636x800px
nine me Yuno
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357KB, 1920x1080px
line me Yuno
tine me Yuno
zine me Yuno
kine me Yuno
sine me Yuno
Thread posts: 253
Thread images: 109

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