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Feminist whores ruined everyones ap testing at my school by screaming

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Thread replies: 80
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Feminist whores ruined everyones ap testing at my school by screaming and protesting. They say the dress code is "sexist" becuase they dont allow spaghetti straps, short shorts, low cut tops, and basically slut clothing. Post nudes of any puyallup sluts you got WA. Also share opinion, should sluts be allowed to slut in the school and do whatever they want?
What kinda beta religious faggot are you? Who doesn't want to watch bitches in short shorts?
And u claim they are feminists? Read up on that you fucking abortion survivor
I don't see anything wrong with this. If the faggot principal wants to implement Sharia law people can and will protest.
NO, people don't want to watch lard whales flap around with there smelly pussies wretch bleeding through the open air for all to smell. Beta cuck virgin.
Are you black nigger? It says feminist in the OP. Feminist as in the land whales of lard lords, the fat greasy cunts with colored hair, the kind that believes in stare rape. Just look in the picture of OP. Do you REALLY want to see that?
Juvenile opinions, tbh. There's a time and a place, you overly horny adolescents.
Aaaaw hope you failed your test and that your bf can pound that frown out of you tonight.. Also landwhales wtf you where born from a whale son
I don't even live there hahahahaha you mad son?
Naaah, lets hope OP reads in and starts crying since he is a faggot

How gay are you that you're complaining when teenage girls are demanding to wear more revealing clothing?
Bitches need to know there place. They are our fuck toys. We choose what they can and cannot do. Simple.
Fags this should be more about exposing the washington area sluts and then side discussion.
South Hill anon reporting in
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you know what to do /b/
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Im fine with sluts dressing like sluts i love looking at that shit but the thats the problem. Im trtna fucking graduate and fuck certain girls, i dont need every feminist whale thinking they can rock 2 inch shorts. Plus i dont need them blabbing about how guys never get dress coded. Either way they need a good cock.
then again its not really your choice what someone chooses to wear, attractive or not
Go back to tumblr bitch boy
This is the main thing that's wrong with protesting "progressive authoritarianism". Sure, we're gonna have clever people like Milo ridicule left-wing censorship through smugness and mischievous rebellion but inevitably communities that are filled with people like him will become infested by lame Christian conservatives who will use the same bullshit he uses in a discussion in an attempt to copy what he does and make themselves look like "rebels" (see: Paul Joseph Watson).

You're not protesting or disrupting anything; they are. That is or at least used to be the point of feminism - to get rid of pointless bullshit traditions and arbitrary rules imposed by fun-hating faggots like you. If they want to wear something, they'll wear it regardless of what picture of a traditional woman you have in your head.
OP here, need all the puyallup nudes you can muster. P weed school (18) prefered youll know where that is if it applies to you.
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Back to tumblr with you!
>know there place

I have bad news for you son. That AP testing wasn't going to work out very well for you, feminists or not.
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I hope they don't give in because those SJW in that picture look disgusting. No one wants to see them in that type of clothing.
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>Get over it
>We're not your personal army
>There's a subreddit for this bullshit. Go find it.
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gO baCk to tumBLr BitCh boY
Freakiest sex i ever had was with a leftt feminist. She loved getting smacked and treated like a hoe...She also never minded me fucking her whenever I fealt like
I'm more of a right gtfo out of my country person.
mfw dress codes are so adults at the school don't eyeball sluttily dressed minors and not one of these fucks seem to get that..
I know one too that loves to get degraded and physically abused. Makes me laugh even harder when she starts bitching about womens rights and shit.
This is not a place for you, Mr. Prager.
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I can hear the REEEEEEEEE's from across the nation hahahahahahahahaha
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stare at some tits and man up
Well the problem is this all started over an email thay listed those basic items of clothing listed in OP and also no shirts containing violence, drugs, etc. But they triggered when they felt that it was sexist because there being obectified and boys should be held acountable, blah blah blah. And then they clog up the school with a walkout protest and screech from their cock sockets about equal rights
Bruh you forgot this place isn't actually looking for discussion. He just wants to be mad
>not asking for it
Feminism is cancer
Just fucking kill the cancer anon

Op here, add for context: the email was sent out from the school to the parents about dress code.
When did this place become a hive mind of Christfags, traditionalists and moralfags? I want 2007 back.
low, low quality bait, anon.

never has kek seemed more cuck
I don't want to state the obvious, but I'd say that that time and place is called "high school", which is where this is all taking place.
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Post mo bitches
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>Ruined AP testing day

Cry about it nerd. Shit barely matters.
Are you an idiot? Literally nothing wrong with this, let sluts dress like sluts. Fucking faggot.
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we have reached the realm of infinite sad
For some reason its getting attention though. And also seniors are 18-19 and there are plenty of sluts who think their feminists.
that is a nice hole, moar?
>Fucking feminists getting triggered by.. conservative rules that don't allow them to wear shit that's offensive to Christians.

We've reached the final point od absurdity where christfags think they're a contrarian group.
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you just put glasses on Ayn Ran anon
Oh look. Another generation of american students doing anything they can to get out of class.

And we wonder why China will overtake us in 15 years.
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it's really not that hard, Chad
pick one you idiot. he isn't uckig anywhere near clever. I mean come on. thinks that it's ok for older men to show 13 yo boys into the world of sex and relationships. fool is retarded that got to where he was because he had no filter and ran off people's hatred. then iced himself because he is an idiot
hey look a whole new generation of cucks
> can't be clever and a pedo
Shouldn't they have died out by now then?
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tfw anon has more pics of feminists on his computer than feminists
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Free county right? The school should be aloud to make whatever rules they wsnt on their property. Dont like the rules, choose a different school
Exactly this! Those kids with their INEXCUSABLE DISTEGARD for tradition... They're taking away our good family values. Next thing you know they'll be smoking the marijuanas with addicts on the street. Why can't people see how they're ruining America?! We need to fight back, anon. We can't let those d*rn liberals contribute to the moral decline of our beautiful country.
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you almost had me there
Its not worth it. /b has been raided by lefties now. We can only move to /pol/
Country turned to shit when greed came over law long ago. Although libtards are just making it worse
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Lol you got me messed up if that's what I am pushing. I just don't want to be in public with fat smelly retarded bitches with there uncleaned vaginas wafting through the clean outdoor air filling up my lungs with who knows what kinds of std's those tumblr whores have. I'm down with cuties wearing nothing to school for all I care. But we must make sacrifices to keep the lard tards under wraps bruh. Get your shit straight.
>We can only move to /pol/
/pol/ has almost been taken over by leftists, trust me when I say it is less infested here than in /pol/
/pol/ is infested with r/Teh_Donald. You can't go anywhere, every single community inevitably just becomes cancer.
So basically what you're saying is let's force people to wear clothes you want them to wear, but only if you find them ugly.
No, he said we gotta make the cute bitches were cloths because we dont want the fat bitches without them

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...
Dafuq did i just read
Some beta cuck who's portraying himself as an oldfag.

Newfag's gonna fag.
Why do I feel this was typed in a fox costume surrounded by Sonic the Hedgehog posters
>should sluts be allowed to slut in the school and do whatever they want?

What if they fat and nobody wants them
do you wear your favorite Goku shirt so bitches will want to fuck you? or because you like it and want to wear it just because?
Thats different. I wear my goku shirt because i like goku. The feminazis are either just complaing, because thats wht they do. Or want to be sluty but when treated like a slut they scream rape, so they then have something to complain about.
>because that's what they do
All the time, huh?

>Or want to be sluty but
you're dealing in absolutes, anon. and we all know what happens when someone else has the higher ground. or quotes the prequels.
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