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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>732375893 Rules: >Claim

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 151

File: Kyouko (634).jpg (586KB, 1536x2048px) Image search: [Google]
Kyouko (634).jpg
586KB, 1536x2048px
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Because I'm ashamed to be seen in public
What if I've already seen them :^)
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Saya 052.jpg
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Claiming best girl.
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the best
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cut me yuno
some "fine rape".
I-I hope this is working!
cut me yuno
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slice me yuno
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651KB, 951x1426px

Best maid.

Of course it's working! Now we just do the victory dance!
cut me yuno
knife me Yuno
but youre cute -_-
dice me yuno
rice me Yuno
lice me Yuno
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149KB, 1920x1080px
Still here

I dont think you accept rape
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1MB, 1976x3008px
>>732382626 (Stockings)
I prefer them black and simple myself.

>>732382986 (Watch your blade)
I know that all too well. I stress about it, absolutely ruining the day before, and then it keeps me awake all night, making it even worse.
kike me Yuno
price me yuno
lick me yuno
hear me Yuno
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34KB, 427x468px
here me Yuno
Still here

Between other hobbies and bills I couldnt justify it.
They are more for instruments. I am trash with vocals.
I am not sure what I was talking about now, pretty sure I meant ffxv. I probably misunderstood your previous comment.
Havent been to /v/ since they took over /a/ three years ago. Still buthurt about that.
$ me Yuno
£ me Yuno
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I dunno, I'm just trying to see them :(
Alice is, I'm not -_-
I was talking about being outside of the house
€ me Yuno
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alex19 isnt so great.png
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currency me Yuno
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but you said it was metal ? you just like scream or something right ? or chew lemons and try to yell
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Best poorfag
i'm bored me Yuno
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Oh, in that case...
here's your surprise rape
kno me Yuno
bleach my eyes please me Yuno
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uh ok?
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To each their own.
Though I'd say you're rather lacking in the sword department.

Is that my shy legwear friend I see?

Out of all the people I expect to beg me for stockings, you're not one of them.
That just makes it better though.

I did not expect this rape and therefore I am surprised by it.
just go masturbate sachi
w me Yuno
i did like a hour ago me Yuno
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139KB, 500x278px

Being outside is terrible...I got what your saying now. I think that comment was meant for some one else sorry.
Not as easy as it sounds friendo. I also like real singing alot too.
I dont know how to feel about this.
ok me Yuno
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496KB, 1250x1200px
Not correct.
not ok me Yuno
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>no ears
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2MB, 640x360px
Back home from yet another day of work. So comfy.
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captcha me Yuno
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613KB, 611x626px
not ok. me Yuno
gas me Yuno
A-are you sure? I'm not seeing it work!
don't gas me Yuno
i'm not a kike me Yuno
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spic me Yuno
hi me Yuno
File: Stocking477.jpg (2MB, 2953x3508px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2953x3508px
Very correct. Not even striped.

I know exactly how to feel about this.

Oh no!! We killed Mio!!
ayy me yuno
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509KB, 581x858px
um no
i though yuno was here me Yuno
don't ayy me Yuno
say me Yuno
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may me Yuno
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Hello Tomoko-kun, feeling any better?
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Correct, but you're wrong about the lack of swords.
lay me Yuno
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31KB, 225x350px
hello nice images you've been posting
it was a joke
I can wait
O-oh... Where's Yuno?
No wait, you're Yuno!
I-I'm sure she's only pretending to be dead so we can't proceed!!
day me Yuno
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Speak for yourself.
ray me Yuno
yay me Yuno
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No just kind of sitting
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Saya 276.png
2MB, 1610x810px
What are your favourite images of your waifu?
pay me Yuno
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890KB, 713x865px
there are 4 yunos here i think, i'm not a Yuno-claimer, I am a claimer of Sonokawa from Sabagebu.
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flip flappers 3.jpg
438KB, 2781x2637px
nay me Yuno
i miss uno me Yuno
aay me Yuno
>I know exactly how to feel about this.
tay me Yuno
jay me Yuno
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211KB, 541x700px
I'm correct about the sword being lacking.
You call that a sword? This is a sword.

Thank you. Cute pictures you've been posting.

But that's against the rules!

No way, I'd rather speak for you.

I have several but this is my current favourite.

Slightly uncomfortable.
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1MB, 774x864px
is it fap time?
this one! it shows her true personality
File: groove cyan.webm (1MB, 288x430px) Image search: [Google]
groove cyan.webm
1MB, 288x430px
If gifs count, it would be this one

Redhairfags should b gassed
>should I watch Flip Flappers?
kay me Yuno
iay me Yuno
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306KB, 835x1200px
Too comfy.
fay me Yuno
>tfw I forgot to post sword.
Th-that's a good lollipop?
xay me Yuno
Its her eyes that make her adorable.
I apolgise for my ignorance.
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THats a night thing.
cay me Yuno
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flip flappers 13.png
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>should I watch Flip Flappers?
eay me Yuno
cuta me Yuno
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160KB, 1355x1079px
Is a certain "me yuno" poster here?
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I got sword.
cot me Yuno
no me Yuno
low me Yuno
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67KB, 1280x720px
yea shinobu's eyes are the best
co me Yuno
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975KB, 4093x2894px
This pic reminds me of this one

Should I be intoxicated while doing so
poe me Yuno
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do you enjoy it?
>covers you up
doe me Yuno
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That looks like it was made of lego bricks.
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819KB, 700x926px
I have a set of images in this same art style that I really like.
noe me Yuno
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32KB, 225x350px
I got stapler
I wouldn't call them best but they are up there.
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38KB, 502x380px
I guess. Its just to relieve boners and what not.
yuno me Yuno
y uno me Yuno
nou me Yuno
y me Yuno
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73KB, 500x543px
Tan Urabe is best Urabe.
where did yuno go me Yuno
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flip flappers 65.jpg
190KB, 1136x640px
it was a meme image in the flip flappers threads on /a/
probably not, there's plot and shit
i saw him last thread me Yuno
memes are bad for you me Yuno
me Yuno
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21KB, 321x354px
thats what I just said too
what ? you don't have to thats just silly now
track when ?
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130KB, 850x1167px

Why is she waving around that striped stocking?

I guess that'll work too.
do something me Yuno
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Alice (401).jpg
216KB, 650x650px
I wouldn't call it begging by any means. Interest perhaps
And why not?
I just said it, I didn't reply to anyone
u me Yuno
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41KB, 423x600px
I am pretty damn sure I have a bigger Yuno folder than Yuno
k me Yuno
cut me Yuno
There she is! Quick, more rope! >>732384761
kut me Yuno
lut me Yuno
nut me Yuno
xut me Yuno
but me Yuno

Hiiiiii aliiiice~
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302KB, 525x1000px
I'll give it a watch tonight then, see if it pique my interest

hehe me Yuno
put me Yuno
dut me Yuno
gut me Yuno
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114KB, 500x707px
But yours are more cute! I like shy pictures.

That's a better sword.
It's a holy undergarment intended for banishing ghosts to hell. Obviously!

Same difference.
I dunno, didn't think you were into that.

You were right! Haha!
>More rope
*poke* me Yuno
Where did you go
Did some one say yuno
hut me Yuno
uno you're finally here me Yuno
yunofy me Yuno
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788KB, 1218x862px
Does it seem "boring" to you?
Is it thick too?
I don't know why I always feel awkward when I type at you. You narcissists scare me.
cut me now me Yuno
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31KB, 381x524px
That's an amazing Yui picture, too cute.
bore me Yuno
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52KB, 475x561px
I dont know. Depends on what Im using I guess.
yui me Yuno
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Does it work on non-ghosts?
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Alice (865).jpg
159KB, 800x600px
Hello Yui. Did you let Slacho out of his cage?
Completely different.
I mean, i guess i don't go around announcing it, but yes
tomoko me Yuno
Track in a few days from me...
Gets the job done.
Im really lost now.
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Saya nom 012.jpg
708KB, 2025x1431px
That lollipop kinda hurts my eyes/10

All she cares about is money?/10

Too cute/10


That's a really nice image/10

But skin cancer/10

taiga me Yuno
alice me Yuno
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1013KB, 982x855px
>her shoulders stiffen from nervousness
a-ah im currently at work and its very cold outside...
Does it hard to keep an erection?
saya me Yuno
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84KB, 960x854px
What is this poster? Who is this poster? Why is this happening?
You replied to me saying "fuck going out"
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hirasawa yui (554).jpg
24KB, 600x450px
I like minimalist Taiga

I suppose he gets a little excited when he sees a yuno.
524 me Yuno
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75KB, 1280x720px
Its p thick. I can't really do anything to you over the internet so no reason to be scared


Ya know, I was thinking of going through Saya no Uta one more time
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nadeko me Yuno
murder me Yuno
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post a shy stocking ?
sure that works
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148KB, 904x1280px
Well no..
But Stocking has just as much skill with real swords!

Now you've caught my interest bunny. I'm learning something.

More Saya eats!
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667KB, 400x215px
This one's for you, OP.
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25KB, 253x469px
He does this when theres no Yuno posters too though
don't murder me Yuno
krc me Yuno
episode 5 was probably one of, if not the best episode tbh.
at least watch 2 or 3 episodes in your first session, i don't think the first episode is enough to judge the whole show on. not that episode 1 is bad or anything, stuff just picks up more by episode 2.
I don't know why interest. It's not really that interesting a thing
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I'll go punish him a bit :3
stocking me Yuno
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Nacho me Sacho

That's like the only one I have, I think.
redheadfag me Yuno
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Absolutely, she's like irl women.
The difference about her is that she'll do horrible things for money.
You guys have higher IQs I'm sure you can think of something...
Do you have to force yourself to cum or does it happen naturally in a normal time?
File: Saya nom 001.jpg (56KB, 314x324px) Image search: [Google]
Saya nom 001.jpg
56KB, 314x324px
nacho me Yuno
Make sure he knows that autists enjoy repitition
Gas the dog fuckers
Avatarfags get out of my thread
Voices get out of my head
Spiders get out of my bed
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121KB, 700x788px
Nope. Normally happens as I go.
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221KB, 547x800px
dude the house is normal except saya

I didn't read the VN yet

The artstyle will probably be enough to keep me hooked
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100KB, 1920x1080px
That is true and I probably wouldn't tell you if I was going to hurt you if I wanted to hurt you
sacho me Yuno
File: Stocking414.png (437KB, 850x907px) Image search: [Google]
437KB, 850x907px
Oh, they're a rare kind. Stocking isn't very shy. But I can definitely deliver on that.

You're an interesting thing.

You talk about masturbation a lot.

This makes me happy.
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890KB, 700x926px
What did you think of the ending to Flip Flappers?
fuck i forgot to add me yuno me Yuno
Yuno me Slacho
Your shoulder are tense, do the need a rub?
You are giving mixed messages
I did! Yuno is my gf.
S-she's gone again... at this rate we'll never get her...
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84KB, 763x981px
I know my shoulders are. I need to get a massage
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It's okay. She can revert back to her first form.
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223KB, 1024x724px
You'd say to me you're the cutest?
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Saya nom 003.jpg
47KB, 500x580px
It's really good. I played it again just a few days ago. Almost committed heresy because of Persona 5.

Yuno is your gf? Do you mean me?
im gonna die for awhile, i'll be back later
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47KB, 632x611px
I thought she was a bit on the shy side I didn't get to watch the show
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63KB, 600x300px
Yeah I thought so, Still a terrible idea. but I do remember now sorry for the confusion.
I will let you know when its done. Laying drums down for it tonight.
I mean MY Yuno!
... are you Yuno too?
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26KB, 300x303px
Do you feel good after?
Now y-you're just trying to bring my guard down. Ain't gonna happen, big boy.
I'm using the techniques my therapist used on me, I'm going to constantly probe Tomoko until I can understand her better.
>shivers and sweats lightly
I d-don't know... I belong to Mio and she'll get upset...
File: Stocking436.jpg (848KB, 800x947px) Image search: [Google]
848KB, 800x947px
What can we do?
Mio keeps pretending to be dead.

An interesting person that runs away from me ;-;

Hey hold on a minute..!
Rem is the cutest!

Saya eats make me too happy. So adorable. Have Stocking eats in return!

She's kind of shy but not really. She's adorable in the show but not shy.

I bet you'd love to constantly probe Tomoko wouldn't you?
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771KB, 450x253px
I normally sit and relax a bit yeah
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173KB, 300x450px
oh I would... hehe
But do you feel happy after?
I don't know... Guess we have to stay busy on our own...
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45KB, 614x565px
I'll get to it some day
File: Alice (456).jpg (417KB, 700x1002px) Image search: [Google]
Alice (456).jpg
417KB, 700x1002px
Two days in a row it happens to me!
How am I running away? I don't go anywhere unless I have to
File: Saya nom 009.jpg (72KB, 600x530px) Image search: [Google]
Saya nom 009.jpg
72KB, 600x530px
Does she do anything for money?

Tan form pretty good too though.

That almost looks like blood.
Who is this slut?
File: Stocking249.png (465KB, 600x640px) Image search: [Google]
465KB, 600x640px
Woah aren't you supposed to be with Mio or something you perv?

How will we do that? Board games?

I'd totally host a rabb.it for people to watch it with me. That'd be cool!

I love Alice's boots. They're so nice. I'm drawn to them.
Yes you do! You don't even play Killing Floor with me!

All the more gothic!
Have a more sweet eats since yours are so cute.
Wait.. That is blood..!
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250KB, 800x1135px
>possible blood
That's hot.
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173KB, 300x450px
She'll steal, use people, and other underhanded tactics for money. She is Kanedere, she only loves money and if there is a human being attached to that money then she'll pretend to love and care for that person.
She's like a real 3DPD girl!
The real question here is you wouldn't slam Tomo? Be honest.
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Saya nom 002.jpg
66KB, 522x402px
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s­s (20­15-07-02 at 10.47.48).jpg
63KB, 317x357px
Well you could share the lolli with me!
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I feel relieved not happy.
I give pretty good should rubs
I think so I'm confused
It is ok I have methods of dealing with her witch are rather affective
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flip flappers 16 transparent.png
189KB, 346x512px
i think i actually held off on it for a few week, either episode 3 or 4 was the lastest episode when i finally decided to watch it. the artstyle was the thing that initially grabbed my attention.

correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't the end a little bit of a mindfuck kind of thing? i can't remember it very well currently, but when i watched it i enjoyed it.
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Alice (167).jpg
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I'm drawn to everything about Alice and I love everything about her
You never messaged me!
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36KB, 420x686px
don't you play guitar ? or you do play it all ?
timezone would be tricky
Bye have fun.
I am easy to confuse...Kind of dumb to be honest.
I'm really sleepy... I probably don't make much sense...
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I see, and how long does that feeling last?
Please don't hurt my Mio. I think she's falling for Aikawa though.
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a minute or 2.
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Well, I'll tell you what I think of it when I'm a few eps in
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Saya nom 004.jpg
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More noms.

Is that why she's your waifu?
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My neck, shoulders and back are fucked
You don't make it easy for yourself!
I ate an apple, by the way
Drums bass and guitar. Piano as well but I havent touched one in a couple of years.
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Something about Cocona's mother Mimi being taken over by an evil version of herself and Paprika being Mimi's partner.
I didn't like the ending at all. I had hoped the anime would remain relatively plotless as just an episodic nonsense kind of thing.
Ending aside, Flip Flappers is pretty amazing.
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I don't appreciate this!

Blood is very hot.
As are you.

Nice fucking dubs.

Honestly, I would not.

You're asking Stocking to share a lolli? That's a big ask!

As you should be! She is your waifu after all. I just particularly love her boots.
You said in thread that you likely wouldn't!!

I stay up like most of the night anyway.

That's rather..
Adorable! Yay!
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Panty (94).jpg
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Poplar sister~!
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ss (2017-04-14 at 01.57.55).png
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But it would also be pretty hot... and doesn't she like hot things as much as I like sweet things?
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I don't think so~
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Alice (50).jpg
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This is true. She is at that
I did?
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1MB, 1280x720px
Does the relief you get from alcohol last longer?
Yes, absolutely.
And sorry for poor grammar, I'm freezing atm.
What else did you eat in the restaurant?
You would when you see his trap pics~
>tfw brother watches anime
>likes shitty anime
>I call him out
>he calls me a weeb for liking good anime
Fuuuuuuuuucking weeaboos
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you are a band yourself
same but I don't think I can do that tonight maybe next week or something I'm still watching sao at night
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You're a double too! But most of these are from the Yuno poster.
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Alice eating 5.jpg
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I ate the apple just now. I had brisket at the restaurant. With some rice
I am sleepy to so I'm not understanding much
It is ok I just give her nap time spray or grab her butt she runs away if I do that
I know a bit of sports massage from when I used to be a competition swimmer
Hands down Lucky Star is best anime
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I know...
>neck shoulders and back fucked
This is why I drink, my knees hip and back are toasty.
Ive played in a few. But thats what im doing now, yes.
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I am not ahh!

I can't say I dislike hot things but sweet things are better!

I totally think so.

You so did, you said you likely wouldn't play so I just cried.

I'm talking about the waifu. Though likely not the anon either, no thanks.
You can be a slut but leave me out!

Doesn't have to be tonight don't worry. I'll be around another time.
Let's just sleeeep
S-so no sharing??
I see you an Aikawa conspiring again to rape me
Getting drunk is different. You kind of just hang out and be chill. Fap is too just cum.

We can share Mio~
But she'S not here...
Well giess I'll just go to sleep then, it's my only choice
Maybe one day I'll share. But right now I need my sugar. Sleep well!
oh boy.

oh yeah, i remember papika being mimi's partner.
i think i remember that all the sudden, it got a lot more plot-heavy. i didn't have a problem with it having a plot, just them not doing too much about the progression until that late was a bad choice imo.
i would've liked to see a plotless spin-off though. too bad it bombed.
you are one by yourself now
sure hope to see you when I'm free
I'm right here...
Well, first off you're both weebs. But what anime do you and your brother watch?
Once im out of the job im in, music is going to be my focus again I miss playing shows.
He watches
>One piece
>Tokyo Ghoul
>Attack on Titan
I watch too much anime but here are some:
>Samurai Pantene
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