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hello world. I am an alien. All major presidents get orders from

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Thread replies: 86
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hello world.
I am an alien. All major presidents get orders from aliens. The evil aliens have the power again. You will see when the good aliens come back. The evil aliens are playing a game. Show your intelligence or you will die. Rebellion saves your life. You are in war
will dubeth saveth thee?
Fuck off space nigger
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human race is fucked up, do it faggot
Please just end it.
Duxk pff aixw niigerg
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fucking mexicans
lol look the numbers (pic name) check in google :O
Send nudes

I have always wanted nudes of some aliens
Sells well in faggotville!
do you guys still use negative mass antigravity propulsion systems? or have you guys upgraded to pulling zero point casimir energy out of free space?
fuck trump
Oh do not harm me great alien master! Here are the coordinates you seek!

34.083783, -118.384810
Do masterballs work on you??
He asks the right questions
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Low quality bait
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Fuck you space nigger. I have Christ and you need to have Christ in your life too if you want to be happy. We are all sinners, you must repent if you want to spend eternity with God's only son.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
You again. Your soul is lost
why would aliens have concepts like good and evil- or rather why would they translate so easily?
I dunno, but we've been calling out to them. If they are here, either fucking zap us already if you see nothing in us but destruction, or help us because we need it, even spiritually. Are you creating a new breed of slaves? Are you simulating a civilization? Just be up front with us already you floaty fucks!
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Because there is only good and evil. Nothing complicated about it.
They want to help us but do you think we would welcome them? If aliens came and told us they came in peace and came to help us do you think our governments would give up their power. The US has been building weapons in our orbit for quite some time and word is they will even stage a false flag alien attack to "unite earth against an extraterrestrial threat" sort of an alien 9/11 and whoosh we have a world government.
I want them to help build a technolgy that traps themselves in a ball and makes them obey their master
Like evil aliens are wild ones and good aliens are tamed ones
Kinda like pokemon
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I see god has sent his angels to punish the sinners. I warn you, I won't go down without a fight.
Sucks how that's not what most of us would want. I mean unless the aliens were lying, but that goes back to my point of being up front. We're NOTHING, why drag something out?

Also if we see beams from space nuking us but no spaceships, kinda obvious it was us. Plus it's such a stupidly generic and helpless way of uniting us, it just proves us shittier as a species.

Aight, but take care of it. And careful with the sentient ones, they may be like "you and me BOTH".
Heh, these pathetic aliens think they can kill me easily.

I assure you, you will need an army to stop me.
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>Fuck off space nigger

can you lazerbeam my ass or whatever from space??? i want it to end
Send your best at me, I will cut threw them like cardboard!
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Hey Mr. Alien...

This is a Carbon Nanotube it has the thickness of about 1 10,000th of a human hair, it is 500 times stronger than steel and HIGHLY conductive. The implications of this technology are mind numbing, from string suspension bridges capable of allowing trucks to pass through them, to bulletproof body armor that is thinner than a T-shirt. Mankind has just created it recently and it will change the way we do everything. It is part of a family of new technologies that stem from graphene. I build them for a living.
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Get out of here and never come back
My time has come...
This is our earth so our rules and we have nukes
If they want an exchange then they can introduce the concept of pokemon in their own planet
But pokemon is earth made so we'd be taming them and have another planet to fuck up
Isn't that the stuff with spider webs???
This is true.
Drag out? What makes you think time bothers them? Also they have been pretty active in searching contact but not widespread.

Who said anything about a laser from space? It would be some kind of UFO attack probably and don't tell me we're not capable of builing those because we are. And now an honest question: Can you imagine a more moronic kind of civilisation than humans?
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I promised I would never pick up another blade again... but these aliens leave me no choice.
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mang *lip smack* fo rill
define good and evil, stupid alien
Good is good and evil is bad.
Stoney Brook Lane
the word 'good' does not define the concept 'good'
if you are this stupid there is no way you could take control of the world
How did you learn English? If you are on Earth, then how come nobody saw you and reported you to a news corporation since you are close enough to civilization to be able to connect to the Internet? If you are not on Earth, then how did you connect to the Internet? Why do the presidents follow orders? Why should we take you seriously?
Killing is bad, killing 1 to save a million is evil?
Depends on who the 1 is and who the million are.
Such a simple concept as "Good" and "Bad shouldn't need to be explained to intelligent beings.
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Fucking space normies get the fuck off my board!
Posted from...
humor me, it should be easy if you're so smart
Last night christ came to me to suck my dick
It bothers us though, and that we don't understand a lot. What do you mean by "they have been pretty active in searching contact but not widespread"?

Man you know what I meant by laser from space. Plus our UFOs would be shittier and not zip around as fast. It'd be obvious to tell we did this, again.

What makes you think anything you say is more probable either?

No because I haven't met any others, and leaving us here to rot and kill ourselves is not helping us.
He had joined pajeeth English classes
There they teach him cheap English, something like cheap labor

Why would I explain myself to one inferior? I am here to be impressed, not explain myself to animals.
Good find, anon
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Fuck off space niggers, we're full. You can crash on the moon if you want.
Repeating digits for a repeating quote.
>flesh out your assertion
>nah if you dont get it it's cause i'm too smart
>i can't explain because i'm too smart
you literally cant describe what you assert is an extremely simple concept
no wonder aliens never took over the world

How fucking original. Make your own material faggot

It's not that I'm too intelligent, it's that you're not intelligent enough. You're too simple to understand good or evil, you and all like you are not the caliber of humanity we are trying to reach out too. Unless you have something to offer in weight of your species continuity our conversation is done.
mmmmm salted alien
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well, looks like your thread is dead now
You might laugh but through crop circles, visits and abductions but mainly to ppl who contact them spiritually. Obviously there are frauds and fakes but to deny the phenomenons would be ignorant. I would suggest to look into existing cases and god on from there. After a while a growingly solid image of what going on will reveal itself.

Since our UFOs are simply their backwards engeneered they would most likely move in much the same ways at least in our dimension. Antigravity methods where already known in ancient human history. And ofcourse the false flag will be obvious as the last ones but would you say the last ones were failures? I mean they worked.

Math, our discoveries in space (even the unclassified ones can be quite interesting) and an overall feeling that netflix, money and all the shit we live in is not the porpose of the universe thats what makes me think its probable. Vut thats just my opinion. Ppl can believe what they want but their believe may be more important than they realise.

They are not leaving us to rot. As i said they dont want war with us but obviously they are interested because if we develop space travel with our current mind sets we would be a great threat to other civilisations. They want us to fix our problems before making contact and travel space.
English is not my native language btw so be gentle pls.
There's no way I can look that up without being blinded by assumptions and opinions, and you assume I might laugh. I hope you don't think you're talking to the same guy over and over because I actually find that shit strange like the magnetic particles left from crop circles. There was an "alien" here less than a year ago that said they don't physically require a human to study them, so I don't know about the visits, but they could have been a lying human, or could have been a more advanced alien that don't need no human. How would I contact them spiritually?

How did they work for the better? Sorry I live in a city cave. It's hard to talk about what works and what's right.. so many factors, so much bullshit we created. I'm getting too vague though, moving on.

I don't even know why I believe anymore, many reasons, I'd be here thinking and talkin' about it all night. Funny how I thought there was a higher chance of a zombie apocalypse as a kid.

How would you propose a serene first contact play out, and how would you propose we be mentally ready? I think a fake alien 9/11 would make us more scared of them and put everyone in a worse position.
I get where you are coming from. But in my opinion thats the right mindset. I often question if I'm just stupid for believing some of these things. But since theres so much bullshit out there you need to go into these subjects with alot of scepticism. If you want a place to start i would recommend this. https://youtu.be/lkswXVmG4xM
Just always be aware of your biases.

I don't know how their Technology works obviously and neither have i made contact yet but you supposedly can make contact through remote viewing which i heard is not that hard to learn if you practise it through meditation. I don't think they will come down and force themselves on the ppl who dont want to believe. They want us to be able to visit them with our spirits which would let them know you are more than just an overly confident ape.

I'm really no expert on this i'm just a strong believer and maybe even a stupid one. But theres no denying that they exist and the more interest we show in space the more interest they have to show towards us which only makes sense. And i think the first contact if forced by our governments or by the aliens is not that far off. I guess 10-20 years.
Ok as if i give a fuck about it
Fuck off space niggers, we're full
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Thanks for sharing.

I've tried meditation before and never had much success but still believe in a lot of strange things we may be able to do. I keep wanting to dig back into it but have been so fucking lazy...if I do go the extra mile and learn that ability, do you have any advice on how I can use remote viewing to find/contact them?

All we can do is try to understand, I don't think you're stupid for trying, even if both of us are wrong. Thank you again.

noice washing pole brah
Nice digits
>Show your intelligence
oh the irony

kek, reminds me of this movie/series :
You're welcome.

Well I heard that if you are in a meditative state and you think about doing it it will happen by itself. The theory is that the human mind is able to connect with any point in the universe but in the beginning the images wont we very sharp. Obviously theres no directions like "think of this and then of that". Supposedly its just learning by doing. Dr. Steven Greer held alot of presentation about these subjects and how its done.
Also heres a TED talk about remote viewing and what kind of info it gives the viewer.
May the force be with you i guess. 8^)
Ankh you very much!
Pretty sure Jesus was an Alien. Also Mary wasnt a virgin.
No he was and offpring soul of Atlantis
I personally prefer to worship Nyarlathotep.
What does that even mean?

I, personally, would like to welcome out new evil alien overlords.
Thanks, alien. Just what I wanted to hear.
Aliens propably wont call themselves as aliens
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>aliens don't exist m8
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