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I just started living out on my own, and I fucked up pretty bad.

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Thread replies: 91
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I just started living out on my own, and I fucked up pretty bad. I have no money for food or gas and have to wait 15 more days until my next paycheck. Pls help a poorfag eat and donate some BTC ill even do any requests that don't involve buying shit or injuring myself I guess

Pic related it's my bank account atm
First write I'm a faggot on your forehead
For how much BTC and can you prove that you have it first?
Let me see you're transaction history and we'll talk. I'll give you twenty bucks if you're not a faggot.
Valuable life lesson. Starve.
No way are we helping you if we bail you out. You can live 2 weeks walking and eating out of a dumpster.. hit the streets and dance for nickels.

Time to learn the value of a dollar. Also if you don't have at least 1 roommate you are a total faggot and can do without our help.
Want my money? Sharpie in the pooper
You obviously have internet. I'd suggest looking up the local food dispensaries. Churches are a good start.
I understand this and this is honestly the first time I've ever been in this situation and I don't even have gas money to get to work, I'm fine with eating eggs and bread or not at all until the 25th but I can't get fired for not having gas
Well I just paid my phone bill and car and health insurance, along with rent but it caused me to overdraft and I forgot to buy more groceries before I went negative
Time to call mommy and daddy for a bailout

If you don't have that option.. just go into a grocery store, fill up a hand basket of some food, and walk out without paying.

Grocery store employees aren't allowed to attempt stopping or apprehending you. Just make sure you wear a hat and sunglasses.

Good luck anon.
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The rest of my bills automatically pulled out today and I forgot to get grocery money before it pulled out
Let's see a transaction history (last 30 days) and if you haven't been a neglectful faggot I'll give you advice and a couple of dollars.
We want to judge your purchases. Don't redact that info.
OP how old are you?
It displays my full name for some reason, and if you can tell they're not even purchases they're deposits
I'm only 20 and I know it's old enough to know better but i fucked up and I have no family to turn to tbh
Nope you're going to have to struggle for 15 days. Maybe you'll learn your lesson.
If you have a car....you might as well rent it or go full pirate cabby, also selling your boypussy is an option
I feel for you.. I really do. I was a broke as shit 20 year old trying to make it by. And on more than one occasion tanked my account. But I want to make sure you are not blowing money on things like cable TV, fast internet, restaurants, clothing hookers, etc. before I spend money on a lost cause. Also what city do you live in ( or general area in country)?
I live in the US and no all the history is deposits not even withdrawals. I haven't ate out in months, I buy cheap groceries like eggs and rice and bread and spinach
Then show us!
I don't get how people complain they're broke and have a car.
Is this sarcasm? My car is only worth about $1000 and I would be paying more in the long run paying for bus passes or Ubers to work.
>downgrade car
> downgrade device you use for 4chan
I try Postmates because I'm not old enough for Uber but I've realized I only make a little over half the money it says due to gas costs
>be broke
>have a car
>sell car
>now almost broke and no transportation to get to a job if one is found
My phone bill is cheap as hell its my car insurance and health insurance are what kill because I'm so young..
quads!!! and dodge health insurance and hope you dont die
My job is 14 miles away and I live in Southern California where it's reaching 100+ degrees Fahrenheit now
not op
currently doing this, wish I had dental
be me.
walk to work.
be fit.
don't spend monies.
be rich asf.
Where in SoCal?
Walk/cycle/get a job closer to work
Get a job close to home, it's not hard
this, hes just no prepared to. if money was an issue i would just bike
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I pay my rent every 3rd of the month and my bills automatically come out every 10th, the rest is me wasting gas trying to do postmates because I was afraid this would happen
Want my sharpie?
>Grocery store employees aren't allowed to attempt stopping or apprehending you.
the asset protection guys are allowed to.
>Some mystery $30
Im currently applying for closer places but even then I won't get my first paycheck for two weeks do you know how payment cycles work? I just need a half a bitcoin to sell to be honest for immediate money for food
Nice 500$ cash withdraw, got whores ?
>I pay my rent every 3rd of the month
can you not read?
Ok I bought a chicken sandwich at Jack In the box, to be honest it's because I spent the night outside the plasma donation center waiting for it to open so I could sell plasma and I was Hungry at 3 AM

the $30 was my gym membership cancellation fee
>suck dik for $5
>debt gone the next day
>$25 at the cornerstore
>never deposited the money from donating plasma
we get it, you smoke
What'd you spend the plasma money on nigger
You never said your rent was 500 bucks.
I have a master plan, if you won't sell your car, live in your car.
500$ more per month. Rich asf.
The Cornerstor is a gas station. I bought $25 worth of gas to drive around for postmates.

I had to spend all $50 of the Plasma money on gas too. I also bought eggs and bologna and bread
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Adversity breeds character.

Good luck op. Been there.
My rent is $475 and I pulled out $500 to spend the extra $25 on gas and a couple gallons of water
>paying for water
Please. My checking account is nearly a grand in the hole, I'm three months behind my rent for my lease, and I'm overdue on nearly a grand in medical bills I can't afford, and I'm not begging. Handle your shit and learn from it.
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It won't let me put the address without deleting it as spam so here is a pic

Please help me I despise begging and never thought I'd get myself here but please help
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>Not having 2 cars
Big babby
Faggot, help our
>Hey I need money
>Picks the least convenient way to send money
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Also to prove I have no secret assets the wallet is completely empty I am a nocoin fag
My account is 6k overdrawn. Also about 8k CC debt with growing interest. I'm never gonna be able to pay that off even when I get a job. I had 2 but I had to move.
inb4 1k6 euro on top
What is better? PayPal? I'm sorry if I made it harder for myself I just thought I could sell a coin and use the money for food I don't trade currencies
Doesn't that mean the bitcoin is worth 1.6k euros right now? It's a ticker
Give us a photo of your driver license, your social insurance number, and your credit card. Don't forget the pin too.
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kek, I've been found
You had till you said socal and 14 miles away. Socal has good public transportation. And 14 miles is a fucken breeze. Sell car, get wal mart bike. No insurance, no gas to buy. 14 miles in fucking southern california and you'll acting like you're a victim. Fuck you
Dude honestly if you're not a minority no one will bat an eye at you taking shit from a grocery store just fill up a reusable tote that I know you fags in Cali use and go nuts. The more expensive the store and the more White and affluent the area your chances of getting popped at a whole foods are 0.
Pls help
I am a minority I'm Mexican American and I always get followed in stores. I've seen people get tackled on the way out at the local Winco and Walmart
help him out, don't be a fag
I'll deport myself if someone gives me a bitcoin
also Mexican-American not Mexican I don't even know Spanish you cunt
half a bit coin is nearly $900
Boohoo i'm a fucking victim that had an expensive gym pass, smoked weed, and i couldnt possibly bike to work. Join the fucken army you bitch.
A 10 dollar button down transforms a man and that's exactly why you steal from stores in wealthy neighborhoods. Where's loss prevention gonna be more rampant the whole foods by Beverly hills or the wal mart across the street from the bail bonds. It sounds counter intuitive but think about it for 2 seconds and it makes sense.
I don't smoke weed and the gym was $19.99 a month
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t. voted bernie
Keyword here is "local" I'm talking about the good neighborhoods buddy where people voluntarily pay 10 dollars for chapstick and 15 for toothpaste
You have to do it first faggot.
You need the money not us
Hello OP. Are you there?
Debit - 500

faggot confirmed
Quarter of a bitcoin then, enough to take me out of negative and some grocery money
Fuck 7 mill dollars
Yes I am here
I roll big in bitcoins. I don't know what to do for you though
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