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Late night comfys and RCs.

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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 182
Thread images: 60

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Late night comfys and RCs.
What's an RC in this context
More bleakness. Goes with my tunes. Look up una mattina from the intouchables soundtrack, French movie.

I listen to it when I remember my dad. Comin up on 3 years and feels like yesterday
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ok I am here you here cali b/ro
In this new bread. I was the anon talking about suppliers and chem advice. Is the poor canuck soul with no RC's still here? Let me help youuuuu
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god dam I think I am drunk ...kek
Research Chemicals
I am OPizzle again :)

In love with this tonight https://youtu.be/APmBT96ETJk
all will come in
> just give them time
Man your missus looks like shed be an awesome snuggle. She just looks like she would be soft, and smell of a bakery.
yus im here anon bless me with your knowledge
im new to this thread, looking to source 3FEA or Etizolam
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ha ha ha AND SHE IS OUT ....KEK
>sleeping like a baby I should take a pic ...kek
my friends are worried that its too sketchy to order from, is this something you do often? like what are the odds of getting ass fucked by the RCMP
Thanks for whoever talked about BCL and Lysergi, I've got a new interest!
Wondering which RCs are the most interesting for someone fairly experienced in psych, stims and odd combinations..
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ya anon...thanks
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Should I redose more EPH? lol jk

Can fully vouch for lysergi, top teir etiz
I'm slightly jealous lol
RC sources reddit will be your best tool to judge vendors
I don't know how you aren't just cuddling her.

Haven't been in the chemist world for a couple years now, not since had kid.

Doubledip Lsd tabs were the best. Last thread made me jealous so opened the safe and have dropped 3 x ecstasy and a point of speed.

Man yo missus looks soft.

Thank fuck, I was worried. Always glad to help someone find some new stuff. So you are in Canada? I want to say you can stick with any vendor, but local is always practical.

For vendors your best bet is Lysergi or BCLsupply for canada. The indole shop is also ok, but their prices seem stiff. If any anons have good sources, please post.

To buy your RC's, you usually need bitcoin. Getting it is easy. Make an account on coinbase. When you get to checkout, your vendor will give you a "wallet address"( Think of it like a bank address"), and a bitcoin amount. Buy that amount of bitcoin.( A little over to cover transaction fees.) Send bitcoin to that wallet address.

The rest is history. Always give real name and actual address, since you aren't ordering "illegal" things and it can actually hinder you.


These are helpful subreddits

What do you want to research?


anon, Lysergi carries Etiz.
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ya she is RIDE OR DIE ...and i like that about her
I do it often. You are ordering "grey market chems". As long as you don't intend to consume, you are fine. ;). Worst case, your package goes missing. They have bigger fish to fry and its harder to prove intent to consume for an arrest with an RC.

TL;DR: You are perfectly fine anon. Just be sure to research if a chem is scheduled or not in your area. Obviously dont get arrested with them on you or pulled over. Treat it like actual drugs.
you don't have a miss anon??
I miss 4-MMC shit was fun but I'm glad it's gone because it was hard to put down.
That'd be me! I don't know much about stims. Apparently 2-FMA is GOAT. 2-fa has alot of hype. Maybe another anon will come along thats into stims.

1p-LSD and most lysergimides are worth looking into. Tryptamines are all pretty unique and fun. Definately look into them!
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Late arvo here lads, just about to crack a beer, and smoke a bowl. Fucking love 3 day weekends. Whats everyone else got on?
cali bro here. You should screen cap the compliments and show here lol. She'd prob get a kick out of it. Naw, 3 year relationship ended about a year ago. Kinda living between worlds atm, havent found someone to match my flow yet
It's good you have someone to share life with. And experiences. And trips. And drugs.

I still got a little bit over a g coke and maybe 3 more poinps speed. May as well stick around here until it's all gone.
i see, so lysergi carries actual dmt or a chemical compound of it? mainly interested in finding that because all my friends would suck my knob for some and any RC you recommend and if so, why? like whats the high like?
Seconding. Reddit is pretty handy, google is too.
My nigger. You in brisbane?
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she is my little gangster will trow down at the drop of a hat for me
Happy for you Anon. Shits rare, and good for the soul.
You will. Took me a while to find the right one and I'm glad I didn't settle for just any bitch.
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fuck ya anon I am drunk as hell we in for the long hall ...kek
Sure. I gotta call my weed guy and get him to drop round a half oz if Im going all arvo/night.


Lysergi carries a lot of different chems. Not sure if they carry DMT, but they have alot funner things IMO.

I reccommend 1p-LSD for sure. Its pretty indistinguishable from actual LSD. Alot more accurately dosed too, and way better then getting ripped off by some dude.

The high is literally like acid.

4-aco-dmt is also something worth looking into. Its a chem that turns into psybicillin once it hits your system. It literally TURNS INTO SHROOMS once you take it, and its legal. Legal. L E G A L.

The trip is pretty odd and...shroomy. Hard to describe. Worth trying.

IMPORTANT: If you are gonna fuck with RC's at all, you need reagent test kits and a good Milligram scale. The scale is 25 bucks on amazon(Gemini). Test kits are about 25 bucks for a 3 kit.

For psychs, you need an elrichs reagent. You use reagents to test what a substance is. Its kinda like a pH strip for drugs. They have one for almost anything.


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Indeed my friend. I'm in no hurry, gotta do me right now. Well guess I'll take a bump to keep solidarity lol
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ya I am she is up and around again

>asking me shit and if your here too ...kek
Nah mate, Newy
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how the fuck will he drink his beer ?
Just think like you dodged a bullet rather than you lost forever. Easy for me cause I don't accept losses.


Psychonaut wiki and tripsitMe are both really good sites to find dosages and what a chem does. Erowid is also god tier as always.

Google that chem, read about it a little, find out its dosage rates. Figure out if its legal and worth ordering.
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hahaha, tell her it'd be fun if I was kicken back Jack with y'all
ah how's it down there? Last time I was there I got drunk at one of your lovely brothels and rolled a few fat doobs. Hookers are fun to get fucked up with.
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alright, test the drugs i shall then. how tell if theyre shitty drugs?
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yes sir she said HI CALI ANON.. .. : )
...sorry she made me put smiley face for you ....kill me please...lol
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Lmfao, good times, good times. My favorite thread in years
Someone give me some good tunes. Im pinging and don't wanna go all activelike.

Need some laid back chill shit to pull me into my head and less on my tactile sense.

You take them and it works out like shit. Reagents test substance not quality. Usually you either know its a shit batch, people bitch about a batch being bad, exc. The important part is testing to see what you are getting.

Mecke, Mandeline, Marquis, and Elrich reagents are good standards to keep around. That will cover MOST tests. Simons A+B is also good.

/r/reagenttesting is also a good source for comparison.

You don't want to take something, get Fentanyl and fucking die.

Or take a tab of lsd, take 2 tabs, and get hurt because its a nBOME not LSD. Their dosage profiles are WAY different and the tabs are dosed differently too.
okay bu are these test kits electrical that will display what chemical it is? or do i stick a piece of paper in it and wait for it to turn a different colour lol
she made me put banks on too

her.......anon...go to wendy's for US...um I am drunk so just go ...no I am drunk..... why ....DRUNK you go ....na it's cold out ...girl logic ....FML....kek
Example of 1P vs NBOMe.



Just a tip for you anon. Take your time, a lot of us go full steam ahead on our first RC collection, dosing a bit too often. Have a premade mindset to dose only every few weeks, and especially go easy on the disso. Just some advice tho, everyones millage varies.
ya I am digging it too good job OP...
Oh shit my bad. The test kits are liquids. You put your substance on a glass plate, put a drop on the substance. Let it react and use the colors to determine what is what.
here you go anon, i find this extremely relaxing. anon in the previous thread posted it
glitch mob-drink the sea, blackmill-miracle are two of my faves. also this is my current favorite thing https://youtu.be/APmBT96ETJk
hmm ok. im heading to bed but this was a great thread and your knowledge is greatly appreciated anon, im assuming most other questions i come up with i can google?

I'll agree to this. Go easy on the dissos. I think its fine to get a collection going, just be careful. Also, play around a little. There are a fuck ton of awesome RC's.



Links to the test kit and scale I personally use.
Hmm not bad. But not the right stuff. I'm a drummer I should add and cringe at the sound of synthed drums.

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god dam son it's 3 am here... ...ha ha Wendy's is closed.....

this is what she had me put on for her

Of course. Reddit, erowid, psychonaut wiki are all good info sources. If you ever wanna talk, just start a RC thread here. I love talking about this stuff and helping, and I'm usually lurking some time.

Cheers anon. Update us on your orders and how stuff goes!
Haha that about sums up the place tbh man, cant say about the hookers but the rest of the chicks are pretty easy game. Much happening up north for ya?
Again. Not bad. Nice drums. Bit piano heavy. Think I'm feeling a 4 piece but maybe something slow and soulful in the prog rock veins?

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Shot in the dark but heres one of my favorite bands https://youtu.be/iFy6vu9gaJA
Nah. These guys got me jealous so I cracked open the safe and am midway through shovelling it all in.

Secnw- speed Eccies coke and weed.
Ffs. Being aussie is shit. Go no global licending ill listen when I go back inside to pc.
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Is that Jack keepin you strong Anon? lol
Heading to bed anons. Thanks for the RC talk, hope ill be able to help others learn about RC's in the future. Cheers.
Peace anon, happy future research
lol...ya on # 5 now have to stop or I wont be able to type any more
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god dam did I get lit talking to you fucktard's....kek
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haha nice. I'm hitting 40+ hours. I pulled a sober all nighter (idk why I just do that here and there) than got my Eph at noon soooooo....damn
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O my god...she wants to know where every one is from....
lolz. I think there's only 3 or 4 peps left.
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been there H keeps u up too glad we didn't do that shit tonight !
I'm australian
there was only 12 to begin with
LMAO she said WOW ...got to love her dumb ass
I wanna float on dem clouds man.
True. 20 on the last thread a think.
im the secnw guy who thought she looked soft and smelled like baked goods.
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plus lurkers ...kek
to tell you the truth i think she smeels like fruitpunch no shit ....lol
kek, not a bad deal anon. So whatcha all doing to keep occupied/entertained?
fuck sorry very drunk ..right now ...lol

>mfw I cant see the capicha i am so fucked up ....
That's cool. But I look at picture and I'm reminded of the smell of baked bread.

Fuck trips then dubs. Bet I get singles next
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she is right here siting on my head ..lol..
no right next to me reading all this with me and lis to music
O and she is rolling a joint ...kek
haha nice. I've just been cruisin over youtube finding new music and playing some favorites, and yo Anon, be on the look out for Comfy RC threads, Ill make some next weekend
sexy rolls anon
cali b/ro you still up ..loll I just went to get up hollyshit son .....kek
lmao, still chillin /b/ro. Might catch the sunrise at this point.
Be carful wifh reswarch chemicals Espexiallg stimulants . I've been binging on different RC and non RC Stims for Almkst 3 days now and I haven't slept at all I'm currently sitting down hyperventilating and trying to control my breathing but it's almost impossible.. just a warning for anyone using stimulants they can fuck uou up badly if you're not xcareful with them. I hardly ate anything today either
and yelling at me not to make her look stupid on here .....fuckin hell.....can't make this shit up ....
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DMT guy here from the last thread. Well I finally got into my DMT for tonight, and my god, I'm always blown away by this stuff. Just when I think I remember how exactly its gonna feel (not see, that's always different) I'm surprised again. It's the first DMT I'v ever had, and I presume it's "jungle spice" as its and orange waxy-ish sort of cumbly type. Anywho heres the experience:

Each time with DMT I experience a different and new entity. It has yet to be the same or very similar one, each one that I visit is unique in essence. The first dose I took I was visited by what I can only describe as a silly and playful one. I was initially overwhelmed as I sat on my bed, and fell over onto the pillow and shut my eyes. I soon stopped trying to study and define the entity (as seems natural for us humans) and let it be without trying to give it a label. It's here you can see the most of the experience as it has no limitations and just shows you what it wants. So yes, this one was very playful, making "boing" and bouncing sounds, and just providing silly playful visuals. Not super intricate fractals, but more likes vibrant colored base shapes bouncing around.

The next dose I took was a little bit smaller than last. I contemplated taking another so soon decided for it cause, why the hell not. What will it be this time?

This time it was again, a distinct entity, but this one was very different from any i have experienced so far. This one had a certain "dark" edge to it. Not necessarily sinister, but creepy interesting. Like Gothic architecture, very intricate but with a certain intriguing and admirable dark edge. It began as a network of immense black and purple (mostly among many other colors) fractals that formed a sort of face. Not human, but with eyes and a sharp smile. It soon focused on a sort of cube or box fractal to it's side which radiated more of these "dark edged" fractals, and soon I was enveloped by the boxes output. Though this one was creepy, I admired it.
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ya I work nights so I am up all night anyway all the time
Lol, y'all are adorable
Been treading carefully. Deep breaths, breathing exercises anon, you be okay! If you know someone with a benzo call em up. Praying for a sense of calm for you ana
fuck ha ha ha wrong pic.....kek
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I used almost /250mgs over the last day. That's more than 10 time s the recommended dose and now it's catching up to meZ I'm gonna try and sleeep night /b/. Stimulants are awesome but not to be fucked with
Il be alright, thanks though. Unfortunately I'm all out of xanax right now but I'm gonna try and sleep it off and breathe slower.
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who's the broad on the left? Kinda looks like my ex with a giant fucking nose lolol
good to hear man. The misspells had me worried lol
aaa we want to kill eachother half the time
It's hard for type right now cause my body feels lieke it gone rigid and my hands ar e shaking and kinda numb too. I'll post ok then next thread if you guys make another, night /!b/
yeah I've gone through about 120mgs of eph tonight so far. Too dirty for my taste, might flush it if oral ROA doesnt work better
lol had to make sure i could talk about it here .... ...she said it's cool....lol

it is fer bff we play with her every so offen ....yup she is good like that too ....
I fuckin love watching them go to town ....OOOOOOmg
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damn son, good times indeed. Do you guys live together. Wanting to kill each other is a lil normal if so lol
Gnite Anon, rest well
ya she spent the night and never left.....
aaaaa and i just got hit for this ....
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lmao thats usually how it happens
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You'll be okay anon, just dont take another dose lol. Do exactly as said, try and breath easy, dont force it, just entice it and slowly let it sink in more and more. With your breath slowing imagine your self physically sinking a little bit lower and lower as you progress, falling deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state. It'l take some time certainly with the stimulation, but keep at it, and it'll settle in. Just dont focus on "forcing" it to happen, let it progress as it needs, slowly as it will likely. Good luck bro, and keep the lesson you learned from this experience in mind for next time. Don't go overboard with the stimmys. You HAVE self discipline. If you believe otherwise, so be it.
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ha ha she said to post this for you ...
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This guy has been before haha, nice breathing guide Anon.
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>>why she always flippin me off? haha
because she's mean ....thats why....lmao
mean ass meany ....I am fucking dieing ...
The short one's are usually mean I suppose haha

These captchas are annoying!
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> as she smacks the shit out of me saying to slop....
O no anon run .........you just called her short ....lol

>she saw it before i did and was like O NO HE DIDN'T
Secnw back now.

I went on an adventure. Now I'm lost in my bonsai plants
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Lmao. I figured it'd trigger. The last girl a dated was 5'. I watched her beat the shit out of her 6'2" ex boyfriend, talk about mean short package
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we still just chillin
sounds enjoyable Secnw /b/ro, bonsai's are cool af. Bought some for my mom on her BD
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See them.

So much RELAX.

The relax is real. I gotta get some plants for my room....
should have stop at wendy's so she stfu abut food ....lol
as to my adventure. Sketch on the end part but came home soaked.

Weird thing is I don't need to go near water to walk to dealers house.

Not raining. So glad I forgot my phone. I think I must have shortcut some fences and hit a pool or sprinkler.

Add two more pills to the tally and another point of speed.

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This one's my favourite. Forced roots up. Trained them like big snek. Started shooting from exposed roots. Now it looks like two separate plants.


Chinese maple.
duuuude, cool pic.
Nice. My moms are taking forever to grow. Is this normal?
dam the weed tore my ass up fuck
drunk wendy's is amazing
Yeah. I wish I could make that look to myself.

Last time I was fucked on acid I ran away from mates and they found me on a big metal grate that covered a road near the golf course singing spiderman and giggling to myself
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Yeah bro.

But if you use some decent fertiliser and mix to about 5.8ph use pk13-14 for phosphorus, mix some potash and repeat fortnightly. You will induce flowering due to the phosphor and the potash.

24h under grow lights will also squeeze every last bit of growth. My plants only get one night of dark a fortnight for example

That picture made me tear up in fear now.
Nice, good to know. I actually Have two tabs of 1-p-lsd atm, cant wait for a good chance to trip
Lol. That's not the only night our group has had a run in with that grate.

Cause it's on the way to my mates wed always go by. Anyhow Jeff was fucked and convinced he was a pirate sailor on the high seas. Screamed out, Land Ho and said he must climb the birds nest.

I never want to hear shiver me timbers again cause it took 3 hours to coax him down. Was convinced the boat would crash if he wasn't watching the land from the birds nest....
yup my girl hates it she wont even look at it when I put it up she ran out of the room.....lmao
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Holy shit, that most of been one hell of a trip for him lmao.
His first time. I'm a dick son. I spent the night winking at him and barking nautical commands.

I didn't think he'd deep end that shit and run with it.

dam cali anon I am dunk as hell stond as fuck and hungry noww wut do ...
Somehow makes me think of the Woman in Black but much worse than her.
Call a dominos

Or mcd delivery. 24 hours. Awww yeh.

life's great questions Anon. lol
ya and getting her to cook is well....fuck that ...I need food ...lol
get yo grub on Anon. Wendys or bust
ya me too ...it's spooky she say's O she said unnerving....
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Hey Anon, joining the thread a little late but I'm in Tokyo at the moment.
aa there closed ..anon....... such is life ...

>she is going to make shity egg's I guess i will have some of them ...first world probs......
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Dude that's aweomse. Tokyo is pretty high up on my bucket list!
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Eggs will help to recover the lack of sleep and jack tho lol
ya she want breakfast and i have to eat what she makes or i get nothin......lol..
>like I said she is mean....
Panu caekies. Got flour sugar water and milk? Got butter?

Throw some jam in the batter Is even better
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dam my ass is sore i have been siting here so long
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Great place, great people, great food. I highly recommend it. Hoping to get to Kyoto in the next few weeks. I would love to see it rain in the countryside
ya right she will blow the house up .....LMFAO
fuckin mix shit cook for real..omg anon if you only new I would need a hazmat sute....o man i am dyeing
the stove looks brand new in this fucker...lol
i live in tokyo
it gets old man
god dam I am cryin over here....
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BRRRRROOOOOOOSSSS. I still cant sleep lol
Everywhere gets old. Is why I constantly stay on the move, is to avoid places getting old. I wont stay in Tokyo long (lest I find a girl). I just like to appreciate the beauty of the world, see the different ways people live. I like to look at it from a more macro level. I feel if I stay in one place too long, it's easy to get wrapped up in a routine.
Thats an awesome way to live Anon
du sun is comming up cali anon....kek
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haha nice, you made it! about two more hours for me.
ya ate my food she ate and passed the fug out ...
I ATE MORE DRUGS! Just a lil tho lol
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good night cali anon I was just told I HAVE to go to bed she is cold

peace out anon's
Hahaha. Im still rolling here in aus.
enjoy the smell of baked goods.

It's been something.

Peace out new friend, may we meet again
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