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Definitely a Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>731666943

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 159
Thread images: 151

Definitely a Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>731666943

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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still prepping for hardmode, working on a little farm for potion ingredients right now
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Still here


Dark magician girl was hot yeah
Not really. I do like looking at and for them of course. Yeah. I dont really feel anything when I see those pictures. It was like the assignment the teacher would give us in Orchestra. She would put on music and you would write what it made you feel. I would just make it up and focus on making the cursive letters look right more than anything. >>731677639
Dark magician girl was hot yeah
Not really. I do like looking at and for them of course. Yeah. I dont really feel anything when I see those pictures. It was like the assignment the teacher would give us in Orchestra. She would put on music and you would write what it made you feel. I would just make it up and focus on making the cursive letters look right more than anything. >>731677639
Dark magician girl was hot yeah
Not really. I do like looking at and for them of course. Yeah. I dont really feel anything when I see those pictures. It was like the assignment the teacher would give us in Orchestra. She would put on music and you would write what it made you feel. I would just make it up and focus on making the cursive letters look right more than anything. >>731677639
Dark magician girl was hot yeah
Not really. I do like looking at and for them of course. Yeah. I dont really feel anything when I see those pictures. It was like the assignment the teacher would give us in Orchestra. She would put on music and you would write what it made you feel. I would just make it up and focus on making the cursive letters look right more than anything.
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I mucked that up some how......
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Yup, been on a hiatus for awhile but now Ima try be back to it
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Still here
Hello everyone
>juvia claimed
>w-what? Why?
>s-shut up and post more p-panties you perv
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>>731677837 (Juvia)
That's great to hear!
Also nice news that work wasn't too bad. Thankfully it's weekend from now on so you can rest a little, right?
And that's a lot of vitamin shots~
>>731677903 (YouKnow)
That sounds like a good plan. You really excited for the fight aren't you?
>>731677983 (Hanako)
At least you didn't have to work with stucco, huh~?
Well, I just woke up so I'll go get myself some breakfast, then watch the thread from pc and start programming, gotta work on these projects..
Do you have any plans for the night~?
Do you have a lot preparations before it?
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I suppose it's difficult for some people, or they just don't pursue it. I wouldn't say art needs to necessarily cause some emotion, you can still appreciate the purely aesthetic elements too.

Pretty badly, yes. Though I still don't get how.
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I am quite the fan for Canelo Alvarez
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Lewd! I just dont see it besides that looks pretty or nice. I guess comics and stuff like that dont count though. Neither do I.
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That;s good. For a minute i thought you might've forgotten all about it, kinda like something else~

> Hmm maybe i'll tell you tomorrow~
> Even more blushing, lucky me~
> Alright, this is the last one for tonight~

Yeah thankfully~
That's nice. Falling a little behind~?
Just about to get comfy in a few minutes~
really the only preparations you have to do is building a platform to fight the wall of flesh on
>defeating the wall of flesh is what triggers hardmode
but theres alot of little things you can do that just make your life easier in hardmode, like having a good supply of potions
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Oh no I'm not stopping til I max out the skill, level 91 today
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Indeed. A restful weekend indeed
And they're not really shots, just like Gatorades with more vitamins i guess?
>w-whatever, not like i care...
>shut up!
>more purple panties
Would you like something before bed perhaps?
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Claiming best girl.
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That's alright.
The thread seems a lot more lewd than usual in general. Although that may be my lack of attendance recently.
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Its always that way around now.
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That;s the spirit!

>Weeeell it might have a little something to do with you~
> So cute~
> alright only one more.
Yeah, that would be nice. Pick one for me.

Hey I've been lurking for a while now these threads and I always see you both here no matter what time of the day I might check it, so where are you from?
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Oh yeah Im just some neet so nothing better to do. Im from cali you?
>tell me you stupid pervert!
>shut up!
>i knew i could persuade you to post one more~
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im here everyday from 10pm-4am cst, altho i sometimes come earlier
>from kansas city
Sorry for the wait everyone, had to grab some decent breakfast
Well, not really a fan of box myself, but I guess he's pretty good, huh?
>calm down there satan
Well, kinda. Also I learned I have a SHITLOAD of work till the end of the month, so yeah... Goodbye vidya for now....
That's sweet, and as I heard you have work tomorrow, so it's early bed time for you isn't it~?
The... Wall of....... Flesh? Now ain't that a cute name for a dog.
>good luck, you might need it~
Well, potions might come in handy, especially in hardmode. Do you have much prep left?
Any plans for it?
Ah, I see. Well, it's kinda sorta similar I guess, I don't really take them
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I see nobody has her yet.
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Shower time

He's very good lol
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Alrighty it's time for bed. Have a good day/night everyone. Goodnight.

> Sorry, it's bedtime~
> Well i couldn't resist such a heartfelt request~ :p
Ahh so beautiful... Thanks.
Goodnight Juvia.

Aww that sucks.rip vidya.
pretty much, but i can always make a little time for you in discord~

I'll probably be asleep by the time you get back.
Goodnight cutie.
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I'm only lurking because all the other threads are shit.
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im just about to start working on the platform for the boss fight actually
>theres alot more than just healing potions btw, you can make potions that give you all sorts of buffs, like increased damage or crit chance
>and you can have a whole lot of buff potions active at the same time

night hanako
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Nah. It's Guri from "Love Tyrant."
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Oh. Never heard of it
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It's a spring 2017. So it's pretty darn recent.
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Oh yeah im pretty slow at reading things and I hardly watch things
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im not lewd xddd
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Same. I'm too busy most of the time but I normally get in a series or two a month.
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Yes you are
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I'm from Spain. Neet as well, and I'm not here for as long as you :(
Finally on PC, n00t pls don't ban me

But the real question is... How good is he? Will he be able to defeat his opponent? Or will he be crushed under the might of JOHN CENA?! YOU CAN FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY NIGHT WHEN WWE CHAMP JOHN CENA DEFENDS HIS TITLE IN THE WWE SUUUUUUPERSLAAAAAAAAAAAM. Right now you can order this awesome pay-per-view for just 59,99$.
Goodnight Hanako, sleep tight~
But why would you need the platform for anyway? I mean, cant you fight it from the ground behind some sort of a wall and just spam it with arrows or something?
>damn, a shitload of buffs sound quite nice when you need that extra amount of power
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Yeah he's gotten quite the number of KOs
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Just not that interested normally
Not here for long?
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Nope I've been only lurking waifus threads for a couple weeks now although I've been in 4chan for 3 years now
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Yeah. I feel ya.
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I lurked for maybe 3 weeks before posting yeah.
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when you fight the wall of flesh you need a super long platform to run along, when the boss spawns it will slowly start to drift across the screen, and it doesnt stop moving forward until it dies, you have to keep running and stay in front of it, cause if it passes you it'll grab you and basically insta-kill you
I thought you guys were talking about teraria. Lol. But yeah. Hiding behind a wall will get you killed quickly. Gotta keep moving.
Holy hell. Now the group is super salty and split in half between hating the game and like it.They're all arguing and one left
send helpo
yea firekeeper is playing through it for the first time, i love giving him advice every night
My server is open for chats. Send peeps. It's a ghost town.


Stay out of my ghost town.
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Hi everyone I'm back

I just got up and threw up lots :(
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Tell them to relax its a game guys thats still in beta if I recall
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From the drinking yuno?
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You ight?
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Oh Shiz. You haven't seen shit, man. The wall of flesh is the beginning of the bloodshed. Not the end of it.
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Just take it easy and get a pot yuno. Its a rest day
Terraria is a super fun game! There's so much to do and it has a lot of replayability! I wish I could play it again for the first time. Maybe mods but I dunno...
I wish they'd make the second one already!

Oh, that's no good! You should never drink that much!
I'm sorry to hear that though. Please feel better soon! Are you heading back to sleep?

Nice digits!
Someone has already tried to make that point. It hasn't gone over well. They're still at it and now the person that left has returned and is arguing too.
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Maybe duck out of that. It sounds uncomfortable
oh boy, double yuno night

is the newbie not me
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Not for long, I'm fixing to head to bed
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Hope you get better soon ^^
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i always have my eyes open for news about terraria:otherworld, and i think they're working on some new updates for terraria as well

lame, but i guess you do have work tomorrow so that fair
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You know Gasai (6).png
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Unfortunately so, this day went by too fast
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Hi youknow I'm ok ish good thing is I never get headaches with my hangovers
Don't need a bucket it there isn't anything left :(
I should have been smarter than to mix drinks
Twice the sexy
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Very good, with that I shall pass you the Yuno torch as I will be heading to bed
Good night thread
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It is, but at the same time... It's really funny. I was recording it actually but stopped.
Anyways, what's up with you? Tanks still?

If I don't see you before you go to bed, then sleep well You Know! Sweet dreams, okay?

I'm sorta excited for Terraria: Otherworld, but it looks kinda weird and I know that they said they were going to a make a Terraria 2 also!
I didn't know that they were still making updates for just Terraria though! That's really cool!

Wait, you mixed drinks? Oh no, that doesn't sound good. That seems like it's a recipe for trouble. Did you take anything to calm your stomach?
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Just take it easy ok yuno?
Ah. Why? Ah yes I just read the patch they are testing and its got some very nice things in there for me. First being that you dont need a full female crew for the perk to go into effect so thats great news for me. They also added female voices for the female commanders and they are kawaii as fuck!
This is all the voice clips just skip around to the different countries time links in the bottom
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Good night
You can mix them but you have to do it in the right order and I didn't
I will I'm currently just sitting here in my dresing gown trying to wait this out
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the last few terraria updates have just been alot of minor things, mostly bugfixes and new decorative items, last patch added support for new languages and 4k graphics, and aparently Re-Logic has a "secret" update plan for the game
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Dressing gown?
I felt like the argument was getting heated and I didn't want to record that, but I found out that one of the people arguing was doing it for the reaction I think.
Oh, that's really cool! Are you still going for an all female crew then because you've already started or just going to mix and match?
That's really cool that they added voices for the females! Also holy moly that's an hour! I listened though and you're right, they are super cute! It's really cool that they added all those different languages too! I can't think of a lot of games that go to that extent!

I've noticed that, though I didn't know they added 4k support! That's really cool!
I thought the latest updated added quite a bit though! Err, the crossover one!
I also didn't know about the secret update! You got me all excited now, I've dumped a lot of time into that game so I'm happy to hear they still have plans for it. Probably not as much as you though, you sound like you absolutely adore it!
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Sorry for the late replys, but I got into writing that goddamn project.

Trying my best~
Well, I just googled him and he seems quite good. 48 wins for 50 fights... Damn.
I just googled it, and... I don't really know what I expected. It's a wall of goddamn flesh. And I guess it's huge, too.
Soooo... How are you going to kill that thing? "Shoot it until it dies" kinda tactic, or something else?
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Hi Firekeeper!
How did things go with your girlfriend yesterday? Did you have a super special day?
And how are you doing this morning?
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Ah I got you. I dont think ill put a full female crew because I can get more cute commander voices for my tanks. I have a german chinese and swedish female commanders so voices for those ones. Well all those languages are in the game. You can set your tank voice to be for the country of the tank you are driving. Its really neat little feature I like it. These guys are actually pretty smart when it comes to doing things for their games. How they save replay files being one of my favorites. What they do is instead of recording the match they just record the inputs you make and then load a match in the client of the game and run all your inputs instead of a long video saved. I think its actually a really neat way to save space.
Oh a bathrobe
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oh yea the DD2 crossover was a good patch, added alot of new turrets to the game, plus crossover of my other favorite game
>i have like 800 hours played on terraria btw

basically, shoot it in either the eyes or the mouth until it dies
>killed it awhile ago btw, so playing in hardmode now
Hi Kanna, nice to see you.
It was pretty okay, we had a nice day.
And I'm alright, just programming a little.
How was your day?
Always a little behind. Well, good job out there! Did you have any trouble with it?
And now that you're in hardmode... What now?
Yuno I missed you I'm super sorry, really tired right now. My bad!
Wait, it matters the order you mix alcohol? I never knew that! I always figured you just threw them all in there like in a blender. Did you mix more than two then?

Oh, that's smart! Spread out the cuteness, that's a good idea!
I guess yeah the languages are in the game, but that seems like they are really going for realism. I like that, I think that can be really cool!
Oh the setting voice thing is really nice also! Can other people hear your orders or just you?
They sound smart indeed!
Whoa, that seems like a really innovative system! Do they record everyone else's input too? Or is it just you shooting at nothing? Either way, that's sweet!

I want to make a new character but then i think back to how hard I worked for some stuff on my old character and just end up playing on the old one haha. I never really tested out any of the new content, but did do the event a few times! Also never played Dungeon Defenders!
Jeez, you make me look like a newbie! I only have around half that, like 412 hours I think!

It's nice to see you too Firekeeper! It always is!
Well, at least it was okay right? It sounds like didn't go super bad and that's really good if it's the last day you'll see them for a while! I'm happy to hear that!
Ooooh, programming! That's cool! I still have no idea how you do that! Don't you lose focus talking to us while doing it? It seems really hard!
My day was okay, can't hear out of one ear now for some reason. Might go to the doctor next week if it keeps up. Other than that I'm doing okay!
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Bathrobe? never heard it called that before
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nah i built a 2000 block platform to fight him on, i dont think i was even halfway to the end before i killed it, now im off in the hallow trying to get my fancy new weapon

i make new characters and play through the game all over again every couple months or so, i never get tired of it
>i have about 900 hours on dungeon defenders too
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Ive always known it as dressing gown. Mine is so damn good.
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It will be neat. I want a british and japanese one now. No they dont hear your tank. That would be a lot of radio chatter but you can ping the map and stuff. Im actually not sure what they do for other players. Here is a replay from one of the youtubers I watch. He is pretty damn good at the game and entertaining to listen to.
Thats what people here call it
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Well, the pleasure is all mine. It's also always nice to see you, too!
Yeah, it was pretty okay. We had ice cream and went on a walk, it was pretty good.
Haha, not so much, really. I can focus on different things at the same time, at least while they're the same language. Somehow when I "switch" between languages I lose all my focus on things. But as everything here and in programming is in english, I manage just fine.
Oh my, that seems kinda serious. Maybe you should try some ear drops first? They sometimes help a bit. But yeah, if it keeps up you might want to get it checked. And I'm glad you're doing okay!
Any plans for the rest of the night?
Damn, that's a long platform. And what's the fancy weapon you're out for?
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It is no problem how could I be mad at a face like that. That's not what people mean by mixing drinks drink mixing is when you drink more than one type of alcohol in a night. It matters what order you drink them in because you don't want to be too hard on your liver cos if it gets messed up you will get a bad hang over
There fluffy warm goodness
Ah I see probably a california thing
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a crystal serpent, i have to get it from fishing in the hallow biome, really easy to get, just takes a long time cause the chance to catch it is super low
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Maybe your thing is weird.
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dressing gown sounds more like a non-american thing
You're crazy! How do you not think back to previous characters? Do you keep them all or delete them so you're not tempted to go back? Do you use the same world? Sorry for the million questions!
Also 900 hours on dungeon defenders?! How do you find the time? Now I'm curious...
What's the highest time you have on a game?

You should try and get them all! Like a collection! That'd be pretty cool!
Oh, that makes a lot of sense then! It would be pretty noisy eheh.
Oooooooh, I'm such and idiot. I get it now! Yeah, that's definitely really cool! Also he seems like a good youtuber to watch. I don't really watch any youtubers except for one but I should start to get more into it!
Also World of Tanks seems really complicated! It kinda reminds me of Mechwarrior online, but I think Tanks came first? I dunno.

Awwww, that sounds super adorable! I bet she loved it! You're so sweet, you know that?
Wow, you're a lot more capable then me! I would probably get super frustrated or distracted I imagine. And I forgot you're from Poland, right? You speak two different languages then? That's crazy! How do you manage to do that! I took Spanish but I can't remember almost any of it!
I tried some ear drops today actually! It kinda helped, then didn't, then sorta helped again. It's really weird. Also super nervous that I'll have to go to the doctor! And thank you Firekeeper!
Plans... Probably just talk for a bit then off to bed! It's 4:03am right now here, so I'm up pretty late! Played some Battlegrounds earlier though, and then everyone got super mad in my group and we stopped!

Thank you thank you Yuno, you're super nice!
Oh, I'm stupid, sorry! I've never really drank, only twice I think, and it was only a little bit. And definitely not than one type! Wow! I can see how that could make you sick! Please please please be more careful next time! I don't want you to be sick!
But also thank you for telling me that! That's actually really important
This one has been warm for years with no wear at all. Ive slept in it.
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At least one for each country would be nice yeah. Find one for games you liek is normally a good starting point. It is a game you want someone to show you how it works. Figured it out for myself and it took way longer with plenty of stupid mistakes that are really easy to correct if you just know.
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Tomomomo <3
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Hello! how are you doing?
i keep all my old characters/worlds, i make a fresh world everytime i start again, not tempted to go back cause that would spoil the experience of replaying
dungeon defenders is my most played on steam, but ive got about 3600 hours sunk into ffxiv, and likely several thousand hours in brood war from back in the day
>im a neet, time is all i have

fellow yellow eyes
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No it isn't your one is stranger
Well I am in the uk
I'll be a more careful next time, I think I will just stick to whiskey and It is no problem all I need to do now is remember what is the correct order cos I have completely forgotten :P
That's some high quality stuff right there
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How? People wear them after showers normally

Actually, that's how I found Northernlion. I started watching him because of the Binding of Isaac and I just watch whatever he does now. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and I just enjoy hearing him rant now. He's also pretty bad at a lot of games he plays but that's always funny to watch.
Ugh, that sounds really painful. Well, at least you learned, right? That's probably why you're so good! You had to climb your way to the top and it was super brutal but you pushed through it and came out victorious!
At least, that's what I choose to believe!

If you've been playing for that long then you must have like a million characters to choose from! And a million worlds, for that matter!
I don't know why, but I can't ever do that for some reason. It's weird. But thank you for the insight, that's really interesting!
What!! 3600 hours!? That's crazy! Though I'm close to that number for a game or two... but then several thousand hours on brood war?!?! That's crazy! You have to be like one of the best players ever for that! Why did you stop?
It's okay, I think half of us here are neets and then we come here to listen to the other half that actually have lives. Or it's probably something else, I have no idea!

Good! Drinking can be fun if you do it safely and in moderation!
Err, now I sound like a mom. Do what you want, but just please be safe.
Whiskey sounds like a good choice! I've never had it myself, what does it taste like?
Wait, you forgot the right order?! Oh no... well, can you ask anyone else that was with you?
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It was originally worn while in the act of getting dressed. So you are dressing yourself and the gown is for modesty. You dont wear it in a bath. Bathrobe makes no sense.
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I feel you, I really do. There was this one time I wanted to darm out a weapon in DS. 1% drop chance. 100 enemies killed in order to get it. Fuck luck.
Well, she chose the place in the first place, as we went to her town and i wanted her to show me that place. it was really nice, and nah, I'm not that sweet. But thank you anyway~
Maybe try music? I play this (link later on) when I'm doing something productive. Not really loud, just for it to play in the background, it keeps work somewhat enjoyable and nice. And yup, Poland here. I actually speak english pretty fluently if I dare to say so myself, and now I'm also taking Deutsch classes, but that isn't working out for me. Tho maybe if I had to I might say a thing or two, but nothing aside from the very basic communication, so don't think it counts at all. And Spanish, huh? My girlfriend learns it currently, it's a pretty fun language tho at first glance it's really hard. Maybe try Italian? It's a pretty neat language, and I heard it's pretty easy, too!
Huh, that's really weird. But a visit might do you some good. Why, are you afraid of doctors?
My my, that's super late if you ask me.. And are we talking Playerunknown's Battlegrounds? How was it? And playing in groups is great, how many of you are there?
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Nice pic. As long as you enjoy it. Im just pretty stubborn.
And Viagra was originally a blood thinner. Its not anymore. People put it on after they shower so they can dry off or whatever. So they call it a bathrobe because its a robe they use after a bath.
Nice pic
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yea 'muricans would call that a bathrobe, nothing strange about it just cultural differences

i've only got 3 full endgame character/worlds right now, i lost most of my saves when i rebuilt my pc last year
ffxiv is an mmo so its super easy to sink thousands of hours into
i was never super good at brood war, i played mostly custom games, it was just the game of my childhood, would come home and play it everyday after school for several hours

well the crystal serpent is a .5% catch chance, lets how i dont have to fish 200 times to catch it
>still far from the lowest drop chance of an item i've farmed for in this game

but, its about 6:30am, and the sun has risen, which makes it time for bed, night everyone
That makes no sense though. The way the grammar works is strange. I bet its an American attempt to dumb down English for everyone.
And yes. Yes it is.
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I dropped a handful of people last time I was on. Apologies.
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And it is also something you put on before you get dressed to do stuff like go get the milk and newspaper
Yes you do sound like a mum :P
I like the taste of most whiskeys but most people don't and I tend to mix it with coca cola witch just makes it taste like fumy cola
I had a google hunt and found the rime "Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear" but even if you do it right you will still be ill if you don't drink a lot of water before bad
The name of the thing changes from place to place in the uk as well I know in mid England they call it a house coat
Sounds like you don't have a very good grip
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I mean it makes sense to me. I don't see why it matters if it's called a bathrobe really. When do we get our own pet Rory's? >>731688077
Nobody here gets delivered milk
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Doesn't Avery post in these?
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Who, fool? Hes a rare sight nowadays.
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Why not? I won't
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I'm not sure we're talking about the same guy.
I know a guy that goes by Fool, but Avery is someone else. Also goes by Freckles.
Oh, it sounds like she really had it all planned out! She sounds super smart! I bet you guys are perfect for each other! And don't be silly, you are super sweet! At the very least, in my book you are!
I generally try and play music when I want to do something important also! I listen to the same song over and over though, so it can get a little old after a while. That just means I'm always open to new songs though!
Okay, I just wanted to make sure I got it right! I might forget at some point, but I'll try my hardest to remember!
I think you speak it extremely well! At this point I think if you misspoke or something like that it could just be considered a typo because you type so much! Wait, you're also trying to learn Deutsch? That's crazy! How do you have so much room in your head?! I'm sorry that it's not working out for you though. I hope it can work out in the future! And don't worry, you seem super smart, you could probably speak it easy!
Spanish, yeah! It was fun at first but my teacher was really strict and I could never pronounce some of the words correctly! Plus they don't have the letter "k" and I think that's stupid! Err, not stupid I guess, I just really like that letter and wish they had it!
I doubt I could ever learn a new language haha, but I'll keep Italian in mind if I ever give it a go!
I'm not afraid of doctors so much as not trusting myself with whatever results I get. If there's nothing wrong with me, then I'll know I was just blowing everything out of proportion and I'm stupid. If there is something wrong with me, then I'll just use that as an excuse to wallow in my own pity. I don't want either of those things!
It's too late, aaaaaa. But I do it normally now, with my schedule being all messed up. And yes, you are correct about it being Playerunknown's Battlegrounds! It's a fun game, but you can end up mad sometimes and it runs terribly! We're normally a group of 3 total, but we got a fourth player for it!

new post
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Aw that sucks fresh milk is nice
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stop it, that's like my top fetish
or continue, I don't know!

I enjoy a lot of stuff! I enjoy talking to you and miss Juvia and to everyone here! I enjoy playing games with my friends and I enjoy making lists apparently, so I'll stop it now!
Well yeah, you are pretty stubborn! But that's one of the great things about you! You'll never give up, not at all!

Oh no, that's terrible! I know the feeling though, I just got a new computer and didn't want to bring over almost anything to keep it clean. I probably will in half a year or something when it's cluttered with trash inevitably!
Ah, I know that feeling well with WoW. I played it way way too much throughout the years. Don't regret it though, I would still go back too if I had people that played it haha.
Come on, I think you're being too modest! You were probably super good! But that sounds like you have a lot of fond memories of it, so that's nice.
Good night Vampire lady who's name I cannot remember for some reason. Sleep tight and sweet dreams.

Hi Rem! How are you?

Sorry sorry! I just want everyone to be safe!
Oh, I hate cola! I never liked it for some reason! So that sounds extra icky! Hopefully I'll get to try some good whiskey someday though!
That's a handy rhyme indeed! I'll try my best to remember it! And the drinking water tip! Thank you a bunch!
Does he own a tarantula named Eric?
Id like one, but we can only dream.
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I wouldn't know we get gallons. >>731688769
That's good. Uh depends on what it is really. >>731688882
Dreaming sucks
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Nah. That's Fool.
Totally different person.

I hope he didn't mail that painting yet though. I just got my post sorted out because they kept shipping all my mail back to Iowa.
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Saya 269.gif
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Played Persona 5 and almost committed heresy. Had to read Saya no Uta again.
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Why do you think I am who I am?

Hey Kanna, I'm doing fine. You?
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Almost.. Futaba is just so fucking cute.
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It is no problem. If you want to know a nice tasting one to drink I like smirnoff ice it is like lemonade
Blh mass produced crap
Could you rephrase that please I don't get it
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Kinda sad that his roach died to be honest.
I agree.
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It's too good
They're even piiiiiiink

I guess it depends, yeah, but it's always something that you think is worth fighting for, and that's the noblest cause of all! Wait, at least I think it is... is it like the most noble cause for yourself? Hang on, I confused myself.
Still Tomo, you're a good person and I know that whatever you fight for is a good cause!

That's a spooky gif! Why did you make it like that?
Also hi Saya! How are you?

I'm glad to hear you're doing fine!
I'm doing okay myself, besides a possible hearing problem. And the migraines have been really bad lately, but now I'm just complaining! I'm good in spirit, and that's what matters!
So plans for today? Wait, what time is it for you?
Also maids are the best!

Alright, I'll keep that in mind next time I decide to try drinking! Thank you so much for all the advice, I just don't want to do something wrong!
So, are you feeling any better then you did earlier? I hope so!
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never into heresy, stellaris soon
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Eric died?
Man, that blows.
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>how about striped?
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I don't really care. >>731689464
Don't worry Rory. I'm sure if we get one it will be just like the simulations. >>731689482
I just played a game kanna. You are getting a bit preachy there yeah. Not really and I don't fight for anything.
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I'm only who I am because I'm dumb.

That's quite unfortunate. I may be heading out later to a temple to help with stuff, since it's a special Buddhist holiday. My time zone is CST, so it is 7:09 AM
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Saya 015.jpg
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Hai. I'm alright. A bit tired.
I didn't make it. Some nice anon made it.

It was really close..

>stellaris soon
No can do. Need to do stuff.
aaaaa so good
Also the rest of that picture is really good
but the pantieeees
Why are you doing this to me so close to beeed

I guess yeah, but if it's something that makes you happy... then I... I dunno. I just want to support you, you know?
But yeah, sorry that got really preachy. Maybe that's where that one speech I was suppose to write in school a few years ago went. Doesn't help that I'm tired.
Well, I still think you're a good person. After all, you talk to me and I'm pretty stupid to be around so that's a mark in my good person book.
Again though, sorry eheh. Though who knows, maybe like aliens will attack and then you'll be the leader of a super awesome alien fighting tank and you'll fight for that!
That's actually weird, sorry! Tiredness again.

Eh, it's life, you know?
Oh, that's sounds really really cool! And that's super nice of you to help, so good job!
Sorry, I didn't meant to make it sound like I was prying! I just didn't know if you were doing to bed soon or just getting up or what!

I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright at the very least!
If you're tired though, you should get some sleep! Uh, unless you're busy. Then tough through it, I know you can do it! And then the sleep with feel even better!
Oh, well it's still super spooky! But that's nice of them to make it for you!
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You don't really need to support me kanna it's fine. Hm odd place for it to pop up but better late then never. I think you are enjoyable to talk to. Nah driving modern tanks and war stuff in general is sketchy. I don't really like the military lifestyle from what I saw growing up on a base.
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Half of it is wanting to, and the other half is not having a choice. If you can, try and get some home remedies. Some hot soup can fix a lot of things, and it's fine,
I'm extremely dense.
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And every time, that I feel afraid
Afraid of what I'll say
I towed the line and now I'm alone -
It doesn't mean I don't belong
Red or white?
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The one who can speak correctly
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Longer hair one
His roach, not his tarantula. Eric is still alive as far as I know.
What simulations?
Do I have another?
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But that's her appeal.

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I want Rory to do that to me. You don't do like dating sims or anything? >>731690945
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They just seem so retarded, can't take the show seriously
It's sleep time for me friends. Have a wonderful morning everyone! Or if it's night, then have a wonderful night! Goodbye~!

Alright, if you say so. I just know sometimes it's easier in life when you have someone to cheer you on, you know? But I'll keep that in mind. Sorry Tomo.
Sorry again. It probably would have been a terrible speech anyways so better never then late think in this case. Sorry!
Well I'm glad you get enjoyment out of talking to me, sorry if I seem weird at times though. I need to learn sometimes saying what is on your mind isn't always the smartest thing.
I think it would be pretty cool actually, but I could agree that it seems pretty sketchy. Also, you grew up on a base? That sounds like a cool opportunity but also not that great for a kid growing up. It sounds like it was rough, so I'm sorry for that,
And I kinda messed up on the last part, it was supposed to be more like uh... Power Rangers or something like that, where everyone combines their tanks into a mega tank and then with you leading them they take out the bad guy! But I think that's because my friend wouldn't stop talking about the Power Rangers marathon on Twitch they had a while ago.

Well, even if you're doing half because you don't have a choice, I still think you're 100% a nice person for helping. Keep it up!
I actually had some hot chicken noodle soup today! It didn't help super much, but it tasted delicious none the less! Also have some ear drops but I don't know if they're helping at all.
I don't think you're dense at all! Don't worry!

boxing cutie

They're both cute! Do you really have to pick?

n-now that's getting lewd!
But also really, really good...
ah I should sleep, but thank you for the pictures Rory! <3 <3
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I do, but I dont play a lot of them.
Glad you have some new material.
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>his waifu is a girl
what are you fucking gay?
She's like russians not using many articles. But the others in the show talk properly!
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Dragon loli

COMMIES?!?! The NATO in me just got triggered

Not only does she talk like a tard, she also act like one
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Haven't seen you for a little. How are ya?

Well, goodnight then. Hope you get better!
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Ehh just makes me feel worse if anything. You don't need to apologize I know you mean well. I don't know. Your mind seems interesting enough. I saw a lot of things but yeah it made things hard especially with the moving and conflicts in the Middle East. I haven't seen power rangers in forever. Sleep well kanna. >>731691179
Yeah but you have at least ran the simulations.
Shite, late reply, sorry. Sleep tight Shinobu, until tomorrow!
Haha, that she truley is. And thank you, really. You're a real cutie, you know that~?
Ah, and I forgot to add the link to it, so here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrbrQhpvn8E
It's really cool, at least for me personally, it's great for just playing it in the background~
And don't worry, you don't have to remember silly things like that. As far as you know that I'm the Firekeeper I'll be happy~
Awwww, thank you, really~ And well, I'm not THAT good, but maybe one day I will~
Haha, I guess it all comes with time as you learn, but Deutsch just isn't really my thing. I just don't like it, no real reason.
Strict teacher, huh? That sometimes killes the fun. on one hand, he clearly wants you to learn, but sometimes it's just too much to bear and learning becomes hard work instead of fun, and that's the worst you can get. If you don't like something there's little chance you'll get to know it good after all. And they don't, really? That's weird. How could they replace it then?
Well, if you would ever want to learn it, then go for it! Just stay away from Polish, trust me on that one. The grammar is hard even for us natives, and as I've heard it's one of the hardest languages if you want to learn it
And you know, there might be something in-between. You may not blow things out of proportion, you might just feel them this way and it's okay for you to do that. And if there's something wrong then, well... The doctors will try to fix you and everyone here will always be there for you to comfort you or whatever you might need. We're all here for each other after all, and you are no exception, you cuitie pie you~
Maybe some sleep might be in order? And I heard it's nice, but for me any open-wrold early-access is kind of a red flag, too many games get abandoned these days... But as long you have fun it's great, and with some frineds, too!

Also, sorry but I had dinner ;~;

Someone make a new thread
I'm too good to serve thread people
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