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Wincest thread! Post your stories /b/!

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Thread replies: 107
Thread images: 18

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Wincest thread! Post your stories /b/!
>Be me 15
>Not many friends but close with the family
>Sister always looking out for me at school
>We talked often
>She was recently broken up with at the time
>Always thought she was attractive but never considered her sexually
>One summer parents went away
>We are home alone so wank often
>One night sister walks in
>"Wat are you doing anon?"
>Cover up quickly
>Dick poking out
>"Don't worry I'll leave"
>Wait for her to leave then continue
>She starts wanking in her room
>Moans loud as
>Only gets me harder
>Eventually come to her
>Everything seems all good
I'd love to mess with my cousin (me 25 her 23) but she lives with her much less attractive 20yo sister in 3 hours away. Advice?
>Few days later walks in again (I'm stealthy as)
>She asks me why I wank
>Tell her I don't know
>Asks if I'm a virgin
>Though about saying no but was truthful and said I was
>Has an odd look on her face
>Walks over to me
>I become rock solid
>Starts jerking me
>I come very quickly
>Embarrassed but happy that it happened
>"Goodnight Anon"
>Head spinning
Grow some balls go over and fuck the shit out of her
That cock block of a sister though.
>Week or two later asks if I'm busy
>Say no hoping that she would give a hand job again
>Asks what I thought about the other week (neither of us mentioned it before)
>Said I enjoyed it
>She says she did too
>Takes off all of her clothes
>Stare at her dripping pussy and large tits and get very hard
> Pulls down my pants
>Asks me to fuck her
>Put it in her pussy
>Very tight and wet
>Start thrusting into her
>She starts moaning loud
>I barley have enough self control to last
>Try to pull out as I come but wasn't quick enough
>Come inside
>Both panting
>Says she's not done
>Asks me to eat her out
>Wipe my cum off her
>Start licking
>Stops me
>Tells me to get in deep and really eat her
>Start doing it better but not great looking back on it
>She came
>Says I was good
>Knew she was lying but accepted the praise
>Tell her it was good
>Kept doing this for a few years on weekends and stuff
>Still occasionally blows me and I eat her out
fuck her too
Post your stories cunts!
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>Be me 22y/o virgin fag
>Mum and aunt ask me to look after aunts house while they are away
>cousin is having 18th
>bullshit, not seen her since ages but so faggy i do it anyway
>arrive on of day of the parrty
>knock on door expecting chubby cousin I remember
>see three sloots in trashy halloween outfits
>pic related
>party could be good

Why can't you spell "barely" correctly?

INB4 this is some meme that's been around for five minutes and I'm a new fag if I missed it despite being here ten years.
>one time i wanked in front of my sisters door
>never had the courage to go in
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>party is getting full
>being beta faggot in corner on phone
>everyone ignores me except cousin
>Can't stop looking down her top
Head out back for smoke she follows drunk
>ask me why I'm still a virgin
> she laughs i head to bathroom upstairs
>so hard can barely pee
>get an idea
seems fake as fuck but continue
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> after hardest pee of my life
>sneak out into hall way
>find her room
>feel pre cum as i see clothes and underwear
> hear someone coe up stairs and panic, running out see cousin in hallway
>stumbling. drunk af
>she falls on me as i take her too her room, still hard af

How so?
You people are all sick and disgusting. You should be in mental institutions. Fucking degenerates.
Fuck off ya cheeky cunt
We are also all liars.

He's just a retard and you are beta as fuck for being so worried about it
>Fuck off
Is that all you have to say you fucking pervert?
gtfo normie, literally can't even indulge in anything taboo, even in the internet, without being a conservative cunt
go on.
Truth right there for the normies.
Yeah, its taboo for a reason you freak. And I am not conservative, I voted for Obama. Dumbass.
Well now we know your stupid
>be me
>23 year old virgin
>Haven't seen my sisters without a burqa since they turned 16
>loads of uncles and aunts because grandparents reproduced like crazy
>Never seen any cousin without burqa either
>turn 24 parents tell me to get married
>uncle comes to my home for the marriage of her daughter with me
>Don't know what she looks like without burqa
>Get married not knowing what she looks like
>Have sex on first night
>She's 7/10, 9/10 with makeup
>About to get another cousin as second wife
>life's good when family encourages wincest
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>be me, 13
>on vacation
>hot cousin is there
>ignore her because I'd rather fap thinking about Andy Sixx's hot logg
You were saying?
Fuck... This guy just logged in
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>lay her down, top so low
>shorts were a bad choice
>try to step back she is grabbing me, feeling my cock
>fuck it
>lean in kissing her
>tastes like vomit and beer
>still hard wtf brain
>hands slide down my shorts
>she is giggling and teasing my cock head
This guy worries about the important issues in life...
>wife's brother got to marry one of my hotter sister
>Exchange pics of our wives with each other
>Planning on surprising our wives with a swap

Should I go for it /b/ros?
Yeah, like all of you freaks who are raping you family members.
Wanna be next?
yesss, post pics too
Try me faggot, my dad was in the Marines and he taught me stuff.
I realize this is bait but do you know where you are? Lmao if real gb2reddit

Fucking cousins is why muslims are all so retarded. Stop watching so much electric jew.
It's ok I watched an episode of cops. I know how to subdue a crackhead
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>on the edge
>I pull my shorts down as she goes down
>slurping away at my cock
>like she got no gag reflex
>moaning or crying can't tell
>getting closer
>all in her mouth
>she heaves
>pukes on my dick
>an episode of cops
Wow, what a badass. Fight me pleb, I have combat training.
>she starts wanking in her room

Lol here goes the army kid pretending they actually went through daddy boot camp. How does it feel knowing your father couldn't make it in a real branch of the military?
Being this new. stop acting like a faggot anon, I already know you like dicks.
Could kick you ass faggot. I did 2 month of Karate too. I have met Navy Seals who are scared of me.
There used to be a time when wincest threads had actual real life stories and experiences of anons during pubescent/teenage years....not this fake ass fucking fag fantasy STORIES you can find on xnxx. Its a shame, but these threads are entirely pointless now.
i've had sex with my brother a lot of times in the course of three months in 2015. we moved past it now and both have a bf/gf
Logg is life
Deer gurfrend I iz now muhreen. My drull sgt sez I am bes at draws. I <3 drull sgt. Him iz gud. Bye bye!
You can't even spell dumass. Shut up.
There used to be a time when cunts wouldn't feel the need to bitch to people who don't give a shit
Apparently neither can you. Dumbass. Daddy's IQ rubbed off on you.
Greentext it then
That was a tiepo you idiot. At least I am not spelling "Deer gurlfrend" Who has the daddys IQ again. BTW my IQ is 186 so nice try.
Typo. Daddy's. <- your father has ownership of the low IQ, apostrophe.
>Be me
>Be 17
>Recently (8 months) got into fitness so have decent upper body
>Be from a fucked up family that has no sense of loyalty
>Mom and aunt make up and force their kids to meet for the first time
>16 year old cousin is hot AF
>Big tits, perfect ass, hips, the works
>Be 6 weeks later.
>Cousin and I both enjoy smoking pot.
>One night suggest playing truth or dare to get to know each other better.
>I dare you to give me a blowjob
>Hesitates for a few seconds.
>She moves in so I unbutton and she unzips, pulls my cock out and gives me the worst blowjob I've ever had.
>I tell her I'm about to cum
>Keeps going
>Pulls her head back after the first shot, and takes the rest of my load on her face while giggling like a giddy maid.
We had encounters after that. More?
Still better than "Deer gurlfrend" you idiot.
>worst bj ive ever had

I can be more descriptive. I was worried the thread would 404. As someone who actually experienced this it gets me SO hard to share
Do keep on going
just continue from where you left off
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"Still better than 'Deer girlfriend,' you idiot." Added a comma for you.
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Yet another perverted image from a fucking incest freak.
haha more
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You better hide your erection. Your dad might get excited.
lol wut?
You better hope that I never see you in real life faggot. I know how to break arms.
>Be me
>Be about 3 months after the initial encounter
>Cousin and I have seen each other numerous times since the incident but always in the company of family.
>She comes over to our house alone one day
>34 Cs bursting in a B bra
>Sitting visiting with her my mom and sisters
>I go upstairs to my room to smoke
>10 minutes later
>Cousin comes upstairs
>We get super high together.
>I awkwardly try to bring up the truth or dare game to segue into sexy time
>You mean when I blew you?
>... Uh... yeah...
>I've gotten a lot better since then
>................. Really?
>Want me to show you?
>Yeah, if you want
>Cum instantly
>Well what do you think?
My inner player shown through
>Well, it wasn't really long enough to judge, so...
>Takes her top off and bra
>Nipples are on the small side, but hard AF
>Sucks me off again.
>No teeth at all.
>She surely has practiced because I don't need to tell her I'm going to cum.
>Cum more at 17 than I ever have in my entire life before or since.
Afterward I was smoking a cigarette and she asked if she could have a bud. I gave it to her because no way in hell am I going to have my cousin accuse me of rape with my jizz all over her face.
Only one other story after that, and it's pretty lackluster.
pics nigga
I don't have any, and even if I did I wouldn't post them. She was 16.
Come on, anon. Think.
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I have a tale for ye queermo fucks.
Noone will believe me anyways.
>I was the youngest of all my cousins; my brother was the eldest of the kids (4 years older) followed by the two female cousins (4 and 3 years older) and then me.
>a scared beta playing with his dick. >liked pokemon and dbz, they were more focused on my older bro throughout our lifes.
Fastforward to 2015
>brothers wedding, party central.
>grown into big, bearded viking fuck.
>charming and drunk i charmed both.
>fuck both in the same night (separately)
>got herpes.

This. Also if you fuck both of them you wont seem creepy.. and have 2x the fun at that.
i was hoping for a current pic, but yeah a nigga gotta try
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I don't personally have any, so I'd have to post facebook shit. I don't want anyone reverse searching it and ruining my life.
Given where we are, and all.
Can't blaim ya for tryin' mate
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>Got herpes
lol yeah i was hoping doxing slipped your mind, was trying to trick you
Screenshot image, flip image, Post image, ????, Profit
What an asshole
Sounds like BS, nobody wears the Burqa full time and even then family are allowed to see each other without it fine.

Lastly if you're going to marry someone you can ask them to take off their niqab.
well i wasn't going to dox him, but if anyone was lowlife enough to try i didn't care lol
>Be me
>Be 18 and invincible and whatnot
>Too busy being a graduate to even think about cousin for a few months.
>Come home from drinking with buddies at the river
>Cousin is at house
>I'm fucking hammered
>Time is about 12:15 am so it's just her awake fam has gone to bed
>I walk past her sitting on the family room computer into the kitchen
>Drink a glass of water
>Open fridge
>Shut fridge without getting anything or even looking at what is in there
>Walking back past her to go upstairs
>She's watching porn
>Incest porn
>Being drunk leaned in and bit her earlobe
>Do you want to do the real thing?
>She turned around and we instantly started making out (we'd never kissed)
>Pick her up and she straddles me
>Carry her upstairs (I can't believe I didn't fall and kill us both) and put her on my bed.
>She is instantly ripping her clothes off
>I follow suit.
>First time we've seen each other naked
>Save for my shoulders, pecs, and biceps I look like Kevin Smith.
>She looks like Mila Jojovich (or whatever I'm not googling it thread might 404) mixed with That chick who played in casper and monster (again 404)
>She's hot.
>I can see that she has lost interest because I'm not the beefcake I look like when I'm wearing a shirt
>I get on top of her, run my dick up and down her pussy
>just give it to me already
>I slide my dick in
>She was very wet so I went balls deep on the first thrust
>Fucking lasts maybe two minutes
>L I'm going to cum
>It's okay cum in me
I pulled out and instantly came on the sheets. I was too scared to cum in her.
I jack off to these memories all the time, but when I think of how I pulled out it makes me feel like a beta bitch.
>inb4 not cumming in you're cousin makes you a beta
I have story

> be me, 22
> always had crush on 10/10 sister ngl
> one day the parents go out
> i go to her room
> wyd.png
> look up from my phone and see shes naked, just giving me a funny look and giggling
> ohshitwadup.jpg
> tickle her a little
> she just giggles, tries to grab my hand and stuff
> wtf its never this easy
> just go for it. I kissed her /b/
> my clothes fly off
> we fuck for ages
> best sex ive ever had, kissing was a bit awkward though ngl
> cum buckets
> kiss her again
> Turn on the mobile and leave her to sleep
Trips forgive
https://discord gg/KPZWJnX
For more stories
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>Had an incest fetish since i was 13-14
>Only child
>only person I find attractive in my family is cousins wife
(Someone please tell me what she is to me, second cousin maybe?)

Is it odd that i have no attraction to my family but have incest fetish?
move in with fatass sister
second day she runs to her room coming from work
screams and audible shicks
>come out
"did you hear that"

>be me
>i want to die.

not sexy at all.
She's your cousin's wife.
That's all.
Second cousin is your parent's cousins.
You might want to develop a bit this encounter
chickens don't have vaginas/anuses. they have one whole. it's called a cloaca, I think
Oh yea she was pretty underdeveloped. Good thing she didnt tell anyone.
some times called a vent.



I put my cock in cocks all the time.
>Dairy farmer
>No GMOs
>Plenty of my cum, though
FUCK. Whats her SC? I love this shit
Completely unrelated but some dude on a harley with a leather jacket just rode past my house listening to Mumford and Sons.
Bye bye thread. I really did fuck my cousin.
Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!
A friend of mine once told me that when he was 9 his 16 year old sister asked if he wanted some ice cream. Of course he did.
She filled an ice cream cone, took him into her room, got naked, and commenced rubbing the ice cream onto her pussy and "forcing" him to lick it off.
I sucked his dick once.
No homo.
His cum was fucking delicious.
No homo.
Thread posts: 107
Thread images: 18

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