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I could honestly deal with the stupid Banana, compared to that

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 131

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I could honestly deal with the stupid Banana, compared to that stupid Andy six bullshit.

YLYL go fuck yourself edition

Dumping until I pass out
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Gotta love fake news CNN
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Wewlad, it's been awhile since I've seen this gif
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haha this is so dumb
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fucking kek
fake and gay

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right side are jews.
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"> sitting at the back of a mosque"

fucking canada FTW
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CNN cant quit that fake news its so glorious.
And there's batgirl.
seriously im noticing everytime the media pushes this diversity shit ruining everything its always jews. like every fucking time, what the hell is up with that?
YLYL has been forever ruined by that accursed Banana, can't stop /b/ from raiding itself.
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this is legendary takes all the jewish writers and changes their columns from black to white.

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deported for kek!
chekd for kek!
remember when news was news?
pepperidge farms remembers
Top KeK!
who's da left dude
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we should dox everyone of those fucks in that vid and get them deported and the vid maker arrested for supporting criminals.

first to make me laugh
why is a little girl running away from that woman is she transphobic?
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this would imply people actually watch CNN which is if you google it run by jews.
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bu-but anon this brave little girl!
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I always loved these
Instead of dildos can someone shop in hammers?
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I will never ever get tired of this photo
this is why i stopped watching this show after the second episode when they had that sand nigger talking about whitie stealing asian symbols.
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Guy from Cloudy with a chance of meatballs or some shit like that
Bandwagon lad
sides = orbit
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you lose.png
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When did YLYL threads become so dull?
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Anyone else notice the only word is nigger.
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I'm with you, OP.
do-ho-ho is funny because is true comrade!
The game
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I laughed more than I should've
proof that white people are born racist.
wtf am I reading here?
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Great Job!
thats impossible Islam is a religion of peace.
fukken lost

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i fucking love these lel
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anyone got the vid where yoda fucks luke?
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stop posting fake news you fucking cunt
Why must you hurt me this way
That's pretty fucking funny
jews everytime my friends.
I lost... is that bad?
can we get all the liberals to do this who voted for Hitlery?
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lost already
Lost pretty fast seeing that
this is the worst ylyl thread ever
*glances over to you*
*puts a red pill in your hand*
*whispers something you cant quite here into your ear*
*hobbles away on a walking stick*
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holy shit, fukken saved
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Sheit bitch I'm fake news!
Hello newfriend. I see you've been here for a day or so. Browse more, newfriend!
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Stfu nigger
its a fucking statue CNN what is it gonna melt?
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thats a liberal website, nothing on there is true, just more of that good ol fake news.
when will they hitchhike through the middle east proving its fake?
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kek this shit is pretty good
Kek, lost
That's not what he said in the first screenshot though :/ fake and gay
Is this a new meme?
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LOL'D hard
I won't be joining you
Nice one
But sadly fake
I lost
Hes not even a scientist you dumb fucks!
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>thats impossible Islam is a religion of peace.
Seems stupid, don't get why it's funny really. I refer to this site in a lot of ironic ways
Fucking lost
protip: He's a science educator. And that quote is fake.
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not a scientist libtard
Gender and biological sex are two different terms... Sex is decided by chromosomes, gender isn't. Gender is identity, a mental state.
I never said he was, you mongoloid. And congrats on being dumb enough to fall for that fake quote.
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Is this real? I really hope this is real
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dont cry, you lost.
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hahaha why am I not surprised its a Jew!

top kek mate
>Information that disagrees with my narrative is fake news
>I'm retarded
>cuts his own dick off
>laughs at the guy next to him for getting blood sprayed on him

yep, you won alright
Two separate posters silly billy
I recognize the always sunny image from a gag reel :^)
she probably blamed islamophobia as the muslims rape killed her.
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I seriously can't stop laughing at this shit

This weekend was to mark the launch of Fyre Festival, a boutique, luxury music festival taking place in Exumas, Bahamas. Tickets to the festival ran between $4,000 and $12,000, with the price of admission including a chartered flight from Miami, private villas to sleep in, yacht rides with gorgeous models, and performances from the likes of G.O.O.D. Music, Major Lazer, Blink-182, Disclosure, and more. On paper it all sounded good — that’s if you’re into that form of excessive douchebagery. Upon arrival, however, festival-goers were met to what amounts to a disaster zone.

According to reports on reddit and Twitter, the festival grounds were littered with half-built tents and mountains of trash. Catered meals were nothing more than a slice of bread and cheese, with a salad garnish for good measure. As night fell, the situation became even more chaotic, as festival staff and security were nowhere to be found. Luggage was thrown out of the back of a truck to an awaiting mob. There were reports of feral dogs running loose through the festival grounds, and some attendees allege to have gotten into verbal and physical confrontations with locals. All the while, flights to the island have been canceled.

me too
your demented fantasy is nice obvious damage control

being salty and agreeing he won hoping in someway that would imply there was something to win in the first place

I smell autism, most be from reddit
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why does this get posted so much? its not actually funny, i don't mean that as in its a serious issue or some femminist bullshit, but its really just not even chuckle worthy
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hate banana huh
hate andy sixx log even more huh?
Fake Scientist gets paid to say whatever his masters demand.

It's not fake just because you don't like it.
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please be true
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>alan aavark gets me every fucking time i read this
I guess a bunch of newfags are going to bed this morning feeling like they're goddamned Charlie Sheen.
Though I am not the dude who wrote that, I've done something very similar, cept involved eggs, scraped my knees, and four cops.
When you don the batsuit,you become empowered.
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ok reddit
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I won't stop making the #fakenewa comedy show. https://youtu.be/hlJMEKh6Dtw
You talk like a fag and your shits retarded.
lost in this thread more to the triggered redditors than pics.

Suit yourself, I choose to suit up as batman, egg houses throughout night, and ring a bell at dawn, alerting cops who were apparently actively looking for me, fled down gravel parkinglot, powerslid under fence, sprinted to friend's car and fled.
You chose the suit of skepticism, and that is why you'll never truly live.
Haha, quote of the day.
> trips of truth
There goes that fag talk we talked about!
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That top quote is actually really fucking funny unironically
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my sides have been raised to heaven
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>By Tal Kopan
So we went from Ted Koppel to Tal Kopan. Degeneracy has won.
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the ride never ends!

What a time to be alive!
Did Cornellà actually draw this or it's an edit?
Fake news, debunked, pay attention.
Looks like you've never been on /pol/.
And the superbuffburly manman makes shit films only slightly above Shymalan, and the other guy is literally one of the most respected writer-directors in Hollywood.
Fake, despite lovely trips.
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Comrades from reddit please like and share on social media, together we can defeat the evil Drumpf once and for all!
I'm sorry you got gangraped.
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I always lose to this. It's like pic related
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Fuck you. Banana shitposting has absolutely no substance. Atleast there's something comical about Andy's creamy logs.
You know you can just buy a t-shirt that says 'don't touch me I'm awful', right?
So? The ends justify the means.
debunked nigga
god damn, fucking lost
No, there truly isn't. I'll give them more for creative effort, but the actual lols are still fucking zero.
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this isn't a you cringe you lose thread
bullshit. white people were sneaking those votes.
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Just shared on my twitter to my reddit friends, glad we can find good things on 4chan that arent all about supporting a nazi
fuck yea!
This is a fuck up of amazing scale
>"This isn't a cringe Thread"
>Posts some cringe shit
Are you stupid or disabled?
there is no losing when we're all societal rejects sitting in a ylyl thread
are you stupid or disabled? wait... both!
It's almost as if as a scientist he changed his point of view when new evidence was presented.
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Nice feets

Also chekd
This guy was pretty funny, but I can't help thinking that wearing fingerless gloves now makes me a fedoralord.

I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this video, in the least ironic way.
She makes me so fucking horny.
Double nigger candy ass
I lost too early
>Black people say the darnedest things
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When you first came to /b/ you fucking faggot.
is the baby alive?
Flint Lockwood from Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Or the 20 years of research that happened between then and now changed his mind.

Like a scientist is supposed to.

If you have all the same beliefs now that you had even 10 years ago then you're a fucking idiot.
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trump vs obama spending.jpg
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So some Muslims are good and others are bad?

Goddamn, it's almost like they're PEOPLE or something.
Wow who the fuck cares?
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Why did I lose to this
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This is amazing and terrible at the same time
And I lost
Someone's jel
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here, have a good one
didn't he lose his job because of this?
top fucking kek
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Is this an actual tweet?
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This whole twitter account is gold, I recommend checking them out
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Foot fetish activated.
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Do they ship to europe?
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science has gone too far
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I'm a fag and I don't get it
was expecting Bane, then pedophile troll, but not sure what to think
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crazy eights logged
Bane from the Dark Knight rises references ," Bane?" "Why does he wear the mask"!, opening scene shit
Cyanide and Happiness made a short about this
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So literally just a normal relationship
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trips logged
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Same thought I had...

"Did they actually run that shit on tv?!?!"

I know her! Italian "performance" """"artist"""" a dumb cunt get what a dumb cunt deserves
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dubs checked and logged
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dubs logged
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I shouldn't have laughed at this but I never noticed the kids face. Had to watch a clip to check.
dubs of truth checked and logged
dubs logged
top kek
It's baneposting guys cmon get with it.
omg what movie is that??
good job in dubs being logged
It didn't actually say nigger
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that's impossible holding all of these dubs being logged
checked n logged
You are fake news.

so many logged
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Fucking KEK

If you think about it in biological terms, yes, You fucking cis-gendered asshole piece of trash...
lol nice
so much dubs
so much logged
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This one is almost as funny as this.
how do you log all these dubs bubs?
which is to say, not at all
underrated dubs logged
... but that's quite clearly the left wing viewed from the left windows...
i think they're funny a f

Well, Gotta change my name now... Fuck...
newfag, don't save thumbnails dickhead

dumbass, the Snopes story relates to a duplicate story that came around in mid-2016.

IF YOU READ THE ARTICLE YOU LINKED, it even says in the first paragraph that it is re-using an authentic story from 2008.

Which is the story of the rape and murder of Pippa Bacca.




I swear to god /b/ is gettting more and more fucking retarded.
where can I buy this?
Lmao their only evidence for basing it as mixed is

"Well nobody knows FOR SURE it was muslims!"
You've missed the point, newfag.
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Fellow autists, feast your eyes on some OC
Lost it
Hahahaha I was only pretending

No, You were not...

Go take your autism medication.
Go take your anger ones
Good. Get the fuck out.
Snopes: pick the worst reported variant of something they don't like (but is still fundamentally true) and then label it as a mixture.

She did hitckhike across the middle east to demonstrate that it's fine to do so. She was raped and murdered.

The article that Snopes chose to cover in that "mixture" report is a terrible rendition but the facts are simple: she did that and she was raped and murdered. There are many reports of the same incident that don't even lean left or right politically and that also report the event factually. Notice that Snopes didn't choose to cover one of those articles because they'd have to label it as fucking TRUE.

They sure do seem to put a lot more effort in to "debunking" the shit they don't like, don't they? It's almost as though they have their own political agenda and have been supporters of the left wing for a long time.

Oh wait, it's not like that at all. That's what it is.


More echo chambers please.
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>trying this hard

Autism logged hurr durr potatohead.
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