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There's some CP on pornhub (not linking, don't ask).

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Thread replies: 158
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There's some CP on pornhub (not linking, don't ask). Videos have been flagged, and a tip has been sent via e-mail like 2 days ago. It's still up. What do?
How bad is it?
Cuz it took imgur like a week to take down that collection of stuff they had up
Bad. It's a foot video, because I be into feet. You can't see her face, but that body is NOT past puberty.
I mean, Could take them weeks if not enough people care to have it taken down
You are sick. Reported.
You would think they'd be on high alert for shit like that. I flagged the video, and the user like 10 times at least.
Mind your own fucking business?
Yeah. That's what I'm doing. as a human that is conscious of the suffering of others, it's my fucking business.
Yeah, But how big of a customer service do you think they have?...
If it's not an account making them money, Do you think the one guy they actually pay cares enough to clean out all the complaints? Especially if it's buried under a pile of drunk fappers
It should be. It's a matter of child sexual abuse.
Taking pictures and showing a video of a kids feet is sexual abuse? Wow you must have some strict standards.
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No, it's a black dude's dick fucking a little girl's feet. It's not anywhere near a "blurry" line
how do you know it's a little girl? Asians have tiny feet.
5-6 years ago there would be at least 30 motherfuckers ready to do something about it.
so it's much to do about nothing.
He has no idea how old those feet are it's not like they have rings on them like a tree.
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No. That's gay
i saw a lot of girls mostly asians that look extremely young around 14 but in fac they are around 20
nah bro, that joke got old years ago. "Pretend this was cp when I delete the image " no
Faggot, I'm not posting the link. I told you it's legit.
uh link it unless ur a fucking narc>>730057725
post it here so we can all flag it and get it taken down faster. deal? :^)
you have to do it. he got dubs
That dude's pubes are fucking gross
That was disgusting, niggers are so fucking gross and unhygienic.
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Is that the video because i dont want to check it out myself
Yep, That's the account alright.
Not the worst video, but yes.

If this is the video, you need to observe a few things. One the feet are too talented for a child. Two the pedicure is a give away as well. A child would not have one. If feet are your fetish, you know very little about them.
good to see /b/ still has some of its old dignity intact.
ew that black cock's disgusting
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>as a human that is conscious of the suffering of others, it's my fucking business.
Look at the other videos.
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Nah fuck that im not seeing no child porn,
I don't fuck with reddit.

ok this is def cp
>>730057725 https://discord.gg/BG4YeXD
Well the proof is there. Hopefully this place is crawling with narcs right now.
I fucking told you.
that chicks got some big tits too
dude, u mean this one? From same channel.
If this woman is a minor, I am Jesus.
her body looks like my ex and she was 11
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Well you act like a little faggot like they do.
i am 100% sure that it isnt CP
Dude I'm so done with this now, at least 4-5 of you know about it. I have 0 interest in going through that dude's videos. I just want that shit outta my feed, and that guy in jail.
Daddy's property?
it's so disturbing

thats hot
are u retarded?
Legit question man, u are seeing things.
oops, >>730061016
was meant for >>730060876
reported for reporting
Kek, uploaded 1 year ago
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You're not wrong
gtfo moralfag niglet

lil girls need orgasms too you fucking failure
we all goin to jail lol
how do you even stumble upon this? like, are they popular or was it just some (un-)lucky coincidence?
this vid is unsexy and full of fail
Nah, some black guy's going to jail.
except it's not.
Look at the feet/dick ratio. Foot is as wide as dick is long? What a micro penis is that then?
i am mexican, and my name is
pronounced: Hey zeus.

so that means......????
Implying I won't just live the rest of my life is a bum on the run
stop linking shit tier foot vids

I have more respect for people that fuck kids than for degenerate footfags
Her voice in one of the videos sound mature
hows it feel to want crybaby nigger
waves to Jesus, Hey JC , how's it hangin?
It's literally the same girl in all the videos I've watched so far.
Yo it's like a fucking knife shop in here. Can you roll that edge back a bit?
Well duh, home made videos tend to have same people in them.
Also how is this illegal?
First time saw waxed chubby pussy or what? I can't see the logic behind these claims.
I have seen a lot of grown women pussy. Fat and skinny. That is no grown woman vagina. If that's a grown woman, that guy is Shaq.
You could fit like two of her legs lengths in one of that guy's leg lengths.
Not me idiot. I'm implying either OP has been watching CP all this time or the girl waxes and he's a just a bitch.
nigger moralfags are fail and should be eliminated
btw to all the pedo haters in this thread.
if you do that banana bullshit and you have a lot of .gifs, watch out.
there is a common one that is actually CP.
the one with the girl getting assfucked and then it pans to her face as she looks back and she is banana.
someone made it so that people would unknowingly save CP.
im a doctor and that wasnt a kid pussy. it was too developed. it just looked that was because she had a big pad of fat around it.
she is asian, so she looks old enough, but she is 13
Well I'm a doctor and in my expert opinion I think you're a faggot, I'm so sorry but there is no cure.
Everyone's a doctor on the internet.
The word in legal circles is that the US is abandoning enforcement of CP possession cases. They have served far too many bogus warrants and bankrupted their budgets doing so.

They will only break into homes if they suspect actual abuse is taking place. Pics and videos are everywhere now and there is no way to "police" the traffic.
Funny shit. Banana poster are cancer anyway
post it
Are talking about.the one where that one dude cums on a slice of pizza then eats it?
Or do you mean the one where Chris Pratt masturbates to photos of Chris Pine?
ok first question is the black guy named Patches?

Secondly Those feet look like my 30 year old wifes feet and legs...Not CP in the link above
Some euro videos have girls like 14-16 man.
why would i have banana cancer?
Oh, and in case anyone was arguing the point. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation. Sorry, but studies have shown that pedophiles respond physically to visual stimuli of lolis EVERY SINGLE TIME. (They become aroused).

They're BORN that way. And no, you cannot "fake" cumming all over a 5 yr old.
lmao "go"
Black dudes have the weirdest spotty pubes
Cause they're niggers
hey if fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me
Hi just fill out this form and the doctor will be right with you
>fills out gender, age, race
>sees sexual orientation
>het, homo, lesb, other
>puts down pedo

There are a few hundred cases of eight year old brides in early American history. Girls were considered less valuable than men for their earning potential and then when they got pregnant it became even worse, so they got the hitched off YOUNG and off the farm!
got something to tell you....they are traps
You should post the link that way we can mass report it.
naw you wish the were but no

mid pubescent vagina is best vagina
well a lot of it had to do with training her to be a good wife before she could start pumping out babies, cause we started to do that as soon as possible.
you dumb nigger scroll up and read latefag
OMG WTF is wrong with you? People like you ought to be shot in the streets.
i think you should see a different doctor if he is asking you for your sexual orientation.
Reported for reporting a report
yea... sure mr fbi
You need to be shot execution style
post a link, I'm a moderator at pornhub and we take these things very seriously. I cannot allow this type of material to be left up without taking action against the poster
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nothing that has been linked so far features girls of a questionable age, study porn more OP
>I'm a moderator at pornhub
prove it
ITT: Virgins who don't know that there is a large variety to how vaginas look.
12 years ago everyone in the thread would be fapping
IKR! Thats just a teen poonie that is shaved and is a nice innie.
youre welcome to try

better be a decent shot im always carrying you will recieve return fire
Maybe because it's not cp, and you're being a fag and jumping the gun?
everything hes posted has legal so far, so I dont see why anyone would do anything aside from foot/black fags fapping
hey, what link did you click that took you from facebook to here?
Ever been slapped by a nigger? I hear they enjoy slapping nerds. Maybe you should go and hunt for one.
I slapped my nigger dick against your mothers forehead last night
fuck off pedo fags, disgusting, flag that shit op, report it, email the leader of pornhub, sue em, fuck em all I hope they burn sick fucks


She's kinda hot.
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Thank you for proving that all footfags are pedophile scum.
I always wondered how sites like pornhub or xhamster could tell if amateurs are underage. How do you know a woman camwhoring isn't actually a teen who hit puberty early?
Kill whitey!
i wonder
xhamster and xvideos have tons or CP

>look for videos in Portuguese and Spanish
those who live on hope alone

die starving
Do the spanish just not bother reporting or something?
I'm not looking that up
I take offense to that im a pedophile and feet are nasty

does that tara chick still make porn?
Nobody watches south american porn so nobody reports it. Also I'm sure pretty it might have something to do with mods only speaking English so they don't bother looking.

A Brazilian guy on /pol/ told me about it and it's true.
Doesn't matter. Foot-lover or child molester, you should all be gassed anyway.
if you have sex and it is not in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation you should be burned at the stake.
Oh noes not the Crusades again!!!
Probably relates to age of consent in those countries.
If the female is old enough to consent under their laws, they don't consider it CP.
That's ridiculously negligent for something so illegal
What the fuck?! That's my dad you fucking piece of shit!!
It's not illegal in their country at least if you pay them enough. If you watch it from a country where it is illegal then that is on you. They pay the cops to ignore such things over there.
you can try

you wont succeed but gl buddy
Age of consent in Brazil is like 13 so the monkeys don't bother to report it.
But if it's hosted on xvideos then they could be considered liable for not making an effort to remove and monitor it
you double nigger newfag scum

morality is fail af

driving while talking or texting is highly illegal and likely to injure or even kill someone on the highway but cops do fuck all about it

cp is good clean fun for all involved gtfo cancer
Title? We can mass report if you link/give title
Depends on where the actual file is. If they just link to it then they are not liable. If the file is on their server then they could be liable if that server is in a country where the subject is illegal.
Perhaps if you cry harder all the pics and vids that cause your delicate morals to become upset will disappear from the internet.
mass report?

more liek mass download so we can repost and share it
I'm fairly certain that linking to it would count as distribution
call the police
This.. do this!
This is a good idea. If you give us some info, we can help you out.
Also, it's not like questionable stuff isn't all over the place, like Velma from soc, for instance.
Nope linking is not considered distributing that is why torrent trackers don;t get shut down because they are not actually hosting the file.
im 100% certain youre a fucktard
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