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Deep web stories: >decided to get on teh deap weeb >installed

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Deep web stories:

>decided to get on teh deap weeb
>installed a seperate VPN for extra protection, i'm a paranoid little shit
>VPN has 256 character encryption
>connect to VPN
>connect to Tor afterward
>to make sure I have everything in place, I check the node route and it gives me the VPN IP and geolocation
>turn off scripts
>keep window not-maximized
>I start figuring out where it is that I want to go
>decide to check the uncensored hidden wiki
>go to every active site
>I get bored because I had no unvisited site and I was too scared to use notEvil to browse for sites
>get off
>become super-duper paranoid that the end node guy monitored my info when I signed up for Silk Road 3.0
>start realizing he could've monitored ALL my information
>a month passes
>its all good
>I decide to get back on the deep web because I realized that it was nothing but edgy faggots who want to spook people and wannabe hackers
>go to a few more sites that host lots of links
>still too scared to browse sites with notEvil
>see a bunch of drug sites that are shit
>probably scams
>I decide to log back into Silk Road 3.0
>I browse
>I get bored of browsing and get off the deep web again
>paranoia sets back in
>paranoia is worse because I realize I just used Windows on the deep web
>paranoia lasts longer
>2 and a half months pass
>didn't die
>no virus
>I ACTUALLY rule out that the deep web is nothing but edgy faggots and wannabe hackers, but this time I added the small minority of people with real dissorders that make them real threats
>think "it's still just a minority"
>realize I can take on the whole fucking world
>think I am a big boy
>decide to get back on
>search for sites with notEvil
>I feel like such a badass for viewing uncharted territories, yet I used Tails in a VB.
Did you shut off your camera faggot?
my story:

>opened up tor
>didnt turn off scripts
>maximized window
>went on censored hidden wiki
>clicked on a site
>the moment it loaded i pussied out and exited tor
>uninstalled tor
>started bragging to people that i have been on the deep web
>still do to this day
>nothing has happened
>no paranoia
>still a pussy
I covered it with tape, faggot.
Depend where you go junior, you might have a stalker at your doorstep or your online shit hijacked. Keep doing this hero and it will happen, I promise
Thats some good protection you used

It would have been perfect if you used a VPN that is compatible with Tor AND the separate one. Basically, you would've had encrypted data into Tor and out of Tor. End node guy would've seen encrypted garbage because the VPN working with Tor is connected to by end-node, then VPN sends data to site. It is still encrypted by one more layer.

You would've been UBER safe.
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>learn about deep web and TOR
>not a tech fag so pretty proud of myself to get that shite working
>see silk road
>see some other somewhat cool shite
>time to get down to business
>have leanings toward hebe
>carefully poke around
>see hurtcore
>try to live rest of life as productive citizen
>always regret seeing that
This happened in 2005 when I was 14.

I am too scared to try Tor again.

I remember I went to this site for Passports.

what kind of sites did you find when you searched notevil?
>teach me everything
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>unironically browsing the deep web
You really wanna know how to stay safe on the deep web?

Get Hideman and AirVPN for starters. This guy: >>729697113 mentioned a VPN compatible with Tor, AirVPN is. Hideman is suggested because it doesn't keep logs if you pay for it monthly, and it's only like, $1.20 a month. Also, it has 256 character encryption. It's what I used to get on the deep web. After you have this, connect to Hideman and then connect to AirVPN after you have connected to Tor (MAKE SURE YOU SET AIRVPN UP TO WORK WITH TOR). Before you do this, turn off, unplug or cover up your webcam, turn off or unplug your microphone AND ALWAYS USE LINUX IN A VIRTUAL BOX, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I suggest Ubuntu since Tails auto-connects you to the Tor network. Plus, Ubuntu is just a great OS. Once Tor is open, go into the settings and turn off scripts, this won't allow sites to run Javascript and shit. Also, never maximize the window, people can get a feel for your monitor size, I don't know why that would be useful to them, but just don't. Don't talk to anyone until you have been on long enough to communicate to people without getting fucked over and don't click shady websites UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT BLOCKING HACKS AND STOPPING YOURSELF FROM GETTING VIRUSES, SO FOR NOW, DON'T CLICK SHADY LINKS, JUST DON'T.

Happy browsing.
Never been on. Is there homemade porn on there there you can't see anywhere else? How about real rape videos?
Do it again follow the thread. Use the original fags advice
He's doing it right
>independent vpn or proxy
>don't maximize your window (prevent pixel tracking)
>shut off all scripts
>of course make sure you camera is off or covered
You will be fine
Gonna do this great advice faggot
thank you mr fbi
There is way worse shit than real rape videos, broski.

Snuff films, snuff pornos, basement tapes, etc.

Know, many people may tell you red rooms don't exist, BUT THEY DO. You just gotta know how to look for them. Also, don't go into IRCs and ask "link 2 red ruum plz" or something retarded like that, that is how hunters find their prey. If you are gonna ask around using the right lingo, don't say red room, because saying red room is for surface web dwellers, on the deep web the REAL RED ROOMS can be simply called "live murder streams", there are many nicknames that they go under these days. They do exist, they won't be out in the open or anywhere near a search engine like notEvil or Torch. You have to swim the channels to find them. Don't expect it to be like Welcome to the Game either, you can't just find bits and pieces of URLs on webpages.

Thanks, you guys should always trust me with advice, every since I COMPLETELY ruled out that the deep web by majority isn't a threat but more of a service, I have been going on ever since and haven't tracked or kidnapped yet. I learned the lingo before I started talking to people, so when I talk to people on the deep web, they don't think prey, they think criminal peer, and the thing is, I haven't done anything illegal on the deep web at all. I was actually on the verge of finding a real red room once, I got a URL from a forum I was viewing that was all about violent tendencies and homicidal fantasies and I got curious, thinking it was the link to download a snuff film or something. They wanted me to pay 15 bitcoins so I bounced.
no fbi here
Don't try to be a fuckin comedian asshole. You might see shit you can never unsee. Yeah I am 43 and would guess you are under 25 which means I am giving you fatherly advise. I can assure you I thought I have seen everything being a /b/ fag since tom green raids but this is shit you will have nightmares about. Plz trust me
this :(
He can't have nightmares if he is dead.
Can you or someone post a lik to these vids?
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I went there once a long long time ago. Most links are dead, some were backdoors into corporate Intranets, FBI selling shit, and honeypot pizza links which I avoided. Mostly boring. Didn't do anything that special to get on, fired up a virtualbox and used a VPN I think.
You want a .onion link to a snuff film?

Do you even have Tor, anon?

You literally haven't been on and you told us that.

Do even know how to protect yourself?
>be me
>not a degenerate so dont need to use it
>didnt download it
>didnt use it
>didnt die
Feels good man
None of us here have died. That should be clear by logic. WE CAN'T POST IF WE DIED.
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>acting like you need to be a degenerate to use the deep web
Not a snuff film. A rape one.

I repeat my questions.
Yeah, the surface of the deep web is NOTHING but government honeypots to catch criminals.
And they've greenlit .for hacking
i have actually been to a red room, ama
No, I have never been on and do not know how to protect myself. There's not just a link I could be sent?
Ok. Where did your life go wrong?
Its safer than most think but I would imagine that there are some pretty cocky and dangerous people and if you would have pissed them off and you weren't using enough security they might be able to fuck with you I remember when I first downloaded tor it was on my phone a few years back visited some dodgy sites my phone locked up and told me they were viewing me through my camera and I had to pay the money to unlock my phone it was ran somewhere or some shit but somehow I got my phone back to normal and had some strange lady knock on my door just to tell me she was at the wrong house was very paranoid LOL but as dodgy as the sites are on nothing bad happen who's actually so paranoid that the next day I traded my next Samsung Galaxy for a bag of meth
Way before the darkweb you had to find these "red rooms" by following rumors. The Santaria was big in this area when I was a kid but the skinheads have run mist of them off or so deep underground you would need a tunnel machine to find them. There were a couple of people making snuff films in my hometown, years ago. They were all distributed by this shady quick mart owner out by where I lived. I got my hands on one through a kid whose dad was a regular at this market. I recognized both the girl and the room she was in when they were torturing her. She's never been found that I know of but I did break in to the house where it was filmed. Everything was clean as church. I took a shitload of pics and turned them and the vhs over to a guy that knew who to give them to higher up than the local fuzz. Suddenly, in like the span of a summer, dozens of very prominent men in the area moved elsewhere. Not like teachers, although a couple were, business owners retiring to parts unknown, politicians suddenly leaving, local institutions being taken over by people you never had heard of. The guy with the quick mart, that place was gutted with the door hanging wide open one morning, three months later it was a pile of rubble with a new bank branch being built. All the sudden pretty young girls stopped disappearing too.
I don't know why you want this, but okay. http://5cqzpj5d6ljxqsj7.onion

I think that's a rape video.
Here, get that off your chest: http://confessx3gx46lwg.onion
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WOAH, anonymous confessions?

i am down to fake confessions now.

if i die because the owners are angry, know why
Which link aren't you clicking?
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>Be me
>go to google
>incoNegro mode engaged
>fig hacks computer
>finds me
>kill fig
>still go onto deep web and kill figs who hack me
>sill alive
it has scarred me for life, i didn't know what it was when i clicked, i think it was a really cool porn when i payed for it
Oh really?! Fake af kys
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For that, i'm doxxing you om the deep web, everyone will know your post number, MWAHAHAHAHA!
I just confessed to having killed a priest

I haven't even killed a fly
Sounds like ransomware

Also not an autistic faggot, so I don't feel the need to try to be Mr. Robot on le reddeep web
Fake af FBI again
Surely you've killed a fly anon?
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