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Sexualizing feet is fucking retarded. Footfags are the scum of

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Thread replies: 104
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Sexualizing feet is fucking retarded. Footfags are the scum of the Earth. This is an irrefutable fact. Good day.
Agreed. That shit is stupid and gross
Whilst I do not suffer from the affliction of finding feet attractive. It is an affliction. These people are wired up differently and do not choose this for themselves. Like homosexuality. Or paedophillia. There is nothing wrong with it.
Forget it, there's no reasoning with pediphiles.
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So incest, furry, vore, anime titties, piss and shit are okay, but footfags are the problem? Get off your fucking high horse and get your dick out of your mother long enough to find someone else to go after OP. Kys
>Footfags are the scum of the Earth
Saved foot pics

>Nothing wrong with it
Anon pls stop
Well yeah when you show HER busted up feet.

Define "wrong".

>anime titties

Nothing wrong with anime titties, but everything else you said is fucked up, including foot fetishes.
That logic can be applied to saggy tits or a flat ass.

footfag 1, normie 0
Anyone in here that can tell me what it is about feet that make them sexy? Not judging, just genuinely curious
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mmmmmm feeeet!
Well if a qt3.14 has a good looking pair of clean, well kept and pedicured feet, is there really anything wrong with noticing it and complimenting her?
Feet are not a sexual organ, what you have is a fetish. You once had an erotic experience with a woman that involved her feet, and since then you foolishly fixate on feet as the object of your desire, while ignoring everything else about women.
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Rubbing against your cock.
Licking btwn toes and instep.
Having them kick your balls.
Thinking you're a bug about to be stepped on by them.

Many more....

(Pic: Mile-High Mikalia's AMAZING size 15 !!! feet)
it has the potential to destroy innocent children's lives. To even lump this shit in with homosexuality really shows how much you haven't matured as an adult, if you even are an adult.
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Personally don't get it but it doesn't seem to be hurting anybody. Knock yourself out, freaks!
no but you can say that about hands, I never see a hand fetish? There's something more than that..

Oh cool fair enough, seems like a submissive kink, probably why I don't see the appeal
If it's on a woman then it's going to be sexualized
gay apologist, fuck off back to your /lgbt/ containment board

furries, vore, anime, piss and shit are all disgusting. gtfo

pedophilia is disgusting and you should an hero if you think otherwise
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Lol, why does faggot OP get so mad when someone else enjoys something he doesn't? Miserable loser.
Still doesn't disprove his point
>Gay apologist
this is either kek b8 or someone who was molested as a child and has some very skewed views of the world. either way thanks for giving me Gay Apologist, that's been saved to my kek bank.
i even have a foot fetish and this shit is ridiculous
4chan you're making me not like feet you're making me want to choose another fucking fetish and experiment to find something new because fuck you footfags
>furries, vore, anime, piss and shit are all disgusting
Exactly my point. And yet footfags are the ones that get treated like lepers. It's hypocritical bullshit
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THIS explains Foot Fetishism: "In Your Brain, Feet and Sex are Old Friends"

Link: https://brainspiner.wordpress.com/2010/07/15/in-your-brain-feet-and-sex-are-old-friends/

Pic: Brain Map - Notice that Feet and Genitalia are located RIGHT NEXT to each other.
Eh, about as retarded as finding any non sexual part of the body attractive.

I personally think it's evolutionary, we're just attracted to proper specimens of the human race. Pretty much my only explanation for liking nice knees in women kek.

Does anyone have the "foot fetish isn't real it's a global troll" copypasta? I haven't seen that in years.
waiting for OP to try and "stfu you nerd faggot fuck off out of /b" out of this one
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A little louder for the haters and hypocrites in the back, please.
just because you dont like something doesnt make it disgusting. Try being a bit more open minded anaon
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It's kind of objectively gross dude. I mean I like feet, even dirty fuckin socks but even I know it's pretty gross.
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tiny feet are hot
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>Friendly reminder that if you don't like this you're a faggot
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if you really found feet attractive then you wouldn't give 2 shits about what 4chan thinks

it's like saying you will stop liking boobs because you see them alot on 4chan, fuck off with your lies you samefagging retard
Quads. And you're wasting your time. Hypocrites and fags like OP don't care to be open minded. They just want to beat their shit to disappointingly basic tits and ass, and then look down on the rest of us.
Foot fetishes are beta af fam
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as long as they are clean and well kept, feet are just another part of the body that can be sexy.
you prob like sucking on a girl's tits, pussy and maybe even lick her ass no?

how are feet objectively gross compared to that?
Foot fetishists are degenerates of the lowest order
God hates fags, moron. 40% of gays are pedophiles, it's been proven. "Oh b-but we're not pedos, we swear! Let us adopt your children!" Kys degenerates
You could make the objective argument that licking ass is gross too. I'd say the other two are reproductive organs so it becomes more subjective. A lot of sex is gross, dude.
i wish one day you can experience the holy glory that are soft and clean women's feet. footjobs are amazing.
Think of everything that passes through a vagina though.
>inner lining remnants
>cervical mucus
even if you're favorite character from a book series IS real. Why the fuck would we care? that cunt killed the entire human race bar one family, TWICE. So if you're cannon is fact, then we're all fucking our family members anyway, so what's your point? God isn't a valid argument, ever.
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Psychology suggests that 57% of males have a foot fetish and 20% of females. There you go.
It's conditioning and exposure that creates footfags, neurological cross-wiring, just not via the pathways you suggest.
listen liking ass and tits is ok feet is ok too i mean i wouldn't date a girl if she had horrible disgusting looking feet that look like she was walking throughout her life barefoot with calluses all over. it's just you get tired of thread after thread of feet is like having ice cream every day it's not good for you now i don't see tit threads, i don't see ass threads, anymore is just feet. pls you guys put some variety something new. this is /b/ for god sake
I agree with you faggot. Feet is worse than trap. Bdsm is King.
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I'll concede to browsing feet threads once in a while because they're usually attached to a cute girl, but a lot of actual foot-fetish shit (sucking dirty toes, and rubbing their dick on calloused oily feet, ect) is fucking gross.

I don't understand it, but hey, if they aren't hurting anyone than w/e.
We were meant to fuck that though, that's the difference and the only thing that makes it a subjective argument. And it's facts, not opinions, that are important in biology.
>implying I believe in homosexuality being ok
Nigga I was just saying paedophilia is wrong
It's really nice having a foot fetish. You get to see girl's feet all of the time. Imagine if girls walked around with their tits out. It's also a thrill asking girls for feet pics, because they usually will send them, seeing it as something harmless. I love my fetish. You will never know our joy.

Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of anons in feet threads have girlfriends, that are cool with their fetish, where other fetishists don't. Everyone I've told about my fetish is cool with it. Foot fetish is best fetish. I'm gonna keep enjoying this amazing gift, faggots.
Once you start asking people about it you'd be surprised. I found out that a lot of people I know do in fact have a foot fetish. A lot of people just don't talk about it.
Molesting a child is wrong.
Being attracted to children without choosing to be this way is not.
i am not aroused by feet. but that is just me. a lot of things that are sexually arousing for many people don´t touch me. then again i have a fetish for medium sized breasts covered black lace bras and i like women wearing floral summer dresses. that might not be interesting to other people.

it´s personal and as long as it doesn´t harm anyone, i´m fine with whatever makes you feel good. let´s be tolerant.
Rape is wrong, consensual is not, children can consent if they're over the age of 4 and can comprehend what dick in the mouth means. It's not rocket science.
That theory is weak.
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Holy shit you're a fucking cuck. Be loud and proud about what you love, don't be swayed by insecure betas like OP.
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They are the foundation of the body.
Good looking feet indicates healthy genes to mix with.
Also this worn out whore is like 70 now and has a dried up usless womb
>af fam
i'm proud of it but >>728803070
i don't like having ice cream everyday that's just me
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How would your future wife or girlfriend feel about the fact that you will never be as interested in her as her feet? Fetishism is always harmful
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WPkMUU9tUqk?ecver=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So don't browse /b/ every day. Foot fetishes are more common than ever these days, might as well enjoy it. It's nice to feel mainstream after years of feeling like I was weird.
Holy shit. Copy pasting without looking. I apologize.

Should've been this.

Well the world don't mooooooove to the beat of just one drum
What might be right for you may not be right for some
This is a retarded fucking argument. In no way is it suggested or implied that the fetish takes priority over the person/their personality. Go the fuck outside for once, get some fresh air.
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found the foot fag. kys nigger
there is no god
but that's how fetishes are like its something that is not normal. for people, it's something that is unique to a person why normalize it, fuck what other people think.
Neither are hands yet lots of people would pass of a handy if they were given the chance of having one
It absolutely does, if you knew more about psychology, then you would know this is true. You invest your lust into a fringe element rather then the shape, form, scent and sound of the woman you love. You value something as trivial as the shape of her foot over the beauty of her spirit. This leads in the long term to dysfunctional relationships, and children growing up in these households are morally weak and often become perverts themselves when they're older, further weakening society.
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dirty panties are top shit 4 me!
Diaper fags are worse. But both are pretty sad.
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>when baptists take mandatory freshman psych
Like it or not, it is being normalized, because the number of footfags has been on the rise for years. There really isn't a fetish more common, vanilla, or harmless. Probably can't even be considered a true fetish anyways.
You've got it all wrong. Feet aren't sexy but high heels are. And not just any heel, it has to conceal the toes (because toes are gross) and only be pink in colour. Wedges are awful. Pointy heels are nice.
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Observe. A nice heel. It's hawt if you cum in them first without her knowledge and she's forced to walk around town with your cum on her feet.
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The same heel. It's like the embodiment of femininity. It's just asking to be cummed on.
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If women wear that sort of heel you just know they're going to be showing off their breasts and wear a tight dress and show lots of leg and not wear any underwear so you might catch a glimpse of pussy when she's sitting crossed leg opposite you. It's absolutely 100% sex.
That pic fucked me up lol
bump this thread is making me laugh at both sides
They're not as bad as the lesbo faggots.
>go on to /b/
>complain about weird shit
wew lad
ur a fucking idiot
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I don't care about the fetish I hate them because of their attitudes towards the rest of us. They try to act like they aren't freaks and put themselves on par with guys who likes tits and ass. Not realizing a foot is not a sexual body part and they really are just freaks who stared at mommy's feet and asked her if he could give her footrubs at age six. Gross.
Those are some experienced pseudodicks she has on the ends of her feet. Ten of them. They may look old but if you stuffed them up your butt and bounced around while jerking off it would open your mind to a new world.
Who is "the rest of us"?
>finding kinks to be weird
Not true, I'm a foot fetishist and I wouldn't touch my mom's feet with a 10 foot pole.
I agree, but I don't think the current year is proof of it. I'm pretty sure there has always been kinks.
It's interesting how true this is.
>not a sexual body part
Neither are tits and ass, people just fetishized them and made them sexual parts. Feet are no different.
How can a fetish really be what you would call "alpha" or "beta"?
Fucking casual
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Triple dubs! Checked!
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