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>look inside tin in house >find this >what do? personally

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Thread replies: 102
Thread images: 13

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>look inside tin in house
>find this
>what do?

personally i fill it with bleach and seal the lid off

>add ramen
>add boiling water
>shrimp and noodles
burn the house down
Waste of good bleach. Id drink it myself if I found that nightmare in my house.
Wonder what the fuck that's doing outside my vagina.
>Mother centipede protects her young?

Stick your dick in it obviously.

Just put it in a forest. It's a mama and her babies.
you arr a genius
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words. you too much of a pussy to drink bleach i challenge you
>pick up cup
>walk outside you know were the bright light is
>set cup down
>walk back into your den
You realise that if this is indeed the first time this has been posted, that this exact same thread is going to get posted, every fucking day, for like the next 2 years?
the problem here is if they all grow up they are now infesting YOUR house good fucking luck getting an exterminating to come within 10 feet of that for anything less than 3 grand
you have a great heart
just release it to the forest

Just take it outside you confused little man.
Fire. As much of it as necessary.
he dose not know what outside is
no leave mama and her babes alone
>Stick your dick in it obviously.
Leave Australia as soon as possible.
Centipedes are aggressive, venomous little bastards, i got bit by one in South Africa and my god it burned for days. Kill them fucking all, they're the wasp of creepy crawlies, just utter bastards.
Put on transparent top
Lit bottom on fire
Watch them skadoodle
Sorry, that only works for mammals. Not godless insects.
Wtf, are you from Sweden?
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if you take it outside near your house they still infest the only option other than bleach is to drive it out to the middle of no where and set the tin down lid off and just walk away
Find out if it bites.

throw the bitch in the woods.

Microwave the whore. tin can and all.
you went to south africa? did you get fucked by a short blonde who was a little creepy but also fucking adorable?
im joke faggot
burn them to hell
Wait for gf to come over and scare the shit out of her with it then throw it in a bush outside and let nature take its course.
Under rated post
chug it
Thought that the odds that something original EVER EVER appeared on /b/ were zero.

Thanks should have image searched this myself.

I'd love it if 4chins introduced a system where the original op picture went through an auto search system and flagged this info up.
he never said it was him you fucking idiot
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The sounds good!
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Put it on your head
I always vaccum them up with my dyson and leave them in there to die, used to hate spiders until i saw these now i cherish every spider i see in my house because id rather have them than those million leg fuckers hopefully the spiders grow a strong army and defeat the centipedes
It's a centipede. It fucking bites.
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>fake it
>You expect me to believe this is a centipede and not a queen facehugger
why do you people think that any post on /b/ is genuine? did you somehow miss this?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

if you belive my post is in anyway original then i feel bad for the other outrageous shit you bought into
Go ahead and kys as well
Hand it a bowl of eggs
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>windows 10
3g? are you living in fucking africa or something? also nice font, faggot.

anyways abandon thread
Nut on em. Either that or drench them in lighter fluid and burn them back to hell
>windows 7

enjoy your no support and the inability to upgrade your CPU
A) you must live like white trash keeping empty cans around.
B) pour rubbing alcohol in it. Instant death.
Search YouTube for "Giant centipede eats a mouse"
They arent godless. The praise allah or cthulu. One if the two
Probably dump the contents of the can onto an anthill in my backyard. Should be a proper battle...
have you ever heard of a storage tin?
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This. Film it too.
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Kind of horrifying, but kind of sweet that it's cuddling up with its babies in a cozy little ball, trying to hug as many as possible at the same time. I would probably take it out into the woods.
Think scaly thoughts and feed it field mice.
Hope to become the next Overmind.
not one with bugs in it or one so structurally compromised that bugs can enter
Not that other dude but I just bought a Ryzen cpu and windows 7 works fine. The only problem was the lack of USB 3.0 drivers for windows 7. I ended up buying a p/s2 keyboard.
"you have to eat this."
>Anon didn't greentext the second line of the legal
It's real if you want it to be, Friend.
Pour something flammable on it and kill it with fire, obviously.
>if on rent move
>if not sell the house
>where do you live having this shit in your house
A centipede taking care of her youth.
Nothing wrong there, I'd probably carefully close that and carry her to the nature, somewhere where she'll stay safe, won't drown in rainwater and let her raise her offspring.
Insects are one of the most if not the most important domain in the nature. Grow the fuck up with your "burn the house" meme, you fucking city grown twats.
Centipedes are not insects you twat.
now you can go and squash some spiders or whatnot, because hurr durr kull it wuth fure
Lmao dude chill. its not that serious.
>buys brand new mobo
>shit tier godless heathen pos peripherals
>muh os

its like picking horde or alliance. it doesnt fucking matter to anyone but pretentious fucking fanboys who are too fucking stupid to adapt to anything remotely different. HURR IM A COMPUTER WIZARD BUT WIN10 SCARES ME DURR.
cpu, mobo, whatever. brand new shit, my point still stands you fucking flaming piece of faggot.
Bitch you ever heard of a 20lb 2 foot long centipede????? Ne neither
Centipedes eat tarantulas... Good luck with that
But thats a bucket filled with giant aliens do not diaturb their slumber
Stupid nigger not being smart enough to realize Allah just means God in Arabic
They're not insects
>aren't godless
>praise Allah
>hurr durr idiot Allah means god

That's what anon just said you fucking mongoloid
they are bugkillers
more like they are protecting your house from bugs from now on
bluering milipede. one expensive animal =\
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Fire is the only answer
Pour some voda into the can. Partay!
Just a centipede protecting its young...
leave it be.
Just put it outside of the house, poor mama is just protecting the babies.
Anyone else ever have to kill one of these things? They are the most impervious things against physical dmg
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>>look inside tin in house
>>find this
>>what do?
>personally i fill it with bleach and seal the lid off
wtf is that i am dying
Yes fill to brim with bleach so it can swim out
I'd eat those noodles
Dump that shit into my asshole neighbors mailbox
Let the little guys go

It's just a mama centipede and her babies, no need to be a pussy.
pretty much
Well people are niggers, faggots, and isis

Centipedes are not nearly as bad as that
Thread posts: 102
Thread images: 13

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