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In once sentence explain why you're atheist/theist? I'm

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In once sentence explain why you're atheist/theist?

I'm a theist because I have faith God exists and nothing coming from something is the most retarded shit I've ever heard from a fully grown man.
I'm an atheist because my dick is small and I'm angry at God
>I have faith God exists
>nothing coming from something is the most retarded shit I've ever heard from a fully grown man.

Where did God come from?
i'm agnostic because it's foolish and arrogant to assume earth is the only planet in the universe that has life
No theist has shown a god exists and I have no personal experience that would lead me to think one does.
Nothing coming from something, OP youre a fucking idiot
but by god you a refering to the christian god or ANY sort of higher being?
I'm atheist, but this is a stupid argument. The universe has the same question.
If atheists don't even believe in a god, then how can they be angry at one you fucking mongrel?
We have The Big Bang. There's no possible way to determine what came before a singularity on a scale of literally everything.
I'm an atheist for the same reason I don't believe in dragons, unicorns and a flying spaghetti monster.
I'm an atheist because religious people are so fucking stupid they confuse "not believing in your deity" with "supporting some other specific idea of how the universe started." Do you think the Big Bang Theory is some sort of atheist bible? I don't know or give a shit where the universe "came from," but silly Bronze Age fables aren't convincing me.
Right belief. Wrong reason.
I am theist because i have faith that God does exist (mostly because of sentimentality), and also because atheists have not been unable to persuade me with any good arguments that God does not exist.
I am atheist because religion is just a form of social control, It was used to control an uneducated public to do basic things like not kill and rape each other, anything beyond learning basic morals from the stories presented is pure stupidity
IDGAF about the thread, but thanks for the video.
Atheists, i have a question?
Where did the laws of physics come from?
I'm an atheist/theist because I keep changing my mind
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You cannot be only agnostic.
Athiest, common sense.
When you can explain why you believe in whatever god(s) you believe in, and why you don't believe in Zeus, Thor, Ra, Horus, Mithra, or the roughly 2,500 other options you have in imaginary friends, then you'll be able to understand why someone can't believe in your god.

Until then, the burden of proof is on the individual making the claim. You claim there is a god but cannot prove it. The problem is yours to deal with internally, not mine to deal with externally.
Then who created god? Did god come from nothing?

Why isn't it easier for you to accept that the universe has always existed? Why is a creator that has always existed more acceptable?

If not bait, you're a retard
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Fuck me, wrong image
Agnostic because I don't want to allow several thousand year old sets of rules and beliefs to mandate what I can and can't do/make me feel guilty about what I do, but I'm also inclined to believe there's something more than what we know out there that could possibly be some form of divine intervention
Thy didn't come from anywhere. They're just a set of well supported and tested observations that are subject to change if we eventually find that they are incorrect.
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Because i am not at a level of awareness to notice either or.
Atheist. Lack of evidence to support existence. Plenty of evidence counter. The source material contradicts itself, and things we know are true.
There are trees older than they say the world is entirely, let alone the flood that covered the earth.
Extraordinary Claims Requires Extraordinary Proof.

I'll gladly believe in your omnipotent/omniscient sky man as soon as you provide proof of his existence beyond a book that was written and heavily edited over 2000 years.
Im an agnostic atheist because I dont claim to know the answer to where we came from but science clearly explains the creation of a planet and evolution of micro-organisms over large spans of time. Logic.
Theist, I have a question?
Where do your god(s) come from?
Im agnostic because i dont give a shit and have zero convictions about religion or god, im not spiritual either...
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Checkmate Bitches
God is not created anon. God is, has been, always will be.

>Why isn't it easier for you to accept that the universe has always existed? Why is a creator that has always existed more acceptable?
1. because the creator is not their creation. That is like saying that a painter is their painting.
2. because the cosmic background radiation suggests that the universe has a beginning, as well as the increasing entropy and expansion of the universe.

>If not bait, you're a retard
I'm not OP. But you wont persuade anyone by being a jack-ass.
Which contains many prophesies made thousands of years ago, all of which either have, or are coming true.

>t. 23 Sept 2017
>nothing coming from something

I assume you mean something coming from nothing, a reference to the big bang, which does not say that something comes from nothing.
this video right here
Let's not forget the uninterrupted documentation of other cultures who existed just fine in other parts of the world during supposed worldwide flood.
>people claiming to be sane while also claiming they believe in magical sky wizards and eternal happylands in the sky.

You're mentally ill OP. get help.
the painter has parents. they had parents. so on, so on. eventually, you get to go. if your argument is that everything needs a creator, who the fuck created the creator?
Thinking something comes from nothing is retarded.

That's why I'm an atheist and don't believe that shit for a minute.

Christians do though, oddly enough.
What caused the big bang? From where did the required matter/energy come from?

From nowhere?
>You claim there is a god but cannot prove it.
differnet anon. need i remind you that you cannot prove that God does not exist?

>but muh physics
physics is great at explaining physical phenomena, but you don't use an accelerometer to explain the meaning of life or anything philosophical.
The difference is that, when you ask me where the universe came from, I can say "we don't know, but we're trying to figure it out."

When you ask a theist where God came from, they just say "clearly he was always there, cripes you're stupid." Unprovable, but that's good enough for them
Yeah but we know the universe exists and the big bang happened. There's no good reason to believe god exists. It's more feasible to say the big bang didn't need a cause than to say 'it must have needed a cause, therefore god exists, god doesn't need a cause btw, and i know god exists because he caused the big bang'.

∆ ∆
Dumbasses, there is no god, but this universe WAS created DONT YOU SEE YOU IMBECILES! THIS UNIVERSE IS A SIMULATION!
Why can't the same thing be said about the universe?

Why does it HAVE to have a creator?

"Something can't come from nothing!"
"God always has been!" (literally meaning he came from nothing)
why can't i triforce /b/?

I'm an atheist because no empiric proof of anyone's Sky Fairie has been presented over the thousands of years of human history which is littered with abandoned superstitions.

I'm ALSO anti-theist (atheism is being without theism, no more or less) because all theism comes from backward cultures and the Middle Eastern superstitions are ANTI-EUROPEAN. They are mudskin kikery and serve the Jew in the end. Cuckstainity is the engine of modern libtard belief systems. It exalts the worthless, the unaccomplished, the vermin of the world just like Communism. Kikeism rules Cuckstainity because Chosen people. Islam is just backwards homicidal degenerate pedolatry focused on destroying White culture under Jew manipulation.

Did I miss anything?
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There's no possible way to realistically determine what happened previous to the entirety of everything existing in a single point in space.
Suggest a way that could possibly be deduced or measured short of time travel.
>God is not created anon. God is, has been, always will be.

Entropy increases in a closed system, the universe is a closed system, God could not have existed forever, at least not the same way forever and ever.
> â–²
>â–² â–²

>muh religion of peace
Interpreted as coming true.

You produce god, I'll be a believer. Until then, everything you and the other believers say is bullshit.

According to that book you put so much stock in, there was a time you couldn't shut the fucker up. Suddenly he's quiet as a church mouse. I guess he's just shy.
but i mean. the latest explanation for how the universe came into existence is that quantum fields existing before eistence started to ossilate for no explained reason and them matter came into existence. So i have to wander how that field even existed to begin with.
>What caused the big bang?

Gravity pulling everything together.

>From where did the required matter/energy come from?
>From nowhere?

From nowhere? What does that even mean. Things don't just come from nowhere. The answer to that question is unknown. You see, sometimes it's ok to say "I don't know" and then seek to work towards an answer. Instantly going to "I don't know, therefore it must be the work of a magical sky wizard" is a bit insane.
Just because we don't fully understand why the big bang happen doesn't mean a god had anything to do with it, nor did it come from nothing.
The big bang was a specific point in space where compressed matter and energy collected until it could no longer be contained or until something caused a dramatic reaction in the makeup of these compressed gasses and matters, creating a massive explosion that created the parameters of space and time as we know it. Over millions of years of evolution micro-organisms develop functional body parts and become the creatures we know as animals and dinosaurs. Everything on this planet started from water molecules and certain organisms evolved to match different climates and survival tactics which leads to the multitude of species we see today. GOD IS FAKE. RELIGION IS BRAINWASHING. LOGIC IS THE TRUTH.

Don't even bother asking a theist that, you won't ever get a solid answer.
If you're going to use a excessively fancy words to describe talk nonsense while attempting to appear smart, please learn how to apply them properly.

You don't have an answer, and what you said actually cripples your own argument.
If there is a God, he is a prick
Nobody is 100% sure. But we have evidence of it occurring, that can be demonstrated and measured.

Which is more than can be said of Magic Sky Man.
>Over millions of years of evolution micro-organisms develop functional body parts and become the creatures we know as animals and dinosaurs

Keyword there is millions. Most people can't really grasp what that number means. Trillions, billions, millions are all just obscure numbers that mean "a lot" to them.

This shit is always thrown around, but the person who makes the claims need to provide the evidence.

The only way you wouldn't know this is if you were 12.
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This is the most retarded shit I've ever read from a fully grown man.
>nothing coming from something is the most retarded shit I've ever heard
What existed 1 hour before your fairy tale God?
Put another way? Whence came fucking gawd?
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im a Carp, and i take this bait!
Right? Apparently jews are his chosen people. Of all the awesome people there are that aren't kikes, he goes and chooses the whiny cheap shysters.
Most people cant grasp common sense. Thank you for further explaining why my point will fall on deaf ears today. Hey at least I tried.
>differnet anon. need i remind you that you cannot prove that God does not exist?

I can't prove that an cat golem that's exactly 420 feet tall doesn't live on Mars and commands an army of zombie artichokes with penises for legs and they rule over the universe telepathically either. So what.
Nerve gas hit that hotel lobby?
Basically this. Plus concerning what religion I choose, Its christianity because the amount of "coincidental" knowledge in the Bible is too high to ignore compared to other religions I've looked into. And by coincidental I mean things like the diets of the old testement being extremely healthy despite no one having the ability to know that back then, the natural phenomena that coincide with biblical accounts beyond reasonable human association, ect.
>In once sentence explain why you're atheist/theist?

You're a worm. The concept *never enters my mind*. You're fucking insane, pal.
>I'm an atheist
>angry at god

pick one
you are the one who has to prove something exist not us
I am atheist because of logic, knowledge and truth. If you follow that path you will eventually get apart from religion as a way of thinking, obviously religion is part of us and our past and you can't dismiss.

Don't get me wrong It would be awesome to live after death and find our beloved ones, however my experience in life is far from what I expected, even that I had a very good and easy life so far.

Only difference between that and any of the well-known deity myths we have today is that those are well-known. Those myths and the zombie martian kitten golem are equal in terms of how far fetched they are, as is any completely baseless claim.
The sign in the sky that is occurring on 23 Sept 2017 was predicted in the Bible, it also falls on the same day as the feast of trumpets.

That's just a coincidence though, I'm sure.
I don't get why Theists think their God is the right one, why isn't Zeus as relevant as Alah or Jesus Christ?
There is only one true god: Hail Sithis!
Well, there's also the quran too tho. With it describing the whole process of birth and many other scientific stuff like the earth being round and singularity thingy i donno i'm not good at science lol
Your "coincidental" knowledge in the bible is just people prophesying generalities and your applying them to current events. Those "coincidences" have been applied to different events in history over the entire lifespan of your religion by thousands of people. Its all bullshit.
This image is so underrated, all these retards saying they are agnostic dunno what they're talking about
Gonna go out on a limb and say that's a theist making a crack against Atheists.
>23 Sept 2017
>â–² â–²
im an atheist because it's easier to explain than saying agnostic.
Such a well informed reply.
>still believing in magic
>I'm a theist because
I'm not 12 anymore and my head isn't up my ass
I'm an atheist because a guy creating evwrything in 6 days 6000 years ago sounds like the ramblings of an opium chewing hermit.
>oh wait
Wow, they had the Gregorian Date in the bible? That's fucking amazing, considering it didn't start until the 1500's.

What are the lottery numbers for that day?
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and nothing ever happened the end
>What are the lottery numbers for that day?
Quite ironic considering agnostic is the definition of admitting that you dont have the proper knowledge to physically prove your beliefs. Im Agnostic because Im not a scientist that has studded the evolution of our universe in depth. Im just the average person. So yes im Agnostic which means I dont KNOW what Im talking about but the evidence and nature is on my side of the argument. Your just trolling.
>In once sentence explain why you're atheist/theist?
I'm an atheist because I have no good reason to believe that any gods exist.
I'm an atheist because I realized we are just matter and energy.
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Im an Athiest because I've accepted life and death are without meaning and I don't need to fill in what I don't understand with a higher power.
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>nothing coming from something
What's is the Jewish calendar, how can it possibly be related to what we use today?

>3rd of Tishrei, 5778
>I'm an atheist because I have no good reason to believe that any gods exist.

I'm an atheist because I'm a sane person that could not possibly utter the words "I believe in a magical sky wizard that rules over a magic happyland where we will all live after death forever" and actually believe it.
>Where did God come from?
You find out when you die. In fact, you "remember" it when you die, since you knew it before being born of the flesh.
Look at the fucking image, you cannot be only agnostic.
Fuck off kike with your number-embezzlement black magic
Solid argument, because if there is a God we have no ability to comprehend. A dog would have a better shot at understanding trigonometry.

>nothing coming from something is retarded

>God must have come from something
>who created God
>who created that
>turtles all the way down
>You find out when you die. In fact, you "remember" it when you die
Trusting hallucinations from an oxygen deprived mind, kek
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>I have no good reason to believe that any gods exist.
But football mate...
I'm a theist because it gives me easy answers and absolves me from thinking
I'm an apatheist aparently.

I can't prove nor disprove a god, but since he has no direct influence on my experience, I might as well not be bothered by it.
>I'm so smart
>I'm so sane
>I'm so logical
>Everyone else from the past and present are all really stupid
You know, when people toot their own horn (rather when they're the only people espousing their virtues), other people tend to disregard it as pretentious tripe.
Im not ONLY agnostic. Im an AGNOSTIC ATHEIST because I dont KNOW that god doesnt exist but LOGIC and SCIENCE favor evolution over long periods of time vs. a magic sky person that has just always existed since ever. Religion is a cop out to do what you want and feel forgiven when you go to bed at night. A perfect way to never take responsibility for your actions.
Yeah, not god.
There's nothing hinkey about. The thing happening with Virgo is described exactly down to the every movement, including the corresponding planetary retrograde movement, and you just brush it off because it makes you uncomfortable.

Do just the tiniest bit of research before you puke out canned responses.
I'm an atheist, but I was already saved, so I'm going to heaven no matter what. I can even say Fuck God up his nigger ass, and I'm still going to heaven.
Lets entertain the idea.
If we ask who created the creator, then we have to ask who created that creator, and we would have to continue this ad infinitum.

Another thing: the painting and the painter was an analogy to explain the fact that the creation was made by a creator. The parents thing just ends up creating a problem that would go on forever: an infinite number of creators for an infinite number of creators.

>the person who makes the claims need to provide the evidence.
you claimed God does not exist, so the burden of proof lays on your shoulders.

shutting down debate on the premise of intellectual elitism is shady shit anon.

i just answered that. Unlike a mind existing outside of the physical reality or simulation we are in, the creation can be shown to have a beginning based on impirical evidence, which cannot be applied to abstract ideas like consciousness or a God. There is evidence of the universe having a beginnning, and moving towards an end, so stacked against the evidence we cannot say that the universe always has been. However, metapysical things like God cannot be proven to exist, because we cannot measure methaphysical concepts or ideas with imperical evidence.

tl;dr - God is not a physical thing and can be suggested to have always existed, whereas physical things have a beginning and end. You can't apply the same materialistic ideas to both a physical and non-physical being as though they were the same thing.

Problem is that the moment i provide any philosophical arguments, many Reddit atheists (which seem to be the majority here) will immediately shit all over that notion simply because it requires critical thinking and nothing to do with materialism.

you can prove the cat-golem exists, since you can send a probe to mars to go find or measure its physical existence. The real question in this case is why God would create such a thing?
Nothing better than me can possibly exist, it's all in my mind.
The problem thiests have is they think they are special and that there must therefore be a creator. They look out their window and see a beautiful blue sky and birds singing and children playing in the playground and they think to themselves there must be a god.

Waht they fail to realize is everything they are seeing is because of billions of years of evolution. You have fingernails because your hands evolved that way. The sky is blue because of diffused light. The birds sing because of mating rituals. Literally everything "special" about you or the world has a scientific explanation.

For the first billion years earth was a barron wasteland. The planet formed from gas ejected from the creation of our nearest star (the sun). The entire planet was lava and the moon formed soon after when a huge piece collided with earth and took up orbit. For the next 3 billion, thats right billion with a B, life arose from pools of amino acids and evolved into complex water life,

Humans only existed in the last 150,000 or so years, If you take 4 billion years that our planet has existed, humans have only been around for 0.0000375% of that time. Think how billions of animals and species have existed and became extinct before humans even existed.

The dinosaurs ruled the earth for 200 or so million years and were wiped out by an enormous asteroid 150 million years ago. Small mammals that could burrow underground were the only survivors. Monkeys and primates evolved from these small mammals, and eventually humans. If it had not been for that asteroid that collided with earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, the small mammals wouldn't be able to proliferate and humans wouldn't exist.

Back to my main point, Theists fail to see the big pictue. The look out their window and see how beautiful the worls is and assume, God did it. They look at their hand and see their fingerprint and fingernails and arms and opposable thumbs and thing God did it. They look their healthy kids and assume God.
>I can't prove nor disprove a god, but since he has no direct influence on my experience, I might as well not be bothered by it.

This, sorta. But there are an infinite number of completely retarded fantastical stories that you can't disprove. There's no reason to say that because you can't disprove them, they might exist.
>I'm am atheist because other athiests give me easy answers and absolve me from difficult thinking.
>Fuck God up his nigger ass
>I like to postulate (but only critically) ideologies that I'm personally apt to believe and not anything I actually know

ITT: you're pretentious if you think believing in a magical sky wizard is full blown retarded. lol fucked
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Maybe the universe was always there.

>Pic unrelated
I don't know but I'm not going to assume it was some magic man who has always existed.
>you can prove the cat-golem exists, since you can send a probe to mars to go find or measure its physical existence. The real question in this case is why God would create such a thing?

No, the cat golem is god. Prove he isn't. And you can't prove he exists, because he is also invisible. this book i have here says so. it's old. check mate.
Totally incorrect, if you're saved, you walk with god and should be all least trying to remain in communion with him.

Believing that saying the words is all that is required is dangerous thinking.
>In once sentence explain why you don't belief in Santa Clause.
Why are so many of you atheists always so angry at believers?

>inb4 they are hurting other people
westburrow baptist is not a model of all christianity. Assuming so would be like me assuming all atheists are violent based on what 3 atheists did to 1 church.
Not a fan.
I believe that God is (You) in a metaphysical sense.

Life is The Universe observing, experiencing and measuring itself.
It just doesn't make sense. It contradicts itself constantly. It gives mixed messages on pretty much everything and it's massively out dated. If you followed the Bible in its purest form you'd be a murderous pedophile
>Things just don't come from nowhere
But something obviously did come from nothing. That's why we're here.
The guy was saying that people only indentify as agnostic, and that is bullshit. You can be agnostic-something and gnostic-something, not only agnostic or gnostic.
I am an agnostic-atheist
>Why are so many of you atheists always so angry at believers?

Because believers are 100% mentally ill. Completely batshit insane. And they are the majority - the overwhelming majority. They breed. They vote. Their will is imposed on all. Insane people. Yeah, it's a problem. As a sane person, I am basically in a zombie apocalypse, except instead of zombies it's retarded people. It's always a shock to come across the rare survivor in real life.
I'm an atheist because belief without proof is just ignorance.
We theists believe that god made the world to do that process. We believe god created the process itself.
The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.

Can you prove Leprechauns don't exist?
a universe creating bearded man in the sky , sounded so retraded when i was a child i became An instant atheïst
I can tell you haven't read or understood any of it.

The old testament law passed away with the tearing the temple veil after Jesus died.

If you'd bothered to read the new testament you would see that the rules did change a bit to make it easier for people to be saved.

But I guess to you "the purest form" means any reading the bits that support your argument when taken out of context.
>We theists believe that god made the world to do that process.
Some theists do anyway.
>We believe god created the process itself.
Why do you believe that though?
You're quite special aren't you?

Name one thing inposed upon you by religion.
Checked amazing
I'm an atheist but shut the fuck up, you whiney little bitch.
>need i remind you that you cannot prove that God does not exist
You cannot be called upon to prove a negative when there isn't proof for the positive

ah, see now you're talking about life. You believe this because you don't see how we can go from a dead planet to having people walking around. That's because you can't comprehend what can happen in millions of years, let alone billions.
making the case right there
Theist because a combined idea of a moral being can be considered God, same with the opposite. The same way any other theory only exists through human ideology
>Name one thing inposed upon you by religion.

Everything, because the religious are the overwhelming vast majority, therefore their will is imposed at all times.
Every evolution simulation i have ever seen requires descrete laws to be set into place for the process of natural selection to even exist. Then there is the fact that there are so many improbably fine-tuned rules set in place for the earth to even be habitable, then there is also the improbable existence of the universe, etc.
Some astronomer have begun to admit that a created universe seems more probable than an accidental one.
A well known deity and a pagan myth are equally arbituary
Sorry there, made an error in spelling because I'm on my phone.

I'd be interested to hear any actually arguments you might have to offer though.
Tax subsidies to religious organizations.
Because I believe god is the most wise, the all-knowing and all that. So it's logical to think god created the scientific process we now know
I have seen the truth
Name one.
What? Did you mean to reply to me? Because I'm not talking about life. I'm saying that things obviously didn't exist at one point.
>A well known deity and a pagan myth are equally arbituary

Yep. People mistake familiarity with credibility. A religion that is a billion years old is no more credible than a fanciful tale that I made up just now.
>I can't
>Because I believe god is the most wise, the all-knowing and all that.
I guess my question wasn't clear enough: why do you believe that a god with those properties exists to do that in the first place?
I'm starting to think you're just a theist trying to make atheists look bad.
Religion imposes some retarded things on us, but not everything, we still have freedom. The only thing we can't escape from is paying taxes that go straight to funding churches.
>things obviously didn't exist at one point

What makes you think that?
Any and all churches. They automatically receive tax-exempt status yet benefit from public resources, regardless of any actual good they do.
>>727771969 No, I actually believed that shit really heavily before. My Christian friends and family all believe I'm going to heaven with them cause I was already saved. So God can suck my tiny white dick and fuck his mother. I'm going to heaven.
My church provided loads of services to the homeless and the poor, and we are largely self funded.

We reach places the government can't, it's just awful.

Amost 90% of Americans believe in magic. Their political power collectively decides literally everything. There's not a single thing that we, the sane minority, get to decide.
You won't, I promise you that. If you repent and walk with god you will.
How could something have always existed? It makes no sense.
The problem with that logic is if god created the universe, then who created god? Where did god come from? Out of thin air? Out of nothing? Just poof! tada! magic? Why not eliminate god from the equation and agree the universe has likely always existed. Yes the background radiation and other research shows the universe seems to have started from a big bang. But maybe that big bang is cyclical like so many other things in the universe. Maybe big bangs happen all the time. Maybe the big bang was a result of an alternate universe spewing matter into a new one. Why is it so hard for thiests to understand the universe (or multiverse) may have always existed? Why must you bring a creator into the equation?
webm is hilarious
hope no one was seriously hurt because it made me laugh hard

Well, the physical proof is the scripture I believe God sent because the content is illogical to think a human wrote it thousands of years ago. And God defies all logic really, to apply logic on God is impossible because of it. So for me, I can't really give in to atheists just because they say He does not exist simply because of logic. It's illogical to logically think about God haha
>check mate.
dont count your chickens before they hatch
>this book i have here says so. it's old.
timestamp or it does not exist. The bible has been shown to have many proofs in it that solidify it to reality. For example, look at the book of judges, which shows the partial conquering of of the mountains east of the Mediterranean. Many of the locations and events mentioned in judges is shown to be supported by archaeological evidence.
>because he is also invisible
but still physical, so i can detect him with infrared cameras.
>And you can't prove he exists
i can with imperical evidence since he exists physically in existence. Being inside existence makes him measureable and impotent (specifically because he needs an army to conquer the universe). Since they are impotent, it cannot be God, and telepathy would at most count as limited omniscience.
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What if there was always something? After all, matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed.
I don't live in the U.S., I live in Portugal, still one of the most religious countries in the EU.
Yet secular organizations that do the exact same thing have to prove it before they can get tax-exempt status and are closely monitored. Churches get a blank check and investigations are rare.
There's also a thing called non-profit orginizations and they require no religious belief or obligation due to membership
so the universe just appeared out of nowhere?
Yes. That's what I believe. God is already in existence, meaning there is no start and there is no end for Him.
>How could something have always existed? It makes no sense.

Why? If your god created everything, how did he do it. Magic?
>God is already in existence, meaning there is no start and there is no end for Him.

>How could something have always existed? It makes no sense.
so then it is ambiguous as to whether God exists or not.
So you're religious because of your feels, I guess that is fine if that works for you. But you have as much evidence of gods existence and atheists have for his nonexistence.
Do you have any idea how many religions there are? Am I supposed to just assume your God is the one true god despite there being no reason to think so? Fuck off
>Well, the physical proof is the scripture I believe God sent
So you're Muslim then?
>the content is illogical to think a human wrote it thousands of years ago
It isn't though.
>And God defies all logic really, to apply logic on God is impossible because of it
So you apply logic to everything else, but when it comes to God you just don't? What kind of sense does that make?
Then start one. The fact that non profits exist is not a valid argument against churches being charitable.

Nope, he's completely undetectable. Whatever detection device you have, he has countermeasures for because he is god. rekt. bow before your feline lord. offer him treats and scratch his neck or suffer an eternity of cleaning his litter box, fgt
Once Saved, Always Saved
I'm going to heaven whether God and his faggot angels want me there or not. I may even fuck some of the angels if they're young and hot enough. Fuck god up his stupid ass, I'm going to heaven.
>Matter cannot be created or destroyed
In a closed system, matter also decays.

but he promised if you say sorry to the magical sky wizard he will be nice
No not really
Because the Bible is a historically accurate collection of works which correspond perfectly to events which are verifiable from other primary sources. It even predicts celestial events with perfect accuracy.

I can tell you haven't studied it, because you are extremely ignorant.
I'm a theist. I perfer to worship the imperial nine devines myself.
>matter also decays.

It decays into constituent parts, but it does not cease to exist.
"I say, fuck the man in the sky!"
Yes I am and yes it is haha. I do apply logic to everything else in earth because that is what I have been ordered to. And it is not a difficult task too, in fact billions of humans are doing it right now lol
It's not being destroyed. It's transforming
>>because he is also invisible
>but still physical, so i can detect him with infrared cameras.
Then how can God's existence be proven? If the book says so that's fine, the book can be proven all day, it's God's presence that can't. God is supposedly metaphysical, or in otherwords, an inexplainable existence such as love and the meaning of life. But by your logic, if God is undetectable, then he is not present
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Okay, now I definitely know we're not on the same page. I'm atheist. I'm just saying that before the universe came into existence, there was obviously nothing.
I'm an atheist, because no sane god would allow btards to exist
no one really knows which, if any, religion is correct but


it is pure, obvious logic
Check out "The Invention Of Lying" for a good laugh

Name a single celestial event that the bible has predicted.
I'm an atheist because I have evidence and nothing coming from something is the most retarded shit I've ever heard from a fully grown man.
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quite the special snowflake, aren't ya?

you keep pushing the goalpost by adding new rules everytime i bring up something that breaks your analogy.
What if we are microorganisms in some extradimensional being?
>Because the Bible is a historically accurate collection of works which correspond perfectly to events which are verifiable from other primary sources.
Except for the parts that are "just allegory" right? What you seem to fail to realize is that verifying every other part of the story means nothing if you can't verify that the god exists.
>It even predicts celestial events with perfect accuracy.
If by "perfect accuracy" you mean with the accuracy that astrology and ancient knowledge can provide, sure. The amount of twisting you have to do to make Bible predictions mean anything is actually quite extraordinary, except of course when the Bible predicts something and then that something also occurs in the Bible, which is completely unimpressive.
So you actually believe that behemoths and leviathens existed?
I know that. However, i can't recall any proofs at this time, so i have opted to debate atheists because my reasons tend to surface when i do. Either way: "blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed".
Alright, well you have fun being Allah's willing slave. I hold myself to higher standards.
I am an atheist because I know that fairy tales are created by those that want to have power over others, and religion is no exception.
Quantum physics would have to disagree with you there.
Energy (the precursor of matter) can be created and destroyed, though usually for no longer than a pico-second.
"Suckers are the ones who believe without proof".
I have an invisible unicorn I want to sell you, if you don't believe me, you lose your blessed status.
The only reason churches are cheritable is due to industrialization and push for reform. The social gospel and the people telling church members to do something about poverty is the only reason your church is "charitable", not because god is loving. Literally read a history book
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>you claimed God does not exist, so the burden of proof lays on your shoulders.

Fucking lol. Please be bait. You cannot possibly be this stupid

Using the same tricks that religion uses. The belief constantly chances depending on the target audience or the intention of the story teller.
Thank you. I'm glad this discussion didn't end on bad terms
your argument assumed that the bible is one book of one literary genre and that it must all be either literal or alegorical.
The bible is a collection of books (thus it's name being derived from biblios, meaning "books") many of which are of different literary genres. Some of these genres take a less literal appraoch, whereas others take a more historical or literal appraoch. What's more, theological books do not have to conform to your standars or historical text or literal work, since your standard is not the standard of then.

If you want to understand the bible, then have some historical criticism of when and why each book was written, as well as an understanding of the literary genres. Instead of Opting to support yur own beleif, be skeptical of it and try to find eviedence both for and against chrsitianity.
I'm atheist because i have no reason to believe in something.

>There is no reason to pick one religion over the other
I mean, why i have to be christian and not muslim?
Because they share my values?
But if i already have those values, what's the point?
The idea should be "i believe god exists and he told me to act like this".
Not "i like to act like this so i should believe god exists", this would be a sort of confirmation bias.

>Too much "interpretation" bullshit over any "truth" in any religion.
How convenient is it that you must believe in EVERYTHING written, but when something goes wrong you can simply change your mind and say "oh, it was a metaphor".
Jesus teaches about giving to the needy:
Matthew 6:1-4.
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Did you know witness testimonies are often some of the worst evidence used in court? The more they tell their story the more it changes
anecdotal evidence please?
>What's more, theological books do not have to conform to your standars or historical text or literal work, since your standard is not the standard of then.
Similarly, I do not have to judge a work by its own standards. If I did that, I would have to believe the Quran because I am unable to create a surah like what it possesses by Muslim standards.
> Instead of Opting to support yur own beleif, be skeptical of it and try to find eviedence both for and against chrsitianity.
What I am most interested in with regard to Christianity is if a god exists. Arguing over particular details holds little value to me. Is there sufficient evidence to believe that the Christian god exists? Not that I've seen, and I've looked for years and talked to a large number of Christians.
I'm an agnostic hypocrite. I choose to not believe in a deity as it's utterly nonsensical to the logical side of me. But if I do encounter such a being when I supposedly reach those 'pearly gates'. Then I'll sure as fuck believe in a God to ensure my own place in his paradise. Right now though I'd rather focus on my life and not be overly concerned about a fictitious all powerful being.
reddit atheism is a cancer.
you are that cancer:
- thinking you are mentally elite on the basis that you think you are right
- treating all those who are not you as though they are stupid
- being an asshole

being a jack-ass wont convice people you are right, it will ony convince them that you are not to be listened to.
and yet all 4 cases tell the exact same underlying story with some minor differences in what happened.

And please don't be reddit atheist cancer. Memes don't add anything constructive to an argument.
Sure because accusing me of being a redditor isn't the same thing I did.
I was being hyperbolic.
Lemme try again then, why does believing something without proof make you a better person?
What does it achieve, other than making you feel warm and fuzzy for believing something without evidence?
>litearary standards
>moral standards
how did you end up confusing these 2 anon?

> talked to a large number of Christians.
and did you actually talk to experts? Biblical scholars, biblical studies professors?
Did you look at the book itself, or study the material, or look at its source?

im betting you did not do these things, and just confronted a bunch of average lay-christians.
If you want to confront science, you go to an expert of the field, not an average person.
>and yet all 4 cases tell the exact same underlying story with some minor differences in what happened.
>exact same
>minor differences
>implying that a witness testimony is not the same
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I remember when I was an angsty teen and/or 20-something and cared about this.

and then I realized, shit's fucking stupid and trying to argue with anyone for or against this is a waste of mental energy and the time in my day..

and then I simply stopped caring, no matter how fucking retarded believing in faries and sky wizards is.
>why does believing something without proof make you a better person?
because beleivng in this perticular person, Jesus, leads one to perform works of good, like charity, compassion, honesty, etc. Things you dont find elsewhere for any reason other than looking good to other people.

>What does it achieve?
look at all the charity organizations that deliver on their promises. the vast majority that do are Christian, the vast minority are secular. Why is this? Because honesty is a fruit of the spirit, something that is bred in a true beleiver of christ.
Because Christians never started wars over religion or never did anything bad in the name of their god
Doing good is doing good no matter your reasons.
If I do good things, to have other people like being around me, how is that different from kissing up to a god to receive a reward?
The only difference is that I get my reward before dying, not after.
Also there are a shit tonne of secular charities who keep their promises, without being devoted to god.
god does nto come from anywhere, he just existed the whole time

Something that CANT die/be destroyed couldnt been born or created

Things without end cant have a beggining
A contradiction is an outright opposition of narrative.
A contradiction would be:
>jimmy killed a man
>jimmy killed no one
and is falsafiable.

but a difference is not a contradiction:
>jimmy killed a man
>jimmy killed 3 men

do you see what i mean?
>dont find elsewhere for any reason other than looking good to other people
Implying they are not doing it to look good to god and because it is the right thing to do
>how did you end up confusing these 2 anon?
I didn't. I didn't say anything about moral standards. What I am saying is that if a work says that abc will verify that its claims are correct or xyz will disprove it, I am not bound by those standards. I can and will apply my own to determine the truth value of the claim.
>and did you actually talk to experts?
You do realize that not all Bible experts are Christian, correct? I will also repeat that particular details are of little interest to me. It matters not if a person knows everything there is to know about the Bible if they cannot give good reason to justify believe in the god of the Bible. I've yet to see any Christian apologist accomplish this, whether it be in person, in recording, or in book form.
>Did you look at the book itself
>study the material
With regard to whether or not a god exists, yes.
>look at its source
See above.
>virgin child birth
Also to add on this, I've done plenty of charity, shown compassion and I'm honest to fault. I don't act like this out fear for divine repercussions, but because acting like this is part of my personality.
I derive self worth from being a decent person, it allows me to like myself in spite of how I was treated by others in the past.
To a fault*
Out of fear*
>Christians never started wars over religion
the crusades were because of muslims murdering christians who were simply traveling to visit the holy land, prior christinity was find with muslims because they only demanded gold and then let them visit.

The crusades were justified because of the proto-ISIS menace that was infesting the holy land.

>never did anything bad in the name of their god
give an example and i will show you how it was or was not justified during that time. The only time the christian church used violence was when no other options were available, and even then the violence was often condemn-able.

tl;dr - christians never started wars over religion, and relatiated to muslim terrorism.
Explain how the spanish inquisition was justified please.
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I dont kiss up to God because of a desire to get rewards. Ad hominem is not good for argument.

My reasons are that, as christ loved me, so i love others.

The difference we have is that, when you would not receive a reward on earth for all your good effort, it is likely you would have no motivation to do good. I on the other hand have motivation to do good, even if i am hated for doing so.
(such as in pic related for example).
>I'm a theist because I have faith God exists and nothing coming from something is the most retarded shit I've ever heard from a fully grown man.

OK, then who created God?
>Because Christians never started wars over religion or never did anything bad in the name of their god

Do the names Eric Rudolph or Timothy McVeigh ring a bell? I could give you countless others, if they don't.
>ou do realize that not all Bible experts are Christian, correct?
i don't expect them to be. What i want you to do if find the truth and get equal representation from both sides.

> I can and will apply my own to determine the truth value of the claim.'
fair enough.
>ad hominem
you are not them, so dont assume their motivations when you dont even know their motivations.
But I do good things, because it helps me view myself as a good person. Sure that is a selfish stance, but selfishness that benefits others to enable me to like myself, still benefits others.
I do things because they are the right thing to do, not because some guy who lived in the bronze age supposedly loves me.

Photons come from nothing. Look it up. There is a precedent in nature.
Kek, Because getting into heaven or fear of hell is not why Christian do good

'faith' arises as a limitation of your lesser intellect and perceptive capabilities friend.

the idea of a beginning and end, searching for a causation to your existence confuses you, and logically the only place to turn is either science or faith to explain an origin.

take a step back for an instance and accept that perhaps humans in our limited capabilities are not able to comprehend our own origin, simply because we lack the perception and/or intellect to do so.

you can seek happiness in whatever you want, but don't impose on others.
If you read the muslim bible (the koran) you will notice that there is a rule that involves pretedning to come peacefully, and then destroying the culture, people, and religion of the infadels. There were a shit-ton of these types of muslims in spain around that time, so the only conceivable solution was to try and find those who were not true beleivers and purge them out of spain. The methods used were questionable, and many catholics found the practices and methods damnable, but it was the best option they had to weed out the back-stabbing muslims before they launched an attack.
Know that many cahtolics, including the pope, were not happy with it, but felt it was the only option they had.
Because no one ever killed in the name of Christian god
The Christians that follow Christ with all their heart, mind, and soul are the ones that do good out of their love for and being loved by Christ. not because of the rewards or punishments, but because of the sentiments and faith.
1st good athiest in this thread (or so i am supposing)
So when muslims torture and kill people for not sharing their beliefs it's bad. But when christians do it, it's just unfortunate but necessary?
>I'll act exactly like my enemy, to show how morally superior I am.
>What i want you to do if find the truth and get equal representation from both sides.
Well I do the best that I reasonably can. I watch debates. I read arguments for Christianity written by Christians (as in published). I listen to personal experiences. I even accept what you could call "prayer challenges." If there is a particular expert that you believe presents a good argument for Christianity, I'm all ears.
So if they aren't good they aren't loved by christ, thus are doing good for his love/approval because if you don't he wont
>But I do good things, because it helps me view myself as a good person.
and when you come to a morally difficult choice, will you then hate yourself?

>but selfishness that benefits others to enable me to like myself
and what if the right thing is the thing that makes others hate you? no everyone wants the truth, so if you told the truth to try and help them, they would despise you and everything you stand for. Especially in this day and age. Yes selfishness would still yield the same result, but a different motive produces a different sentiment. Would you be happy to help someone who spat in your face and hated you when you did good to them? especially if all the good things you did were not in the public eye?
I'm polytheist because despite all bullshit every single church, pagoda, temple or cult these days may say, there's no fucking way a loner, invisible energetic being who never interacted with anybody could have created the complexity of an interconnected multiverse just because it was tired of scratching its omnipotent balls. Much less the gods look remotely similar to us. That's only human arrogance.
>and when you come to a morally difficult choice, will you then hate yourself?
If I make the right choice, I'll know that in spite of how people react.
>and what if the right thing is the thing that makes others hate you?
If it takes their hatred for me to do the right thing, that's what I'll have to do. I know my self worth, if other people can't see it, that doesn't mean it disappears.
I'd still do my best to stop someone from killing themselves for example, even if they got angry at me. Because I feel a moral imperative to give people a chance to like themselves, even if they get angry at me for it.
This is my favorite form of religious "Gotcha!"s. If you can't explain something then god is automatically the answer.

i don't consider myself an atheist, i guess more agnostic? i don't care one way or another is all. what does fascinate me though is approaching an understanding of not just the physical universe but of information theory. i think that information theory is essentially 'the new physics', and will propel us as a species further towards understanding the connection between our consciousness and the physical universe.
The difference is that all Muslims would be on board with that notion, because it is in their faith. Whereas Christians are hesitant to do such things, because it opposes their faith.

Christians are hesitant to go to war, and only do it when it is absolutely necessary and no alternatives are available.
Muslims gladly go to war, and do it whenever they can.

Is war necessary? unfortunately it sometimes is. In the case of the inquisition, the dispicable methods used were 97% wrong, but the want (to expel violent mu muslims who are using the koran war-tacic of backstabbing as mentioned) was needed. Different methods could have been used, but the initial desire itself was not wrong.
So god just appeared out of nowhere?
do you understand that "god did it" is not an explanation for anything?

it's like saying "it was magic". you don't solve a mystery by appealing to a greater mystery

lol religiontards
I have some personal favourites i listen to:
Inspiring Philosophy
Armoured Skeptic
Amazing Atheist

Though these are not perfect sources, but i personally like the 1st 3 (though that may be bias, but i could explain why i despise the last one)

Either way i'm glad you are going about it like you are. keep it up and whatever conclusion you come to, may it be the right one. God bless you magnificent skeptic.
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Theists, give me a solid reason God can feasibly exist outside of your bullshit, cookie-cutter response of "God always has and will be there". I'll wait, might even make some popcorn.
>So if they aren't good they aren't loved by Christ
nope. God/Christ will always love us, no matter what we do. We are already justified by faith too, so theoretically we could sin an infinite number of times and still be justified before God on behalf of Christ.

The reason Christians do good is because they love Christ, and love others as he loves them; not because of an ulterior motive (typically) but because they genuinely love.
>Because I feel a moral imperative to give people a chance to like themselves
where does that imperative come from?

>If it takes their hatred for me to do the right thing, that's what I'll have to do.
ok. then in that case you are a good person. I have to wander what you idea of good would be though? Do bad people deserve no sympathy?
This is my favorite form of secular "Gotcha!"s. If you can't explain something then no god is automatically the answer.

Recommended reading (can we cross threads?):

God created atheists to teach us the lesson of true compassion.

When an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone who is in need, or cares for the world, he is not doing so by in fear of an all-mighty deity threatening eternal damnation for non-compliance with doctrine. In fact, he does not believe in God at all. So his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. He bestows kindness upon others simply because he feels it to be right.

This means that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say, "I pray that God will help you," you should instead for that moment become and atheist and imagine there is no God who can help, and say, "I will help you."
I think consciousness is a think which exists outside of information.

Either way it is an interesting concept and one that i feel should be explored to further understand God' creation.

I would suggest not just approaching things from a cientific perspective, but preserving the three-pillars of the mind:
- Science
- Philosophy
- Spirituality

You need at least 2 to be a great person. I would suggest delving into philosophy in addition to science.
I personally prefer all 3 for stability, but everyone has their personal way.
I'm theist because of a personal experience that leads me to conclude there is probably a god.

I think that atheism and theism are equally rational, and agnosticism is the most rational belief system. I understand that my belief system is less rational.
>We are already justified by faith too, so theoretically we could sin an infinite number of times and still be justified before God on behalf of Christ.
That is so dumb. So why believe if you actions don't matter? Why do you care others don't believe if their actions don't matter? Why do anything if your actions don't matter?
do you understand that "it just happened" is not an explanation for anything?

it's like saying "it was magic". you don't solve a mystery by appealing to a greater mystery

lol seculartards
no one is claiming "it just happened" you brainwashed moron

"we don't know" is a perfectly valid answer

lol religiontards
Believing it just happened is more reasonable than believing in magic sky wizards who poofed themselves into existence.
All points in time and space are connected
It's not that our actions don't matter. You seem to assume that there must be some kind of a reward that Christians are going for, and that their kindness is the means to their ends. But that would be wrong, as the kindness is the ends in and of itself.

The actions we do does matter, but we are forgiven so the only motive we have to do good is the desire to do good out of our love for God. The goodness we do being motivated by the kindess the lord had to us, and not and desire to receive rewards.
>where does that imperative come from?
There are studies that indicate, that since we are social mammals who live in cooperative groups, we developed standards of behavior to benefit the group. I think this is sufficient reason to do good.
>I have to wander what you idea of good would be though? Do bad people deserve no sympathy?
My idea of good comes from whether I can do something, without it detrimentally affecting others. If I see something that would benefit me, but fuck over others, I won't do it.
I don't really think people are bad, but they sometimes do bad things. If I witness said bad thing, I'll try to bring to their attention why it is bad. If they don't care and show no empathy towards others, I avoid them to protect myself. If I learn that they are doing bad to other people, I'll report them to the proper authorities, so they can get the consequences for their actions. We live in societies, because we have made a social contract trying to benefit everyone. If people don't want to honor this contract, they should have some of the privileges this contract afford them taken from them. Like their freedom to affect others as they please, I.E. going to prison and hopefully being rehabilitated.
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