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nightly <slightly autistic> thread despite taliban outfit

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 353
Thread images: 126

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nightly <slightly autistic> thread
despite taliban outfit last thread was surprisingly average
- taking drawing requests
- more outfits
Get naked baby
Draw ya titties
Draw this guy
calculate the universe
What is wrong with your fingers?
Draw Atomic Betty?
Draw a radical Dinosaur
Get naked~
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It's a model hand to draw from
she probably tore her hand off because of autism

but she made a robot arm because she is a genius
finger pussy and butthole with robofingers
timestamp it
thread can only go downwards in quality from here
so sorry anon
Take it off sweety....you look sexy.
very good
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draw this man.
what about a femanon down on all fours, having a dildo in the ass while masturbating her puffy vulva tyvm
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Draw this.
draw the rarest pepe you have
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This is the best ty.
Draw a busty slut having her tits milked
Can I please get a close up with your mouth open?
Why are thine tits not on display young lady?!
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Draw your own vagina.
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I really do try
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draw my disappointed doggo
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So.....nudes not happening?
we can always hope
draw a vagina on your vagina
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Bag Fuck.gif
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I-it's not a fetish. I just think she's cute...

No but seriously, thank you starhat.
post nudes, only request i have
Draw The Punisher skull
tits or gtfo you know the rules
Please draw a cosmic coyote with little Cubs, I dream about it and will be my next tatt
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you're humiliating your poor dog by requesting this
You're a gem, dude, thank you.
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dont worry disappointed doggo is now happy doggo
Draw guy underwear. Style is your choice.
Draw yourself naked wrestling a dinosaur in a pool full of pudding
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profile picture.png
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draw this screencap of one of my favorite videos
lol xD you're so funny anon~ so random and unique :3
Requesting a slutty saliors outfit
Draw a bunch of snakes slithering away from a crime scene.
Are you a real girl (male)?
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draw this

Wait wait wait... there is only one realy question here: Is that a cyborg hand ?
Dram a Catsaur, happy caturday
draw a physical representation of a passage to bangkok by rush
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show us your tatas
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I Propaned.png
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Gotta get some sleep, thanks for OPing, OP.
You can't ignore we all want tits
I request a slutty little school girl outfit
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draw this fuckin doggo now
Fak one off
Just take a photo with your shirt off draw that and then show us the picture
Draw your tits or gtfo.
Not enough butt for me. Nice try though
>op still isnt drawing autistic fedora faggot
change into an outfit, your choice.

Draw your own naked body. Complete with any blemishes and hair.

Doing a backwards crabwalk...
Draw yourself in that underwear
Draw the disintegration of the persistence of memory but in your own style.

Cute little son of a bitch.
its a thing you can use to draw hands more accuratly
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Sailor moon but with a broken ankle.
yee i fucking cuddle this fucker each night.
Show me your sexy armpits.
draw yourself naked
draw a dickbutt
you damn newfags not having this done first

Also shoe on head, bring a plant into the room and sharpie in pooper
you'r shity drawer. tits
Show us more of your cute face and then draw a baby eating grass for me
Oh my god I hope this poor kid doesn't become a meme. I remember his "jawline" thread from yesterday
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C'mon cupcake do my coyote, pretty please
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Here comes the perv request
I dig it. Thanks
wtf nigger, everyone asked for her to post tits and shit.
Can we just have 1 nude so we can move past this and have a good thread
Draw me in a different life with a real gf :(
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Please draw this screenshot from my favorite movie
>bitch move your head the game's on
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yo op. draw my lil bro with my fucking dog.
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believe it or not I'm going as fast as I can
I tried darling
too difficult to draw in such a short period of time
Draw a rectangular triangle
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whats the name of the movie dude
More of you!
rule 31 !!!!
Please draw a extraterrestrial planet OP
you could be a drawfag that people actually like, but everyone's already seen your face. oh well.
Thanks anyway :-)
Don't hurt the bunny pls
make my night and draw me a circle, please?
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I live for <slightly autistic> threads
His little legs are so damn adorable why am I such a fag
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Niggers chopped her hand off.
Its a prosthetic.
Also: Chek'd
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you aint a fag you fucking fine my man.
Draw Obama licking a dog's asshole pls
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you got me
that's really concerning
i swear to christ
too ugly to love
that's an interesting request
Let's see an outfit
4chan has turned into fucking tumblr
what happened to tits or gtfo?
Just draw something fabulous.
thats dignity
thank you stranger. bed time for me now. goodnight thread
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op draw my brother being more of a fag
clean up your room....
Draw a sharpie in pooper, or better draw something with a sharpie in your pooper
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Please it's my favorite movie
Be as creative as you want
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Reimu Fan Girl.jpg
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What is your favorite type of earrings, op?
Invaded by the retards that rushed to /pol/ hugbox due to retard king Drumpf come to power
So basically underage unclean and reddit shit who don't really get this place
Porn is still decent
Holy Fucking Christ are you attractive. Not sure exactly what it is about you, but something makes me want to produce babies with you.
op is a fucking nigger and should be hung from a lamp post.
Are you Hillary Clinton's grand daughter?
Case in point


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Can you please draw love and happiness into my life?
you must be desperate virgin, because she's ugly af
>too ugly to love
It's mildly annoying when super hot girls pretend they aren't hot so they can get more compliments.

But you are hot enough to get away with it :-/
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there ya go
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I want to do this to you, you fucking cumdumpster
there's been several people asking for nudes or tits retard...

and she's been doing this thread for a few nights in a row now so people are prone to give up asking for tits when OP doesn't deliver...
she's not hot, you're just a virgin fag
>you must be desperate virgin, because she's ugly af
Neither desperate nor virgin. Kinda pedo though. Maybe I just think she looks young.
Draw the best pokemon. Any generation.

draw a picture of all these these desperate virgins asking you to draw pictures
It's like flushing out cockroaches
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can't fit in all the requests
gonna start dressing up and prancing around my room in a sec
mad cuz got dumped/rejected by someone who looks like op.
try harder
lower your fucking expectations faggot.
Draw dignity Lilah :>
Draw your age.
Prance baby prance. Just don't dress up. lol

What's up with the fake hand?

exactly, sage goes in all fields stop giving faggots attention
fucking hell. dicks out
OP show feminine dick pls
If ur taking requests:
- bikini
- bra and panties
- just panties
- just bra

just some thoughts... :)

dude i'm not mad she's average, and you are just a fat fag white knight.
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Reimu Where are You.jpg
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What do we call you?
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She likes it.
she has no arms
she is half wooden robot

draw guy uppercuting someones dick
Glad to see you motivated to do stuff other than existing like yesterday
Thought your elbow was your wrist and you're some kind of alien.
kek, did you guys know that OP is a trap?
That's an artist aid thing, right?
alright. sounds good.

>rolls eyes
this thread becom ridicul.. GTFO
prolly model to help draw hands in different cases (holding a pen, grabbing, etc.) Drawing hands without making them look alien is hard as fuck
>she has no arms
So she can't give handjobs. Who cares? Three holes are enough.
Regardless, OP is nice looking. Stop being a dick.
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Draw this dude
not him but stop being cancer
Show soles.
>kek, did you guys know that OP is a trap?

Then I'm a raging faggot. Because I would fuck OP silly
Mate, this board is made for cancer. You're out of line sunshine ;)
Can you draw yourself doing quote on quote "cool stuff" with the hand
Your oppressive gender binary means nothing to me.

>quote on quote
So.....rest of those pics?
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>quote unquote
you silly faggot.

The first quote starts the quote. The unquote ends the quote.
>quote on quote
doesn't mean anything.
OP draw yourself naked.
You gonna prance?
Hopeful here.

>He doesnt know about the 4th hole.
OP draw yourself with feminine penis pls

I can't get off with vaginas anymore.
How are you even holding it like that? Also how old are you and are you really a girl or are you a trap?
Maybe if you have a needle dick.
It does to me
Are you still here OP?
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boutta go spec ops on you lot
do you jerk off with that wooden hand?
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She's not a she ?
he's 12 yo
ok, now i'm convinced you're a faggot.
kill yourself, thanks.
so cute
I've waited an hour in this thread....nudes please
Your room looks really nice :<
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If i can pontificate a bit, for your edification, one of the rules of the Internet is "there are no girls on the internet". This rule does not mean what you think it means.

In real life, people like you for being a girl. They want to fuck you, so they pay attention to you and they pretend what you have to say is interesting, or that you are smart or clever. On the internet, we don't have the chance to fuck you. This means the advantage of being a "girl" does not exist. You don't get a bonus to conversation just because i'd like to put my cock in you.

When you make a post like, "hurr, durr, I'm a girl" you are begging for attention. The only reason to post it is because you want your girl-advantage back, because you are too vapid and too stupid to do or say anything interesting without it. You are forgetting the rules, there are no girls on the internet.

The one exception to this rule, the one way you can get your "girlness" back on the internet, is to post your tits. This is, and should be, degrading for you, an admission that the only interesting thing about you is your naked body.

tl;dr: tits or GET THE FUCK OUT.
OP is obviously 18+ and needs to post nudes NOW so I can release.
op is trap
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fucking pedos
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You look dead inside.
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Aren't we all?
Just like any attention whore.
You hate Niggers and I autistic too? Marry me so we can have autistic sex together.
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>fucking pedos

Spoken like a true newfag. People like you are the cancer killing /b/.
Do you have any other facial expression other than the "i'm on benzos 24/7".
Request some makeup
can someone imgur her whole pics so far? pls

This is what you get by not tits or gtfo the attention whores.
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>bare walls and wooden beams
This bitch isn't even naked. Why do people care? Sure she's young so that makes you want to see her naked body more but I don't think it will happen.
Can you draw me as sign that says.

"i hope you have good sex shino" with a scorpion or a snek
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double rude
is she Dutch?
She's Bitch.
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Your last thread went so well, almost 200 replies!!

>>>200 replies
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looks like a slavnigger
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---RULES OF /b/---
(Specifically 30. and 31. in this thread)


If a "femanon" is using her gender to get attention then rule 31 applies. Using gender as an attention seeking method is fine as long as “she” follows rule 31 BUT until then “she” should be IGNORED. Tits or gtfo.

First off, verify that you are in fact talking to a girlo (R.30).

1. Ask for a TIMESTAMP or a very specific request (eg. "draw a big circle and a smaller circle inside that big one on your hand and take a picture of it")

2. Verify the timestamp is real. Look at it. Are any of the characters the same (copy/paste). Does the ink look genuine? (or drawn on in photoshop/typed). Is the area around the letters smudged/blurred?

3. Check the filename. Always check the filename. Any picture from 4chan has an easily recognizable filename (easy to change but people forget). Are the pictures all of the same filename type?

Everybody should be doing this for attention-seeking females (or more likely attention seeking males posing as females). Are you jerking it to a cute f 18yo OR are you jerking it to a m 48yo?

I'm going to post some examples below of where I've trolled 100+ people at a time and MADE A MISTAKE or got away with it because people weren't asking the right questions.

It's not even about being a newfag/oldfag at this point. It's about not being retarded.

30. There are no girls on the internet.

31. Tits or gtfo - the choice is yours.

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>>you lot

Chav Detected.
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She lives somewhere in the red rectangle
Take your shirt off
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Shes drawing, Shes contributing to the community. As much as you would like to think its ground central for all your dank memes and boobies first and foremost this is about art you fucking newfag cancer.
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it can't post tits because it's a faggot
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reality of this thread is that I am just as autistic as every other 15 year old so don't expect much

where's your gun darling
>hurr durr if it doesn't get us arrested it's cancer and moralfag
you absolutely peabrained fuck
>b-but officer I swear she looked over 9
thanks appreciate
did you need convincing?
12 and a half
I glued it to my arm stump
sometimes we forget this
thanks anon
I don't know if that has changed today but I appreciate the feedback
no one would give a shit if she wasn't a loli though. They only care because she has the potential to make their pee pees hard.
Plus, OP is a trap.
My cousin can draw better and she's stillborn. Stop taking the bait and whiteknighting an attention whore.
as op can confirm
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>about art
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>this is about art
Look how deluded you are

Why did she post her gender then?
Why didn't she make a drawthread like everybody else?
Why is she posting pictures solely of her?

>This is about her
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lol calling someone that wants the old rules to be obeyed a newfag. Nothing is more newfaggotry than this newfag.
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this is a thread cont of every other night
I've made countless drawthreads before but that isn't the focus of this thread
I've only shown my face twice in this thread, by the end of last thread I had a plastic bag on my head, my intent is to muck around

u still here?
it's >18 until I see a ID Card
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33 - B2q2yMS.png
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Who gives a shit? are you that much of a fagget to complain about a girl drawing on /b/. hahaha, Like srsly caring this much?
Talking about RULES on /b/ this place has been a flaming turd for awhile now. Half those RULES like tits or gtfo are memes you dip
OP is the kind of person I would see on the train and be depressed that I can never know them.
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I'm afraid you need to leave.
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Women Logic.png
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You're so full of bullshit you dumb cunt. You're desperate for the attention daddy never gave you and this is your pathetic attempt to make up for it. Be honest, at least with yourself.
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she is over 18. She cant be under 18.

so show tits already.
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I do need convincing
I'm shit stirring you dickhead. Meet me down at Broady station for a good old fashioned 1v1.
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>hurr durr if it doesn't get us arrested it's cancer and moralfag

What made /b/ great was peoples' ability say what was on their minds without judgement The anonymity of the medium and the nonjudgmental nature of the board open up dialog and allowed radical freedom of expresssion.

If freedom to speak and express radical ideas goes away, 4chan becomes another shitpost forum like Reddit.
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i don't know what to do in these threads anymore
>shows face
>attention whore
fine, I understand your point a little but it's far from useful in any way
femanons are all over /b/, attention whores show their faces under heavy filters and ask loaded questions, I just like to dress up and muck around, draw, whatever
you can do the same, nobody's fucking stopping you
so you admit you're wrong then? And this thread is about her, not her shitty drawings?

>I'm going to ignore the fact you've moved onto ad hominem which is an indication you realize you were wrong about your previous statements
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all i want to do to u is make you feel like a woman
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>what made /b/ great
>getting angry about a thread on the RANDOM section of a vietnamese stamp collecting imageboard
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Where you from op
still want do draw something?

draw me and half-elf ranger with a short sword and a wooden backpack!
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>cant breath
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Burned Man.jpg
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oh shit its the burned man
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I'd love to keep drawing but it's impossible for me to produce quality drawings when I'm rushing trying to complete everything
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You're a Brit? Anyhow, you have talent and I appreciate the distraction.
>nonjudgmental nature of the board
OP post a kik. You are wasted on these anons.
judgement on here has no meaning lmao.
you can draw it when you have time and than send it to me <3
oh hell fucking yeah
I'd love some medicals bandages right about now
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its a 15 yr old boy
get away anon >:F OP is my friend not yours.
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listen little. dd is happy with u. but you gotta put on a bra and panties, or all the other adults will be upset with you.

so do what daddy says, and put on the bra and panties.

nice stuffy btw.

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>i don't know what to do in these threads anymore
Well I'll explain it for you since you're too fucking stupid to figure it out.

DON'T mention the fact you're a girl UNLESS you're showing off your tits.

>It's that simple

You want to show off your drawings
>start a drawthread
You want to dress up
>fine but don't post them here
You want attention

You dumb frigid cunt
And if that were true, how would the age and gender of a person devalue them? kek you fucking moron.
why can't we all be friends?
at least show your teeth or feet.
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Fair enough but I'm sometimes possessive.
Request: Draw some sexy female lingerie
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i'm done, I can't take this anymore, I choose to convert
I choose to be ruled by the one true and only God
praise be Allah
post on chansluts.com exclusively for me to look at you
Reading this breaks my heart.
Op, do like mechs? Do a quick Gundam.
lmao OP don't accidentally get yourself raided by the AFP.
get back to me when you're a mod
poor darling, it must suck being so powerless to do anything about these stupid fucking females

Well spoke.

u a boi

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lel good luck with that
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No no no
if you want that god like trap pussy you need to do better then fucking kik

>kik is for niggers anyway
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Yes you can. You can take it all. And you will.

Now at least post a pic of u in a bra and panties already.

Ar yo goin to asplode?
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what about .45 Auto pistol? hmm?
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Pre sure this is actually a boy.


if girl, then prove it.

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Salam youlikcum
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>it must suck being so powerless to do anything about these stupid fucking females
On this site yeah.

In real life I call them on their bullshit and treat them like shit, they love an asshole with abbs and a 7 inch dick
>yeahyeahyeah you think i'm a fat neckbeard, whatever helps you sleep at night
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bomb the mosque, radicalise the moderates
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lmao OP has you by the balls and you don't even realise it.
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Did you write that pasta?
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Hello show femanon penis or I stab myself with fork
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Can you draw my dog
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hes playing dress-up and they think hes being real atm

>inb4 singularity
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>drones on about physical inferiority to men
>doesn't mention any other aspect of it
I find it almost comical how readily many of you just believe what is the literal exemplar of bias and fallacious logic
if women were dragged around by their libido as severely as men are, the strength of your argument would be magnified tenfold
dead thread
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I'm taking over this chat. I'll take any drawing requests and I do show tits
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BOOM :')
Thread*. Brain fucked up.
Now this is how you do it.
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A scientific look at women (and how to get laid).

First things first:

=== Men are biologically superior ===
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here’s why

In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.

Men’s brains are 8-13% bigger in absolute volume, they overall contain 9% more grey matter and 13% more white matter on average.

Men have 5 more IQ points in general

Men generally score the highest in the SATs

Men make up 75% of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Women are twice as likely to get depressed, due to brooding.

Women are twice as likely to develop an anxiety disorder.

Women are twice as likely to develop PTSD after a traumatic event.

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Mothers are more than twice as likely to abuse their children as fathers.
>Stats for all years -> https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/resource-library/search#?topic[3493]=3493&ajax=1&sort=recent


Men are physically stronger than women, who have, on average, less total muscle mass, both in absolute terms and relative to total body mass. The greater muscle mass of men is the result of testosterone-induced muscular hypertrophy. Men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments.

“Anon if this were true why haven’t I heard it before”
Sex in society, is the highest form of social validation and acceptance, so many people base their self-worth on how much sex they have/have had. When you say sex isn’t important you can attack somebody’s sense of identity.

There’s a reason why:
-> cunt is the most offensive word in the English language.
-> there have been extremely few successful matriarchies in history.
-> 90+% of inspirational historical figures are men.
-> women feel like the world treats them as lesser to men.
-> it’s frowned upon for men to hit women.

Think about it.

Watch the incoming butthurt-faggots-in-denial-call me a virgin.

Feminist detected
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=== How to get pussy ===

1. STOP trying so hard. The less of a fuck you give about women the more they want you. Women are like retarded children, they can be a massive pain in the ass to deal with, sometimes pussy isn’t worth it, keep that in mind.

2. Look good for yourself, FOR YOURSELF. Exercise, eat healthy and sleep well. Dress well and SMELL GOOD, watch people treat you better simply because of how you present yourself. The better you look the more confident you are and the more their hormones take control of their brain.

3. Be SMART. Sell ‘your’ personality, be funny and be happy, women can’t do either. Be logical, do not get emotional with a woman because you will get manipulated and lose. Push their buttons, cross their lines, make them emotional and then, if you need to, pretend you’re sorry about it, kiss and make up.

4. Already be getting pussy. The more women you’re fucking, the more women want to fuck you.

5. Money and social status. Men love you for who you are, women love you for what you can do for them.

Marriage is for cucks. You want to fuck women, not date them.
DO NOT treat them as equal, they don’t want you to, they are not equal.

For more entertaining info:

>blaming women for Reagan
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does anything I say register in your thick little head? I've this striking, totally bizarre feeling that it's about getting back at womyn more than anything else
>s-shaming me
>can't bring anything up IF IT'S ON THISLIST.jpg
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Try not to get riled up, drawanon
Pol b8 is coming out in force

This whole site started as an offshoot of SA, IRC and Raspberry Heaven.
90% of the site were in tripcode solidly for 4 years.

Anonymous is a newfag meme.
Before you say it, no, 2ch nor 2chan use Anonymous either.
Both sites have IDs on them, in fact. Forced on you. (one of them is partial ID though, it is 2 octets of your IP address)
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you're all so mad. it's kind of adorable, well if it wasn't so pathetic that is. ;)
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Women are dumber, less emotionally stable and weaker.
>they are good about talking about their feelings
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Would you do me a favour... Just to write 2 words on a piece of paper and hold it like your tag ( just to annoy my friend)
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You look vaguely like a Russian girl who I used to be super close with for years before we stopped talking. I forgot about her
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wow. you know nothing Jane Snow.

Women are whores. For fuck sakes. They live by their libido.

A few years ago there was a great debate about whether to start standardized genetic testing of babies. The benefit would be that many diseases and issues can be watched for in advance, and perhaps the situation can be improved.

The program tested in a couple of US cities, and was then cancelled. The reason for its cancellation.

The pilot project chose to test babies of parents who were 'religious' and monogamous, and had only been in one marriage. Turns out that 1/10 babies had an 'unknown' father. The question then was, do the doctors tell the dad that he is not the dad.

The realized this was the most conservative group of people, and the mothers were giving birth to someone else's baby 10% of the time. When you consider that not every act of sex leads to a baby, the moms were fucking around a LOT.

Women are driven by their sex. They are whores. Men want sex, but women control it. And they do a lot of fucking around.

Get your head straight gir.

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>the feels
Uh... Guys literally do all of this too? Not defending the fems but that argument is piss weak.
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Thread posts: 353
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