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Elder scrolls thread. Anyone here play Elder scrolls? Maybe

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Elder scrolls thread.

Anyone here play Elder scrolls? Maybe even elder scrolls online?

General discussion and builds in this thread.

OP will start. I play Elder scrolls online.
Mag sorc champion 680
ESO needs a global market.
That is all
oblivion is me favorite
Global market for ingame items?
What kind of character and build would you suggest to Oblivion players?
>Stealth Archer
Archer too OP
norrowind, oblivion, and skyrim my nigga B)
mostly just skyrim tho i didnt grow up with the other two so im not into them as much
what the fuck i posted and its labeled as op xD
It is for OP?
fuck no
played morrowind once for 5 minutes and threw it out for being such trash, how can anyone bother with such dull gameplay and shit story.
not even any multiplayer, fuck that shit
Im most OP healer in the European server lads.
Try elder scrolls online! The PvP is great but PvE is kind of dull though.
Leveling a redgaurd shield and sword with frost spells in skyrim right now. An interesting contrast to most redgaurds who hate magic.
Will you use frost magic in range or just as a secondary weapon?
We have a board for this ->/v/
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I really really like this game
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no one ever played dagerfall?
I nevr did mate
The scaling is broken so probably one handed and sheild warrior
ESO Nord healer also
Keeping that in mind.

I have always wanted to make a two handed weapon build. Probably a nord. Do you think it's worth it?
mostly at range, but there's something satisfying about blocking with a shield and feeezing someone at the same time.
You must be 18 years or older to use this board
Isn't there a huge ice spike spells? That shit would pierce almost anything in the game and you should use it!
have played all of them and in my opinion
morrowind has the best immersion of all the games
oblivion has the best enviroment
skyrim has best story
eso is alright but nothing really special
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Bethesda claims that the scale of the Daggerfall game is the size of Great Britain:[2] around 229,848 square kilometers (88,745 square miles), though the actual size of the map is 161,600 km² (62,394 mi²). Youtuber "How Big is the Map?" walked across the entire map from corner to corner. It took him 69 hours and 33 minutes. The game world features over 15,000 towns, cities, villages, and dungeons for the player's character to explore. According to Todd Howard, game director and executive producer for Bethesda, the game's sequel, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, is 0.01% the size of Daggerfall, but some aspects of Daggerfall's terrain were randomly generated, like the wilderness and some building interiors. The explorable part of Morrowind, Vvardenfell, is 24 km² (9.3 mi²).[3][4] By comparison, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is approximately 56.97 km² (22 mi²),[5] and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is 37.1 km² (14.3 mi²), with a quarter of this terrain as unplayable, as it is stuck behind invisible borders.[6]

In Daggerfall, there are 750,000+ non-player characters (NPCs) for the player to interact with, compared to the count of around 2,700 NPCs found in Morrowind and 1,000 in Oblivion and Skyrim. However, the geography and the characters in these later games are much more detailed.
I haven't gotten it yet but im absolutely using that when I get it!
I don't understand if this is high level bait or if you are clinically brain dead.
You blow my mind man
Skyrim here. Full Daedric armor with a Krosis mask, ebony sword and daedric bow
My biggest gripe about ES is that pretty much all ethnic groups and cultures in Europe have inspired some race but not Finnic peoples. We're always forgotten.
You are elves you dumbass. Now kill yourself.
Nord is close enough?
Hey guys, skyrim here
Nope and nope.

They're based on Scandinavians.
Any good enchantments?
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Op is Finn
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Praise Tengri!
/mämmi/ postausta myöhemmin
>Best anything
Sure thing homo

Breton 2hander with 100% magicka reduction to alteration/restoration = fun

Ysolda is the wife of choice, always.
Give skyrim a chance. Think about dark brotherhood quests for an example. Pretty good yes?
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I played Daggerfall. It was a fun effort in frustration. JFC that random dungeon generation...
"worth it"? Either is a fine choice, and all characters should level BOTH to gain the most possible strength at each level up.
great stuff bro
*tips fedora
morrowind I would always race redguard for the disease resist. fukken mudcrabs. playstyle didn't vary much, ususally full mage or spellsword of some type.

oblivion I would still go redguard because niggers gonna nig. either go full bore into mage college for the spell altar and cheese the fuck out on custom spells or put everything into advancing alchemy and putting the hurt on with poison arrows

skyrim, niggermage gets no love they fucked the spell system up with no custom spells, do mage if you want no hope of killing giants or mammoths... or bears... or sabercats... mages suck in skyrim. disease isn't as common in skyrim as in morrowind and the beastrace armor nerfs of the past are gone so I went furfag instead in my latest run and haven't regretted it at all. 15 damage bonus for claws and theif type starting attributes for kajit seems like easymode to me, roll a new one and start pickpocketing like mad for your first 8 levels in like 5 mins.

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OP here. Good thread.
Sounds great dude. Did you try summoning if you were magic based? Summon=OP
hadn't tried summoning yet on skyrim but I seem to recall having made use of summons in one of the previous 2 games, honestly cant recall which one or if it was both
It sure was great
>not using Rahgot
>not using Otar
pvp is way too laggy atm
I'm a 714 Nord Stam DK on Xbox NA.
of all things you could possibly call best in skyrim this poster called stroy best in skyrim KEK
i loved morrowind, it had its problems but it was fun and full of lore

oblivion was incredibily shitty

skyrim was a bit better than oblivion, but still generic AF

ESO is bland and uninteresting
Oblivion is superior in my book. Its the best ratio of realism and fantasy. Much more vivid color pallet compared to the others in the series. (Especially Shivering Isles). I mean Sean Bean is a voice actor for fuck sake. Oblivion is my favorite game so far in the history of all gaming.
those are the criteria you judge a game by?
heh, oh well...
which one do you think is superior?
OP here. Im on xbone EU server.
Sean Bean is the single most important factor so choose wisely.
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Fair enough
I know! Oblivion is really something else!
What alliance? All my characters are EP.
Sir Patrick Stewart!!!
I have 4 characters in AD, 1 in EP and 1 in DC.
What is the best build for stam DK?
Personally, although Morrowind was mostly a hiking simulator, the magic system was fun and interesting, and the game was really immersive, so I'd go with Morrowind. Following games were dumbed down and quite bland IMO
I feel ashamed.
No excuse for my forgetfulness...
I pray Sheogorath can forgive me.
PvP or PvE? I got flawless Conqueror on my DK last week with 5 piece Hundings, 5 piece VO, 1 piece Kra'ghs and 1 piece Molag Kena.
Every character made for pvp. Main is a brigadier rank in cyrodiil. Guess thats rank 30 outta 50.
i ran Automatons, a maelstrom greatsword and Fury. pvp is shit with proc sets and zergs, haven't touched it in months. it's all about sets and not skill now.
>look it up because I'm an elder scrolls fan
>monthly subscription
>no real time co-op
Elder Scrolls Online isn't even a real Elder Scrolls Game, it's a pale reflection of what the other games achieved in terms of game-play and immersion. I haven't look at it recently because of the bad first impression so it may have changed, but it won't be a true Elder Scrolls experience
>All about sets and not skill
Couldn't say it any better. I run mainly AoE and my healer now because of all these zergs.
Also, im gonna try that automaton set. Nice that it's medium
>Anyone here play Elder scrolls?
Yes, I think it's pretty well-established that there are some people on 4chan who are fans of this series.
Subscription? you heard wrong. And there's plenty of group content.
Did you search your soul for all this time to answer?
There used to be a subscription though, right?
around 2 years ago there was, yes. i wouldn't be playing if it was subscription based
I'm sure we can all agree on the races, yes?

God tier: Dunmer, Breton
High tier: Imperial, Altmer
Meh tier: Nord, Redguard, Orc
Shit tier: Bosmer, Argonian, Khajiit
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To be quite honest I wouldn't be playing in that case either. I found ESO in a bargain bin for 20 $ and been playing since.
There was when I looked, I said in my post haven't looked since because it looked like shit
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Which race are the Jews, and why is it the Bretons?
Swap around the High and god tier races and you have it right.
>Both have best millitaries in the lore
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I can mostly agree.

God tier: Breton, Nord
High tier: Imperial, Altmer, orc
Meh tier: Redguard, Dunmer
Shit tier: bosmer, Argonian, Khajit
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I agree.
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U son of a bitch.
Never go to riften on xbox NA, it's full of niggers, wanna be niggers, faggots, unattractive women seeking attention, then the whiteknight cucks.
Play it on PC. CP 700ish, 2 stamsorcs & magsorc. Also a bomb blade.
Jews are khajiit or argonians?
You should play Morrowind before ranking the based Dunmer at meh tier, nigga. I mean I'm just kind of making the assumption that you haven't played Morrowind because otherwise you'd have them higher.
Played all 3, started at Oblivion, play ESO, former RAGE player now venatus.
That's why I play PC.
>Have I played them
Yes, almost all of them, for thousands of hours
>Have I played the mmo
No, and I never will. They should have had an ES that supported multiplayer, before going MMO. There's not any decent mmo mods ether, from what I am aware of.
Bosmer is great for stamblade.
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OP here. I also like bomb NB. You still have vicious death?
The many good UI mods make it better for me.
Do you ever encounter them at all, I mean it's really bad here.
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>Live in mushroom kingdom
>try again
Hell yes. I bombed a saramis stack, dunno what platform you play on but they're basically a Zerg guild, got 18 kbs. 1/2 of that was vid lol. Shit was op.
Only type of people you encounter are just pathetic heavy role players. They tend do do their shit in riften a lot but it's funny because people fuck with them all the time.
What do you mean? Now I just want to go there even more.
Once had 20 ppl report me for trolling their rp shit. Nothing got done kek
Oh my fuck lol, we have them here too. "Imperial legion". They're basically the virgins of eso and they are proud to show it off. You try dueling them and they decline, or you beat them and they sperg out.
Heck to the hell yes bro. You using the new destro staff ultimate on your NB?
So many people do it to them on the PC that they don't even bother.
I really liked skyrim but I don't see myself playing it again, at least not seriously like on my first run.

The problem is that despite it being the mod heaven once you get past the eye candy you'll find yourself playing a game with shit tier physics, terrible combat mechanics and basically a plethora of copy paste in most of the things.

I really liked the world though, it's extremely immersive, I just wish the next one is a lot more difficult because skyrim was shit for me after I reached level 48 or something.
Yeh, but soul tether still pretty good too. Make 11k ap in one bomb a few days ago lol
What is this? No one really roleplays on the EU server. Tbqh I never play with full pve players though.
So is there anyone here who plays ESO now, and who also played it at release? And if there is, can you please tell me, unironically and without memeing, is it any better than it used to be?
Oh yeah I know I have run into them a few times and tend to leave me alone, (I play an imperial heavy Armour tank sword and shield.) They have invited me more than once but I can't take myself to accept that amount of cringe.
Selling temps for 3.5k, stole them from a guild bank.. No niggers allowed btw.
On the US servers it's bad.
But it's definitely worth the money or just the download spent?
Yes. They have fixed a lot of the lag issues. It only really shows up anymore when the 100 man aleswell or whatever keep fights happen.

There are a ton of new sets though that if your rng is bad can really fuck you over (see viper).
I've played for 2 years and can say it's definitely gotten better.
What platform?
It's much better than it used to be. Trust me.
OP here. Been playing ESO since release on console. It is definetly getting better all the time. It's like good wine bro!
xbox NA?
WTS grease
I really want them to make a game that is just a remastered combined version of all three of those games, maybe with a few added quests that span one region to the next.
Bonus points if they do it as a deluxe DLC with the release of a new Elder Scrolls, incorporating that as well.
No you're a nigger
I mean, yes, got it for like 14 dollars, legendary ed, spent like 400 hours on it but it ages somewhat poorly if you don't mod it, 2 months ago I tried to play it seriously but got bored.
I just want to play oblivion again without it running like crap. RRRREEEEEEEEEEE
I may have to pick it up again. Did you guys say it doesn't have a monthly subscription anymore? Would my characters from 2014 still exist, do you know?

I'd suggest we make a guild of /b/tards but that probably wouldn't turn out well.
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>combined version of all three of those games
I came in my pants.
You're already living in the knight shit in Europe though. They can just open the door.
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Now that I think about it. Who wants to create a guild? I'm fucking tired of the guilds going SJW mode on anyone when I call someone a fucking nigger. Most of them are god dam cucks and faggots to, if we tried hard enough we could fucking really fuck some shit up. Of course we would need one for each faction, we could troll the whole faction war with a coordinated strike (for once) and hold down the fort just for the shits and giggles. Hell create a character named m00t or kek or some shit ave make him become the emp. I can see it happen who the fuck is in?
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Thats just natural. The solo game doesnt really change over time doesnt it? When it's done, it's done!
Yeah your characters will still be their. And you do not need the subscription anymore.
Yeah, no monthly required, but it's almost necessary. Infinite storage space for crafting items and you get all DLC free instead of paying.

Yes, characters from 2014 are still there. Friend from back then came back and had all his characters recently.
Op here. Im loving this guild idea. I play on xbone though. I bet you guys are on pc.
Had 300+ hours on one save in oblivion before said save corrupted. Quit for a while but have returned.

I always run the lizards for water breathing and poison resist, get sneak up for those crits and just spam arrows with chameleon
In other games I like to come back and do thing differently, not with this one, for example.
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>I've been playing for almost 2 years
>Never subscribed
Haven't joined the right guilds m8. Friends of mine held a KKK rally and only one got permanently banned kek.
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Yeah i'm on PC.
And the guild name?
I had the exact same problem with oblivion AND skyrim. Saves would corrupt
Booting up my launcher now to see. This shit needs a lot of patches, unsurprisingly.
I'm a consolefag for most things but yeah I did ESO on PC.
Queen boxxy was my GF?
Stealth bow users like a Khajit (for their night vision) are nice as well.

Cleared the game killing most things in one shot after a while.
Yes I understand
>Homes are now a thing
>Shit ton of improvements
>Dlc contant
>Fuck ton of pvp shit
>Characters from other factions can play with each other.
>Lots of new dungeons
>Other stuff I forgot.
New class coming some point this year, too.
OP here. But sneaking around only makes the game 2x longer! Have to play 4000 hours for 100%.
I was Daggerfall Covenant, what about you? I wanted Ebonheart Pact because muh Morrowind but my nigger I was playing with made his character about an hour before I did and picked Covenant...
Gotta get dlc for warden class, mate.
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OP here. BRB, Don't let the thread die! It's beautiful.
Not the guy you were asking, but I'm on all factions, though mostly AD and DC.
Ay I heal over in NA. Shouts out to good heals
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I'm with the pact
My handle on PC:@RaJaun Or @RaJuan I forgot.
This kekistan guild needs to be a thing. I believe we can do something here.
Anybody play ESO on the NA server for PS4? Always down to make friends to run dungeons and pvp with
>MAGA hat
Kill yourself.
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/b/ actually has a good thread for once.. wtf
Played all elder scrolls. Eso didn't work for me. I thought it was pretty boring after a few hours. No oblibion is my per. Fav.

It's definitely something you gotta play for a while to get into. Also the other player aspect: find a guild, make friends.

I've got about 4000 hours logged in ESO.
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OP here. Jesus christ I have 2 500 hours and I thought it was really much.
Do you guys want to make a new thread or just let this one die? Think we hit bump limit
Not op btw
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Duel me xbox EU server
You retarded fucking faggot, we have 174 replies. Bump limit is 300. God damn, what time this morning did you come here for the first time?
OP here. You should most definetly get a new thred started. Crown is urs
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I always play either a Necromancer or a monk. Really fun if you find the challenge in it, but it can get op really quick if you play your cards right.
Calm the fuck down
Fully agreed
Just quick mathing it. 77 days on dk, 63 on magsorc, 44 on Stamsorcs, 15 on bomblade = 4776. Well I undershot my estimate.
Is monk a healer with unarmed and light armor?
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FUCKING NEWFAG. See those two 2's at the end of your post number? That's called dubs. They're held in high regard around here so good job.
Over the course of almost 3 years. Still, it's pretty wtf lol
More or less. I like to disregard the healing altogether. But I think it's a viable and fun way to build it to use restoration. Makes those undead encounters less stressful.
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I've hit the jackpot
You tried conjuration/summoning? It's my favourite
Found the autistic penguin. I didn't know that lol.
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It's ok
My main build is a Necromancer so I'm quite fond of it, yeah. Nothing like turning a dead bandit on their old allies. And throw in an dremora too, why not!
Fuckin hell niggers, I have been patching for half an hour and I'm only at 8%.
Australian detected. Either way, it's gonna be super slow considering how long it's been since you played last.

I haven't played in a long time but I had this shit character uhhhh I think a templar and I had resto staff one-handed and shield trained the most. I forgot the magic spell trees but I know I didn't even touch the middle tree. I like healing shit cause I enjoy being useful and dps is too mechanically stressful
Is this game more fun than it was a year ago?
Tell me about it! I tried getting back on after almost a year of inactivity. Took me a few hours to get about that far. Gave up and played skyrim out of bordom. :l
I'm sure you can do the math if you really tried
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I bet it's nice to be Australian, but no, west coast burgerfag here. This is clearly Beth's server being slow. There's nothing wrong with my download speed.

Healing is super easy in ESO. Big thing is placement of heals, sustain and when to heal.
ESO is an absolute blast mate!
wtf? how?
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It's probably like a 25 GB patch
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Free time. ESO has been out for almost 3 years now.
Like 87 GB remaining.
There can be no other end
Have you spent a lot of time in pvp? What is your highest pvp rank?
Jesus christ sounds like you are downloadding all the patches through the years now?
I tried.
Yall make me want to redownload. I switch between league, eso and gw2 every few months with a couple months in between of netflix/anime/agario dead zone

All I have is a mac my parents gave me 4 years ago and I can't afford a pc between rent drugs and food ._.
I was scared shitless of dremora, then I could start summoning them. The tables did turn.
Yeah nigga, I played for like four months starting right when it came out. When I got bored I quit paying the monthly and haven't touched it since.
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But do you play ESO on that mac? Do you have a game console also?
Almost exclusively play PVP. I'm 300k from palatine on my EP. Could definitely be at least warlord but I never stick to a character. My stamsorc is brigadier, dk is tribune, bomb blade is major.
Whoa, I hope this encouragement doesn't let you down when you get online. I sure hope you'll like it dude!
Certainly helps. Now your enemies may fear them. Kinda feels like a power fantasy at that point. Literally conquering your own fears.
Ya I do lol

It runs ok with medium graphics

Last console was 360 and its broken as fuck
It's fantastic
I could probably be higher but I never actually got good until I quit most of the drugs I was using (about 3000 hrs in).
Eh, I just finished Nier Automata (10/10 god tier game) so I need something to do. And if there's no more monthly subscription, what's the worst that can happen? I have work in the morning so at this rate I won't be able to play this evening but whatever. I can check it out later.
I'ts ok as long as it works!
Life has been hard for brigadier mate eh? Hope you're all good now!
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