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Fuck America for circumcizing it's babies. Why the fuck

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Thread replies: 137
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Fuck America for circumcizing it's babies. Why the fuck were my genitals mutilated when I was an infant? It's child abuse. The fact that I know I lost a third of my dick nerves at birth infuriates me. I'm not going to circumcise my child and if you do fuck you.
I mean, thanks, seriously, but why do you feel the need to come on here and make foreskinfags feel better about themselves?
Are we not superiour?
nobody fucking cares.
>south korea
they do it over there?
Fucking muslims and jews they are the cancer of the world.
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Welcome to the JEWnited States of America
>Forced to get circumcised at 10 or 11
>never forgive
>never forget
its not like youll use it to fuck anyway you raging virgin.
Jokes on my parents, I got a vasectomy at 21 and they will never have grandkids
Not fuck america, fuck religion
>inb4 American scum
>Why the fuck were my genitals mutilated when I was an infant?
Because jewish leaders demand that your body be sacrificed to their chief god Saturn/Satan
stupid fucking religion
Honestly i hated it cause shit made me a pariah in the locker room.
Guys where i grew up literally had no idea foreskin was a thing till some asshat brought up me having it in freshman sex-ed to be a prick and try and cockblock me so the teacher had a nice long sit-down with 30 awkward and now angry boys.
>You got bullied for not having mutilated jew genitals
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It's a nigger thing. Let the 3rd worlders 3rd world. You wouldn't understand.
I have scars from towel snaps on my knuckles and thighs from protecting my "weird dick" i've got more on my hands from scraping my knuckles on various faces for it too but still.
It actually ruined several chances at being laid cause asshats actively cockblocked or chicks didn't know what the fuck it was.
Well, they have a scar on their dried out cocks, so you are even :^)
Suppose. Shits fine now but honestly wish i was more aggressive on shutting that shit down back then.
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i'm gonna play devils advocate here and ask, doesn't it have more to do with hygienic and sanitary reasons than religion? doing it at birth also saves you the trouble of having to remember the pain, and lets be honest [spoiler] unless you have a micropenis no one is to blame for not getting laid but you [/spoiler]

wtf is wrong with your parents
Proven it leaves you with mental trauma that can effect you later in life even if you don't remember as its highly traumatic then and that shit PHYSICALLY alters your brain structure permanently.
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Also modern ammenities like soap exist so its a non-issue so long as you wash there when you take your showers/baths daily as most people do. They even disproved the whole "higher prevalence of STD's" thing.
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>man, i lead
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shit graph is shit
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fuck READ IT
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So glad I wasent maimed at birth
Corpuscular receptor (Meissner corpuscle) of the prepuce ridged band. Schwann cells (laminar cells) stain positively. S100 stain x100.
>They even disproved the whole "higher prevalence of STD's" thing.

thats actually really interesting information, thanks for informing me. i'll seriously consider if i ever have kids
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I remember some of my friends saying that some kid had a anteater's mouth for a dick since he wasn't circumcised.
This is insane
If hygiene was the issue what did we do before circumcision? Its not like we all died off from having rotten cocks.
And this is going way way before showering and soap.
Seriously the whole 'cheese dick' thing is pretty much absurd (I say pretty sure as I'm sure some homeless dude who hasn't washed or changed his clothes in 6months probably has a cheesey dick)
Hey, I bless the circumcison and I wish I had it done before as a baby.

Now I'm 25 and I had to do it in order to have a normal sex life and I'm struggling with pain since two weeks.

Fuck that


What the fuck is wrong with you, America?
Genuinely pissed at you that circumssiom is even a considered option. Use fucking logic.
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Dear America

Take a look at that picture. It is a picture of an unmutilated penis. You see how clean and healthy the penis in the picture looks? It has a foreskin. It's a fully intact penis. It is how a penis is supposed to look. The glans is actually supposed to be an internal organ. The foreskin protects the glans, keeping it moist and helping to retain sensitivity. The foreskin contains thousands of touch-sensitive nerve endings called Meissner's Corpuscles.

The foreskin represents at least a third of the penile skin. It protects the glans from abrasion and contact with clothes. The foreskin also increases sexual pleasure by sliding up and down on the shaft, stimulating the glans by alternately covering and exposing it. This can occur during masturbation or intercourse. Friction is minimized, and supplementary lubrication is not needed. Without the foreskin, the glans skin, which is normally moist mucous membrane, becomes dry and thickens considerably in response to continued exposure. This change reduces its sensitivity. In addition, the loss of a secretion called smegma of the inner foreskin layer removes natural lubrication.

Now look at the picture again. Now back to me. A lot of you Americans reading this do not have a foreskin. Some of you may have had it removed for genuine medical reasons, but most of you would have had it removed while still an infant through no choice of your own.

You have been mutilated. You have lost an important part of your manhood that you can never get back and was probably taken from you without your consent.

If I was you, I would be angry. I would demand to know why this needless act of mutilation was carried out on me. Time to wake up to this human rights violation, America.
No, if you have a fucking shower once a day hygiene is not an issue. What sort of argument is that ? Instead of washing my dick like I was the rest of my body I'll just cut the skin off.
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don't get mad at me get mad at societal norms

im nearly 18 and this is all i've been taught in my health ed classes in school so what else am i supposed to believe?
your parents should not have the right to permanently mutilate you for questionably reasons. how is this hard to understand?
the only one who can make that decision is you
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>doesn't it have more to do with hygienic and sanitary reasons than religion?

When Jews started doing it a few thousand years ago, it was because they lived in desert-like conditions and personal hygeine wasn't reallly a thing.

We have showers anon. it is more convenient to shower a couple of times a week than it is to cut a perfectly healthy and functional piece of tissue off an infant's genitals.

Pic Related: You
>societal norms
Again, use logic. You're smart enough.
Also UNDERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not angry, just confused. Like my sons won't have it done, I know that. But it confuses me this is even a thing.
I'm indifferent to my own circumcision. I feel like it's a waste of energy and time to flip out about it 25 years after the fact.


I do think the practice needs to stop for infants, and that it should only be used in cases of necessity or if someone wants it as an elective surgery when they are old enough to decide for themselves (similar to breast augmentation surgery's.

But to go back to the first portion I seriously don't understand why anyone would spend more than a short amount of time being upset about their own circumcision. It's over and done and has been for some time. Yes it sucks ass, add it to the list of "other things that suck but you have to live with". Fight for the future instead of crying over yourself. You'll do more good that way.
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I almost feel sorry for all the cut fags who will experience the joy of getting your fully sensitive dick sucked.
who the fuck is circumcised in serbia? that's a lie

circumcised faggots are degenerates
It was part of the schpiel when christians shipped it as an anti-masturbatory aid WAY back when.
Stds, cleanliness, and prevents masturbation/rape/premarital sex cause it didn't feel as good.

refer to >>726136555

if i'm told in school by licensed teachers that uncircumcised penises aren't sanitary and can lead to health complications, then what else am i supposed to think
When I was 15, I never knew I actually had to pull back my foreskin to clean my dick because Sex Ed doesn't teach you that shit for some reason. I'm sure you can figure out what was under there.
>if i'm told in school by licensed teachers that uncircumcised penises aren't sanitary and can lead to health complications, then what else am i supposed to think

Not a SINGLE world health organisation recommends routine infant circumcision. Do your research and challenge your teachers, anon.

Sub-Saharan Africans, Jews, Muslims and Americans circumcise their infants at high rates.

The rest of the world seems to do just fine with foreskin.
Probably the statistics are affected by the people from Kosovo, Albanians etc etc.
To clarify I do know the debunked reasons for circumcision, I do believe it's barbaric and unnecessary in 99 percent of cases. I just don't feel like being "enraged" over your own circumcision is worth the energy. I'm more upset that the practice is still happening than I am that it happened to me. Would I rather have a foreskin, yeah. But I'd rather but my rage to work dismantling the system that continues to do it than wallowing in self pity.

Sorry guys.
That's the "Jenny ich liebe dich" guy. Pretty sure he's not American.
They are unsanitary in the sense thay they are vulnerable to infection, but only if you don't wash it. The same can be said for your teeth, toes, ears, etc.
Because jews anon. If they outlawed circumcision as they should, jews would throw a fit and they pretty much run this joint.
Slovenia? The fuck you talking about, who made this shitty map?
They are like really, really Christian
too bad they didn't cut your nuts off, ya whiney tittie baby
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Mache alles.

The European is a Brazilian model. That's the joke, famalam.

The "European" is actually South American.
The "American" is European German.
kill yourself kike
Are you a psycho?
It's bonkers to assume people shouldn't be upset about something thats been and gone 'just like you'.
Its extreme but should people just 'get over' the tragic death of a loved one?
Or mourn the loss of a pet?
Just because you 'dont get' something doesn't make it wrong; it makes you sound closed minded
i should probably also mention that this was taught from a very young age so i never bothered to think twice about it and challenging my teachers was out of the question. i'm not saying its right, i'm leaning towards the complete opposite now, i'm just explaining how i was taught to think this way and never questioned it since
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>you'll never know what it really feels like inside a woman.

idk why you don't just kill yourselves.

>you'll never feel a girl's tongue under your foresking during blowjobs.
Fucking heaven, m8.
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>Caring this much about your dick when you will never get any action anyway
>Shows an American instead
nice bait, the rest of the world knows Europoors have brown skin and wear turbans and burkas
Have fun praying to Allah while we AMERICANS scoop up the only worthwhile people on your shitty continent
Welcome to the matrix son x
thats retarded logic anon
losing a loved one and losing foreskin because of your parents decision are two drastically things
why would i waste time getting upset over what my parents thought was best for me when i had the inability to give my input decades after the fact
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Yes, its child abuse.
So you're going to be enraged for your whole life instead of doing something productive? You move on from people who die, you mourne and move on. Same with pets, loss of limbs, etc. Why not work towards bringing down the groups that continue to do it instead of wasting your life going "woe is me"? Makes no sense.
Because its called being human.

I was circumcised by a female nurse.
So... she fondled and sucked my baby dick?
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Damn, son.

You seem upset.

Did you get triggered when people pointed out that you've been genitally mutilated?
Im intact dude. And i feel sorry for those cut without consent.
I'd be angry if i was cut without consent.
You talk of like smashing the system rather than wallowing so pray tell brave leader, how do i bring down these days evil grouos?
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No, only Jewish Rabbis are allowed to suck a baby's dick in the USA in 2017.

Now you know who runs your country.
Spread correct information, call out the practices. Be informative not just here online but in public. Speak out. Also I never said I wasn't angry. I'm just not angry any longer. There's no reason to continue being angry forever
>wasting your life saying woe is me
Do you even realise where you are?

I was born 32 years ago, anonbro.
why cant kids be have sex with?

ive heard also that since the head of the dick ismoreexposed, it leads tomore rape, in america and muslim countries cuase of that. that and it rubbign against yuor pance all day then you cant control yourself.>>726129227
Oh my fucking lawd

They even messed up with mine and now my cock is misshapen and thinner at its base than it should be. It looks nice at certain angles but I always obsess over what it would feel like to have my base girth what it would have been had I not been snipped. Even half snip would have been better as long as it wasn't the same tard muffin who did mine...

O well I am a bit above avg i guess ill take it
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>fuck america for circumcising children
>nevermind the fact that half the whole fucking world does it too

Fuck off faggot
phimosis or religious nuts?
if you don't have a circumscision you can get phimosis(foreskin doesn't retract behind head) I had it and trust me that's a cock block
Baiting this hard
rape usually isn't about horniness, as far as i heard
Look at OPs pic, then tell me I'm wrong. So many other countries doing it and for whatever reason we're the bad guys for doing it.

Everything America does is wrong whether other countries do it too or not. Just another reason to whine and cry about how evil we are.
Wut? Are you even real?
Theres a chance I might get tongue cancer one day so best to chop out now eh?
I assume all these people who couldn't possibly spend time washing their dicks must have the absolute dirtiest arseholes.
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>nevermind the fact that half the whole fucking world does it too

But that's wrong, retard.
Failing to circumcise your son is child abuse, simple as that. Being circumcise drastically reduces your risk of a number of life threatening infections and STIs, and of course it looks a thousand times better.
yea i rape with a soft cock your right
a bullet to the head at death solves colds yu should of tried taht you cocksucking homo kid rapist fag
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You came in wayyy too late with this shit-tier b8 anon
When I was in high school, 3 of my Latin American friends (Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico) had to have surgery on their dicks because being uncircumcised left them vulnerable to foreskin issues. The practice of doing so in infancy was not only a matter of hygiene, to prevent infection, but also to help prevent very common, and very painful defects during adolescence and puberty. This practice began before the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity) they simply picked up on a cultural practice at the time and ritualized it, much like the kosher laws were originally meant to prevent common foodbourne illness at the time. It was a reasonable response at the time to a major problem. You need to look at both sides of the data and be happy you were spared painful dick deformities
meant birth* not death
I spoke too soon!

Moron, the only countries that have higher rates of circumcision than the USA are Israel and Muslim-majority shitholes.

Basically Americans, Jews and muslims are the ones doing this a lot.

Rates are far lower in civilised countries.

Get your shit together, America.
fuck you mother fucker. they will continue to think stupid like this unless i told him he cant reply even rationally jnow cause of the amount of discrepacny i left him with, entire life, but YOU fucking fuck have to bitch

your just playing censor smoke screen for him
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>drastically reduces your risk of a number of life threatening infections and STIs

[citation needed]
Getting this mad over obvious bait.
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Why do people still argue about this?
Cutfags won't magically regrow their skin and uncut fags SURELY won't get their shit cut off.
End of the story.

>South Korea

>why do people still argue about this?
I'm not sayin that u should cut it off u fag just pointing something out, anyway you an fix it
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Cause why not let babies decide when they grow up? It's not like there is a fucking rush to cutting off part of the penis.
damn that's a nice cock
became trendy when the j.i.'s were over there
But nobodys mind is getting changed here - we have had this discussions so often already, mericans see it as normal because everyone does it and everyone else considers it weird because cutting off part of the dick is weird.
It's all about perception of 'normal' and both sides fail to acknowledge the base of the discussion is shifted leading to a never ending circle of people arguing without reaching a conclusion. It almost feels like it's the excuse to have people look at hundrets of high resolution close up of dicks.
>Because jewish leaders demand that your body be sacrificed to their chief god Saturn/Satan

Jews don't even believe in Satan. Besides, YHWH is enough of an evil, murderous piece of shit already - way worse than Satan.

(I know God/Satan doesn't exist, before people start tipping their fedoras at me)
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You might be right actually.
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*putting the fedora back onto the coat hanger while maintaining eye contact*
lol they had problems with their foreskins (and it was probably phimosis related) because god told them not to play with their willies. normal masturbation prevents phimosis. Also egypt was where circumcision originated, the jews were close by so they said fuck it and started doing it themselves, and everybody close by kinda followed suit, not only that, circumcision used to be a right of passage to manhood and happened when you were fully willing, usually everyone was, at the age of about 10-12, not fresh out of the womb as a baby
I have a tiny bit of my frenulum left
when I masturbate that little spot feels really good to rub when I'm cumming
I didn't learn it was the vestiges of a much larger part of my dick that got cut off because my dad was a fucking ignorant fucktard who thought genital mutiliation was ok. He's opposed to body modification like piercings and tattoos.
Considering how many of us Bosnians are there stealing your wives you should not be surprised.
>male circumcision
>ex-yugoslav countries
That map is bullshit.
Nobody here is circumcised.
Maybe Muzzies, but they have been very lax about their religious rules until recently.

Also Americans only circumcise because of Jew induced Stockholm Syndrome.
Gotta have psychological chains on your slaves.
wife is Korean, been there many times, seen a lot of dongs, true. Koreans love an old wives tale and the whole country fell for the hygiene thing, plus Americans helped them rebuild the whole country and merica most likely pushed this.
Very common defects? First I ever heard of that. Maybe it's more likely that your Latin American friends had the same low IQ as their fellow countrymen so were too inhibited (thanks to catholicism) to touch their penis even to pull it back while washing or heck even in bed.

If the foreskin was such a burden we would have evolved with it removed.
You know that the nerves grow in anyway right?
They're just bundled closer together you don't lose nerves just skin.
well the degree of these defects varies. i have had some myself. my foreskin was grown together in one spot thin like a hangnail. and i had a procedure severing this skin brigde. it hurt for two days.
if i haven't had it done it maybe would have hurt quite a bit more severing on its own
Your one experience is not statistically significant, nor were your three latino friends'.
i am a different guy. i thought my first dick experiences might have shed some light on the subject
The USA are an insane country
>hygienic and sanitary reasons
So you think Europe has bad hygiene? Yankee asshole
Nerve loss is less of an issue, but you do lose tons of nerve endings. Those don't grow back :(
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