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If religious people think homosexuality is a sin because it results

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If religious people think homosexuality is a sin because it results in a lack of procreation, then how can celibacy be a virtue for practicing monks of said religion?

>hurr durr I can make sense of religion

No, you can't, it's barbaric and stupid. LITERALLY the meme of inventing the special snowflake victim mentality of "we must be the center of the universe".
This is why God Will's IT
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I'd be more curious about how they think homosex is a sin but fucking boys isn't.
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Good points were made - Though any logic person won't blindly follow religion

That a higher power excist I wont deny but his fanbase is what's annoying me
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>God wills IT
Procreation has nothing to do with it. Effeminacy is a sin, so being a bitch and taking it in the pooper is a sin.

Celibacy is for those who only keep God in their hearts.
Nice straw man. But Judeo-Christian religions think homosexuality is wrong because they think God commanded it to be a sin. No other justifications or reasoning for you to argue against. In their mind, it's the word of God and therefore must be followed.
>christian nasheed
The idea behind celibacy is that the clergy is supposed to abandon a worldly life in order to serve God, and that involves giving up taking a wife and having children. Homosexuality is banned because it's explicitly forbidden in the Bible. The two have nothing to do with each other.
I don't get why atheists take the piss out of the Quran more. That way we Christians don't have to be excluded.
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>Effeminacy is a sin

Being a woman is a sin? Kek.

"God" doesn't exist, faggot.
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>I don't get why atheists take the piss out of the Quran more
Because at the moment Islam is far worse for day-to-day life in modern society than Christianity is. Or did you not quite word that correctly?

So literally no one is supposed to know WHY "god hates fags"?

Kek, what shit form of mental slavery for the weak.

I swear, not sure if inventing the meme that homosexuality is bad (no, it's not faggots, it's in nature everywhere) is the worst of religion, or inventing God.

Probably inventing God. That fucked human civilization right up the ass.
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>he thinks effeminate denotes the female gender
Oh you useless fucking mongoloid. Please tell me this is a troll. I really hope you're trolling right now. Surey nobody is really this stupid, right?
>Having or showing qualities or characteristics more often associated with females than males; unmanly
This is the word you're thinking of:
>Of or relating to women or girls.
Oh yeah also: Since you're stupid enough that you'll probably say this next bit, I'll just preemptively answer it:
No. When a man dresses like a woman; that's effeminate. When a woman dresses like a woman; that's feminine.

I mean I'm not a biblical person, but the fact alone that it doesn't result in procreation I don't think is the issue.

It's the fact that since it doesn't result in procreation, it can literally only be done for pleasure, which is hedonistic and lustful.

I aint no scholar or anything though so whatever
>It's the fact that since it doesn't result in procreation, it can literally only be done for pleasure, which is hedonistic and lustful.

>Literally 99% of straight sex anyway

>Literally 99% of straight sex anyway

well for what I have heard, also my uncle is a priest, supposedly they don't get married or have sex because they all of their love and their life to god and to serve him....

And apparently they hate fags because they go against god's will and god's nature... So for instance

>condoms and gays are wrong, because they are interfering on what god could have planned....

While celibacy, being steril and "natural" causes that prevent procreation are ok
well, he'd still be right if he worded it slightly different. if it's bad for a man to be effeminate but okay for women then that implies that feminine behaviour is bad but women are exempt from that because they stand lower than men.

For the majority of history more kids was considered a good thing for a family, so it wasn't like married men and women didn't have sex trying not to have more kids until relatively recently.

Also since biblically, men can't be married, all sex between men is fornication, which is a sin in itself.
>he'd still be right if he worded it slightly different
Yeah, but he didn't.

People can't handle the fact that morality changes over time, religions come and go. The great fallacy is that while it's obvious religions are invented by humans and that they grow and decay like anything else, people look at that fact dead in the face and still believe in bullshit. It's fucking crazy.
>So literally no one is supposed to know WHY "god hates fags"?

Does anyone need a reason to hate fags?
It's a sin not for lack of procreation but the filth associated with it I mean a butt where your an wanted bodly fluids comes y would you want to but your dick in it

And in Islam they had a history with homosexuality where they tried to molest some angels came to visit a profit but before Muhammad
Btw if you are an athiest don't try to make a discussion just ask and I'll answer from my point of view
>Does anyone need a reason to hate fags?

People need a reason for everything, otherwise they are being unreasonable. Only bad things come from being unreasonable.
>molest some angels

Is there a comic for that? I'd fap to it.
no, they believed homosexuality was a sin because they didn't know why disease was spread through anal sex. microbiology and viral science didn't exist, all they knew was that buttsex = rot.
celibacy was simply a way for the church to control inheritance. no wife or kids = money and land for the church.
it really isn't that hard to figure out.
It's not so much the lack of procreation, but the waste of a man's seed. It's seen as a sin to waste your cum in such a lustful manner. Same with masturbating; the wasted potential vessels for new, pure souls.

...or some shit. I dunno, I'm not all that religious
why do you hate god for the only reason then wearing your englighted fedora and rebeling against an institute ?

Sure. But I mean just because they believe that gay sex, or hedonism in general is wrong doesn't necessarily mean that you'll go to hell for it.

Christianity operates under the assumption that everyone sins, and while some nutjobs go out of their way to specifically target gay people, Jesus himself said "he that is without sin let him cast the first stone" so I mean from a Biblical perspective, doing that shit is also wrong and goes against the teachings of the Bible. But they still do it, because they're as imperfect as the people that they persecute.

You can choose to believe or not believe what you want, but overall, the logic is sound. Christian people can believe that hedonism and excess is bad, and objectively speaking, I think that they might be onto something. But you're just as entitled to think the opposite. Your way of thinking while "nicer" to that 2% of the population that is gay, or whatever, is really no more or less valid than the way of thinking that is "nicer" for the ~31% of Christians in the world.
Yeah just swim to the bottom of the dead sea you'll see 3d models
It's against God's will to spill your seed in vain, as in, shooting your stuff without making a baby. Part of monks' celibacy is not masturbating. Can't jizz in vain if you don't jizz.
>implying hating fags is unreasonable or bad
>Can't jizz in vain

Then where do they jizz?

In practice, they probably jerk off or fuck someone on the side (like little boys hurr hurr), but ideally they'd probably only jizz as a result of wet dreams.
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religion are a dumb
honestly, if you want to debate on religion, debate about an aspect that hasn't been sodomized by the horde of third wave feminists and banana riding atheists.

like, how the fuck is religion so widespread in humanity. even in times where there was no international travel, where we were nothing but cave dwellers, im willing to assure that every single tribe of humans was to some degree religious. even before the crusades there was a dichotomy between the believers of one god and those of another.

does no one realize that religion and the worshiping of star gods is an actual innate trait of humanity? is there something im wrong about, because im genuinely curious as to how we all have this in common and need not to apply our force in order for others to believe it.

With self-awareness and inquisitiveness comes existential questions, and while evolutionists everywhere would scoff at the idea, the simplest conclusion, especially in the absence of modern science and technology, is that there is a greater power out there watching out for us.
Retarded question
You were sent to be a monk because your older brother got all the land. Celibacy is about removing worldly distractions to better contemplate God.

Religion is literally poorly developed science, politics, and philosophy in a tangled web of outdated fuckery.
Many religions are very developed philosophically, like Mahayana Buddhism or contemplative Christianity
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>A Christian didn't drive trucks through crowded squares in France and Germany; but a Muslim did.
>A Christian didn't attack a hotel in India killing Hindus and Westerners; but a Muslim did.
>Christians aren't going around Southern Phillipines killing and kidnapping; but Muslims are.
>A Christian didn't go to a crowded Tunisian beach and deliberately open fire on tourists; but a Muslim did.
>Christians aren't going around the Middle East purging people based on religion; Muslims are and in fact they're doing it to Christians.

Inb4 Abu Bakr Al Goatfakhi tells me I have a Christian bias; I'm actually atheist.
So we all done now?
>>A Christian didn't attack a hotel in India killing Hindus and Westerners; but a Muslim did.
Sorry, I got this one wrong. It was meant to be a plural. A group of Muslims did it; not just one.
Suggesting that all muslims are one is as same as suggesting all Christians are one the kkk is aBart of Christianity but we can all agree that they do not reflect Christianity
So what about child abuse?
Damnit, who let the 12year olds post again
So when Hindus attack muslims in the slums its ok

The bible states that child molesters should have big rocks tied around their necks and then be thrown into the ocean. So it's not like the bible condones it.

But to be fair, I'd rather have my dick sucked and ass fucked by some priest than to get blown up by some muslim pigfucker
so you are a recheck
Who has non mind just eats whatever mainstream media throw at him good got it
>So what about child abuse?
Oh right, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me: Muslims abuse children, too. They marry them off as children even in secret ceremonies in non-Islamic countries.
According to the hadiths most commonly cited and treated as the most accurate by Islamic scholars, Mohammed wedded one of his brides when she was 6 and fucked her when she was 9. These are the actions of a man that their faith and its adherents view as the ideal Muslim and the type of man that other men should aspire to be.
Now before you get all pissy and try to strawman this by saying that Christians around the same time were just as bad; keep in mind that's irrelevant. We weren't talking about comparing medieval Muslims and Christians; we were talking about how it doesn't fit into the modern world and is worse for day-to-day life in the modern world.
Go ahead and tell me where I said that. While you're at it go ahead and tell me how that justifies killing Western tourists that have nothing to do with the attacks, Omar.
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I didn't say they are all like that; I said those people are Muslims, which they are. Enough of them are a problem that it's stupid to act like it's just one or two nutters and most of them are not moderate:
I'm a Christian and I wanna story the earth anyone can claim they are Muslim or Christian doesn't mean they are just like the knights templar
>I'm a Christian and I wanna story the earth anyone can claim they are Muslim or Christian doesn't mean they are just like the knights templar
I know what all those words mean, but the way in which you arranged them doesn't entirely make sense. Would you like to rephrase that?
>If religious people think homosexuality is a sin because it results in a lack of procreation, then how can celibacy be a virtue for practicing monks of said religion?
The motiviations are different. Assfucking is for pleasure, not fucking isn't.
Pleasure + procreation is okay, no pleasure + no procreation is okay, also.

That's why you're not sinning if you are being ass-raped (in a literal sense).
Isis is not islam and me and my country are fighting them
Can you refrence that door in the bukhari
And Muslim I think I missed it
If you are religious and you are on this thread then you are insecure about your religion
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