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You have ten seconds to prove you're white. >I speak

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 182
Thread images: 59

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You have ten seconds to prove you're white.

>I speak quietly when the situation calls for it.
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> I let a police officer do his job
>my i.q. is 3 digits
My insured vehicle's inspection stickers are up to date.
I got a w2 form
>you actually own the vehicle you drive
The dubs declare it.
>dubs declare it
>doesn't get dubs
Fucking nigger, gtfo
Im a slow runner
I have a job and money in the bank.
>stealing anon's dubs
Who's the real nigger here?
I tip.
I love my son
I'm 1/256th Cherokee Indian
That just you're a dumbass amerifat nigger. Denamrk masterrace reporting in
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I don't wear wife beaters under a white t shirt. Sure white trash wear just wife beaters... and so do niggers. But only nigs wear a white t shirt over them. I believe it is to hide their dark milk dud nips
My house cost more than my car
>master race

Choose one LOL please tell me this is bait
Can't even spell your homeland. Nice.
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better togther.gif
2MB, 500x250px
My princess dated a sandnigger so we had to kill her
I actually go out and purchase new televisions when there's rioting in the streets
>Stealing stolen dubs
Come on, now.
To me soul food is just homemade junk food.
I has a small peepee :)

So your Indian or Asian?
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O boy we got dub stealing niggers in this thread
I can swim.
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> Stealing stale stolen dubs
What's going on
why the fuck am i on this board
Fucking top kek
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is this now a dubs thread
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To get trips, son
Nice get
to get trips, obviously
>I have an unjustified sense of superiority
Helo whitenboi
Wot you do in these woods?
I drive a compact crossover suv
I pay child support
Found the nigger
I'm white i don't need to prove it
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I am intelligent enough to be depressed.
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Being gay doesn't prove you are white
I redo a missed high five
Actually I'm white. Got the tiny cock to prove it!
I redo highfives.
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353KB, 788x576px
arbitrary color combinations don't look good on me
Fine. There's no empty flamin' hot cheeto bags in it.
I have sex in the missionary position and only for procreation
I never got shot by the police
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fight whiteness.webm
2MB, 720x1280px
I get where i am going
>that pic
lol at first i thought the white guy was taking a giant dump
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1MB, 3264x1836px
>not four
I hate negroidals
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>get called nigger at work
>black people yell white power at work
aw hell ya idubbz
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No room ?
I have a dad
I wear my pants properly
>listen to heavy metal
>study comp sci
>tense up whenever black people are around
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I couldn't care less about collecting sneakers
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719KB, 1136x640px
I have social anxiety
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top kek.png
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I dont get this at all
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I bought a tall iced coffee today just because I wanted to. I drive around with weed in my trunk without fearing getting pulled over, I've never been pulled over in 5 years of driving. I'm a film major.
>he fell for the asians/indians all have small dicks meem
kill yourself you racist piece of shit
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MAGA meme.jpg
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>I make memes

When Another person and i bump into each other we say sorry
I have a job and I pay taxes
Calm down Pajeet
I know my dad.
Kys fucking spic
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107KB, 500x397px
is this the white supremacy???
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I'm self aware and can see life beyond this weeks welfare payment.
Ditto. And I use words like ditto.
It don't get no more white than me
I will never fuck a nigger because they are inferior.
I own several belts of varying colors and wear them when out in public
And we're coming back for our land, fags.

hi-howareya hi-howareya
I don't resist arrest, commit any crimes, or disrespect police officers for no reason.
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I actually pay my child support.

Yeah but thase catchin up fast
Do they match your cap and sneakers, nigger?
I know how to balence a check book
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I'll be taking those.
I own a northface jacket.
I have a job
Uses double negative, aka something a black guy would do. And states that it gets more white than him.


He might as well have
i cant pleasure my wife and i worship my Black overlords giant cock
nigga I be quiet when we sneaken up to rob yo ass
I'm literally watching idubbbz right now.

Clearly i am cracker
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My god your right but only cos i forgot the pic
Only wear sneakers when doing yard work such as mowing the lawn or raking leaves
>I am suffering from racism lately.
I'm not in a gang
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127KB, 966x1289px
I've seen the Stuart Little Trilogy.
Its my bike
I lock my doors when driving through a black neighborhood
I was about to say I know who my father is.... but then it occurs to me that I don't actually.

I might be a nig.
I return lost wallets
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its my turn now
check em
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I can shoot straight
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It's just a shame that you can't be it yourself.
iFunny? What kind of autism do you have?
I captain a shipping vessel that transports textiles to the west indies to be traded for the finest moorish slaves
This is not a cringe thread.
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14KB, 480x263px

copypasta 4channery aspienessism
Give that to me
I can post in this thread because I can read.
I'm on /b/ and not in prison.
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I listen to 90s grunge bands and I'm socially awkward
I work.
We wuz kangz
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My bank account has a comma in it.
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But what if you work for airport security ?
>I know both my parents
So do spics
And niggers
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I don't shoplift
Screen cap this shit
I dont get offended by a single word
I live in an appartment
I don't shout at movies
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2016-11-12 (3).jpg
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i cant get up
I know who my father is
I can pronounce ask properly
My nose isn't European beige and cut
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I got 99 problems starting with this one
durka durka, mohammed jihad!
I'm on this site.
Mine thx xoxo
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I have a job
Never stole a bike
Dont smoke
I attend Black Lives Matter protests
So how are you gonna prove it?
I know my father.
TFW new fags cant steal dubs. Thanks faggot
>I have discretion
>bonus: I know what "discretion" means
I say sorry too much
I'm studying PDEs
>have natrualy long hair thats not weved
Sieg hail
sup nigger
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ginger tosser.gif
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With a truly fucking terrible taste in music
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You caught me op
I know who my father is and he was always there for me growing up.
> KFC is ok I guess...
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> Oh no, I don't say the N word.

aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh them were the days
Vampire weekend

Tread carefully anon i paid a lot of money for that therapy
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I'm not.
im not
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I turn the radio all the way down right as I turn into my destination.
>i have a degree
>nigger detected
That would be unnecessary unless you were listening at nigger volumes.
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Black Person Swim Meme.png
361KB, 468x520px
I like to swim.
l o g i c
[spoiler] at it's finest [/spoiler]
Weed is legal in the trunk where I live
shit, you must be whiter than me, and I had vitamin D deficiency a while back.
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So you can have weed so long as its in a trunk?
nice dubs fellow white man. see you next week at the kkk meeting. i will not steal your dubs, for i am not african. oh dont think i am racist my good man as racism is a crime. and crime is for niggers
nigger as fuck
>tiny cock

you need to prove your white, not japanese
Thread posts: 182
Thread images: 59

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